Tyrese CALLS OUT Beyoncé & Others for Relationship Hypocrisy—Plus, His Confession About Hollywood!

Published: Aug 28, 2024 Duration: 00:44:13 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: beyonce
go ahead man ladies and gentlemen we got our dear friend and legend in the building y'all might know him from his iconic acting roles like jod and baby boy or from one of his big hit songs like How You Gonna Act Like That y'all please welcome the one and know hold hold on Doctor the way he hey let's let's go Dr Tyrese Gibson that's right sit oh my God sit sit sitting next to Dr Smiley you know what I'm talking about we just got our doctorates yesterday I got three of them just so you know they got us in front of the graduation we was talking trash it was bad we was like this it's ghetto right here not me that was you no no that's you man don't don't see he gaslighting he playing he trying to put that off on me he ghetto he ghetto what was it a doctor for are you gynecologist doctor for oh see what are you all the things that we do in the community get the right get the words right what you get your doctorate for where the people what [ __ ] get it together you answer question 30 Chick-fil-A sandwiches in one day and I got a doctorate for it that's right somebody had some extra change and said let's give us some doctor oh don't hate he disrespectful cuz ain't nobody called him to give him a doctor yet called him yet okay that's all right he going to get it he GNA get it soon just stay at it yes Lord stay at the journey so yesterday we we were there you you gave me your phone and man you I don't know Brad if you saw Brad Maria if y'all saw the the previews of your new film 1992 is coming out this Friday in theaters and you are playing a character named Mercer uh who go through many trials while trying to rebuild his relationship with his son tell us about that and about the movie and uh tell us about you know what it was like playing Mercer and do you relate to the character in anyway oh absolutely I mean you know well well thank y'all first of all I love y'all show man it's been a while that that since I've been on here with you specifically I've done your show with everybody but you it's crazy and I love them cuz we always have fun but you ain't you just never around you're somewhere virtually always and we go back we go back to the Doug Bank days yeah this this we go way back man uh and I'm proud of you brother for your stage and your platform gets bigger and bigger and uh you know it's nothing more powerful and empowering than just knowing that somebody's listening somebody's watching and you just never know what God could use you for to impact their world and and my condolences for your loss I have not been able to say that to you and thank you for saying what you said yesterday because you opened up a a wide door after you left the the the ceremony yesterday I piggy back and continued what you was saying what you were saying about God cuz I had to give a speech as well but do you opened that door wide open and and it was beautiful you set me up to have uh a great closing yes yes sir uh uh uh just honoring God he was talking about oh Brad it was deep I mean let's go he going have we'll get back to promoting the movie they going to be all right a mega church Brett oh Jesus he going to be a pastor one I can see it oh man he bought that word yesterday now he talked about God he T like some simple stuff about uh just being thankful just to be alive and it had it had tears uh people had tears in their eyes when you were saying what you saying I give it to him right now if you want me to it's very well well God God is tell them how good God really is absolutely I was I was explaining that a lot of us are so focused on what we wearing who we dating what they got compared to what you got comparing yourself you know the the Demonic Spirit of of comparison robs you of your joy right like like I this is what I have and I may want and desire more because when other people are successful they just show you what's possible it's not supp supposed to be jealous or Envy is losing sleep over somebody else's breakthrough and and I just said while you're you're comparing your life and robbing yourself of the joy of your journey and your timing and your process I said you're focused on who you are right while losing sight of who you are AB that right there the Lord Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and I'm very clear that I don't belong to to me I belong to him so I have no idea why other people get five minutes of fame and it Fizzles away I had 30 seconds and it's turned into 30 years so if you're if you're jealous and envious and and insecure about my life and confused about how I've gotten on and I'm still on welcome to the club yeah I'm confused about my life either because if somebody were to do the exact same things that happened for me the outcome will be very different so but that who your race that who in that who you set the whole room off with that yesterday that was that was real deep yes sir I appreciate it well I just it's it's important man I mean it's cool to promote albums and movies and all of the stuff you know but I I I believe that if we have a stage and a platform that we got to use it you know uh and and sometime it's fun to put a little medicine inside the cheeseburger you know you going to eat that cheeseburger absolutely put a little medicine in there and they be like oh I feel better right so I I it was it was a moment I'm the most unqualified doctor there is uh to all of the doctors out there who have actually earned their degrees