Category: Sports
Introduction [musique] le 26 août 2022 en plein cœur de la ville de chamoni le public s'apprête à accueillir en vainqueur le jeune suédois peter engdal peter vient de réaliser l'impossible durant cette journée sans aucun doute l'une des performances les plus épououflantes de cet événement il vient de... Read more
Category: Sports
Este proyecto realmente ha sido de las cosas más más brutales que he podido vivir no ya ha sido un un challenge muy muy grande a nivel físico a nivel técnico y también a nivel mental no de estar concentrado durante tantas horas cada día por por ir por estos terrenos y pero bueno lo que recuerdo sobre... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] today's show is presented by petzl kilian jornet climbed all 82 4000m peaks in the alps in an incredible 19 days. do this on your own, i.e. on foot or by bike. this meant he beat the existing best time by more than two thirds. as a ski mountaineer and mountain runner, kilian jornet has won pretty... Read more
Category: Sports
Serg garcarones finish [musique] c'est le t de la [musique] grce la quinon féminine juste derriè [musique] [musique] not trail running i also love to ride my gravel bike or any bike and i also love to play with my puppies yeah i'm feeling good i'm mostly just excited i think um western states was my... Read more
Category: Sports
Some people are just born to fight i think it's not that they're born brave it's not that they're born strong it's just that the universe has decided that this one this one will have grit and fire and steel in their blood and it'll be tested this cosmic metal of theirs they'll face trial after trial... Read more
Category: Sports
This project has been amazing i think one of the the more challenging things i have uh ever done in my life both for the the physical part and the the technical part and the mental part of being need to be focus 100% for like almost 20 days which demands a lot of energy but it's been amazing like i... Read more
Category: Sports
Intro ce que vous voyez là c'est l'un des sentiers de grande randonnées les plus célèbres au monde 170 km et plus de 10000 m de dénivelés positifs pour contempler le toit de l'europe sous toutes ses coutures une sorte d'odyssée qui demande en règle générale 7 à 10 jours d'effort pour en venir à bout... Read more
Category: Sports
Intro [musique] si nous devions retenir un coureur qui s'est imposé sur le devant de la scène de l'ultra trail ces trois dernières années c'est sans aucun doute mathieu blanchard en 2021 il crée la surprise en venant compléter le podium de l'ultra trail du montblanc encore accroché à son image de téléréalité... Read more
Category: Sports
Hi paul from athletics weekly the running shoe guru this is the west lancashire mland it's my hometown it's raining and these are the new hawker tekon x3 and i'm about to take them out for my first run in them so come along let's see how they uh how they go [applause] so a couple of minutes on the road... Read more
Category: Sports
This year once again they are all on the plastic triangle de la metier in front of the church impatient to take off it's 20 minutes before the start i i have a mixture of feelings but the the biggest feeling is excitement it's a deep it's a deep happiness that i'm actually here that my feet are on the... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] i came from the mind there's dirt on my hands strong like a tree there's rooms where i stand [music] Read more
Category: Sports
Every day oh my god [music] i just wanted to start now [music] what am i doing here why do i do this to myself [music] [applause] [music] [applause] [music] this race just constantly keeps hitting you completely physically destroyed but mentally more alive than you've ever felt in your life this race... Read more