Packers Total Access | Marshawn Lloyd Makes His Debut + Camp Injury Updates + Jaire Talks About D...

Published: Jul 30, 2024 Duration: 01:09:22 Category: Entertainment

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[Music] you're listening to the Packer Net podcast Network US Cellular has noticed the way we use our phones has gotten ironic we try to put our phones down for dinner but the menu is on a QR code that's ironic we hit like on social posts that we don't actually like which is ironic which is why US Cellular creat us mode to help us reconnect with each other and use our phones less ironically a phone company wanting people to use their phones less is ironic let's find us again with us mode from US Cellular visit built for us to get started you're a podcast listener and this is a podcast ad reach great listeners like yourself with podcast advertising from lips and ads choose from hundreds of top podcasts offering host endorsements or run a reproduced ad like this one across thousands of shows to reach your target audience with lips and ads go to lips and now that's Li IBS YN what's up guys welcome into Packers Total Access my name is Clayton you can check us out on find me on Twitter at Packers access you can email us Packers Total Access text us 865-6582 join alongside Jacob in Wisconsin we got ailio in Tennessee down here in Volunteer State we got Tim Tim's glowing today boys look at that tan look at that tan Tim gotta practice today that's called sunburn not a tan that is sunburn he yeah so obviously we had boots on the ground today at practice excited to hear what Tim took away from that I know Jacob's got a really cool article that came in from Justice mosa I think I'm saying that right um doing a way too early 53 man roster projection I know Jac's been talking about this article for a couple days so I'm excited about diving into that we'll try to get on some practice notes as well and get into uh all of that good stuff so gentlemen everybody doing all right tonight yes yes little thunder rolling in in case I lose power Jacob Whit yes all right let's do it first of all let's dive right into it because we're gonna be limited on time here obviously we got a bunch to get to what's up Bates good to see you buddy B first things first from practice wanted to hit on this thought was really cool and I'm going to go ahead and pull this video up we got we got a whole video just kind when I was watching we're just going to let it Loop here first of all we'll start it right here with little KB Williams interception boys listen to this sound I can listen to that all day but anyway that's uh that's mixed up in there a bit with the uh the video that we are going to show here we'll go ahead and get that thing a loop in here so um I know Tim you're going to notice Tim's shots here on this practice video as well he had I don't know what kind of camera he had had man but that thing was crispy clean looking pretty but uh obviously seventh Camp practice the big news of the day for me man was uh you had our boy uh marshan Lloyd finally getting into practice with the team now it's my understanding you didn't he didn't do 11 on 11s but he did get out there for the first day in pads and and kind of run around so let's start with this Andy Herman tweeted out Packers practice update so they signed three players today it was Peter Balden is back on the rooster again as was once said in Major League 2 by I think it was rot Baker um Peter Bowen is a Long Snapper obviously I think he's out of Wisconsin right guys am I thinking right that's thean I believe so yeah I remember right so you got Don Callas and then LJ Davis were all three signed release was Zion Gilbert James Turner obviously the third kicker on the roster so it seems like they've trimmed that down now no big surprise but it's Greg Joseph and Anders Carlson now battling out for that kicker spot um James Turner was like I said release and then Henry Pearson was another big surprise you know Henry Pearson the HB the fullback um they went ahead and cut him loose many people were surprised by that but knowing that laflor was you know laflor is really leaning into the Sham McVey version of the Kyle Shanahan system it's mostly 12 that's the reality now now Shanahan obviously he's got use check I really believe if he didn't have use check he'd probably play more 12 than 21 personally uh that's just me but but anyway Henry Pearson as of right now is not on the roster he may be signed later like we seen Peter Bowden get cut loose and signed um no new injuries to the best of our knowledge rur returning from injury Zane Anderson Robert Rochelle Katan oladapo yes sir also known as ol Home Depot and then Marshon Lloyd back on the practice field still out with an injury kesan Banks Deslin Alexander and then of course Tucker craft who I think I think next week we might start getting some updates on Tucker craft that would be absolutely awesome so um anything you guys want to hit on there anything Catch You by surprise for as the signings the cuts all that good stuff it was great to see uh oladapo back out there today I'll tell you that that was that was awesome um and yeah Tucker craft a little behind schedule on the uh on the rehab um which that's okay you know at least it's still early and uh give them the time needs to get back um that's a serious injury that he had there Toren peek is uh no joke so hopefully tuck Norris is back soon but yeah I was a little shocked to see Henry Pearson let go um but like you said Clayton he could be back here before we know it so yeah definitely uh Jacob Milo anything there uh I'm a little bit surprised I guess that I shouldn't say surprised that we cut Henry Pearson um I did think that I could have seen him possibly in that h-back role but as we all know they clearly love Tyler Davis and uh our boy Sims has been making a push and even though Tucker craft isn't going to be back you'll see in the um exercise slash article that we covered coming up here that it's a absolute loaded to the gills years to try to cut down to that 53 um I will say it is also a little bit weird to me that they brought in two more cornerbacks that Don Callas and LG Davis just because I feel like that's another our secondar is just bursting at the seems trying to get all these guys contained um I love that we resigned Peter Bowen and then um it was kind of interesting to that they let go of James Turner James Turner had a really good year with us uh offseason kicking actually all three of the kickers between obviously uh Anders and then um Greg Joseph and then uh James Turner kicked like I want to say he was 18 of 24 or 18 to 22 or something like that I wouldn't be surprised if between all those three were gonna I hope we keep Anders and then I wouldn't be surprised if Greg Joseph gets signed somewhere and if uh Turner gets a shot at least somewhere because they did really well he might get a shot at the Lions Jacob you didn't you hear Lions kicker towards hamstring like that is brutal I think they I think they'll be signing him back to be honest with you that's probably what happen there because he did they didn't they sign the kicker from the uh the UFL XFL X UF or whatever it's called now um I think they I think they had signed the kicker that was just booming balls in that league and then obviously they cut James Turner loose so yeah that makes sense that they might go after James Turner again so um with that being said someone in the chat here let me hit it real quick Blake b says Gyer says we're hoist hoisting that trophy on his birthday February 9th huh so we actually have that soundbot let's go ahead and hit that took it down the sideline turned up with my guys gave the football to a little kid wearing 23 as well hit that one too baby you know let's go ahead and see what Jer had to say it's just a quick little clip but this is from the locker room earlier today I mean you know it's hard to say right now man but you know at the end of the day I see us hoting that trophy on my birthday February 9th that's fitting isn't it oh very fair hard to see now listen this rubs people the wrong way sometimes right you either love J you hate him or you just roll your eyes when he says stuff right I will say this he said something last year he walked up behind Jordan love you guys remember put his arm around him and said this the best QB in the league right here and we all rode our eyes it was like J let's let him play a little bit now we're looking up going he's the highest B quarterback