WARHAMMER 40K SPACE MARINE 2 Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1 - INTRO (FULL GAME)

all right here we go got a brand new game called Space Marine 2 I had a lot of people request me to check this game out so here we go I want to give a special thanks to focus entertainment they actually gave me the game pretty early this isn't sponsored by the way but I did really enjoy the game in my spare time so here's what happened I went to kind of just like record like test it out I want up playing for almost 2 hours and I'm going to call it a part one/ review so if the first video does well if we get like 20,000 likes just so expect the full game but I am curious when you found my YouTube channel like the first game you ever saw me cover because we're doing this for 14 years and that's a very long time to do pretty much anything man I was living with my dad but love you all got to try it out for a video and see how it goes let's go ahead and get this [Music] for for is [Music] [Music] approaching Kaku prepare for atmospheric entry approaching Drop [Music] Zone that's all right this what this game's all about heard a lot of great things about it kill team leader to Squad box check repeat kill team leader to Squad confirm Vox contact we have crashed from your position do you have the virus to L contract with brother approaching orbital launcher facility Well secured H ala I'm moving to the crash site do you read any side of the Commander negative no contact since the crash I'm here damn it C through have command what are your orders we proceed as planned launch the virus bomb into the stratosphere detonated and watch the terides die the sight I will greatly enjoy transmitter must be broken horigans the area will be celing with all right we got light attack all right let this game kind of reminds me of Gears the war a little bit all right we got armor and health damage depletes armor armor regenerates after a small delay so you can actually get that back by default okay Health says recently lost Health can be restored by dealing damage okay the white light indicates a maximum regeneration amount so you can actually lose your health bar over time that's actually insane well the more you know I guess all right this game looks really sick by the way like in a good way armor is going back up I might just wait for it to go all the way tried Mouse the keyboard on this and it wasn't really feeling right so I switch the controller virus bom all right ch hold on did I just I just talked about Gears of War okay hold it down heavy attack I'm up to my elbows in these wretched BS any word from Brother Darius or the commander nothing it is left to us to share the glory now Kel cross hold on Brothers this game is sick hold on we got to destroy this thing I'm pretty sure okay Parry system is in play [Applause] okay nice one thing is I don't know much about Warhammer in general but this game looked really enticing that's pretty sick we just got to wait for him get off me that's awesome come on where's the blue stuff at thing is my health has already gone down to where it can't go up any higher so I was waiting for the actual like okay the armor is going back up we're chilling there okay I didn't finish that tutorial part but it's all good now they send larer to boss fight or what dueling okay Dodge attacks I'm so happy the exact same controllers of the ones I use for Wukong because I'd be in trouble if not [Applause] okay uh excuse me no health bar so kind like learning everything as we go execution nice all right finishers it's got everything [Applause] okay you must reach that bomb I will even if I have to CH my way through heard the main campaign for this game is like 10 to 12 hours I'm going to see how this first video goes but I really just want to like test out the game I like it already it's just a really cool vibe to it can you go over there I guess you can't all right very linear okay thing is we haven't got any guns yet so I'm assuming that's like later on cuz there like a Reload option on some stuff this game kind of snuck up on me I didn't really have it on my calendar hold on brother I will repay them tfold this Bolter will Roar in your name Dar I swear on it come fing got some pretty good aim assist too there's no tactical reload it looks like I should be picking these rotten zenos out of my fangs for weeks situation here at the launcher is becoming severe have you secured the virus bomb no for every GA I smash 10 more come raining down if we fail to launch that bomb there will be nothing to stop the terranic I am almost at the crash site just make sure the launch is still standing when I get there I will hold the line for as long as I can kind of just exploring as much as I can [Music] I feel like so far the game play is very smooth I'm playing on a 4090 so okay knockback gun strike on the marked [Music] enemy I guess we'll test this out it looks really cool on paper there it is okay it's like you can't really like lock on these enemies don't like the major ones all right armor is gone so I'll just chill for a second this game's actually really nice when I first saw like Warhammer I thought is this like a strategy game or what then I started looking at like screenshots like wait a minute this is like a third person shooter I was like all right let's give it a shot what was that no you're not it's kind of funny it's like you got the like the snub pistol little chainsaw weapon I don't know very similar and like the way the level design is too I'm guessing you could shoot that okay we could have walked around there was like a ladder to the right it's all good though we are running out of time I wish it were like the lore behind this game that's the one thing I wish I