Giants WR Allen Robinson II: Hoop Dreams, Pancakes, Coffee, Malik Nabers & Route-Running Expertise

Published: Aug 15, 2024 Duration: 00:33:47 Category: Sports

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special guest here on talking ball with Pat Leonard Pro Bowl wide receiver and current Giants wide receiver Allan Robinson the second and 11th year vet 562 career catches 7,28 yards 43 touchdowns a pleasure to have you on the program Alan thanks for being here I appreciate it thanks for having me so a good friend of the podcast and of mine Benny Fowler talks you up man he gasses you up um and we talked about basketball we talked about football when we talked about you as an elite athlete and a great friend but the first question I have for you is when you sit down at The Original Pancake House in Detroit what is your favorite thing and what are you ordering oh man that's people anybody who knows me know that those are the best pancakes uh that I've ever had um and still yet to be topped but um normally I'm going to go with an omelette um and probably a short stack of pancakes um pancakes fill me up most of the time so I don't I don't need more than three but um I'm going with a nice omelette and a and a short stack of pancakes what's in The Omelette I'mma probably go with a western omelet so I'm gonna go ham cheese peppers onions I respect that so is that did you and Benny used to go there together or yeah yeah actually um we used to go with Benny's dad um it's funny as I tell everybody so on the weekends at that particular place um it's normally packed so you got to try to get there before I would say about 10 o'clock you know so it would always be a race to see if we could get up and get there before the line was out the door and then if the line was out the door you had to go to Cony Island that was up the street shout out to shout out to con Island because I don't want to sound like I'm downplaying them it's good too but when you're going for pancakes you know nothing tops Original Pancake House so are you like is breakfast your favorite meal are you a guy who now that you're here in New Jersey right now have you been scouting the area for top spots or or what actually I really don't eat breakfast all too often you know uh during training I try to eat it uh I try to eat it more so um more often because we have early practices so I just try to get a little bit of fuel but normally um throughout the offseason I really don't eat uh breakfast all that often I normally eat around uh after 12 um sometimes depending on what time I'm working out uh coffee is kind of my breakfast if you will um I've been drinking coffee uh since I was about eight years old um which is another story but you know coffee coffee in the mornings and then normally my first meal of the day is lunch wa eight years old let's hear this how'd that start well it started with my grandparents so my um my granddad was a big coffee drinker um and just being around him a lot in the mornings I would just kind of start uh with like a little a little cup I guess or like a little like sip of his and then by the time I was eight or nine I kind of had my own cup um and it's funny because my grandmother told me that drinking coffee would stuck my growth uh she told me that pretty much um my entire life and then I was 5'8 going into my freshman year High School and then going into my sophomore year I hit a crazy grow spur and I was about 61 and a half wow so you're living proof coffee does not stunt growth that and again I mean I mean maybe it did you know maybe it did who knows maybe I had a a few more inches in me you know maybe I would have been around 65 66 you know and then I would have you know I would have obviously been in the wrong sport at that point I was just going to say You' be in the NBA at that point yeah yeah you know and I grew up with with a pretty big hoop dream so yeah no I want to I want to get to that so first of all we're sponsored here by estate 98 coffee um and they make like a coffee concentrate you put like a tablespoon in it and a cup of ice and some water and you stir it and it's instant iced coffee it's amazing I have to bring you a bottle please please do please do yeah we got to get you to try that out and I was armed I I guess it sounds like you're not interested in a huge stack of pancakes right now but there is a place Brownstone Pancake Factory in Englewood Cliffs it's like 20 minutes north of the stadium I mean it's of the kind of place they'll like put ice cream scoops on your pancakes and stuff like that but sounds like I'll try it out it's a the same it's a it's a brownstone spot in uh Edgewater as well oh yeah yeah you're right you're right did you hit it up already uh I have had it before um it's been a while though but I have had it before it's pretty good oh nice are you a foodie in general because I your your YouTube channel I saw you have some really cool like interesting interviews I think they're all back in the Detroit area when you were at home but I really like you kind of going around at different places interviewing people like burger joints bar you know barbecue Pizza like it seems really cool yeah yeah it was dope um you know um so I have my own production company so right now you know I just kind of uh dib and Dabble you know with some things that I you know that are exciting and cool to me you know and just kind of you know having uh being able to be connected