Trump v Harris - The Ultimate Smackdown. + Ted Cruz, Steve Bannon, Jill Stein, and Tulsi Gabbard.

[Music] [Applause] [Music] hi everybody it's cash welcome back thank you very much for joining me today I have got tons of fascinating stuff to tell you including the debate between Donald Trump and carela Harris if it goes ahead he's getting very ansy about it and threatening to pull out so I thought I'd take a look at that plus Vladimir Putin what's his state of mind right now Russia is under attack ironically by Ukraine who've invaded in two different areas so I thought I'd take a look at him as well plus Pavel durov the billionaire Russian CEO of telegram who's just been arrested in France on some terrible charges what's his state of mind right now and his future and what's his relationship to Vladimir Putin very very interesting plus Troublemaker Steve Bannon he's still in jail I'm probably up to no good there either I thought I'd take a look at him plus Jill Stein she is running for president obviously as a spoiler but I took a look at her handwriting to see what she's really about plus tsey gabard and Donald Trump I told you I'm exhausted already plus a whole bunch more before we crack on thank you to everybody who left a comment under the previous video very very interesting as always in particular those people who went back and watched the Carmela Harris handwriting analysis I did in 2020 I know my voice is slightly I was nervous what can I tell you my voice is higher and I look a lot younger but uh I'm glad it holds up apparently it's still very very accurate so that's great and thank you for pointing that out now Ted Cruz and Colin aled in Texas I did them recently and the pictures show that Ted Cruz's campaign had a certain amount of entitlement built into it he was on a conveyor that was going into a tunnel it was almost like he was going underground with his campaign doing all kinds of untoward things which wouldn't surprise anybody I'm sure he's a deeply unpopular man who seems to keep on winning for some bizarre reason but he went down these tunnels meanwhile the Democrat Colin OLED who is a pretty decent good guy I think he was walking on the outside listening to Ted Cruz walking around the tunnel and going downstairs and so on until eventually Ted Cruz dropped into a river of slime or goo or whatever it was and got carried away meanwhile Colin alled Went Over the Mountain that usually represents the election or the end of the year and so on pointing to a possible Triumph for him this could be the year when Ted Cruz one of the most unpopular politicians in American history goes down and loses his seat so I thought I'll take a quick look again because according to the polls not that we trust polls but according to the polls Colin already is now within about two points of Ted Cruz which verifies those pictures I think but I had another look and when I did I put them side by side there they are Ted Cruz was frantic he is really scared head now and a frightened man like him could do anything to try to win he was on a pogo stick you don't see those around anymore bouncing about but kind of out of control it was like I'm dying dying dying dying as he went forward Colin aled was slightly nonplused by all of this and he was at a lower level as well which in the pictures is never really a good thing Ted Cruz was up there doing his thing suggesting once again entitlement like I'm going to win it's Texas I'm a republican so you know good luck catching up with me boing boing Bo boing and away he went Colin OLED pulled himself up to Ted Cruiser's level which is hopeful and could account for that narrowing Gap in the polls I think and suddenly thought wow this is a contest I could win this and he leapt up and followed him I've said all the way along if you remember all the different pictures I've done for these two that uh Colin alred couldn't afford to be simply a decent guy against somebody like Ted Cruz he had to pull out all the stops and that's what seems to be happening now but towards the election there was a downhill slope that was very soft and peetey a bit like trying to run down a sand dune you know how feet sink into the sand it's incredibly difficult that's what it was like uh the pogo stick with Ted Cruz on went down into it and Colin aled sank into it as well at the bottom of the slope was a wall which they had to go around or climb onto I guess Ted Cruz fell off his pogo stick exhausted while Colin all red ran ahead this is probably going to be neck and neck and there may be challenges to the result but Colin OLED is definitely in with a Chance of throwing Ted Cruz out of the Senate nothing is guaranteed Colin all red cannot let up it's going to get incredibly difficult but Ted Cruz is frantic he is really worried he is very very anxious about his status particularly since in the New Year Jack Smith could start lavishing indictments on members of Congress or former members of Congress and that will be incredibly difficult for somebody like Ted Cruz who it's thought was involved in the January the 6th Insurrection so uh we'll have to watch out for that but Colin all R is definitely in with a Chance somebody asked if I would take a look at Steve Bannon he