Amazing Spider-Man 56 (LGY 950) Review | Another Anniversary?

you are all weirdos Weird Science is the revolution Weird Science is the revolution The Amazing Spider-Man number 56 Legacy number 950 it is there's three stories in this one worse than the other this is not this feels like the idea of this eight bucks this feels like [ __ ] thrown together it is just thrown on the page like hey let's write a story oh wait I don't think they understand it so the Second Story actually explains a bit of the first story then we get Paul what the hell I'm telling you I'm gonna curse it up this this how do you think I feel I'm like I've read 650 issues in a row of this like I haven't what kind of life I'm are living here I am out it's written by Zeb Wells pencils by John R Jr inks by Scott Hanah Colors by Marcel menz Letters by VC Joe Carman some people did criticize our last review of Amazing Spider-Man that they said it was really good you know having a date where Spider-Man goes out and convinces Rhino and I can't even remember the idea of please you're ruining my date dudes I'm like really you like that well maybe they'll like they get the followup to that in this issue so you know have at it he ended up where Ze Well's run was going to end an issue ago two issues ago he wasn't gonna end any of this Tombstone stuff he was going to be gone they asked him to stay on probably because they were still looking for somebody to write they end up getting Joe Kelly maybe they want him to get a little bit ahead because you end up having this book twice a month but in the meantime he was done so when you get to this and he gets back to the tombstone stuff which is one of the few things that people will say was pretty good at the beginning yes it was the best part it sucked balls when we got to that gang war it meant nothing the initial five six issues was pretty decent I thought those were but gang more with the whole idea of oh he's teaming up with Spider-Man Tombstone all this made no sense and then at the end tombstone's like I'm going to get you you Spider-Man and then goes off and we had nothing from it so all of a sudden in this issue again a 950 a $8 book it's just oh crap we don't have that much time I didn't think I was GNA have to do this so let's just throw things on so you get Randy at the beginning Peter's talking one of the worst bits of dialogue ever where Randy's there with crutches and Peter's making jokes and then says sorry dude I make jokes when I have feelings like come on now just stop and then you go and the big thing is Janice is there Janice who got her head caved in in gang war disappeared and we did not know if she was alive or dead here she is she's fine H there you go she looks a little she looks a little Marin dead in some of these Jo yeah she does well that might be J maybe Junior's heads the bobble heads so I do like the art uh you know mostly in this first story but so then you end up where Peter is going to antagonize Tombstone because what's happening is everybody and Tombstone was afraid oh my God everybody's going to to think that I teamed up with Spider-Man we said this during gang war it's the stupidest idea I've ever heard because he then ended up stabbing Spider-Man in the back that's all he has to say to people we said it then I'll say it now people question Tombstone he's like don't you get it I use Spider-Man I'm smarter than you guys and I stab them in the back and it's done you know whatever no no no everybody's like oh you know he was working with the Spider-Man so Peter keeps showing up at these gun transfer type things and you know gun sails and he ends up saying oh man I work for Tombstone and then Zips off steals the guns and runs off yeah steals the guns and Zips off which is now pissing off Tombstone but Tombstone already said that he was going to kill Spiderman in the meantime he has Peter Parker's pictures there but it's only because Peter is the lison between him and Spider-Man I thought that was really ridiculous when it started happening as well and then Peter goes to the Daily Bugle to it seems get a job again we're playing this idea one point with Norman saying you have a job for life you don't even have to show up that got ripped apart two issues ago for no reason it felt weird and now in this he's there at the bugle kind of walking around but the Robbie thinks he's a Rand Robbie yeah thinks he needs a job but then says all these kids these new kids will eat you up alive I'm like why are we doing this there's people in there are in their mid-50s I I I I think that like it's just another thing that he's doing that like teasing you like hey people probably want Peter back at The Daily Bugle a photographer and he's just not doing it yeah he's not doing it but also the idea all this is is so that Randy or Robbie can say about Randy oh he's hanging out with Janice just's call him on the phone and so then Spider-Man goes to Janice and says hey we need to talk it seems like he then takes her to jail it's weird because Randy then questions Peter about Spider-Man but it seemed like and and Spidey goes or Peter oh Spider-Man took her somewhere safe but then he's like jail I'm like he HED