Category: People & Blogs
[musik] come ti chiami come ti chiami randy randy g g no noy g [musik] [musik] ussppetia alessand alessandro po andrea ich habe tour ladies gentemen ladies make pasta okay okay okay okay okay so wir werden jetzt auf jeden fall kette essen gehen ladies und gentlemen ich muss schauen wie wir haben ein... Read more
Category: Education
They say the wolf on the hill isn't as hungry as the wolf climbing it always be that wolf climbing always striving for more always looking to grow and never looking back keep moving forward always hungry for success it doesn't matter if you have to walk alone for a while it's better to walk alone in... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Now this is embarrassing from george refere embarrassing do you know where you are george george with a hey he touched oh he threw a job oh this is great let's go i think we might have a fight hs [applause] looking [applause] h should have been 99% on the fan zone that fight wasn't even close george... Read more
Category: Education
And it's like four sentences like run spot run you talk about extreme she's going to my philosophy now in fact i was going to send her a maga hat but when you look at what she's done to our country come on Read more
Category: People & Blogs
और जिंदगी हो या गाड़ी जीतेगा वही जो टाइम पे गियर चेंज करर अगर आपको राजा बनने का शौक है तो गुलाम की तरफ मेहनत करना चाए कभी-कभी गुच्छे की आखिरी चाबी भी ताला Read more
Category: Entertainment
People always try to box you in to what they know you best for but never stop fighting no matter what anyone says no matter how they try to compromise you compromise your vision if it's in your gut if it's in your soul there's nothing there's no worldly possessions that should come between you and your... Read more
Category: Sports
Start 3 2 [music] [applause] 1 inis in wales in c as we begin your 100 km journey we wish you the very [music] best woo yep, that's me. you're probably wondering how i ended up in this situation yep that's me you're probably wondering how i ended up in this situation feel good i actually feel right... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[music] [applause] [music] [applause] [music] [applause] [music] onehanded with those cheerios woh w that's okay put them up put them up put them up hold up no okay yeah you eat them all better see [applause] that ho ho ho [music] good morning guys welcome back to a brand new video today is labor day... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[music] [music] [music] tranquil fox hollow farm near westfield gruesome discovery human bones and fragments first believe to have been what remained of seven victims police now say there are 11 [music] then last week police unearthed the remains of five people on the bow meister's grounds the bones... Read more
Category: Entertainment
When the un is creating the state of israel they took palestine and they actually cut it up into eight pieces here are the parameters the israeli part would be jewish only at that moment it would mean that the jewish only state would be about 55% of palestine the israelis owned about 5% of palestine... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
I was working a minimum wage job and wasting my time to having ocula so for me there was it it wasn't hard to it wasn't hard to make that decision i make that point mostly because i don't think it actually takes that much bravery when you're young to start a company and i think more people should do... Read more
Category: Entertainment
The power of one person a washington a lincoln king mandela and even a young girl from pakistan malala one person can change the world by giving people hope so if you want to change the world start each day with a task completed find someone to help you through life respect everyone know that life is... Read more