Aston Villa Squad & Tactics Analysis | Why Tielemans, Digne & Ramsey Are GREAT | The Unaiversity!

[Music] hello everybody Welcome to all Villa no filler please remember to like And subscribe subscribe if you love The Mighty Villa follow on Spotify Apple YouTube wherever it is to help us keep on growing and if you like what we do five star reviews I cannot express enough they help massively on Spotify Apple wherever anyway after all that just here just to talk a little bit about uh Lester and um a few things I observed a few things that I found quite interesting uh Qi like the Steven fry TV show so let's just go straight to the Tactical pad shall we our old friend um here it is so these are the teams these are how how it lined up um for those listening on uh on Spotify or wherever uh I'll you know make this as accessible as I possibly can for those looking on YouTube you can see what's going on here um so this was how the team started obviously Lamar Bogard was the uh most interesting choice I think from Professor unai now um I think Bogard if you look at him I think he did actually quite a solid job in a lot of ways um but you could see that he was young he's 20 years of age he's making his first um Premier League start so obviously the pace of it the um the kind of intensity of the league on a both mental mental and physical uh way are going to get to you uh and I think over the game that gradually told but I think there were enough raw raw signs there that you could say Okay Bogard looked decent um you know there were times when he came forward with the ball that he looked all right however what you do have to note is that he also was the most dispos best player in the game and I can think off the top of my head of at least two occasions where he gave the ball away in quite um surprising you know there was no pressure on him um so sort of just sort of like a lack of concentration sometimes it's a lack of um I I think it's just a lack of sharpness that makes you make decisions that aren't necessarily the correct ones but I think um there were occasions where he progressed with the ball Beyond 10 yards where uh you could see that if he were to play more games and do that more often the the passes that he was giving away um the dispossessions that were happening wouldn't happen um to such a degree uh you know once that sharpness Rises and also let's face it right back is not an area that he really has played before he's more of a center back and I think over time that you know the more experience he gets he'll be a solid backup to ezri coner hopefully look he's with us for the next year he ain't going on alone so he's going to play quite a bit you'd have to think and I think underlying numbers there I think actually there were some good signs from him just on the eye test uh and I think that he handled himself well in a lot of ways but also look you got to face it he's young he's in experienced and we have talked about in the we talked about it at length in the uh you know um where Squad analysis we did a few weeks ago right back right center back is an area where you look at Villa and you think there aren't a huge number of options you know you got Diego Carlos as the potential um cover you also have um NAD delovic to come in there as a right back and obviously the starting right back is mattity Cash the feeling with Villa is at the moment that in a lot of areas in the pitchure looking the forward areas particularly and out on the left hand side um and in mid Center Midfield as well that Villa have a lot of depth and a lot of quality it just feels like that right area is where Villa are slightly lacking at this moment in time and it feels like the cashes are starting right back you know he's a Polish International though he wasn't picked for the Euros um yes I think it's an area that this season if you are an opposing team something you're going to do is try and Target Aston Villa when they're playing it around at the back and Target this right hand side um it just is what you're going to do um you know uh because let's face we' got two young guys nalovic and Bogart who are inexperienced and you could probably put them under pressure we saw um against uh West Ham when narvic came on that he looked a little bit nervous on the ball but I think he more than made up for that against uh West uh Arsenal a week later when he did really really well against Martinelli and again I think Leander Trad was little bit of a lesson for him um just with his movement but again I actually think he did all right just one or two moments where I think you know trad's experience told um but I think that overall this season I I'm more inclined to think that Bogard will be a player that plays um more centrally kind of around here and that nalovic and cash will be the two right backs c will likely be the starter on most occasions nalovic will be the the for the backup option and I think that Nadel kovich when he came on the other day when he went up against madidi there was one occasion where I think you know look Bogard got a bit tired and I think that maybe Emory would look back on it thinking maybe he should have brought him off a little bit earlier than he did um but you know when madidi went at Bogard uh you could see that um you know uh he was in trouble um and mavad beat him somewhat with ease I I think perhaps that um Ross Barkley if you look at his positioning whilst he'd come to support um Bogard should mavad break on on the inside um he kind of stopped running um and I think MAV had a little bit more time than he should have done I think on another day Barkley might have busted to got a little bit more just to cover Bogard had used his experience to know that uh you know Bogard look like he might be in a bit of trouble uh and you could see he had a bit of crump there at the end of the game so look I think Bo had a a mixed start to life but that's exactly what you expect from a young player making their first start in the Premier League NAD delovic was the same against West Ham and I think but I think nalovic when he came on madidi tried to go past him um nalovic more than kept up with him his distribution was was good didn't make any mistakes didn't show any of that lack of confidence he had against West Ham so you can already see that his confidence levels are growing I think it did I think that performance against Martinelli would have done him the world of good there