with some pretty uh cool people in the you know like I shot with my cousin at the barbecue place and I shot one of my former teachers who went on to win Big Brother I shot with my agent um at a at a pizza spot and U and um and also breakfast spot you know so it was it was cool and I'm a I would say I'm a pretty big foodie you know I was kind of joking in there saying that's the reason why I don't go back to Detroit that often because I have to hit my spots you know and um and and those spots aren't really you know a part of my offseason diet if you will so aha right so yeah you're like me like if there's a piece of food or a bag of chips I like in the house I'll eat it so the way that I have to show restraint is to take it away from me right out of sight it away out of sight out of mind well I had all kinds of restaurant recommendations for you but it sounds like you're trying to be good so yeah yeah I'll wait to the I'll wait till the offseason to hit up those uh you know right now I just trying to you know just trying to you know fuel the body properly yeah la last uh you know before we pivot into sports here I noticed in your in your sit down with your agent Brandon uh who's a great guy Brandon Parker I heard you mention that after your career in the NFL that you're actually interested in becoming an agent is that is that still a goal yours um I would say possibly um it was uh a little a little while back you know um for me um actually coming into the NFL Brandon's dad was my agent Eugene Parker um and he and he unfortunately passed away going into my third season you know but he represented a lot of guys Deion Sanders myself um Michael Crabtree Alshon Jeffrey um Rob Woodson Curtis Martin you know so he had he had a great roex of gods you know and also one thing that you know I kind of found being around him is you know that guys had a lot of their things put together uh on and off the field you know it wasn't just you know the on the FI aspect that these guys had you know uh going in the right direction and you know off the field as well you know those guys were also going in the right direction you know and I also felt that that was you know um a big part of Eugene you know so seeing the impact that he had on not only me but some of those other guys you know um I always looked at it whereas you know if I was to do something you know being able to be that kind of an impact for guys coming into the NFL you know being able to you know some guys are getting paid so much money at such a young age you know I even look at myself um I was drafted at 20 years old you know so being able to have that proper guidance you know coming into the NFL you know was very big for me you know so if I could do that for for some guys as well you know I would love to do you do that in the locker room like try to walk up to the Young Bucks and explain to them the way it is or is it kind of like they ask questions and you answer but you're not volunteering the wisdom yet no a little bit of both for sure um you know for me um again man I'm here to especially being around younger players um because uh me in the locker room that I stepped in we had so many young guys we kind of just you know kind of followed each other you know just tried to help out each other you know it wasn't it wasn't many vets in the locker room when I first got drafted so now you know for me um being able to just kind of speak to some of the young guys about those kind of things and you know like I said before I always have a open Forum you know about anything and just my experiences and and just some of the knowledge that I have you know because playing with younger guys and playing with anybody man um I always want to see my teammates be successful again that's on and off the field you know I never want to be in a situation where it's like you know I wish I had have said this to this guy I wish I had have told this person or gave this person this information to use you know I try I just try to allow guys you know to to to take whatever information they want you know um whether that's me volunteering it or them asking and let them run with it so you Aspire essentially to make a difference regardless of what what your next job is or career is or whatever and even in your daily life that's uh that's admirable so you mentioned to me you had a hoop dream so was was basketball your first love because I I was reading up some stories about uh your career back then and tell me if this is true St Mary's prep versus Detroit Catholic Central your team is down nine in the third quarter and you scored 20 of 23 including 17 straight to win so a is that is that accurate B was that uh your your basketball highlight and C was basketball your first love before you started starring on the football field yeah basketball was my first love um I spent countless more hours in the gym than I did on the field growing up um and yeah that was definitely one of my bigger highlights you know that was um that was to win a Regional Championship um wow it was um it was a game that for me feels like yesterday you know um that was one of one of my last actually like organized basketball games so um again man it was a it was a it was a surreal feeling you know again to have 20 points in the fourth going into the fourth down nine and the in a high school game 17 in a row you know um it was uh you know it was something that I always look at you know as far as