Detailing Tim Walz's Lies About His DUI, His Military Service, and His "Coach" Status, w/ Liz Collin

the DUI thing happened in what year and what happened yeah this was back in the early 90s when he was still in Nebraska um and he was he was going uh nearly 100 miles an hour about 40 40 or 50 miles over the speed limit at the time and uh wasn't was intoxicated uh but then later when this pops up in a congressional uh when he's when he's running for congress uh his campaign manager basically says uh you know that he was not intoxicated um and he was being followed and he thought that was strange and that's why he was going fast and blamed it on uh some some hearing loss I mean the whole thing made absolutely no sense and then we went back and we got the the transcripts of the actual arrest itself and I know ever since too that the state trooper has um spoken out who actually arrested him back then and there's no dispute that he was intoxicated uh in fact it's kind of what R ran him out of Nebraska he was so ashamed of this of this DUI and whatnot he offered to resign his teaching position uh at the time and I think he did resign he was coaching a football um at that time as well and then stopped doing that in the wake of this this DUI um but but again it it just goes back to this there was kind of a you know a mantra when he was running the second time around especially uh for governor Tim Walls lies I mean there was a reason that uh that that became a thing a few years ago and now finally he's facing the pressure of the the national press which is on a whole different level that scrutiny he deserved for a very long time and you see how these statements are coming out or you know just just trying to pass it off um as really there's nothing to see here but there is there there is a pattern uh here and i' I've recently talked to Tom Barons again who I know you've You' spoken to as well um he's the command Serge major who who took yeah who took Wall's place and that's what he says he says is this narcissism there seems to be something else going on with this guy that he wasn't even aware of he just came forward and he remember remember Megan he actually went to Tim Walls first to say hey just stop using this rank he wrote a letter he went about it the right way uh but for years you know he was uh ignored and this unit was ignored which is why they've kind of you know done this full court press now at this point to say you know this guy's lying about that too all right so sticking with the DUI for a second yes he tried to excuse his driving 96 right in in a what was was speed limit I think it was 55 yeah in a 55 uh by saying okay you know by the way and accused of being drunk he tried to say oh the reason I didn't I I didn't pass the sobriety test was I had hearing difficulties that made it hard for me to understand what the officer was saying and then it later came out that this field sobriety testing quoting here from The Daily Beast took place in the quiet of the officer's radio car on a deserted stretch of highway 385 mies um from Alliance and and um yeah in Nebraska okay in the middle of and then yeah and then uh he says that yeah the officer who they tracked down said uh saw drunk arrested same he just gave that statement recently saw drunk arrested same so this cop is like I'm not getting involved in this but the guy was drunk that's that this is yet another falsehood um Can can we just spend one minute on the coach thing because you mentioned he was football coach in Nebraska and she's talking about him on you know on the campaign Trail like he's Coach T from Friday Night Lights you know head coach down in Big South who's like bring it what's the truth about that well he was an assistant coach um at Mano West High School uh for a few years but it it is wild to me that I don't think a lot of assistant coaches would then use the title as coach I mean you see people holding those signs right in the crowds that is also wild to me uh why what they say that they call him Coach coach walls I've been in touch with a lot of former students just these these last couple weeks and they say that you know they they didn't call them that maybe there are a couple here and there but that that is also crazy to me I mean my husband is a assistant coach for sixth grade football he doesn't demand that he be uh called a called a coach it's it's just crazy exactly it's just like Jill Biden she's also not a doctor but insists that she'd be called it what is it with these Democrats all right and I'm like how much money do they spend on on these signs that they they were now handing out to to people to you know praise him asach it's it's wild soon we're gonna have IVF signs um and also not DUI signs um let's talk about the military because there's a there's a there's a development in that today our Audience by this point is familiar that he's been lying about his military record elevating himself saying he's a retired command sergeant major when he's not he didn't earn the rank bailing on his unit right before they deployed to Iraq when he knew they were going to deploy and he retired anyway saying he used weapons like the ones that issue in war when he fought for he never went to war he went to Italy saying he served in operation enduring Freedom which he didn't that's the Afghanistan war again only Italy and over and over and over with all these things there like the evidence mounts of the number of times he did it every day um today we have a letter from 50 uh Military Officers looks like all retired ired Military Officers um and others and senators and so on um to Governor ws and I'll read it in part the office of the vice president is a position that requires the trust of the American people and a solemn commitment to duty on behalf of the us as veterans who have served our nation we feel compelled to address your egregious misrepresentations and urge you to come clean to the American people you stated you're damn proud of your service and like any American Veteran you should be but there's no honor and lying about the nature of your service repeatedly claiming to be a retired retired command sergeant major when you did not complete the requirements was not honorable nor was it honorable to claim to carry weapons quote in war when you had not served in war and abandoning the men and women under your leadership just as they were getting ready to deploy was certainly not honorable either to be blunt when you falsely claim military service that did not happen and abandon your post you diminish the real sacrifices made by veterans who did serve in combat military services not merely a job or uniform those who serve in the armed forces endure rigorous training face perilous situations and make sacrifices that most civilians can't comprehend the honor of wearing the uniform is earned through dedication bravery and an unwavering sense of Duty you have displayed none of these characteristics as you've lied your way through a political career launched on the foundation of a title you did not earn and combat deployments you did not take paron in short our grave concern stems from the fact that the office of the vice president is one heart beat away from becoming the commander-in-chief you've already demonstrated your unwillingness to lead in a time of war and a lack of Honor through your blatant misrepresentations exploiting and co-opting the experiences of America's combat veterans for personal gain that's remarkable that is a tough tough letter Liz