and they really do this for real they told me that the only thing that I could do with my doctor I got a Doctrine now I got two of them right one is Dominican Republic I'm just playing Dr Gibson T TW twice uh and they said that the only thing that I could prescribe is uh uh I can I can hand out if if you get if you're dehydrated I could give you a prescription for Pedialite that's it it stops there stop right there that's for babies huh yeah all get dehydrated I can give you some Gatorade pedite it stops there if I give you anything else is illegal oh my wow that's impressive well Dr Gibson I have a question here you know we've been talking about it and and and you could probably help me now you recently were very very authentic on how you lost hundreds of thousands of dollars on jewelry being lost are stolen so now you purchase yours on Amazon yeah you get your J on Amazon so do you think that more celebrities should be more honest about those typ everything I'm wearing is from Amazon I I looking at I could kind of tell a little bit but I you can't tell that's from Amazon Dr Gibson oh I can tell you can tell that's from Amazon oh Dr Gibson I could tell you can't tell you would have never You' have never ever ever said that about my watch had I not announced and that that's a lie your ring look more fake than mine oh wait a minute boo that's a real ring yes she real she's real she real but that thing look more fake than mine it may do um Dr gbon it it costs a real number I'm just saying visually right to the untrained eye I'm cracking right now that's all I'm saying to slide that over to you real quick and go ahead and see what the L let me give you a little light you know you put that under put said hold it to the light hold on hold it to the light now oh Brad you cannot tell me on any level that that thing right there look like it's fake and you can't tell me your ring look better than that cuz I don't believe it now what kind of ring is that Garen she's a dome she's a dome what's har I have a question for you and I love don't tyres I have a question I love the way that you shared how um you know you've evolved in the way that you think and your mindset and I'm sure that experiences over these 30 years in the business have contributed to that and so now when you're selecting what types of movies to do even music projects and who to collaborate with how has that Evolution and those new life experiences impacted the kinds of projects you decide to to be on um that's a good question and here's my best answer without pissing anybody off cuz that's what I do I piss people off some time cuz we've gotten so immune to the LIE when somebody tells the truth it just goes viral for some reason well is I'm not always passionate about every movie I do I just like what they pay me oh yeah that I wasn't expecting that answer that's that's so so so the money be so real i' be like y'all paying me all that to do what now I'm I'm talented I'm I'm good at what I do as an actor I've also convinced you that I'm actually passionate about what I'm here to do but I I can't wait to leave when De Brat does concerts she's been rapping for 30 years no no no no I'm not throwing you and I'm not I'm also not telling you how you feel Brad you know you my sister I love you I'm saying there is no way the brat as one of the biggest most iconic hip-hop Legends out there could tell me that she is passionate about every concert she do and sometimes you get your money a you get your money the audience can be the audience can be super crack but you going to get that money and all you want is to get to the house that around the table then Wick are you like that with your comedy Showtime you have to go through the motions yeah some some sometime sometime it be sold out and the audience is bad and sometime you have three people and they're great but there are roles you wouldn't take for a certain paycheck there are certain here thing I I want to make sure I'm also being clear about this you can't buy what's not for sale see I'm not for sale right I got to get money got to pay I got to pay bills so if there is a movie or an opportunity and they say we going to give you 1.2 million for 4 days then I'm going be there for 4 days and it be a hard four days and you just swallow it and just deal with it and stay up and learn those lines and do what you got to do for that 1.5 I don't necessarily do movies that are complete trash I I don't I don't do that cuz we've seen that happen with actors before yeah yeah you might not like the movie but I I've it ain't always been the best movie but I've never like done when I read the script and I was like yo this is the worst I've ever read ever but how much okay I don't do that right I don't do that I actually you got to be passion about this one because you gave me your phone yesterday and we sat there and we watched that trailer uh uh so you can have some kind of passion for this one what is it about this one oh this one this one is literally from the heart okay okay I did I actually did about I probably did you know no disres to the writer but I probably did about 40 maybe 50 pages of rewrites on this script we'll never get credit for it but yeah we we this is 1992 April 29th I was living in Watts the Rodney King verdict was read I was there I was born and raised in watt I'm 45 okay born in 78 at Martin Luther King hospital and everything about what I was born into was the 1965 riots right now if you move to Minneapolis you're going to still feel the spirit and the energy of George Floyd right if you live there you feel it if you move there you're going to feel