Candace Owens HUMILIATES Kamala Harris With An EXPLOSIVE Speech, Gets A Standing Ovation

hey welcome back it's your man wise we have to check this out Candace Owens is a goat like share subscribe to the channel let's go media says we're not supposed to be here we're supposed to be scared to be in this room right but we're here anyways we are all here and we should be so proud of ourselves for standing up to the media bullies and showing up today you know I have to tell you guys I um I started this morning like I always I start every morning morning and um I want to really take a serious moment to talk about something that pulled at my heartstrings this this morning and and almost brought me to tears as I was reading uh the news I was reading a story about a young boy named taon Lee um a name that people won't be familiar with not a name that spread all across the nation instantly um taon Lee uh was a nine-year-old boy living in Chicago he left his grandmother's house because he wanted to go play basketball in the park and he was playing basketball Ball by himself in the park uh taon lee was approached by an adult man uh who came up to him playfully and grabbed the ball and began playing with him and then eventually this older adult man lured him away from the park uh with the promise that he would take him to the store and and buy him whatever he wanted so he followed this adult man into an Alleyway and he was instantly taon Le at 9 years old shot Point Blank uh a few times and murdered he was murdered uh it was gang related they were after his father so this was this was a gang hit to go after this young boy disaster an absolute sad sad disaster that brought tears to my eyes because uh he was only in the fourth grade you know unbeknown to most of this world this story happened and the reason that we don't know about it the reason that there was no wall-to-wall coverage and National sensation about this story by the people who CL who claim to care about the senseless ending of black lives is simply because it didn't fit the media narrative that's it he was killed by another black man so it didn't fit the media narrative to be outraged about this story black-on-black crime is something that our media tells us that we're not allowed to talk about over 93% of black homicide victims are killed by other black people we are not supposed to be outraged and we're not told to remember the names of those victims because if we begin to focus on that area something that is causing real harm and Devastation to our communities we might uncover the truth and that's the truth is that this is all by Democrat design our inner cities are all by Democrat design like Chicago like Baltimore and like Detroit they have been run by democrats for decades we have been made to believe that the conditions in our city are normal we're supposed to turn a blind eye to the corruption to the crime to the gangs and instead focus on what our media deems of more importance we are instead told that we should be focusing on white people we're supposed to be reactive and angry and fearful about white supremacy when in fact it is liberal Supremacy that is harming our [Applause] communities I say this all the time you show me a neighborhood where there are liberal policies that reign supreme and I will show you a neighborhood where black Americans are struggling in this country for decades we have been disrespected by the Democrats we have empowered their party lined the pocket of their politicians and we have gotten positively nothing in return for our blind Allegiance and faithfulness I've recently begun to to immerse myself as I told you all yesterday in old videos and interviews of Dr Martin Luther King Jr and um I came across an interview of him from 1964 where he was underscoring the problems that were in Black America at that time and here's what he mentioned I will quote School dropouts crime rates illegitimacy rioting and other social evils end quote I find that list to be really interesting because he spoke that list 55 years ago and yet today across all of those categories we not only have the exact same problems but the problems have worsened how is that possible how is that possible in a society that has experienced so much Social progress that we are seeing a decline in the black community the statistics of illegitimacy crime rates and illiteracy have worsened since the time of segregation in Jim Crow in that same interview Dr King said something that I thought was Timeless he said it is both socially and morally suicidal to continue a pattern of deploring effects while failing to come to grip with its causes the this is reminition of Albert Einstein's famed quote insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results while neither of them could have been possibly speaking to the predicament that we are in today their words are Timeless because for the last six decades Black America has found itself in a rhythm of insanity voting for the same party over and over again and expecting different results it is in my opinion both socially and morally suicidal that we continue this pattern Democrats have looked at us in the face and they have sold us worthlessness they have told us that we cannot that we need more government assistance more handouts we handed them power and in return they further diminished our sense of Pride the most important thing that we had our sense of Pride we allowed their governments to victimize us through the expansion of welfare policies we allowed them most importantly to remove the fathers from our homes removing the backbone of our families they knew the Democrats knew that without stable households our children would pursue that fraternity elsewhere they knew that our children would run to the streets they knew that our youth would grow up and begin to mirror themselves after rappers and