my basketball career in high school basketball career you know that was one of my uh most fond basketball memories Benny Fowler says that you you went you would go between the legs and dunk in high school is that true yeah I could I could um in high school college um again man for us you know we spent so many hours in the gym Ben included um football was just kind of a seasonal kind of like enjoyment you know but I will say I was always better at football than than basketball but basketball we just spent so much time like basketball was all year round you know I remember uh going from a basketball I mean going from a football game to a basketball game and actually having to start that game like in cleats because I I forgot my sneakers oh on a court yeah on a court on a well yeah so when I got there you know I just kind of it was a couple minutes into the game we were running late um I think my sneakers were like in my mom's car or something something like that so uh but yeah but basketball for for me and and Ben included was all year round did you score a point before you got the sneakers on with the cleat on I didn't luckily my mom got there pretty pretty quickly um somehow some way I think I end up leaving with my dad um we and they kind of drove two different cars to go to the football game so we were just kind of in a rush getting out of that game going to uh going to the summer league basketball game so we were just in a rush and my dad beat my mom to the gym so I I didn't have a choice and I think at that point in time too and some of our uh some of our tournaments that we that we would play in we would run about you know five or six players just so that we can get as much run as we can in so it wasn't like we had a sub or anything like that to kind of come in and and uh and spell me what was the um what was like the gym and how late were you there when you were a kid like for me it was my backyard I had a hoop on top of my garage and my driveway I even had to have an extra light like my dad installed an extra light so that it lit up the entire backyard and not just under the the door when it got pitched black so I could be out there my neighbors hated me because the ball was always going all over the place yeah for for me um it was a a countless number of gyms um from high school gyms to to recreation centers even even my middle school you know like my dad would uh drop me off before school um because our gym teacher would be there around like 5:45 6 o'cl he would open the gym um we would start getting shots up uh around 5:45 6 AM before school so la last basketball question um Benny said that you were probably a better dunker but he thinks he caught more bodies because his high school used to start games by Ali ooping to him what do you what do you think of that statement no I I would agree with that um his his school was also a school that I was because he's a little bit older than me so I would watch them when I was still in middle school he was in high school um and they were like the mon star of basketball you know like if you hooped that was where you wanted to go was Detroit Country Day um obviously uh people like Chris Weber went there um but they were they were the school you know so definitely they would start off with Aly oops and all kind of stuff man they were they were a really good team really good man no that's a great backstory love Hoops um and yeah I was just talking to Benny actually on our last episode if you everybody if you didn't see it Benny Fowler and I did an episode before we talked a lot about Allen brings to the Giants as well but um actually this is the last basketball question were you watching the gold medal game and did you see Steph Curry hit that last shot and what were you thinking in that moment because Benny and I were just laughing hysterically thinking about even the decision to throw that ball up I I was watching the game and I mean that's Steph Curry um at the end of the day you know Steph Curry is uh very very very high in my in regards to where I put him on just the Mount Rushmore of basketball he would have to be up up there for me um I don't think I've I mean I've never saw anybody do some of the things that he's done you know even to the standpoint of you know when you go look at even the amount of money that the warriors were purchased at you know like kind of when Steph Curry was coming to the league and then now you look at the value of the Golden State Warriors now I believe they're the second highest value franchise um in yeah American professional sports you know and it's like you know when you look at the whole full circle of you know what he's done championships man Steph Curry is so it's no doubt mind when he always has the green light if he's on the court he has the green light that's very well said big picture perspective on what he has done for that franchise and what that he's done a lot and just basketball in general you know I think he's changed the game of basketball you know he's really open people eyes to you know to whereas a lot of coaches now even in even in professional Hoops you know you see them speaking as far as you know mid-range shots aren't the greatest shots you know people want threes over layups you know now when you look at kind of who kind of started that and who transcended that you know Steph Curry would be would be the guy yeah you you used to see the coaches telling the kids stop