Smackdown - USA Network Debut | New Day Split Looming? | AEW Grand Slam | Steel Steps

Published: Sep 13, 2024 Duration: 01:30:32 Category: Sports

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 [Music] [Music] what is good everyone it is your boy politic hot and long side my guys Mr Joey wood Mr Mo fit Chris Wilson we are still steps coming to you live on a beautiful Friday evening courtesy at Ed Philly sports gentlemen how are we doing this evening chilling chilling chilling laughing Mr Joey WS what's good Joey's very confused right now yeah I see this error when we try to go live so I'm like what's going on yeah I you know I mean technical difficulties always H you know me happen in the world but hopefully we G we get that straighten out I see that you know I mean with with the Facebook in but in that case you know I mean we appreciate every everybody that's tuning in with us on our other respected platforms YouTube twitch Twitter greatly appreciate you joining us this evening uh on this uh this episode this evening we're going to be talking about aw's Grand Slam card that's developing that's turning into a pretty decent card so we're going to go over that as well as the events that had taken place on AW Dynamite this past Wednesday finally had the interaction between both Darby Allen and John Moxley as well as a nice tag team gauntlet which you know I mean set up a good Tag Team Championship Match going down in uh in New York in the U next um two weeks so but uh first and foremost we're definitely gonna start out with uh tonight's episode of SmackDown the debut episode of SmackDown on the USA Network which was um I'm G say it was actually a pretty pretty decent show you know I mean for for for the debut episode and before we even jump into you know the the actual matches to uh you know dissect everything um that started throughout the course of the day uh first things first they did display their new logo for for Smackdown and prior to you know jumping on board for tonight's show we were getting ready to uh you know discuss the the new the new logo for Smackdown and you know looking at social media there were a lot of you know mix mixed reactions for for the logo on Twitter and I think you know we got the same across this board here U with with us but um gentlemen the new logo being display uh your thoughts Chris I'm gonna start with you first uh it's me like it's it's it's okay I guess they you know these people have board meetings and you know you know means of brainstorming and all this stuff so this was shown and seen by multiple people like in a room and they had to collectively come together and be like yeah this is it this is good right here this is it and uh I don't know I guess I guess like it's it's like I get they're trying to blend the S with the D pause but uh it still look like a giant s it's it's okay it is doesn't jump out at you doesn't be real it's like it's just like just it's just there like it's just like yeah guys here Smackdown yeah I mean that's it like it's nothing see the one thing you [ __ ] on about Chris is the only thing I actually like about it like that SD is the only nice thing about it like other than that it's just it's like yeah you know what I mean like every year ex I'm look up the logo when we when we started talking about this and all the years and all the logos that smackdowns ever had outside of two years 2009 which was because of the 20 year anniversary or the 10 year anniversary and 2016 Smackdown has always had that kind of box logo where it was a box and it was Smackdown top and bottom it's always kind of been that logo there was different variations of it but it was always that same thing and so for this is just like completely different it's like if it ain't broke why fix it you know what I mean like I get your move in the USA and stuff like that but we've seen sack down go from sci-fi to uh CW to UPN 57 you know what I mean to uh what else was it on over the years it was on it was on a lot of different network wasn't it on uh you said UPN yeah was it on TNT or something like that or TBS or something like that no it was it was never on that that was Thunder it was on a couple different channels and it always kind of stayed with that same you know what I mean like box top the the top smack down smack is blue the bottom down is white and it was always that box logo and this to me is just like too much of a switch you know what I mean like it's okay to switch it up here and there but this to me is just too much and I'm not a fan of it it it feels like they went to an AI app and said I'm a wrestling company with our logos called Smackdown make me a logo and this is what they came up with that's what it generally looks like an AI logo yeah know my t-shirt people I'm not going to be as harsh as as as y'all are with it I I like it to a certain extent like I see where you know like they try to get clever with the with with the S and the D but when you do take first glance from afar it almost look like it's like a it's saying smack sound you know that's what I'm saying it look like a giant s like like it it does look like like like like a giant s like like Cody trying to pronounce the word my boy L bone but no I see what you mean like that I didn't even think about that cuz I I kind of you know what I mean we know what the word is so yeah smack down but yeah looks like a s broken up like yeah right yeah but if you w a wrestling fan you know you didn't know that the show was called Smackdown and you just saw a logo it would look like smack sound yeah like what's what's smack Sound Smack sound is that even a word yeah I would live the smack sound what you heard me laying the smack sound you heard me the The Rock will come back so fast just so he can regulate that like wait a minute this is not smack sound no you're wrong well we get more into this episode I have I have a problem with that but we we'll talk about that bring back bring back the giant fist oh yes look there were rumors that the giant fist was returning what happened that so so the dude I work with who ain't even like a really like he likes wrestling but he's not like into it like that he stopped he knows I'm a huge wrestler in Mark so he stopped me and work today was like the fist is back tonight I was like I hate to break it to you bro but that was just a hoax rumor that someone put up there he was like yeah ah [ __ ] like yeah fist is not coming back unfortunately bring back the fist I'm I'm good without the fist you tripping the fist is Iconic it made no sense it made no sense at all but we just want it like look I'm good I'm good I'm good on the fist like look you know what I mean I I like what what they're doing now it it's it's it's a little bit more in into today's time you know me like they Chang the Twitter logo too yeah when you do # Smackdown that horrible horrible SD now yo it just looks it looks so generic like it looks like like when you look at when you see it on the mic and stuff it looks like one of those like random like just like sports blogs you see on the internet like sports news like something like you know what I mean like that s just looks like doesn't scream w we wrestling like you're a billion dollar company it's like like like a logo for like like a like a generic team or something yeah you know you know El was confusing as hell the Rocks like the rock formations uh like I don't know you picked up on this but like in between commercial breaks they had like rocks in the background stuff I don't know if that's a homage to the Rock cuz you know he kind of like invented Smackdown and stuff but yeah I was like this is this is strange all all around like maybe there's some weird e Easter eggs they're trying to put out there but uh maybe they just like whatever just put them there for right now guys now now at the start of the show there's now a new opening theme which was uh uh me Meg you know Meg the stallion joint you know me the stallion joint uh what were y yall thoughts on it I I thought it was great like I was like okay like even before I even even took a look at the screen you know mean like I you know mean in my phone like then I heard the beat drop I was like oh all right like this how we start in at 8 o'clock hour like okay like that's you know pretty pretty dope track I don't know the name of it but I'm probably listen to it now I don't either but it's cool yeah there's there's reports going around that uh I think it's Rebel uh Radio Rebel or whatever I'm not sure the next name them Rody Rebel no who they have right right now for their music you know fans are not happy with the current music production of WWE yeah reports that they're not going to reup them when their contracts up at the end of this year and they're saying that this actual like music where they're going to license the music out is going to be more frequent thing where we're not going to get like just generic WWE music we're going to actually get music which is going to be pretty cool you know if we can get some wrestlers to get some actual music that'd be pretty cool cuz uh today real quick my son goes when Cody comes out my son goes does every wrestler sing their intro song I said Joseph that's not Cody singing his song what what are you talking