“While We Wait” - Youth Pastor, Bro. Jacob Lopez | Midweek | July 17, 2024

Published: Jul 17, 2024 Duration: 00:34:21 Category: Film & Animation

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want to thank pastor and I give him honor tonight for uh and thank him for the opportunity that he's given me tonight to bring forth the word I honor him today and first lady I miss him I know we would rather hear him preach than y'all listen to me tonight praise God but uh I give them honor miss him dearly give honor to Bishop and sister kite all the music all the ministry team I give all of y'all honor praise God last uh Wednesday I left service and I was uh yelling and screaming and spitting and snotting everywhere uh but tonight I'm not going to I'm going to try not to and just talk to us just just give you what I feel God has given me amen praise God put a reminder on my notes to get your timer out so bear with me [Music] praise God John 11:32 it says then when Mary was come where Jesus was and saw him she fell down at his feet saying unto him Lord if thou Hast been here my brother would have not died am man let's repeat that last Let's uh go over that one more time then when Mary was was come where Jesus was she saw him and she fell down at his feet saying unto him Lord if thou Hast been here my brother had not died amen second Peter chapter 2 verse 5 amen praise God and spared not the old world but saved Noah the eighth person a preacher of righteousness bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly it's not part of my message but reading the scripture I would have to study some more he notes he says but save Noah the eighth person Noah the eighth person that just stood out to me while reading the scripture but off topic praise God let's read that one more time and spare not the old one but save Noah the eighth person a preacher of righteousness bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly praise God let's pray ask God to talk to us Lord Jesus I thank you for this opportunity that we have tonight to come and to listen to your word God I I'm asking you tonight to open my mind and my understanding in my heart God that I would receive your word Lord that I being the first partaker of this fruit God would be able to give it Lord how you want it God how you want it given to your people not how I want it or anybody else but how your will Jesus that your will would be done tonight God Lord I Thank you today God we submit ourselves to your spirit Lord we submit ourselves to your word Lord in your name Jesus we submit ourselves to you God in jesus' name we pray amen you may be seated praise God I'm I'll be mindful of your time I know it's Wednesday and it's hot out there I know we're exhausted praise God praise God how many of us have ever been at an intersection and you're the only one there it's usually late at night early in the early hours of the morning or sometimes between the the times of 1:00 p.m. and 4: but you're sitting at the intersection and uh you see the you're on the red light so you can't go nowhere and the other per the other side is also red light obviously and then the traffic's going and it's green but instead of traffic going there's actually no traffic so you're the only car there and you're looking at the light and you're just stuck there and man a lot of thoughts come to your mind man you don't even see a law enforcement officer anywhere you're just you're not even you don't see it and then the first thought is that you know it's been five minutes reality it's only been 5 seconds and you're wanting to run that red light and sometimes uh you sometimes you're very tempted but then obviously it turns to Green I have not done that okay maybe one time and uh I took I took two CS with it I was actually working that morning and I was working and so y'all know what I do and what I drive and so the light took forever and so I got I Jesus name I ran it and two people followed in and so praise God but anyways it's frustrating you get frustrated you get upset and the biggest thing is you're having to wait you're sitting there and you're waiting you're waiting you're waiting it becomes very frustrating tonight I want to talk I want to talk to us about waiting while then if you put a title over it is while we wait the definition of waiting is the action of staying where one is or delaying action until a partic until a particular time or until something else happens waiting is something that we have no choice to do there are certain things that we have to do uh in our daily lives not talking spiritual but just daily lives man you have to if you're a young person you have to wait to graduate you have to wait 12 years to graduate you know you just want it to be done tomorrow or you have to or you can't wait or you have to wait to obtain your driver's license or as a young person you have to wait till your 18 to go to certain places you have to be 21 to carry a pistol but but you can carry an AK-47 at 18 I don't understand that or you sit at waterburger and you go in the line you have to wait in line for your order and then you have to go sit down and wait for your order and then when they get your order on you have to wait even longer or if you get hurt or injured you get a sprain like I did from the wreck I have to wait till that heals I have to wait uh I have to wait for the recovery if a lady's pregnant she has to wait 9 months I have recently uh started growing uh fruit and vegetables I want to eventually put my own garden uh no not many people have faith in me that I can but I I have two a melon and uh I don't know what the other one is but they're green I there's a plant there praise God let's just have fun tonight amen praise God and so I have to say there and wait we have to wait for that you know for the plant to grow I planted it one day and an hour later my wife caught me staring at the at the little cup and uh she said babe it's not