practicing those those long bombs gonna make them and now it's like you're pushing them out there to do it right yeah for sure for sure no doubt all right pivot into football um we're only I think two days removed from one of your best practices at camp but you've really kind of been cooking the last week and a half or so including the joint practices against the Lions so I wanted to talk to you first let's start in may why did you decide to sign with the Giants you know you're an accomplished veteran receiver a lot of opportunities curious what you saw here in New York that intrigued you you know um first you know I had a I had a good conversation with Coach Deo um you know and I've always been a fan of of him and his offense from afar you know even even when he was in Buffalo you know I used to watch a lot of Buffalo tape as far as just you know route Concepts and certain things that the guys will be doing in their route running and stuff like that um that was one thing and also you know um um I was up here as well um I I've been living up here now um along with Atlanta for the past uh seven eight years or so so I so I've been up here you know so I was here you know that that also kind of kind of play a part in it um but again man the Giants are a great organization you know again whenever you can play for great organizations you know um for me and I've been able to do that a little bit in my career you know and I and I've always enjoyed it and I think it's always gone a long way you know so again I mean whenever you can play for a team like the Giants you know um it's a it's a very story franchise here I am trying to give you recommendations in the area and you've been living here for seven years I had no idea yeah no I respect that so you said um you said you liked the dble Buffalo offense going back to when he was with the bills and Josh Allen what about the offense do you like that that applies to your game yeah um I feel like it's a very receiver friendly offense as far as you know the the receivers are asked to do a lot and asked to learn a lot but at the same time you know for a receiver you know you kind of want that uh freedom and ability you know because again it's more on your plate but again you're able to run the entire route tree you know guys are moved around different places you know if you're a wide receiver you know step into an offense like this again um you have to learn a lot but you're able to put your entire plethora of what you can do you know um out there you know again you're able to run every kind of Route you're able to show you know uh what you can do as a as a receiver is that unique compared to some of the other offenses like I know it in your other stops you were versatile enough to you know whether it's in the slot or outside like you can always play both but is it more unique in D's offense that everybody learns everything and and it's kind of required of you yeah I think so I think so again um and and you know that's kind of what he talked about you know kind of kind of coming into this thing you know so for me you know from day one you know I was in The Playbook you know trying to figure out you know just um you know just trying to learn as much as I can you know but again like I said before um that's that's you unque in a sense but again as a receiver that's what you want you know again you want to be able to to be moved around different places and run everything you know and again as a as as a collective everybody kind of does that and like I said before as a receiver that's what you want you explained to me the other day that you had gotten a chance to kind of really hone in on the F in the spring and now kind of change it out change it up a little bit to what you're playing in the summer could you just explain the intricacies of how you've applied kind of those those variable positions to your acclamation to New York's offense yeah so for me um even kind of dating back you know I've been able to play in the slot you know um as you mentioned in my career been able to play outside you know so being able to kind of you know learn different positions if you will even though everybody's moved around you know being able to learn different spots you know I feel like has helped out a lot you know again just as far as me getting a a better grasp of the offense in general you know again um for me I always want to learn as much as I can you know so I can help my team out you know as much as I can you know so for me being able to kind of you know being able to to learn the perspective of both spots and both responsibilities you know um for me and my grasp of the Playbook and just understanding I feel like uh U grew a lot in that sense do you agree that you're having a strong Camp um I feel like that you know um again for me you know I try not to I try not to measure certain things like that you know when you're actually uh in the in the midst of it all you know for me it's just more so about figuring out daytoday where and how I can get better you know what I can do better you know different things that need to be polished up you know um again I had a coach back in back in Jacksonville he used to always say you know um a constant NeverEnding self-improvement you know and that's something that I've tried to tried to live by throughout the course of my career you know again I try not to measure too many things in the midst of battle you know um I just try