Biden's Disastrous Debate Could Mean the End of His Candidacy, and Presidency - Post-Debate Show

hey everyone I'm Megan Kelly welcome to the Megan Kelly show and our special coverage of the CNN presidential debate with which just concluded joining me in just a bit Dave Rubin will be here also Eric bowling and we will be taking some calls at the end of the program from all of you but first we've got rich Lowry editor and chief of National Review and Emily jashinsky DC correspondent for unheard they're going to join me in just a minute but first I just want to talk to you directly about what we just saw in my view it is over for Joe Biden his presidential campaign came to an end tonight whether he knows it or not there will be meetings tonight first thing tomorrow amidst Democratic Party leaders about how to get him off the ticket how to change in somebody else there have to be already we're seeing some reaction come in from Top Democrats who rarely criticize the president suggesting he needs to have a serious look at this performance tonight and assess for himself whether he can go forward it that number will Mount there will be more and more it was an unmitigated disaster it was uncomfortable to watch I sat with my family and friends and for the first 25 minutes of the debate we kept grabbing each other's arms it it was so jarring he was so distant so frail so hard to comprehend so unsteady you honestly didn't know whether he was going to make it through the answer never mind through the debate much less through a second term the contrast between Joe Biden and Donald Trump has never been more Stark Trump came out calm cool collected in his own he looked comfortable I Donald Trump Jr tweeted out I think actually the CNN format helped my dad it helped him stay composed and presidential I think he's right the inability for him to interrupt Biden did wind up helping Trump and he maintained his dignity for the most part he was in control and strong for the entire time unlike his opponent I've never seen anything like that I've never seen a politician at any level perform like Joe Biden performed tonight and not only do I have questions about whether he will be his party's nominee I have questions about whether he could possibly serve out his term he's the president of the United States right now that man who couldn't spit out numbers or say trillion or billion correctly and lied at every answer because he seemed confused how is that our leader how are the Democrats going to nominate that man and shame on you Jill Biden Jill Biden for allowing that I I want answers from all these top Democrats who've been telling us how robust he is behind the scenes that that's who I want to hear from most you lied did you not think this moment was going to come that we'd never see this why did you agree to put him out on the debate stage when you knew what the truth was and that we would eventually find it out for ourselves it's a dark day for this country he's our leader no one wants to see him embarrassed but we're embarrassed ourselves tonight that's our president and he could very well win a second term if the Democrats continue their lawfare if the media doesn't do its job if the Democrats don't do the responsible thing here want to get to Rich and Emily with their thoughts guys thank you for joining me Rich what' you think I don't think it was a great debate you it was painful to watch by the end the argument over who whose golf game is better and has better better handicap and if the mics hadn't been cut it probably would have descended into what the the first debate in 2020 was like so I agree with you that that helped Trump but Biden was terrible like nightmarishly bad you know we we both had a lot of experience with Roger alses who was a TV genius if nothing else and he always said you know watch it with with the sound down and as soon as Trump W uh sorry Biden walked out before he said anything you're like oh my gosh this guy's president United States looked like he was gonna barely make it to the podium he had this blank and Confused look on all the split screens when he wasn't saying anything and then when he talked his voice was incredibly frail and weak they're saying apparently getting out that he had a cold I don't know maybe he did have a cold but if he did he should have said immediately oh excuse my voice I have a cold and then there was the the incoherence you know not every answer but a lot of the answers just they started okay and then they faded into something just a jumble you know that the beat Medicare we finally beat Medicare care answer towards the beginning was maybe the foremost example of this so it was a debacle for Joe Biden I think Trump was you know about half the debate was was very good I I think he got overheated at at moments and drawn into things he probably shouldn't have but he had the the better night by default if nothing else I mean I didn't think there was any question like anybody who says Joe Biden won that debate is a dishonest person that you shouldn't be listening to I do want to play that sound bite before I go to you Emily uh that rich just referenced I mean there we have multiple queed up showing Biden's utter confusion he did not have the facts he was confused over very basic facts and it was repeated take a listen to this S three we have a thousand trillionaires in America I mean billionaires in America and what's happening they're in a situation where they in fact pay 88.2% in taxes if they just paid 24% 25% either one of those numbers they'd raise 500 million dollar billion dollars I should say in a 10-year period we'd be able to WR wipe out his debt we'd be able to help make sure that all those things we need to do Child Care Elder Care making sure that we continue to strengthen our health care System making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I've been able to do with the uh with with with the co excuse me with um dealing with everything we have to do with uh look [Music] if we finally beat Medicare thank you President Biden president Trump oh my God that's it that's it Emily I mean I just I I I I have I'm looking at my own notes as we as this unfolded and here's how they read so rehearsed so old fleem needs subtitles what is he saying so fast rehearsed can barely understand he's done that and so frail is my other what what was he saying he beat Medicare the trillions the trillionaires what he's done with covid I he was all over the map and that was fairly early in the debate so the vast majority of of everybody who will consume the debate consumed that moment uh so people saw that happen live there's nothing there's no spin in the world there's no Joe Biden had a cold that can in any way whatsoever change people's opinion of what they saw happen in front of them on that and you know you said when you were in your opening it sort of gave me chills it's like a dark day in America that is exactly how I feel it's it's a very sad day to be in America because that is the president of the United States the first lady is responsible for putting him in this position there's no question about that in my mind the people close to him are responsible for putting him in this position and on top of that we're seeing reactions roll in the New York Times during the debate published a story saying that sources were telling one of their columnists three Democratic sources telling their columnist that they were just stunned and shocked uh we saw Casey hunt say something similar over at MSNBC and I'm curious uh are they pretending to be surprised because people close to Joe Biden who have spent time with Joe Biden have got to have known I mean we saw him do a press conference not that long ago where he was telling everybody you know Robert her was wrong and he was losing track of his sentences there but here we are fast forward to the debate in addition to that Medicare answer his answer on abortion became an answer on immigration it was it was impossible to follow he he had no train of thought to follow it was a it was a disaster I've really never seen any like it that was a critical moment it was terrible it was another moment where we were all grabbing each other in my house like what just happened the question was about abortion and he brought lakan Riley into it without naming her this nursing student in Georgia who was murdered by an illegal here is the moment sought for I am a person that believes and frankly I think it's important to believe in the exception some people you have to follow your heart some people don't believe in that but I believe in the exceptions for rape incest and the life of the mother I think it's very important some people don't follow your heart but you have to get elected also and because that has to do with other things it's been a terrible thing what you've done the idea that states are able to do this is a little like saying we're going to turn civil rights back to the States Let each state have a different rule look there's so many young women who have been including a young woman who just was murdered and he he went to the funeral uh the idea that she was murdered by a by by an immigrant coming in they talk about that but here's the deal there's a lot of young women are being raped by their by their in-laws by their by by their spouses brothers and sister Sisters by just it's just ridiculous oh my God bizarre I mean the only word for it is bizarre right I mean what what is sometimes he's mumbly confused but kind of know what he's getting at depressing that's a good word but this this is hard Beyond comprehens unrecoverable unrecoverable he he he cannot go on that this is that's it that those were the moments I don't care he did improve slightly to towards the ends of the of the 90 minutes it's irrelevant he it remember the time we saw him confused two critical pieces of his legislation I don't remember the two that he got confused but he was in the midst of trying to make a point about one and he meandered over and started talking about the other and we were all like what did he just do he ju opposed the legislation and trying to make his point it wasn't a one-off he can't keep the facts straight in his own head about something as simple as a abortion versus illegal immigration he had his rehearsed lines and like a robot Emily he got a GL a glitch that wasn't fixable without the handlers and he spent the last week not being president of the United States but in Camp