Category: People & Blogs
E e e e e e e e armageddon is a 1998 american science fiction disaster film produced and directed by michael b produced by jerry bookhamer and released by touchstone pictures the film follows a group of blue collar deep core drillers sent by nasa to stop a gigantic asteroid on a collision course with... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Armageddon is a 1998 american science fiction disaster film produced and directed by michael bay produced by jerry brook and released by touchstone pictures the film follows a group of blue collar deep core drillers sent by nasa to stop a gigantic asteroid on a collision course with earth it stars an... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
E e e armageddon is a 1998 american science fiction disaster film produced and directed by michael bay produced by jerry brookham and released by touchstone pictures the film follows a group of bluecollar deep core drillers sent by nasa to stop a gigantic asteroid on a collision course with earth it... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Welcome to the oil [music] business oil and gas industry makes $3 billion a day in pure profit and it's only getting bigger but before any of that money is made you got to secure the land and manage the people that's my job first part is pretty simple it's the second part that can get you killed [music]... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Welcome to the oil [music] business oil and gas industry makes $3 billion a day in pure profit and it's only getting bigger but before any of that money is made you got to secure the land and manage the people that's my job first part is pretty simple it's a second part that can get you killed [music]... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Welcome to the oil [music] [music] business oil and gas industry makes $3 billion a day in pure profit and it's only getting bigger but before any of that money is made you got to secure the land and manage the people that's my job first part is pretty simple it's the second part that can get you killed... Read more