in the league you hear what he said on that this what he had to say right here what was your thoughts my thoughts I mean you know I said last year he was the best QB in the league um so uh it wasn't a surprise you know when when he got his deal I was actually super happy for him I I thought to myself I was playing the wrong position um maybe I should have to play quarterback I don't know um but no I was super happy for him you know I think uh it's only it's only going to be uh up from here for him how was your spiral would you have had a shot at quarterback uh I would have been like a wild cat type of guy you know fake the hand offs throw deep you know that's me just here to tell you pack is back L just I you know me I I should have been a quarterback man but you know wild cast I throw it up there I fake that hand off and throw it up there by the way this background pick Tim provided this I'm telling you man he had a NASA camera or something Jacob he had one of those flat earther cameras look at this thing this is high quality here those slope roof cameras right Jacob didn't even crack a smile look at him he's going trying not to um no I I actually really I watched that interview um and it was really actually I don't know how to describe rabbit it wasn't like Jer totally broke the mold of what he used to be it was like it's still Jer he's still playing but in a weird way he was more mature and more like he'd have his Jer moments right like as you just saw there he'd you know make the make him laugh but then he'd get into an an answer and he'd be very much more chin up looking him in the eye um speaking a little more articulately and right not not using as much you know slang and stuff not that that's a problem but you could tell that he would almost catch himself and I feel like Xavier and other I don't know if he's just getting older and he's realizing like hey this is now maybe how I handle interviews in a different way or carry myself in a different way he went on to go on and talk about to um they said you know who who do you uh like going against in practice because apparently there was a sequence where Romeo dobs beat him three times in a row um three routes in a row I don't know if that was in one-on ones or if it was on team but um they asked him like you know what's the deal with that and he kind of lit up um he took a minute to process the question you could see and then he lit up and he was like yeah you know Romeo dobs has become like my second favorite basically my favorite wide receiver to go against or to even watch in the league and they're like well why is that and they said his footwork his professionalism he's got great ball skills now and he says when I when he first got in the league when he was a rookie like he I'd laugh at him when he tried to run routes on me and he'd maybe get like one out of 10 he goes now we're it's 5050 depending on what's going on you know and um they asked him like well okay who's your number one receiver and he goes oh still Devonte but he smiled but he really did he goes Romeo dobs is number two like he in the whole league as far as guys that he's impressed by so I really do think that we don't understand and give Romeo dobs enough credit I've been slowly seeing it uh especially when we rewatched the game film from this last year but the guy is just a really really aggressive good receiver we've actually got that clip here let's see exactly what Jer said about dbby want another rep did he get better of you how how much do those both make you reach better uh yeah no definitely I mean you know uh I think do is close uh second for my f you know being one of my top receivers in the league um so I always want to go against dos I mean that dude he was freaking really good I mean he com in his rookie year not catching the single pass on me and now he's he's in contested I mean we going up for 5050 balls now I mean dude is dude is really good what makes him so good just the route running uh I think his route running is very well I mean he's a pro you know he goes about it the right way he comes in I mean he catches 100 Balls I mean he catches more after practice you can see he's a real Pro you know you can see that his his attention to detail is is very on point so if he's number two who's number one oh Devon Adam All I Want for Christmas Is Devonte Adam Jersey I love this dude how do you not love jier but that that sentence he said before about like how how jobs is in there you know 100 catches all of that he's a Pros Pro he approaches it right all those are key words for resign you know um extend keep in the locker room sort of thing if we're planning it out Goody's already got to be thinking about that right so um those are the little things that he sees daily in and out of practice that yeah he's going up against J you know one of the best corners in the league but he's also putting in work Beyond practice being over just to get better at himself and um I think that's going to be key to look for moving forward and get ahead of it man like like we were talking about you know know if I think dos is more more inclined and we've talked about this over and over and over more inclined to take a team-friendly deal than Christian Watson because his contract has been you know for lack of a better word cheeks right I mean he's like what is he a fifth round pick I believe so you know obviously get him some guaranteed money sweeten the pot a bit and you can get him on a cheap cheap cheap cap number for three to four years and now you've kind of really solidified the basement of that wide receiver room meaning like if dos is your number one receiver you can win ball games but if davien Wicks and Jaden Reed really surpass him and you've got the highest paid receiver on your roster at somewhere between eight to 11 million cap hit that's such a bargain and a locker room leader and everything um I'm all about some Romeo dobs he showed out today too at practice man West hak was tweeted out dobs is so nasty in the Red Zone Stokes had great coverage and love puts it where only dobs can bring it in and 87 gets his feet down for the touchdown on thir and goal from the four man it's just amazing how like I shouldn't say this I really I really like Willi and T I like this I listen to it every day there's not a day I don't I don't that I miss it and he today he was on the field and he's doing his live show and he said uh there's a catch by dos but yeah he didn't get his feet there's no way he got his feet in there and then you go over here Twitter and West H says dos are so nasty in the Red Zone Stokes had great great coverage dos can bring it in gets his feet in for the touchdowns on Third and goal from the four it's like I don't know man like why do we have to be so negative you know what I'm saying I don't know anyway another one too West ho with sweet out dobs is doing Romeo things gains a step on Valentine on deep Crosser and love puts it on the money so obviously Romeo dos had a good day today and I love how each practice someone stands out you guys notice that it seems like every practice there someone that's like and it's hardly ever the same person you know what I'm saying Tim it's like every day someone different kind of sticks out pretty cool yeah absolutely you know if you go back to that West hawts tweet it's such a good point because he says Stokes had great coverage and we have seen that all Camp long since we've started Eric Stokes Jr has come to Camp ready to play football guys and it's it's so awesome to see it I believe he had a pick on Jordan today uh during some of the team exercises and you guys know if you're picking off Jay Money Man You're earning it and uh I didn't see too many bad balls from Jordan love today so anything like that was uh just really really good defense um by our secondary so um yeah whose turn is it now we've seen Evan Williams Step Up we've seen kayin King step up uh like I said Eric Stokes uh and that's just the defensive side of the ball I I'll tell you we got to see a little bit of Marshon lyd today just a little bit and uh coming off the injury he's looking pretty good he is going to be a force to be reckoned with um so a lot of these drafts picks and uh second and third year guys are really stepping up uh early in Camp here as we kind of get near the the middle point of uh training camp definitely M Smitty says dobs went in the fourth round so it's pick 132 so just a little bit little bit higher than what I was thinking so appreciate that Smitty thank you