David at Camp David doing debate prep and you know okay not being the president of the United States he was obviously doing both but it's highly unusual to take an entire week while you're president of the United States go to Camp David and prep what's even more unusual obviously is than to come out looking like there was no prep in the world that could have prepared you to answer a basic question my word association with that clip is medical this is medical for all of the conversation about Donald Trump and the 25th Amendment during his presidency I mean that has to be seriously on the table as the American people figure out what is going on with the man who is making nuclear nuclear decisions there are two hot Wars right now one in Ukraine one in the Middle East and this is the man with the power over our military that is the Commander in Chief it's beyond a presidential election I think what everybody just saw those clips are going to be so viral forget how many people actually been watched this live I think the number was pretty high but Biden's moments there there's they will be viral they will live in infamy they will never ever ever escape him his entire reputation will be Tethered to this for the rest of his life I I agree with every word you just said rich I feel like we're in Danger tonight we're the country is now in danger yeah but this isn't really news it just has brought it home more starkly and it kind of makes you think what were they thinking right they didn't need to agree to debates it would have been embarrassing the Trump Camp would said look he's running scared he can't do it but it'd be better to have people saying you can't do it rather than going out and demonstrating you can't do it and you know nine o'clock at night for this man now it's like 1 in the morning right and Emily's point is exactly right this is after a week of preparation this isn't like a president of the United States that we've traditionally seen that doesn't do well in the first debate because they're not prepared you know they're not ready for it and they take it too casually right no this is a guy who who Who's who's been doing nothing else you know and and probably all day today he was sleeping with cucumber slices over his eyes and this is the best they could they could get out of him and you know the these moments because they're they're weird you know maybe they're they're a little funny probably more sad as you put it but they're weird you know so so that be play over and over again and they will be the main impression out of the debate no doubt we've never seen anything like it Rick Perry lost his presidential race he was trying to become the Republican nominee because he said there are three agencies we should eliminate and he couldn't remember one that was enough to eliminate him as a candidate for president this President can't understand the difference between abortion and illegal immigration what does it even mean he did be Medicare that those are just some examples we have many more of what's leading to the Panic at this moment within the Democratic party for forget the country we should all be panicked but the Democratic party is at I think a 10 right now this from I mentioned it in ref in passing Nick Kristoff of the New York Times I wish Biden would refle reflect on this debate performance and then announce his decision to withdraw from this race throwing the choice of democratic nominee to the convention someone like Gretchen Whitmer or sherro brown or uh secretary rimondo could still jump in and beat Trump and then there's Joy Reed over at MSNBC watch this I too was on the phone throughout much of the debate um with um Obama world people with Democrats um with people who are political operatives with campaign operatives my phone really never stopped uh buzzing throughout and the um Universal reaction was somewhere approaching Panic um the people who were texting with me were um very concerned um about uh President Biden seeming extremely feeble seeming extremely weak yeah that sounds honest for once from her Emily yeah it does and it but Rich made a really good point just now that it's not necessarily new and there were people who were reporting on this uh at different Publications when they were allowed to who were getting absolutely hammered for trying to tell the American people that there were concerns in private about this so it's hard for me to listen to Joy Reed say that on air right now because I just don't believe I do not believe that if she's on the phone with Obama World during this debate those same people were not telling her it has been bad all along they're not able to get away with the lie anymore and it's really sickening um it's I don't think Biden actually even has after watching that I don't think he has the mental capacity to make the decision that Nichol Nicholas Kristoff is asking him to make Nicholas Kristoff is asking him to reflect on the debate and make a decision Joe Biden didn't seem to know where he was at certain moments of that debate he cannot competently make that decision that that's another Rich yeah yeah go ahead go ahead good you go I was just gonna say to pile on the point made earlier and that that Emily was underlining there Morning Joe every morning practically they're lying about Joe Biden he's as sharp as he's ever been there was a Wall Street Journal article a couple weeks ago it it wasn't um you didn't didn't really I think quite Bell the Cat about Joe Biden's mental state but it said people are in meetings with him he doesn't realize what's been agreed to a week ago and he repeats himself it wasn't the harshest thing you you could could say and Morning Joe was outraged by this piece outraged so so this is a case where they've been hoist by their own propaganda right they should have said they knew this a year ago they should have said it out loud a year ago and then you maybe forced Joe Biden's hands and I think Jill's the right one to to focus on no delegation could have gone to Joe Biden and get him to quit Jill could have gotten gotten him to quit and then he could have a primary process in good order now they're in extremely tough position because one you got to convince him to go if you want him to go that's the only mechanism that would work is him voluntarily deciding to go and then that's kind of a mission that he was a failed president and he wasn't up for the job and you lied about it for a couple years and then and then who's going to take overs another big question mark who's going to take over the nomination who's going to take over potentially the presidency so now they're they're they because they they lie to us and wouldn't recognize the obvious truth they're in this almost impossible pos position not only is it Kristoff and Joy Reed um here's David Axelrod there was a sense of shock in response to Biden's performance that's a quote there will be a discussion about whether he should continue end quote Kate bingfield Feld who worked for the campaign it was a really disappointing debate performance from Joe Biden I don't think there's any other way to slice it his biggest issue was to prove to the American people that he had the energy the stamina and he didn't do that now I realize that's rather mild based on what we saw but that's from somebody who worked for the guy this is there's no spinning this away it wasn't a loss it was a Devastation what happened out there this this goes so far beyond anything we have ever seen at a presidential debate at any debate that I can remember and I studi these things before all the debates that I do and all the debates that I cover we go back through history and we pull our favorite moments and we pull the biggest gaps and the mo the biggest disasters and the biggest wins we've never seen anything like this we we were almost factiously saying you know his job is to remain upright for 90 minutes can he do it it it w it shouldn't have been faci fous it was a real question and even watching him during the debate you guys his face looked bizarre he he looked confused disoriented very elderly um the poor of his skin something was odd about his eyes about the way his mouth hung everything about him projected unhealthy unwell and forgive me but near crossing over to the other side I mean we've all seen it I I don't I don't say it to be cruel I yeah that is what I observed yeah yeah yeah I I agree I mean it was it made me sad and then it made me angry at the people who had put um you know not only him there's a human reaction you have there's something visceral that you just comes out in you when you watch an old man struggling in public like that forget that he's the president of the United States and put himself in this position which I think you're going to hear Democrats say is very selfish uh so that's a a conversation that will be had and should be had but just human to human you feel badly for the other person and then it made me angry because I realized that there were a lot of people who knew that this man who is in this condition it is a medical condition clearly is running the country and is running the Free World and there are troops this is another one of his worst moments in the debate is when he said that no no troops are dying under Joe Biden's watch which downplays minimizes erases the deaths of TR troops that have happened under Joe Biden's watch but those troops at the end of the day that is their commander-in-chief and they deserve so much better they deserve so much better than that yeah it's a n it's a national embarrassment can we let's just play that can play let me play that because that was a that was a big moment to claim that no troops died under his on his watch is such an affront to the service Personnel who gave their lives in Afghanistan It's s to let's listen to it military you know when he was president there were still killing people in Afghanistan he didn't do anything about that when he was President we were still find ourselves in a position where you had a notion that we were this safe country the truth is I'm the only president this Century that doesn't have any this this decade that don't any troops dying anywhere in the world like he did I was getting out of Afghanistan but we were getting out with dignity with strength with power he got out it was the most embarrassing day in the history of our country's life how dare he say that rich yeah it's one of these things right it it's it's must of his