going to grow in an hour I said yes ma'am I understand so we get very impatient it's uh if you really think about it it's something we have to do on a regular basis it's a requirement waiting is obviously a requirement you can't go around it you have to wait especially in the society now that we live everything is so fast waiting becomes the enemy of fast this that came up to me came last minute uh like I said we live in a society that's really fast I remember when my dad we would go to Mexico we would travel to Mexico he had a little uh like a little pamphlet and then I began to watch him as he began to unfold it unwrap it and it was a big old piece of paper it was a map to get directions to Mexico now we just type it in our phone and then Siri takes us straight there what I'm mentioning today requires two things that we're going to talk about it's a requirement it's time and of course waiting I could focus on time tonight but I know but obviously F waiting is my main focus why because that's what you and I have to do cons consistently we cannot control time we cannot tell time to stop or to go to go or to backtrack if I go back I would there's some things that I would change I would do differently but unfortunately we have I have to live with those things that we made everybody house every every single one of us does and I want to encourage you tonight that I'm glad that we have to wait on God God is not the one who take God is the one that takes care of the timing our responsibility is to wait I can hope the plant will produce the watermelon I just ate but I have to let it take its time and I'm must wait for the plant to grow it's impossible to just make it happen it's all a process young people can wait can dream to be 18 the next day but time and waiting is a must I must wait for my spring to be gone now but I got to let it take its place and I must be patient I just want to be clear I know God can instantly work and I'm not denying that God is not controlled by time he feels all time and space Amen in our walk with God we must do two things very simple and that is to let God take care of the timing and you and I to wait Isaiah 55:10 uh verse 11 says uh it shall not return unto me void his word but it shall accomplish that which I please and it shall prosper in the thing where I sent it amen we can immediately know that God will always answer he is always he will always come through in his timing we never never in scripture never in history has God ever turn back his word amen with all that I just with all that being said I want to ask us a question what is it that you're waiting for God to do in your life is it a financial situation is it a sickness that you want God to heal is it a lost loved one that that on these W that are on these walls that you want God to bring back to save I know for me personally uh as you guys as all of you know we're waiting for a child I'm waiting for God to give us one and and others that's maybe some others finances others maybe a breakthrough I want to encourage you tonight that God will always come through if he spoke it to you you can rest assure that he's going to come through praise God Amen I know it's a little slow and it's not much power but if you can just receive take the word of what God I feel God has given me it took me uh the old church where I came from the it took us six years for somebody new to get the Holy Ghost uh obviously there was people there that that spoke in tongues and they were you know they worshiped God you could feel the presence of God there was no denying that but it was six years for for somebody to get the Holy Ghost somebody knew obviously November 9th that's when God failed my brother brother Esau and so it's a process of waiting it's a process of waiting now that we have that knowing about God that he's going to be right there on time that you and I must wait what and that you and I must wait so what do we do now you and I cannot just wait for God to do it he is waiting on you he's waiting on every single one of us the Bible says in James chapter in James that if you draw nigh to Him He will draw nigh to you let's we look at the scripture that it is up to us to make that first step it's uh easy for us just to sit back and let God do it no we must take that first step God has always waited on us first the prodical son comes to my mind he before he came to the end of himself before he came back to home amen so that so it is up to us for us to draw nine to him first the definition of nine means to make near to approach to be at hand to come near to be it is our responsibility to do something while we wait you see here in the passage of scripture that Mary did something ver uh we see that Mary went to Jesus and fell at his feet and told God if there be if you would have been here sooner my brother would have not have died she took that first step but if you really think about it uh wasn't the correct step she wasn't the only one in verse 21 Martha also told Jesus said if you had doubt if you had been here my brother would have not been deed I want to encourage you tonight sister Alma uh brought up the word trust and brother and brother Gabriel thought they were going to preach this and so B Proverbs 3 says trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not to our own understanding both Martha and Mary knew who Jesus was in Luke in Luke chapter 10 Mary sat at the SAT at uh she's the one who washed Jesus's feet with her hair pastor preached a message Pastor uh preach men not too long ago she had chosen the good part to be in his presence so she knew and had an experience with God so did Martha Martha told Jesus in verse 27 of this of John 11 that I she that she believed Jesus asked her believest thou this believest that thou are that I am the Son of God she said unto him yay Lord I believe that th are the Christ the son of God which came which should have come into the world both began to be