it you go to Memphis Tennessee you're going to feel the spirit and the energy of the assassination of Dr King being born and raised in Watts I felt the energy of the 1965 riots Dr King was actually sent to watts in ' 65 the president sent him because they was burning the city down so here I am am growing up in Watts I was 65 I was born in 78 so all you're hearing is about the Watts Riots Watts Riots so now in '92 I experiened it for myself and I'm like wow talking about ashes all over the floors I was out there looting and riding you know I had to give give me a couple pieces right couple just a couple got just a couple VCR so some gym shoes couple gym couple Hats Long te's you know what I'm saying Chucks Dickies all that so I I broke up in a couple things we're past the statute of limitation so I can put my business out there uh I was scared yeah I was scared CU I'm going tell you why see it's already scary to be born and raised in the hood when you really live in the hood I'm not an implant I wasn't born in the valley in the suburbs moms fell on Hard Times lost her job then we had to move to the hood I was born and raised and so everything about being in the hood is so unpredictable because they don't kill the Crips and the Bloods they will kill who they want to kill and when you have to walk from watts to where my school was I'm walking literally through 15 different hoods Crips and bloods Mexican essay gangs and you don't have to be a dope dealer you know I'm playing basketball with the homie on a Wednesday and now we washing cars and doing a fundraiser on a Friday because of course no one thought he was going to die he's a good guy he don't gang bang he ain't do nothing to nobody good guy but that's what the hood is so go ahead and take that boiler boiler plate and now add some 1992 on it April 29th with the roty King verdict where the white people in the courtroom smiling because they knew they was going to get off yeah okay so now the 1992 movie is about Ray Leota breaking into a warehouse while the Looting and rioting is going on you know white people smart they said okay when you press 911 who going to ask right okay you going to be on hold for about 3 4 hours so we got enough time to go break into that bank go break it to that Amazon warehouse and go steal those 50 million in platinum bars so the movie is not about the Looting and riding the movie is about a heist that went down I've told people and this might sound crazy but I can probably be the only one to say this this is the Fast and the Furious of south central cinema you have never seen as many white people in the South Central film Scott Eastwood all of his go he was in full character like like you had a a full beard well you get to have a beard in real life and mine don't really come in like that but but I thought have you seen the trailer brand you got uh you have to see the trailer it's really good it's powerful I I I cannot wait to this film it's a it's a crime Thriller action movie and guess what y'all what uh this movie was actually I got no pride and ego saying this this movie nobody wanted to make this movie in Hollywood um long before I was ever attached they could not get a studio or a streaming platform to make this movie because of the the racial topics they'll make all they movies they'll make a Slave movie in a minute with but they won't make a movie about something that actually happened that really really affect the people you know George Floyd movie will never be made but they'll go ahead and put us in them slave outfits and and have us out here you know 100 Years of slaver so so we could not get this movie made and then even after it was made they wanted to go straight to DVD so when we released the trailer it did 100 million views in one week so when did you become so outspoken I've been this my whole life ask br oh really ask Brett like it's the the conversation that we've had over the years so raw and unfiltered and real it's it gets uncomfortable because they like oh we better glad nobody can hear this you know the slaves come out right better shut up m m well tyres you had the excuse me you had the world talking talk about them dispensaries you had the world talking when you came out um and did the national anthem yes what what was that about your your your beard and your were you working on a rooll uh yes so so so I I'm glad you brought that up cuz that's the elephant in the room so guys if you go online right now um and you type in Tyrese Wildflower trailer I released a song dedicated to my mother rest in piece and I could not wear regular clothes meaning 2024 clothing and a video from 1968 so I was in full character and for the first time ever we went on YouTube and found them dudes that be putting them fake beards on fake hairlines and making it look real so we got a hold of one of those guys cuz you know white people in Hollywood don't know nothing about this texture right they be have out here looking crazy go ahead action this this hairline is going tell you committed to this right you look great right European beard check the gate we got to be anyway yes so I got a hold of this dude on YouTube who does it for real brought him out from Texas God bless that brother and it was my first time ever having a fullon situation it took him six hours to do it and I was literally in the mirror and disbelief and so I the truth be told it became an accidental gift I know everybody laughed and had a little moment but it became an accidental gift because it took him 6 hours to put it on and he said it would take at least three hours to take it off and we filmed all night