cre to say okay he's lying right does he know does he remember I mean I think that's that's a legitimate question he been kind of a bloviator you know he adopted someone else's life story and a speech what 1988 but I I don't know whether he he knows you know about about those 13 service member who's who who died tragically and in the bombing when we were withdrawing uh from Afghanistan and I think you know most of this it had nothing to do with Trump trump didn't even have to say anything the entire debate and just what we're talking about was all just Biden and not even Biden really under pressure from from Trump right like it's it's not like he baited him into saying we're going to beat Medicare right where we beat Medicare it's something as Biden came up with himself I will say on Trump though his strongest points were won this one when he hit uh the Afghan withdrawal and the sense of American weakness abroad which very much accorded with what you saw on the stage because it was hard to believe that that guy's commander and chief and then just coming back again and again on the border and on immigration and what Trump says you know about some of this stuff is pretty you know they're not literally emptying out their prisons there may be some prisoners but almost anything he says now has credibility on immigration because opinion has shifted so far right on that issue in reaction to the deliberate failure at the border we've seen the last three and a half years uh by the way just for the record 13 service members died in our disastrous withdraw withdrawal from Afghanistan on Joe Biden's watch and we lost another three in Jordan uh in January and for him to stand up there with the families undoubtedly watching saying no one has died on my watch is completely disrespectful but of course once again he did manage to work Bo Biden into the discussion I it's just absolutely disgraceful and to your point I don't know whether he doesn't remember doesn't know I don't really care he's unfit remember that word all over the papers when Donald Trump was president he's unfit and and I just want to show you rich because we pulled it you're talking about Morning Joe after that Wall Street Journal piece which as you point out among all the pieces that have been done like it wasn't it wasn't that bad you know there have been worse ones um but there was a big reaction to the Wall Street Journal piece and this is what we saw on MSNBC why didn't they just ask margerie Taylor green exactly why yeah they could have Lauren bber yeah it's it it's really shocking I've spent time with both of those guys privately I've spent time uh with Biden and Trump privately I've spent time with every house Speaker over the past 30 years and Joe Biden I'm not just it's just not close Joe Biden is light years ahead of all of them what a lie yeah and told self-righteously right like everyone else is is is the liar and again if if I knew this if you knew this if Emily knew this they knew it right it's not as though it makes no sense right that Biden would go out in public and look conf Ed but be really with it in private right you'd go out of your way to to look with it in public if you could if you're a politician but he can't and we've seen that blank look before you know the D-Day the thing with him squatting in the chair was a little exaggerated but when he got out of the Beast you know the big SUV style limo he uses and he just looked like that for like 45 seconds it's not normal Joe Biden never looked like that before no other public official ever looks like that and what we saw tonight was almost 90 minutes of that look and it's just devastating unfit those are the two themes of what I saw tonight unfit and complicit the media allies of his the top Democrats all over the news trying to tell us how robust he is if we could just see the Joe Biden they've seen behind closed doors they're complicit and I said this on my show the day we ran that Joe Scarboro clip in response to the Wall Street Journal article why did he do it I'll tell you why because he wants to be close to power it's a theme we've hit many times on this show we we're past the days when journalists were antagonists of people in power where they were where they're workingclass where they're shoe leather reporters where they're they're they're erasable they're challenging they're skeptical about everything that they're told by these high futin sources now we have the Joe Scarboro who want to be invited to Camp David who want to be invited to a state dinner that's what's more important that's why he's running cover because he wants the access to the next president of the United States it's a complete der elction he lied the MSNBC viewers should know that he lied and the American public needs to hold together in spirit tonight because our country is in trouble I was gonna say I am so curious to hear mourning Joe tomorrow because if they try to say that they were surprised by this if they try to say that everyone should know they are only saying that because they can no longer get away with the lie that's it they're we're going to hear it we've already heard it journalists saying their sources are so surprised they're doing that because they can't get away with the lie because you all saw it on live television or or it was it was his cold okay his cold that that's what made him not understand that he was talking about abortion not immigration that that's what made him Meander on that one answer where we don't even know what he's talking about he killed Medicaid okay I mean it's a lie and by the way if he really had a cold I bet you dollars to Donuts they would have released that before the debate the Dems would have been all over the place with nonent cold the cold started at 9:15 p.m. when they realized the reaction right FYI is not feeling well you know he's on cold medication set the expectations that's only coming out now oh okay he was examined by the by the doctor they thought he had covid he doesn't okay I don't I don't buy any of that uh rich and Emily thank you so much great to see you my friends thank you thanks Megan David Ruben is up next Eric bowling later and we'll be taking some of your calls in just a bit you can call me 83344 m YN that's 833 446 3496 first Grand Canyon University a private Christian University in beautiful Phoenix Arizona believes that we're endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness GCU believes in equal opportunity and that the American dream starts with purpose by honoring your career calling you can impact your family friends and your community change the world for Good by putting others before yourself whether your Pursuit involves a bachelor's Master's or doctoral degree gcu's online oncampus and hybrid learning environments are designed to help you achieve your unique academic personal and professional goals with over 330 academic programs GCU meets you where you are and provides a path to help you fulfill your dreams the pursuit to serve others is yours let it flourish find your purpose at Grand Canyon University private Christian affordable visit and joining me now uh Dave Rubin he's host of the Rubin report Dave welcome back to the show your thoughts on what we just saw lordy lordy Megan I don't know that I can do it much better than you did it just now uh as I heard the last 10 minutes or so but the only thing that this was about was Joe Biden's mental acuity or lack thereof there's nothing else that we need to talk about actually uh we can talk about the lies and the confusion and all of that stuff you know the political part of it uh but the simple truth was everyone that watched that debate in America was doing the exact same thing going holy cow when is it going to break down how is he going to break down how is Jake Tapper or the mics being cut or whatever else going to run cover for him and we saw them do it a multitude of times uh that first moment that was in the first 10 minutes where he really started breaking down and mumbling that could have ended it all right there but Tapper saved him uh and then of course just virtually everything he said was either the reverse of the truth or a confusion or a projection or or just it just did not make sense which Trump made a point of so I can I can sit here and tell you some nice things about Trump I thought he was controlled and measured for the most part I thought he was on message uh and was you know particularly good at at hitting things on immigration and drugs and stuff like that um but I think that the system just got the signal tonight Joe Biden is toast and you know you mentioned two pillars of this sort of that there is Joe Biden's unfit ability to be president which that has been obvious to everyone the more interesting one is the second part that you talked about the media part and that Joe Scarboro clip that you played we've played that on my show many times as well and it's like you're right he wants to be close to power but I would say there's something even slightly more nefarious than that which is that these people in effect are paid to lie Joe Scarboro has that job with his wife sitting next to him because they are paid to push that propaganda Joy Reed who apparently now post debate is calling Obama people and they're like all freaking out right now she is paid to lie now she's not paid to lie to necessarily suck up to Biden that much because she's more on the Progressive side but she's paid to lie when it pertains to wokeness and Dei and CRT and the rest of it so when you start understanding that and I know you understand that as someone that came from cable news uh then then the rest of the picture becomes very clear but I don't see how anyone in their right mind could have watched that debate even if you hate Trump and you have Trump derangement syndrome and you think all the January 6 stuff is legit and everything else I do not know how one person in America could have watched that debate and thought Joe Biden is fit to be president that is the only thing that matters right now no there's I so I'm looking for the people saying no you know what you're being too hard on him I'm not seeing it in fact I'm seeing some very different reaction I'm going to play for you in one second first of all let me show you this video here is video of Jill Biden guiding the commander-in-chief off of the stage there she is up there just like we've seen everywhere she she's got to go get him shame on her