WMU Football Media Availability | 8.23.24

all right Welcome to our first uh weekly press conference with head coach Lance Taylor um we'll start with an opening statement from coach and then we'll take questions yeah welcome back guys excited to um get to our 2024 season here as we're one week out today um today marks uh one week until we open up at Wisconsin um let's recap where we've been this off season first of all really proud of our players coaching staff and support staff um one of the things that we um challenged our guys with and organization with this offseason was attacking each and every single day to get better in every area um and I think that they've done that um you know I think that when we started with the offseason program spring conditioning even summer conditioning we showed up in Fall Camp much further along than where we were last year which is where you would expect us to be after year one uh but really I'm excited about the details and fundamentals of where we're at I think our team looks like a different team we got bigger faster and stronger in the offseason really attacked our offseason program um and then we've added three new coordinators which has helped bolster uh where we are from a technique and fundamental standpoint so uh really proud of the work that our guys have put in I think one of the things that has been noticeable is really our identity of this football team um and I would say that it comes down to leadership our Core group of leaders came to me in the offseason and said coach how can we do more how can we be involved and helping integrate some of our new transfers and also freshman players uh so that they understand the standard um what our culture has been built upon they were excited about what we did in year one the new standard how we raised the standard each and every day uh but also the foundation of the culture that we laid um and they wanted to make sure that the new players that come in understand the Bronco standard and what it means to uphold that on uh on a day-to-day basis and um you know for me I think one of the things I'm most proud of this off season when you return 17 starters when you return 24 guys on this football team who have started in some way shape or form for us didn't lose a single um starter or impact player in in the transfer portal that's really hard to do in today's day and age of of of transfer portal nil and the current world that we live in and so to return all of those guys um I can't thank them enough for believing and buying in what we're doing but also believing in each other I mean they really R rallied around each other wanted to do something special this season believed that we can do something special that we are building something special and I think that commitment and buy in uh really shows with all of those guys and some really good players returning and so now we shift our Focus fully to uh Wisconsin really good football team well coached football team uh it's going to be a great uh opponent for us to open up the season our guys are really excited um with the opening of our our season and to really hit somebody else other than ourselves which I think most uh college football teams around the country are looking forward to that so with that uh I'm excited to kick this thing off and I'll open it up to questions coach when you talk about guys coming back and wanting to get new guys involved bringing new guys into the fold that eagerness uh what have you just kind of seen I mean has it sort of shocked you or surprised you to see how eager guys are to keep building this up and keep growing it in the The Vision that you guys have laid out here well that's a great question and one as we ended year one you always wonder how much of that is going to carry over into year two um the best teams that I've been on it's really been that player-led leadership that player let accountability that really those guys have to play between the white lines and when they say something it means so much more than when a coach says something yes we have to set forth the mission and vision every single day um we have to lead by example and what we do as coaches is what I and what I do as the head coach but when they do it it means so much more because they're around the players on a day-to-day basis it means so much more when it's comes from the locker room and that's where I'm excited is is you know we've got a great core Loop uh Core Group who really believes um in in the Brotherhood that we've built um in in in the foundation that we've laid um and they want to help lead other guys and so you know it I tell you what it's been one of the most fun uh groups that I've ever coached um just you know as as a whole um they're eager they're hungry they're humble they want to do things the right way and uh and and they and they want to take ownership and accountability in what we do this year and so that part has been awesome um they've been one of the best groups that I've ever been around um you get to kick off the season under the national Spotlight so um just in a Prime Time game um how much is this program just kind of relishing in that opportunity to make a statement to the entire nation our guys are excited I mean you want to talk about a great program a great opportunity week one to kick off in the National Spotlight on a Friday night FS1 uh really the only game on t television um you know uh fortunately we get a lot of that in action you know where we're the only game on uh but our guys are excited I mean a lot of our guys grow up in this Midwest footprint um where they watch Wisconsin you know a blue blood program in the Big 10 I mean we have four players on the roster who are from the state of Wisconsin all of those kids probably grew up wishing and hoping and dreaming of playing in Camp Randall well they've got an opportunity to do that um it may be on the other sideline but I think that they're relish relishing that opportunity as as well um and you know I think our guys look at it as an opportunity to go in there and um doesn't matter the opponent but to play Bronco football and play up to our standard um you know I've had the chance to prepare for Coach fickle team several times as as an assistant he does an excellent job as a head coach always well prepared