Oasis Church | Acts: Our Response is a Must | EJ Brown | Sunday Service 05/19/2024
Published: May 18, 2024
Duration: 01:15:15
Category: Entertainment
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[Music] [Music] [Music] well good morning everyone let's all stand and praise the King amen woo here we go I won forget the Wonder of how you brought Deliverance The Exodus of my heart you found me you freed me held back the waters for my release oh yah you're the God who fight for me Lord of every Victory hallelu [Music] hallelu you have t upart the sea you have made through the Deep hallelu hallelu oh sing this with [Music] me by day is a sign that you are with me fire by night is The Guiding Light to my you you found you free me H back the waters from my release oh yah you're the god fights for me hold of every Victory [Music] hallelu [Music] hallelu you have Tor aart the sea you have led me through the Deep Val huah hallelu you're the God who fights you're the God who fights for me Lord of every Victory [Applause] [Music] hallelu hallelu you have Tor our propy you have made me through the Deep hallelujah hallelujah [Music] we're going to praise the Lord this morning in this house amen hallelujah yeah here we go we're going to praise him with our voices and with our drums and with our guitars with our PI let's just lift him up yeah [Music] you stepped into my e you took me by the hand you march me out in Freedom into the promised land now I will not forget you God I'll sing of all you've done death is swallowed up Forever by the fury of your love you stepped into my Egypt you took me by the hand you marched me out in Freedom into the Promised name now I will not forget you God how sing of all you've done death is up the fury of your love you're the God who fight for me Lord of every Victory [Music] Hallelujah Hall you torn apart you have torn apart the sea you have L me through the Deep [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] oh yeah woo good morning Oasis my name is Jill and I am thrilled to see you here this morning aren't you glad that our God is with us in Egypt amen faithful every generation you guys he was faithful to my parents he's faith faithful to us he's faithful for the Next Generation amen again my name is Jill and it is a pleasure to worship here with you this morning we would love to connect with you there's a blue card or a QR code blue card or QR code on the seat back in front of you where you can uh put down a prayer request and we will join with you in prayer you can put down that you would like to serve there's a spot for you here at Oasis to serve we would love to get to know you there's a spot to write down I want to be baptized on that connect card we're going to be doing baptisms today some of you have registered to be baptized today amen okay some of you may be here today and you feel a nudge it might be the Holy Spirit talking to you you can get baptized today we have clothes for you to change into we have a towel and we have people who will help listen to the Holy Spirit if you want to be baptized today we can make that happen here at Oasis there's three ways to give online in person or through the mail so let's pray dear God we recognize that you have been faithful through all generations and we love you I just pray that you would Find Us Faithful Lord in our giving in our prayer in our thoughts in the things that we do Lord may you be glorified help us to shine the light of your love to those around you and we ask that you be here today we want to connect with you Lord in Jesus Jesus name amen amen amen let's continue to worship the king this morning trusting God [Music] Amen bless it [Music] assurance Jesus is my my he's been my fourth man in the fire Time After Time born of his Spirit yes washed in his [Music] blood and what he did for me on calvaries more than enough I trust in God my savior the one who will never fail he will never [Music] fail I trust in God my savior the one who will never fil he will never [Music] F perfect submission all is at [Music] rest I know the auor of tomorrow so yep so this is my story and this is my song praising my prising king and Savor all the day [Applause] long I trust in God sing it out myor one who will never fil he will never fail I trust in God my savior the one who will never [Music] fil he will never f [Music] I trust in God and I trust him and I trust him now i s the Lord and he heard and he answered I saw the Lord and and he heard and he answered I saw the Lord and he heard and he answered that's why I trust him that's why I trust I saw the Lord and he heard and he answer I saw the Lord and he heard and he I saw the Lord and he heard and he answered that's why I trust that's why I trust him I saw the Lord and he heard and he answer but I saw the Lord and he heard and he answer I saw the Lord and he heard and he answer that's why I trust him that's why I trust him I saw the Lord and he heard and he answered I saw the Lord and he heard and he answer I saw the Lord and he heard and he answer that's why I trust him that's why I trust in God my saor the one who will never [Music] fail he will never [Music] fa I TR God my saor the one who will never [Music] fil he will never fail I saw the Lord and he heard and he answer I saw the Lord and he heard and he answered I saw the Lord can he heard can he answer that's why I trust him that's why I trust him I saw the Lord and He HT he is I saw the Lord he heard and he I saw the Lord and he heard and he answer that's why I trust him that's why I trust him [Music] know know [Music] [Music] let's