Eric southernland says dos AKA The Quiet assassin I love the way he carries himself man he's just very straight to the point seems very very humble it sounded like too and I I hope I don't have this wrong it seemed like he grew up in very very rough part of La I think I want to say it's somewhere down around like you know Long Beach or around Compton somewhere around that area and obviously use football to get himself out of a bad situation and uh I just love his demeanor man he just seems so humble um that's a dude I want to see on the roster for a very very long time for sure um let's see what else we got here real quick uh coach Lynn says three safety sets in the Red Zone love that amen you get a little a little combination of speed with better tackling than extra Corner if you you know if you wanted to go that route um and and you put some Thumpers in there like Evan Evan Williams is another guy who's been flashing here lately I don't I didn't see him in the notes today but obviously what three interceptions in Camp already just just nasty did that's a talk to us rewind it I mean Jacobs put Quay in the put him in the washing machine blender but I I will give quays because he didn't he doesn't quite get fully roasted here he stays with them with his feet but we can't unmute it because of the music in the background but right I was screaming get your head around Quay get your head around I think if he turns his head on this maybe maybe he gets a pbu I mean this is about as good as a linebacker can do on a guy like J Josh Jacob Jacobs off the line he's trying to get it to Loop off the line here because that's nasty dude look at that but we want that work for Quay because if he's got to step out and nickel or something and and we're asking him to play more man he's got to be ready for this right so all that's good practice definitely yeah that is uh that's pretty awesome he's in his hit pocket on a slant but the problem was the Sluggo y the slugo got him and he came wi because he was in his hit pocket on the slant yes that is a tough route or a tough a tough route to cover I should say the one for it was um Eric Wilson actually got a pick I believe saw that previous one in his drill but also love to see that Josh Jacobs has moves oh my God if you Flex them oh and they will too man they'll Flex them out for sure I mean we seen it all year last year they came out in 11 personnel and they would put they would put Aaron Jones in the boundary what what would essentially be the boundary X but instead it's the boundary T right um this looks like me Shak and Mandy trying to get get out of taking that trash down on Monday night I'm trying to get upstairs in what I'm saying I will say that's a pretty darn perfect ball from uh Pratt it looks like it was yes it was Sir one more time let's watch it I mean let's let's watch his throwing throwing mechanics here he he's got a quick release to look at this just Wham I don't think that's Pratt Pratt 17 that's number seven that's e then yeah that's een no wonder malor likes him no doubt he's big boy too yeah I don't think he has a chance in hell making the roster but he is a big boy it's worth mentioning so good camp arm all right yeah there you go you're gonna need those too um let's see here Ron sell asked craft injury was two weeks later than Tom's injury correct that is correct Ron that's that's what we were told um when they first reported the injuries was Tom popped it bench pressing in the facility and then right at two weeks later craft popped it bench pressing in the facility so um yeah I I and everybody heals different I would imagine it would be a little easier for craft to come back from the peck injuries than Tom because Tom is bench pressing people for a living and I know craft has to do that too with blocking especially as a as the typical U tied end in this in this offense sifting over things like that but uh yeah I don't know man we'll we'll see we'll see if he's ready to go as quick two bodies are the same though right it depends on how he heals depends on all that so you don't believe me man come down to one of these bars in Tennessee there are no two bodies down here man these guys are built different you know what I'm saying they are uh slightly obese down here in Tennessee the you call me anything you want but don't me US Cellular has noticed the way we use our phones has gotten ironic we try to put our phones down for dinner but the menu is on a QR code that's ironic we hit like on social posts that we don't actually like which is ironic which is why US Cellular created us mode to help us reconnect with each other and use our phones less ironically a phone company wanting people to use their phones less is ironic let's find us again with us mode from us cellular visit SLB built for us to get started hey it's Kaye quoco for Priceline ready to go to your happy place for a happy price well why didn't you say so just download The Price Line app right now and save up to 60% on 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you're talking to one all right let's see here M Smitty says question do we keep four running backs with Dylan filling that fullback row and Emanuel Wilson being the third running back I think I'm the only Packer fan on the face of the Earth Smitty that doesn't think that AJ Dylan can play that HB back everyone else mentions it and they love the idea of it I just haven't seen any anything from Dylan to suggest that he can when they do a little pre- snap motion and they want him to slice they want him to sift and run that split flow they like to run especially weak Dylan's just not that guy to run block personally I I I haven't seen it I could be wrong doesn't mean I'm right here I'm just I know many people mention that same thing now if you're saying line him up like Mike allot in the power eye and give him a fullback diver to hell yeah do it all day let's roll right but uh I just don't think laflor uses the fullback uh in a sense that would kind of kind of cater to AJ Dylan's style of fullback if you were to play that right so I think AJ's gonna get more carries than everyone's expecting too honestly I think that he's actually going to use him as a running back I don't I I think Lloyd's going to get some some reps and stuff but I don't think it's going to be as much I mean he even came back today said he was real sore you know with it with uh with his hip and everything so um he's still young but he's been studying so I love to hear that but I do think AJ's gonna get a lot more reps than people are thinking yeah and and on top of that now listen you got you got our boy uh Marshon Lloyd here who's back he's going to be fighting to get as many reps as possible but it's it's going to be hard he's already kind of behind the ball just to touch obviously with the hip injury and all that let's see what Marshon Lloyd had to say in the locker room earlier today so it's a whole different story but it's just super exciting to be out there I think it's like like you said a kid of the kid so there's really nothing that can replicate it is that what you're getting at yeah nothing at all no matter what you do no matter how hard you work in offseason no matter how much you run football shape is a totally different can you remind us how the hip injury happened so it was um right before it we had like little workouts before everyone came back and I just try to make a cut try to make a cut and I just it was my HP flexor just just try to make a cut and I just strain my Hip Flex a little bit but it's all it's all good that that was during when the rookies the rookies came yeah when the rookies were yes all right so there you go you got the it was a hip flexor that's the first time I I recall hearing that I don't know if you guys have heard that before or not but not a big deal at all you strain a hip flexer when you hear that was what we knew about him when we drafted him that he had he tweaked the hip at USC and got back so maybe that was just like a re re-aggravation of something that he may have had when I hear hip injuries man I get nervous because I think Bo Jackson especially running back position because that that was a dude that was just super human right and yeah before you even said that Eric already had out he really yeah man Jackson dude you ever get depressed you're just like man it's a rough week just turn on the Bo Jackson highlights there's the guy having marital problems turn on the Bo Jackson highlights know anything it doesn't matter watch him running up