disciplined hard-nosed football teams uh they don't beat themselves and again it's going to be a great matchup we will have to play our best and play well um to to to to have an opportunity there at cam Randall coach After Fall camp where would you say the strengths of the team are yeah so our strengths let's start on the offensive side of the ball um you know our our strength is in our leadership and our veteran experience but really it starts up front when you look at the offensive line and those guys that return up front I mean you've got Jake gidon you've got Addison West you've got uh John Hofer you got Jack Sherwin um you've got a bunch of guys who've played in a bunch of football games who returning understand one what our uh standard and culture is uh up front but then they have just continued to grow and learn you know coach Mendelson's done an excellent job with those guys from day one that he's been here you know that's one of the areas of stability you know and carryover going into year two really thankful to have him back and thankful to have a bunch of those good players back and so I think the continuity and stability in that room really shows when you watch us on the offensive side of the ball on the defensive side of the ball I think it starts up front again you know we've got a bunch of uh really good players um a a a mix of Veteran core leaders that we brought back that played for us last year but also some guys that we went out and you know targeted in the transfer portal that we think can be immediate impact players I mean I think that we've got a deep group up front and listen the the the game of football has one or lost in the trenches I've said that multiple times up here uh I don't think that that's a secret we're going to believe and and continue to to build our football team around that uh but it's really one and lost up up front and I think on the defensive side of the ball we've got enough guys and we've got enough depth and talent to really roll a bunch of guys you know we probably we lost you know one of our best players uh one of the best players in the mac and a second round draft pick to the Dallas Cowboys marshan nean and you know when you can retool that room and feel like you're just as strong and not even maybe maybe not even better maybe even better as a whole after losing the best player one of the best players in the conference and in the country uh says a lot about you know the way that we've recruited and the type of players that we brought in um and then special teams um you know we bring back our our leading Point scorer from last year Palmer uh also our leading Snapper who stepped in started all all uh 12 games for us and RJ Todd did an excellent job for us and we've added you know a couple of punters and kickers to um increase the competition in that room so really excited in all three phases but I think the the theme for for where we're at right now is maturity veteran experience and Leadership can you share some of the names of the uh veteran transfer guys that you expect to really contribute this year yeah uh let's start on the offensive side of the ball you know when you talk about uh transfer impact guys that you guys will see this fall um you know I think on the offensive side of the ball um you know at o line Quinn mury who came from not Notre Dame he's going to be an instant impact guy uh will help us up front um at the running back position Jaden Nixon has done an excellent job he came from Oklahoma State he's got the ability to you know uh take any any run uh the distance and be a home run hitter for us he's very consistent to too in the small details he will also help us in the return game uh when you look outside you know you've got receiver bugs Mortimer um and you've also got um you know a couple of guys that that we brought back you know Sami Kenny wac Malik donon um those guys have done an excellent job those are returners you know but with bugs Mortimer you've got um you know uh let's let's switch to the defensive side of the ball you know up front we've got um four guys that we think that can help on our defensive line um you know we've got um a guy that we brought over from Iowa um onario Ontario Thomas yes we've got two guys that we brought from uh Louisville and papey Williams um also Rodney McGraw um at the linebacker we've solidified our our starters with guys that we brought back but you brought in um you know uh Moon from from Purdue who who's going to be a really good player and then on the back end a couple of guys that we feel like can add some depth to us um so we feel like we've added some really good players um and and some impact guys that you guys will see immediately any other questions hey Lance uh quarterback room this year obviously with Hayden um beginning last year with three quarterbacks kind of trading off starting position spots last year obviously Hayden goes through Spring ball is the number one guy didn't do much in Spring but now coming in as number one guy this year some good freshman there to compete with him but I would think Hayden feels pretty good about going into the season this year compared to last fall yeah um I think Hayden has really grown in a bunch of ways I mean one is confidence I mean I think when you come in and you go through the offseason one you know he had been here built some comfortability with coaching staff and players um and then knowing that he's going to be the starter or KN that he was going to have a great chance to be the starter going into to year two I think breed a lot of confidence you know coach Bell's done an excellent job really working with his technique and fundamentals but then also tailoring what we do offensively to match um Hayden's strengths I think it's been one of the best things that we that we've done um you know and so we you know coach Bell came in um and really assess what we did in year one which was run the football really well um our short to intermediate pass game was was really good but how could we be more explosive in the Run game and pass game how could we put Hayden in spots to be play play uh confidently and be comfortable as he moves forward and what he does well and I think that that's one of the things that we have done offensively that's uh really shown and we'll show up on game