Carmalt Middle School Music Lesson 1

Published: Apr 20, 2020 Duration: 00:07:57 Category: People & Blogs

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what is up middle school it's missus Holsinger hope that you guys are all doing really well and our staying happy and healthy and hopefully not too bored being home all this time so I wanted to just check in with you guys and talk you through the lesson that is in the packets and also on Microsoft teams I got a lot of responses on my Google form that I created and a lot of you said that you just really need help with the assignments that are in the packet and so that's what I'm gonna make this video about today I am looking through this and I spent some time and it's kind of really different than the things that we have done in music class so far if I could bring world drums to all of your homes I would but I can't obviously so these are lessons that were created by the school district of Pittsburgh that the teachers were given to got to help you guys along with completing them so I didn't write them but I'm gonna do my best to help you understand them it's like I said very different from the things that we have been doing in music and things that we've discussed although they're still in line with our curriculum and we can get a lot out of it so I'm gonna talk you through just how to look at this so if you're looking at the packet all five of the lessons are gonna be in there you only have to complete one lesson per week so everything that's in your music packet does not have to be turned in to me in one week so if you look at this packet it has you're like learning at a glance with some QR codes essential questions your objectives and then if you look at this second page at the very top I'm gonna kind of zoom it in here it says one six through eight so that one means lesson one for this week April 22nd through April 28th have it turned in no later than April 29th you are responsible for this page only so it's not a lot of work but there's some complicated terms some things that you might not have heard before so I'm gonna talk you through that today so if you were all on this first page where it says performance tasks one six eight we're going to start with our central questions so how do individuals choose music to experience that's our overarching question so I want you to think about that you you all have a certain style or a certain type of music that you like and that you want to listen to or go see concerts of so how do you choose that music where does that come from why do you maybe choose rap or why do you choose country music where why is rock your favorite style of music where does that choice come from in our discussion question is how do creators and consumers of music view changes of musical style and that should have a question mark at the end of it by basically what's that ask what that is asking is how do creators people that are making the music the songwriters the composers the musicians themselves and the consumers that's us the people who listen to it the people that watch the videos and go to the concerts view changes a musical style so that basically means how do they see things when musical styles change like what what do they think about that now underneath it says student response this first stuff is going to be about some old music okay so our old style music we're starting way back in history here so student response the term baroque which is used to refer to music from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries comes from a Portuguese word meaning an irregularly shaped pearl this may have been an insult used by musicians of earlier styles to the new music wonder why so describe what happens when musical styles change do they change all at once or gradually causing an overlap of popular styles for a period of time okay so we're gonna just not think about this baroque music for a second that I talked about but let's think about hip-hop music we've all heard hip-hop music if you would listen to hip-hop music that was in the 80s it's you could tell it's hip-hop but it sounds very different to our hip-hop that we hear today so think about that when you answer this question what happens when the style changes and does it did it change all at once like one day it sounded like this and then another day all of a sudden it sounded like that and is there any overlap in the changes to the styles the next question is analyzed why would an overlap in styles cause a difference of opinion on what music is preferred so I'm like hip-hop music I like hip-hop music from the 80s and I like hip-hop music from today I'm pretty easy to please but some people do not like that old-school stuff they don't want to hear it so why is there a difference in opinion why do you think there's a difference in opinion say maybe you and your aunt both like hip-hop music but your aunt only likes old-school hip-hop and you only like new-school hip-hop why is there a difference in opinion interpret what might your parents musical choices differ from yours or from your grandparents I think that should read why might your parents musical choices differ from yours or your grandparents I think that that's pretty self-explanatory question why do you think that your style or your choice or your preference of music is different than your grandma's or your mom's or your aunt's or even mrs. hole singers why is that different and evaluate do you believe your musical tastes will change as you get older why or why not do you think that you're going to like only the music that you're listening to today when you're 35 I still like some of the music that I listen to when I was in middle school but I also like new music - so you tell me what you think are your preference going to change there's a lot of music that I like now that I probably never would have listened to when I was in middle school and vice versa so let me know what you think there are no right or wrong answers to these questions I want you to know that if you give me a really good solid best effort that you're thinking about it boom you are in good shape give me some effort don't worry about being right or wrong worry about being you and using your authentic thoughts because that's what I think is most interesting and that's what we can all learn from so next week when I post my second video to get us through the second lesson I will let you know what I think about some of these questions on the front to maybe help clarify for you if you have any other questions I have emailed you at your school email with ways that you can get in touch with me through email my Google Voice number you can text me or through teams I'm also going to post these videos to YouTube in case there's students that are working out of just packets and not on teams but you can get in touch with me a variety of ways I'm on this computer from 8:00 in the morning until at least 3 o'clock in the evening or in the afternoon so there's a lot of widget can reach me and if you if you try to reach me after office hours and I'm on I will definitely get back to you but just know that I really really miss you guys you know middle school you are my jam you're my rock that holds me together during the week so I miss you guys all a whole whole lot and I hope you're doing well again reach out to me and take care of yourselves I miss you guys we'll see you next week bye

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