how worried are you that right-wing influencers people who do have an impact on your constituents are being funded either directly or indirectly by the Russian government uh a few memes or videos in the bath sea of political commentary is not going to make much of a difference in this election nor has it in past election as well what did make a difference in the last election is the lies about Hunter Biden's laptop Dana Bash is terrible [Music] this video is brought to you by Tatum tatm we got a brand new Trump Harris rematch this is actually the match the other one was Joe Biden Donald Trump rematch but this is the match you got uh comrade Camala Harris over here with a communist hat on this is hilarious so where it is like And subscribe to the channel you already know what to do let's get into this all right ladies and gentlemen let talk about this uh Dana Bash interview one thing that I want to say to make very clear and I think people should be very confident in how obvious this is is that they literally talk to Democrats with soft gloves on right kid gloves they don't ask any hard questions they don't push back I mean literally she admitted in another interview that I saw on black conservative perspectives uh page that she admitted in a sit down interview with somebody that she tried to push back against Cala and after the third time of trying to reword it and they don't answer that's your answer did you get a sense that they were ready for these kinds of questions and you know this is you know obviously KLA Harris is going to have a debate next week with Trump I feel like she's going to need to have better answers going forward if she has any chance of success you had to ask multiple times questions twice because the answers weren't necessarily answering the question they were they they were answering what they wanted the question to be which is but I I don't it came off as a little evasive at times I thought now as is often the case these days whenever there's a big high profile interview like this you took some heat from the left as you noted some heat from the right what did you make of that criticism I mean the right their problem was that you didn't necessarily they felt hold her down on some of her more nebulous policy positions what would would you say to that I think you just said I I tried I mean you can't force somebody to answer a question and I asked I asked to followup I tried to get more um into the nitty-gritty and get the answer and sometimes I my experience in doing interviews is that once you ask once fine twice fine three times if you don't get it as a clear answer that's kind of your answer so she what she does is she leave it as an open answer that somebody can interpret when they when they talk to Republicans she literally will call him would say he lied but Tom Cotton is a g at this right Tom Cotton is a veteran in the game he whoops WIP wiped the floor with these people because he's intelligent and fact on his side just listen to this interview and you tell me if this is not a biased interview that she literally lost because this is a debate interview this is not her asking genuine impartial questions to get to the bottom of something it's her trying to argue with this man and prove a point for the Democrat side root a clip we were talking before uh in the break I covered the bush Cheney Administration I traveled a lot with Dick Cheney I one of the most conservative uh Republicans alive today it's really remarkable that he endorsed a Democrat what does that tell you about Donald Trump well it is a remarkable time in politics you have Dick Cheney endorsing a Democrat and you have a endorsing a republican I I think what it tells us is that why don't listen why can't she be balanced enough to say that Dick Cheney endorsed the Democrat or Kennedy endorsed the Republican and Tim waltz's family endorse Trump but they can't say it they have to be dising it can only be one way that is negative against Trump how do you have a a candidate's family in endorsed the other candidate alive today it's really remarkable that he endorsed a Democrat what does that tell you about Donald Trump well it is a remarkable time in politics you have Dick Cheney endorsing a Democrat and you have a Kennedy endorsing a republican I I think what it tells us is that there's a lot of ferment in American politics but in the end endorsements are not going to make the difference in this race what's going to make the difference is their records this is a very unusual presidential election we have a former president running for office first time in more than 100 years people remember that when Donald Trump was in office prices were low wages were high we had peace and stability around the world Comm Harris as vice president has brought us record high inflation we have a wide open Southern border and we have War every where you turn around the world so I know that endorsements sometimes make news but most Americans are be making their decisions based on the records of these two candidates people remember that we had good times with Donald Trump KLA Harris and Joe Biden have brought us very bad times I hear you about endorsements we don't really know the impact that they have all the time RFK Jr hasn't had been an elected office Dick Cheney was vice president of the United States for eight years he was a senior member of and nobody in my generation know anything about Dick Cheney nobody nobody my My Generation nobody talk about Dick Cheney you had to go research what dick trainy do what administr the average person that's in modu a millennial don't know much about Dick chain that was before our political awareness to be quite honest the house he was Chief of