all sing sing I saw the Lord I Saw the Lord I Saw the Lord and he heard and he answered I saw the Lord and he heard and he answered I saw the Lord and he heard and he answered that's why I trust him that's why let's do again I saw the Lord and he heard and he answered I saw the [Music] Lord I Saw the Lord and he heard and he answered that's why I trust him that's why I trust thank you Jesus we just worship you this morning God and we seek you we seek you king you are our Lord and our savior and we worship you this morning this is your house thank you God we praise you thank you thank you [Music] Jesus just give him all the Gratitude because he is worth oh my words for sure I've got nothing new how could I express oh my grav I could sing these songs as I often do but every song must and you come on Church lift your voice so I throw up my hands and praise you again and again cuz all that I have is a hu [Music] hu and I know it's not much nothing else Fit For A King except for a heart singing [Music] Hallelujah I've got one response I've got just one with my arms stretched wide I will worship you so I th my my hands and praise you again and again cuz all that I have is a Hu hallelu I know it's not much I have nothing else before a king set for a heart singing [Music] Hal hallelu it's all I have just my praise praise His name lift up his name sing Hallelujah come on my soul come on my soul oh don't you get shy on me lift up your song cuz you've got a lion inside of those LS get B praise the Lord come on Church come on come on my soul don't you give shy on me LIF of your song CU you got a li in inside of those BS give praise the Lord he is worthy he is worthy come on my soul oh don't you get shy on me lift up your song CU you got a light inside of those SS get up B praise the Lord [Applause] [Music] [Music] so I throw at my hands and praise you again and again is all that I have is a huj [Music] hallelu and I know it's not much but I'm nothing else Fit For A King except for a heart singing huj [Music] Halu so here I I am to worship here I am to bow down here I am to say that you're my God you're all together lovely all together worthy all together Wonder to sing it again so here I am to wor worship here I am to bow down here I am to say that you're my God you're all together lovely all together worthy all together wonderful to one more time oh here I am to worship here I am to bow down here I am to say that you're my God you're all together lovely all together wor all together wonderful to me I'll never know and I'll never know how much she CA to sing my sin upon that cross and I'll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon I'll never know I'll never know and I'll never know how much it cost to see my S upon I'll never one more time never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross here I am here I am to worship here I am to down here I am to say that you're my God you're all together lovely all together worthy all together wonderful [Music] to here I am so here I am to Worship here I am to bow here I am to say that your might God you're all together Lely all together worthy all together wonderful to me never know how much ITA to see my upon that cross we'll never know know how much it cost to see my upon that cross and I'll never know how much it C to see my upon that cross I'll never know how much it cost to see my S upon that cross so here I am to worship here I am to bow down here I am to say that you're my God you're all together lovely all together worthy all together wonderful to [Music] be all together all together worthy all together wonderful to just sing it out to you're all together together worthy all together wonderful let him know how you feel about him all together loveely all together worthy and all together wonderful to me Jesus you're all together love all together worthy all together wonderful to Jesus you're all together and all together Worthy all together [Music] wonderful maybe you're here today and maybe you feel like God has not been wonderful to you I need you to know this that God sees you that he loves you that he knows everything that you are navigating today maybe you've just lost someone in your life and you're struggling how to deal with that I need you to know today that there is a God that sees you he loves you and he's in pursuit of you he doesn't just leave his children out to dry and if there are things that you just can't navigate in this life by yourself that's actually a good thing because the Bible says that greater is he that is in me but he also says my grace is sufficient and my strength is perfected in your weakness and so right now I want to go into a song real quick because some of you guys need a breakthrough in belief and the song is he loves us he loves us everyone say he loves me he loves me say he loves me he loves me do you believe it yes he loves Oh How He Loves Me Oh How He Loves Me Oh How He L yes Lord yes He Loves Me Oh How He Loves Me Oh How He Loves Me Oh how [Music] he he is jealous for me and he is jealous for me loves like a hurricane I am a tree bending beneath the weight of his wind and [Music] mercy when all of a sudden I am unaware of these afflictions Eclipse by glory and I realize just how beautiful you are and how great your affections are for me Love Me You Love [Music] Me How You Love [Music] Me Oh How He Loves Us How He Loves do you believe [Music] that thank you Jesus how we love thank you Jesus oh how you love us how you love us father we just thank you that you sent your son Jesus as the atoning sacrifice for our sins that