AEW All In 2024 Review | Eleanor Wrestling

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 00:13:55 Category: People & Blogs

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professional wrestling is the best it is the absolute best it is better than anything else of entertainment in the entire world it is nothing but the best last night we had aew o in 2024 I had the pleasure of being there and it was genuinely one of the greatest nights in my entire life it was so so phenomenal that main event was an instant classic had meeting up with Brian won the a world title singing The Final Countdown was just incredible what a fantastic night of professional wrestling hello Hello everybody welcome back to my channel if you're new here my name is El wrestling I do predictions and reviews for WWE and aw payper viws today I'm going to be reviewing aw Allin 2024 don't to like share and subscribe comment down below what you thought of Allin and let's get on with the review all kicked off with a four-way land match for the aew trios championships the Champions the patriarchy versus House of black versus the bangman gang versus Blackpool combat club and pack this match was absolutely incredible a really really F way to kick off the show pack hit this gorgeous Sky twister pressed to the floor kill switch double choke slammed the guns other the Wayne kept running into it she even at one point tried to grab the belt she literally tried to retreat them herself but it did not work cuz the guns then basically tried to attack her they obviously didn't but they definitely tried and then she sprayed spray in Ju robson's eye and then he sprayed it into her eyes as well it was absolutely crazy then kill switch carried Christian Cage up loud and you thought oh my God this how they're going to retain it's kind of a lazy finish but keep the keep the idea of a lazy finish in mind for something that happens a little bit later on the show but no they all got pushed off the ladder by pack pack retrieved the belts here are your winners and the brand new a trio Champions clao Caston Willie USA and pack I'm sorry pack got this opportunity to win a championship at Wembley Stadium in his home country of England that is so so cool this was a really F way to kick off all in it was the Maran May versus Tony St for the aw women's world championship this was by far one of the best matches of the entire night the story Tony St and R may have told the past few months has been absolutely incredible and this match showed it I have no doubt in my mind this wasn't their own match I'm sure they're going to have at least two more matches like that I think you should make this a Trilogy without a shadow of doubt this match was absolutely amazing a huge broad kick off the match Mari May attacked Luther at one point she even slapped her own mom yes she slapped her own mom you heard that correctly Mari May was hitting Tony storm with anything and everything she had Mariah May managed to kick out by Storm Zero that was when you knew Mariah May was about to win the match she actually grabbed a shoe at one point Tony St retrieved it from her and was about to hear her but she just could not bring herself to do it she loved Mar so so much she just could do it Mariah mayli hit multiple running knees then hit the Storm Zero 1 2 3 your winner and the brand new aah R's world champion Mariah May that was absolutely right move that is how you Cy Mariah may as the future as the current star not the future the current star of the women's divion in aw you can obviously continue this story now that Tony stor can go down this really Dark Twisted confusing path cuz she has no idea who she is anymore without the championship this story has been amazing I've really really enjoyed this match it was then H versus Chris Jericho for the FTW Championship I'm going to just level with you guys I was at all in and I went to go get food during this match and I came back just the match was finishing so I actually didn't see the match so I don't feel like it's very fair of me to review the match so all I saw was that taz's got involved and he prevented Brian Keith and Big B from doing anything which allowed hook to lock in the red drum for the when win and the brand new FTW Champion hook I mean that's cool I suppose I hope Hook is now stopping this VI with Chris Jericho I hope Chris Jero can move on to a different gimmick cuz the Z gimmick it's it's not great I mean I was quite surprised how many people loved it at Wembley honestly like it was quite over in the UK crowd but I know like in the US and stuff people really don't like it obviously online it's not very loved so that's something worth keeping in mind but yeah I didn't really watch this match at all so I don't think it's very fair for me to talk about it but yeah Hook is new FCW Champion cool I guess it was an a triple threat match for the aew World Tag Team Championships the Young Buck versus FTR versus the acclaimed this match was absolutely amazing really really fun and I was quite shocked that the buck actually were retained I thought if any of the champions a chance of retaining it it was least likely to be the Young Buck I thought their TI R's been kind of shabby in some past they haven't really defended very often so I thought they're probably going to lose the claimed a probably the most likely option but no the young Ms are retained which me as a huge young fans made me very happy what I really loved about this match was that it wasn't super serious they didn't really