had actually looked up retrieve the virus bomb okay get some ammo here the game runs very very smooth I think it's like I think I'm on like I put on unlimited frames but my aim's not the best on here but it's all good my brother you have honored the Imperium with your devotion I'm not sure how much is actually like hidden in this game so I'm kind of just like looking around that's why I keep looking like the walls and stuff like I thought like you could go back there maybe but I guess not Al H struss if you can hear me I have the virus bomb headed to the orbital launcher is that as hard as you Bight zenos come on one way to get it done should oh no your death will not go uned little armor want the toes ah it's unblockable back come on come on execution nice I kind of like the vibe with this game a lot execute seems like you get full armor on that okay ter bre the perimeter over anyone is a bomb on rout Dr this game is sick I like it a lot ammo anywhere so you have to actually wait for him I got you no you don't I'm getting red hold on I really need to get this execution armor back please a little bit I'll take it oh he's shooting at me it's kind of waitting for like the sh to go back up yeah the health is the only thing I'm worried about right now I have the bomb find the orbital launcher all right we got some ammo hold let me try like I'm assuming we get Hills later on I think the thing on the bottom right looks like a little Health symbol but I don't have any so excuse me you have served your Emperor well brother what is this a fully automatic precision rifle bolts okay record log to any Imperial unit that recovers this log my guil team crash landed off course my brothers are all dead slain by tyranids I have the virus B moving to the Orit launcher we fire into Stratosphere where it will disperse overate positions I keep want to like take cover on the wall and stuff we got a giant looks like a opening up there hold on this gun almost seems too good like if I get in a tough spot I feel like this is the one I'm supposed to use more than anything I guess the other one's like if you just run out of bullets essentially so this game is more of supposed to be like a co-op type thing they even sent me like extra codes but I was like want to try it solo and just see how it actually feels cuz some games like World War Z and a few other ones feel kind of rough without help you know the virus is our one chance to delay The tyranid Invasion the virus will spread through their forces they will adapt but it will slow them down the virus must must be launched into the stratosphere Nothing Else Matters it's like a very fun game to play but so far the solo experience has actually been really good I was worried it may be kind of like more stressful but I'm playing on normal and it seems like it's fine right now at least no you don't that's a lot of ads my goodness look at the execution so bad it's like it did damage to like a AOE effect kind of man I love this time of year there's like an infinite amount of games like check out it's like every couple of days I'm finding like some new thing I want to like keep playing over your has been flaged for invigilation open the gates shift chronometer reset you're registered as on Duty Carry Out the's work according to the Divine synchronicity this game is excellent I can imagine it being really fun having like a nice little party going on you know let me check back here really quick because it seems like we're supposed to go in there obviously but like why is all this back here hold on that weapon sway is insane hold on let's just see what's back here there could be Collectibles most games like this have like something you can pick up like a dog tag or you know Intel or something I don't see anything like that unless it's like over there but whatever let's just keep it moving so far I'm really impressed the fact that I had no idea what this even was you know right for the video inserting payload payad chambered hazardous material detected further benedictions required transmitting override authorization set course for stratospheric detonation the right of Safeguard must be performed seek an authorized magos at the command conso activation console okay grenades interesting machine Spirit where is the command console on the observation platform above the duty does not respond summon the left that is awesome the physics are just insane let's do it again no you don't fact you grab him by the TA is so sick I can barely even see that finisher thing there looks like we're probably fine yeah this game is fantastic it's been a lot of great games the last couple months I feel like this game just feels very well optimized and it's exactly what I was looking forward to your character feels very heavy too I mean those armor I would imagine so right machine Spirit what is the status of the orbital launcher hibernation console inactive for 22 hours this Irey to the H has been locked activate laun systems the right of initialization must be performed seek an authorized MOS of the command console the command console is posted at the edge of the observation platform AOS ATT to you shortly doubtful I feel like something major is about to happen once I activate this cuz I see explosive barrels everywhere all right get ready there's something down there too complete Awakening assistance fromation light of capacitors initialized Personnel maybe prayers of charging drone can you not hasten the damn process seismic disruptions have occurred launch trajectory it says survive oh my goodness well this is fantastic okay I'm already getting kind of nervous that's a lot of enemies is this even going to matter I'm going to just hide over here where are they coming from exactly