about he said it's not I mean I was the same way as a kid grown up I thought every wrestler sang their their own intro music I mean that's just sha Michaels The Big Show too right wasn't that him the well isn't that him don't get me to line I don't think so about say I don't think no I don't say that to me bro I grew up my entire life thinking that are you it's it's not the Big Show don't say that hilarious don't say that to me there our viewers watching us right now could y'all verify if the Big Show actually sung his theme song when he arrived at the WWE for Joey do you know how long I thought that Mark Henry actually was singing his music and then I realized it was a 36 mafia 36 mafia I was way too old to realize that I was like wait this is Mark Henry you are now showing your age so wait is Eddie Guerero song Vias is that Eddie no wait a minute I believe so I don't I was gonna say I I believe he he does have that that part of the drop but the rest of the song is someone else and wasn't the original Rey Mysterio intro wasn't that him him singing it I don't know I don't think so come on guys just just lie to me right now you are ruining my childhood n only one that I recall Ray actually singing well actually was rapping with him and Conan when they when they was in WCW like wow wow wow yippo yipp day every day and they only and they only did that because a road dog and all that stuff that's so like U Road dog K dog I was like oh come on y'all not even trying Jesus right no that that was a crazy time but no we we definitely we definitely may have to uh look look into that you know I mean for another show as far as like everyone that did do do their songs but I did I mean we probably all learned you know I didn't know Jimmy Hart was so you know very you know I mean very in tune and and involved with with the theme music back in the day yeah he wrote A lot of them right yeah yeah he wrote A lot of them honky talk man's I think the lot damn anybody he managed he wrote something that went pretty big right like a song that like yeah like an actual hit I think yeah I I know talk I can't remember the name of the actual song but he talked about it in his Hall of Fame speech I believe yeah oh yeah no we we definitely gonna have to you know I mean Circle back on that one though but uh yeah so let's uh jump jump into this um Smackdown event so you know they open the show with the still cage match uh for the Undisputed Universal Championship uh which was uh Cody facing solo sakoa and we just going you know kind of you know you I mean to to the end of this match so if you're you know hot under a Cody won the match and at the on very end of the match uh we did have the arrival of members of the bloodline uh arriving to the cage um climbing in and beginning to uh beat attack Cody rhs uh during this um cage spot we were getting ready to have the the possibility of Jacob you know I mean doing a splash from the top of the cage however you I mean the music hit out comes the OTC Roman Reigns you know I'm coming out make making the assist for Cody oh wait before I even you me get that far yeah like yo they they they're investing a lot into Jacob there's there's something there that they're they're ready to you know I mean ready to to launch but you know they they they taking the steps you mean the appropriate steps but you can see that they're really ready to push Jacob Fu to the moon and I'm glad they ing that honestly he deserves it he's he's the best one in this newba light group he's clearly the best one and they they see the reaction he gets from the crowds even though he's a hill it's like come on like you can't deny that Talent right right no I agree to totally agree but yeah so you know out comes the the original tribal Chief coming out to to attack the members of the bloodline uh we got to the point where you know solo was was getting ready to make a move but then Superman punch uh by Roman by Roman Reigns and then eventually Jacob you know I mean went and got solo out of the cage and you know Roman's back and you know he ready ready you know I mean put his mark on the uh this new era of of the smackdown era uh Joey your thoughts on this uh particular um um postmatch event I should say yeah I I think it was it was well done the only thing that I was like a little like what the hell is going on here is when when Fatu decided to get out of the get out of the cage from the backside and then was like gone all that time while his family's just getting beat up I'm like like that to me was a little wonky like I get you're you're trying to limit Roman and Jacob face to face and you know contact and stuff but you know to have him up top and then him climb down the outside and just be gone for all that time then to make the save from to with solo at the end there was was strange to me you know you could have maybe had him do the jump off the top and he rolled to the outside of the Ring because it was such a big jump that he was a little hurt something like that but that was the only problem I had with other than that it was well done um I wish they would have gave this moment a little bit more time stop panning back to to solo cuz obviously know you know this is still the money maker here Roman and Cody are still in the grand scheme of it the money maker and the only other issue I had is is clearly we're we're not getting Samy back involved in the mix it's going to be Cody filling that last void which I'm kind of ready the biggest knock I think for Cody is he's still tied up in this bloodline two years later he doesn't have a chance to be his own Star right now because he's been so tied up in this I think he needs to get completely away from these guys so we can see what he actually is yeah and I think they're planting that seed now when when it comes to the next storyline for him like they teased him as far as not wanting to to be Roman's tag team partner for bad blood and indicating that he was done with the bloodline but you know mean fast forward to the end of this end of the show uh you know the actions with with the bloodline coming out you know I mean which you I mean caus for cot to say hey you know what I'm I'm um you mean be your tag team partner so you know decid to sign a contract and now we have the tag team match of Roman and Cody um facing solo and Jacob at bad blood in October so yeah so you know it is you know I mean going on Rel relatively too long it's getting to the point now where it's like all right when where where are we going to get the payoff but no matter what that payoff is going to have Roman Reigns involved you know like that that's just just seems to to be the case with uh the storyline at the moment yeah no I definitely agree too much too long yeah um now as as as far as like with Roman's return and now being a part of uh the USA Network do y'all believe we're we're going to get get get a a Roman you know I mean recurring like week week after week or you you think it's you know he's going to pick his spots as far as being being on the show uh I think he's gonna pick his spots I still don't think it's gonna be a week to we thing he's that's just where he's at right now in his career more than anything it's not so much got anything to do with the USA Network now granted they're going to want to see him probably more often so I don't think it's going to be a two times appearance a month or you know once a month sometimes we only saw him once a month you know so but so it done be on the USA Network now it's probably like all right now that you guys are on our Network we want to see Roman a little bit more than once or twice a month so it might not be every week but and once again even if we see him it doesn't mean he's actually gonna wrestle right you know he might just make appearance because Brock Lesnar that was his thing forever he doesn't do Monday Night Raw matches he would show up but he wouldn't actually wrestle yeah he just he would just show up and like cause Havoc but he wouldn't actually wrestle anybody right right so that's probably that'sa that's probably what's GNA happen here too see I'm thinking if if WWE can give Roman the guarantee like listen you make it to these Smackdown appearances and we'll make it so that you're not advertised for any of these s shows you don't got to do any of these other appearances just SM TR to SmackDown that's still a kind of easy travel schedule you're telling a guy only's got to work you think you travel Thursday or maybe Friday morning you're leaving Saturday morning you're only gone two days a week that's I mean that's not an awful travel schedule considering the money he's he's making I mean give that to me I do that easily but I I think for the early going maybe what wa September right now maybe until raw is off of USA I think we see we see Roman a lot more often than we did just for a simple fact that I think WWE right now in this may sound weird but I think USA is gonna want Smackdown to kind of Stack the cards stack the cards a little more against raw because they know in January raw is leaving you can't have the stronger show leave your brand and smackdown's left looking weak and Roman's the biggest name there is right now so I think they're going to try to stack Smackdown a little better than