in him we could experience life and life more abundantly and so father right now in the name of Jesus I just ask that maybe we've never even just heard the words I love you son I love you daughter I just pray right now in the name of Jesus that we would understand how deep your love is for us that no demon in Hell could ever separate us from the love of God and so Lord today as you know our heart posture is not just to do church but it's to be the church church and be receptive as conduits of your presence may you have your way may we decrease so that you can increase your power give us eyes to see give us ears to hear and give us a heart that is postured to receive everything that you have for us we love you Lord and we give you all the honor in Jesus name everyone said amen amen amen amen amen man thank you worship team clap it up for the worship team here before you sit down just say hello to someone just say I'm glad that you're here you what's up family what's up [Music] family so glad that you were here today uh if you don't know me my name is EJ uh just honored to serve as the pastor here at Oasis Church and uh um just glad that you were with us this is your first time we just want to say welcome you are welcome here and uh just want you to know that you are seen and uh I hope that people recognize you when you walk through the doors and when you sat in your seat um you know I have this thing where uh this isn't churches usual you know it's easy to come into church and just be a consumer but that's not the Great Commission he didn't tell us to get the message sit down and build our kingdom he said to go into all the world yes preach the gospel disciple baptize so that people could taste and see that I'm everything they've been longing for amen so we've been in a series in the book of Acts today I'm going to kind of take a detour but end up back on the road we've been um oh yeah kids thank you son see thank you for reminding me um sorry I'm just in it uh kids you can go ahead and stand up go to your Bible study groups um each week we have the kids with us to worship because um we want to show them as adults what it means to worship we will teach them how to worship the Seahawks or whatever football team team you you love we will teach them how to worship University of Washington or Washington State whatever team you love but the greatest thing that we can teach our children is How To Worship the one that created them and that their heart actually Longs for whether they realize it or not you see we were all created by God for God for his good pleasure but a lot of us don't truly understand that there is a creator that has a plan for our lives do you know why when you're in a relationship with someone your heart longs for them and when they hurt you you feel broken do you you know why when you get that job promotion and it's it's this job that you've always been wanting and you get the job and as soon as you get it something happens and then your heart's broken it's because none of of those things could ever fulfill your deepest desire and that is to fall in love with the one that created you all of these are just Band-Aids but what needs to happen is a surgery of the heart so that you can walk and be everything that you were created to be that's why my message today is titled our response is a must you see when God does something in our lives we have a choice to be obedient or reject the truth that he's laid out before us and I'm here to tell you today because God loves you so much he knows the plans that he has for you and you can either choose to do your way or you can do God's way I was just sharing with a a friend recently um my homie Matt that preached here a couple uh weeks ago or a month ago he had toour his Achilles a year ago and when he tore his Achilles he chose to not get surgery on the Achilles because the doctor said hey it will repair on its own it'll heal up because it's not too bad well my other friend KJ if you guys were at the installation service who's over in Italy as a Chaplain he tore his Achilles a year ago too Matt chose to to allow it to heal on its own but KJ chose to take the surgery and it only took 6 months for KJ to get back running again and Matt is still not fully back to his condition where he can run fully the reason why I'm sharing this is that we can continue to put Band-Aids in our response to God's word and the truth being spoken or we can allow the surgery of heart to penetrate every ounce of our being so that we can walk according to the will of God for our lives you see our response is a must yes this Friday I was asked to speak at this uh youth conference and I shared Ephesians 610 through1 18 and many people may be familiar with this and I know we're in the book of Acts but I felt like the Lord wanted me to encourage our body today with this word I had the honor of sharing that with the men yesterday at the Men's breakfast we had an amazing turnout clap it up for the men but when I woke up this morning I felt that the Lord wanted me to detour for a little bit and encourage the body today that we have an armor from God that we can put on as we walk out his perfect will so father today as I share your word I ask right now that we will be receptive to hear exactly what you are doing for each one of us father may I articulate the words that you need for me to articulate regardless if they're written on the page or not may I hear you for others today yes because there are people in here that need to know that they are enough because you are enough and may they align their hearts