Who's Winning In the Polls After the Trump Kamala Debate?

I am Johnny Massacre and welcome to my world tonight who is winning after the Trump camela debate who is with me give me a hell yeah so who is winning there aren't many new polls after the Trump camela debate they've been a basically two so let's have a look at those and see if there's any change in the poll numbers for Trump or camela so the New York Post held a Paul they say Camala Harris clearly won the debate that's their opinion I don't agree with that over Donald Trump but vice president got no bump from voters after performance poll so they say vice president camel to Harris clearly defeated former president Donald Trump in Tuesday night's debate I disagree but didn't get any bounce as a result according to a new poll commissioned by the post in the survey conducted by Leger half of respondents who watched at least some portion of the news debate said har was the winner while 29% said Trump had gotten the better of the VP and 133% said neither candidate had won The Showdown however the poll also shows Trump gained one percentage point of support among likely voters from a pre-debate survey taken following the DNC so you can see the poll over here on 538 it's this one and the sample size is pretty good it's 1,174 people P so usually for PS to be reliable it has to be over a th000 of course it's not going to be as accurate as morning consults 10,000 sample size but nevertheless that's that's the bare minimum th000 sample size and the polling results are basically unchanged from before the debate which is quite interesting they seem to be pulling within the margin of error so it's usually about three percentage points either way that could be incorrect and Trump's at 47% Harris is at 50% it's been like this for a long while and due to that margin of error they are basically neck and neck so nothing's really changed if the interview was as devastating for Trump as they're making out then you would have seen some difference in the polls there there was another poll as well the other one was by SoCal strategies and you can see it here so they talked about this on their substack and they say Harris maintains National lead after debate so nothing changed and if Camala Harris did as well as people are saying that she did that's actually kind of bad news that nothing has changed at all they say that Camala Harris leads Donald Trump by three points 48 to 45 in the latest on point SoCal strategy National Port of 719 like voters so this sample size is actually quite small and if it's under a th000 it's supposed to be less reliable they say among those who watched the debate 53% say Harris won while just 34% say Trump won if you actually watch the whole debate you would have to be kind of stupid to say that honestly Kamala Harris had no policies she only said she's going to give fam's six grand who've got a new child she's going to give small businesses 50 Grand and she's going to give homeowners 25 Grand and that was it that's the only thing she offered ABC News where the debate was hosted repeatedly attacked Trump and fact checked him on everything when Cala Harris was spitting out Li's left right and Center she did Define people on both sides argument all that kind of stuff and they didn't pull it up on it once and they were essentially debating with Donald Trump it was a three and one and in spite of all of that I think he still did pretty well and he just offered a lot more than Kamal Harris did so those are the two polls that have come out everything remains unchanged everything remains absolutely unchanged the sampling error for the soal pull is 3.7% that means it could be incorrect by about 3.7 um percentage points and considering that Kamala Harris is up by three percentage points it's again a complete tie so nothing has changed are you surprised about that did you think that Trump would start trailing in the pools after the debate what does it all mean if you're just joining us I'm jinny masassa and we're discussing how well Trump and Cala are doing respectively after their famous debate on ABC News but if you have been watching from the beginning then stop your grinning and drop your Lin and donate some cash and let's keep winning streamlabs.com Johny Massacre patreon.com Johny Massacre or paypal. me/ give me a hell yeah please give generously so there was another poll by CNN you can see it here and they said it was conducted by text message and you can imagine the kind of people that will respond to a CNN poll are obviously more likely to skew left anyways let's see what this poll revealed shall we so their poll was on various things and they had Cala Harris up on several issues but the interesting thing was the CNN poll right after the ABC debate said this voters who tuned in gave Trump a 20o advantage over Harris after the debate on handling the economy 55 to 35% a margin that's slightly wider than his pre-debate Edge debate Watchers also gave Trump a 23o advantage over Harris when it came to whom they trusted to handle immigration 23 points and a six-point Edge on handling the role of Commander in Chief so people who are receiving text messages from CNN are saying that they believe Trump will handle immigration way better than Camala Harris by 20 percentage points um 23 percentage points and will handle the economy way better 20 percentage points so it's seems like the debate didn't really change that much at all people who like Trump are already going to they're just going to continue voting for him um they're going to continue their plan to vote for him after that debate and nobody watched that and thought Oh man like Trump's lost it I'm going to vote for Cala instead so nothing's changed at all I still think it was a missed opportunity I think Trump could have battered her a lot more and come out with more statistics and held her to account a lot more and highlighted a lot of the lies that she made but as I said three on one is kind of wild and the concern is for me that as a as someone who supports Trump is that normies will kind of look at the clips that ABC from the ABC debate and they'll take it out of context and it will make Trump look like a really bad terrible person when really the interviewer asked him all kinds of insane framed questions and were're ganging up on him so that's my concern and I think they pretty much got what they wanted out of it they got a lot of good Optics they can use and clip because they love taking