raw just because they're keeping SmackDown and Raw is leaving right is is it possible maybe after Survivor series is it possible we get a like a impromptu Shuffle to where he then maybe goes to Raw you know to kind of get him away from Cody for for a little bit or because I feel like if he were to remain on Smackdown he he's probably going to be fighting with his family you mean for for for a while you know like it it you know to kind of spare it away from from Cody if they do decide to go in that in that in that direction you know that's the thing that's the thing it's the even though the feud the end off Feud is going to be Cody Roman but in the the further further view is to me it's gonna be Rock and Roman like that's the actual payoff of all this yeah I keep forgetting about Dwayne yeah that to me that's the actual payoff through all this is Rock Roman his name but it makes sense for him to keep on feuding with his family until then because I think I think the bloodline versus the you know the you know OTC BL bloodline versus the new blood I think that's going to be the the few going through honestly to the rest of the year obiously Survivor series War games and to all way to WrestleMania because because I think they want to do Roman versus solo what's name so if you're gonna have that it can't be a Survivor Series so unless they decide to do it at Royal Rumble which I kind of doubt they do it's to me it might be Roman solo at wrestl WrestleMania for the Undisputed tribal Chief type thing and what's name they can make a whole spectacle out of that what's his name so I think he'll stay on Smackdown until after WrestleMania when WrestleMania then he'll if if they go to Raw then then that's what it might happen because right now it's too much storyline still to go like like him and Jacob needs to happen when that's G to happen who knows like that's a big big deal now too so you know so I so I think he gonna go to ra ra but not until sometime after Mania South fish me wants to see Roman and Jacob over Roman solo that's everybody wants that like like selfish me you know what I mean wants to see that not selfish you it's conscious you we got eyes we got eyes we want to this is the one everybody wants to see but for storyline purposes they're going to do Roman solo CUA like but it's going to be hard to do that right now just for the simple fact of how weak these past couple of months they've made solo look he think about it without the bloodline kind of helping him out with the numbers game he's never w got in the upper hand on Roman alone but hindsight is 2020 because people can say the same thing about Roman and his championship wins every time he's won defending his title it's because of interference so let's getting our our our our our booking I feel I I don't disagree with that at all but like like if you want me to be excited about a match on WrestleMania stage I just think you need like I'm not saying every time have solo squash show but I think solo needs to get the best of him maybe once or twice here or there without any help and he he do it he can do it during the lead up to WrestleMania it could start at the Royal Rumble it can start after the Survivor Series like the old the old school bloodline could win but then he could lay out Roman after the match you just need something to make him look like he belongs right now he doesn't look keep Al yeah then Royal the Royal Rumble he he lays out Roman again or causes Roman something to where a championship opportunity something to really piss Roman off to have people be like oh man Romans Roman needs to get him because his whole thing is I'm the new tribal Chief I'm the tribal Chief you got to take this away from me uh delay you gotta get this you want this you gotta go through me so that's so it got to be solo first I guess but you know like we all wi Jacob but it to me it's clearly is going to be him in Solo like I said could it be I mean it could be a realy Rumble full I know I don't I don't know you know what I'm actually gonna go a totally different approach like I can see them R riding this this OTC bloodline rivalry maybe up to I'mma say I'm probably I'm G say around Survivor Series I I think I think that's where the match would would end where it'll be the end game of Roman you know I mean Roman over Cody over like everybody everybody being over but then the month of December I think that's when we see the return return of the Rock and The Rock The Rock lays out solo that way you you can write solo off of Television for a while to kind of get that that Resurgence back you know I mean go going into 2025 you know like like he's you I mean portraying a role as the tribal Chief but he's not you know I mean living up to the job of being a tribal Chief and that's something that you know is going to disappoint The Rock like you you didn't take out Cody as you know he's he's supposed to have done and Roman's back so now it's like you know the bloodline is not as strong I mean with with the exception of Jacob you know I mean being like that enforcer but shoot that enforcer can be paid off why not why not be you know I mean be on be in Alliance with the rock you mean when he returns yeah I mean he still could do that saying like without rock kind of kicking him out you can kind of like take him under his wings like hey you know you tried like this is like it's okay but let but the final boss is going to take over now yeah I could I could see that happening too but I I still think we get at least one match where it's everyone versus everyone and rock is included what you mean everyone versus everyone like old versus new and I think the rock is ends up being the leader of the new that's the that's the only way right now you can swing it with how weak solo has looked to where you would even like really care about the match honestly like the the um Gill of Destiny are a tag team champion they've looked like they couldn't even touch a hair on Roman's head right now solos look so weak every turn the only person who actually has held his own is Jacob and you're telling me in a match where it's co the Usos and Roman versus the new bloodline and blank that you even think that the match is even worth watching because because that s just say you add the other Grill Destiny's brother the uh I don't want to butcher his name but you look at that match on paper and you're like it's going to be a sweep why do I even care right but if if you add the Rock in there instead like oh maybe this new bloodline has a chance with The Rock in there now you know what I mean so I just think you need him in there for right now if you're going to have old versus new bloodline to kind of just beef up the bloodline a little bit Yeah but thing is I don't know the rock is gonna be doing these still cage matches that's the thing even though he can protect him somehow with it you have him come in last and notching any spots it's possible yeah because remember he still has his Hollywood stuff going on so it's certain things I think he has to stay away from so I it's like uh but you know who knows like I say that guy makes his own decisions on everything and his creates his own destiny so who knows what he can and can't do but uh yeah but like this I definitely see Rock leading the new new school bloodline but uh I I don't know yeah so solo I we had this conversation before I said solo to me right now is not a main inventor he's not and it show but it's like but how the way they're writing it you know Jacob is always pledging his allegiance to him saying he loves his tribal Chief talking about solo that's why I think the F the first payoff far as singles matches is going to be Roman and solo so Roman takes his layback and you know once again proves he's the real travel Chief and then the The Rock will come around but is the rock going after the Roman is he going after Cody because that's already been stamped too because everybody everybody's talking about rock and Cody so like I said there's a bunch of good problems WWE has right now yeah yeah it could definitely go go go anyway [ __ ] look at this point like look like the family done had done taking over the company for like what the last what six years now in in running like yeah yeah like like seriously and look and all that conversation we Ain even mention Jay or Jimmy you know what I mean still around you know I mean still around but you know Jay Jay doing his thing uh got the uh upcoming you know InterContinental CH championship match uh and you know just waiting waiting for waiting for uh Jimmy to come back you know I mean when whenever that happens that's gonna be the biggest pop of his [Music] career when he comes back that I guarantee is the biggest solo pop you will ever get now you know who had a nice little smatter of boo bop I mean pops like talk about Cody like when he came into the ring uh to talk with Roman at the end of the show and basically you know Cody is saying like look like I am like I'm that guy like you I mean I'm the Champion you know I beat you at WrestleMania and act it was a little little little you know I mean moment of booze going on there I was like oh man that that Cody that Cody hill run whenever did decide to do it oh man I'm waiting what if they what if