ran overtime like six hours and then they told me I had a 10:30 a.m. rehearsal to sing the national anthem for the LA Rams right so I had to show up in my situation oh and they look I said well you know what because they going to look at me like I'm crazy with all his hair and his beard let's just go on and get his the bell bottoms too yeah and the platform yeah I thought you was doing like a Marvin G I thought it was channeling i c that's what it became but it was an accident M the serious oh I I'm not making this up man I don't lie man even if I embarrass myself I'll tell the truth the other thing that that happened was okay so I got the full beard on and then this is the actual costume that I wore in the music video dedicated to my mother for The Wildflower wow song and video right and then I just said well you know what if I if I just wear the beard and the hair with regular clothes I'm going look crazy right so let me just go on the lead a platinum platform platform this stick bro so how did how did the live audience receive it they didn't know what was going on nor did anybody else who was online they like what is going yeah it was full on we talked about on dation we were like I'm sure you did thought you had a Marvin Gay Roll or something no this is what it became sis okay again it was weird it was uh it was no time to explain it uh I just had to do what I had to do that's actually good but but what it ended up happening what what had happened was okay go ahead laugh okay it's all right get it out so what had happened was I got there and I said okay this is kind of crazy uh St Louis Rams becomes the LA Rams my mom and daddy were both born in St Louis okay that's cool okay well we're going to run with that then I said the last time somebody did a legendary Anthem was actually Marvin Gay and he did it at the Great Western Forum at a Lakers game the Sofi Arena that the LA Rams play in is literally in the same parking lot as the Forum so if this is the Forum this is the Sofi Arena there's literally no buildings and no properties in between so I said this is an accidental gift the most legendary Anthem was from Marvin Gay who took his damn time he did it at a Laker game at the Great Western Forum right here and I did the same thing at the Sofi Arena right next door so he planned it but mine was an accidental blessing and so when you see me wearing the earthwind and fire outfit yeah with the a full beard with the beanie on and you hear The Congos on some Marvin gate type stuff and then I sung the anthem and now you see the music video you're going to understand something that nobody could have ever understood at the time them white people never seen the Marvin Gay version they definitely never seen my version come they looking at me like is this the fast and F out here with a beard bell bottoms on he is definitely having another mental health episode right here now that's what it was now let's talk about the soundtrack uh uh you had people like Snoop Dogg E40 October London the game and many more how how was it like to be able to to play the role of merca as well as create the music you know to go along with the film that's unbelievable yeah because God is the greatest yeah you talking about 100 million views on the trailer like I'm not lying if y'all go to the Instagram on Lion gate one thing I don't do is I don't put I don't gas like put on to right if you go to the Lions Gate Instagram page we have the highest view trailer wow and let the movie was $2 nobody wanted it nobody wanted to make it and yet to go from straight to DVD and now we got a 100 million views on the trailer this is M's all the social media platform not just on Instagram but every Twitter Snapchat YouTube everybody who reposted it thank y'all because we went from no Premiere straight to streaming to five live premieres a soundtrack that never existed right all of this ended up happening because God will always have so much more in mind than we could ever have AB no matter what they say I just didn't want to take no for an answer and my no became whatever that no was MH God said no I got this this this mine this this this one right here right this this this boy here Tyrese this this jod jod jod is mine right you can't tell him no you tell him no it's going to become a bigger yes so Labor Day weekend I don't know how to promote a movie it's too many movies but I will tell y'all that if y'all could go watch 1992 Labor Day weekend and if you're 35 and older I was it was controversial the other day I said hey man don't don't wait to get your tickets at the last minute 35 because you know these youngsters be online ordering 12 seats and you show up for date night you sitting up now looking on the front row your neck is hurting and you wear glasses right all up my nose yeah order your tickets online now Labor Day weekend the movie 1992 is coming out and uh I Didn't Do It for the money right um they didn't I mean it was no money I mean what they paid me was like what I get in PM oh I was motivated because this is my city this is a story that Hollywood did not want to tell they didn't want nobody to know right that you can beat a black man man run out of breath take a break you going in there yeah go back in there beat him some more they killed that man and brought him back to life they beat him to death and then kept beating him until he came back to life and then when the trial happened it was the LAPD and not all police officers are bad cuz y'all done save me a lot of times I love y'all yeah but there's some bad ones out there mhm the LAPD moved the trial for Rodney King from from Downtown