her off the jail he h her off the jail but yet it is the deal by the end it's a little bit of a Twist is that she's there I guess as protection because she's going to end up being a witness but it's still ridiculous it's like all this is just nothing it's all just thrown at you because then you get our man Kareem who's been throughout and White Rabbit who go to tomb Stone and say you know you have to do something about this Spider-Man's ruining everything and what you end up having is Tombstone drive up to Peter and say we've seen before at least once yep we've seen it at least once uh this is the thing don't get in there why why did you get in there Peter and he says I we got in because I didn't have an umbrella you're wearing a hat I mean come on yeah seriously it's rain so you end up where Peter gives this note to Randy says hey you call a friend here you call this friend if I get into trouble you think that it's Spider-Man obviously but we'll find out it isn't but then that's explained in the next story which means Ridiculousness but in this you end up having Tombstone Say Yeah I wanted to meet with Spider-Man I'm G to kill him but really what I'm going to do right now is kill you Peter Parker and luckily the spider sense kicks in Peter starts wrestling and fighting in a limo with Tombstone really concerned that tombstone's going to figure out that he's Spider-Man because he's jumping around I'm like you should be more concerned for your life you're about to get destroyed and he does I mean at one point he just gets slammed into the window all these things a cut no I mean it this reminds me of like Rito on kickass a little bit like a lot of just have over the top except Peter doesn't get his head exploded with eyeballs everywhere I thought he was GNA pop uh tombstone's head at one point so he is trying to do that and they're going and then out of nowhere the car crashes and then you end up seeing that it's Luke Cage and shehulk Luke Cage there to put him under arrest he's the mayor you have the lawyer it's a weird play to say here's my lawyer and you end up having shehawk say you know Alonzo Lincoln AK Tombstone you're under arrest I'm like all right well my lawyer and my mayor yeah here's the and he's like I think that he might think I'm cheating I'm like I I don't think you should care about that and then they knock him out and then of course this is the worst too yeah end up where shehulk is punching him then you end up getting luk cage in him Spider-Man jumps in just to get a cheap shot like a jerk right and then it doesn't knock about he just has him and they're going to you know take him downtown and then you're just a trial this is the thing the the cool stuff we had at the beginning that seemed to be a little played out a little bit smart where you did have Tombstone playing everybody and making it seem one thing but then it's the other and really in gang war it was to take down the rose all that stuff and then in here you just you get Peter have Randy call She-Hulk and Luke cage who come and save Peter then they go to trial there's nothing here and then you end up having Tombstone thinks he's going to get out of everything oh you don't have any Witnesses or whatever until they call Janice who comes in and now he's pissed and to tie it into the beginning at the beginning in the past deal you ended up having Lincoln go off with Kingpin FIS to do some big game hunting and they talk about a lion so at the end oh he looks like a lion I'm like this isn't good it's not good it's pretty much just a lot of things thrown in it felt like a checklist and a lot of things you know filled in to try to just get some page count in an issue that we're going to have to be oversized so you end up where maybe because of all this and because of all the things he hasn't done maybe you could have had this story just be an oversized story in this deal you know play that out and even if you did that you could show the background of Peter talking to She-Hulk that that we get in the next story it it just doesn't play out once you get done this and then you're told the next story oh by the way this story that we're going to read now will explain the little stuff and the things you already read well it doesn't matter anymore it really doesn't matter are we going to get a trial Next Issue like some kind of courtroom I think that this is all we're going to get because I I I was going to say like there's two things I hate one I number one thing I hate in comics is uh funerals and the number one with a bullet is Trials there'll be trial yeah so and did you see his face in that panel above where he talks about the lion yeah oh yeah what is going on there I don't know the one where he's smiling like it's really odd because he thinks he's you know his crap don't stink and even Peter's look when he's like Smiley he looks like a puppet uh but overall I still like the art enough but in that I like like that's like the most important story for the deal the next story that we get into though again it's just a it it doesn't mean it it doesn't you think that was Wilson Fisk at the table there instead of the Rhino yeah I I actually did at first even