the Outfield wall making a catch love it God unbelievable all right let's see I want to hit on a couple other thing here Blake b said this read that for me guys I'm gonna pull the kicker battle Greg Joseph took the lead over Anders today in terms of make versus misses okay all right so Paul brle tweeted out Andis Carlson and Greg Joseph both start today three for three and then went on to say Carlson goes two for three the second time through and Joseph three for three so Carlson now 21 of 24 in Camp and Joseph 22 of 24 in Camp so it is neck and neck but Joseph has a slot Edge not that that even matters you know but that's not gonna determine who gets the job right it is worth now if this was if Joseph had a six kick lead or something I'd be like oh yeah you know but it being that close obviously Carlson's got a much stronger leg U but you never know man again I've mentioned before uh it is an option to try to stash Carlson on the practice squad you only use you only lose one year of that contract you'll get him for another two if he clears waivers you could play Joseph this year if you feel like he's the better Kicker and let Rich bace continue to work with Carlson on the practice squad and then get him ready next year and then bang you got two years active on the contract and you're off and running but I think Carlson my money's on Carlson to win this battle so I agree I actually talked to Greg Joseph after today and did he talk in third person no no he didn't um and I really wanted to not like him because you know he's a you know Viking Viking guy you know former Viking and trying to take my boy Andre's job and man talk about the nicest dude you'll ever meet I mean Greg Joseph is a class act all the way man he was just a a pleasure to be around and uh just you can tell he's a really good good dude so uh wish the best for him but I hope he loses the G I'll just put it said Greg didn't you play for Minnesota he said Yeah Tim said how dare you the back here we go Ron sell said that pick today was on Watson as much as Jordan even according to Watson's dad so there you go Watson's dad chiming in today um I know BOS mentioned it too um but uh you know biski production Awesome YouTube channel one of my favorites he uh he had mentioned that Watson kind of pulled up on a on a shot play there on a on a throw and uh obviously he got picked off so and Stokes was playing great D and was in in a position to capitalize on that that's really what it was so it probably was probably was just as much on Jay love and and and Christian but you gotta also uh attribute pretty pretty solid defense from uh Eric Stokes yeah and you know I'm definitely you guys correct me if I'm wrong but we're we're hearing more positive about Stokes than negative right we all agree with that in this Camp absolutely all right yeah Matt was saying we were talking about that Matt Matt was saying that he looks like the Stokes that we had before you know he looks like he's he's back back to his stok self which is crazy after those two injuries I mean they were not pretty so I'm I'm really happy for Stokes all right I'm gonna go rapid fire here on the rest of the camp updates so we can get to that article that Jacob was talking about all right so here you said West hawwi with says Love Finds Reed for 16 yard touchdown in the Red Zone on Third and six but Gary probably would have had the sack so obviously it counts as a tutty there in practice but Gary getting pressure on love you love to hear that no pun intended all the pun intended actually West H Whit said he quote tweeted Andy Herman who said fantastic run by Emanuel Wilson and a Nash Juke in the open field on ajj uh he's had the best runs of Camp so far west ho was quote tweeted that said good Vision by Wilson but o line gave him a nice Lane as well didn't catch who sealed it off so Emanuel Wilson another name keeps popping up we were just talking about AJ Dylan and obviously Marshon Lloyd he's a slam dunk to make the roster hopefully he's healthy and he's on the active roster but maniel Wilson might not be written off here fellas he he's gonna make uh cut days really difficult on this uh coach Jacob yeah what' you say Jacob's over here yeah cut days guys you better wait for this article gonna come dunk on you I got to go faster West hit said uh Clifford threads the needle to hit Duos in the back of the end zone from the nine and then he went on to say best Red Zone of camp for Clifford and the twos nice out to Melton for a touchdown and Julian Hicks makes a terrific catch near the sideline on Third and goal from four all right so from the four I'm assuming so there you go Xavier mcken showing up West H said mcken has been a menace in the Red Zone he's been around nearly every ball you love to see that and then a little update here from West about LVN says nice inside move from LVN to blow up the play and would have sacked een on the next play so LVN showing a little bit of uh a little inside move action there that's that's nice to see so he's obviously last year you've seen the talent you've seen the raw strength the quickness all that stuff got to work on those moves and those counter moves for sure so basically to wrap up the day Ryan wood tweeted out desperation situation third uh let's see third and 10 from the 18 11 seconds left needing a touchdown to tie Jordan Love tets Christian Watson at the goal line but Watson wasn't looking for the football Eric Stokes undercut it for the interception looked a lot like the end of the Steelers game last season for the offense so what you laughing about AIA what's your I remember Tim's face after that game he was like this yeah that was the he can block game yeah somebody in the chat said he can't run routes he can't catch the ball he can't do this what can he do we all went quiet Tim was like this said he can block let's relive it here you ready where's it at here he can block they you never hear him complaining about that anyway that's Stiller's game man it it a rough one it a rough pill to swallow there but you just gota get that you know what I mean get it out of here never want to hear it again never want to relive that again so all right Jacob are you ready are you ready to finally hit the article you've been talking about man really fast did you see what did you hear what Matt or J said about uh X and mckenny just like he was watching his tape and he's like yo I love your break on that and then X is like yeah I did too but I need to make the play and J's like yeah you definitely do but I like that they're still even pushing each other because if there're are two best and they're just complacent that's a problem so I do like that they're both kind of picking at on each other's work definitely sorry my bad yeah real quick no that's good um did you guys know uh they were about the play they were talking about specifically in the Red Zone where they had three safeties in do you know who the three safeties were I don't I don't know who was it was McKinny it was Bullard and it was Mr Evan Williams and apparently they had they had kind of like this weird uh I wish I could explain the situation better but it sounded like they were cheating Williams as to be kind of this hybrid linebacker slash um almost what we thought that um that star position or whatever exactly what exactly what Tariq Carpenter was supposedly could have what have should have been but also the fact that with McKenna and Bullard in there I mean that to me I talked about that and I thought it was a stupid question like two or three days ago and I was like what happens if we have so many safeties that are playing so well like what would it take for us to get out of the will or the um McKenna contract or what would it take for us to tweak our defense and now I'm honestly this is before all ad dapos even started to show up and they're talking about how Anthony Johnson Jr cannot get cut because he's been he they said he'd go start somewhere on a different on a different defense so all of a sudden now we have five guys at that position where they're trying to get them Quality quality snaps how the heck do we do it I mean it's a great problem to have the goal guy to corner right what's that you'll Corner we see this as you say that Tim get ready to watch look at this article all we have do is just compare all all we'll do is compare what the 50 Man 3 was I think Clayton should still have a screenshot of what the 53 that we started the season with the year before and I'll tell you dude we're gonna be sitting here