Staff to Gerald Ford he worked tirelessly to advance Republican policies for a long time you don't think his uh his endorsement of a Democrat with that kind of pedigree is going to make a difference with I really I really don't me never Trump voters who weren't sure about Harris well I mean some of this is probably that Donald Trump beat his daughter in her last election by 39 points points I think most Americans are going to look at this race and compare the records they have against a very say it again say it again I'm G Play It Again people do forget that Liz Cheney got her handed to her like by 30 something points or more I think I think Tom Cotton said it so the relevance of Dick Cheney is and the CNN knows this they know this the relevance of Dick Cheney in election is a mood Point Liz he can't help his own Liz Cheney got smoked like a blunt got smoked I think that's the biggest Republican defeat ever from an incumbent anyway let's go let's go back I want him to whoop again is probably that Donald Trump beat his daughter in her last election by 39 points I think most Americans are going to look at this race and compare the records they have again it's a very unusual race when you have a president who served in office who brought good times to America and you have kamla Harris a San Francisco liberal who has brought to America exactly what San Francisco as well I want to turn to a very different topic and that is something that the justice department uh said this week they detailed a Russian government effort to stoke divisions in the US using front organizations and social media prominent right-wing influencers like Dave Rubin and Benny Johnson Dave Rubin is right-wing a gay man who is married to another man who had a baby through some insemination plan that's not very conservative that's a far right per a gay man that's not a Christian that's married to another man is far right d you can't just say stuff like let me just play it uh who have ties to tenant media now that's a company that the justice department says was being funded by Russian operatives you sit on the intelligence committee how worried are you that right Wing influencers people who do have an impact on your constituents are being funded either directly or indirectly by the Russian government in order to make an impact on this election well first off Daniel we haven't been in session so I I haven't seen any intelligence about this matter I only seen the allegations I've read in the newspaper um people should not knowingly take money from the government of Russia or Iran or China or any other adversarial Nation to try to influence the election but I also think it's fair to say that a few memes or videos in the vast sea of political commentary is not going to make much of a difference in this election nor has it in past election as well what did make a difference in the last election is the lies about Hunter Biden's laptop that more than four dozen former intelligence officials lied about in the middle of that campaign and most networks to include this one bought that Li Hook Line and Sinker that did make a difference in the election but I think a few videos or commentary which again you shouldn't do if you're out there in the business of commentating on elections um is not going to make a difference in the vast sea of commentary we see and also Putin endorsed Camala Harris so if you worried about Russia paying right-wing influence he endorsed Camala Harris if we can name a favorite candidate it it was it used to be Joe Biden but now he is not participating in in the election campaign and he recommended all his allies to um support Miss Harris so that is what we are going to do so it was well he said that we should that is why we should also do that well her laugh she's laughing her laugh is so fascinating it means that everything is good and every if everything is good it means that for instance if we're speaking about Joe Biden there are so many sanctions against Russia introduced and if if and if everything is good with Miss Harris maybe she'll refrain herself from such measures or maybe she'll change them so in the end it will be the choice of the US people and we will respect this choice I want to ask you about another topic that is very much in the news this week and that is uh the uh shooting in in in Georgia uh we've all been seeing the texts the heartbreaking texts especially as parents uh of students saying I love you to their parents students using the shirts off their backs to try to save their teacher uh Republican vice presidential Romine JD Vance said after the shooting quote I don't like that this is a fact of life adding we don't have to like the it that we live in but it is the reality we live in do you accept that school shootings like this are just a way of life now no absolutely not and JD Vance doesn't either he said that he doesn't want them to be a fact of life and this week the Associated Press got caught distorting that quote from him so bad that they had to retract it but here's what we also know about that shooting even as we're still Gathering all the facts it wasn't as bad as it might have been because there was a police officer on the school premises that was able to neutralize the shooter KLA Harris wants to take police officers out of school she said it in the past that's her position it's not surprising because she's consistently taken positions against law enforcement through out her career as a San Francisco liberal if that police officer hadn't been there if KLA Harris had gotten her way many more students and teachers might have been killed she was attacked when she ran for president in the Democratic primary call they were calling her kamla cop