to fulfill everything that you have for them in Jesus name amen Ephesians 6 verse 10 it says a final word be strong everyone say be strong be strong in the Lord let's stop there it didn't say be strong in yourself it didn't say be strong in your finances it didn't say be strong in your relationship it said be strong in who the Lord and in his mighty power I know a lot of times we think that we are powerful the reality is is we are very weak because if we were that powerful we could have died on the cross for our sins right we could have redeemed our sinful nature if we were that good in verse 11 it says put on all everyone say all all of God's armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all the strategies of the devil I shared with the youth on Friday it's interesting to me that as athletes or competitors of any sport we can put on the right equipment we can have the game plan and we're ready for the opposition in a meaningless event but how often as Christians have we put on the armor of God have we taken the sword and got ready for battle each day you see you don't have to be a Christian to realize that this world is broken you don't have to be a Christian to realize that there is good and evil at play the thing is is as Christians we have the good news but if it's not good to me it surely won't be good to anyone that's not in the family of God guys I want you to know that the devil is a real person but here's the good news we already have the victory because Jesus defeated death see often the Christians know what the devil is doing but can't tell me what God is doing right oh the devil made me do this no no no no you chose to do this your sinful nature chose to do this it's funny how we can hear the voice of the devil but we can't hear the voice of God when we need to find our path but we must spend time with him so that we can know him you see we were just talking at the Men's breakfast yesterday and and and one of the brothers were sharing about how when things happen in life I respond this way because that's always how I've respond and I responded to him and I said look just like in preseason and offseason we did we practiced the plays again and again and again because when we were in pressure situations and the coach couldn't get us to play we knew what to do because of muscle memory because we practiced again and again and again and so when we are in the pressure situations of life will we stand or will we crumble will we trust God or will we go back to all the things that we've known to do which is lash out curse the thing that God's given us or completely reject him because we don't believe that he's going to show up verse 12 for for we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies but against evil rulers and authorities of the Unseen World against Mighty powers in this dark world and against evil spirits in the Heavenly places I need to hear tell you today that that person that you are beefing with is not your enemy we battle not against flesh and blood that person who has hurt you is not your enemy you see the thing is especially in marriage When Rachel does something the easy thing is to do is to feel like she's attacking me but what I have to realize is that as a husband and wife we are called to be a reflection of Christ in the church and if if the devil can bring division between husband and wife it makes a mockery of Christ in the church see as Christians we're going to go through things but how do we respond am I offended by your words I shouldn't be because I'm dead y'all don't catch what I just said I shouldn't be offended because I am dead see the Bible says that I'm a New Creation in Christ the old has literally passed away and praise God it has because the old was trash I'm going tell you that right now Rachel saying amen she knew me before I met Jesus for real that was not a good dude but the good news is is that Jesus came to redeem me so that I could experience life and life more abundantly in him verse 13 therefore put on every piece of God's armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil then after the battle you will be standing firm stand your ground putting on the belt of Lies the belt of Truth family when you wake up in the morning lies are crouching at your phone screen uhoh that was door see when you wake up in the morning and the first thing you do is Hop on social media or the news you already lost the day and here's the thing psychologists that aren't Christian will even tell you don't look at your emails don't look at these things because it will now conquer you psychologically but let's talk about this spiritually if I'm consuming all of these fiery darts from the enemy oh man this person got robbed that person got killed this person got whatever oh man she looks really cute I wish I could look like her oh man she looks really good I wish I could be her oh he looks really cool look at all the money he has so you just literally CA seven different thoughts that you not have to work through the rest of the day and your response to those things are lashing out to people because you're insecure your response to those things that when God tells you to speak to uh that homeless guy you're scared because you've heard things in the news about what homeless people are doing to Runners on a pathway uhoh your response is is when you see someone who doesn't look like you and they got their Hood up you're like oh I don't know I got to hide my purse that's right because you have been discipled to believe something before you even had a chance to hear the word of