being like can we get away with seven old linemen maybe like it's gonna get that crazy absolutely so here you go if you're looking for if you're looking for a home in Tampa Florida check with our boy Keegan SE freed all right he can get you get you hooked up there now here we go who wrote this just mosada right Packers 53 man roster projection um a prediction one week into Camp all right so let's kind of roll through here let me actually scroll that down just a touch here we go all right it says uh we're six prick six not Pricks six practices in train let's overreact to some early padded practices why don't we um after following all the news and notes from Camp over the last week I'm going to take you through the status of the Green Bay Packers roster including who I would who I expect would make the 53 man roster if I were decided if it were decided today and which players are truly on the edge of the roster bubble for the sake of the exercise I'm going to assume that everyone is going to be healthy by the start of the regular season thank you for that we need that so far the Packers have avoided a major injury uh since coming back from their summer break now let's get into the position byos breakdowns so here we go this going to be tough because there's videos embedded everywhere here ain't there I'm sorry it's unbelievable unbelievable all right so it says a quarterback Jordan love Michael Pratt while Sean Clifford still receiving most of the team second team uh snaps at quarterback it's not it's not been pretty head coach Matt laflor joked that Clifford broke a record by throwing five interceptions in a single practice last week why would you even mention that coach and Clifford added two more including one on the opening day of a two-minute drill in the pack blah blah blah so he's predicting Jordan love Michael Pratt is that right Jacob that what you're seeing there yep okay just weird to have people's random children on a video on the screen while we're trying to read like so all right anything you guys want to hit on as far as the quarterback position there we all agree with that there I think Pratt gets the edge for uh athletic ability Mobility he uh pushes the pocket breaks the pocket extends the play really well with his feet he's good at throwing on the Run uh that's not to take anything away from Sean Clifford but I I would agree with that prediction I think that would make sense got it all right and so right here obviously the final 53 last year we only carried two so there you go he's got Michael Pratt over Sean Clifford on the running back oh look at here boys only three Josh Jacobs AJ Dylan Marshon Lloyd all right last year when we broke camp we broke camp with only three running backs Aon Jones AJ Dylan Emanuel Wilson so I tell you man that's uh they're saying Emanuel Wilson will not make the roster essentially um see if it mentions him Emanuel Wilson a 2023 preseason standout as an undrafted rookie was able to earn a roster spot last season but it would be tougher to make it through Cuts now that the team added Lloyd and Jacobs while retaining AJ Dylan who appears to have reshaped his body at this point it's expected that Jacobs and Dylan are going to split carries in a committee something laflor has said he favors over a bcow approach so comments here Jacob what do you think about that man do you agree with it you think they'll carry four how do you feel about that I I don't know how that we'd carry four once you see the rest of this article um you have to figure out where you can make some cuts and right here you you'd have to be okay with Dylan Jacobs and and blade got it you have to what what if I I know we I know we don't want to but what if Maran Lloyd just doesn't make the cut you know what I mean what if what if Wilson is showing up that much that he that he has to make the roster we dropped L Nichols I know he was what a seventh rounder but yeah yeah Lloyd's yeah Lloyd's out a udfa is a yeah I yeah I have to agree here alilio with with Jacob like I don't I don't see any scenario where Marshon Louie doesn't make the roster I really unless now here's the thing and we don't want to mention this but we're going to injuries happen right there's going to be some of these that the injuries I'm telling you every year I'm excited about this that and the other thing as far as Camp battles and an injury decides it for you and it makes it easier for you when you're trying to project the ride okay well that that solves that right but yeah I I'm not saying it's impossible ailio I just think man it's highly highly unlikely right Lloyd wouldn't make the roster for sure so um all right on the receiver Christian Watson Jaden Reed Davian Wix Romeo dobs Bo Melton and Malik Heath so that's obviously they're carrying six last year we carried six this is this will be my pick for these these six right here Tim what do you think about that everybody y'all just toss it around here for a second does anybody disagree with that right there no I don't but I do think um I think Malik Heath is making a strong case for himself at Camp I really do like him and Malik Heath are battling for that uh that last roster spot for sure he um Grant is not going to go down without a fight uh for this this last roster spot um he was laying it all out there on the field he had a really nice grab today the ground kind of caused him to to drop it he laid out along the side kind of slow getting up but uh got back out there and was making plays but I don't think there's a chance the Packers keep seven so I would agree that if you're telling me they're six here we go um see here uh prince in the chat deos over Heath that that is a possibility I wouldn't say it's a probability but I would definitely say it's a possibility and you guys know how I feel about Malik Heath he was one of my favorite uh receivers last season I thought he really uh helped us out in the crunch in a lot of these games and uh you know when he was called upon he was uh he answered the call for the most part last year so and we all know Malik Heath likes to get out there and block too so oh that's the truth yeah water cooler water cooler yep so does so does Grant the B too Grant B is guy so um but hey you know these are good problems to have all this all this dog on talent in this locker room you know trying to get it down to 53 is g to be uh it's gonna be tough yeah definitely all right so anybody disagree with that six right there those six negative all right tied in look at you here carrying four Luke Musgrave Tucker craft Tyler Davis Ben Sims this is exactly how I see it as well if we go back to last year where you at bang last year carried only three tied ends so we're losing a roster spot here Jacob that's probably what you're talking about right try to carry off four of those guys and I know you're as big a Tyler Davis fan as there is right of course get in the Jersey okay there you go so carrying four do you disagree with that Jacob those four right there or no I I don't and as much as this you know kind of a shtick now that you know I don't like Tyler Davis blah blah um I understand now unfortunately after listening to you guys and reading certain things and understanding what his role is on this team like Matt laflor absolutely loves the guy and it's because he is really good at doing certain things that are kind of pivotable pivotal for Matt lefur to run his offense and more now what we're seeing is Rich Basia running that special teams it was pretty clear that um lefl loved Tyler Davis and his schemes for whatever reason he did this or that well that he wanted him to do to make the rest of the play go smooth but I didn't realize how important he was to the Special Teams because Rich came out and said that like yeah once this guy comes back he's basically gonna be our special teams Captain it's how he basically made it sound like TD could be your HB too in a pinch in this in this offense and I think honestly that's that's the type of dirty work that they appreciate from him not not just the Special Teams but some of the other stuff he he brings to the table as a tight end I think when you look at this group Musgrave and craft are going to be doing the the pass catching they're not going to be targeting Tyler Davis in the pass game very often I think uh they'll be using him as um you know a battering ram out there but uh I like this group yeah two for this says Davis is too important for special teams The Sims is like the big dog of this current roster quiet on offense but