it's like infinite oh my goodness yo it's kind of like War Z where they scale up oh my goodness not that I think about I want to see what actually worked on this game de [Music] you can easily get overwhelmed in this game if they ever made like an aliens game like this man it would be so sick we're going to hurry pardon me I'm just trying to do the main objective oh come on in the back it is done [Music] [Music] that a [Music] no you don't you all with me this is actually a very cool game I looked up during that cut scene who actually made it and of course save interactive World War Z I had a feeling I will not rest until you lie dead at my feet I think I'm supposed to just be here hold on cuz I don't see a health bar ammo or anything I feel like maybe I'm supposed to die but I really don't know if I am SL I will the which you will remember me no you don't oh come on this game honestly way better than I was anticipating I think I am supposed to die here or like get taken down or something maybe not May that virus strip your flesh from your BS what is that oh no is it boss time the no HUD is kind of throwing me off a little bit I'm assuming head shot do a little more I really don't know I'm out of bullets okay like to ran out of ammo there easy m [Music] [Music] praise St Emperor the wound was fatal you survived only through the Rubicon surgery we REM remain you you are a primaris now why Lord calgar issued the command himself is he here gone summoned by by the Primark I must get back to the watch Fortress you have been reassigned my place is with the death watch the Inquisition can find no stain on you Titus accused of heresy you have served Penance in the death watch for almost a century and not once have you faltered but you will never know Redemption until you have faced the Judgment of your brothers prove yourself to us and no true Absolution what is your life my honor is my life what is your fate my duty is my fate what is your fear my fear is to fail what is your reward my salvation is my reward what is your craft my craft is death what is your pledge my pledge is eternal service [Music] the Rubicon surgery has remade you as a primaris marine you are now stronger faster and more resilient you will take your place as an ultramarine once more your brothers will know that you served in the death watch but your dishonorable status as a black shield has been redacted from the archives should it be discovered there would be question Lord kelgar has offered you a second chance do not taint it supposed to be like a central Hub type area Okay report to the captain uh anything else here that first mission was awesome by the way over to thead brother Lieutenant Gus we have work to I really got to like research lore after this I'm going to record this video and then go straight to like lore videos cuz I'm not sure who is who and what's going on but I'm just having a lot of fun with this game the fact that I actually thought about World War Z and it's actually exactly the last game they worked on I believe or one of the last ones it was kind of funny nice little loading screen very fast one I guess I just had to process this next section my I ofal guns I come in peace or what a support thank you Lord we shall running a counter offensive my Lord liutenant Titus reporting for Duty have Sergeant guardo report to the bridge how are your winds good enough I'll be straight with you Titus I have my reservations about your reinstatement there could be questions suspicions I cannot afford Discord among the men not now you're a liutenant now will that be a problem no Captain very well we're facing a tyranid splinter Fleet they engaged us on two planets aarx a hive world and Kaku which you already know we're abandoning the latter it's mostly adeptus mechanic's research facilities we're evacuating critical assets and Personnel these defense guns are keeping the skies clear for our ships the tyranids have taken note get down there and protect those guns Captain you wish to see me Sergeant this is leftenant Titus he'll be taking over command of your squad sir I expect you on the ground within 30 minutes dismissed liutenant forgive my hesitation I am merely surprised by this development as am I sergeant gadriel The Observer is ready to depart brother Chiron this is leftenant Titus he will be leading our Squad is that so well I shall be glad to have a commander of such experience is the rest of the squad ready already assembled on the flight deck good we'll leave immediately all right proceed to the launch B this is where the online play comes into play yeah I'd rather just play it solo honestly at least for right now so I wonder if you have ai teammates maybe you do actually I really don't know I'm guessing they just kind of come along with me so I wonder if they go down does it not how it actually works guess we'll find out what is our assignment a cadians have lost control of the orbital guns we are to recapture them lost them already the tyranids are hurling spores of those guns in Great Waves I'm impressed the cadens held out this Lo and the armor looks insanely coolo alarius and alen make up the rest of our Squad have any of you faced tyranids before only these past two days then there is much to learn I look forward to it what do you think you're doing so early Impressions having never played a Warhammer type game I don't know if this is like the first one they've actually done like this I think overall this game is really well designed everything I'm thinking is about to do it's doing but I I saw a lot of similarities from World War Z like the zombies stacking up against the wall we kind of saw some of that the way the Gunplay is as well reminds lot of Gears of Wars so it's like mix of