affected by the death of Lazareth they could not wait on God's time they begin to have a trust issue with Jesus one of the first things that you will get when you begin to rush God when you begin to rush is that you're going to lack trust you're going to try to take it into your own hands most times we focus on things that we cannot control and when we don't see the outcome we want we try to rush God and tell him have you not been here sooner I would have not had this sickness I would have not lost my loved ones to the world had you not given me this job or raise I would not be struggling financially right now and man I want to encourage somebody that it is not our responsibility to try to uh take over the time because that's God there's nothing that you can do about it I mentioned it earlier that you can't control it you can't go back you can't go forward you can't even pause and everything that you and I are waiting for God to do is so at the end God can get the glory amen you may have to wait days weeks weeks months or even years but I come to encourage you it's all to bring God the glory it's nothing about ourselves or what we can do or our own abilities but it's just about it's about God getting the glory out of it it may feel tough it may feel hard at times I know there's things there's sometimes that I I'm not perfect uh I struggle with it too um obviously as y'all know you know I want a child I want I want quadruplets but I have to wait praise God but I have to wait on God obviously obviously you know we have to take that first step but I get discouraged sometimes I I see it all the time I see uh dysfunctional parents deal with how they deal with their children and you know sometimes one time I questioned God I said God you see this you see this couple you know there was a dead baby in the driveway brother Abraham and I were there that day that morning that Sunday morning and uh we see it and you say how can how can you God how can God make this happen and right in front of me and here I'm wanting a child but it is something that you and I cannot control it is difficult at times maybe you have seen maybe your loved ones have a financial blessing maybe they got financially blessed or they got the job they wanted or the raise or the same sickness that you have somebody else has had it and they were healed maybe it's it's you cannot canot control it you you and I can try and try but you cannot control it amen so God get the glory and we see this in verse four the sickness has not unto death but for the glory of God that the Son of God might be glorified thereby and man all God wanted to do was to show himself to them to believe when he found out that Lazarus was sick in the beginning of this of this chapter God said that he uh the Bible says that he waited two more days because all he wanted to do is get the glory out of it amen so what is it that what is it that we need to do while we wait we look at the scripture of second Peter chapter 2 we see here that uh it says in chap I mean second Peter chapter 2 it says verse 5 says and Spar not the old world but saved Noah the eighth person a preacher of righteousness bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly uh also I want to read Genesis chter 6:3 and the Lord said my spirit shall not always strive with man for that he is also flesh yet his day shall be at 120 years it is not clear but it is most likely said that uh it took 120 years for Noah to build the ark and at that time it is said that uh uh Peter tells it second Peter says that he was a that Noah was a preacher of righteous n It is believed that while he was building the ark he was preaching to the people telling them to get right telling them to live right to turn their lives away from the wicked brother Shan uh was preaching about this and he said there was about 8 billion people or billions of people that that were lost in the flood amen it is not for certain but we can say in verse three that Noah took 120 years to build the ark prior to that God tells Noah I'm going to flood the Earth and I need you to build an ark God had given him a task to do Noah nowhere in scripture does it say he doubted Noah didn't nowhere did God nowhere did Noah say that he was uh question God about it God just told him you're going to build it and he said he he gave him the coordinates gave him the instructions gave him the tools everything that he needed to build the ark Noah did not know but he knew that God was going to do he did not answer he did not question God he just begin to build no word uh while he while we waited for god well praise God I'm getting ahead of myself I want to encourage you tonight that God's not going to let you die in your dilemma he's not going to take back his word he's going to fulfill what he said he's going to do it you and I will have times where you may question is God really going to come through all we need to do in the meantime is to trust him and keep building it is uh is apparent to me that Noah uh all this time that he waited for God to do he waited it took him 120 years I'm sure there was times of frustration maybe there was times that he had because the Bible says that the ark was about two to three stories high so he had to build he had to climb I'm sure there was times of frustration that he had to endure but it is all in the process of waiting for God to do something it is not like I said it's not the responsibility for us to take control of the time God has always said it and man a lot of people in the Bible have taken uh has took advantage how do I say that a lot of people in the Bible had uh were spoken to that God gave him we see in Joseph God gave him a dream and he immediately went and took and told his brothers about it what did his brothers do they sold him it could have been possible that this was a delay that Joseph instead of humbling himself and trusting in God and waiting for him waiting for God to do the