Category: People & Blogs
My first documentary is called just for kicks it's basically a history sort of an unofficial history of sneaker culture or at least it was perceived that way what it really is is a documentary about hip-hop it's a documentary about the power of hip-hop as a music and as a culture and uh one of the various... Read more
Category: Sports
All right welcome back to the channel everyone hope you guys are all having a good day so far uh never thought i'd make a video like this but um here we are and um it turns out i was wrong all along jordan's not the goat it's not possible um i now remember who the actual true goat is i didn't see this... Read more
Category: Gaming
24 summer 결승 진출전 hle vs t1 [음악] 굉장히 뜨거운 쁘도요 근데 진 개불편 [음악] 스프과 이게 좀 반으로려 중은 그렇죠 실제로 원고 있는 어떤 인비라는 너무 곤란하게 했거든요 맞습니다 그래 자 둔 둔 금이 울리기 1세트 밴픽 시작하고요 픽 보도록 하겠습니다 픽이 가장 중요하다 아지르 블 이제는 스에 대한 생 좀 궁 하명은 사 했 대로 하면 문제 없어 보이긴 하거든요 생 합니다 그래서 결국에 저번 경기랑 비슷한 양상 바까지 잘라주면서 스몰더 스 두 개 정도 남기고는 지 적당히 좋은 픽 여기까지가 정배 이제이 다음부터... Read more
Category: Gaming
Modern everyone and welcome to the decks of the weekend in front of me i have an amalia deck and uh yeah amalia go abandon pioneer but as you may know it's il legal it's legal in modern and uh this deck that in front of me won a very large event in uh the the nordic master uh this was a uh it's on g... Read more
Category: News & Politics
James earl jones a towering figure in american theater and film has died at the age of 93 jones overcame racial prejudice and a severe stutter to become a celebrated icon lending his deep authoritative voice to iconic roles like darth vader in star wars and mufasa and the lion king he also voiced the... Read more
Category: Entertainment
I don't give a of camal harrison aloh hol because i'm still gonna root for that because i was never a i'm trump guy i'm a never trump guy i'm a never trump guy i'm a never trump Read more
Category: News & Politics
Die cdu hatte ihnen mehr sicherheit versprochen vor 5 jahren und was ist sicherer geworden nichts ist sicherer geworden im gegenteil messerstechereien vergewaltigungen unsichere bahnhöfe migranten die 89-jährige seniorinnen in ihren wohnungen verprügeln so sieht die sicherheit der cdu hier in sachsen... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Die cdu opfert das wohl unserer bürger das wohl unserer wirtschaft für den eigenen machterhalt und deshalb sage ich helfen sie uns diesen verrat an den interessen unserer bürger zu beenden schicken wir diese entkernte cdu dahin wo sie hingehört auf die oppositionsbank Read more
Category: Entertainment
J'allais mourir clairement parce que je m'étouffais en fait quoi bordel je vois une ombre se dirige vers moi et le pire c'est que je sens une pression sur mon torse j'arrive plus à respirer et mon torse il augmente comme dans le film et l'exorcisme en fait j'ai commencé à flotter dans ma tête quoi je... Read more
Category: Sports
[аплодисменты] [аплодисменты] [музыка] добрый вечер уважаемые телезрители мы начинаем заключительную трансляцию из торонто где завершается турнир из серии masters и вот сейчас буквально через минуту сейчас как обычно финальный день сейчас будет исполнен гимн или уже был исполнен гимн ну и затем уже... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Unser land ist erwacht endlich unsere bürger sind erwacht und glauben sie mir kein milliardenschwerer staatsfunk und keine spd zeitungen und auch nicht diese ganze aufklärungspost die sie jetzt massenhaft in ihren briefkästen finden wird unsere aufgewachten sächsischen bürger wieder in den politischen... Read more
Category: Gaming
[음악] 국내 중진들의 생각은 이렇게 갈렸습니다 꽉꽉 그리고 3대 3대 2 글로벌 쪽도 꽉이이기는게 완전 역다 3대 2 역배가 터지는 거 아니면 하나생명 쪽에 조금 더 손을 들어요 픽 보겠습니다 어떤 픽으로 이길 것이냐 이건 아르벤 티원 상대할 때 아르벤 또 많이 나오죠 원 을 잘 리아까지 서로 저격 위주로 좀 흘러갑니다 무난하게 서로 잘 잘랐다 바이가 그러면 바이가 좀 튀어나오죠 르블 블랑이 먼저 나온 거는 상대한테 바이 르블랑을 줌과 동시에 이제 미드에서 사람 남을만한 픽이 생기가 있는게 뭐 아 말고는 쪽에는 없어서 약 블 해... Read more