what if they do a complete flip here and at Bad Blood aka the exact name of the the exact name of the pay-per-view I'll see what you doing here Cody turns on Roman and walks out and leaves them that would be crazy that would instantly make Roman the biggest face and Cody the biggest heel in a split second he would and he could do it in the matter of where it's very heish but tries to make sense of it by saying like I walked out on you because I said I'm done with the bloodline so so I so I walked out on you because I'm done the bloodline includes you too so I'm out of here right so so he was like like what like we had an agreement you were my partner he said I only acknowledge one family and that is my own oh my God we're Bookers that's it ain't bad I like it definitely like it so but yeah do more more more to come you know I mean with the uh bloodline Cody rhods Roman Reigns every everything going on oh this dude showing up at pay-per-views again sorry just had a uh quick look at um at uh Victory Road wrestling god yeah Mr don't don't change his clothes for pay-per-views I gu now think what do you think of Brock versus over feia Crown June it would be a great big beefy boy match but don't know if Brock's coming back anytime soon Brock's done forever yeah I don't know Brock's ever coming back if he does it still won't be anytime soon it's too still that lawsuit still pinning and going so long as that's going he there WWE is gonna stay far away from him oh yeah Brook quick JBL talked up on all these shows right they've never once talked about why no no he just he just whispered in you know Nick nimo's ear that was it you got that FY on me bro yeah right I need I need that you paying my my travel fee like here you here you go yeah he definitely he definitely hasn't said a word has he said a word even in the gcw Run has yeah I read online somebody was asking him why was he showing up to all these events he said cause he's recruiting for Triple H which I think was which I think was him character which that don't make no sense because you just had this man you you've had him you had him for 20 years and that that's that's what I'm saying I think he was just ribbing people but that's that's the answer gave he he um know you know he like man I'm just I'm just getting these checks that's all that matter that's it it pay me it flying me out pay me five grand just to walk out Whispering the guys's ear and leave exactly can we talk about this one one particular moment on Smackdown tonight and this was you know the uh tag team match with uh the down unders going up against Kevin Owens and at the appeared to be a mystery opponent I mean his mystery partner so apparently his original partner uh wasn't going to make it due to traveling issues so they just decided to pick this random I guess he might have been like a a local dude some guy named Ricky Ricky that that was the best part of the night he said his name was Ricky and at the end Reggie he went he's like sor stunned him like dude yo com commentary was giving a hell it was like yo like does he believe in a a blade you know like the shave like he like somebody called him what he say uh George Animal still son yeah George Animal still Jr I was like yo he's bringing back the80s bring it back the 80s look bro I mean the hair on the chest yeah uh I'm not gonna lie I don't think I think I seen A Moment Like This since since uh when ECW was on was on um SciFi and the uh what was the uh the the the not the ellien dude what what was he called y'all know what I'm talking about when s man came out and beat him up the zombie I I haven't seen a moment like that since the zombie it's like Ricky yeah that was great that was well done yeah but no I I I love that he was like what's your name again yeah oh yeah Ricky but yeah I don't say real quick to answer the question I don't know what's going on with Charlotte or Alexa I don't know if Charlotte Mr man I don't know if charlot's clear yet and Alexa is just still chilling yeah I don't play him I don't blame Alexa you know what I mean you had a kid you want to enjoy that first year just you made the bag over yeah she enjoying life not not to mention a't she married to like a uh a rockar artist Ryan Ryan car carinho or whatever his name is yeah some type of rocker oh yeah she she ain't no no rushan get back yeah and that's for nothing but like she was one of those ones who openly said she ain't love the wrestling business she did it because she was once she got signed she was a natural at it but growing up and stuff she wasn't like this huge wrestling Mark who like I'm doing this my whole life you know what I mean like this was this was a career for her yeah yeah a lot of people did it for there a bunch of people who did it for money or to get their names out there like Nick Nikki and Brie Bella Brock Lesnar famously said he he did it for the money was name Kevin Nash like a lot of people do it for money and exposure if they turn out to be very talented doing it is what it is yeah now going into the uh to the to the next segment well actually not next segment going into uh Monday Night Raw this past Monday hold on one second we got one more oh he said oh Tiffy as well yeah was that shout out to our folks on Twitch check checking us out tonight we appreciate it let's go yeah like shout it out you know what I mean tell a friend and tell a friend shout out to my shout out to my Primo Papo I don't know if you watching bro but I hope you helping us get these twitch people up no he appreciate it he always ask he's like yo cuz how the show going he's like yeah yo what's up y'all on Twitch yet that's why he first thing he always ask me I'm like yeah we on Twitch now say yeah y'all go on Twitch trying to tell you that's where it's at tell us how to get them numbers up because right now it's we got one so wait a second so the so the um Steph deander neck surgery is real according to her she said yes this is real please don't message me if I hate you see see y'all in a few peace oh she oh she had to get neck surgery well yeah she said she has to she she announced it on Victory Road tonight said that you know she's been um prolonging it and that she uh you know me she has to you know the neck surgery allegedly you know they try to Swerve us you know I mean I don't know yeah the wrestling business is basically Liars right right also you not not not for nothing moment uh according to Sea Sean rth sappa fight fo uh sources within WWE are claiming the motor Motor City Machine Guns have signed with the WWE uh uh you know reported that you know you know they were you know headed to the company I also saw something saying that they may actually start an NXT uh what are your thoughts on that that's not surprising to be honest they're number one they're older tag team they like there they're their early 40s so you would think because of that you want to shoot them to the main roster but they're like they're really not that known honestly like this they're known crazy in the NB scenes yes we know they're indd Darlings like we know TNA all that stuff but like when I told you every fan base is different even if they're russing Mark you got a lot of casual fans right a whole lot so it's like if you just shoot these guys up on the main roster I have them beefing with judgment day or like this or like the bloodline people let be real they be looking like who the hell is these guys they would they this like we would freak out oh Chris a like but like but the big part of that fan base especially the younger fan base the younger fan base is not Gonna Know Who what machine gun is so like it's cool to have have him with NXT even for not long just have him do some reps they could be down there for like six months eight months then then bring them to main roster I'm good either way although I would like to see them on the main roster because I think the main rosters could use a little bit more solidified tag teams so that you know you mean to be involved in in the story lines but I can see where starting on NXT could could be a good thing just for you know although they're they're veterans but being able to get the WWE away if that makes sense like as far as you mean you know mean for the entertainment purposes of how how things are operated you know mean for that company so I think I think it's it's good either way but I don't want if they do start at NXT I just hope that they're not there for for a very long time at at least maybe 6 to 12 12 months at best then you could then then make the move like for some reason ask me why they scream NXT CH Tag Team Champions like they just they look like they're supposed to be NXT Tag Team Champions but as I said like because honestly to NXT actually looks like they care about day tag team division more than the main roster so that's why I said it looks like it be tag team champions for them but right all uh how how do I pronounce this it giant witch 29 he said is your guy's logo inspired by Green Day now it's actually inspired by like the old EC EC fnw shirts like the EC you know ECW logo that's how well where where our logo is actually inspired from but uh appreciate that question you know nobody ever asked that before yeah uh in terms of Motor City so I don't I I agree a