God but this is what the Bible says for shoes put on the peace that comes from the good news so that you will be fully prepared I shared with the youth last uh on Friday night tap your neighbor say I got air gospels on my toes I got air gospels on my toes and you should come and get a pair Amen in verse 16 in addition to all of these things hold up the shield of Faith to stop the fiery arrows of the Devil family a lot of us are going going to opposition and going to this battle we call life and we're showing up with water guns and the devil's got a real gun who's going to win that battle she knows verse 17 put on salvation as your helmet and take the sword of the spirit which is the word of God family we cannot battle Thoughts with thoughts that's right we must battle with the word of God and I know people have said how can we believe this Bible because man interpreted it but I'm here to let you know that the Bible is infallible and God has truly breathed everything into this and I'm not going to give us a deep dive into how I can prove that today but best believe this church will understand how real and how tangible the word of God is as we teach people how to actually study the word of God and apply it to their life but you need a word because you can't sit there and be faced with opposition and say I'm not going to do it I'm not going to do it I'm sorry family that's not going to work because you don't have the power it says right at the beginning be strong in who the Lord the Lord not you and so we find ourselves back to the main road in Acts three where Peter and John went to the temple to see a lame Broken Man and as I shared last week this man was lame from birth he was broken but there was restoration that had to take place and see the only way that Peter and John were able to speak life and restore this man through Jesus is because they got ready just like Ephesians 6 said they put on the full armor of God in Acts 3:11 verse 12 acts 3:12 it says Peter saw his opportunity and addressed the addressed the crowd people of Israel he said what is so surprising about this and why stare at us though we had made this man walk by our own power or godliness for those of you that have been praying for your family members for your friends for your boyfriends your girlfriends your spouse you cannot change anybody the Bible says that we love him because he first loved us it is his pursuit of us that draws us to realize that we've never been loved this way before that's right so stop getting frustrated because our battle is not against flesh and blood instead of trying to get someone to change ask the Lord to change your heart and your perspective in the midst of the storm verse 13 for is the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob the God of all our ancestors who has brought glory to his servant Jesus by doing this this is the same man same Jesus whom you handed over and rejected before Pilate despite pilate's decision to release him you rejected this holy righteous one and instead demanded the release of a murderer you killed the author of life but God raised him from the dead and we Are Witnesses of that fact you see Peter is letting them know that you guys literally saw this Jesus alive so what I'm telling you right now is not some fairy tale you actually saw Jesus living after he was murdered in the good good news is you now have an opportunity which leads to my first point to recognize when God is moving see for some of us we have said things like I believe in God when he does blank but the truth of the matter is God Jesus could literally walk in this room right now slap you in the face say I'm Jesus follow me and you would still reject him it's true and we all go to those moments because we're going through the storms of life you see these people understood that this man had been lame for over 40 years and now he is walking the same man that they used to just flick flip uh arms to not even look in the eye is now walking walking into the temple to worship God and yet they're still doubting that Jesus can do a miracle let's keep reading verse 17 friends I realized that what you and your leaders did to Jesus was done in ignorance but God was fulfilling what all the prophets had foretold about the Messiah that he must suffer these things now repent everyone say repent repent of your sins and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped away now this is the good news then times of refreshment will come from the presence of the Lord and He will again send you Jesus your appointed Messiah my next point is as a response to what Jesus is doing we must repent to experience restoration as Pastor Ben said repentance is simply acknowledging your sin it's Allowing God to convict you of the life that you're living that is contrary to what God's called you to but it's also saying father I'm going to now choose to align myself s with the will that you have for me but I think repentance is hard because I don't need to repent if I'm a good person in my own way of thinking see the good news is not good news to people who think that they are good right you've heard me say this again and again but in the beginning God created a perfect world in this perfect world he created man and woman to dwell with him to abide in him but man and woman chose their desires over gods and in turn it created this broken world that we live in see um God did not kill your grandma God did not kill your mom that sickness has not overcame you because of God it's because we live in a broken world if I planted a seed in a place in a landfill