comes through for for you when needed and again two years ago before he got hurt and We've joked about it a lot but Tyler Davis on those slice plays that sip block he was arguably the best on the roster at doing it y especially when they were using Mercedes Lewis is kind of that attached that that true why attached in some of those those real tight sets so yeah I I think I agree with those four right there for sure it's just like I said it's it's going to be hard because last year you only carried three tied ends and now you're carrying four you got to cut that cut that roster down some some place else so on the offensive line last year we carried 11 it was Elton Jenkins David B tiari Josh Myers John runion Yash nyman Royce Newman Shan Ryan Zack Tom rashed Walker and Luke tudas who we broke camp with all 11 there they're saying in this article one two three four five six seven eight nine only 10 so there you've got your roster spot back Rasheed Walker at left tackle Elton Jenkins at left guard and back up Center Josh Myers your starting center Jordan Morgan Right Guard Zack Tom right tackle Shawn Ryan Right Guard left guard kadem telfort backup right tackle Roy sowman left guard Right Guard uh Andre Dillard uh swing tackle left tackle right tackle and then Jacob mon it sounds like Andre Dillard has taken Tyler Davis's spot on your uh your guy that you love to hate on Jacob is that true uh no no uh I don't come on Myers and Newman are still on that list now I don't see Dillard making this squad I barely see Newman making this squad so this is where I have a a big disagreement Jacob he's taking Tyler D Davis's place right ja Che over depress oh my God all right um Emilio how you feel about this offensive line right here these 10 I mean it's hard to argue with that right yeah I I'm kind of with Jacob though I don't know about Dillard and uh I don't new there so I where's my man Glover right get get my boy Glover out there yeah he said just like check I don't know about this yeah thank you're an amazing person you know that don't you gets it where's my man Glover we're talking about keeping the uh keeping the draft picks let's go you love Glover don't you man yeah he's the sleeper that no one's talking about Jennings too it's another one like Jay Cole saying here in the chat man it's gonna be tough that goody has done it again boys he is uh he's I'll say right now that um even though you're like oh we gained a roster spot with only the 10 I think that's booty cheeks I don't think Dillard's going to make this team so I'd replace him right away with either Caleb Jones or uh Tuda I don't see Tuda on here which I I know they love Tuda yes is and also to say Glover I would take uh I would take Jennings for sure on this team over Dillard um and I don't know about Roy as well so there's there's a few people that I would totally swap out of here do you guys think the the versatility factor of some of these guys that we've we've got in here now in this o line group is the reason why they're not going to keep 11 like they did last year I think I think it's a great Point Tim yes you know that frees up a roster spot in there you see a lot of guys you see Newman you see Dillard You See Shawn Ryan you see Big E with the slashes and their positions and and honestly there's probably a few guys in here like Zack Tom they got him listed strictly as a right tackle we know Zack Tom can play anywhere on that on that line in a pinch um so I think the versatility is the reason why they're probably not hanging on to that that extra lineman maybe this right and we also don't have two uh starting left tackles you know working it out throughout the season trying figure true we do not have the Big Dave situation this year Well Dave and and Yash and Rasheed so I mean if we're not rotating a starter every time y right they're getting that work where they're truly gonna play right and they're not not wasting any time there that's a good point all right let's move along here defensive end all right defensive end last year now this would be your Edge defensive Edge defensive battle essentially um last year it would have been listed as outside linebacker now keep in mind we were in a 34 look last year as opposed to a 43 it shouldn't change much as far as how many edges they carry we carried six outside linebackers last year so essentially six edges last year this year on this projection they're saying five ran Gary Preston Smith Lucas vaness Kings Len bar and now I know why he wanted to see this article Brent Cox the R I think Brent Cox Jor is gonna make the roster again I really believe that they protected the hell out of him last year they were like we don't even plan on playing but nobody else is getting their hands on this that guy looks like he put on another 10 pounds of muscle too he is like an absolute freak of nature yeah that's that's a human meat missile that I got my eyes on I want to watch him GNA watch him rise to the top cream of the crop oh yeah right R to the top yeah yeah all right so does anybody disagree with those five right there not carrying that sixth I think it goes hand in hand with what we were saying last night how these interior defensive linemen maybe one of those could play defensive end and the pinch because they're not standing up on the outside now right right a guy like Carl Brooks possibly yes and a guy like Devonte Wy to be honest yep absolutely so Carl Brooks caused a stir today I think he uh they put him in with the ones and he gave Jordan Morgan F today so yep that's that's good to hear there so defensive tackle they say Kenny TJ Slayton Devonte white Carl Brooks and Kobe wooden if we go back to last year and just look at strictly the defensive lineman we carried six last year so they're only carrying five this year in the 4-3 look um so that makes sense why you would go from six to five seeing that last year you're playing at 34 jam out of Base Personnel you would need that extra defensive lineman essentially a backup at each each of the three positions now you've only got two starting um you know with the uh with the defensive tackles in a normal 43 whether you're in an under over or even look so this makes sense why you would just carry five for sure right so I Like It Is there anybody you think got snub there as far as uh defensive tackle I can't think of anyone that's not on this list to think man they I really thought they would I know people people maybe say Jonathan Ford but I think that that's one where you're you'd have to maybe you'd have to cut the boss right now for sure or just put him back on the practice while like they did last year right so yeah reset it to two years again as a future if you sign him on the Futures in the offseason all right on to linebacker I'm glad we did this sh this a great idea man that's a really cool article um just kind of seeing someone else's perspective so linebacker last year we carried how many inside linebackers five inside linebackers VRE Campbell Quay Walker isay McDuffy Eric Wilson Tariq Carpenter um this year they're saying we're going to carry five uh the same so it's going to be Quay Walker Isaiah McDuffy Edan Cooper Eric Wilson Tyron Hopper and that's hard to argue with that I think that's pretty spot on there too what do you guys think yes definely gotta want to make sure we're not missing anybody here is there anyone we're missing here as a linebacker that we think well I don't know man maybe they could make it that they pretty much nailed it right I think so yeah I think there too much talent there especially with uh Cooper and Hopper those guys are going to pop it's just a matter of time and if you want to keep Christian young or yeah Christian young Christian well wel Aaron Mosby Kean Banks or railen go for you can stash him on the practice squad no problem right so that makes a lot of sense Jacob do you agree with those F I do and people honestly haven't been given Tyron Hopper apparently has been flashing um every day in the run defense specifically they said that he's been really really good in run defense so um that's another guy that we haven't talked about much he got drafted I'm sure a lot earlier than most people thought but he I I I didn't like the pick but now I'm starting to come around to understand why they did it he's gonna be a big special team run Defender guy love they took him kind of high too didn't they if I remember correctly they took him way higher than I had him on my board I know that they took him yeah third round pick 91 and on my board he