and it's been put out you the copy I have is put out by the Trump fans campaign obviously these are supporters of trump and Vance but it is not just partisans who are making these accusations or feel betrayed by Tim Walls yeah and that's a that's an important point that I I want to make also this isn't just me coming coming on and and talking about um you know uh what what he's been doing in in Minnesota I've tried I mean I I've been a a reporter for 20 years I know how this works I can't even tell you Megan how many interviews I've requested uh with Governor walls over the years and he has denied those requests I'd love for him uh to talk about uh the riots I'd love for him to talk about his his military service uh but but again and again uh you know his his office will you know decline or Will Will just not respond uh at all so to me that speaks volumes and here we have sort of this standoff happening with with so much of this information because he really has yet to sit down I think for a real interview um over any of this and and there's a reason for that there's also this you know lies by Omission uh which is really a really a thing here too I will say that you know being a being a member of the press in Minnesota it's interesting I've been a part of press conferences uh with him in the past and uh one one story comes to mind somebody asked a question you know it's a a good question that he should should have answered and uh that person was was quickly put in check by his uh people to say you know that's a right-wing talking point you can't ask that here what um but that's kind of the understanding that you have um with with his office which is just crazy and that's why he really hasn't done much media to be honest in in Minnesota in in quite some time I mean sure he's feeding stories to the you know Minnesota's largest newspaper in this the Star Tribune even even them I should point out they went back uh to previous stories about this IVF and they've changed the headlines about how they're they're covering that and that's just happened in the last 24 hours so you see that you see that manipulation happening it's wild that is so dishonest that is disgusting and there's no there's no editor's note or change or anything along those lines oh my God that I'm it's just new lows are achieved daily by the corporate press in covering these Democrats and Trump for that matter they're just dishonest on both fronts um on the military story couple of new developments um now we know that he issued a congressional coin it's called a challenge coin that refers to himself as a retired command sergeant major which he's not you can see there uh the top left symbol uh when checked against military rank insignia on represents a command sergeant major that's what he's holding himself out to be and this is not unusual for for members of Congress who served in the military to have one of these and to and to you know give them it's considered to be a great honor um they're used across all branches of the military usually they're truthful and usually our servicemen and women don't falsely inflate inflate their rank but I mean Liz he did it everywhere he I can't find it instance of him saying the truth I think it'll be pretty telling tonight Megan how this speech is going to go uh at the DNC in a way it kind of seems there are a few elephants in the room to perhaps dress but I I guess if we're going to look at his his past track record it will be uh deflection and he'll he'll really come off as you know this uh you know this this great midwesterner um you know how he sell sells himself but yeah the challenge coin was just just one thing and you've seen all the video clips of him referring to this he's a retired Master Sergeant there's nothing to be ashamed of when it when it comes to that people certainly appreciate uh service but you know to to feather your cap in the way that he has and used this rank clearly it seems for political gain uh doesn't make much sense let me tell you how dishonest this is uh this is just small example personal example when I went from Fox to NBC NBC put put out like a bio like Megan Kelly is joining us and here's who she is and one of the items in the bio said among the people that I had interviewed um were Donald Trump Barack Obama Etc these left-wing zealots so attentive to detail called NBC by the Dozen saying when did she interview President Barack Obama and NBC came to me and asked that question I said I never interviewed him as president I interviewed him when he was Senator and running for president and NBC was like oh we have to add then Senator I'm like okay do what you want I didn't misrepresent I didn't I never said right so anyway um right fine okay this same press has zero interest in the fact that the possible next Vice President of the United States has misre represented his rank in a command post over a unit that was deploying to Iraq over and over and notwithstanding the objections of the men in that unit who have been begging him to stop Liz let me tell you about a headline the Star Tribune ran actually when we've exposed this this story a couple years ago when Tom baren first came forward in that an interview on his farm um the the the headline was uh Republican uh candidate for governor who never served questions uh Tim Wall's service or something along those lines uh so just think about how that you know that headline is is even framed uh to try to control this narrative um yeah we saw a press conference it was uh Dr Scott Jensen who was running for governor at the time and he brought uh Tom baren forward to tell his story and it received very little I mean it was maybe a 30 or 40 second uh feature um but but meanwhile you know we see this Treasure Trove essentially of all of um all of these instances and and Tom talked about that you this was in uh literature when he was uh running running for congress the these were interviews that that he was saying this and they just simply said hey dude you know could could you stop uh this could have been you know corrected very early on but it does seem very odd that he decided to to stick with this thinking this would not catch up to him so that's why I also wonder you know I obviously they had to vet him in some way but I can see if you go to Google and you you typee him in it's going to be hard to find some of this stuff because alternative media as you know is going to be uh you know at the at the very bottom if it's even going to come up at all but these stories were all out there in some way shape or her team her team probably relied on the Star Tribune which is their paper of choice undoubtedly and they got burned um here's JD Vance responding on the challenge coin nonsense Tim Walls said that he carried a weapon in war he never went to war Tim walls said that he didn't know his unit was about to deploy to Iraq when even his own press release at the time said that he knew exactly that Tim Walls claimed to be a command sergeant major even had it printed on his challenge coins and he knew he never achieved that rank it's really I mean it's going to become an issue and for sure we're going to be hearing about it at the vice presidential debate Liz which as far as you're telling me may be the very first time Tim Walls is actually confronted Face to Face by somebody about all this do you owe back taxes or have unfiled returns well along with hiring tens of thousands of new agents and field officers this 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