Gears War meets War Z is like my thing right now Sergeant Brothers we are joined by liutenant Titus welcome brother we are yours to command we leave immediately yes liant [Music] I like how the loading screen actually has like Intel which is kind of cool Skyfire sir you served in the Death Watch yes that must have been a great honor it's a privilege to serve with you approaching Drop Zone let's go you see those service studs our liutenant is over 200 years old he couldn't have been born a primaris you're right and now he has your command on your feet Soldier move to defend our West flank and get those heavy vs resupplied my Lord major sarana a kadan regiment major give me an update The Wretched beasts have taken the orbital guns they pushed us back to this encampment and are staging a heavy assault Lio take alarius and Elon remain here to secure the encampment yes brother major we must reach the defense guns yes my Lord follow me look sh for the emper the situation here has deteriorated those foul gargoyles pollute the skies the tyranids have the orbital guns they do these unrelenting attacks make a counter offensive difficult we shall take care of that majer we've got more incoming from the East move to reinforce the Eastern flag you go with him we will assist an defense very good my Lord there's a lot happening on screen we will see about that I hope you're keeping score brother oh I am oh they actually have health bars too okay so we just going to fight him along the way or what I can't really go down there right now from what I can gather what if we oh we got probably go this way here we go righteous Fury ability here they come for the glory of Ultramar so their health bars are going to be like my I guess I got to like keep them alive essentially I'm just kind of worried if I like have a good run in theing in direct us to them sending coordinates to your orps display like if I got to revive him do I fail the mission if I don't Etc you know hey are healing my Lord we are preparing an air strike can you hold the enemy in place until it hits consider it done thing is this friendly fire on let's see looks like it's not okay that's good to know at least this game is exceptional it's a mix of three games right now for me it's a mix of w Z Gears of War and maybe hell divers to if I had to like kind of pinpoint reload could have finished those but I have full armor so I think I'm fine oh my goodness easy execute come on nice some of these enemies take a lot of hits resupply reload it's like a different type of gun than last time but it also is very strong it feels like pretty hard-hitting stabiliz reloading I think I accidentally healed it's all good not a chance to execute oh well air strike incoming we got stuff here ammo ammo ammo creatures a direct hit major the eight never miss everyone at this base owes you their life my lords the emperor protects we must proceed Through the Jungle to reach the orbital defense guns brother Lio assist the cadians while they establish new defensive lines then report back yes liant it will not take long tactics the orbital guns are on the other side of the swamp be alert the tyranids will be Ling in weight did y'all see that jump I did before that cut scene by the way I was just trying to like throw a grenade to see if it actually worked and I just shot up in the sky so I'm not sure what happened there this must be where the Swarm originated these abhorent husks are everywhere living organic machines indeed their ships these pods all of it their very existence is heresy we shall thin their numbers today he brother what like which one would be better I'm assuming the chains sword is we already have but to reach the down storm tal B stunk beyond words several of us drowned in its stagnant pools scope of the tyranid andest station still unknown last reading suggested Kaku was near the threshold for exterminatus if that be the case I would not weep for this world it has already claimed too much so you can't equip two main weapons I try to like take off the pistol and put this on like a secondary but it's all good so there are like things you can collect data slate okay this game is actually really fun I would love to like a full series I kind of see how the first part does if we like 20,000 likes so expect a full run but here we go do not stop moving I wonder if I can actually like command them to go to like certain spots or is it just random okay oh get off me thank you brother no you don't okay help I need armor I'm getting cooked get him off me give [Music] me full armor nice I had I used my only like healing item earlier by accident magazine got you I think I like the other gun better like the one I had before I switched this is really fast but I feel like it's a little I don't know running out of bullets a lot faster what is back here chain sword [Music] grenades all right see like their health bars are low so I'm wondering like when did they go up did they heal do they I I don't know how it actually works kind of like learning the AI all right not the perfect game but it's still really fun I'll take it reloading deploying PR what if you just break the armor eventually it looks like you kind of can that's pretty sick see like a perfect Dodge into an execution need to reload using a thre grenade reloading all right I'm low on ammo but of the cad losing the orbital guns was costly and they paid for it dearly but the enemy numbers are not insignificant the cadan E will have to do better you're familiar with this foe brother I am how do the tyranids compare to other xenos they are an unrelenting PL but they are cunning the controlling influence of their hive mind makes them act as one interesting so essentially it's just a stronger pistol got