work to lift him up he decided to go out and begin to talk it is important for us to keep our trust in God and to Humble ourselves before him God will always going to God will always lift you up if you lift your head down if you humble yourself we see here in Israel in the book of uh in the book of Exodus where the Israelites had to go had to wait another 40 years because they could not be patient immediately after they were delivered from the flood where God brought them through the flood they immediately begin to complain say where's Moses and we see that Aaron had had Aaron gave in into G gave in and built an alt and built a uh an idol our our time that we take to push forth for God to do something if we get in the way he's going to delay it it is important for us to put our trust in him continuously and to trust him all the way through nowhere did nowhere does God nowhere does God give in he will always God said he's going to do it but if we get in the way he's going to delay it amen praise God praise God I hope I can deliver what you what I've said praise God uh I want y'all to think about this let's say everybody here and once I get once I get done with this I'll turn it over to brother Gabriel let's say everybody here Pastor came to you Sunday morning he said everybody in this house is going to get a check for $10 million everybody if you're a family of four you get $40 million if you're a family of six get $60 million family of two you get $20 million but there's a requirement you have 1 hour to go and to do and get what you need because you're going to have to stay in this church for a year you cannot go anywhere after that you must stay here for a year if you leave the church you lose everything I'm assuming that we would all get very excited we will all take the time and make sure and Rush get some clothes maybe uh get some clothes and get our bed bring it we got an hour if you live far I'm sorry but I'm sure would be excitement I'm sure they would be thrilled everybody would be thrilled Pastor would show us the checks and we can confirm the $ 101 million all the zeros but it is our but you have to come and you have to wait in the house what would be the first thing that you would would come to your mind if you can ask yourself that what would be the first thing all the thing I'm sure that your house will be paid off you would pay off your house you would uh buy yourself a new boat you would um retire you would invest you would do different all sorts of things I'm sure we can all think of something that we would do with that $1 million would would be extremely uh free from it if you if you just $10 million but you have to stay here for a year and I'm sure you would get situated and cozy and everything would begin to get all comfortable and you would get together in different groups some of us we have our own our groups and we begin to talk about what we what we're going to do with it I would tell I would tell my brother let's buy some land uh I will hear others say let's invest let's uh build let's build this uh let's build Let's do let's buy groceries let's do all these different things I'm sure it would come and then a uh 11 months happen 11 months come you have I'm sorry you have 11 months to go and you're still excited it's going to happen we have 11 months to go we can make it six 7even months come you're excited maybe you just relaxed now you're sleeping now you're just waiting for the day to come to approach five months later five you have five more months to go five more months left you got four months left you got three months left now you're really excited now you're really thrilled because you're fixing to get a payout two months come one months come now you got three weeks to go and I'm sure everybody will get together and your excitement and the thrill will come back again and you would have now you have seven days to go and then you have five you have four one down to three and two and then tomorrow is the day tomorrow is the day of your payout and you know for sure and you Pastor comes and he's bringing out the checks and it has your name on it and it has the amount that you are going to get the $10 million I'm sure your excitement would be very thrilled you would be excited you would jump you would thank God you would praise him I'm sure because it's a blessing from God you would get excited you would have eight hours left you have nine I mean eight hours 7 hours 5 hours 3 hours 2 hours 1 hour 45 minutes and you're at the edge of your feet you're standing on your feet you're waiting you're getting ready Pastor just mentioned everybody get in line because you're about to get your blessing or he'll call you by name you would not be sad you would not be upset you would not be uh down depressed I'm sure it's $10 million you can buy anything uh you can buy the best doctors best medicine you can uh get the best treatment that you need you can think just I'm sure we're all thinking about something that we can do with $10 million and now he got 15 minutes left he got 10 minutes I'm going down because I want you to think about the excitement that you're getting I'm sure that some of us will probably get in front of the line uh he just called my name I'm sure you would run and you would get the money now you got one minute left and as this minute runs down everybody Pastor begins to hand out the checks now imagine yourself with that money with that check what you can do with it you can imagine yourself what you can do with that money and say what you would do with it what you would get how maybe it would bless maybe the money that you have you could trade it for for all the for the medications for all the treatments maybe you could trade it for something else that's priceless that's more that could be more precious than money that you need physically just physically not spiritually you have the money in your hand you have the check in your hands you're