Irish Open 2024 - Group Stages - Simon Pridham vs Pieterjan Stevens

Published: Sep 14, 2024 Duration: 00:24:34 Category: Sports

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all right hopefully we are back and you can see us B better now sorry about that technical problems this morning for some reason technology that was working perfect yesterday wasn't working first thing this morning as you just missed uh un you had a bit of an issue with the stream this morning the score is currently 51 to pet Jan Stevens picked up a big four on the second end just picked up a one on the third end so 5-1 to pet Jan as it stands and he's currently holding one in the head as well missed opportunity for Simon on the second end to cut down P Jan came down and removed Simon's third bow to pick up a Full House of four so advantage to the player from Belgium currently hopefully the video is all coming through better for you all now see what's going on there's going to be positive here up on this backend just arriving here don't think it's quite enough weight not enough weight just bumped Pan's bow probably still holding shot closest to us got to stick with this back hand coming down touch his own or Draw past it he's got to light the back in surely yeah try to block off trying to make it harder for time in here Mario thanks for joining us this is a winner takes all match currently advantage to pet Jan 51 on the scoreboard what Simon does here I think he's just got to play Down in his back hand he's got the outside ball just to push up for shot only really make one this end he's out nice and wide is going to bend it's not not happy it's just the one yeah just a one to pen so that will be 61 now's going to diging deep now Jen's had a very good start to his Players Tour career he's made the cup and latter stages of a couple of tournaments now got the bug JMA that's a better bow from Simon to start with that just behind someone try and go a bit Yeah someone's not happy there that's finished just asking how far the jacks off the shot bone send you an inch off he's going to have to change his hand now just reach down he's good here little push yeah even that's gone it's Fallen with it as well that's unfortunate he played that really well P Jan's Ball's gone with the Jack he's got a good opportunity here just to reach down his forand P Simon's second B away she just joining us it's 61 currently to pen this Winner Takes all match winner will go through to the cup interesting that he played the back hand here a good Ball but yeah that's good actually Ry join us if you got some more matches uh coming your way today big draw on Simon's forehand it's a good spot just run through good receiving position that's where that's Jan needs to get to really there is that nice and wide here yep just the ball that's good he Gary we're playing at Belfast indoor bows Club this weekend we have two weekends of season here this is our first it's our second ranking event of the season last month we had the UK open chsf the next event next month will be in Norway see Simon trying to get shot still one there to J just score ball ticking over ends ticking away 71 now halfway through say we're in Norway next next month and that will be our halfway point of the single season so we take a little break in November we have a big Pairs and fours competition I don't think Desi's playing this weekend uh he's I've cly seen Desi around yesterday little chat with Desi going to try he's did say he was tempted to come back and bow again so hopefully we'll get into play one of these events again most decorated players in the sports history it's a good start from pet J putting the pressure straight on that's what you want these mats front toucher following it up that's okay s's going to have to just arrive down to this thanks good looking forward to return to Norway next month with a record entry as well I think we're close to 180 at the moment don't forget we have got spots going for that event next month not many left but still a few left other events are filled up so far will'll be open entries to our European open pairs free B pairs competitions the first of October struggling a bit with the playing the weighted balls on here so it's just holding off I think you'll find on here with the if you haven't got swingy balls the lines can be a bit tricky especially when playing weight that a few times this weekend playing against different players with different B balls always fighting the line some's playing with Taylor Aces but they probably a bit tight actually for for these matchs You' probably want to play with an international at least P Jes just just finding the pace now that's probably better for Simon he's got the two bows over here if he connects with that the Jack should come over to these two balls closest to us catches it absolutely perfect he'll come with it himself and make three yep there we go so he's made might be unlucky there he made one actually even there is any made the one un lucky there the ball came with it again when he's making contact like going for him still good though back to 72 chance to get back in this now on a jack length that he wants to play if you got any questions please