basketball players rather than men of high intellect and values and more attainable [Applause] goals their media took away the jeffersin they took away the winslows they took away the hustles and they gave us Love in Hip Hop they knew exactly what they were doing they were resetting our goals but what they didn't know what they could have never predicted was that we might wake up to it one day [Applause] in 2015 when a man with a crazy hair and a beautiful wife came down the escalator at Trump Tower we were at the beginning of a shift and I'll tell you honestly I wasn't sure about him I wasn't sure when he first came down the escal I said isn't that the guy that says you're fired is is he really running for president but then an incredible moment happened in August of 2016 in Michigan everything changed for me when that same man did something that I believe will forever be recorded in black history as a turning point for our community that Republican candidate got on stage he boldly looked Black America straight in the face and he asked us what do you have to lose look how much africanamerican communities have suffered under Democratic control to those I say the following what do you have to lose by trying something new like Trump what do you have to lose I say it again what do you have to lose look what do you have to lose you're living in poverty your schools are no good you have no jobs 58% of your youth is unemployed what the hell do you have to lose America Amica must reject the bigotry of Hillary Clinton who sees communities of color only as votes not as human beings worthy of a better [Applause] future the courage of that moment the courage for Amanda challenge us to look around at our communities and to just acknowledge it to be real to be honest with ourselves to acknowledge the filth of our communities and our inner cities to acknowledge the state of our broken culture our broken school system he forced us to stop accepting excuses every single person that is standing in this room stands here because at some point we had the courage to set our pride aside and to realize that for the first time in decades we had somebody who was telling us the truth and he just kept on telling it all around the country dropping bars honestly Trump might be my favorite rapper right now my favorite moment of his campaign was he said only Rosie o'donell only Rosie o'donell only our 45th president Donald J Trump and I'm gonna tell you what I love about him I get that question all the time Candace what do you love about Donald Trump what I love about Donald Trump most is his audacity the audacity that it took to stand up and look black America in the eye the audacity that it takes to call out these crooked black Democrat politicians that have received billions billions in aid from our government and effectively stolen it from the struggling cities that they represent the audacity to call out Elijah Cummings the audacity to call out Maxine Waters who lives by the way in a $6 million doll home outside of her own District president Donald Trump has both the spine and the audacity to save Black America it takes takes a lot of guts and we all know this when you wake up as a black American and you realize the truth and you have the courage to speak out about it the racist leftist media will attack you CNN is a racist Network in my opinion I've watched them over the past year sanction the violence of antifa against black conservatives they have referred to all of us last year in the same exact room CNN referred to all of us as paid puppets they said we were paid to be in this room because they cannot fathom that we would ever have the courage to stand up and to tell them no more no more victim narrative CNN no more victim narrative MSNBC no more telling us that we cannot do something because of the color of our skin no more fear politics no more attempts to scare us into voting for you no more lies no more half-truths they attack the one president that has done the absolute most for Black America than any president in American history because they are scared and I'll tell you what they're scared of they are scared of no longer being able to control us they are scared that we are actually waking up to everything that they have done to us it was Clarence Thomas Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas in 1991 who warned us against what the Democrats and the media would do to black people like us this is what said quote this is a circus it's a National Disgrace and from my standpoint as a black American it is a high tech lynching for up blacks who in any way Dain to think for themselves to do for themselves to have different ideas and it is a message that unless you cow toow to an old order this is what will happen to you you'll be lynched you will be destroyed you will be caricatured rather than hung from a tree how right was Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas in the treatment of black Americas today it is a National Disgrace but let them continue let them continue their attacks on freethinking blacks it's not going going to stop us in any way from supporting this Administration from supporting people like our honorable vice president Mike Pence who is finally talking about God again on the national [Applause] stage president Trump use us As Americans and the answer of course to that question is that we had absolutely nothing to lose from taking a chance on him and now we're winning we want Trump we want the Victor narrative we want opportunities we want to be viewed as Americans first and foremost and you know I rarely give him credit but maybe former president Barack Obama said it best in his Harvard Law School paper when he wrote the American dream is to be like Donald [Applause] Trump we want the American dream thank you guys so much for being here and get ready to see the man [Applause] himself thank you chairman for the opportunity to testify um I just I want to testify just as a a black American today and uh I want to first start off by saying that white supremacy is indeed real but despite the media's obsessive coverage of it it represents an isolated uncoordinated and Fringe occurrence uh within America it's a fringe occurrence that is being used in my opinion by democrats to scare Americans into giving up their votes to a party that can no longer win based on simple ideas which is why we're seeing so many of these hearings back to back despite other threats that are facing this nation I want to reiterate that point white supremacy is real just as racism is real but neither of these ideologies are real in this room they have become mechanisms for the left to continue to call these hearings and to distract from much bigger issues that are facing this country and which threaten minorities much bigger issues that they are responsible for white nationalism sounds a lot better as a threat than father absence when are we going to call a hearing on the 74% of single motherhood rate in Black America today my guess is probably never since Democrats are the author of that epidemic which leaves us black Americans 20 times more likely to end up in prison nine times more likely to drop out of high school and five times more likely to lead a life in poverty and to commit crime white nationalism also sounds a lot better than illiteracy rates I'm assuming we're never going to call a hearing on that which is a real epidemic that is facing black Americans and minority Americans today an epidemic which by the way has a lot closer of a tie to our nation's history of white supremacy slave codes in the early 19th century made it illegal for black Americans to learn to read why because if slaves could read they could access information I don't believe that much has changed on the most recent National assessment of educational progress just 177% of black students scored proficient in Reading at a 12th grade level 83% of blacks in America were not found proficient in Reading at a 12th grade level are we going to have a hearing on that probably not white nationalism also sounds a lot better than abortion as a threat which has resulted in the slaughter of 18 million black Americans since 1973 and points to a bigger crisis which is the fact that the block black population growth has stagnated in this country the crisis that in major cities like in New York we have more black babies that are being aborted than born alive if we're talking about preserving lives and we're talking about white supremacy we should probably have a topic a conversation about that but today in this room we're going to see Democrats try to connect connect the dots to to white supremacy and the internet so the question is why so that people who have absolutely nothing to do with propagating white supremacy are censored silenced and controlled what they are actually after is our permission to censor and silent and control any dissenting voices that go against the mainstream narrative that they wish to propagate to give a glimpse into just how absurd and expansive a definition of white supremacy has become I offer to the committee that I have been libeled and smeared by Democrat media corts as someone who supports white supremacy you need but look at me to determine that that just isn't true why because I routinely say black people don't have to be Democrats I am now considered somebody that is radicalizing people on the internet what a radical idea black people waking up to the abuses and the Democrat Party uh which has been instigated upon Black America over the last 60 years there have been sincere attempts just so everybody knows to censor me on social media because I am radical YouTube Once censored me for criticizing black lives matter they reversed the censorship and they apologized and they called it a mistake Facebook once censored me for calling out liberal Supremacy as a threat facing Black America what I said specifically was that in any Community where liberal policies reign supreme you will find that Black America is hurting I stand by that assessment Facebook reversed my censorship apologized and claimed it was a mistake of course I'm fortunate that I have a big enough platform that when I get branded something extreme I can reverse it but the majority of Americans don't have that platform the majority of Americans with the dissenting app um dissenting opinions are silenced forever many words which have once held very serious meetings have come to take on a different definition over the last couple of years as Democrats have desperately tried to Grapple with the fact that they are no longer able to manipulate Americans with broad claims and Broad Strokes of racism sexism misogyny and the like words like racism which today most nearly means anything or anyone that disagrees with a liberal and terms like white nationalism which today and in this room and upon this floor most nearly means that it's election time America it's time for the left to do what they do best divide distract and hope to keep their most important voting block to their party which is Black Americans angry and emotional and reactive enough to keep voting for the same party that has systematically destroyed our families sent our men to prison and deferred all of our dreams I would close out by telling you that this is not going to a work wow God bless Candace Owens man I mean she's been out here in these streets doing this work for a very long time and God bless this sister man I wanted to share this with you all today I hope you guys enjoyed it like share subscribe to the channel join the ARP family keep God first in your life stay prayed up and I'm going catch up with you all next time peace

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