little bit but they might not be as known I do think there is fans who know them but I would do say I think they were good enough workers to where even people that don't know them I think they would be able to hold their own just because they'd be able to compete with anybody and I think they they would get over naturally for even the fans that didn't know them I don't have a problem with them going to NXT I think it's it's good for the undertal to kind of get that rub a little bit with those guys and kind of get in the match with them but uh I don't have a problem with it I honestly know it's going to be cool to see them in there NXT is going to get more of a recognition on its own network now going forward so why not yeah I got which 29 said main roster tag belts are not good now both of them put put on Stables is too much yeah I I I I hear I hear what you saying I think it does suck where you know mean a lot of tag teams are already part of staes like you I mean let let them be SE separated so that way like it's it's you know I mean a little little bit more better for the you know I mean far as like the stories that's being delivered yeah especially because the two tag team champions that are currently in Stables they're got beefs with solo individuals so it's like they're not even defending their Tag Team Championships like uh Finn Balor and uh my big brother JD madun like he how many times he defended the titles they had the titles for like how many days now and defended them like what twice yeah I'm G say probably what twice now since what they had him for what like what two and a half months now yeah if I'm not mistaken yeah they like nobody's even like buying for them like nobody like not a tag team like yeah we're want those belt like we don't got that that's what I was you know me like you know we we text off you know mean on a side as far as like the week that was and you know I had mentioned as far as like raw just having like this like unknown like it's like a Eerie Eerie feeling like where it's like they're holding on to something and not like really delivering a strong sto story Presence at at the moment like things are happening but it just seemed like it's just it's just not as strong it's definitely not ain't as strong as what Smackdown delivered you know mean tonight but it's just I don't know it seemed it seemed like it seemed like raw is business as usual without that that key leader at this very moment yeah very a lot of filler just yeah so just going through the motions like it's like they're just holding honing it in until Survivor Series like like who who is who is like the top baby face on Raw at this very moment Jay but he's not really I mean even though his name meant Jay but he's not like like really in Main Event like for the show It's Sammy right now is it Sammy I don't even feel like it's Sammy that's crazy it's Sammy it probably is but I don't even feel like it's Sammy it's crazy now he now I that's a good I think that's a good problem to have though oh absolutely like I mean you still had you know you still have that that opportunity like to an to anoint someone to be like honestly I just thought about it on a it might be either or Damen Oria yeah yeah it's probably Damen Oria to be honest right now9 like you know he he says Punk see I feel like I feel like Punk had the opportunity but the the storyline between him in McIntyre is is growing it's growing sour gr sour yes and I also think it's hard to say them just for the simple fact that punk and Drew have been so tied up in their own story that they kind of aren't even in like the pecking order of the overall roster at this point yeah yeah yeah right now R and Damon Damian they're getting crazy pops and reactions every time they come out so right now far as baby F I say it's probably Daman Ora to be honest yeah you know Seth on the sideline like who knows when he'll be returning like yeah I don't know like I I I feel like too you mean like with with Gunther you know Gunther you know be being a heavyweight champion he still needs that that one storyline that's like like epic that that can turn into like a like a Trilogy or something like he still has a you know I mean I know he's still relatively new with the title so it's like you know that could still happen at some point but like you know I would like to see like I would like to see him in in like that storyline of as to like what Drew and punk were working but just don't let it grow to where where it's at now and now to the point I don't think most people care yeah yeah that's why I'm upset Seth is hurt him and Seth would have had really really good matches like that could have been a great I I know SE tired of being Seth in the title picture but yeah they would have had really good matches which now says he thinks Gunther drops at the scene at am Mania so you think I mean that mean Cena going right off into the sunset with with the championship huh I mean anything is possible that's not a horrible Choice honestly I say anything's possible I mean he already kind of teased that like he's he's gonna be working you know I mean up to WrestleMania yeah what's it 50 dates I think something like 50 dates something like that I believe yeah I remember him saying something like that like I think he already then he already like made himself for the Royal Rumble like like he like already gonna be like a participant or am I tripping this crazy did I dream that I don't know so so he must be trying to wrap up everything he got going on right now I think he's I think he's wrapping up The Peacemaker as we speak okay and then after that he's gonna get start to get ready for wrestling shape again that makes sense speaking of speaking of wrapping up before we get there oh he says Lan Paul what oh it's a perfect you know senior opponent a foreign Hill hold up Mr s man who you got Logan Paul for for Cena or or for uh for for Gunther because if he does that Gunther becomes the face yeah oh big time yeah like big big time keep gotta keep him is the hill right now but uh talking about wrapping up though I hate to see this but it it looks like the the inevitable is happening yep one new day oh man so you know we had this uh this moment Backstage on Monday Night Raw where coffee you know mean notified Xavier about the tag team you know getting them a tag team championship match uh next Monday and D during this exchange you know they you know Koffee made to had taken some shots at Xavier you know as far as him saying like while you up there you know you know cosplaying with you mean with your dragon friends like I I was over here working and I got ourselves a tag team championship match and I don't know like Xavier was like listen I thought we were we were doing our our solo thing but I mean you got the match we got the match you know that's more money for us but don't seem like he was too thrilled on on on a low so well I mean goes without saying that whatever happened I mean I know they said he did something to get fired but that I feel like thre a wrench and everything honestly right oh he said Logan Paul be best new guy he like no log he he doing he be doing a damn thing I can't F yeah much much as I want to hate I can't like he be doing the damn thing in the ring yeah I get what you saying though Joey like yeah when odyy Odyssey Jones got uh let go ever say why yeah uh poal yeah potential domestic stuff yeah so obviously it was enough to where WWE was like nah get up out of here like we not even we not even touching that so you know they they tend to give their guys benefit of the doubt they do their own little investig investigations and stuff like that but I guess with this guy was like Noe we saw enough or heard enough you gotta go so he so he's not coming back yeah unfortunately yeah so I don't I'm I'll be I'm not happy about them you know calling quits they can just go their separate ways and still be cool like I and I hope through it all I hope that's how it actually ends up but like I hate when they feel like they the only way to break up a tag team is have them beef against each other I know that creates a better storyline a lot of times to create a single star from both aspects but like sometimes just like listen how about yall just like the Heart Foundation Brett and Jim they went their separate ways and they wern't beefing they just went their separate ways you know Brett became the star Jim was doing whatever he was doing everything ain't gotta be a rocker situation he a got he ain't gota go through the barber shop window yeah every go through the window man like damn you know what I'm saying at first that's what they were doing Kofi was the world champion they was supporting biggie became the world champion they was supporting I mean like like just support like yeah I I I think they're they're developing something that um that's not really getting talked about a lot and I think we may see a potential alliance with Xavier was in The Miz like I you know there's a lot of discussion going on with car and cross in The Miz now like he's like planting that seed like what happened to you Miz like you ain't like what like what you used to be and and you know how caring was with with Xavier as far as like you know saying how like Co kofi's