Deadly Sloth Fever Outbreak Spreads Across Europe and US, Health Officials Racing to Develop Solutio

Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 00:00:39 Category: People & Blogs

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yo listen up my fellow friends deadly sloth fever yeah I said it is taking over the world faster than a Tik Tok dance Trend this crazy contagious disease also known as orao virus is spreading like wildfire in Europe and the US recently 20 peeps returning from Cuba got hit with this virus causing major chaos in the health World biologists and officials are working overtime to figure out how to stop this sloth fever from Wrecking Havoc this virus transmitted by pesky midges and mosquitoes was first found in a sloth in Brazil yeah a freaking sloth symptoms include fever headaches and even brain swelling yikes so so stay safe fam and keep an eye out for any funky symptoms if you're hitting up them forested areas let's stop this sloth fever in its tracks before it becomes the next big thing not in a good way peace out

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