Published: Aug 24, 2024
Duration: 00:03:14
Category: News & Politics
Trending searches: kristi noem
Jud well mine was actually on the border what can we do to strengthen our borders well I think it's fairly obvious that we can actually enforce stopping people at the border and I think that's very important and I think technology plays a key role in that and just as she was talking about the Keystone Pipeline all of the equipment being left there and and just abandoned let's remember that that same thing happened at the border when Joe Biden took over and said we're not going to continue building the wall and when you have just people down there fighting against people you have a war you don't have security this is not fair to put our border patrol in this position we have a gentleman here in the state of Michigan who just found out that his brother's killer his conviction was overturned on a technicality his brother was a b border patrol agent down south and now they have to go through this all over again after this happened in uh what 10 years ago to this family this is outrageous that we continually allow this to just be like oh how could we possibly do it it's really not that hard it's a and and kamla Hara is saying she's going to hide or all these new border patrol agents it goes beyond that it goes beyond that there is so much more involved and that's why I encourage all of you to force the Democrats on your local level to tell you how how are you going to do that don't just just accept that oh the other side is bad don't accept if you don't vote for me you're under threat ask them how because it has to be a strategic plan and and it has to go beyond an executive order it would be lovely if we could get Congress together to pass a bill but do not be deceived by this oh Donald Trump is better at whipping votes than we are and he was able to get people to vote against the bill I mean how pathetic first of all why would you admit that second ly this was there was bipartisan disapproval of this bill there were there was by there were people on both sides who said you are going to make it legal to have thousands of people come across this border every day and put children in danger continue to do this yes you are going to enshrine this in law no that is not the answer the answer is to make sure you have a strong border and a strong immigration plan and that's not coming from the Harris Administration yeah that bill codified ilal immigration if that illegal immigration was now going to be law it would be allowed going forward all we have to do right now is to enforce our federal law we just have to follow the law if we had a president that followed the law we'd have a secure border now obviously president Trump has said build a wall I'm all in favor of building a wall I've seen walls work they work and we need to continue to do that they worked last week in Chicago I heard they had a wall that's right that's right yeah but it's it's not rocket science I mean we you follow the law you build a barrier where you need it where you know where the vulnerable places on our border are and and you make sure that people have the opportunity to come to the United States of America they just have to follow the law when they come go thank you thank you