went to prison on July 1 it was for contempt of congress not complying with a subpoena to appear before the January the 6th committee he managed to stall it for the longest time which is the most stupid thing if he had just served his sentence and shut up and stopped appealing then he would be out now and able to do his stuff before the election as it is he won't be out until about 2 days before the election I know there was a big hooa when he went into jail he's in Connecticut I think in damur is it some kind of Correctional Facility called damur and uh he had marjerie Taylor green there cheering him on he said I'm happy to go to prison I'm pleased to be going to prison sure sure he is so I going to take a look at him and see what his State of Mind is right now see what pictures came there he is and uh immediately there were the bars it's bit on the nose but there were bars the interesting thing was though the there was flexibility here in in some way within the system because he lifted up a portion of the bars walked out and put them back again so either he was moved to a different part of the facility or he got some kind of uh permission to do things or something because he moved and then he produced a ball of wool or twine and he started weaving it in and out of the bars around him he ended up in a cell like a little cage thing and by that time he had woven his twine or wool all the way around the wall and he sat there in the middle of the cage holding on to the end of the wool my guess would be he is writing a book or some other material about the system how it needs to be torn down viewed from somebody on the Insight I'm sure some publisher would give him an advance for that he'd make quite a bit of money alternatively he being Steve Bannon is so imbued with his own ideas and so articulate and so able to be persuasive and charismatic when it comes to telling people what he believes that all the other inmates and the prison guards come out actually believing what he believes that's very possible he insinuates himself with his thread into the system itself but based on the pictures it seemed that he's okay it's not great but he's all right I'm sure he'd rather be out in the world causing trouble in the leadup to the election but something's going on with him he is plotting and planning something in prison that no doubt will come to fruition once he's uh once he's out in October but a little too late for the election I would have thought I also took a look at this guy pavl durov who made made the news this week he's 39 years old worth $ 11.5 billion most of which he made by being CEO of telegram which is a kind of communication Network used in Ukraine and in Russia and a bit like a social media thing but uh used for transmitting instructions and policy and intelligence things and so on it's very very important to both countries and uh he's the guy who set that up but he refused to moderate the content a bit like Elon Musk is doing in certain countries he refused to moderate it on the grounds that its free speech and then he traveled to France and was arrested for not moderating the site now the interesting thing is that he had come from a proposed meeting in aeran with Vladimir Putin only Vladimir Putin when he got there decided not to meet with him which must have angered pavl durov who then flew in his billionaire jet to France where there was a warrant for his arrest and he was just arrested on the spot for a whole bunch of really Gastly stuff including money laundering and child trafficking I think or sex trafficking or whatever really really awful and now he's in custody and he's got a lot of top people around the world including in Russia and Ukraine very very worried because if the French authorities can persuade pavl durov to give up the encryption codes for telegram then that gives French intelligence as well as the intelligence of other Western Allied Nations access to all kinds of information about Russia and Ukraine the leadership there the policies and also to sex traffickers and so on it's a really dangerous situation for a lot of important people hence the story so I thought first of all I would go into pavl durov's Consciousness and just see what's going on there how he felt and it reminded me so much of a situation I had been in many years ago when I was on my travels for my TV show in Vanuatu which is an archipelago in the South Pacific on one of the far distant islands called Tanner it's where they shot Survivor in the first or second season that island and it's so remote there was no electricity when I was there except for a couple of hours a day no lights bugs everywhere you felt so isolated and alone it was awful truly truly awful that feeling and that's what I got when I went into this guy's energy that sense of distance from everything he knows what is the point of having 11.5 billion do in the bank if you are in a jail in France away from all your peeps and all your contacts and all the important people who could get you out what is the point and he felt alone there were lights over there and there were lights over there and it was that sense of powerlessness I then thought well I'll just see how it might go for him over the next few weeks