when I looked at it again I mean this thing doesn't matter but it's a proxy written by Ze Wells with art by Andre skan color art by Rachel Rosenberg Letters by VC Joe Carman again this is just to show you how Peter ended up getting the number of shho and why he ends up calling and really by the end it's just a last second tag of oh and by the way here's my number in Kimi because what it is is Spider-Man goes and they they're fighting they're taking down some guys and you end up have Spider-Man say hey by the way She-Hulk I have a case that I'm working it's like he thinks he's a prosecutor he says I have a case working against Tombstone and I want some advice I need some she's like well I can't work with vigilan so you have to have a proxy come and have them talk but then when Peter does go to talk talk to her she's like well I still can't help you I'm going to give you somebody else to go but in the meantime here's this my number and he's like oh you gave me your number too and she says yeah I gave you my number if Tombstone finds out you're involved your life is in danger you'll need to call me well we already saw what happened so it's like really and then says to be continued in the story you already read it's it's such a bad concept yeah you don't need it and also like he's tying together like Ned lead stuff and I don't I don't even remember what that was about yeah and and Ned's pissed off and I love that pretty much what happens in this trial with Ned Leeds that you end up having She-Hulk involved with it's like hey here's my client Ned Leeds by the way his wife found the Winkler device and we kind of checked it out and it seemed like something and by the way they have a baby so he should be let free let free I'm like this is hardly a tricept well he's bad at a lot of things he he ain't no lawyer like maybe he should called Charles up got some info because this isn't good or or John Gish somebody maybe watched a movie or something because it's like oh the big play was Betty Leeds put her life on the line to procure this evidence and we ask that your court honor her bravery by sending her husband free oh she was Brave what she free I'm like no no no Ned did a lot of crazy things yes you're saying that he was controlled but maybe you have to look into this Winkler device a little more it's almost like it's just thrown out his evidence they go oh Winkler device all right well I Get It Free now it's ridiculous and then he gets mad at Peter you didn't care Peter has a lot of other things going on right including he should say listen my my love of my life is dating this assho Paul I mean I have no time for you n I helped enough remember it was that he told Betty hey that's where the the Winkler device is and when she went there it wasn't there because he didn't know and he was wrong and this is what Ned's mad about Ned be happy you got off on the your your wife worked hard and has a baby defense be be be happy you're even alive dude I think he was dead at least 10 times I don't know what's going on N Leeds get out of here get out of town I like that he's yelling at Peter Peter's like what the f did I do yeah like really and even bet he's like Ned he's like this was never a priority for you Peter I wanted Peter to turn around and say no [ __ ] like why would it be I got I got my own problems Ned get out of town you jerk but then yeah goes and talks to She-Hulk and also if you also want to see and and she says call Marino Riley She's a bulldog what's going on here but you do have you do have tombstone's lawyer is the girl that uh had a couple dates with Peter as well that that uh be but yeah you have her there so maybe maybe they'll get involved with that and then we have a third story because you know those first two weren't enough and this is a Paul story and this is where Nick low in the little lettering deal after the first story says that this is a story we've all been clamoring for I said thank God I I had to read it almost first when I saw that I'm like I skipped that Second Story just to see hopefully Paul getting killed he does not and it seems like they're trying to make Paul a good guy he easily could have been killed off here in many different ways seriously at in the end it looks like a car is about to hit him hopefully it happens but this goes back to showing what happened before all the nonsense back in the day when his dad Rin ended up going nuts uh and which caused all the problems that happen in you know this run uh and this is continuation from stuff uh Zeb Wells did before with Ravin about you know 20 years ago so you end up having this Paul of the past looks even worse than he does now he's barely recognizable and it does seem to me I to me it looks like what they're going to play is is that he kind of has feelings for this one guy that used to work for his dad I don't know he seems very very into this guy but it's also that he wants to be a good guy maybe help out people that were kind of screwed by his dad going crazy I don't know I don't know what this is about I don't know why we have it I don't know if I'm clamoring for it yeah I'm not clamoring for it and this is written by Zeb Wells with art by