things out of context they use the fine people on both sides debate against Trump which is out of context quote and so they're going to take all these things out of context and try to use it against him but nevertheless things look relatively similar cila Harris said she wants another debate Donald Trump said he might do another debate and I think they should and I think Trump should look at where he could have capitalized a little bit better on kamala's lies and go in a second time and we the people deserve it if these are the people who are going to be running the Free World we deserve to hear what they're all about and we need to see who is the best candidate for the job so there you go after the Cala Trump debate their polling statistics remain exactly the same so basically nothing has changed at all other things going on today you might be wondering where PlayStation announced an update to their PlayStation 5 console it is called the PlayStation 5 Pro and people are kind of pissed about it so we've got memes showing how everyone thought Sony was screwed when it released the woke game Concord 8 years and $200 million worth of investment down the drain but then Sony's fortunes picked up a little bit with the release of the critically acclaimed astrobot only for Sony to shoot themselves in the foot and announced the PlayStation 5 Pro at the price of $699 bro in Japan it's $120,000 Yen which is about $850 because Sony is now controlled by California and owned by California and it seems as if Cali and Sony is taking the same approach as Microsoft in alienating the Japanese market and therefore raising the price of the PlayStation in Japan so people can't get it for cheaper so everyone's really pissed off about the price of this console nobody is happy with it would you pay $700 for an updated PlayStation and apparently it's not even that [ __ ] hot anyways it's not even that good people are now thumbing down the announcement video for the PlayStation 5 and I just checked today it has 172,000 thumbs down and 94,000 thumbs up people are not happy about the PlayStation 5 Pro you would expect it to be an amazing console and finally get 60 frames a second with every game but Tom Ry on X says I reported earlier this year that PS5 Pro enhanced games doesn't guarantee 6 frames per second Sony wasn't super clear on this yesterday but there will still be 30 frames per second PS5 Pro enhanced games and then you had Jeff Keeley kind of smug looking annoying guy who host these big video game events who seems to be on Sony's payroll and he's announcing every single um piece of news from the PlayStation Pro and then he made a poll and he said how would you grade today's PlayStation technical presentation 67% gave it a deal below out of 91,000 votes and then Jeff key was Shilling for Sony because he wants to get all their exclusives for his uh events and he said here are inflation adjusted prices for Mainline Place PlayStation console since launch and he's reasoning that if you bought a PlayStation one today with today's inflation rate it would cost $611 everyone agrees and knows that the every Everybody Knows that the inflation that we saw recently hasn't been seen within a lifetime and so you cannot normalize modern day inflation and say well the old PlayStation cost This Much by by modern inflation standards modern inflation standards are in stain because Biden has destroyed America's economy and he did that by focusing on green energy he did that by supporting the Ukraine war he did that by just printing up tons of money during ID K day so while by today standards PlayStation one would cost $600 today's standards are ridiculously skewed and so we're living in a world now where the cost of an updated PlayStation machine within one generation of consoles has has doubled PlayStation 4 Pro cost $349.99 when it came out now PlayStation 5 Pro cost $699.99 will you be buying a Sony PlayStation 5 Pro who can even afford that I do Wonder so other news the UK has fallen and fallen and fallen and fallen again a day doesn't go by when I don't have an excuse to tweet out the UK has fallen so what the hell has the UK been doing since the left-wing labor Administration got into Power well labor have cut winter fuel payments for pensioners so now older people are going to be freezing to death in their homes and after doing that the UK announced an additional 600 million for zalinski to prolong the war that's making fuel prices increase so the money was taken Tak away from old people who should be relaxing right now and enjoying their days and he's given it to Ukraine that's actually happened in the UK unn says breaking news David Lamy who's the foreign secretary for the UK a woke Marxist arrives in Kiev and announces an additional 600 million for zalinski the winter fuel cut that will see pensioners freeze is just under twice that despicable I totally agree with that and apparently according to David Dorney on X that's 8.4 billion since 2022 poured into Ukraine at the expense of the UK pensioners so David Lamy the guy who went over to shake hands with zalinski and oversee more money going from the pensioner pockets into zelinsky's Pockets he was quoted 3 years ago showing support for woke culture regarding the woke movement and criticizing the conservative prime minister he said why have we got a prime minister that's so uncomfortable with associating himself with that fantastic movement he's talking about the woke movement he says I want to defend the phrase woke so that's the guy who's just taken old people's money and is giving it away to Ukraine in the UK that is going on right now that's off the back of K stama promis ing to insulate Britain against the cost of living crisis actually now we have less money than ever Chancellor of the exer in the labor government Rachel Reeves apparently according to Telegraph she claimed £3,700 in energy support before then axing energy support for old people so Rachel Reeves you can find a quote from her an ex that says I'll never forget a woman in Leeds West I spoke to who had purple fingers because her pension wasn't enough to pay for the heating she just voted to cut their heating after taking heating benefits herself this is what socialism looks like everybody quite literally on top of that the UK just released 1,700 prisoners from jail early to make room for people who spoke out against the mass illegal Migration overseen by the labor government Richard Ty MP says the government has