Jordan Hicks over in San Francisco it'll be a Pitch clock violation pitcher receives the ball it's an 18-second reset notice the pitch clock there with a runner on base doesn't pitch before the zeros time given oh Ball Four that clearly is a violation Gabe Morales making the call but listen to what comes out of the giant Dugout how he I think it is the claim is the batter is not set so we can't pitch yet how is that the pitcher's fault the pitch clock rule says the batter must be in the box and alert to the pitcher By the 8sec Mark not being set that has nothing to do with the actual rule just having to like look at the pitcher alert to the pitcher that's all you need and replays indicate that this batter was alert to the pitcher at the 8sec Mark and then the pitcher just failed to pitch prior to zero I think it is however the coming set rule is a good logical exercise because although the pitch clock rule says nothing about set for batter there is another rule on the books that says a pitcher is not allowed to pitch to the batter unless they're reasonably set that's the Quick Pitch rule which we went over recently there was a fast Quick Pitch that followed from the immediate engagement throw that happened after the disengagement the potential rules conundrum then is we have a pitch clock rule that does not require the batter to ever come set just be alert but that's different than set which means that if the batter never comes set but is alert that's legal from the batter's point of view but could trap the pitcher by preventing a pitch being thrown because the batter is not quote reasonably set we already saw gamesmanship last season when it comes to the Sherer Rule and batters becoming a lert to the pitcher but this is a whole new level because the pitch clock rule has nothing to do with set so it'll be curious going forward to see if any further controversies arise and he got a pitch clock violation come on Jim read the room what do you think about this could be fun like And subscribe Discord join online will see you on the site