look at her helping him down the steps yeah shame on her Dave Rubin shame let's not let's not forget Megan that whoopy Goldberg thought that Dr Jill Biden should be Surgeon General remember that one she's not that type of doctor have medical abilities right right right right look all of it it doesn't it feel like the system just finished him tonight like this was this was the last chance that maybe he could be drugged up enough to go ahead I would say you know the Biggest Loser tonight may not be Joe Biden because I don't know that he even wants this who knows what's really going on in the recesses of his mind The Biggest Loser of this might be Barack Obama because it's fairly obvious that this has been Obama's thirdd term that Obama people are running the show here everyone knows Joe Biden yes it might say his name on the desk in the Oval Office but he has not been the president the decisions are not being made by him I don't even think he's privy to half of the decisions he's signing things probably that he has no idea what he's Sig signing I would say that Obama got his third term as Obama said years ago remember if I could just not be the president but have a have the mic in somebody's ear and all that and Obama now probably has to escalate whatever the plan is to replace Biden so you know Gavin Newsome showed up there the devil incarnate he was on location over there at the debate tonight we will see what they do I heard your previous guest mention a couple other people now Gretchen Whitmer keeps being talked about but they have a very thin bench and and they have a very fractured party and that's why you know that I've been very focused on trying to take sort of moderate Democrats and and people that have woken up to the lunacy of the left and and encourage Trump to create the widest tent ever and I think there's an opportunity for that which again we don't even really have to talk about Trump here but that's why I was really impressed with him he let Biden kind of break down he did not go too crazy he controlled his facial expressions yeah the golf thing was amazing but wait let me get to some of the reaction that's pouring in right now because it's pretty extraordinary what we're what we're hearing um you mentioned Obama David Pluff helped get Barack Obama elected and here he is on MSNBC with Rachel mattal listen President Obama's campaign manager in 2008 David Pluff is with us David I know you have been talking uh to some muckety mucks in Democratic politics including um what we Gally call the donor class um what was your personal David Pluff take on what you saw tonight and what are you hearing from the people you've been speaking with well I think consistent with your reaction Rachel and others on the panel it's kind of a Defcon one moment Defcon one here is John King of CNN with more Anderson this was a game-changing debate in the sense that right now as we speak there is a deep a wide and a very aggressive Panic it involves party strategists it involves elected officials it involves fundraisers and they're having conversations about the president's performance which they think was dismal which they think will hurt other people down the party in the and they're having conversations about what they should do about it some of those conversations include should we go to the White House and ask the president to step aside others other the conversations are about should prominent Democrats go public with that call because they feel this debate was so terrible buckle up Dave this is going to be a rough next couple of months because the Democratic Convention is now weeks away it's in August in Chicago and the Biden campaign is already trying to set it up such that the actual nomination will be done virtually weeks before that so he's locked in as the nominee what they'll do to stop it I I know not but I think they're they're finally convinced what an absolute farce all of these people are they have been running cover for the for Joe Biden they have been running cover for this Administration they have pretended that we that we didn't see what we've all seen the flood and confusions and muddling and making just and who's in charge remember that's his other thing right when he takes questions every now and again he'll start saying something and he goes oh I'm not supposed to say that I'll get in trouble like there's been so many red flags here so many alarms have been going calling us ableist they were calling us ableist right keep going sorry no well so so in I'm not going to curse on the Megan Kelly show but but I would basically say F you to all of these people they have now put us in this situation where we are a month away from a Convention as you just laid out and they are about to swap him out so everything that we've been dealing with for the last year you know in essence thinking that it was going to be Trump and Biden they are done with Biden and and they just put us through all of this on top of the fact that you know I think we could probably deal with it if the if the world was in a bit of a better spot but we have this insane Russia Ukraine war non-war that we're funding but we're not in something like that uh the Israel Hamas thing is actually secondary now to a much bigger war that could blow up with Hezbollah and Lebanon and that could bring in several other countries uh obviously we're having economic problems here just look at the interest rates or go to the supermarket like there's serious stuff if if things were just kind of working then I think we could put up with you know having a guy that was a little confused and everything else and we would just joke about it but everything you said a moment before I came on about the way his mouth was the the staring off into complete blankness um the the sentences that went nowhere it's enough now if if if you've been pretending not to see it if you're watching this and you were just kind of on the fence you have to see it now this is serious stuff at this point here is Van Jones of CNN um that was painful uh I love Joe Biden I work for Joe Biden um he didn't do well at all uh he he did not do well at all and he looked you I'll give you the analysis you know kind of have the old man versus the con man uh I can walk you through how I'm supposed to see it and say it but I'm just want to speak from my heart um I love that guy that's a good man he loves his country uh he's doing the best that he can uh but he had a test to meet tonight uh to restore confidence uh of the country and of the base and he failed to do that and I think there's a lot of people who are going to want to see him consider um taking a different course now uh we're still far from our convention and there is time for this party to figure out a different way forward if he will allow us to do that um but that was uh not what we needed from Joe Biden and it's personally painful for a lot of people it's not just Panic it's pain of what we saw tonight and one more one more Dave listen to this this just in from CBS News and Ed O Keefe the White House reporter there are at least some house Dem rats who were gathered tonight watching this together talking about talking to the White House about having him step down that's how bad it was in their view remember house Democrats are on the verge of trying to get back the majority they're nervous about doing that in places in these Battleground states where they're going to need a strong top of the ticket they may need to rely on a strong Senator gorial candidate and in some cases they don't have it step down before the convention well it at least throw up somebody else instead of the president that uh that debated tonight Dave Biden's presidency never mind his second term is disintegrating before our very eyes look the truth is a Time relase pill and we are now seeing people who have laundered the lies and told us not to see what we see in front of us now being confronted with the obvious reality they can all you know it's interesting van Jones he's sort of emoting there and he loves him and all of that stuff but it's like dude you knew you didn't just m you didn't just magically see something that came out of nowhere we have all known this so you have all been part of it and now whatever they've all been given the signal oh someone else is talking about it now somebody else will talk about it somebody else will talk about it and we will get rid of him and by the way if you're Joe Biden for whatever whatever's left of Joe Biden and and by the way I had two grandmothers that I that I lost to dementia and Alzheimer's related issues that I spent a lot of time with one of them particularly towards the end dealing with that and going to doctors so for all the nness that we can make of this it's deeply depressing um but Biden should not have to spend his last few years in this situation this isn't this isn't the with the right ending of any man being propped up there which is why your comments on Jill Biden are Co totally right but look as this ship sinks further the rats are going to scurry and there's the other part of this of course Megan is that there's a huge Scandal here they have been drugging him obviously they have people know what's going on there is some doctor that knows what's going on does Karin Jean Pierre know I don't know but I guarantee you Jill Biden knows and probably the chief of staff knows and a couple other people but now that the signals out there and there's you know there's blood around him in essence somebody's going to break and then it'll be like you know I was the one I a couple months ago I was telling everybody we had to do something about this so we have completely uh I would say traversed into new territory tonight and it has almost nothing to do with any of the issues that will fix America and that's the deeply depressing part there will be peace after peace after piece in the papers now of exactly those people you just mentioned I knew I tried to warn White House sources say they've been trying to warn people for months and you're right they'll start turning on each other because when you have Joy Reed and David Pluff right she's more the more woke Squad Dem and David Pluff is the more Obama sort of seasoned whatever distinguished they're not exactly squatty Dem and you know the van Joneses of the world all saying it's panic and he might actually need to step step down you have a genuine crisis on your hands and the the Press will start