LA because they knew the the the the jury would be diverse sure and they moved it literally to Semi Valley where not one black and brown Soul lives right okay that's like moving a trial from uh Bankhead to Buckhead right well well it's the same now well yeah well no well everybody that's in Buckhead don't does everybody that's in buad living buad though kind of so give me an example where is it all white folks what part is Alpharetta Alpharetta Alpharetta you going to move it from uh you GNA move it from snow on the bluff it was supposed to be snowing the bluff where the trial was in that courtroom and then they moved that thing to Cobb yeah man that's so it's expected of them to be not guilty cuz it was all white people in that jury so when that happened we burn the city down and this this Friday uh this this wonderful film 1992 uh it comes out uh we so excited for you I got a I got a lightning round you ready for this quick quick question we talk about my album yeah absolutely tell her got absolutely I forgot all about out there tyres you can i m absolutely okay this might p and we going to play the song what song you want us to play I appreciate it man I just want to and which song you want Smiley this is grown grown listeners right here yeah baby making baby making married couples yes sorry you got you got somewhere to go I'm talking toate for a day you got to go go turn that shirt okay so I'm sorry I'm sorry G I respect everybody time uh so uh what if I told y'all that because of my divorce MH I went to the studio album and the most important music of my life it's called Beautiful Pain and I'm talking about my divorce M and I'm also talking about me finding love again right so discovering the beauty in my pain right sometime we can be so broken and confused about a breakup that we don't allow oursel to like or allow oursel to be liked mhm we don't allow ourselves to love or ever we rob everybody of the opportunity to love somebody could be at your job flirting with you every day and you got that ex-husband living rentree in your head and you'll never get that man another chance and he's right there the whole time right so I could not believe that she file for divorce and left me the way she did but I also could not believe that God sent me someone to be my person in the midst of all of my pain and to love me from where I was cuz I I didn't think it was possible to love me I was broken like my pieces was all over the floor sure burning on fire right and so the album is called Beautiful Pain it's 20 songs total wow it's live it's a double vinyl double album and the song Wildflower is dedicated to my mother rest in peace who died of all days she died on Valentine's Day she give birth to an R&B singer and she dies on Valentine so for all of the kids out there Litt Tay Tay Lil Ray Ray Lil seay and Lil mayay this ain't for you okay uh this album is going to put you to sleep let me give you a couple names that'll put you to sleep real quick Donnie haway Marvin Gay Teddy Pendergrass yeah they didn't put us the OJs no no I'm talking about the youngsters okay we don't go to sleep for real music no right so on this album we got Lenny Kravitz Kenny G David Foster came out of retirement to produce this album with my brother Brandon bam Hodge it's 20 songs total uh Tamar Braxton did a duet with me uh for neither one of us neither one of us wants to be the first I did a remake of Donnie haway giving up yeah uh we got Wildflower Kim barell is on the album um I can't wait to hear this like you pull them purp P everybody out I purposely wanted to put these kids as sleep see what happens when you little young go to sleep after you do your homework and your mama tell you to turn fortnite off right cuz you got to get dropped off in the car pool that's when grown folks get to be grown right this ain't for you youngsters now here's the problem Ricky and I'm going wrap this up all these old out here they're trying to cater yeah to these kids right why are y'all oldheads R&B singers and rappers why are y'all so uncomfortable with letting these youngsters appeal to the youngsters right why y'all releasing songs singing some you're 40 three yeah what you saying that yeah girl I'mma put you on the bed thank you for saying that thank you like you know women my age grown women don't want to hear that like I don't about all that freaky like I'm I'm like okay maybe my romantic beat thatle with a put that ho on the floor tell me how you going to love me [ __ ] you ain't beating your mama with a bat no you ain't beating the woman that you actually love with a bat but here's the thing you rapping that [ __ ] and you going home to a woman that you actually love and you treat with the utmost respect I didn't been around these Rappers that's rapping that [ __ ] that's ratchet little Tay Tay is 60 now yeah yeah but when you around these rappers they treating they wife like complete royalty yeah yeah lie so now you real they Liv in the LIE cuz the LIE is always way more popular than the truth yeah now Sierra jumped out there and all the controversy followed her trying to jump in her Mary J B bag and I'll bust a window out your car and scissor and summer Walker cuz right now the narrative is f you I don't need you I don't want you I don't desire you that is a lie and that's the devil you you know what I'm talking about BR ain't you married absolutely happily married absolutely love your wife absolutely adore your wife absolutely now if De Brat put out a record dissing and disrespecting the sanctuary of love like in Love and Marriage she going to look like the rest of these rappers out here I'm