you so there's like hidden areas in this game which is kind of cool well I don't like this carefully the spores detonate when threats draw near then let us take the advanced destroy them get ready reloading weap the fact they got AI teammates is kind of cool but I'm also worried about their health and everything like how did they heal but I didn't let they already use like their thing or whatever munition secured reload we're doing a lot of damage from that far away let me hide for my armor to come back hold on your combat does are an orthodox leftenant takes a second it's all good I don't mind waiting serve the emperor elsewhere death yes I hope I twoo will share that honor one day special tactics ready resupply really happy gives ammo for both so it's primary and secondary is what they actually call in this game okay like what does this even do like something got released when I did that what does this say Hey There we go you can carry up two okay I should probably use it now but I kind of want to hold on to it like if my armor goes out then I'll pop it need to get through eliminate them then proceed so the gun play is actually what I like a lot about it munition secur it feels like very responsive it feels like you're in full control it's not like it's I don't know like some games you don't feel like you're completely involved in some moments whereas this game it feels very like Snappy is the right word I don't know if like destroying those actually does anything or not what I kind of want to try want to try throwing a grenade in like side of that you know like in Gears War when you like d like The Nest or whatever get off me my thanks for the assistance need to reload where'd he go if only got Health on kill like this that would be nice gra reloading all right going over there but it looks like there's a lot of hidden stuff can you actually go in here kind of can okay area back here maybe some Intel type stuff hold on I see a lot more grenades they will not get past this grenade launcher hold on it says oh switching in and out that's sick okay all right let's try it out let's see how it goes you know what it's weird I had zero expectations going into this I actually like I sometimes record a lot of games and never publish it because if I don't like a game I sometimes don't cover it depending on like the situation but this game I went in with like not knowing anything but I really like it a lot so the grenade if I switch I got five and I got 25 this okay get ready the most direct route is through the swamp let us proceed no the swamp will be infested with zenos there is a bunker straddling the riverbed we will cut through there but that will add considerable time surely we we will not trade strategy for expediency as you command so I'll let to go H up then you can't go over there okay it's a dead end so this is definitely the right way I was going to go over there first but that's all we got let's see what's back here because I saw this at the top of the hill Captain aaran has given us new orders you must proceed alone understood thank you Lio see you on the resilience stalker bolt rifle I really want to try it but also got the one with grenades on it so I really just don't want to like drop this right now until I test out the actual like power of it I think I'm just going to hold on to this what I like about this game right now is the fact that you can kind of like alternate your loadouts but it doesn't change the actual experience it's more of like personal preference in a way all right all right I wish I could like give this to them that would be nice like give them like a nice little upgrade maybe I can hold on I haven't tried it no nothing all right so everything's kind of building up to something major I feel like bolt pistol there they are the orbital guns this thing's got a lot of recoil all [Music] right reload that noise is so sick I like that even like the ones that try to like block or Parry it's like you can just kind of just still like mow him down essentially well they just hop down all right restocking doesn't do a lot of damage but it's all Gooding magazine all right hopping down here we go I didn't see any fall damage anything back here now that I kind of know like what to expect as far as like the actual uh like level design if you would it's like I want to explore as much as I can but at the same time not get too sidetracked B St sir sir I can hear reinforcements anybody else need to reload it's about to run out think I popped it a little too late there I like how heavy your footsteps feel in this game I mean it makes sense given like the actual armor you're wearing but the whole entire screen shakes as well when you're walking they're actually running really Angels we're saved Emperor bless us they're waiting for us the emperor Angels now you will desert your post Guardsman no Lord never we've lock them in we could do no more open the gate yes my Lord open the gates but sir you said open the bloody Gates those things as my G this will serve me well another you can't reload these we can't hold them wait I think this is oh wait just a temporary gun okay you will serve your Emperor Soldier this is sick position do not let them surround you what are to get up here pardon me the heat up is insane okay yeah look at that supp oh out of bullets are you not the is there another one there is let's go oh something else it's an auto thing that get back uh where is thatan Spirit I have heard tell my I'm going to die hold watch out reloading weap going to back out let them take over for a minute another I'm going use a cover back here I really want my health back oh my goodness armor where you at come on Armor pop back up reloading waiting for it there we go