do you think it would grow and be everything that it's called to be no I wouldn't it wouldn't because there's garbage in there there's gas and oil and all these different toxic things that will not allow that seed to grow but if I go plant it in a place that that is fruitful that's getting the right sun and the right water it will grow yes what I'm telling you today is we must be rooted in Christ if we want to produce the fruit that Christ has placed in US my last Point worship team you can come up here is that we must rely on God instead of ourselves you see I find as I shared last week getting frustrated with my kids CU my wife was out of town I realized that the reason why I get so frustrated with my son when he doesn't listen is because of my struggle with control it's that he is not doing what I am asking him to do because I think it's best you see it's not that you struggle with sexual sin it's that you struggle with SE uh self-control it's not that you struggle with sexual sin it's that you struggle with selfcontrol it's not that you struggle with substance abuse it's that you struggle to deal with the stressors of life with God and it's not that you struggle with codependence depy is that you struggle to be dependent upon God you see when you follow Jesus your life is no longer your own and I think that's hard for us because we live in a society that's so individualistic where it's about us in building our kingdom but if we're going to follow Jesus our kingdom has to die that's right and I experienced that in my life when me and Rachel were engaged you see in eighth grade is my first real relationship and the girl that I was with that I cared a lot about cheated on me in that moment I made a promise to myself that I would never let someone hurt me that way again and so for the rest of my relationship even into our engagement I was controlling I was jealous I wanted to know where they were always at I was insecure and I would even cheat on them because I didn't want to get hurt first that was my response to trauma and it took Rachel in our engagement saying I'm no longer going to enable something that is not your identity EJ that's right and so she stopped responding when I said where are you at she stopped saying oh this guy's over here too because she realized that what was in me was greater than what my trauma response was and what that did for me is that I could walk into our wedding day completely set free of that controlling jealous spirit because that's what it was and so I'm here to let you know that that same spirit that you can operate in your relationship with is the same spirit that you can operate in your life with God I'm not going to give you a chance because I want to control my destiny but I'm here to let you know today that your Destiny doesn't stop when you die on this Earth this time on Earth is this small we have all eternity to live with Christ and so today maybe you're here you've been here you know that the Lord has been tugging your heart to surrender you can respond by releasing control today maybe you're here today and you've wanted to get baptized but you're like I just want to wait for the perfect moment you can respond as the Lord is leading you today yes your family may not be here but we have video and they can still see come on family today is a day to relinquish control because I'm letting you know that when you lay it at his feet just the same way that he spit in the mud with the blind man took the mud and wiped it over his eyes he is now able to see and be everything that he was called to be that can be your story today if you guys could please stand if you've registered to be baptized go ahead and head out the back doors and go get changed if you want to be baptized today and you're ready to make a response to what the Lord is doing in your life please head out through those doors we have a change of clothes for you this is a moment that you can't get back today Jesus is here and he's saying come to the altar lay it down and release control of your life life because I have a better plan for you amen hey father I just thank you for who you are I thank you for every single person that is here Lord I just pray right now that our response to this word would not be one of rejection our response to this word would not be one of uh apathy our response to this word would not be one of that's cool for them but it ain't for me I pray right now in the name of Jesus that we would surrender all of our being so that all of Heaven could enter me and I can be everything that this world needs me to be because it is broken and so May the peace of God that surpasses all of our finite understand understanding may it reain Supreme in the hearts of every single one of us today when we leave these doors and have to go back to the real issues of life may we respond recognizing that you are still moving in the midst of everything that we're doing may you have your way today father thank you for those who are surrendering to you today in baptism I just pray right now that this wouldn't just be an experience moment but this would be a moment where everything changes that the old man has truly passed away and that all things become new so we give you honor we give you glory holy are you God have your way today Yahweh in Jesus name everyone said amen just sing that chorus again of Here I Am to Worship so here I am to worship here I am to bow down here I am to say that you're my God you're all together love Lely all together worthy all together wonderful to me here I am here I am to worship here I am to bow