to reflect on you know okay what needs to be improved what needs to be polished you know what things can I do better and how do I get that accomplished each and every day and I just try to hone in on those things and continue to improve on those what do you think of Daniel as a quarterback man um I think I think he's had a great Camp you know um again um I think that he's been you know communicating leading you know um and everything like that you know um and and it's been fun to see you know it's been very fun to see like I said before man um just just seeing everybody grow as a group you know obviously um it's preseason and you know the work isn't finish you know but it is um I think that even having a younger group uh when it comes to receivers and so on and so forth I do feel like it's a very very hungry group and I think that you know from a day-to-day standpoint everybody is eager to get better you know and really um embracing how can I get better you know I think that's the kind of group that you want to have you know you want to have a a group that's focused on you know winning being better you know and improving each and every day you were very productive as you said right when you came into the league early on in your career in Jacksonville when you look at Malik neighbors you know does he have the makeup to be a star right away uh what do you like about what you see from him on the field off the field you know as a guy who's done it man I'm ve very versatile player you know um I think that when you just kind of look at you know over the uh spring and training camp you know the kind of plays that he's been able to make you know um I've been I've been very impressed you know and like I said before for me um in most cases with guys obviously guys have talent but you know it's it's kind of the off the field stuff you know that's more impressive you know I think he's very um uh into meetings as far as you know rather that's questions or film you know um um rewatching plays and so on and so forth and I think that's why he's been able to to continue to improve through our training campus I think he's been honed in on the details of himself and just watching guys and figuring out okay what are guys doing here what are guys doing there and being and being locked in you know and again I also want to give you know credit to the to the entire group you know when you have a young group you know sometimes um you know uh training camp can just kind of become overload but I think that you know uh everybody has just been steady on how they can get better like I said before we have a very um when it comes to film you know I think that the Our receiver group has been very detailed you know post-practice watching film um as far as okay how can we be better what are we doing you know and also shout out to coach Gro you know I think that he's kind of pushed that as well as far as us getting better each and every day that's interesting observation by you because like you said it's a really young room so it that would that's that reflects very well right on like a Wale Robinson to jail and Hy a Malik neighbors obviously Slayton yourself hodgin other guys but the fact that there's so much youth in there and that they're committed to those details and that you that you're that you you know an 11th year vet are impressed by the film sessions that seems to say something to me about kind of how how these guys conduct themselves and operate that's impressive yeah yeah it's um it's cool to see like I said before man um as a group you know you have everybody who wants to get better you know I think that's the most important thing in this league especially when you're going into you know a season you know you want you want guys who are eager to get better you know and really honed in on the details uh of that you know and I think that's a I think that's that's the kind of group that we have what does it take to get open because I when I watch you I feel like you're a smooth route Runner and you always seem to end up creating that separation at the top or or end of the route um and I you know I was talking to Benny because he's he's always kind of teaching me the ins and outs of of Route running uh being a precise one himself and he said that you know in addition to your hands like that's something that you're just a you're a technician at you know you always know how to get open like what does it take um and you know has that has that been something that you've been Adept at forever and how much work has it taken to get to the level that we're seeing now man it takes a lot of work you know um and at the same time you know uh being able to be back healthy and so on and so forth you know that's always a big part of it you know when when when you're in this league man um I even look at last season you know I played majority of last season you know at probably 85% at best you know um and just trying to figure it out you know and trying to make it work and make it happen you know so even for me coming into this off season um you know I didn't know how this offseason would shake out I didn't know I didn't know you know healthwise you know where where I would kind of be at but you know I didn't really have much of downtime in the offseason because I wanted to kind of you know get back to to what I was used to and being able to you know be the player that I you know um am am used to being you know so this