was really low I mean really low so they seen something they loved in him um yeah dude I had him like two 22.8 I think was the grade I don't have my draft board my vertical he was like six he was like six from the bottom of the bottom of the vertical cool yeah because when he when they took him me and ailia looked at each other like what the hell what who he was purple though he was purple you're right and that was he was big old big old Target on him right so what was the purple again ailia it was that was the uh um top 30 visit senior bull top 30 and I think what was the other thing there was something else too yeah was it an R above eight maybe or something I think so there was something he hit all three right he hit all three requirements we had him olop um picked up from those two matter of fact on our big board on the on the cheat sheet here he was the only guy in purple on the bottom half of the board yep so yeah he kind of sticking out like a sore thumb down it's just it just obviously they went and took him as a top 100 pick taking him at pick 91 because somebody else was on him I guarantee you that so um all right good stuff man cornerback oh this looks kind of thin here does it not boys my am tripping here Jacob that looks no just wait look at what we did last year how many did we carry last let me try to find it here real quick where am I at I don't know where I'm at I don't know what to do with my hands all right cornerback yes so we we only carried four all right so we carried four last year J Alexander rul Douglas Kean Nixon Carrington Valentine this projection they're saying we're carrying five J Alexander Eric Stokes Carrington Valentine keesan Nixon and kayin King kayin King they're showing slot there I like it so uh yeah hard to disagree with that boys um so we're we're losing a roster spot there right carrying that fifth but we already picked it up in the offens of line room too yo this is what I'm saying this is what started getting me to be like what what are we doing oh yeah I didn't even realize you're right we got no Balentine dude BS I'm protesting this boys I'm sorry I didn't see Valentine on last year's list can you go back to last year's I think he actually started on the practice squad of oh that's right okay could be this is okay that might be their plan again right if he's uh I don't know all the practice squad rules because there's some that you can have like so many veterans on there too that they don't have that certain require I'm telling you right now though Corey Ballentine if he gets signed by somebody else dude I'm just gonna tell you I'm how about these hands go see Dy myself Valentine's pushing 30 so I don't know what the rules are about a guy like that how shame Jacob yes I love I love the older people you know that CL you guys have no idea how true that statement is man 65% 65% that's what 65 and up Jacob is a big fan all right moving on anybody got anything else to add to corner here this show sucks just so that was very definitive yeah it was show sucks all right let's go on to safety we'll do it live all right so safety room last year what did we carry safety we carry five Darnell Savage Rudy Ford Jonathan Owens D levit and Anthony Johnson Jr so so we had three really last year we had three and two halves right so to make a fourth uh so Xavier McKenna Javon Bullard who can also play in the slot I love that they're mentioning that Evan Williams Anthony Johnson Jr and Katan oladapo hard to argue with that is there a safety we feel like getting snubbed here I'm trying to think we look at the safety room Javon Bullard Exavier mcken Evan Williams Anthony Johnson Jr katano ladapo just Zayn Anderson and Tyler Cole so yeah I don't think uh I like this man I think this is a spot on what do you boys think I think so I think Zayn Anderson is you know a special teamer at best probably I don't think we're gonna look at him to play any meaningful defensive football for us I guess um I do like Anthony Johnson Jr on this list because like we we talked about at the at the top here that you know he's making it really tough to cut him you know he's he's having himself a camp and uh you know maybe ant Johnson is one of those guys that if he's not gonna if he's gonna be more towards the bottom of the depth chart as far as the safety position goes maybe he slides into some cornerback play uh in a pinch depending on how the season goes um but I like this list this is pretty much what it's probably going to be right guys I mean you can almost take this one to the bank right now I agree Jacob what do you think man yeah I mean um this is where I start to wonder if there's guys up there I mean right away the only one I could see up there like is a possible trade bait scenario be ajj and that's just because of the fact that if I mean the safety room is Absolut like coach is saying that's set there's a few Locker or a few positions where that's set I think the D end is set uh safety set somewhere in the quarterback room is set tight end room set but I I don't know dude I feel like we need we have too much talent at the safety position I think we haven't even seen what Katan adabo can do if he comes out and even looks decent we have five guys that can play two maybe three positions I mean I know injuries happen but uh I don't know I'd start shopping around see if I could get like a fifth or sixth round pick for ant I would oh Tim right now I'm not going to so quit asking you have you have the floor sir you watch your damn mouth there j s no but uh no I get it I mean having a ton of talent is it's a good problem to have man it really is I just um you know I look at a Johnson and I look at guys like Evan Williams and even uh you know oladapo man like let's see how these guys look in special teams too you know what I mean so we're going to cut some of the fat and maybe Zayn Anderson doesn't make this team it's because you know we don't we don't need a special team guy taking up a roster spot because Evan Williams can get it done and and Johnson can get it done and so can dude I think we're forgetting all the dapos like what 62 like 210 or he's a he's a unit yep yeah go ahead I'm gonna look up his hot and weight you guys keep talking for just a Oh I thought you were about to drop the thick drop man what a missed opportunity dude the biggest point of receiver it's tough trying my best over here the biggest point of this was to see who we who's not going to make the team can you scroll down when you get a second Clayton on this article I believe it says honorable mentions or something like that notable whatever katano ladapo coming out of college was 62216 thick thck thank you appreciate that if you guys would take a quick second hit that like button for us uh help boost the old algae here and help other Packer fans find this Channel and find this content we appreciate y'all hanging out with us on this glorious Tuesday evening here uh so special teams Andre Carlson your kicker Daniel willing your punter Long Snapper Matt oric honorable mentions so here we go Jacob you have the floor sir talk to me here on these honorable mentions okay and just real quick if we don't need to scroll up but if you looked up there we have three positions set for the Special Teams I'm sorry but you can't tell me there isn't a punter that also can't kick a field goal you can't tell me that there's not one of a 10 or 11 offensive lineman that can't also they call them specialist for a reason just you you can kick a field goal that I just want a Nat with Notre Dame and my punter can kick field goal I'm just I was gonna say you found the one I found the one I'm just saying to me if I was a quarterback or if I was a GM I'd be looking for that tiny little uh you know that that tiny little that that's a that's a big deal that can give you a big leg up over a lot of different teams anyways honorable mentions SL guys that should have made the cut that don't make the cut I don't agree with a lot of these and I would have moved different pieces around but look at this here we got one two three four five six seven eight nine I would argue there's probably 10 to 12 guys that would be um on the roster bubble here number one the biggest one I'm argued uh probably be Sean Clifford seconde guy um we spent a Draft pick on him wasn't he A fifth or a six round draft pick Emanuel Wilson udfa you know he's just a udfa but he's also been probably the most one of the most most explosive running backs that we have on our roster for since the time being he's been