printing those stories immediately which will lead to a just more Feeding Frenzy and the only question is whether they can do it is there enough time um oh please we're getting oh come on here's Jill Biden lying again oh Lord Joe you did such a great job you answered every question you knew all the facts oh my God it's like talking to a she talking to him like he's a baby yes right you have two babies right now that's how you talk to them is it not you did all you got all the can we listen to it again we need to listen to it again I actually don't talk down Joe you did such a great job you answered every question you knew all the oh my God Dave unbelievable Megan I do want to be very clear I don't talk down to my children I talk to them like adults they're only about one and a half but Justin will look at me sometimes and he'll be like dude I'm a kid what do you come on but that is just so embarrassing and she is so in on it if you want to be angry at somebody tonight like we can be angry at all of the media people but everyone in America really should be angry at Jill Biden it's elder abuse what she has done in her quest for power or whatever deal she has made with Obama or anything else I mean my God you answered every question for that's not even true he he Ram incoherently uh here is a statement from the Biden campaign on tonight's debate tonight President Biden presented a positive and winning vision for the future of America one in which every American has a fair shot at the American dream where every one of our rights are protected and where our president fights to strengthen our democracy not tear it down on the other side of stage was Donald Trump dark backwards window terrible terrible terrible Trump's performance tonight reminded the American people while they fired him four years ago and reinforced just how high the stakes are this November for the future of our country well I agree with those last four words you know I mean this is a pathetic attempt to spin like his positive Vision this isn't going to fly for for once it doesn't seem like the media is going along and they can't they can't because to your point earlier the if they've been exposed the the The Jig Is up we we've seen it we've seen it repeatedly before tonight the the uh not deep fakes what is Karine jeampier cheap fakes excuse is not going to fly it's a lie they've been lying and spinning and it's the country that's at stake shame on them all Dave Reuben my friend so glad you could join us I'll give you the last word well I would just say if you want absolute proof of what you just said right there think about it when they talked about the very fine people moment which is a complete hoax and Trump addressed it as a hoax Biden still was pretending it was real Jake Tapper who many many times on his show over the year over the years has said it was true if Biden had not completely broke down tonight all of the people that we just showed from CNN and MSNBC and every else they would have still been laundering that lie so it's not that they won't lie it's that now it is it is so evident it is so cataclysmically evident to everyone that they are going to have to either lie in a whole new way or who knows what tricks they have up their sleeves but I I think the dam has broken and uh we're in a very different situation starting right now yeah I think you mean Jake Tapper has admitted it's not true he's he's on record is saying this is at least I saw CLI of him saying it's much more nuanced than you're suggesting but that lie about whether Trump uh called white supremacist and Charlottesville very good people has been debunked over and over it was amazing Biden took that risk it it truly was as if he hadn't seen yeah yeah it was truly like he hadn't seen the fact checks including one that just came out the other day which I just tweeted out tonight if you want to check my Twitter feed Dave thank you great to see you good to see you my friend up next Eric bowling and we'll also take some of your calls I want to talk to Eric about Trump's performance too uh he knows Trump very well he's a big fan and um I that we saw a totally different Donald Trump tonight we just uh if that Donald Trump stays on this campaign trail from now through November he can't lose I he can't lose that's the Trump we need to see whatever it takes um love to know your thoughts get on the line at 83344 meyn 833 446 3496 first though we recently had some huge news that no one seems to be talking about for the first time in history the interest we pay on the national debt surpassed every individual budget item except Social Security yes the US now spends more on interest than on National Defense or even Medicare and it's only getting worse as big government continues to spend like a bunch of drunken Sailors that is why Savvy investors central banks and concerned Savers are looking at Gold something not tied to the inflated US dollar you can too with the help of Birch gold for over for 20 years Birch gold Group which really is the gold standard has helped thousands of Americans protect their savings by converting an IRA or 401K into an IRA in physical gold if you want to learn more and you should because diversifying is important at a time like this text MK to 9898 98 to get some more information and you can claim your free no obligation info kit on gold Birch gold uses an education first approach they've got thousands of happy customers they're off the charts positive with the Better Business Bureau and they've got countless of five-star reviews consider protecting your savings and text MK to 9898 98 today okay in just a little bit I'm going to be taking your calls who do you think won the debate honestly that's like what we always ask but a better question at this point is do you think that Biden is going to remain the nominee will Biden Remain the nominee call me 83344 m EG YN that's 833 446 3496 but first i'm joined by Eric bowling host of the Eric bowling podcast Eric welcome back to the show your reaction to what happened tonight well basically everything you and David just talked about Megan I'm glad you ended with that current jeanpierre deep fakes comment that she came out because you know for for the better part of the last couple of weeks they're saying that all the things that we're seeing on on X on social media and then makes its way to cable news eventually Biden making mistakes by tripping Biden going the wrong way Biden getting lost in with a G7 meeting he having to be brought back by an Italian uh president or prime minister those were all fake and and they weren't real those were right-wing extremists putting out deep fakes what we saw tonight Megan within five seconds of the debate was Joe Joe Biden is is is severely in trouble he's demented it was it was awful you couldn't hear him he was mumbling he got lost one of the first longer comments he made he got lost he he walked himself right into a dead end had to stop and mumbled something about Medicare and Trump just hit that ball right over the left field fence by saying yeah you crushed Medicare you destroyed Medicare and it went downhill for for Biden from there I will agree with a lot of things that I'm hearing I I've watched CNN right after the debate very interesting yeah van Jones he did something important so so the debate ends and they go around the table and of course the first few are the pundits and the pundits are oh Trump was lying he was terrible Joe was so strong and then the people who knew stepped up they became adults in the room van was the first one to say I love Joe Biden Joe Biden loves his country that man is not ready for a second term they need to replace Joe Biden and then fortunately David Axelrod who was you pretty much of brains behind Barack Obama's presidency agreed with Dan Jones so the people who know realize that the Democrat are going to have to replace him and I think it's important that you're talking about who won the debate no that's not relevant anymore because Trump did a fantastic job if you look on Twitter trending on Twitter number one trend is is is debates but then it comes down to KLA Harris oh and then there's Bernie Sanders oh and then there's Michelle Obama these are trending on Twitter right now post debate Hillary Clinton uh Mike Obama was is a shot at Michelle so the vast majority of trening options who are who's going to replace Joe Biden because I think the world the pin Twitter or X it's not just it's not just the names you mentioned or the ones I mentioned that the reaction continues to come in from the leftwing media I give you Kristen Welker on NBC moments ago watch there is Widespread Panic among Democrats I got a number of text messages this evening Dem rats reaching out to say this is difficult to watch where does this go from here one Democratic lawmaker Tom going so far as to say this race is effectively over wow yeah think about that we just heard NBC news with MSNBC say the race is over it's done Widespread Panic meetings amongst lawmakers according to CBS news about going to the White House to tell them he must step out this cannot go on this just dropping here uh in the Atlantic a disaster for Joe Biden is the headline there will be many more just like this go ahead Eric so so doesn't this feel you and I have done this for the better part of 30 years Megan doesn't this feel like the media is telling the Democrat Party and the White House guys we can't we can't hide for you we can't cover for you anymore you've been exposed you can't do it we we've we've we've provided the cover for you up until now now the game is up you we can't do it so if you want to do this it's on your you're on your own and and you'll lose they're basically telling effectively NBC the Atlantic others all the left-wing media that have been the shills for the for the Biden presidency for three and a half years four years since he's been running have said if you're going to run Biden you're going to lose we highly recommend you figure out who the next very interesting Gavin Nome was over on MSNBC post debate I don't know he's throwing his hat in the ring for me who do they have Michelle Obama is the one they Michelle Obama hates politics I know I know but she hates politics I mean absolutely hates it today there was an article I think it was axio talking about how she's not helping the Biden campaign apparently there's a rift because she's upset that they didn't treat Hunter's ex-wife better but it even