was also a moment against Arsenal where he gave the ball away and in the same way bogot did just they're in acres of space got loads of times to think about it and they just pass it straight to an Arsenal player or or a Leicester player when there's no pressure on them so that is just youth isn't it you just got to give them that and I mean unfortunately in the Premier League when you do give the ball away more often well quite often you do get punished for it it's the most brutal League the standard in the Premier League is absolutely astonishing which is why the absolute best of the best playing it um because one mistake more often than not leads to the opposition scoring or can often lead to the opposition scoring a goal or at least getting a big chance so but nalovic I think again showed positive signs against Leicester when he went up against madidi madidi didn't do anything once he came when Costa came onto the ball pitch and now Costa's going away with Serbia um you know the Serbian national team see a lot in the guy at the age of 18 and he's got Champions League experience so let's back him I'm excited I'm excited to see how Bogard and the dark which both progress this season I think there's a lot of ability in both of them I think bogar looks a bit more like a center back and I think that he'll be competing it with well it will largely be a backup for coner this season at Center back that's not to say I won't play it right back again this season clearly Uno emry swarming training in previous weeks he talked about how nalich needs to work tactically um and he talked about how Bogart well he talked about how Bogart did well in training so I think there's positive signs in the two of them yes they look young and naive but the only way you can grow is to learn and to come and play and get those experiences and is it great for Villa that we have to have that sort of element in our team um where you do slightly fear how we might get on against the best of the best uh okay yeah I get that but at the same time I think it's great that we' got young teenagers in nalovic and a 20-year-old in Bogart two young players who like look at Main at um Manchester United you know came through at 18 in Midfield and sometimes you just got to give these guys a chance and let them rise to it and I'm I've seen enough from n delovic already to make me think that you know there's a reason already at his age as a Serbian International and there's reason to think that with the way this guy bursts forward as we saw in preseason and as you see from highlights videos of him at redstar there's plenty to be excited about this guy for mattity cash is going to be the starting right back he just is but I'm excited to see an darkov does and I think with Bogart again I think there were signs against Leicester where he had yes he was dispossessed quite a lot but it is what it is it's just what you expect from um you know younger uh players and I'm sure he'll use that to grow from it I think there was some really positive signs from him as well in that game and one or two moments where he he showed great vision one or two passes went between the lines big that players I think the more he does that the more he plays the better he'll get it's as simple as that um now one other area I think I want to point out as well is our good old left back Luca Dean now Luca Dean man of the match if you ask who scored and if you go off their stats five tackles two interceptions I love interceptions because it's it's a sign of intelligence it's a sign of reading the game three clearances and again off the top of my head I talked about Fu a player whose FB ref stats are very high a player who got tons of assists and goals last season in the championship just 20 21 years of age very very young guy obviously for him in the same way when you're talking about bogot and delich coming into the Premier League is it's it's another level uh and it will take him time to show what he can do uh in the Premier League but I think Luca Dean handled him really well and the were occasions where Dean was just cutting cutting him out um stocking him progressing tackling him um and you can see you know how um effective he was just going off those stats you know five tackles two interceptions three clearances and one big assist as well uh so with five tackles second to that was Bogart with three so again pra to Bogart he made three tackles um only player to get as close in interceptions was amadu Anana who got two uh he made 30 passes Lucine in the game with a pass accuracy of 87% which is very very good uh and he made six crosses uh double second in John mcin so lucad deine uh was a really effective player against uh Leicester and I think it's worth noting as well you know uh I talked last week in the preview that I wondered if Ian Matson might start you know 37 million pound signing from Chelsea you'd assume that he's going to going to be our starting fullback at some point but clearly and I've heard on the Old gri Vine Uno emry is a huge admir of what LCA Dean did last season a huge admirer of the attitude he showed last season um you know the start of last season I think you know when we signed Alex Moreno he came back and was our starting left back and he was a transformative signing for Villa uh in the second half of that season when Villa went on that run to the conference League amazing signing for us at that point obviously got that terrible injury presented an opportunity to Luca Dean now Luca Dean we all know he's on big wages um he could have sat back and just Sal and not really bothered um and you know we were linked heavily with aunia as well uh and lcad was linked with the move to Saudi Arabia as well so I think the opportunity was there had a bid come in to sell him I think vill would have been tempted to take it uh and replace with auna from Seva however Luca Dean was a stalwart really last season and Ian Matson clearly is gonna have to work hard to get that left back position and LCA Dean this season has been one of our best players he really has he's been he was really solid against Jared bony it's West Ham he was very very solid against Baya Saka and odard and Ben White him and John MC did fantastic defensive work dealing with that threat which is Arsenal's big big threat uh was there that moment he maybe Switched Off and B Saka got in the only time in that game he really got in cut it back and it led to the