holding him down and stuff like I I think we I think we might see see some type of alliance between those two and that may develop into something I mean it does kind of lead Co Kofi out there because it's like [ __ ] like who who Who's G to back me up now um you know unless you know Big E is some somehow clear but doesn't you know appear to be that way like you know uh but yeah some something something's developing my man which 29 said it he said uh Xavier Miz versus Co coffee and truth that actually could happen that actually could could happen it's not horrible idea not a bad idea at all I missed this one too he said he think they may hold off on breaking up for at least a few weeks because T he need to drop drop the belts so yeah I don't know I I I you know they judgment they may I mean they could potentially lose the belts even then [ __ ] actually then again I don't know like who's even like number one contenders for the tag team title that's what I'm saying there's not even no tag team right now talking about going for the Tag Team titles on Raw right now just like nobody's talking about it like we need those titles like we're coming at nobody like confronted them anything unless they look unless they just go go left and be like [ __ ] it we just gonna give it to the terror twins y yo I can see them doing some craziness like that yeah which is like come on y'all come on I know she I know she's big and she's bad but you know you can't have her fighting guys because the second they fight except second they hit her is a rap all letters and tweets and all that like don't do that yeah yeah I I know I know they got the um they got the the title match on Monday but like were were they like like the number one contenders though like like who's like that number one Contender team probably not that's why just they be makeshift in teams they just put teams together to you mean that's why that's why you got Jay and Cody freaking that's why you got the awesome truth again right like they're just putting guys together so I would I wouldn't be surprised for some reason even though they're not going to do it and I'm glad they wouldn't I wouldn't be surprised if like like the Ys 6 like they would be like yeah you to guys I don't know about that I don't like that but like see they do it I just say I can see them doing that though WWE does that like you guys you guys are over let's put belts on you that was at Extreme Rules yeah oh yeah that was man so y y'all y'all think the the split happens Monday or they they wait I think pull the Band-Aid yeah they might wait though W likes the longate stuff sometimes unnecessarily [ __ ] CA like I thought it was gonna happen with like two weeks ago like it was like oh yeah they happening but if they do it Monday it's cool yeah I I don't doesn't really matter to me when they do it whenever they do it it's going to be like oh [ __ ] did that really just happen so I don't think you need to drag it out more than it has to be it people are already going to have the reaction whether it's next week or it builds for three weeks or bills for a month there still going to be the same reaction yeah you know what's funny though I have a feeling like it's going to be like when the hardies broke up when Matt turned on Jeff it's not it's not gonna be like a oh my God it's gonna be more of a a it's like come on y'all what got Brothers we supposed to be brothers is it's not gonna be like oh [ __ ] they tra he it's not gonna be that it's just gonna be like damn for real all right but next cookout gonna be awkward say you see the Y six logo on Smackdown tonight I missed it no I did not catch that did it yeah I to totally missed that and then he also said they might be moving Brands maybe few few with Legato that actually wouldn't be bad either oh when Alis was talking in the background oh okay interesting hm that's that's kind of interesting I guess it's probably gonna be like a uh Wyatt 6 Invasion on on Smackdown someday USA probably told him we want them on the show man they want everybody they they had the bloodline on on NXT on Tuesday they they just they just want pce for everybody I ain't gonna lie that was lit it was though that was lit yeah that's actually good good showout Tanga he actually didn't mess up good good for you good for you yeah so much yeah that that was that defin definitely was a uh solid NXT episode for sure Mr sammon he said China was on steroids heavy she was scary uh that was random yeah she definitely definitely you know what I mean was was big I just say that lado the only one that makes sense for Wyatt because of the promos of Santos ber and Berto and Angel H interesting well D and he traded on Ray that's true too yeah interesting that defin definitely be interesting though so all right let's uh switch over you know I mean to our other uh promotion that be aw this was actually a pretty pretty solid week aw uh first off definitely was a a good Dynamite show on on Wednesday I don't know I feel like all the the bashing we had during the state of promotion aew as far as what they need to fix I feel like they listen I don't know like like you know I mean with the abrupt abrupt arrival of Moxley developing this this faction and and then you know we got um you know mean with the call out for Derby you know that's going you mean turn into a pretty pretty dope match and then one Mr ujoy Woods who who' been calling for this match for for a hell of a long time and out of nowhere Nigel said he he you know he needed to have a conversation with Christopher Daniels and he came down to the ring and said that he challenges Danielson for uh gr slam like this was this this is your your your calling I got I got give you your props on this one well and the the cool thing about this is it doesn't it's not for the belt right they didn't mention that right as of now no I don't think so it better not be for the belt so it's cool that they're letting this match happen and there's there's no belt implication cuz you know what I mean like it doesn't need the belt even though danielson's a title Champion you don't always need to have big matches where a title is on the line if a guy UND disturbing like you can have a match and not and be a non-title match so I I like that aspect but I I think AWS is came out really strong out of these last two pay-per-views I mean it was kind of a a tough situation with the pay-per-views back to back like that I think they came out though looking very good I I like where things are going right now at them I feel like we're getting more storylines that are are playing out a little more and they're following through with these story lines so I'm interested to see where the where this Moxley is gonna go you know where where if anywhere they can up the anties even more with swerve and hangman or if these two are finally done with each other so I'm interested to see where they go coming out of this and kind of using grand time as a restart until we get to I believe wrestle dream right after this right so we'll say yeah yeah I I agree like I'm love loving it the the direction of of of the stories that's being told shoot I'm I'm even interested to see who's going to be the uh female competitor that Maria attacks because you know you know that that that's that's that's coming you know I mean anytime soon so we can't forget the tag match uh the Young Bucks versus Aussie Elite or yeah oh yeah they're not calling them themselves that anymore right no I don't think soing about the Aussie open well what what were they called what was the whole faction called United Empire United Empire yeah in New Japan so I mean it's kind of regaining that which is pretty cool I could see and this is I don't know how much time he has left I don't I don't know anything I haven't even heard anything but Fletcher's tweet after Wednesday was like yo bro if your partner comes back and uh helps the Young Buck I wouldn't be shocked because Fletcher made a tweet talking about how all these years ospr is the only one in the locker room had his back and all this other stuff I'm like bro you're like a world class tag team champion who's been a tag team with this guy for years and that tweet to me just screamed like expanding the storyline yeah yeah I I I could definitely see that which 29 says yo Mox and Derby gonna be like old school ECW typee of hardcore uh 1,00% was going to be like that MOX he's gonna be bleeding in the first 20 seconds of the match no no you're probably right though look I what's to I think if that's the case hopefully Moxley was watching Smackdown tonight because I I felt like soon as the cage match started Cody started bleeding I was like damn I was like all right like literally what five minutes into the match like you already busted open like damn MOX is like I can beat that look before before the ring before the Bell even ring ding ding what's up I'm already bleeding like what happened like how go pull sand man hit himself with a can something but yeah no this is definitely definitely gonna be be a good match um and I thought I thought the stipulation was was interesting too so Darby's aw World title shot is on the line which is confusing because when he won it wasn't it for a chance to fight Danielson at Grand Slam yeah yeah