going to go you're going to go cash it in you're going to go to the H you're going to go to the bank cash it in you're going to celebrate you're going to Rejoice you're going to thank God because maybe you were fi struggling financially maybe you didn't have enough money to pay the bills or enough money to get the treatment that you need or to go to school you maybe not have enough money to pay your college now you're going to get your college you didn't have a vehicle but now you will you didn't have a house now you will I say all that to say this that is exactly maybe not the $10 million because you cannot put a price on God but every single one of us has a promise that God has given us and the same excitement that we would have for waiting for $10 million should be the much more exciting than when God to give us an answer to prayer give us that Deliverance give us that breakthrough give us that healing give us that Comfort give us that child every time we come into the house of God we should come into this place like we're never going to leave because we will always be in the presence of God like nothing in this world is going to give you what God can give you if you put your trust in him and depend on him and wait on him he's going to see you through and the same expectation that you have winding down from when you started halfway into where you're at yes maybe halfway you're just resting and hanging out chilling maybe there's not much excitement but you know that tomorrow is coming and that the time is going to approach when you're going to get your blessing you're going to get that check every time we come into the house of the Lord church we can stand every time we come into the house of the Lord always have the expectation that God's going to do something I listened to a brother Jeff Arnold many years ago and he made this comment he said expectation should always proceede the miraculous if you want God to do something in your life you got to come with the expectation for God to do something maybe it is for your finances maybe it is for healing maybe it is for deliverance or maybe it is for whatever the need is but but you have to make that first step you have to give everything you got come into the house of God and say I might leave it until I give my all to you amen nothing can replace the presence of God nothing can replace it amen let's Close Our Eyes Lord Jesus I thank you today hey God lord I want to have the expectation that every time we come into your house God you're going to do something I'm not going to sit there and not do anything I'm going to worship you I'm going to praise you I'm going to trust you we can easily become Mary and Martha and and jump the gun and say well had you not been here this wouldn't have happened Lord Jesus we trust your time we cannot control it Lord but if we can put our trust in you today and know that you're going to see us through God I know that Lord you will bring us out Lord I trust your timing Lord I want to have the same expectation every time I come I come into the house of God that I'm going to get what you what I've been praying for every day church we should come into the house of God expecting that God is going to answer our prayers if you have that say if you have that expectation every single time God is going to do it God is going to elevate you God is going to promote you God is going to give you a way out God is going to give you a way of Escape Lord Jesus I thank you today for your word for your spirit God I thank you for all that you have done we give you the glory honor and praise praise God let's give the Lord a hand clap of [Applause] Praise thank you brother Jacob tonight we are ministered to um even from the first song there's been a theme there's been a vein that's ran through this whole service it's trusting in God it's waiting on the lord it's his timing his timing is not always our timing and we don't always understand and sometimes it's hard to wait whenever Situation's uncomfortable whenever we're brokenhearted but if we wait and we don't jump the gun and we don't get ahead God's timing he's going to work it out for us so be encouraged tonight that God hears you he sees you where you are he sees your struggle he knows where you are in your life he knows the situation he hasn't abandoned you that's why he came down and put on flesh to be with us to know what it was like to suffer so that when you're going through it you know that he's right there with you and he's going through it with you when you're crying he's holding you he's is crying to when you're shouting and praising he's shouting and praising along with you one of the fruits of the spirit is patience Sometimes When We Wait God's growing that fruit in our lives we just have to trust the process I thank you uh brother Jacob for that word tonight church as we go I want you to hold on to God I want you to hold on to each other and know that we're in this together and that God is always always Always by your side no matter if you could see him or feel him he's always there church so one more time I just want to give God praise and want to thank him for this word and I want to thank him for his presence Jesus we thank you Lord God we thank you Father for waiting Lord for teaching us to wait God for being patient and teaching us to be patient Lord and we pray that we wait upon you God and we don't get ahead of your promise and your calling and you always have the hope that's within you in Jesus name and more thing I want to add church is that there's hope there's hope there's hope you have to keep that hope alive when that hope is gone it gets really hard and really dark he's made you a promise stick to that promise hold to it and don't let go appreciate you coming tonight um you're dismissed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ remember the announcements thank you [Music]

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