St Side gold You could argue that but all in all you know uh this weekend again you look at all them defensive numbers but it was those attacking numbers as well that cross he put in for um uh John Duran was absolutely fantastic it was brilliant work um so I think you know I think all you can say is his attitude is brilliant and I think You' got to praise him as well the whole like another one thing when he comes off the pitch and he he clearly cares about playing for Villard he clearly enjoys it and is's taken to it and he could just have been one of them players that you know didn't really bother uh just you know um took the money and that was it sat on his ass and didn't care but absolutely that's not what he's done and he's worked his way back into you know the French national team so fantastic work I think we've got to give him massive praise really Luca Dean and as I say you know in the preview I put in Matson in there because I wondered would this be the game where he starts but no he's goingon to have to work hard to get that left back roll it isn't there for the taking it's it's it's G to be a hard fight to get in there um otherwise you know Leon Bailey it's really sad that he came out the um came out the team with an early injury uh bit worrying how long he might be out for actually um but anyway vill annoyingly was injured so let's take Bailey out the team because he came off so early that was an area I was hoping Villa were going to be very threatening against Christianson because Christianson as we saw in this game as well likes to get forward and he did get forward on occasions um but I think that one-on-one Bailey would have caused some trouble for him so we put mcin out onto the right and big praise to mcin as well you know he put in a lot of crosses he put in a lot of defensive work from the front um he was very very good but I tell you what this man Jacob Ramsey he has started this season on absolute fire he got an assist yet West Ham uh his direct run against uh Leicester got another assist I think somehow actually the assist has gone to Watkins who must have nudged it on to John to amadu and ARA but Jacob Ramsey I mean it's I mean it's really his assist isn't it that fantastic direct running got in there with Austin M Fe the wizard and Yuri Tans the weight of pass he put into Jacob Ramsey was absolutely fantastic it was so so good now I want to highlight a few things from Ramsey in this game actually let's look at the Durango um as I mentioned earlier you've got Luca Dean there has taking the ball from Yuri Tans the number eight who's standing next to Jamie V the number nine now Luke Dean is out here on the left left and if you look at Jacob Ramsey he's just there to the ler number eight and he pulls forward ever so slightly and he does a onew with Luca Dean and Luca Dean then whips the ball in and what amaz look at where John Duran's positioning is look at that he's physical that Defender does not like Mark moli did a really good job for lesie the day I thought I thought it was a really good debut for him but the this is where you see that there's there's an elite Striker here in John Duran holds him off physically and just slowly makes that move away from him for the cross and the header my God that header that is an absolutely out standing finish amazing but the reason I sort of brought this up is because if you look at the move the move itself jaob Ramsey is so intimately involved in this move he was fantastic in this game he really was he was involved in both of our goals heavily and if you think back to the Le the West Ham game as well totally involved in that but not just that his direct runs in that game caused West Ham so many problems um so yeah I I think I just sort of wanted to bring that up really um just to show what a great performance it it was from him in in in an attacking sense as well uh but also something else I wanted to bring up now if you look here at Ross Barky the number six he' just go on to the pitch and Aston Villa up to this point after the second half had not been retaining the ball very well amalo went off with a with a knock Barkley came on and Barkley's pass completion rate was 100% 100% And I thought it was I thought every time I got the ball he made the right decision his weight of touch was really good but he made the right pass passes and I think you got a brief Cameo here of what Barkley of why Uno emry was so desperate to keep him around um and why BR maybe went on loan I still I'm on the fence about that bran CH loan but Ross Barkley I actually think you know emry singled him out in the postmatch interview I think he I think he was brilliant and I think it's kind of unheralded almost how good he was because if you look at this here he's the number six and you know he got the ball deep and he just makes that look at that there's two Leicester plays there he makes the right pass and he gets it over to um Luca Dean who then makes a pass into Jacob Ramsey and Ramsey's made that run again what did I talk about the effectiveness of Ramsey in this game that direct run he gets in and he knocks the ball across and there's no one there come comes across to John mcin who works it back and the ball he knocks it back to the a comes back out who does it come to Ross Barkley again simple ball to um The Perfect Touch out to Y Tans we made a super little ball into um Luca Dean and again I talk about Jacob Ramsey been involved and it leads to the John Duran goal this area here was really really effective and if I move Luca Dean forward they were really good and I think if you look at Tottenham a few weeks ago they gave Leicester a lot of problems out on that left and Villa seemed to do the same thing I think a large large part of it came down to the the Excellence of Yu Tans I thought it was absolutely fantastic 82 and a half% passing um uh accuracy uh and Jacob Ramsey as well just so direct and so involved with everything and Luca Dean getting forward at the right time and getting involved um it was really really good uh otherwise something else I noticed as well um in sort of in the first if you look at this Christiansen was coming forward quite a bit and Leicester were going into sort of back three but I think this is going to be a problem for rest of the season just from what I saw the other day they're trying to play it around at the back and Southampton are falling into a similar problem here they weren't