down here I am to say that you're my God you're all together lovely all together worthy all together wonderful to me I'll never know I'll never know how much it cost to sing my sin upon that cross I'll never know how much sh cost to see my sin upon that I never know and I'll never know how much it cost to see my upon that one more time never know how much it cost to see my S upon that cross here I am so here I am to worship here I am to bow down here I am to say that you're my God you're all together lovely all together worthy all together wonderful to me here I am to worship here I am to bow down here I am to say that you're my God you're all together lovely all together Worthy all together Wonder wonderful to [Music] me family this is Eric and [Applause] uh um man met met Eric a little bit ago and just been uh encouraged by his story and uh everything and um is there anything that you want to say um you know I promised my grandmother when I was a little kid I would do this it's been I'm 60 years old and I'm just not getting there but I'm there come on did y'all hear that there are grandmothers that have been praying maybe you are the grandmother that's been praying there are mothers that are praying do not lose hope because at 60 years old he is here he is ready and he says Jesus have your way so don't lose hope ER I'm proud of you man you've been stepping out just last week when I asked if there's anyone that wants to prayer you stepped out and you said look I don't care what anyone thinks I don't care yes I'm going to make mistakes still we are not perfect but the beautiful thing is is that when Jesus does a work in your heart he doesn't deal with the branches he deals with the root so that you can produce good fruit so I need you to know when you make a mistake I said when you've been saved the Bible says that When sin abounded even much more grace abounded so you need to know that the Sun is setting you free today and that yes mistakes will happen but there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus and so today you are experiencing the death burial Resurrection res direction of Eric in Jesus so I'm going to ask you a couple questions do you believe that Jesus is the son of God do you believe he died on the cross for your sins and do you believe he rose again so that you could experience life and life more abundantly in him and are you ready for him not to just be savior but also the Lord of your life with that confession I'm going to now baptize you in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit Hall [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on Yuri come on girl yeah yeah [Applause] [Music] yeah Aaliyah you already know the drill come up here go ahead and sit down on your bottom y so I'm going to going to let Aaliyah if she can manage it speak about this and I'm going to get out the way oh my gosh um I've known Yuri for a while and um I convinced her to come to church earlier I think this year or sometime later uh last year and I've just been praying that ever since I got baptized that she would too and I've just seen Jesus work through her I'm just so proud of her Yuri you want to say anything I just want to say thank you to Ayah cuz you really did change my life and you know they say um don't go to a hospital if you're not sick so here I am and I think I'm ready yes yes clap it [Applause] up well Yuri um on Thursday me and Ben sat down and talked to you and she was nervous for some reason but I just want you to know I'm so proud of you but it really doesn't even matter what I think Heaven is [Music] rejoicing and what's amazing about this is Aaliyah was just baptized and now she's having the honor of baptizing her friend it says to make disciples to baptize them and Aaliyah has been meeting with her regularly to talk about the things of God this is the church that we are a church that disciples others to lead them to everything that God has for them and like I told Eric you're going to make mistakes but the good news is there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ and now you are joining in Christ today so do you believe that Jesus is the son of God do you believe he died on the cross for your sins and that he rose again so that you could experience life in life more abundantly are you ready to not just make him savior yes but the Lord of your life yes we now baptize you in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit hold your notes yep yes come on yes Hallelujah [Applause] man praise God guys you can experience that you can experience that what's amazing about God is each week me and Pastor Ben have been like Hey we're going to take the baptistry out you know all this stuff but we keep getting baptisms and it's like [Applause] [Music] it's not my preaching it's not the worship it's God it has nothing to do with us we can't save so if you need any more evidence I need you to know that this is a church that is alive that is thriving because we are going to reach those who appear far from God I hope you heard what I just said those who appear far from God we are praying for you family we are thankful for you don't allow this message to just impact you right now in this moment go out and put them air gospels on and tell people to come and get a pair because this is the greatest thing you could ever receive we bless you in the name of Jesus this week to receive everything that God has for you that you would experience His abundant grace His abundant love because he is with you wherever you go in Jesus name amen love you guys see you next week [Music] [Music]