look like the rest of these singers out here filling up Arenas convincing everybody that they don't need a man well you keep taking your ass home to that poodle in that vibrator oh oh God part I love my black man see there's there's hope tell Gary that there's hope out there there for him or whatever cu the last guy he well he just said the people telling lies too much so don't ask him to do that yeah love out there you don't have to deal with booty eating James stop trying to convince I ain't got nothing to say about that we going to move on move on that thing whatever that thought is rebuke it to the name of Jesus go go right up there to to the ey Cloud get out of here with that get out of here so the disrespect is never ended I just I'm sorry you got to deal with [Laughter] this you do what makes you happy Lord out here I re that devil honey that was a long time ago wrong anyway anyway what I'm going to say is this I'm going to say that give it to them what I'm going to say is this y'all I'm sorry that y'all 12 15 16 20 year olds have been convinced of all of these female artists out here singing these songs beating the and bashing men every song to the left I Don't Need No Man I'm In dependent I could do bad by myself now guess what Independence is great yeah because you got to get it but don't Independence your way into loneliness nobody wants to be alone this is biblical this is not God's opinion there's verses but this is this is the word of God that speaks to the beauty of companionship yes y'all [ __ ] is filling up Arenas I hate men I don't and then you going home to your husband yes Lord Beyonce came with lemonade and talked about the things that she experienced and went through and went home to her husband yes all right y'all out here playing listen I'm a grown man where's the camera at I don't even where I'm look I'm right that's the camera tell y we got we got three angles let me tell y'all something yes Lord I love love yes I love when my girl is popping pimple in the bed and we go all the way I swear to God if I ever go broke if we ever do only fans we going to do five million a week that's right I love love I'm 45 I'm not buying what y'all selling tell TR the devil tell it I'm tired of y'all out here trying to convince us that love is the last thing on your mind and let me say something else and I'm not coming at the women by way I'm talking to dudes too it's worse for dudes you 50 years old with a backpack on in the for what take your ass home and get married go home yes peppermint socks peppermint socks buying out sections in the club with the little black book walking up to you old as hell look the black book come out this is what the do Ricky I'm giving it to you in the club old as hell look this is what happened when the Black book come out hand me the black book like I'm the old [ __ ] in the club and I got to pay for all this I got 30 women in my section old as hell cuz I don't want to get married and be grown and be responsible and they give me the black book and this is what happened my old in the club all you and all you women are you should be ashamed of yourself you know goddamn well you too young to be in the section with that old that's right anyway so the black book come out then he GNA pull out his glasses here we go let me see what that God damn invoice going to hit me for the night and chewing on his tongue old as hell cuz you can't concentrate let you chew that goddamn I hey I got it let me see what that see what that hit me for tonight did y'all go be y'all y'all lived y life tonight huh going to put that goddamn 12,000 who the wait who ordered three Cas Amigos who ordered the goddamn uh what's the I don't drink what's the expensive BR what's the expensive like what's the most expensive little uh brown bottle that that that what that J Jay-Z's liquor none of us really drink like that in here 1942 that 1942 set your back let me give it to you again goddamn who ordered a 1942 up here which one of Y which one of Y order that's what I'm saying take your take your old home go find your wife and I'mma say this last thing before I go okay some of y'all have decided to not get right and not give love a shot again because you got this narrative around healing right I got some really unfortunate news for you you were never healed before you got married preach to him preach to the CH you're not even healed while you're married right you talk to your wife right now about your childhood traumas and you'll start tearing up if your wife start talking to you right now while she's married about her daddy issues she will tear up and be TR traumatized if if healing was a was a cup of glass that we could just drink okay now it's time to get married no sometime when God sends you the right person oh my God I'm waiting me too they will contribute to your healing you don't have to go and figure this all out on your own listen Bishop TD Jakes as an example can quote the Bible inside out and give you 4050 versions and give you a word to go along with it even Bishop Jake is still on a journey to get to know Jesus he has not figured it out he's still going through stuff right now and he is still getting to know the Lord Jesus Christ and I don't really know of a man that's more anointed than Bishop Jakes yeah you don't get to know Jesus only when you say I'm a I'm a rededicate my life to Christ okay now I'm good listen if if if Bishop GD Jake were to stop his Jesus Journey he might as well go to heaven now right my lord The Journey doesn't stop boys and girls song say it's good to know Jes you single for 40 years Valley celibate for 40 years all