great at keeping it astonvilla put them under a lot of pressure and Ole Watkins and Morgan Rogers pressed really really hard against them and again you look here wildf has the ball lot of space look up and you know maybe the number six could come for him or he could hit it out left um to his teammate out there suggest take putting it out left was what he should do but instead he sort of dithered on the ball and Morgan Rogers got into him Rogers pressed the ball broke loose Rogers with a lovely way of pass through to Ole Watkins he takes a shot and it's a good save from the Leicester keeper the goal's coming for Watkins don't you worry about it it's coming and again here when the Leicester keeper had the ball and OE Watkins pressed him just gets it away just but Aston Villa's press from the front was was was really good in that first half and I think it really troubled Leicester and again if you look at the stats here from opstat or opta analyst of you know the attacking threat it followed a very similar pattern to the West Ham game and it followed a similar pattern to what Aston Villa do a lot and you know sometimes with the with when you look with your eyes you can see this you don't need the stats to tell it you but it's sometimes seeing it in stat form really helps because look at that you know when when Villa got their their goal in the 28th minute from Anana Villa been by far the ascendant team but if you look at where the 45 minute Mark is just before that Leicester really come all over us they do and um this is something that's been happening since January of last year Villa seemed to just go a bit take the foot off the gas and I say I've said it before it looks like they go from composed to casual but that intense press in that first sort of 40 minutes really caused Lester a lot of problems and something else I wanted to point out as well is the importance of amadu Anana major interceptions in this game two two goals already for Villa I mean that in itself is great more to come you would think but his interceptions in that first half were absolutely critical he disrupted Lester so much and if you look at it he won the ball here and this eventually worked its way to Tans now wolfred and Dei I was quite surprised and Dei Skip and Winks all started together because I just thought buenon was the option I I think Leicester needed an attacking option sure Steve Cooper had his his reasons for it who am I to question him really but um I think they looked far more threatening when buen andos came on the pitch and I think just having those three is a little bit too defensive but I think the idea might have been to with theni to disrupt Tans and Anana however as I said Anana made that big interception the ball came to Tans indeed he tries to intercept Tans but look at look at the way Tans moves his body it's almost mcin like really isn't it you know putting his little we booty in there gets away presses forward and look at that he sees the gap between skip Winks sees the gap between the face face and Ai and that way of pass into Ole Watkins was absolutely outstanding Yuri Tans just watch the man is he a he's an artist he's he's an absolutely brilliant football player and I I I've always rated him I've always thought he's really really good but it's only as I watching more intensely at Aston Villa do I truly truly appreciate what a fantastic football player he is and that was where Watkins got in but the keeper just got to the ball ahead of him good run from Watkins but the work for Tans outstanding so you're seeing you know all these little things you know the very slight addition that Anana makes with his ability to win interceptions you're seeing why we spent so much money on him because but also defensively it's just disrupted the opposition on on multiple occasions and against West Ham you know watching him in person the thing that really struck me was not just his you know physical prowess and then when you see him in the in the in the area going for corners and whatever else um defending them or attacking them and he scored against West Ham of course but it it it's also just his composure and having that composure with next to Tans I mean they balance each other out beautifully and so when bubacar Kamara comes back into the team it's going to be absolutely fascinating to see how uh Professor unai um operates for the two of them um and I think you know N I think could play in the two role two go further forward I think Kamar obviously could start and Anana could go on the bench maybe Anana could go in defense if needed or Kamar could go in defense if needed um but I mean to have those two options as cdms this season when you've got so many champions league games and we're going to be competing for the top four this season I mean it's brilliant it's absolutely amazing fantastic exciting stuff I think I think these first three games have been really exciting I think we've seen really really positive sign Villa preseason I think towards the end of last season we looked just out on our ass we looked knackered um now I think we look I'm really positive about how we started the season and you look at the Run of fixures we got coming up Everton at home I bloody hell like if there's ever a team for the Tak in right now it's them isn't it um I wouldn't underestimate Everton I think um imman and Jay and you know they're slow starters they were awful to start the season under D last season as well if you remember when we beat them 4-0 I mean I don't think the offensive vill are away at all and we absolutely can batter them but at the same time Everton end up getting results don't they they're not I just don't think they're G to go down I think just do the same thing they do get the one nil two nil wins at home and everyone will be like oh yeah you remember the start of the Season badly and we're all looking at the bottom three being the three came up plus maybe one other but uh yeah um that's uh that's pretty much all there is to say I think um let me know what you think uh if there's any other things you noticed but uh I don't want to Ramble On too much I I have a tendency to do that uh please like And subscribe if you like what we do um let me know what you think I'm GNA have plenty more content coming this week and next as well exciting stuff exciting guests let me know what you think up the might Villa [Music]

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