Portland Thorns FC vs. Bay FC | NWSL Extended Highlights | 8/30/24 | Prime Video

Published: Aug 30, 2024 Duration: 00:13:13 Category: Sports

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new contracts Galore in the nwsl this week including Alyssa milans son signing a new three-year deal and she gets the start here tonight for albertine Montoya take a look at the starting 11 there's some changes here Leanne there's some big changes Mike and I love the fact that AB do come but she came on against Barcelona starts alongside Emily MZ and obviously for me up top Rachel Hill coming into this right hand side I think offers she's at work engine she's that work HSE you know oshaa as well kund nii I spoke previously about the gold they have to score they're getting into those areas but they have to put the ball in the back of the net meanwhile a major change comes in goal for the Portland Thorns McKenzie Arnold makes her nwsl debut about 5 years after she was sitting on the bench backing up aissen ner right here in Portland the Australian net minder leads the starting lineup for the now full-time head coach for the Portland Thorns Rob Gil yeah mckenzi would offer that playing out from the back coming in from West Ham it was a no-brainer to be an additional thorn in this lineup getting her first start and I think again I mentioned about the midfield for the Portland Thorns this season in the chemistry I think you know certain players like Sam Coffey always at Main State can play in the 10 can play in the sixth can play in the E she's very consistent and obviously sigita and Sophia Smith in those areas will always cause problems look towards these two cuz the telepathy they have between each other is exquisite and I think Sophia Smith will always cause problems She'll always scor goals even when the Thorns weren't performing at the beginning of the Season she was still scoring meanwhile a longtime Thorn that became a bay FC star in their expansion season Emily MZ is Back Bay right at the playoff line Portland trying to strive into the top four it's the Thorns taking on Bay FC and it's on [Applause] Prime here is Arnold and the key for her is how impressive she is with the ball at her feet that might unlock a totally new angle to this group here's Sig on the T forward from span acquired from Kansas City last week chipped inside for Smith and picked off by mangz pick it Sprints through to kundan anji pulls off of mtry and went for goal and sails High over Arnold bod lifts osala brought it down sends it out that's a corner that got deflected Dorian Bailey Corner ball clipped along fell toward osala comes High to daco Milan hangs it up over bod backside Bailey he lift it and headed in oh wow Abby DOL keer makes an immediate statement in a bake [Applause] hit what a start for Bay FC on the road well well way to keep this alive well done Abid do camper first start for Bay it was interesting because it looked like Bailey actually it looked like it was going in in the initial play we have to have a look here now Abby do c her goal all day long great willingness way to keep it alive and puts it in on that far [Applause] [Music] post drops in Spano arrives enters into the area spaner pulls back Smith High for coffee simple for Rolland can't leave spaces in behind Sophia Smith will cause problems coffee knocked it free Smith by a lonesome Smith knocked off the ball by megz no one is more qualified to understand Sophia Smith at a psychological level than Emily MZ what a tackle from Emily MZ and I spoke to her yesterday about the consistency she has and I feel like she almost is that unsung hits all comps be on the bench for the moment kundi breaks through rips it all the way across is there H is scored B doubles their money 18 minutes in and this will drop your jaw what a goal what a run from kund nanii I've been quite critical of the fact that kundi hasn't scored anywhere near as many goals as she should have but she's C so many problems down this left hand side and I said it before Mike look her when she wants once she gets going but it's about the quality of the ball put puts it on a plate for Rachel Hill and Rachel Hill isn't known for her goal scoring she's known for her work rate she'll do anything for this coach any coach she plays for she'll run through a brick wall but look at this play from kundan niji Fantastic ball in and Ray Joy it's a gift Raina reers has no chance at that back post and I did not see this one coming the field there's osala lines up hubly plays early flicked in go B knocked out by Arnold and kept off the line out for a throw Smith spins fre a Bailey Smith Smith Rolland denies the returning Olympic gold medalist comfortable save for Caitlin Roland in the end but it goes to show you in the blink of an eye Jesse Fleming's getting on the ball fny Livia mry as well great shimmy great drop of the shoulder to get into that situation Emily M quite cover over but you can see here what sopia Smith can do go right go left dro the shoulder creates a situation out nothing doesn't quite catch hold of it in the end but they still need to stay concentrated as well take a look at a couple