Ramon rosanis with again Rachel Rosenberg on colors and Joe kman on letters but at one point I mean he's there like cradling this guy who seemed to be dead at that point but then he isn't and then Paul just shows up to give him money and say hey I'm going to get you for this surgery also why doesn't this guy recognize I I guess he didn't know him very well but he doesn't even seem to recognize him at all and Paul doesn't say hey it's me from before is this guy from the alternate Dimension too I don't know no and and this is stuff that should have been happening here that caused the alternate dimenstion that's the thing by this point we're so far removed from the Rabin stuff or whatever just give us Paul and if you're going to give Paul you know show something I don't know I hate Paul you're never going to make like him but show something else that he does show something in the here and now that he's doing not go back to stuff that we're already done we're again you're you're giving me a story that has already resolved itself just like that second story because what this is is bullcrap that is being thrown in because he had he was done he was done the run so he's like oh well I'll do this and I'll throw Poland and I'll do that it's just so you would you would rather see uh Paul the man in the chair controlling jackpot I mean that's that's that's what he's Paul in the chair he accidentally like he crabs himself for some reason he gets scared he crabs himself oh my God I got to go and get some new pants he walks out the door and gets hit by a bus that's all I need he scrapped his pants and gets hit by a bus I was hoping he was going to buy one of these chocal lattes from this lady selling on the street here and choke on it die choke latte Al or I I wanted him to like go and suddenly Peter because Peter's there at the beginning and he's like hey I got to get going nice to hang out like no anger at all I'm like I wish that he's like I'm gonna kill this Paul it's like a thr thruple situation and I think that what you had in this because again by the end I can't really tell you if Paul's a good guy or a bad guy according to this and I don't know if we're going to continue this in the other stories too maybe as a a backup running thing whatever it says the end but I really just want I want Paul to become a full out villain and then just die that's all I need just to die and it really I don't know I don't know seems to like that guy though I mean it' be cool if he went off with this guy and just that's it you know he's like I got a surgery and also let's go big boy and they head off to AAP Poco I don't care wherever they go and their plane crashes that's what happen he he should be like poochie he should crash on this way to his home planet and then somebody will like him I'm want to sacrifice this guy if it involves him dying in a plane crash that's fine yeah I don't care about I just met this guy I don't care about him and I don't again I don't like this guy's facial hair either no it's like kind of dangly or something yeah it's like a fan shoe with a a soul patch it don't work it's a little too straight or something like a '90s grunge meets the you know wuang and I mean the wuang the movies I don't know what's going on then you see original I'm talking the sholin movies he's like the old master I I just I don't know I I don't know why we got this I don't know why we're supposed to like it but nicholo says we're clamoring for it really we're clamoring for it but in the end I I thought that the first story it's it's inoffensive enough it has stuff that continuous from before but it's just it just doesn't feel like it has any sort of oomph behind it doesn't feel like it has any sort of Zing it feels like this is something that oh I gotta come up with something else okay I'll have this big fight we'll have Peter F then She-Hulk and blue cage come and we're gonna get a trial just to set up that trial and also to get Janice to see that she's alive that that's all the was and it really those Second Story meant nothing and Paul can go screw himself well there's a lot of annoying meta stuff too where he keeps talking about loose ends and it's clearly just plot points that have to be loose ends because all of a sudden Seb Wells is like oh crap yeah it's annoying hopefully get a senent mailbox that can you know get us out of this stupid dark web [ __ ] Cody Ziggler on this joint can't stand it yeah really that guy everybody's telling me how great that I've not heard one person talking about that Deadpool book at all ah but here we are what would you give this I I mean I agree with you I would have liked to seen maybe five more pages in the front thing and just that's it uh and I probably would have then given it a 6.5 but I'll just give it a six yeah I'm I'm a five I'm a five overall uh even Cher Junior's art that we still we like there's some really wacky there are some wacky things but at least it like book ends the story I like that he's able to jump back on for the end that that's all yeah you are all weirdos Weird Science it's the reevolution Weird Science it's the reevolution

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