offseason you know it took a tremendous amount of work just um again from the time the season ended last year after after we lost to Buffalo in the playoffs you know I was with my trainer figuring out how can I get better you know that's plos and that's and then when you talk about the football aspect of it you know just more so again being um being on the details of different leverages and different things like that and for me unfortunately you know um I've seen a lot of football so when it comes to routes and leverages and things like that as far as how and what I want to get accomplished you know I kind of have that muscle memory you know now I've been able to you know getting being back healthy being able to put the physicals with that you know to kind of be able to create the separation on certain routes and knowing and knowing what I want to get accomplished on this route have a few more questions for you on the back end just want to tell our listeners about boom chaga mushroom super drink a natural extract loaded with anti-inflammatory immune boosting antioxidants and heart healthy compounds you can easily pour this natural liquid supplement into any of your favorite drinks I put mine in my coffee every morning big coffee drinker here too and immediately feel the difference I personally have felt a post-workout like energy boost with boom chaga also has the ability to lower cholesterol reduce inflammation and improve immune and heart health with its beta gluten and antioxidants go to Boom today to place your first order and if you use the discount code talking ball 25 or access it through the QR code on your screen you will get 25% off your first subscribe and save order right now that means a month supply cost you only $30 start feeling the difference today at boom so you told us a little bit about last year that's good context Allan um I was curious too I know you spent one year there with the Rams I know Stafford was only healthy for about half of it uh but I'm curious you know just playing a year with Shawn McVey you know he's kind of changed a lot about how the league is operated uh part of kind of this revolution of coaches who are calling plays Kyle Shanahan McVey oconnell these guys who people have a lot of respect for just wondering what you learned about you know McVey and one of the offenses that a lot of people have respect for right now man I learned a lot of football being in La um just as far as uh route detail angles even I learned a lot about the Run game you know as far as as far as run run fits you know how those things complement each other you know once you kind of get into the play action world making certain things look like and so on and so forth so being out in La man I learned a lot of football again um we were all kind of banged up that year um I think I played eight or nine games and I have and then I uh I had have surgery on my foot um but at the same time like I said before being being around there being being in meetings and just you know uh being able to be around that group man I learned a lot of football um you went to Penn State I'm from Philadelphia originally have a lot of family there uh first team All-American there uh start receiver in the Big 10 and was wondering you know there was just a former Penn State star who was the Giants face of the franchise for a while was now playing for the Eagles and just wondering uh because you could have crossed paths you know if you have any kind of relationship with squin um and and what that is yeah yeah I do um I mean obviously you know by us being by us being Penn Staters you know um you always you always wish your brother the best you know um but again I mean I've always been a fan of his you know we've never uh we've never been on the same field together you know but I've always admired game you know I remember dating back to one of the first clips that kind of you know uh put me or made me aware of sequan it was like a Oklahoma drill or something like that at Penn State I think they were in the stadium and saquan broke like three tackles um in like a in like a five yard radius you know and I kind of remember everybody going crazy and I remember being like who is this kid you know um and then seeing him to to to go on to do the same thing in NFL you know um um has been cool to see like I said before man when you that fraternity of of Penn State you know you always root for your brother and coming back to your team real quick uh two of the quarterbacks that you know you've gotten some run with you caught a pass from Drew lock in the first preseason game uh a nice out there and then the other day like I said one of your best practices at Camp was Tommy DeVito The Local Hero Mr cutlets slinging it to you U just wondering what you have seen and like about both of those guys and those guys are competitors you know um and when I say competitors you know again people who are come out there each and every day and um eager to get better you know I think that you always got to tip your hat you know to the to the respects you know of people at the quarterback position because it's never easy you know um and for me being a veteran you know just always trying to open communication and just kind of being where those guys need me to be you know I think that's the most important thing you know is just always you know having feedback with the quarterback no matter who that is or no matter who's throwing