your friends and convince you lunches and dinners and Waiting to Exhale beating the man down come on beating the woman down you seen your homie go through a divorce you seen him or me go through all this baby mama drama with the courts and what more do you want for me and all this and you say see that's why I'm never going to get married that ain't your story sir right that's what happened to me that's my baby mama that's who I signed up for right that has nothing to do with what God is going to do for you when it comes to marriage and family oh I need you can get married and be married for the rest of your life I need it and I'm going tell you the last thing I keep saying it's the last thing thank you Jes I'mma give y'all this last piece y'all I'm going give y'all this last piece man I I I have to tell y'all something because this is the part this is the part that's irresponsible for our grand parents that's been married for 50 60 years I'm going tell y'all the part that's not fair I love you grandparents I love that we just celebrate y'all being married for 60 years but when you going to tell your grandkids and your great grandkids how many times you got cheated on by Granddad and you decided to stay with him anyway because this was long before social media Papa Was a Rolling Stone was not some random concept what does that mean on the other side when is your grandfather going to tell you that I fell in love with your grandmother we met in high school and she was beautiful everybody in school wanted her then she got cancer or breast cancer and she went from 160 lbs with all the butt and all the this and that and woo woo woo now she lost all of her hair and she's down to 105 lbs and your grandfather decided to love her her anyway right there's been Health crisis there been PE when you lose somebody you know this Rick God bless you yes sir when you lose someone you become somebody else very differently and if you're in a relationship that man or that woman may not recognize you may not recognize what that trauma made you become right that husband still has to love his wife even though she has literally became a different person because of the tragedy because of the weight loss because of sick ofel because of an STD because of something listen man stop talking about marriage and let's start talking more about the challenges of marriage but more importantly how you've been able to get through it that's because y'all a couple's goals right without giving us information you know what you are you're like a magician right that's putting all the you're like a you're like 60 years of marriage and creating a smoke give us the details of how you got through it give us the details I have never been around a married man consistently right until I was around Rev Run yeah and that's a good What is marriage right what is a wife what is a family when you argue how right do you argue yeah true so you see we got it that's what Beautiful Pain is well tyres that was a lot honey you definitely need to be a pastor you are definitely you got preacher goals no I ain't got no preach yes you do no because I me you have a Ministry you do might it might not be in a church but like what you said yesterday at that at that uh ceremony it was powerful and it was impactful I was able I able to pigy back appreciate I'm too ratchet to be a I say that like I'm too ratchet and I like you too ratet he too ratchet but you're not too Ratched I'll be having sex in my congregation with women I think that's why have all them problems that's what I'm saying I think I would be that guy listen my God that's the problem they won't be honest well and then it just I'm telling y'all the truth why would you have women in the church because that's where all the single women at oh Lord okay come on we got to go this is we're we're we're what are you talking about how many women go to church with a man they don't that's why these pastors be falling off but that don't mean you have to be there they sitting on the front row with them leg muscles after the working out in the gym all week and you don't think I see that while I'm preaching you gave all this Christianity and I look at you to the devil no you just said I got a you said I could be a pastor one day and I'm telling you I'm not ready cuz I'm almost damn crying and now talking all this stuff about no see you don't that's what I'm saying the truth is uncomfortable it's uncomfortable no Pastor would say no Pastor would say I love Jesus I love God I'm up in here trying to figure this out I'm a man of God I'm preaching I got veins coming out my neck when I preach the word of God but I cannot stop looking at sister car cleavage well you need to stop you was good until you just said the cleavage is on the front row and I couldn't even get through this Bible verse to do comedy the cavage on the you see there do you do comedy and then they blurry you know what it's like to trying to focus on your joke not focus on that we okay got wrap up the cevel is blurry like through the little darl glasses but a comedian and a preacher is two different things honey okay no it's not we're talking about how hard it must be to act as if you don't see what you see well you supposed to you're human well you're human but you're still supposed to put blinders on like a horse okay you know what's hard wrapping up this interview let's do that all right hold on hold on one second I'm going tell you right now if I became a pastor in the next 2 years I will be smashing congregation menture in my preachers quarters don't be saying that

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