like it's armor but it's all good no you don't how you doing now was my chance your whole world memory godsman that's a very fancy way to do that back need reload War gear prime target destroyed no you don't reloading this game is insane my Lord the gates are open everybody inside now yes my Lord should we not eliminate the remainder of the SW there will always be more we must focus on taking down the hive Shipman get these Gates closed now stand by do not relen in your attacks never seen all to makes them easier to kill you have yet to see the worst oh I look forward to it major Sak go ahead we met with one of your squads thank you my Lord I shall give them new orders way clear proceed looks like a Slaughter no excuse for cowardice it's like an SMG kind of it's like do I want to it's like what's this actually sound like reload like I'm run out of bullets really easily with that I like this cuz it's more of a dual threat type thing [Music] H that's just try the SMG that's fine what do I already have on I think I'm good on that one okay is that grenades let me grab those hold on I'm going to explore really quick before we keep going loading up there we go can I hop over grenade deoy I didn't mean to do that what is hold on what is this a thermal weapon H it's like what do I choose there's so many options uh this will serve me well the problem is it's not a lot of ammo I think I'm going to go back to the other one right I don't see anything else that really stands out it's like I really want to hold on to that grenade launcher weapon because of what it actually is I'm just going to go back to it I'm most comfortable with this one because I know I got the option to like if I need to like Nuke them a little bit I can do that it's like dead space up in here what's going on it's pretty much like an aftermath type thing what was that reloading I actually mashed the Perry but they killed it for I could actually dive at me okay the ones that like shoot that acid at you are annoying I got to like hide around the corner like kind of cheese a little bit I you could like have the option to like finish him off you get your armor back or you can just like wait and it just comes back naturally all right I didn't see anything else let's keep it going oh my goodness how's it going reloading they are taking care of business up there I repeat awaiting orders to attack major do you read this is leftenant Titus identify yourself Captain idot sir our longrange comms were damaged battle they must be close hold fast captain we're coming bolt pistol I've already got a good pistol so I'm good there I like the weapons I currently have all right join up with the captain here we go probably a pretty long part one but I got to say the support on my channel lately has been insane thank you for that uh just kind of like trying out different games if I see a game that like really stands out let me this is like an extra one okay it's like a free gun essentially I'm just going to use this this is one of those videos where it's like I hadn't actually planned on covering this game but once I saw some gameplay I was like I kind of want to see what this is like the facility is just beyond those Gates there must be a console that opens them you kind of feel like the Terminator right now if I hadn't picked this up I would have been in a world of hurt right now probably so I guess that actually helps to kind of explore as much as you can although the game is very linear they never [Music] munition secured restocking just kind of wasting those all right we got two more we're good I keep see the candles and I'm like what does that actually represent I only carry two of those might as well just hold on hold on see now you shall know where how you doing grenade out another one dead reload all right let me search down here really quick supposed to go up top but I saw like down here and I'm like what does this actually go to uh Plasma Pistol hold on how's it going a fine gift from the forge I'll take it let's try it out like the weapon variety is really cool to reload all right made it up here is there anything else all right here we go get ready I don't see any things okay Z receiving we have made contact with Captain Iden Iden I thought him lost we are approaching his position now can you punch me through working on it I like when I grab ammo it actually gives you more of the grenades as well which is kind of nice all right assemble up there must be a lot of enemies because see a lot of stuff back here okay get ready what is this bolt is this a replacement it is get okay resupplying we got two stems or whatever you want to call it so we should be okay for the next area melee high speed though hold what is this uh okay I wish they could actually pick that up like if I don't need it can I just give it to them P the emperor link established go ahead major Captain Iden I thought you were dead man H not today sir you're tougher than Gro hiide I'll take that as a compliment Biden we need to take back those orbital guns I've got armor ready to roam see it's done Captain yes sir let's give him a taste of kadan Wrath lims are more effective than flesh and Bone these this is about to be insane I can already tell there's a lot of like characters on screen at once too in this game honor your Emperor with great pleasure my Lord that curs engages in our way and let us remove it TRS must beby soldiers do your work I like that you can like look back and see them like come in your direction it's so sick one think I kind of bothers me though is I feel like you should be wearing a helmet you know like you get all this armor and just like one shot to the head it's over special Tacs ready I didn't see anything back here let's just take a