in there was UND scoring how she loathes politics wants nothing to do with it I don't know I Gretchen Whitmer people don't really know her with within the Democratic party yes she doesn't have the kind of national name right is there anybody other than Michelle Obama who could actually make this a race with Trump now Hillary you know and I you know there's another way to do this there's another I know but there's a way to do this and I don't know you need to talk to some high high level Democrat operatives you know they could replace kamla Harris and put someone like Hillary or Michelle Obama in the vice president spot and then hopefully pull off a win and then have Joe step aside and they can put in a second in charge from there that's a way to save face for Biden but then you run the risk of not winning I mean this is they they're this is a five alarm fire for them right now they need to figure it out and they've got exactly two months till the Democrat DNC convention to make their move they'll probably talk you my guest is are going to talk Jo again Megan Kelly I adore you you've spent countless hours at the White House as I have when you're in the White House and the president and the first lady or the first family are around the Seas part there's dozens of Secret Service people there's dozens of handlers helping you lift your finger put your shirt on the the ego gratification of being a a a president a first lady a first family member is insane it's intense everything is taken care of for you Michelle May hate politics but I guarantee the Obamas love the lifestyle of living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and all the bells and whistles that come with it the Air Force One everywhere you go you step off the plane you step into wherever you're headed the path has been predetermined for you it's a crazy not to mention the chance of being the first female president not to mention the chance of being the first fale president and if and if they came to her and said your country needs you if you don't do this it is a guarantee that Donald Trump will be president again and you know you know they genuinely see him as a hitleresque figure um I'm just going to give you a little bit more first let's play Chuck Todd in his reaction M at NBC you know one of the things was would either candidate look like the caricature that the other campaign has been trying to paint of him and at the end of the day Joe Biden looks like the caricature that that conservative media has been painting uh and there were no clips tonight right this was you saw it before your eyes look I I'm I don't want to just tell you what I think here um Tom I I've been talking to a lot of leaders in the Democratic party electeds um Coalition leaders there's a fullon panic about this performance um not like oh this is recoverable it is more of a okay um he's got to step aside there's a lot of that chatter um this is this is about as bad of a of a performance in order to uh that Biden could have delivered uh in if his goal was to try to sort of calm the waters among Democrats I mean look there yeah he if that was his goal he failed I mean we've heard it now across the board CBS n uh CNN MSNBC NBC the Atlantic just pulled up this piece a disaster for Joe Biden in tonight's first debate at the presidential campaign the president appeared Meandering confused and extremely frail his performance was at times almost physically uncomfortable to watch and will greatly amplify the calls for him to step aside when the debates were announced in May some pundits viewed it as a win for Biden who was trailing Trump narrowly but consistently his campaign wanted to put Trump in front of the Americans early in the campaign and remind them of the chaos and division he produced it was a bold gamble by the president and he lost oh boy did he ever um it's across the board I my phone's blowing up every single pundit every single person with any connection to Democrat officials Eric is saying he's done he I I don't even know if he's going to finish his presidency at this point so let's deal in what we know right now what we know right now is going into this debate Trump was leading in all seven of the Swing States in fact today there was a most more recent poll that had him leading in all seven of them even on a wider margin um and a head tohe head which I don't buy these head-to-head National polls ever you need to take it state by state but Trump's leading going into to the debate Trump for whatever reason he really stayed within himself he was cogent he was uh he was reserved he didn't take the bait when Biden was you know calling him convicted felon sleeping with porn Trump stayed and you pointed out if he stays if this is the Trump he stays after the next five months he's president you know Megan it's over let's we know what we know right now um Joe Biden against Trump trump is the he's going to be the next president based on what we know at this very moment right now there's no stopping him right now the only thing that could possibly happen would be something that's probably never happened before I'm not even sure it's ever happened in in politics but it's a hail marry pass it's fourth down there's 8 seconds left on the clock and they're down by six and they're going to have to throw a hail Mar pass at the corner of the end zone I don't think Joe Biden is Doug fluty he may be but I just don't think it's going to happen I think what you saw tonight was a slam dunk a close of the books Katie the game is over are the doors it's done Donald Trump is a 47th president of the United States I I couldn't agree more I mean there's just I don't know how you could deny it based on what we saw tonight and we haven't talked much about Trump and and that's appropriate the story tonight is Biden but Trump was excellent he was controlled he was strong his memory was like a steel trap tonight he had details he went back he corrected Biden's mistakes he kept his temperament in check there were a couple of small moments where they did a little bickering fine it was no big deal it was a it was just the best version of Donald Trump I love I mean the contrast was stunning you know I love I loved and people are GNA laugh at this I love the back and forth about the golf here yeah it was it was trivial and there it was two guys like talk you know but the reality is we see Trump hitting a golf ball 250 yards we see Trump making his way around a golf course we also see Joe Biden barely capable of getting you you showed the clip just a little bit earlier of he can barely get off the stage and for him to say that he's going to challenge Trump to a golf game it just proves he's lying he's just doing whatever he can to stay relevant the reason why we're not talking about Trump is you're right because it was the story was Joe Biden tonight and I opened with the Twitter uh trending on X Trump wasn't one of them trending on X think about when is Trump not the one he wasn't even on the list of 15 top trending it was replacements for Biden it was Biden it was dementia it was M but not Donald Trump and that's what he needs you're right that's the Trump he needs yes it was actually very impressive I mean good for him because the stakes were high for him too and he's only human I'm sure he felt the pressure of having to go out there and he nailed it unlike his opponent um right now the name Gavin Nome is getting mentioned a lot uh he is on camera speaking to how this went here's a bit of it he was on MSNBC you were out there getting a chorus of questions about whether Biden should step down there is panic that is set in uh well there is panic that is set in among people who have watched this debate who are Democrats people who are strategists and some even inside Democratic campaigns do you think it's unfounded well I think it's un helpful uh and I think it's unnecessary uh we've got to go in we got to keep our heads High and as I say we got to have the back of this President you don't turn your back because of one performance what kind of party does that it's been a master class 15.6 million uh uh jobs that's eight times more than the last three Republican presidents combined the only thing the last three Republican presidents have in common is recessions Democrats deliver this President is delivered we need to deliver for him at this moment with all due respect the more time we we we we start having these conversations go down these rabbit Hall is unhelpful to our democracy a future of this country the world they need us right now to step up and that's exactly what I intend to do all right so he's saying what he has to say go ahead this is exactly what I was saying before the political class the Democrat the the the politicians are saying it's Biden and he's going to win and Trump was terrible and Biden's amazing and you know he can beat Trump a GU you know he's the guy and the media who've been basically providing cover for a failing president uh both you know physically but also you know the economy and allowing him to say that inflation uh was 9% when he took over they've been covering for him and the media is now now throwing their hands up and say you politicians can do whatever the heck you want but we can't cover for you anymore so whatever happens from here on out it's going to be on you but I I think this is just a watershed moment fantastic for the political process in America you know it really is going to be interesting because me Eric we it is it was so bad it right today is June 27th right June 27th it was so bad we actually could get a president Harris between now and November we we truly he could get 25th amendment did that could be that literally might be happening overnight tonight there could be meetings about that see but there but there're but they're not they don't want to do that either Megan they know she's the least popular Vice pres she's a horrible candidate but he's not Compass menus he hasn't been for a long time though it's you know but so let's do this politically they want to win they don't want to lose the presidency right I think the shest way to lose it would be to to have Joe step aside and let kamla take over and pull in charge they can't run her I mean you raised a good point because if they if they make if he steps aside she becomes the president then they have to run her and they definitely don't want to run her they're much more in love with if they go with Gavin Nome I just