today released 1700 prisoners early okay so they made room for people who made Mean Tweets and this is against the awful backdrop of the UK economy that labor are presiding over so Liz truss former prime minister of the UK said Britain is in in an economic Doom Loop punitive taxes Net Zero zealotry and a bloated state of driving business and growth away labor has punished pensioners by taking away the winter fuel allowance and it's raising taxes things will only get worse so and my American friends if you're watching that's what's going on in the UK now when the labor government are called out to their faces about releasing prisoners early and in people for things they said on Facebook according to Paul Joseph Watson they react to the truth like vampires to sunlight here is Nigel farage from the Reform Party UK telling them how it is to their faces yest we witnessed some extraordinary celebratory scenes outside Britain's prisons where in some cases serious career criminals were released and this to make way for yes riers but equally those who've said unpleasant things on Facebook and Elsewhere on social media facts does the Prime Minister understand there is a growing feeling of anger in this country that we are living through two tier pleasing and a two tier [Applause] Justice I'm angry to be put in a position of having to release people should be listen but but I what I want to say is um you know these people are dangerous and you know they shouldn't be on the streets and we need to do something about it prison because the last government broke the prison system and whose fault is it that people are being released from jail not labor government for putting people in jail for Mean Tweets and things they sent on social um social media it's the last administration's fault you always see this with the leftwing government they they come into power they promise they're going to do all these things they don't do any of the things they said they were going to do they do the opposite they cut the winter fuel um allowance and then they just say it's the last government's fault it's always their fault so that's what's going on in the UK right now it's hard to watch so they release these prisoners and guess what some of those prisoners have already reoffended according to a Europe Invasion a prisoner who was released early from prison in the UK has been rearrested for rape and sexual assault K's government released 1,750 serious criminals yesterday David Aon says released from prison yesterday under K's policies he was arrested today for rape sexual assault and a racially aggravated public order offense he's out on bail so well done for letting these people out to put in jail the real criminals who said things on social media questioning labor government's pro-immigration policies when certain people who came to the country have committed horrific crimes and another other prisoner has reoffended according to Zaki Soldier on X another one killed a pensioner minutes after being released the pensioner blood is on starma hands this is on GB news that says teenager killed pensioner 70 just minutes after being freed over stabbing so that's what this fellow Zaki Soldier is saying on X I don't know if that's true though haven't looked that one up but that's what this dude said so you'll have to look into it yourself to confirm that but that is a headline recently we can actually check that out let's see GB news teenager killed pensioner GB news teenager killed pensioner looks a little bit sus that one to me is that recently let's see oh it it is true apparently according to Telegraph so yeah a 15-year-old killed an elderly man just 30 minutes after he'd been freed by releas for attacking a shopkeeper with a knife the teenager punched Patrick kohon 70 who fell backwards so people are being released from jail obviously jail is a fool in the UK and we have put in a bunch of people who said things online which were kind of mean and that's the State of Affairs in the UK I'm sorry to say the UK also hates Free Speech more than you ever imagin so according to the financial times elen Musk faces possible summons before UK Parliament over role of X social media Tycoon insights of MPS as they press for roles chairing key Commons committees so Elon Musk allows people to speak freely online the UK government think it's dangerous and they might summon him El musk responded he said hm is this the same place that is now releasing pedophiles from prison in order to make room for innocent citizens who complain about those who are murdering and aping Ray their children so good on you elim Musk for saying that the UK is gone brao the UK is gone brao and it's only going to get worse because those people going to be in power for the next 5 years can you imagine what this socialist government is going to do to the UK I'm going to go back there in December it's okay for me just popping in and out that's what she said is kind of fun but to actually live there I'm not so sure about that I do see you in the comments hello everybody hello everybody I see Alpha Omega I see random man good day says random man David Moore says let's effing go let's effing go Mr Moore Alpha Omega says Kamala lost the debate David Moore says she didn't even have one answer to a single question let alone any policies she's a joke so the people who thinks that she won are all about this kind of image and False Image that the media builds up if that's your definition of winning then if if that is the defin definition of winning then we're all completely screwed but I do have hope Mas mates Linda Marone says Cala wouldn't even answer the questions cosplay Time Capsule says I watched the debate Trump won SL Trump won slightly regarding the PlayStation 5 Pro Alpha Omega says [ __ ] no PC Master race random man says 2024 on consoles can't get 60 frames per second yeah it's so tiring it's so tiring it's it Alpha Oma says fuel allowance the UK is the Soviet Union but worse yeah there you go so yeah UK's in major trouble anyways I'm going to go back there I'll let you know what's going on but I might be too busy raving raving misbehaving thank you so much everyone I'll be back tomorrow as always if you enjoy this episode please consider donating by the links to the right of my head and in the description box hope you have a good one I see Chris Campbell in the comments uh much love to you take care and see you tomorrow laters

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