the ball is just kind of you know what are you seeing you know how are you feeling this rock what are you seeing where do you need me to be making sure that everything is timing up properly you know so I feel like you know I've always took the approach that my job as a receiver is to make the quarterback's job as easy as possible you know um and I feel like I've just you know continued to kind of ride that wave of that you know throughout the course of my career just me stepping into any situation you know wanting to make the quarterback's job as easy as possible how did you end up making the New York area your home so originally I had came up here a lot um doing some rehab I tore my ACL um in my contract here in Jacksonville 2017 um and I did a lot of rehab and stuff up here for my knee um and just kind of you know fell in love with the area um again it offers a lot um as far as you know from whatever you want restaurants you know rehab for me which which was where it was at you know I did a lot of my uh stuff and I still do some stuff at the NBA pa facility um from time to time when I have when I have time um I'm me some good trainers there you know so I've just kind of you know made it made in my home and it's been and it's been good to me very cool um last question so I think one underrated thing about you is you've played in three playoff games you have 18 catches for 210 yards and a touchdown in those three games the first one in Chicago 10 for 143 and one touchdown just wondering you know you've had a really accomplished career um some huge seasons including Jacksonville to and Chicago and you've contributed to you know several teams in a big way just wondering you know how much of an itch do you have to get back to that stage and continue to do what you've done on that stage and what are your remaining goals in a career where you've accomplished so much um huge itch you know anybody who's played in the playoffs man know that it's a different level of football than there's nothing like it you know um obviously you know you have a lot of love for the regular season games but you know the atmosphere the environment you know when you step into that uh tournament which which is the playoffs you know it's it's uh very exciting you know um and for me at the end of the day you know I don't really I don't really have too many you know goals except for uh being able to pouring to my team to my teammates you know um and helping create a winning environment you know that's that's the only goal that I've had now you know for for a few years is you not want to step into any situation and being able to again help pour into creating a winning culture help pour into winning you know whatever that may be you know again sometime roles are are bigger than other sometimes the role is small you know but at the end of the day you know I think that um it takes all 53 and that's something throughout the course of my career career that I've really learned is you know when you have uh a winning team you know no job is too big no job is too small you know everybody's in there everybody's in there together you know and I always want to help you know um help establish that and help you know give the understanding to that and kind of you know provide you know um some sound reasoning to help create a winning culture as you and I sit here and now um you know you mentioned a winning culture we're coming out of a practice day which is preceding the second preseason game against the Houston Texans on a road trip looking forward to that but one thing I felt like I noticed it looks like this is going to be um a dress rehearsal for the regular season you guys are doing the cards at practice it looks like everybody's playing your coach was in kind of game mode at this final preparation uh for the game just wondering you know take us inside how how uh much am I getting that the accurate read on what the approach to this game is that like it's you know it's go time here you know no more no more training camp no more dog days like this we're treating this like a regular season game is it is it that intense and is it uh is there that much of a Focus right now on like on let's go yeah definitely um it's always a focus you know whenever whenever you're lining up you know but but again um being able to have you know uh certain guys playing and different things like that you know obviously you want to make sure that you're you know um in communication and doing everything that's teeing up you know for uh performance come week one you know so when you look at these kind of weeks you want to kind of take yourself through the mentality of going on the road getting into your routine you know being able to you know get your body back you know um putting the finishing touches on the week how you would a normal game week you know so you want to put yourself in that in that mentality obviously this is kind of like a inseason Friday if you will you know and and again like I said before you know you always want to take those days and over the next 48 hours or so to put finish and touches you know um on the week so that you can tee up uh a great performance come game day no doubt well we're looking forward to seeing you on the field and we are super grateful for you do doing the podcast um Allan Robinson II thank you so much for your time I appreciate it thanks for having me

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