here Caleb Jones offensive tackle absolute freaking nature Glover a guy that I thought would have made the team no problem another offensive lineman Luke Tuda who I thought would make the team both of those guys all honestly all three of these I would take over Dillard so we'll see how that works Christian Welch at linebacker balen I think is a massive one here uh at quarterback safety Zay Anderson Tim talked about how he's more of a special teams guy and then Greg Joseph who's had 22 out of 24 kicks made this this um you know offseason so what do you guys think about that list is there anybody else that you would well two things what if it looked like we broke last year without our Long Snapper so take orage away pick one dude on this list that you're putting on the roster in his spot one you have to we got we got rid of orsich we'll sign him later we'll figure it out who gota be Valentine or Glover right I was gonna say either Tuda or Valentine okay Clayton you really ask me this let's go give me balentin give it let him play wild cat alongside of uh J Alexander I love Glover too but we might be able to stash him I think we I think we gotta bring the I think we got to bring either Sean Clifford or Emanuel back I could see that I don't want to see I don't want to see three quarterbacks you guys want to carry three quarterbacks Tim are you hating are you body shaming quarterback I'm I'm just I really have faith in Jordan love and um I really do like Michael Pratt we're doing with three quarterbacks Tim is we're walking out back we're putting a couple seeds in the ground putting some water on it and then hopefully by the end of the year we can go ahead and sell one of those tomatoes that grew you can say that we're not allowed to say that you can say the word tomato on this showell going what do you think about this take here Prince says that uh Samari Tor not even getting a mention which NFC North team will he pop on uh saw today he was wearing sweatpants I don't know practic can't make the club in the tub just saying you think the Lions I think he's going to the Bears there's are St do you mean we all know he's gonna end up a Raider that's true thank you for the extra sound effects even even the chat split though look at that we got Valentine we got Eric Wilson or Glover or Jenny coach can't even decide I hear you coach that's a problem I said one and I still picked two yeah it's wild hey Jacob hell of an idea man that was a lot of fun dude that was that was a blast and here what I think we should do and people either going to love or they're going to hate this idea I think that maybe every week leading up through camp like right now it's the 30th right like say somewhere around the 6th or whatever let's go look at the 53 again and kind of go okay how's everybody doing in Camp and just kind of re-evaluate I think that'd be a cool way to keep our finger on the pulse for sure so yeah um yeah a good way for you guys and gal is to keep your finger on the pulse you see what I did there uh uh is hop over and join our patreon group you can scan the QR code in the upper right that'll send you directly to our patreon group or you can do it the oldfashioned way go to patreon and search Packer fan Total Access got an awesome community building in there um we also do a lot of giveaways out of that group if you're one of the three tiers a member of one of the three tiers in there um you guys are out of control then we put everybody's name on a wheel uh the Larry McCaron pinky will we spend that thing and give away free prizes I know chewy just just won a really cool frame photo of uh three Hall of Fame quarterbacks in Bart Star Brett Favre and Aaron Rogers we've given away autograph jerseys we're going to be giv away copies of Take Your Eye Off the Ball 2.0 that was donated by one of our awesome listeners United baates so again just scan that QR code and foll the instructions you can join the patreon group as M Smitty always points out it is rigged 20 for this says it's rigged and Eric suin of course says rigged he's the father of saying it's rigged and uh yeah but still worth it he says it's rigged listen it's rigged but it's still worth it so anything else fellas anything at all nothing yeah I agree the show sucked yeah we got we got a game Thursday we do have a game Thursday you're right who is Chicago right and they've already announced that Caleb Williams is not playing they seen that pick they they did yeah I think they said today is that is that what you heard Jacob is that right let me go fact I didn't hear that but I heard yeah I mean why honestly why would they there's no win-win for them it's lose lose which should you don't think that he should get a couple reps in live game situation I don't know maybe that could help maybe a little timing or like the speed the size of the nothing I mean I'm more excited for family night is anybody going to family night anybody here or in the chat going to the family night Saturday night right they were talking who was they they're talking with marshan Lloyd about that about how it they said the Stadium's probably going to be just full oh yeah it usually sells out you yeah it's gonna be awesome so yeah there's all kinds of people talking about Caleb Williams and the starters not playing in the Hall of Fame game in other words water is wet uh this one says Eber flu said the communication Michaela Williams about not playing Thursday was simple quote you're not playing so there you go so Caleb Williams is not playing Thursday I I wouldn't out there either man I mean if he goes out there and he's absolute cheeks you know what I'm saying so they're just going to delay that problem a month they're just gonna wait a month till they figure out Bears of course they are guys we all know he's only here until they draft another quarterback in three years so it's true yeah hey sounds like Ron's gonna be at family night so if anybody else from the Packer Nation the PTA POS is gonna be there uh let us know there's in the chat there'll be a few of those till now oh boy if the schedule will permit then what I'm going to do for family night again that is next Saturday what is wrong with you alilio what is your problem be professional Eric is my problem man everybody's let me pull this up real no I wouldn't oh don't oh everybody got so nervous calm down all right that is usually when I screw up and put Eric's comments on the screen so let's see it's gonna be 7:30 central that be 6:30 my time on Saturday the 3 what if we did a live show during family night and try to give updates like we did the other day Jacob what you think be fun yeah it'd be great because I know I'm I won't be able to freaking watch it because I'm over here with the Minnesota VI Queens paying taxes for Minnesota public television coverage apparently anyways unbelievable how far do you have to drive to get Packers coverage Jacob probably an hour oh Jacob gonna call his cable company I got some advice for y take two weeks off then quit unbelievable yeah so why don't we try to plan on doing that if if schedule a workout that'd be fun we'll just go live during family night and give you guys updates like we did for Camp practice the other day um obviously we can't show the game on on the channel that's illegal but we can uh at least hang out in here and talk about what's going on so ailia won't be in here because it's date night he date Mars it up on the weekends it is he's in high demand what can I say I I make time when it's game days it's just I gotta I like you said I gotta I gotta start sewing points away you got coming up fast got to build that credit man like Jacob man he's packing around those a ARP cards you know what I'm saying he got those squared away good to go ain't that right Jacob I don't know I'm not a doctor there you go you guys in gwood hit that like button for us on your way out we really appreciate I don't know why you're here but we do appreciate you know what the trick is what is the you gotta crumple up calcium tablets into their food so their bones stay strong otherwise you know go what sometimes I think what did I do to deserve this those of you listen on the Pod listen pod and a dumpster as always we are as happy as a POS and a dumpster hey go out and be the change you want to see in the world okay quit complaining about quit bitching and just go be the change all right let's try that for once please everyone everybody have a wonderful evening we'll see you tomorrow

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