or months and he was in the pictures in a channel hanging onto a rope trying to climb but he couldn't because coming the other way was this Deluge this torrent of gushing foaming water it was a bit like being in the Poseidon Adventure or on the Titanic as the water is flooding in you're trying to get out can you reach daylight can you get to the end of the channel but it was almost impossible to stand up let alone climb so I'm assuming that his life is going going to be very very difficult over the coming months really difficult but there's also speculation that given how much he knows and the fact that he holds the encryption codes to telegram it's also been speculated that somebody like Vladimir Putin would find it beneficial to his own interests to be rid of pavl durov and that pavl jov's life might be in danger in prison a bit like Jeffrey Epstein and so on and I thought oh yeah we does know a lot of stuff about Russia and moneya laundering and sex trafficking and so on so it could be but I thought what I'll do is I'll put Vladimir Putin alongside paval Jan just see what happened and when I did it seemed like Putin was figing indifference like he didn't really care and yet he did it was a really strange dichotomy he got pav J and squished him into a bowling ball shape and you know in a bowling alley you're supposed to aim for the pins at the end uh I do try that but always my ball ends up in the gutter it's like I'm really aiming for the gutter so I'm no good at that but that's what Vladimir Putin did he went to the gutter and he threw the ball down it the ball pav J went along down a slope and into a tunnel so something anxiety making or worrisome happened in the tunnel he rolled out the other side maybe that was dealing with the French authorities could be uh rolled out the other side something new happened cuz he went to the left and then he ended up in another tunnel where he just cowered oh my God does they know where I am am I safe it's almost as if Putin either didn't care which is unlikely or pretended not to care or had somebody else deal with it while he considered other matters that were more pressing uh which is probably the most likely of the three but I also wondered what was going on in Vladimir Putin's Consciousness right now he's not only got that going on but he's got Ukraine invading Russia on two fronts while they've done this enormous bombing of Ukraine in the past few days it's still very unnerving and very unsettling for the Russian people who are hearing about this realizing that Vladimir Putin is not all all powerful he hasn't got control of this and things are going horribly wrong I wondered how long he had now before he would be deposed or whatever so I went into his energy just to see what might happen and when I did you got to imagine there's a chess board only it doesn't have to have the squares in it or anything just a chess board with pieces on it that are steadily advancing on the king now I couldn't really see the people they were hidden behind rectangles of wood they use them as Shields as they Advanced and Vladimir Putin was dealing with it like okay here's a threat sort that out oh here's another threat sort that out it's very much in a whack-a-mole vein oh there's another one over here sort that out but they were moving forward plans were a foot people are jostling within the Kremlin and Vladimir Putin being super smart and strategic when it comes to these things knows it he knows it and he thinks he can deal with it but at some point it's checkmate at some point they're here and you can't do anything what I found was that his particular Square on the board was a little like an elevator it went down a bit maybe by about 18 in or 2 feet Vladimir Putin had an escape route through which he could Slither like a cockroach and be gone that's what those pictures felt like do you remember that photo taken in Moscow many years ago of a dinner attended by Vladimir Putin and I think General Michael Flynn was there and Jill Stein and people went at the time why is Jill Stein there I think they've assumed ever since perhaps wrongly that she's one of Putin's useful idiots because every time there's an election she pops up as a spoiler candidate she was very relevant at one time she ran for president twice herself on the green New Deal against fossil fuels Pro the environment fighting to recognize climate change and its dangers and so on really really cool and then she got a bad name for herself simply by being the spoiler candidate this time around she was helping Cornell West with his campaign and he dropped out so she decided to run yet again and uh I guess a vote for Jill Stein is seen as a vote for Trump but I thought I would just go into her energy and see how she felt generally and when I did she was underground she was in a Subterranean cave the light was up there there was a way out obviously but she was at the bottom and the slopes of this cave this Cavern were very Steep and slippery and she couldn't get up the sides it felt like if she could get a time machine and go back and change a decision or change a commitment or a promise or make a different set of choices that would lead her in a New Direction that's what she'd do but now