so he wanted the world title match so he want he wanted Derby to give it to him and Derby's like no he was like but you can fight me for a chance so he's like fine if you want it that way I'll just beat you and take the opportunity but Moxy just wanted him to give him his title opportunity yeah but I thought when Derby won he was that was his shot to wa for a title shot at Grand Slam with Darby Wan what when Derby he won a match right to win the title title shot right look I'm trying to remember exactly which match that was because the last person I know had a had a title shot opportunity was Christian Cage he wins the ru Rampage ju July 26th Derby won the r Rampage to earn a world title to earn a world title shot at Dynam at Grand Slam I forgot all about that gez right and now now it's just thrown away they got that yeah they got Christian Cage still looming in the background all these Money in the Bank winners all money in the bank it's like gcw when they had uh man and Cole rodri both with the oh yeah with with the ring right brass ring and like that like wait a minute wait a minute so so at this point has both well I know man's cash in his wait did Cole Cole cash his in if I'm not mistaken it wasn't cashing remember Steph took him out before oh yeah that's right they could actually cash it in okay interesting well yeah Dam totally forgot Derby had the title shot like goodness gracious like everybody everybody gonna have it which way I said so stupid having their versions of rumble or money in the bank so close to each other yeah no that that's the truth like I mean honestly you know especially the the the uh the the Roy the Royal Rampage one like that one was was way off the radar especially because it's only one world champion just like yeah you could couldn't go for no other title like damn like i' been like don't you want the Ft title FTW title shut up shut up you don't want the C cmll Mexican champion we got that we got that hair too right like look you want to shout out the Ro TV title like we got a bunch of we got a bunch of belts here bro just pick one we said might as well just have a triple threat derson keage and not yeah yeah I mean would wouldn't be bad actually what am I seeing that that was oh yeah no for sure so but no it's definitely this car is actually shaping up to be really good yeah like I'm I'm a little surprised I'm like all right y'all just had two solid two solid pay-per-views now you're shaping up for this for this Grand Slam like damn like what what what are you saving for wrestle dream now like what's like what's on the docking for wrestle dream but here's the thing they have so much talent some of them which is not even being used yeah they can continue the they don't need to keep having these huge throw matches on a random Dynamite they and they could have these incredible cards after cards they just do too many wild random throwaway matches on Dynamite that mean nothing and then it it keeps them from doing it later on the line in a big pay-per-view yeah I think what they need to do now which WWE does a good job at like you see that they're developing the these fat these Stables with with all you know within a like start getting these story lines is go going like I like I I see like they they're trying to you mean work some momentum behind the the conglomerate like I like I like them but it's like H you know they're they're probably not going to be be around for a long time but you mean those like the patriarchy you know I mean like Christian Cage you know like get them get them in a in a good story storyline with with another St you know stable that that's a face that is you know like we we love to see that a little bit more maybe maybe get you know get him him involved with uh with swer you know like I love to see that no that that's not hard I just want to Swerve away from hangman yeah I I think it's time to put you know me put the put the breaks on that like love love love the love the love the matches love the buildup even though y y'all swear me about that the house per you know the house purchase like I just knew I thought that was real I'm sorry they they got they got me with that way was realing your heart yeah it was it did I was no I Ain even gonna go no further y go to go look it up he did right that I I actually think I I wrote like a comment like yo I was like big moves man congrats something [ __ ] got me yo anyway which 29 says people keep getting lost in the shuffle I hope they have a solid plan for Ricochet after the inevitable ospre Feud yeah that's that's another thing because like I saw the clip earlier today with uh they were doing like the backstage uh interview with Ricochet and as he was talking the conglomerate you know I mean we're all walking by G yeah those are my guys like this that so I'm like Lord don't don't don't don't don't try to thr him into the fold although like he was like you know I mean teaming up with them in in the match but like come on like don't don't just you know mean have him fall in line with them like let him be his own entity like that that would be cool so but yeah so aside for that uh gentlemen anything else you know stood out from this past week what is bad Bo is that two weeks I believe so yeah two weeks yeah yeah it's gonna be in Atlanta right yes sir it's Cody's backyard no it's three weeks what is October 5th right yeah so three week okay yeah three weeks yeah so so it's not where are we right now so it's not next weekend it's not the weekend after it's the weekend after so not so not this Saturday not next Saturday so one two three four Saturdays from now which is wild damn like the build of this card it's almost like when do we ever saw WWE have a card almost set in place yeah four weeks out that's crazy I know peace out with 29 wee appreciate you appreciate you you know I mean joining us this evening you know I mean tell a friend tell a friend come on back NE next Friday we appreciate BR old twitch Universe with you OTC [Laughter] crazy original twitch Channel but no you're you're right though like it it's rare that they like they have like matches already in line like normally it's like maybe like what two weeks two weeks prior to the pay-per-view like and there's sometimes where it's the week of and they're still well that's aw they be booking stuff the day of w does it too like the Friday before like oh let's throw this VCH up you know what I mean like but this is four weeks weeks out that's wild yeah yeah well hopefully that means it's going to be a good filler card because it's gonna be filler it feels like it's an important card honestly with you know bringing the name back and being in a marquee town of Atlanta right it's in Atlanta yeah yeah like a marquee town of Atlanta Georgia bring Bad Blood name back I mean you're having a Hell in the Cell match like when have we ever had that a Hell in the Cell match in a non hell in the like the last couple years I know before we did but in years past when it was a hell in the cell pay-per-view we only had Hell in the Cell Hell in the Cell like what you know what I mean like I'm glad it's like that I was I was I was upset that they made it a pay-per-view like I did not like that it was like sell cell should be special it shouldn't be a pay-per-view if you make it a pay-per-view I want every match as a Hell in the Cell match about say yeah every match should be a Hell in the Cell match then like like is is is dumb CU you know whoever the biggest names on the card that's what's going to have the Hell in the Cell match yeah so right now we have five matches we have Liv vers Rya Damian vers Finn Punk versus McIntyre Nia versus someone and Cody and Roman versus the bloodline I think we see one more we're going to see the ti us title I think right probably So Pro probably because is is Braun V was when's Braun v j what is that good question they I don't think they they you know mean is there gonna be a Monday Night Raw match or gonna be a BL Bad Blood match not playing for Bad Blood wow okay see told you doing Jay dirty unless unless they you know hold it on to it until Survivor Series but he's gonna be in the war games what are they're saying they're only doing five matches about to say I think they're only doing five matches for Bad Blood that's that's Triple H's new thing for the ples like the the filler ones we call he said they only doing like f five match pl's see I think a perfect time to do the Jay and bra match would be that October 7th show which will be the first show that goes from three to two hours I I think some fans were some fans love the three hours which is which is fine but I think you might have some fans that are mad so if you have that as like oh watch the main event of our new 2our show I think you might be able to get some people that way man look you paying $5,000 for a ringside seed now just for a 2hour show I'd be pissed yeah like wait what y yall reduced yeah y y y y'all sold me for three hopefully that means I'll be doing dark matches again multiple dark matches right and some pre-show tapings as well that's probably gonna be the case you know how they got like what they got the speed going on and you know what is that is that Saturday night main event is that going to be live or is that