She haunts COSTCO after hours | Costco Horror Story

[Music] I never believed in ghosts not really I was a rational person grounded in the tangible world of facts and evidence my life was a comfortable routine filled with work social obligations and the occasional trip to Costco to stock up on Essentials Costco had always been a place of convenience for me a giant Warehouse where I could lose myself in the endless aisles surrounded by bul products and oversized carts but that night the night when everything changed Costco became something else entirely a place of horror it was a Tuesday evening just before closing time the air outside was crisp with a hint of winter in the breeze and a parking lot was nearly empty I pulled into a spot near the entrance grabbed my reusable bags and headed inside the store was unusually quiet with only a handful of other shoppers was wandering the aisles I liked it that way the fewer people the better it meant I could take my time browse at my leisure and avoid the usual hustle and bustle as I pushed my cart through the Towering aisles I felt the sense of calm there was something oddly comforting about the vastness of Costco the way the shelves stretched endlessly above me stock with everything I could possibly need but that night there was something else to something I couldn't quite put my finger on a subtle shift in the atmosphere a change in the air that made the hairs on the back of my NE stand on end I Shrugged it off attributing it to the late hour in my own fatigue I'd had a long day at work and all I wanted was to finish my shopping and get home but as I continued through the store the feeling of unease only grew stronger the lights seemed to flicker just a little too much casting ear Shadows on the concrete floor the hum of the refrigerators was louder than usual a low ominous drone that reverberated through the empty aisles I tried to shake off the growing sense of dread focusing on my shopping list instead but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't ignore the feeling that something was wrong and then as I turned the corner into the meat section I saw her unease Creeps in at first I thought she was just another Shopper a woman dressed in an old tedar dress but as I got closer I realized something was off her skin was pale almost translucent and her hair hung in limp greasy strands around her Hollow eyes she stood motionless staring blankly at a rack of ribs as if she were in a trance I blinked trying to clear the exhaustion for my vision but when I looked again she was gone the meat section was empty the only sound the soft hum of the refrigerators I stood there for a moment my heart pounding in my chest trying to make sense of what I just seen had it been a trick of the light a figment of my imagination I wasn't sure but one thing was certain I was no longer alone in that store I quickly grabbed what I needed from the meat section and moved on trying to put the strange encounter out of my mind but as I continued through the store I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched the lights flickered again plunging the store into brief moments of Darkness that felt like an eternity when the lights came back on I noticed something strange my reflection in the glass doors of the refrigerators seemed distorted as if it wasn't entirely my own I shook my head trying to dismiss the irrational thoughts that were creeping into my mind I was just tired that was all I needed to finish my shopping and get home where I could relax and forget about the strange things I seeing but the unies followed me growing stronger with each passing minute as I reached the serial aisle I spotted another Shopper an elderly man pushing a cart filled with bulk items his face was pale his expression tense and he seemed to be moving quickly as if trying to get out of the store as fast as possible our eyes met briefly and I saw a flash of something in his gaze fear maybe or desperation he quickly looked away away and hurried down the aisle disappearing around the corner I felt a chill run down my spine something was definitely wrong I glanced around half expecting to see the woman from the meat section again but there was no one there the store was eerily quiet the only sounds the distant hum of the refrigeration units and a soft Shuffle of my footsteps on the concrete floor I continued shopping my mind racing with thoughts of what I'd seen I tried to focus on the task at hand but the sense of unease was overwhelming I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being followed that someone or something was watching me from the Shadows the first encounter with the ghost as I reached the frozen food section I saw her again this time she was standing near the ice cream her Hollow eyes locked onto mine she didn't move didn't blink she just stared at me her expression blank and lifeless my heart pounded in my chest and I could feel the blood rushing to my ears for a moment I thought about approaching her asking if she was okay but something about her Frozen stance and The Emptiness in her eyes stopped me I turned to grab a box of frozen vegetables and when I looked back she was gone again this time the unease turned into full-blown fear I could no longer dismiss what I was seeing some something was wrong terribly wrong and I had no idea what to do about it I quickly finished my shopping grabbing the remaining items on my list without even checking them I just wanted to get out of there to leave the store and the strange woman behind but as I made my way toward the check out I overheard a conversation that stopped me in my tracks two employees were standing near the customer service desk their voices low and hushed I saw her again one of them said his voice trembling she was standing right there near the meat section just staring at me the other employee an older woman nodded grimly she's been showing up more and more lately I don't know what's going on but it's not good people are starting to talk I felt a chill run down my spine they were talking about the woman I'd seen the ghostly figure who had appeared and disappeared without a trace my mind raed with questions but I didn't dare approach the employees instead I paid for my items and hurried out of the store my heart pounding in my chest as I left I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched I glanced over my shoulder half expecting to see the woman standing behind me but there was no one there still the unies lingered following me all the way to my car strange events escalate over the next few days days I couldn't stop thinking about what I'd seen the image of the woman's Hollow eyes the way she had just vanished Into Thin Air it haunted