look think we're clear all right oh my goodness please be attacking I have friends used to play Gears of War a lot with back in the day and our they going to love this game hold on we about to go to like a boss fight oh no what reloading kind of running out of ammo right now easy give me the armor back please target destroy reload I kind of like how there's uh it's just a nice flow for the actual like pace of the game all right assemble again more ammo restocking let's see what's on here we got a auto bolt rifle it's like a lot of the stuff it's like I want to try it but I feel like what I currently have is very strong right now like to change this would like take a lot but maybe I don't know maybe these other ones are better I do want to change my pistol though cuz I don't really like the plasma one it feels a little rough gate is opening squat move your redy backsides through that gate now move to link up with the gadens as you command left tenant that's why I love this gun it's so good now one thing I was worried about when I saw like the AI characters kind of helping me I'm like please don't get like knocked down and like ruin the mission you know but so far they're holding their own I'll give them that reload I just kind of wish I could like give them better weapons and everything another one dead i c that one last minute how's it going I like when you do like an execution it kind of like saves you for a second and it does damage like around you too which is kind of cool wasn't expecting that finish him nating through this facility will take time a little redecorating will speed things up my Lord they going over the middle or what more the filth let me back up on the yeah this game is absolutely amazing holy it's like way better than I was anticipating War hold them up clearing the way got you Terror what is that take it down flying enemy creatures are harder to kill coming how is it still alive hold on oh the fact that you don't actually have to face him to do that is sick give me the armor back please never need to reload SEC are we good everybody got their fingers and toes or what major we have retaken the facility pleas the emperor s a valkyrie now heading to you clear get these guns online move we'll punch a hole in those Hive ships so B think you can fly a frot through it it won't let that happen without a fight it the hive mind the tyranid powerful collective intelligence not to be underestimated nature the guns are in a zero state of charge will take time to wake the machine Spirit hurry the tyranids will throw everything they have at this facility this is Major s diver second and third platoon to the orbital guns immediately copy that sh let's show these what the a are made [Applause] of tactics oh my goodness is this all the same level I feel like I've just been playing like we just like we need to establish a perimeter my troops are in defensive positions they H the enemy will try to scale these wolves do not let them I had no plans to Victorious all right before we go down there is there anything else on the sides like this just like just look at this stop Flying everywhere explosions in the background okay let's get this started this is going to be exciting Northern wall is breached concentrate your fire no hesitation this is so sick off that keep coming that ain't good we can like really use like some other type of that's the fact you like do that from like behind your back is so cool reloading we like killing them down there doesn't really help that much like they're going to get up here anyways get off me grabbing a weapon grenade reloading no nice a saved on that one got little bit worried but we got it liant the orbital guns are functional but the targeting system is jammed it needs to be reset manually understood Brothers let us make haste get them all still like this Mission alone is like insanely cool that ammo nice I kind of like how all the side stuff's going on while there's like a giant war going on hold on what does this say loading up extreme damage sticks the target it's okay so it's like a C4 type thing got you assist where possible but do not linger the targeting system is our priority yes my Lord easy the fact that you can kind of like Dodge and then do like a perfect thing is really cool like a perfect Dodge into a head shot the kill guess we just go this way my Lord this elevator will take you up to the controls we'll keep the zenos off your back Emperor protect you all right most elevators so far have given us like a small like little loading screen almost at the system you need to manually raise the petals off the Satellite Dish we will see it done nothing that time all right major I see the mechanisms stand by another be alert theat have taken notice of you let them come keep them off me while I get this done oh this takes a long time time okay what if I just commit it stop the attack me to reload down all right next one's over [Music] here damaged myself a little bit but it's all good look another one dead I got to hurry I'm just going to hold it down even if start of like attacking me I'm just going to go for it that was actually kind of clean all right done go for the next [Music] one war it restarts it no wait okay we got lucky there one left everywhere I'm just going to go for it you can do it I believe in you no they're going to hit me okay it works we done my Lord the G are heading for the antenna see that they fail nice I think that one was half fak I've been low on ammo for a minute switching magazine this game has no business being this fun you know came out of nowhere at least for me it did munition secured the fact you can actually shoot them is really cool okay where are we going that oh my goodness protect the antenna