let us know the Deep bow in first obiously with a new rule that we're playing as well this season it's um I think it's opened up the the longer length Jacks which is which is good see some's stick in with this better weight here that's the ball together just sticking to his backand trying to beat his own here it's good s's going to just try and double up now on his own it's got to be scoring on these ends now yeah Alex has um he's been borrowing a set of bowls from Mark Bey and he's loved them so far count Mark was jokingly saying he could buy them off him for 500 if he wanted to okay like to be just a ball tighter there to tighten the end up Jen could play down and get rid of the Two bows if he really wanted to here yeah I think the new all gone down really well jamus I think um nobody's know he had an issue with it that's for sure and I just think it's made the games a lot better so hopefully for me viewing standpoint it's better I know from a playing standpoint it certainly made things feel better as well so good strike from Jen's got the shot with that ball big ball coming from Simon here he needs this Jack in the ditch he's in the area I think he's in the area he's got the shot get the Jack clean Jack's probably when it has done it's opened up pet Jen's toucher if he wanted to play down to that it's probably the shot let's see what he does here got to be playing down in his forehand fairly positive or quite positive down in the forehand it's everything for him down there he's playing backhand of this wow oh he's got it yeah it was a good shot but it was the only had Jack a for and he got it 82 now 10's played probably thought she wants him to go for the Jack cuz it's the harder shot play it well so 82 now a10's played 12 ends to be played that's one of the new rules as well for our events over here in Belfast we used to play 10 ends we now play 12 better start from Simon here needs to pick up a good end here really three or four required really I think to get himself right back in with a Chance in this match don't think a draw is any good to Simon needs to win just struggled with the some of the weighted shots just arriving this is a better end all together from Simon not a lot better the difference that first bow makes if you can get your first ball on the jack control with the end that's pet Jen playing white make contact there he has got the back ball yeah so it is the b ball that's holding so it's got to just reach around these bend a bit probably want it on white there back hand for P J out nice and wide just the weight there the weight easily done you got those balls in the front trying to get round don't think smon can get down to pet Jen's B leaving onto his own onto pet Jens put some pressure on it's a lot of room though to draw in so he's got a guarantee getting shot here really D picking up a two would be good don't know if he's holding or not that's the problem he's going to flick to his forehand wow well he might have made two of that see what P Jan gives him here definely that one for measure on this one here I like Simons but don't know this will pul Simon back within four if he gets this whilst we wait for that measure to take place I'll just show you the other matches in play here on the we're in the last group games now this will be groups one to 10 playing here 32 groups in total just waiting to see b r doing the measuring here going be two to Simon I think it is yeah so two shots to Simon so 84 now needs to win the remaining three ends obviously but he right back in this game still got a good chance plays ends like that was a lot better start get that first ball working this looks a good start as well that's better again amazing what happens to get your first ball working for you follow that up now it's good again that's a got better start yeah that's better it's probably made someone change back to his backand if it's one or two at the moment s's got going to his back hand now yeah the Jaws a third here a little bit of pressure on is he reaching is he reaching oh such a good effort line was amazing I just confirm it it's 0's been that's been played so far not nine so still all to play for here 84 score to P Jen it's a bit of trouble on this end he's at least one down in the head he's going to try and open this up here that's wide he was lucky not to flick Simon's bow in actually s do here try and remove pet J's ball it's dangerous CU if he is wide he flicks his own shot ball pushes a jack back I like yeah I think that that's a better option his own outside ball outside bow over play here won Miss twice would expected to Simon's putting his foot now that's what he's looking to see what the angle guys I think that's shot just got to try and take that big firing shot away on the forehand here whil giving him the opportunity to pick up three just reaching down he's good oh he going to hold off it's finished okay he had to play it with that sort of weight to guarantee that he he'd stay on the map taking his time thinking about this big shot context of the match now there is a situation here where he could get tight flick his own ball through the Gap he would be free down then

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