me even in my sleep I tried to push it out of my mind to focus on work and other distractions but no matter what I did the memory of that night at Costco lingered then strange things started happening at home it began with small almost imperceptible changes objects would move on their own keys that I'd left on the kitchen counter would suddenly appear on the dining table or a book that I placed on the Shelf would end up on the floor at first I tried to dismiss it as forgetfulness or clumsiness but as the occurrences became more frequent I couldn't ignore them one night I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of footsteps they were soft and slow like someone was pacing back and forth outside my bedroom door I lay there Frozen in fear listening to the footsteps as they moved closer and closer my heart pounded in my chest and I could feel the cold sweat on my forehead I mustered the courage to get out of bed and slowly made my way to the door I opened it just a crack peering out into the hallway but there was no one there the house was silent the only sound the faint hum of the refrigerator in the kitchen but I knew what I'd heard those footsteps had been real as the days passed the strange events continued to escalate I'd find myself waking up at odd hours of the night my heart racing for no apparent reason the feeling of being watched never left me even during the day I started to see Shadows moving in the corners of my vision fleeting glimpses of something or someone that would disappear as soon as I turned to look my friends and family noticed the change in me they commented on how tired I looked how jumpy and anxious I'd become I tried to explain what was happening but every time I brought it up I could see the doubt in their eyes they didn't believe me how could they it sounded insane even to me desperate for answers I decided to return to Costco I knew it was a terrible idea but I couldn't shake the feeling that the answers I was looking for were there in that store I needed to know more about the woman I'd seen about the strange occurrences that had followed me home I arrived at Costco late in the evening just before closing time the store was just as quiet as it had been the last time the aisles almost empty I felt the familiar sense of unease settle over me as I push my cart through the aisles my eyes scanning the shelves for any sign of the ghostly woman as I reached the meat section I saw her again this time she was standing closer just a few feet away from where I stood her eyes were locked onto mine and I could see the anger and despair etched into her features she didn't move didn't speak she just stared at me her expression Twisted into a mask of Fury my heart pounded in my chest as I backed away my mind racing with fear and confusion I didn't know what she wanted but I knew I had to get out of there I turned and fled leaving my cart behind as I ran toward the exit the backstory unfolds as I reached the parking lot I spotted an older man standing near the entrance smoking a cigarette he was the same man I'd seen in the serial aisle during my last visit the one who had looked at me with such fear in his eyes I hesitated for a moment then approached him hoping he might have some answers excuse me I said my voice trembling I saw her again the woman in the meat section do you know anything about her the man looked at me for a long moment his expression unreadable then he sighed and took a drag from his cigarette you shouldn't be asking about that he said his voice low it's bad luck I pressed him for more information desperate to understand what was happening after a few moments of hesitation he relented and told me what he knew her name was Mary he began his voice voice barely above a whisper she used to come here all the time always bought the same things ribs some ground beef and a few other Essentials one day she just disappeared they say she was last seen in the meat section picking out ribs no one knows what happened to her but she never left the store he paused his face pale people started seeing her after that just glimpses at first but then more often and always near the meat section the store tried to cover it up didn't want any bad press you know but it didn't stop her she's angry they say angry at being forgotten at being left behind his words sent a chill down my spine the idea of a ghost haunting Costco seemed ridiculous but after what I'd experienced I couldn't dismiss it I thanked the man for his time and hurried to my car my mind racing with thoughts of what I just learned that night I couldn't sleep the story of Mary's disappearance played over and over in my mind her Hollow eyes haunting my thoughts I needed to know more to understand why she was still there trapped in that store I spent hours scouring the internet searching for any information I could find about Mary in the mysterious events at Costco what I found was disturbing there were rumors Whispers of other strange occurrences at the store objects moving on their own strange noises and sighting of the ghostly woman some people claim to have seen her standing in the meat section her eyes locked onto theirs just as I had others spoke of cold spots and the feeling of being watched even when they were alone but what struck me the most was the fact that Mary's disappearance had never been officially reported there were no news articles no police reports nothing to indicate that she had ever existed it was as if she had been erased from history her memory buried along with whatever Secrets the store was hiding the haunting intensifies the more I learned about Mary the more obsessed I became I couldn't stop thinking about her about what had happened to her and why she was still haunting the store I started visiting Costco more frequently always at night hoping to catch another glimpse of her each time I felt the same sense of unease the same cold chill that seemed to follow me wherever I went as I delv deeper into Mary's story I began to notice that the strange occurrences at home were becoming more frequent the footsteps outside my bedroom door grew louder more insistent objects continued to move on their own and I started finding messages scrolled in the dust on my furniture messages that seemed to be written by an unseen hand help me one of them said the letters barely visible in the dim light of my living room another read they won't let me go the messages terrified me but they also fueled my determination to uncover the truth I knew that Mary was trying to communicate with me to tell me something important but what and why had she chosen me one night I decided to take matters into my own hands armed with a flashlight and a sense of desperation I