she's stuck with what she's said and done and promised or whatever and there's no escape and however she's viewed that's it for life and history will judge her as such I guess and she regrets that I think she would make different choices if uh that opportunity were afforded to her and when I looked at her future for the next few weeks leading up to the election she was on a lower path always and also ran always the bridesmaid never the bride never going anywhere just there and the path was getting narrower and at the end of it was a steep slope again which she slid down a failure but of a Monumental kind not just failing to get the uh presidency but failing in life like she's wandered in that Cavern thing like she's wandered away from her Soul's path in such a devastating way that she can never get back onto it life is not giving her that opportunity and she's stuck well below where she needs to be and where her soul is calling her to be but for some reason she's agreed to something or decided on something and that keeps her as the also around the bridesmaid rather than the bride I got her um signature here and just looking at this live in front of you I'll do it she's very aware she has a solid sense of her own identity and is very aware of what she believes in she is able to reach out to people and convey this very articulately she's very strong in her communication skills if she's only given a chance could speak out of turn even because she's so passionate about what she believes in but it comes from a position of insecurity as far as I can tell there so many self-doubts and worries and fears on the inside maybe she has said too much maybe she has made bad decisions and they continue to haunt her at a subconscious level good sense of humor actually but very self-protective a lot of private stuff going on with this woman and it would be like no no don't investigate me no don't look inside me and it's coupled with a sense of squandered ambition like the ceiling is up again like that Cavern the ceiling is up here you could break through it lady but she doesn't she stays down here she's kind of crushed in her way my advice to her would be just to do activist work on behalf of the environment fulfill that side of your Soul's remit go and do that be useful stop running for president for goodness sake and uh that is doing you no favors whatsoever people are looking at you as a spoiler not as a potential winner as a as a president and in some ways it's a shame because she has many many good things to offer but something went wrong she sold herself short and now she can't get back to her Soul's path it's incredibly sad and you know who I also thought was a bit like that Tulsi gabard again another person who seems to have wandered astray from their Soul's path for whatever reason she used to be the US Representative for Hawaii second congressional district and did that for a number of years and then she ran for president in 2020 and if you recall carela Harris who was also running absolutely eviscerated and humiliated Tulsi Gaba on the debate stage because she was a Democrat who had gone on Fox News repeatedly and attacked the Obama Administration as though she was up to something actually speaking out of both sides of her mouth when I did her pictures in 2020 I suppose they were very crude pictures back then but it felt suspicious even then there was a line of shops as I recall with canopies over them and instead of being on the ground with the other candidates walking along debating things talking about issues she was creeping like Gollum above the street looking down on them on these canopies and on walls never fully participating as though there really was something up and I remember saying in 2020 are we sure she isn't a spy for the Republicans like she's in the Democratic race so she gets all their information and then she can feed it back to the Republicans uh as an Insider kind of thing that was my feeling at the time and so now she has become fullblown Maga apparently helping Trump with his debate prep which isn't going well we'll come to the debate in a second but uh obviously will be a delight for Tulsi Gaba to somehow get back at carela Harris for the way she humiliated her in 2020 also Chelsea gabard is being prepared for Trump's transition team which will be unnecessary I think but she's being prepared for that and I think she helped organize that Dreadful Arlington Cemetery tribute the other day where Trump turned up and gave a thumbs up by the grave of that Soldier and used it as a PR opportunity soldiers everywhere are in uproar over how distasteful and disgusting that was but Tulsi gabbard I think is involved in that because she was in the National Guard and may still be so uh I thought I would take a look at her with Trump to see how that was going the last time I did them she was attached to him and ever circling him him as I recall she had a wire attached to her and the other R was attached to Trump and she was just getting ever closer I said at the time she's maneuvering into him trying to get some kind of inner circle acceptance and eventually there she was for him being the kind of guy who's very transactional and just uses people and then lets them go