like there's there's zero chance he can beat Trump zero that man is the most Progressive farle he's transing children by the dozens as we speak he's making it a safe haven for illegals for people who want to chop their minor Sons penis off I mean that guy is a lunatic in the way he runs a state it would be an even greater G to Trump to sub Biden out and put that guy in I don't see that happening I want to get to kamla Harris she'd wa she has weighed in on her on the president's performance here's what she said listen first of all what we saw tonight is the president making a very clear contrast with Donald Trump on all the issues that matter to the American people yes there was a slow start but it was a strong finish and what became very clear through the course of the night is that Joe Biden is fighting on behalf of the American people slow start that's going to be this bin slow start Eric they don't realize it's too late again the politicians are the last to throw the towel in they've needed you know the Army is kind of the media their leftwing media the the AR you know basically generals NBC MSNBC CNN said we're we're out of here you want to do this you're you're on your own we wish you well but doesn't look good for him so they'll they'll come around they they'll they'll come around they got got what a month and a half till they're to the DNC convention in Chicago which should be a blood bath anyway not literal but a figurative bloodbath anyway with with the protesters they they don't even know what they are what is a Democrat now what is Joe Biden they pro-israel or they anti-israel they're Pro Palestine or they they're all over the board look Trump you know it's it's like um a a sports team you you you've crushed it now you've got the playoffs you nailed the playoffs now just don't screw it up just just Coast you don't have to take chances anymore take Megan's agreed to this debate the Democrats yeah they never should have agreed to this debate it was and there there is 100% not going to be another debate we said this earlier this ask let me ask you something that may I ask you a question and I didn't hear the early part of the show I was watching some of the other coverage I'm gonna say I think Tapper and well more tap or so I think it was very fair I thought he was evenhanded I didn't dislike the way he handled the moderation I expected a lot more bias coming from from Jake Tapper and frankly I think he did a very fair job what are your thoughts I thought they both did a nice job um I thought if if bias showed up in any way it was in the topic selection I mean there was a lot on January 6th and climate change and race it's like okay not not not a single abortion tons on abortion not a a democracy accepting the results of the next election I mean they didn't find any time whatsoever to talk about what you know what has happened to young women and girls in this country as a result of Joe Biden's policies the title 9 changes what we're the mutilation that we're doing of our children I mean I could go on um so yeah that's but that's CNN that's fine that I'm sure CNN wasn't interest any of those topics I also thought they did a nice job of shrinking staying businesslike not injecting themselves too much and keeping to relatively simple topics that we knew were going to come up um I Al I have to say one thing though to have raised the possibility of weapon weaponization of government as an issue in this debate and and to have not put that accusation against Joe Biden to have raised it only against Donald Trump that's you said if you get elected you're going to do it right meanwhile it's being done four times over to Donald Trump that was egregious to to Trump's credit he took that and didn't make it about himself you know he you watch him in rallies and debates about himself or come he did he turned it into January 6 people were treated improperly were treated poorly unfairly with bias they shouldn't have done what they've done to the January 6 people and and let the the George Floyd riers you know completely get a pass so Trump didn't make that about himself I thought that was very refreshing and maybe they thought maybe maybe he bring up the law against him yeah a little bit he did bring up the law against him with when they got into the storm Joe Biden that's the other thing Joe Biden went low he went low bringing up the Stormy Daniels Thing by name you had sex with a porn star making Trump deny that on the stage he was getting desperate and desperate people behave badly that's what we saw I got to go here because I've got a bunch of callers on the line that I want to get to great to see you my friend thanks for being here you too Megan talk to you again soon all right we've got our our fans and our friends at sirusxm callers calling in I want to get to um Aaron in South Dakota Aaron what' you think about tonight um I just wanted to share that and this is not meant in a mean way at all it's really not but the group chat and a large group chat I'm in there were multiple people who were saying I I've seen this with my grandma or one one girl said she works with people like democrat or republican if you've seen someone suffering from dementia Alzheimer's old age whatever label you want to put on it um it's real and I don't know how you deny it like it's just like you said the the sound that came out of my roommate who's not very political when he trailed off was oh and that's just what it is yeah no it was extremely uncomfortable like I said we were actually grabbing each other like oh God you know watching it through your hands like I can't watch this this is too uncomfortable and if you were experiencing it and we were experiencing it I'm sure tons of people listening to us felt the same had the same that's not how you want to look at your president the answer of whether he can do four more years was being answered just by the behavior and the stumbles thanks for calling in uh let's go up north of the border to somebody who is in Canada and that's Ayana hi Ayanna what's on your mind Hi Megan first of all I want to say that I love your show and I'm so grateful for you for never being afraid to speak the truth um so thank you for that and I just want to say on a political level after witnessing what I witnessed tonight um I I really am going to pray that the American people get out there and vote and I think it's pretty clear that President Trump is going to be the next president uh if Joe Biden does not uh bow out that being said on a human level I think that this is literally elder abuse um you know like a lot of people have said like the caller previous to me said um you know I also lost my grandfather to Alzheimer's and Dementia and before he even spoke tonight you can see there's this distinct look that that stare um and I think that it's not even uh you know it's not his fault and I'm talking in a human level I think agree you know he's he's a terrible president but besides that as a mom as a human being I think that the real crime here is not Donald Trump I think the real crime here is that these enablers and that these people that are profiting from him being in office are allowing this man to clearly just be abused and I think I agree with you they won't let they're not letting him leave with dignity and I object the people around him who are lucid and young and understand um really have to do some soul searching about what they've done here I want to tell the audience uh as you were talking headline comes in from persuasion a popular digital magazine the headline is the night the Biden presidency ended that's very similar to what we've been saying right here on the MK show um let's take another caller go down to Virginia and Antonia Antonia what did you think of the debate hey how's it going Megan thanks so much for taking my call uh first off I want to say huge fan love your show girl you're doing the right thing I'm glad you're doing this and not the the mainstream Media stuff anymore you're rocking it but that's stuff aside um I I happen to work over here in the the five-sided puzzle Palace by the way um I'm stationed here at Arlington so uh I was actually in um Qatar and Afghanistan during the Doha peace talks in 2019 and so to walk away from that for my deployment there and and then to see the um the Bots withdraw you know in uh Afghanistan it was uh pretty embarrassing to say the least and so for the president to either complic say that he didn't have anyone you know needlessly die in his term or maybe he just forgot I don't know either way it's pretty bad um so that that like blew my mind and then um you know another you know I look at this as a lens of like uh National Security I mean like does does he sit in on the meetings that we have like with the NSA and you know all all these really high level classification meetings that generally the commander-in chief and his staff are a part of like can you imagine the kind of stuff that he gets uh you know told and you know I know look at look at the way Joe Biden had to speak to him tonight right look at the way his wife is speaking to him you answered all the questions and this man is supposed to be in those NSA meetings understanding the intricate details of our national security portrait and making decisions to protect us and the rest of the world based on them it's a it's a deeply alarming evening thank you for calling thank you for your kind words too uh we got to wrap it up because we're almost right we're almost to uh the end of the show but I want to tell you I appreciate you being here we're going to be back on the air live as we always are between 12: and 2 on SiriusXM channel 111 and we'll also release the podcast and the YouTube uh in just a bit later after that show Megan Kelly tomorrow on the show we've got Steve Bannon it's going to be an extraordinary day I haven't spoken with him ever he launched quite a bit of attacks against me after the uh 2016 election the the 2015 debate I responded occasionally to him I I was isn't his biggest fan this will be the first time we've talked and it's the perfect night because Steve Bannon as he gets shipped off to jail by this Biden Administration knows a thing or two about what they're capable of and about how to fight them and if they do not pull Joe Biden it's going to have to be all hands on deck because he cannot win another term you know that in your heart thank you for being with us tonight see you [Music] tomorrow e

