Tunisie - France : analyse, stats et pronostics, World cup Football 2022

hello friends, I'm back with you for a new video on the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar and I'm going to tell you about the last group D match this Wednesday, November 30 at 4 p.m. and the team's last match at the same time. of France because it will be Tunisia France so there it is a match that has no stake at all because France is already qualified for the second round for the 8th finals and unless they lose 5 or 6 -0 with Australia winning 5-0 on their side but well that would be totally improbable in any case France already having so that's what will make the paradox of this match having already qualified in their pocket will be able to turn it around it's very important because in such a long competition the matches that follow one another every three days for a while it's physically hard for France there she is lucky to be able to rotate while being sure to be first in her group and therefore on already qualified in the 8th finals on first of the hen so she will be able to rotate and rest her squad and that's really really essential to go far in a competition it's super important France has really done a good job by managing to win these first two games and she is giving herself the possibility of blowing in this match there I say blow but I say not either to leave the thing in the air it is not the case because it will put the substitutes and the substitutes it will be end dead who will also want to show who are capable of achieving things and who are capable of doing great things and that if they are at the World Cup it's for a good reason so we're going to review going back to the ranking that you have at the bottom right of my screen France is first in its group D with 6 points second Australia with three points Denmark one point Tunisia one point so France in the other match we have at the same time at the same time exactly at the same time we have Australia e Denmark therefore France with a draw it does not change anything in fact we will no longer be interested in Tunisia then Tunisia since it has only one point does it still have the possibility of qualifying and yes Tunisia can still qualify so it would take a miracle it would already be necessary that either there is a draw between Australia and Denmark which would mean that it would be the best case for them that is to say that Australia will end up with 4 points and a rage of -2 if Tunisia has in this case in this scenario there bah France by a goal if only 1-0 he also ended up with 4 points and they have a golavage by 0 he would be ahead of Australia just then if a draw in the other match breaks out Tunisia wins by one goal the French the Tunisians qualify if on the other hand Australia wins against Denmark it's over Australia is qualified and if Denmark win against Australia let's say they win 1-0 Denmark will start from 0 but scored more views than Tunisia in this case the Tunisians will have to have a better cornering goal that wins by two goals or so since they scored fewer goals from 3.2 here it is simply here Denmark wins 2-0 against Australia Tunisia will have to do even better 4-2 so on or 3-0 and so on here it is to give you the context of this match and the issue that will be especially important for the Tunisians is Tunisia capable of beating France that's it's I frankly I have a big doubt so we're going to rotate but it would be to have unless he gives everyone who shoots it comes back excited finally after everything is possible in football come on we're going to be interested in the first two games so Tunisia against Denmark you drew with 38% possession of the ball against Australia they have lost with 58% possession of the ball you see from a stat point of view we are well above Tunisia in terms of aunt pass and successful pass after we shoot on target then there Tunisia takes a lot of shots as you can see made 27 shots in two games so 5 on target they shot a lot that 's incredible France shot 44 times so 14 carats but if to tell you that 27 thirds is huge it's huge for a team that ultimately didn't score they made 27 thirds 5 on target but they didn't score a goal then it's crazy c is to say that they have they have 0-0 first match they lose a zero second they have not so much success so it's actually pulling as much it can perhaps turn against France for a corner view and duel my to almost in the same waters interception a little more on France the crosses a lot more for France 47 to 31 well here it goes a little bit that Tunisia I think must have a fairly direct game because they have 38% possession ball against Denmark but they shot 13 times counted Danish then already the Fr In the past they had shot a lot they shot a lot against the Danes the French they shot 21 times I think the Danes have a problem in the middle of the field or for so many shots against them it's quite incredible in any case it shows that the Tunisia is full of desire and it shows that Ben indeed if France runs everything is possible I will frankly bet all the same for a victory of France by a zero or 1 finally more a goal because I think that we have such good players even by replacing and then who want it that they want to play it's the World Cup it's a party it's more like a few years ago we played the last matches where we played draws in addition Tunisia will give everything will attack but they are not hot they will have to win so if they attack us we will see counter-attacks we have super fast players it turns out it can be a hecatom for Tunisia which can take three quarters re goals I don't know I 'll talk about it more for one or two goals from the Carmelites maximum for France but hey we're going to go see Tunisia the friendly matches they made or the matches against whom they played if France seats matches so already she played against Brazil lost five to 27 toys in the year good for me she is much weaker Tunisia team that's clear after I look if there are other teams after France did not play many African teams France mainly played European teams We played Côte d'Ivoire even though we won by 1 on March 25, 2022 I did not see if Tunisia had played against Ivory Coast after the French have this tendency to sublimate themselves in the matches at stake and the World Cup matches there frankly for me there is no picture but it's true being already qualified if Tunisia wins why not it can be nice it can bring pep it's true that if the best wins if the Tunisi I put on panache we'll see what happens but honestly we have such a good team we have such a team that I think we are still far above the Tunisians and that we should win by one or two goals less goal difference and then rotate frankly in any case it's a match really for fun for the French team in this 2022 World Cup and I hope that we can thus have all the physical weapons possible to the round of 16 so listen friends do not hesitate to comment on this video information what you think of this match the possible score it can be nice to discuss it and then well listen here I give you an appointment you this November 39 at 4 p.m. for the Tunisia - France match here are my friends see you soon for a new video

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