it was a little too close it was like please president Trump please president Trump look at me accept me I'm here felt like that and he wasn't comfortable at all and in fact he slipped the twine the wire whatever this was over his legs threw it down and walked away so it is very much transactional almost immediately there was some kind of tumult or chaos or something went by that was so Dreadful and once it was over it was like oh please Chelsea please come and help me I need you that must be what has happened with Cara Harris switching over with Joe Biden and now the Trump campaign is slightly lost that was that tumult and now uh Trump is going please Chelsea come and help me so I thought I'll put them side by side again and see how things might go in the leadup to the election when I did Chelsea Gaba just sank to her knees kind of weak with admiration or something I suppose lay down sound like a puppy waiting for its belly to be tickled come on come on please tickle me please Master it felt very much like a daddy issue thing again weird really she wanted this figure of strength to acknowledge her to give her validation and so on Trump was as always somewhat cool like yeah great that's fabulous bye and off he went Chelsea gabard was a little put out that she didn't have the close connection she thought she had with him it's all show really up ahead was a little Hill thing and Trump decided not to climb it too much effort too much work going to just carry on as I am no changes till see gabo climbed the hill and thought how can I get into change direction he needs to do something knew or he's going to lose on the ground was a pile of sticks and she goes aha she picks up the sticks and she throws them off the little Hill into Trump's path creates a problem a stoppage an emergency something and she runs down and goes I will gather these up for you this is a sign that we shouldn't go down here there's a tunnel back here as well we don't want to go down there come on up the hill that's the right way to go she seemed to have a very good idea here by the way this was inspired what she was trying to do and she was right he would do well to listen to her but I don't know that he's going to it seemed like too much effort like I got to climb a hill I followed it through I didn't draw this but I did a quick jotting light uh he climbed a ladder after that this is all so much hard work climbed a ladder and then came to a higher level which gave him a free run forward he should have listened to her or should be listening to her when this opportunity arises but I couldn't get him up the hill he just goes no no no thanks T SE and walks off into the tunnel and then he finds out how bad it is in the tunnel really really bad and so he should have listened to her whatever she's offering whatever she brings to the table quite aside from the belly rub thing or whatever like the little puppy quite aside from that she does make a very good point she does know things and is articulate enough to really explain them to him in a way he can understand but I don't think he listens I think he goes oh well so much effort to go that way why change now and he just went on his normal way and ended up in trouble as she foresaw but of course there is that debate looming in SE September and carela Harris is lapping up the very idea of debating Trump oh I don't want the microphones to be muted let this fool Ramble On and show his true Merit he is terrified of her he does not want this debate to happen he's already made mumblings about oh ABC is so unfair they hate me and I don't agree to this microphone thing any old excuse but I thought I'll just put them side by side carel Harris and Donald Trump that uh just to see what the interaction is and how the energy might go and when I did kamla Harris was on a floating pontoon it reminded me very much of the hoverboards in Back to the Future that just float above the ground she was in her element very happy very poised in it to get going Donald Trump on the other hand was on the ground he was trying to crawl away but because of the obligation of having committed to this thing he couldn't his foot or one of his feet was trapped under a part of the stage or a platform or something he couldn't go he was struggling trying everything he could to get his foot out it's like oh I got to go I gotta go there was a channel that he was trying to crawl along and once he got to the end he could zoom away and all would be well but there was a tradeoff he would be giving up something of himself his leg was not coming out from under that platform he was stuck he was committed if he fled he would have to leave his leg behind he would lose something absolutely vital his Macho image as fake as it is with Maga people oh my God he turned chicken and ran our leader that was a massive sacrifice that he would not live down or he could say uh okay then I'll stay and be eviscerated and humiliated by Carmela Harris the way she did with Chelsea gabbard lovely and that's all I got thank you very much for watching as always I really really appreciate it it's uh goodbye from him a and it's goodbye for me thanks a lot guys see you soon byebye

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