returned to Costco after hours determined to find out what was really going on I parked my car in the empty lot and made my way to the entrance my heart pounding in my chest the store was dark the only light coming from the faint glow of the emergency exit signs I crept through the aisles my footsteps echoing eerily in the silence as I approached the meat section I felt the temperature drop a cold chill seeping into my bones there standing in front of the display of ribs was Mary her Hollow eyes stared at me filled with a mixture of anger and despair I took a deep breath and stepped closer my flashlight trembling in my hand what do you want I asked my voice barely above a whisper for a moment Mary didn't move then slowly she raised her hand and pointed to the floor beneath her I followed her gaze and saw something glinting in the dim light a small tarnished locket lying on the cold concrete I knelled down and picked it up my fingers trembling as I opened the locket inside was a small photograph of a young woman her face smiling and full of life I recognized her immediately it was Mary before whatever had happened to her had turned her into the ghostly figure that now haunted the store as I looked up I saw that Mary was gone the meat section was empty once again the cold air still lingering around me but I knew what I had to do Mary wanted me to find out the truth to uncover the secrets that had been buried along with her confrontation with the past over the next few days I became obsessed with the locket and the photograph inside I took it to a local historian hoping to learn more about Mary and her past the historian was able to trace the locket back to the early 1900s a time when the land where Costco now stood was nothing more than farmland the historian also uncovered records of a family that had lived on the land Mary's family they had been one of the original settlers in the area their Farm thriving for years before a series of tragedies struck first Mary's parents died in a mysterious fire that consumed their Farmhouse then a few years later Mary herself disappeared without a trace the records were sparse but they paint painted a picture of a young woman who had endured unimaginable loss only to vanish under mysterious circumstances it seemed that the land where Costco now stood was cursed and Mary's Spirit had been trapped there unable to move on but what had happened to her and why was she haunting the store now decades after her disappearance I knew I had to return to Costco one last time to confront whatever had happened there and put Mary's Spirit to rest armed with the knowledge I had gathered I arrived at the store late one night determined to find the answers I sought as I entered the store I felt the familiar chill in the air the sense of dread that had become all too familiar I made my way to the meat section the locket clutched tightly in my hand there standing in front of the ribs was Mary her Hollow eyes stared at me filled with a mixture of anger and sorrow I took a deep breath stepped closer the locket held out before me Mary I said my voice trembling I know what happened to you I know about your family about the fire and your disappearance but I need to know the truth what really happened why are you still here for a moment Mary didn't move then slowly she pointed to the floor beneath her I looked down and saw a faint outline of something scratched into the concrete a message written in jagged letters they killed me the words sent a chill down my spine I looked up at Mary her eyes filled with a silent plea she wanted Justice wanted the truth to be known and I knew what I had to do I spent the next few days digging deeper into the history of the land uncovering records of other deaths and disappearances that had occurred over the years it seemed that Mary's family wasn't the only one to suffer there had been others all of them connected to the land in some way the more I uncovered the more I realized that something dark had been happening on that land for generations and now it seemed Mary was the last victim her spirit trapped by the unresolved Injustice of her death the final showdown I knew that I had to confront the past headon if I was going to put Mary's Spirit to rest armed with the knowledge I had gathered I returned to Costco One Last Time determined to find out the truth and end The Haunting once and for all as I entered the store I felt the familiar chill in the air the sense of dread that had become all too familiar I made my way to the meat section but locket clutched tightly in my hand there standing in front of the ribs was Mary her Hollow eyes stared at me filled with a mixture of anger and sorrow I took a deep breath and stepped closer the locket held out before me Mary I said my voice trembling I know what happened to you I know about your family about the fire and your disappearance but I need to know the truth what really happened why are you still here for a moment Mary didn't move then slowly she pointed to the floor beneath her I looked down and saw a faint outline of something scratched into the concrete a message written in Jagged letters they killed me the words sent a chill down my spine I looked up at Mary her eyes filled with a silent plea she wanted Justice wanted the truth to be known and I knew what I had to do I spent the next few days digging deeper into the history of the land uncovering records of other deaths and disappearances that had occurred over the years it seemed that Mary's family wasn't the only one to suffer there had been others all of them connected to the land in some way the more I uncovered the more I realized that something dark had been happening on that land for generations and now it seemed Mary was the last victim her spirit trapped by the unresolved Injustice of her death resolution and aftermath with the truth finally uncovered I was able to put Mary's Spirit to rest I took the evidence IID gathered to the authorities who launched an investigation into the deaths and disappearances connected to the land the store was temporarily closed while the investigation was underway and the truth about Mary's death came to light but even after the haunting ended I was left deeply scarred by the experience I couldn't sleep plagued by nightmares of Mary's Hollow eyes and the cold chill that had followed me for so long I moved away hoping that putting distance between myself and the store would help me forget what had happened but no matter how far I went the memories lingered the story ends on a chilling note with hints that Mary's Spirit might not be entirely at rest or that the protagonist has been marked by the experience

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