take themselves too serious they didn't try and make this a great professional wrestling match it was more a match for the crowd and I think that made a lot of fun because it meant they were doing fun moves and really cool moments and throughout the entire match even obviously the entrances and what you really love obviously the claim doing their grab everyone Boo the Young Buck FTR is super over I just really really enjoyed this match the claim hit Su me timers onto the Young Buck FTR then hit the Shadow and Nicholas pulled the referee out of the ring Matthew Jackson and Max Caron then hit the EVP trigger then Max Caron and Dax Howard hit the shatter machine Young Buck then low blow the claim this were our Billy gum which allow them to hit Matthew Jackson the famous onto the ti title B but the Young Buck managed to recover somehow this allowed to break up the PIN for of after a mic drop allow them to hit the EVP trigger for the win there wi and still the aw World TI Team Champions Matthew and Nicholas Jackson the young box like I said this match was good just really entertaining fun match I really enjoyed it but that was not all cuz as the young M were celebrating his music hit it was none other than the grizzled Young Veterans they came down to confront the young ma they attacked FTR and I'm guessing that is the end game for the young Max's reign as Tag Team Champions oh my goodness the young ma versus Grizz Young Veterans inject that into my veins I need that match so badly speaking of fun and entertaining matches it was then the casino gaunet match with the winner receiving the aw world championship match anytime any place this match was amazing such a fun concept for aw I want them to make this a regular thing that they do because it is so so fun and the surprises we got in this match was absolutely amazing because we had an orange casting and kazuchi oard kicking things off we then had Nigel freaking mcginness coming out of retirement for this match kylo righ Zack saber Jr rodri strong Mark Brisco hangman Adam page Jeff je Jarrett a debuting Ricochet which I just thought was absolutely amazing and then Christian Cage followed by kill s/ luchasaurus who looked like he was about to turn on Christian Cage hon we were rooting for him to do it and he didn't he then used that attack to allow Christian Cage to pin someone one 2 three your winner Christian Cage yes Christian Cage won the contract now has a world title match anytime any place it was a really quite C finish I'm being honest they've been doing this whole will kill Swit turn will not think for what like a year now I mean back when kill Swit was TNT Champion but Christian was carrying around the belt and then he Christian actually won the TNT title and then he's always going to treat kill switch like the third wheel of their entire group and me mother Wayne held the Trio's title instead of kill switch even though he was the actual Trio's champion and he was the one who was actually wrestling so Val Now kill switch was about to turn and then he didn't and then he allowed Christian to actually win I thought was a little bit bizarre I'm not entirely sure what Christian Cage doing this actually means however if you consider that our new world champion is Brian Danielson Brian Danielson Christian Cage could make some magic it was then will ospr versus MJ for the aw American Championship to No One surprise this match was also one of the best matches of the entire night two fantastic Pro wresters I absolutely loved it mjf actually hit the kangaroo cake which is a really nice surprise he hit a tombstone pile driver on the outside I got close in for after a Crossroads h a gorgeous double jump Oscar in taking out a camera at one point hitting a hidden blade which mjf ducked out the way of last managed to out of a belt shot and a Brain Buster when the referee was down and then mjf had the brass knuckles but then a hooded man prevent him from using them and it was none other than a returning Daniel Garcia which I really wasn't expecting until for some reason I thought it would be Adam Cole but Daniel absolutely made sense this allowed will spray to hit the hiden blade and he finally brought himself to hit the tiger Drive 91 1 2 3 your winner and the brand new aw International Champion once again real Osprey he got the normal belt back which is so good that American one was absolutely hideous and Osprey is a brand new Champion which I thought was absolutely amazing this was really cool I'm really ined to know Daniel Garcia's contract status because I don't think he's actually resigned at L I think PW Insider there was that reported that he still hasn't resigned so I guess we're just wa to see what all that means but I think it's cool that D got this moment at Wembley I really really enjoyed this it was then Brit Baker versus Mercedes man for the TBS Championship now maybe this is me as being a person in the crowd that witnessed this instead of watching it at home but I was quite tired by this point in the show this was the match that I didn't care as much about as much the other and I come on to preserve my energy for the rest of the show and I think a lot of other people in the crowd kind of felt the same way so I did feel like this was the match that the crowd cared the least about and was collectively quiet for and it didn't help then the match itself was well let's just say awkward I Know merced's M is one the best but maybe it's just a Brit B thing I don't know I don't want to criticize I don't wrestle I can't