if I shoot it with the launcher I wonder if it like causes it to take damage from me as well what the Target destroyed there's so much going on like on the screen itself it's like there's stuff in the air and like the fact that there's no lag is just insane to me head for the antenna we got to defend them hold on and Tennessee where you at oh back here back here need to reload the enemy are going for the antenna eliminate them really reloading it's like I have to be able to get him all from this side I'm imagining the enemy have damaged the antenna that intercepted magazine the problem is I want to get this one but it's like a weird angle hopefully that one's fine for some second the other side's definitely getting rinsed right now hold on I'm just trying to get over there clearing the way my armor is completely shot munition [Music] secured I got to get this kill hold on I haven't had armor in like a minute reload Z is dead the emperor what a little help here please my teammates are almost dead I just realized that that reload enem so one's down okay they get full health on revive that's actually really sick my screen's going like bananas right now I'm not really sure what's happening ready to deploy special tactics weing ho Emperor no one broke eliminate just says defend but I don't see anything to actually defend we've already got all these other things cleared out so maybe we just got to wait the guns are ready use the terminal to begin targeting Target it's locked let us relish the sight of those vile ships burning that was a cool mission that was a long Mission too I realiz how long that actually took I kind of like how they're all just chilling though reminds like the movie Predator in the very beginning we're all just like on the helicopter just staring at each other [Music] leftenant Captain akaran has new orders for you very well where is Ellen the enemy tried to smother us we got separated by the time we had slain the attackers and was dead something put a hole clean through his helmet I should have been with you I only wish he had lived to see that Hive ship burn I fought beside Ellen for two decades he could not have been defeated by hormons there are creatures more deadly than hormons down there you should not have let our Squad be divided he is gone Sergeant duty is all I do not forget my brothers so quickly I must go good hunting brother let's going to report to the captain orders out from the leftenant I was informed you arrived of Lord calar did you fight with him on vigilus I've read through those battle reports more than a 100 times a masterful defense my duty kept me busy elsewhere you have an unusual service record that is my Good Fortune I want a scout recon at that position Captain get over here Captain I have the mechanicus on Vox they can wait this is noic beta 12 a mechanicus arch magos he should have been aboard this ship in hour ago but he refuses to leave Kaku without some data from his lab he's currently in Imperial Guard base his facility is here the enemy is closing in that base will be overrun imminently noic is a high value Asset get that data and get them out the Mining facility if we rupture the staging tanks direct the flow into the valley we can ignite the fields around the base boil them in promethium I'll give you command of a small team to hit the staging tanks three men that's all I can spare brief them immediately yes Captain retrieve mechanic data we are aartis Titus delirio make ready to depart standing by well well liutenant Titus we are told you have need of us brother my squad must recover data from a mechanicus research facility in sector 41A a large enemy swarm threatens to overrun both that facility and an Imperial Guard base to its East you will sabotage of promethium Refinery to delay their Advance we will not fail you leftenant let us burn the zenos filth time is short I will brief you on descent brother may go scalo wishes to see you in the Armory noted all right think I'm going to stop here for now unless this is like something else let me just check really quick maybe it's something cool first hold on get from Theory immediately some timeus you requested my presence are you acclimating to your new status I have no complaints intriguing predictions would determine A9 probability that you would I have pressing duties magos very well Engage The Armory terminal I will see that you are suit equipped for your mission indicate desired War and the armoring station will handle the outfitting procedure though much has changed since we last met all this will remain familiar to you the omnis blessed us with clear sightedness from the beginning we offer blessings to this machine that it may serve you just as it serves him I think right now like the standard stuff right now um so we can actually unlock Power sword oh my goodness and looks like that's it so it's like anything you find or hold on Mel a rifle heavy bolt rifle okay plasma a bolt sniper rifle the War gear selection seems incomplete this Armory is comprehensive but available options are those recommended for the current Mission very well my thanks Megos c will suffice we know each other well enough for that all right good stopping point thank you all for watching so the next I guess thing is just like the next mission so if you like more of this game just let me know kind of see how part one does for now I'm going to call out a part one/ review I had a lot of fun with it with my going all the way I heard the campaigns like 10 to 12 hours uh which is kind of in line with what I thought like World War Z wasn't that long either but the game was a lot of fun so love you all best night ever talk to you next time peace

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