going to be I don't think it's live I think it's sa so I think might do that before probably yeah that's probably going to be like that extra hour I heard vent uh ventor coming back for commentary what yeah yeah there's a uh I G say it was a uh a uh report well a report saying that um that uh Jessie ventor we all be doing commentary for the Saturday Night Main Event shows yeah oh the throwback yeah yeah used to do it with um the old perv guy and gorilla gorilla oh gorilla yeah yeah yeah he started out with Gorilla first yeah so but yeah no so you know all good things you know just hope hopefully they're tighten up tighten up the raw the raw they're making a woman speed Championship I thought I saw that I believe I see WWE is driving me nuts I'm tell you right now WWE throw it in the bin I'm just just throw it in a bin act like it never happened we we I'm telling you we'll be okay we forgot about it already do not make a speed Women's Championship who do y'all know who the speed men's Champion is no is Andrade oh wow is that's what I'm saying like why why but if does get M wild ratings on Twitter so he's he's he's he still holding on to the title from beating Ricochet yes I'm trying to up the rating real fast I I heard that it was getting like WWE spe right now is averaging 1.5 million views per episode oh I believe it it ain't long believe it that's like look I believe it it's cool I'm glad it's getting traction but it's like is unnecessary it is yeah but it you know what I mean nothing right now nothing's pull 1.5 million views so they can't even get that on te like actual television yeah like that's people more into the social media sphere of things yeah that's true you not need we don't need we don't need to speed championships though I don't care I don't care what type of [ __ ] y'all doing we do not need speed Championship I watched one episode yet that's what I'm saying we don't need it I'm just saying we don't need it we don't need it like I said we didn't know we didn't know Andrade well you know why he never brings the damn belt out with him smack down he didn't even care like he probably like I'm not bringing that [ __ ] like I'm I'm embarrassed yeah got car carry this nah you know I thought about this as a question and I maybe I I'll table it but I was just you know thinking about like the amount of pro wrestling we're consuming today versus like the amount of pro wrestling that was coming up during the Attitude Era while like there was WWE WCW ECW like you know we you know we were familiar with independent promotions I mean based on like what was provided like on on our local TV broadcast but now with the evolution of technology and the internet like we're now able to consume like any promotion like that's like out there in in in in an entire galaxy like yeah like is is that is that like could that be a a potential problem like you know as far as like you know the consumption of wrestling like is it could it become oversaturated at at some point not not saying anybody got to answer now but maybe maybe that's something that we we could uh we could F you know dis on a on a future show and you know just you know maybe tell even even more you more questions you I mean towards that but uh yeah I like like to you know like like to bring that up maybe we bring that up when we have our uh potential guests um who maybe maybe coming on yeah that's one of those things I don't think is a wrong answer to I just think how you personally feel about it yeah whatever how you feel that's that's the right answer the only the only thing I'll say about that is is just real quick is I think I think there can be too much because here's the thing if every person is doing a show I I think it allows wrestlers to upcharge themselves right you know what I mean like if if there's 30 promotions and everyone's willing to pay x y Z to be on their show this wrestler can then charge say 500 when typically they were getting 100 but the demand's G up now so their price is gone up I think that hurts companies in the long run H interesting I like that yeah we definitely definitely dive into that a little a little bit more um for uh for a future show so all right gentlemen or you know El know real quick you know what else hurts them what's that like the a W dark guy shows up an aew dark and gets squashed for in a one minute match and miraculously they're an aw Superstar and they put it on their bio like former aew wrestler like bro you're on dark for a minute oh SN it counts look about said give me this shine like look it's like like a job like I work there that day I'm putting it on my resume but the problem is is that they use that as a way to get more money right watching his skit about that you know what Joey's right though because it was this one of them skits guy was like this girl was confronting him because he because she um he cheated on her and he was like I'm not a cheater he's like I only cheated one time and she was like this he was like that means you're a cheater he was like how if I cut somebody hair one time does that make me a barber I know I know what K you talking about I se that but really like if you're on there one time and you get squashed and they don't even really mention your name you don't even have an intro should you be allowed to say appear on aew aew and you know your rate instal up by $200 right yeah it's like nah bro I don't see you on their website ain't no graphic for you you're not all Elite crazy n we we we dive into that a little bit more in the future show so all right gentlemen we are approaching the hour 25 minute Mark definitely good good show by fast very fast yeah honestly this is almost like our normal Showtime but I don't know why like tonight went by extremely fast though you know but we ain't got no speed title I have a title A there you go there you go if I known I was going to make that joke I'd have had my title on standby indeed C oh man all right gentlemen we gonna get on out of here uh we got coming up anything going on this weekend in my knowledge uh any uh just a couple fights if uh you guys are boxing fans Canelo Alvarez is fighting some guy um what his name uh for for Philly fans Danny Garcia he's fighting under the undercard uh he's probably gonna lose but whatever shout out to Danny still Philly all day 25 so we die um our MMA fans um shaale sugar Sean is fighting this weekend def his title against Mor Rob deales Phil uh gonna be a very very good fight sty style Clash of Striker versus Grappler and a bunch of other fights that nobody really cares about but sugar Sean fight's gonna be but hey it's in the sphere so in the sphere right in the spear yeah so this is me first sporting event at the spear or so first live sport in the spear because the NHL draft was there so that's technically the first sport event there but this is the first live sport like match or whatever you want to call at the sphere okay Mexican Independence weekend shout out to all the Mexicans out here viasa which is a horrible choice for the UFC yeah to fight they did this they did this before yeah but the fight on the same weekend as Canelo during the Mexican Independence they but they did this before years ago and yeah but they stacked the card with they stacked the card crazy yeah yeah so actually made Canelo going later your main event isn't even anyone of Mexican heritage no it's not it's a Irish guy versus uh Georgian yeah that's a violation we all do yeah like did like they they had they got popular Mexican Fighters but yeah but right now real quick I don't want to go too long on this but right now who of Mexican descent could headline a card uh for UFC yeah uh nobody yeah only person that could do it because he's super popular Mexicans is Moreno yeah he's super popular with Mexicans he's yeah but I don't know if he headlines uh us the first sphere event n he would be the co-main event yeah unfortunately they don't have anybody they don't got nobody everybody came withco is retired isn't he in jail he just got out on Bell oh man that shout out to Cain Velasquez yeah he's a good dude I would did exactly the same thing he did I gu oh no oh I'm not you know disagreeing or anything I was going to say what the world of UFC yeah I know but but people is a bunch of Combat Sports on this weekend people so whatever your twist is enjoy yeah I mean what's her name gcw uh tomorrow in uh Detroit they got a crazy card oh yeah that's right I should have should have grabbed that yeah I I knew I knew they were they were somewhere yeah they just announced I think uh John Wayne versus ractic oh wow that's what that's that's gonna be a sharp card gonna be a blood pass they always do do a pretty decent card when they go to Detroit I know I think that's like one of one of their favorite stops we have to ask that the um the you know the ref Adam next time we have them on sh shout out to him in the uh gcw but uh all right gentlemen we gonna get on out of here now we approaching P ing the 1 hour and 30 minute Mark so this was still steps powered by edge of Philly sports Mr Joey Woods Mr mu Chris Wilson I am politic and Hawk and we will be holling at y'all next weekend till then have a good weekend peace [Music] [Music] n

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