Category: Entertainment
En julio se anunció que yo tesitore se unirÃa al equipo de comentaristas de la wwwe durante el evento en directo de summerslam michael cole y tesitore revelaron que tesitore empezarÃa en row el 2 de septiembre y que colle pasarÃa smackdown wade barret y cy graves han sido el dúo de comentaristas en... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Kiri sane regresó a wwe el año pasado y se ha hecho un nombre como miembro de damage control sin embargo sufrió una grave lesión durante el rw de esta semana en una lucha por el ww women's taam championship en el rw del 2 de septiembre la princesa pirata formó equipo con y sky para enfrentarse a isla... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Kyrie s returned to wwe last year and has made a name for herself as a member of damage control however she suffered a serious injury during this week's raw in a fight for the wwe women's tag team championship on the september 2nd raw the pirate princess teamed up with io sky to face isla dawn and alba... Read more
Category: News & Politics
In july it was announced that joe tessore would be joining the wwe commentary team during the summerslam live event michael cole and tessore revealed that tessore would start on raw on september 2nd and that cole would move to smackdown wade barrett and corey graves have been the commentary duo on smackdown... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Introduction what is up it's your boy johnny shrie ifbb pro and mr t like it is what happens when one of hollywood's biggest stars shrinks well guys today i'm going to cover the shocking transformation of dave batista i'm going to go over why he made the change how he made the change and how long did... Read more
Category: Sports
The new bloodline is turning on solo seoa wwe raw sees an increase in viewership the wwe is moving performance center gable stevon fired from nfl mvp shares serious medical updates new details shed light on psychoid vicious death a major superstar resigns with wwe ahead of bash in berlin logan paul... Read more
Category: Sports
Jacob fatu betrays his tribal chief solo sioa why the wwe will turn kevin owens's heel at bash in berlin nikki bella's husband arrested for domestic abuse a wyatt 6 member resigns with the wwe massive details on vince mcmahon's netflix documentary leaked a former wwe world champion wants to join aew... Read more
Category: Sports
Luchadora esta fuera de wwe recientemente por medio de pw insider se mencionó que keana james ha sido retirada del roster activo interno de la wwe ha sido trasladada a este llamado mix en la que se encuentran luchadores que llevan fuera durante un largo tiempo por lesión pero que no fueron despedido... Read more
Category: Sports
Jay uso sends a message to ria ripley after wwe raw the best and worst of wwe raw the wwe officially replaces michael cole backstage reaction to wwe's massive decision kyrie s's gruesome injury update wwe raw needs a name change before moving to netflix the creator of cm punk's bracelet attacks drew... Read more
Category: Sports
Former aw world champion john moxley makes his return on aw dynamite says this is not your company anymore to tony shani possibly a message to aw ceo tony kh and also calls out darby allen while also getting a brand new partner brian danon says he will not retire as aw champion and intends to defend... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Vince mcmahon's depraved wwe crimes among his most twisted acts was the storyline where c was involved with katie vic after her fatal accident for nearly 10 minutes this disturbing narrative aired on public television straight from the evil mind of this man he was even about to fabricate a storyline... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[applause] and rulers of the world just a month before his passing wrestling legend psycho sid also known as sid yudi made a heartfelt plea to wwe to induct him into their hall of fame the 63-year-old who had been battling cancer for several years expressed his wish on social media hoping 2025 would... Read more