possibly do what they do or claim that they don't do it well or they do it well or whatever you want to call it but this match was just quite slow it just didn't really do much for me Mercedes ended up retaining which was of course what we all expected it was fun it didn't needed to do but yeah I did quite feel I did feel kind bad for that myself and many other crowd would just kind of deflated by this point in the show Rebecca got severals of course Camille did keep R in experence cuz she put Mercedes foot on the RO at one point she got jacked from ringside Brit Baker did almost win with the lock draw submission but Mercedes bit her hand hit the man maker one two three your winner and still the TVs Champion Mercedes Mane I think myself and a lot of people expected Becky Lynch to come out after this match cuz we were we to our find out then the Jack Perry video pack start playing we were just like oh okay um I'm kind of glad be didn't debut I'm not entirely sure I W her in any de but that's that's an whole different video for a whole different day but yes M's man retained it was fine it was then Derby Allan versus Jack Perry for the TNT championship in a coffin match this match was a lot shorter than I expected it to be genu it finished quite abruptly and I was like wait really that was it but I really enjoyed and the finish everything that happened after the match being in attendance for that was absolutely insane Z and tackled Jack Perry during his entrance using the thumbtacks there were on his face yes on his face Jack Perry at one point the Menace that he is PED a bag of Yes you heard it correctly broken glass which brought out a huge array of CM Punk CHS in the entire Wembley Stadium so do that what you will but it was pretty crazy Jack P actually used glass I mean it was it was in ja was hitting Darby Allen with his own belt he then threw Darby Allen onto the coffin he then put him in a body bag put said body bag into the coffin locked it they for a winner and still the TT champion Jack Perry like I said a bit of an Abrupt finish but maybe that was on purpose cuz everything that happened after the match was only short of magical cuz who then came down it was Matthew and Nicholas Jackson the young M they had Li to fluid they poured it all over the coffin they were about to set it on fire the Lights Went Out the music came on it was none other than sting who we've obviously not seen since Revolution when he had his retirement match he attacked the young mut hitting him with scorpion death drops that was so cool I can actually say I've seen sting Live Twice that is just that is absolutely insane that is so so cool but it was so amaz to sting again that surprise was absolutely insane I really really enjoyed this Main Event time it was Brian Danielson versus swerve ston for the aew world championship title versus career if Brian Danon was not successful in winning then he would be forced to retire but that did not happen because we do indeed have a brand new a world champion this match was without a shadow of a doubt one of the best matches of the entire year this match from the entrance singing The Final Countdown 50,000 people singing The Final Countdown the entire match had everyone on their feet it was a truly Indescribable experience I absolutely loved it and this match was so amazing I'm so happy with Brian it had tears in my eyes when he won that title I just it was abs phenomenal so J being the Dary Hill that he is was targeting Brian's neck the entire match and seeing that in person was quite frankly terrifying the death valy drive onto the ringbell everything on the apron all the times Brian dson kicked out it was absolutely at one point medical stuff came down cuz you genuinely thought Brian's neck had just been severely damaged once again but he was okay he managed to recover Brian kicked out of several swerve stumps house cool and big pressure swerve kicked out of the boo pycho knee and then Brian dson hit two more boost KES locked on the leel lock submission and SW had no choice but to tap out there for your winner and the brand new aw world champion the American Dragon Brian Danielson Bri Garcia and the kids came down through St as did wheie us to CL Caston and pack this was absolutely beautiful I'm just so so happy that Brian derson is the awl Champion finally in his career it did sound like at the press conference after that he is still retiring like I know we all kind of knew he was but it kind of sounded like he's won the title and then he's just like okay bye so if he's going to pull a sting and like relinquish the championship I'm not really sure that will remains to be seen but this was a phenomenal made event and a fantastic closing to a fantastic pay-per-view over I'm going to aw Allin 2024 a N9 out of 10 it was an absolutely perfect show obviously I didn't really see the hook at Chris Jericho match but I mean I haven't heard amazing things about it and unfortunately Mercedes man and Brit Baker match didn't really live up to that many expectations but my goodness the Mariah May and Tony store match will spr mjf the Tian threat and the main event all made up for it and made an absolutely perfect show I cannot wait for Allin to come back in 2026 and for forbidden door in London next year UK crowds are getting treated I absolutely love that this show was absolutely amazing thank you so so much for watching comment down what you thought all in and I will see soon with my videos bye guys [Music]

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