of the players out this trouble taken away by Smith Smith puts it in a Solo mission to bring Portland back an early golden moment for the gold medalist two goals to one Caitlyn Roland knows you cannot keep the ball like that we spoke about goalkeepers running on the ball a lot having to play out moments ago I spoke about how important the goalkeepers are in this league being able to almost become that second Cent second or third Center back see here everything's calm Caitlyn Rand takes one touch tries to play it out Abid do CA goes back and then it's just that is poor in the end then you cannot give any player in this league that type of ball let alone safia Smith and this changes everything now I said if they went to three or four then it would be game over but that type of gift Sophia Smith still has a lot to do Caitlyn ran tries to recover a good composure from safia Smith and it's 2-1 that's as easy as it gets for Sophia Smith goal number 11 of the Season spins inside of spaner spots the Run of Fleming free kick Portland that'll come with the yellow card and what a place to win a free kick for the Thorns well play Portland Thorns well played Jesse Fleming you can see the ball should have gone outside to sigita Jesse Fleming holds on to the ball draws the foul Bailey gets a yellow card for it it's a you can see the atmosphere has completely changed since that goal from sfia [Music] [Applause] Smith a goal moment to go Sophia Smith right at Roland pierced through the wall and Roland didn't Flinch that was a rocket she chooses to knuckle the ball through the wall in that moment you could see sigit was there as a decoy and ducks in the end takes a little bit of a deflection off Capri D ASCO Caitlin rand's in the right place at the right time c as best friends it's fantastic Story play through Smith Smith is there Smith has a stop across sparra all that du all together again sweet as ever 22 it will be checked it looks like it's an offside from sfia Smith it wasn't spaner for me that was offside it was your first ball into Sophia Smith maybe she goes a little bit early very very tight they're obviously going to check this it's it's behind the player that's irrelevant so it has to be Smith yeah it has to be Smith spanser wasn't offside so the flag never went up on that far sideline [Applause] and it has been confirmed offs side so go all the way back here watch Smith upper left of your screen I think that's very very tight obviously V have deemed that to be offside but I think look at kundin nii firing out of Midfield supporting now OHA deflex and Arnold got there pay lofting off the inside of the post came across and mangz sent it away ball knocked Away by bod Here Comes Hill as it stand she's got the winner pulls this back bod's there that's blocked comes out kund denji leaves for Bailey Milan son [Music] overcooked they're on the other end sag cleaned her off ball to the backside excellent save Arnold turns away kund Banji and then it's slid out over the end line unreal save from McKenzie Arnold yeah what a save you can see kagi catches it so well s tries to recover well onon I think's had a really good game really good save from mcken xano then also to Parry away from that danger area really good save really good it looked like he was creeping in at the far post bounces through spaner pulls this back pay pay that's a story for another time Portland flying to the top of the 18 and last H frame s Away by Roland Hill leads it along shot of cross it in there's the third for Bay what a night for Bay FC in [Applause] [Music] Portland Joelle Anderson comes into this game backs her third of the season for Bay FC and this is a shocker talk about instant impact P it's a really poor giveaway from huy I think she's done a relatively good job on oshaa in this game she's been quite quiet you see one touch out of Anderson's feet could McKenzie Arnold maybe have done a bit better think tbod does really well here to play Rachel Hill Anderson sees that window of opportunity no mackeno has no chance and I did say the Bon Thorns were still giving opportunities to BFC about if they took him Sig Bay Stands Tall one last time it's the biggest win of their expansion season Abby do keer a goal in her debut Roland and Bay respond to adversity again tonight the biggest three points of the Season away to Portland a 3-1 win what a result you can see exactly what it means to these players Abby doaba went back towards Caitlyn Rolland as soon as the final whistle went oshaa worked those socks off in those forward areas a lot of these players had to make selfless runs in order to get the win and I think they deserved it none other than Emily muez will feel so good coming back here a former team she spent 10 years at and to get the win in this way unbelievable and I think BFC will grow from this we know they're backed by the ownership Leslie Osborne everybody there wants this team to succeed they have the right ideas and I think they deserve this tonight and sometimes these types of performances Mike can really push you on for the second part of the season for

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