Kevin lies (harry enfield and chums)

Published: May 12, 2016 Duration: 00:04:17 Category: People & Blogs

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okay Julie well if you hear anything let me know and I'll do the same there he is now it's just right back up Kevin Wow can you come down here please gosh I well coming where the hell have you been well it's two o'clock in the afternoon darling we have been really worried about you you are so sick making me pathetic it is not pathetic Kevin we hadn't heard a thing from you since yesterday tea time where did you stay last night oh it's a Parrish didn't know well you didn't stay at Paris I spoke to his mom I didn't say I stayed there I said I went there well Perry's mom didn't see you all evening I didn't go into Paris I went there Perry saw me coming and came out so that is why his bloody mom didn't see me so where did he stay paints and why did Pete's dad ring us this morning and ask if Pete was here well I don't know do I why don't you ask him I did Pete told his parents he was staying here so well he didn't did he and you didn't stay at Perry's and you didn't stay at Pete's we did start page heaven I spoke to his dad well he starts a bloody liar we stayed at peach till 11:00 oh you stayed till 11:00 did you and then where did you go my fellow do i well would have thought you were exactly the person to know-it-all for God's sake Perry how expensive good morning how are you insulting afternoon Perry have a good night last night yes please miss Spencer please thank you where'd you stay my ass Oh your parents rang and said you didn't oh forgot pates you stayed at ping yes no yes or no I like your dress mrs. pace it is dydz oh you did did you yeah I forgot Ike wasn't paid who say that Dave's did you come in yeah hello no Dave's not here I know I thought he stayed at home last night with Kevin and Perry thanks to tracks what the night how long did you stay there all night of course kill what's your bloody problem all right [Laughter] but enough of this you are not allowed in knocked ups you're grounded for two weeks [Applause] Jay yes we were worried but he's home now what he stayed with you thanks for letting me know Damon's mum said apparently you arrived at her house at 11:30 and stayed there all night is that fun keV couldn't get new tricks okay Ange mainly Ava's got you know you are dead it's fine for you to stay at Damon's Kenny what're you tell us the truth in the first place don't be so bloody stupid you just don't understand do you how could I possibly tell you the truth you're my parents

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