because she was the opposite of what you were saying but I just want to stay on this cuz she was the opposite she's making a statement she was the opposite of what he's saying no she's not Nick the video we'll play the video for you she literally said we need to decriminalize police and decriminalize schools or demilitarize not decriminalized but demilitarized she said it we need to get cops out of the school so um again what we need to do about taking demilitarizing our our schools um and and taking police officers out of schools we need to deal with the the reality and speak the truth about the inequities around school district displine where in particular black and brown boys are being expelled and and and and or suspended as young as I've seen as young as in in elementary school yeah ma'am you ly topic of school shootings because you're right it could have been so much worse and they do have measures in place in this school but the fact that there are mental health problems and we don't know exactly what was going on with this 14-year-old 14 um but there are mental health problems all across the world right now it's bad the difference between other countries in this country is that it is being expressed with gun violence is is it not time to to figure out a way to mitigate that part of the equation when it is affecting our children so often well I I think one way to mitigate that is to enforce the laws we have on the books Donald Trump did that we had a severe Crackdown on criminals using guns since Joe Biden KLA Harris have taken office they have de prioritize that they haven't focused on enforcing the laws that we have on the book they focus on trying to take guns away from law-abiding citizens that's not going to solve our crime problem what will solve our crime problem is actually cracking down on gun crimes they've directed us attorneys in many cases not to pursue gun charges because those gun charges come with stiff mandatory minimums which KLA Harris opposes are these these some of I mean do you see any action in the in the offing at all in the wake of this once again or is it just going to be enforced the laws on the books well again enforcing laws on the book is one de one way to stop gun crime another way is to keep police officers at schools many schools across the country have police officers but KLA Harris and her friends on the radical left were successful in getting police officers down in many schools during the BLM rights in 2020 and the uh what followed so Congress won't do anything look most most law enforcement happens at the local level these police officers are not federal agents they're local police uh Department officers but again KLA Harris and her friends on the radical left who are opposed law enforcement they wanted to get them out of schools that's one way it's not the only way and it's not a silver bullet but that's one way to help protect these schools among many others probably let you go if Donald Trump wins do you want to be defense secretary I'm focused on Donald Trump winning just as he's focused on winning there's plenty of time for him to put together a great team after the election which I know he will somehow I had a feeling that was going to be your answer but I thought I would try anyway Senator thank you so much for all right now we got the idiots out of the way not idiots that one lady is an idiot Tom Cotton is is the man I I think Trump got to have this man somewhere in this Administration a lot of these people are that are very intelligent like this that can articulate themselves very well it is definitely people he need to have um in his administration these people are completely disingenuous about every single aspect of policy positions that they're trying to exploit on television Cala Harris is a complete failure we all know she's a failure there's clips and CNN can the person in the back can look these clips up instantaneously while he's saying it they know it's true they could put it on the screen and validate what he's saying but they won't because they're they're they're propaganda machines for the Democrat Party there is no legislation that would have stopped this kid from doing what he's doing there's no new legislation what they gonna he he shouldn't have had a gun he didn't buy a gun from the store so the law on the book says that a 14 yearold can't buy AR-15 that law already exists the law on the book says that you're not supposed to go on campus with a firearm law on the book says you're not supposed to discharge a firearm on campus law on the book says you're not supposed to shoot a person outside of self-defense that's what the law says the law also says that you as an adult you can't buy a gun and give it to your 14y old all of those laws are already in place all of those crimes were committed and all of those people are being held accountable to those crimes what legislative measure could you have put into place to stop a man from buying a gun and giv into his 14y old what what law that can prevent that from happening you ban AR-15s okay what if he gave his son a handgun still a gun still can do damage I would argue the handgun to do more damage because you can conceal it can't conceal a big old rifle you hanging people see you go shut the doors you got a handgun in your in in your in your waistband you go in the classroom and do you know what I'm saying so what are y'all saying they gonna do a background check on who the kid they can't do a background check on a fortun year- old that didn't buy a gun in the store you want every American to do a background check to see if they crazy or not come on man half of the politicians to be crazy anyway I see you on the next one I'm out [Music]