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It's not the candidate's job to clean up the moderators inaccurate questions this is such again he was in the foxhole everyone was surrounding him firing down at the guy and trump was trying to put you know stop the gunfire at every turn there was the guy's human and there's only so much he can do and... Read more

Bizarre Conspiracy Theories About Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce, and Biden and the Dems, w/ Britt Mayer thumbnail
Bizarre Conspiracy Theories About Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce, and Biden and the Dems, w/ Britt Mayer

Category: News & Politics

There really is a very strange conspiracy theory going around the internet right now that the whole travis kelce taylor swift relationship is fake it's been propped up not just not by like her pr agent and his pr agent to get them extra coverage celebrities do do that i mean that actually is not so... Read more

"You've Failed Us": Megyn Kelly Calls Out CNN's Dana Bash For "Gentle" Interview of Harris and Walz thumbnail
"You've Failed Us": Megyn Kelly Calls Out CNN's Dana Bash For "Gentle" Interview of Harris and Walz

Category: News & Politics

I'm sorry dana bash i'm disappointed i actually like dana bash she's like she's tough to dislike she's a nice person and honestly she's a real journalist she really is my overall take can i tell you is that this is what happens when you have a meek person interviewed by a meek journalist that's what... Read more

Megyn Kelly Details the Time She Met Matt Drudge In-Person thumbnail
Megyn Kelly Details the Time She Met Matt Drudge In-Person

Category: News & Politics

So it was 2013 and uh my son thatcher had just been born in july and i had struck a deal with roger als to when i returned from maternity leave join the fox news prime time and take over the 9pm spot and it was to be kept secret i was online one day in our little townhouse we had and boom there was... Read more

Gov. Glenn Youngkin on the Truth About How Kamala Harris' Proposed Policies Would Hurt All Americans thumbnail
Gov. Glenn Youngkin on the Truth About How Kamala Harris' Proposed Policies Would Hurt All Americans

Category: News & Politics

So you are a very successful man and you know something about the economy because while you started off like our son right now is working as a bus boy uh and you were basically that level when you first entered the workforce but then went on to uh chair the caral group and made a bunch of money on your... Read more

CNN Rehires Brian Stelter... Megyn Kelly Looks Back at His Greatest Hits During the Trump Era thumbnail
CNN Rehires Brian Stelter... Megyn Kelly Looks Back at His Greatest Hits During the Trump Era

Category: News & Politics

Here is i guess why they look back fondly and thought we want yeah we want brian stelter for this critical period in american history might have committed treason you say the president is using mind control what does putin have on trump the us president possibly working for the russians is president... Read more

Significant Questions Emerge About Harris VP Tim Walz's Military Service, w/ Ungar-Sargon and Lowry thumbnail
Significant Questions Emerge About Harris VP Tim Walz's Military Service, w/ Ungar-Sargon and Lowry

Category: News & Politics

But i do want to talk about tim waltz because my god you my very first story at fox news very young cub reporter was swift boo veterans for truth coming after john krey and his misrepresentations about his military service tim waltz has a swift booat problem of his own if you look back at alpha news... Read more

Inflammatory Rhetoric Toward Trump in Weeks Leading Up to Assassination Attempt, with Rich Lowry thumbnail
Inflammatory Rhetoric Toward Trump in Weeks Leading Up to Assassination Attempt, with Rich Lowry

Category: News & Politics

It's a shocking moment in american history in the context of this race and in the context of the messaging almost universal unless you're a fan of donald trumps or or a fair cover of him like like you are about the the messaging around him the rhetoric around him i'm not blaming this on rhetoric but... Read more

Watch ABC News Moderators Fact Checking Donald Trump Over and Over Again...But Never Kamala Harris thumbnail
Watch ABC News Moderators Fact Checking Donald Trump Over and Over Again...But Never Kamala Harris

Category: News & Politics

Let me just show you a little of the factchecking that was done of donald trump in short form watch there is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it's born president trump as you know the fbi says overall violent crime is actually coming down in this country but you rig up... Read more

Megyn Kelly Reveals a Frightening Clip of VP Kamala Harris Cheering Censorship From 2019 thumbnail
Megyn Kelly Reveals a Frightening Clip of VP Kamala Harris Cheering Censorship From 2019

Category: News & Politics

Comml harris is very pro very pro censorship uh here she was back in 2019 espousing some of this listen we put the department of justice of the united states back in the business of justice we will double the civil rights division and direct law enforcement to counter this extremism we will hold social... Read more

Riley Gaines Fights Against Those Erasing Women While Man Nears LPGA Tour, w/ Carrie Prejean Boller thumbnail
Riley Gaines Fights Against Those Erasing Women While Man Nears LPGA Tour, w/ Carrie Prejean Boller

Category: News & Politics

Riley gaines went down to georgia tech to rip them a new one she was asked to go testify down there over what's happening with the trans insanity and georgia tech is where the ncaa event was held where she was forced to swim against leah thomas and forced to change in a locker room with leah thomas... Read more