days we'll be really noticeable to our fans and and you know to to those who follow us really closely are those differences in what we're doing but Hayden's done an excellent job um you know I think the guys behind him have really stepped up and we feel you know like we have some depth in that room we brought in Brock Lowry from you know a transfer from Indiana who's done a nice job also so you know walk on Mark conne has really done an excellent job he started most of the spring for us he's continued to have a good fall and so we feel really good about where where where our quarterback room is right now uh you never want to see it but obviously injuries you know maybe coming up a bit this fall for you guys how much does it maybe I mean injuries obviously don't help but how much does it maybe help in Fall Camp to then sort of have other guys have to step up early and sort of get those reps so you know if something does come up middle of the Season they're ready they're ready for those opportunities to try and help this team succeed yeah injuries are a part of the game and we always talk about next man up mentality and really the thing that I've used and we've talked about a ton when you talk about injuries or you talk about that adversity you face is is it an obstacle or is it an opportunity it's really all how you look at it and how you respond to it and really getting our team and myself included but our coaching staff to look at things as uh an opportunity uh to grow and get better not an obstacle um in in in our way for for development and so you know when it comes to injuries um that that's a part of the game you know when it happens how do you get the next guy ready how do you look at some other positions or think outside the box maybe a guy who doesn't play linebacker isn't a full-time linebacker is there somebody else on that on the other side of the ball we move in Spring ball we moov several offensive players to the defensive side of the ball to see whether they they could help us on on on defense a couple of them are still there and are going to help us on the defensive side of the ball Josh Franklin being one of those I mean he was a wide receiver for us last year we needed depth at at the cornerback position and DB position we knew that he had played it in high school we asked him to move over he was a player who put the team's needs above his own um unselfishly went over and and played on the defensive side of the ball and I tell you what he's going to play for us a bunch on the defensive side of the ball and the defensive back field and he's a playmaker a ball Haw a guy who has really stepped up and and gained his opportunity and so that's just one example you know but I mean that's really how we've tried to reframe it and really it's all about how you respond uh to the things that happened to you uh instead of wallowing in self-pity or woe as me would would John hoer also be a good example of that he was a guy last year that seemed to be the first lineman in if there was an injury and got a few starts when when Campbell went down John Hofer is a great example John Hofer is a guy who is an unbelievable teammate one of the best teammates in the locker room if you had to ask anybody at any position um who is one of the most unself your selfless um teammates that they have John hofer's name is one of the first that comes up I mean the way that he leads by example he's always ready for his opportunity he really wants to do what's best for the team um and he's always done that and been a great example and leader he's been a guy who has been ready whenever he's been called upon and every time that we've asked him to go in he's made big plays for us and uh in BigTime spots and so I'm really excited for John he's waited and prepared for a long time for for for his opportunity this is going to be a great uh opportunity for him in 20 in the 24 season to take that next big step to be a starter an impact player for us and I know he's ready and his his teammates are excited for him Coach you have a pretty veteran team and you added to that um veteran sense with all the transfers that you brought in but you did have a pretty good recruiting class actually second in the conference I believe uh did you see any of those freshman playing right away or are you going to hold on to their four dates and maybe use them if needed down the road yeah we're really excited in what we've done in recruiting um you know recruiting is the lifeblood of your program you know I mean this was uh the best recruiting class since 2016 it was ranked the second you know best class in the Mac um and and so we're really excited about this freshman class that we've added uh my my mentality is is anybody you know we're going to create competition at every single position and anybody who can help this football team win games we're going to let them play for us on game day you know and we're going to be smart within that in terms of making sure that we protect guys red shirts if and when needed uh but especially in today's college football um you need every single person that can help you on game days whether it's you know carving out a role as a backup special team guy as a returner as a nickel player as a you know third or fourth wide out I mean as a guy on field goal field goal block um and so all of those roles are critical listen there's not a there's not a playoff in football so if you play one of the 150 plays in a football game it matters and it counts and so if you can help us in in a significant role in one of those you know ways then we're going to find a way to get you on the field and play and play early we played a lot of freshman last year but you know there's a lot of freshman in this class to your question there's a lot of freshmen in this class who are talented players who we want to find a way to get on the field Lance Robin and I talked in the booth a lot about deari robers last year about his story of being out of football almost three years off the field and now that he's become one of the leaders at the outside linebacker position he seemed like he's a big part of the defensive unit this year yeah deari Roberson you know another guy you know we talked about John hoer we've talked about several of these guys he's been a core you know um Lynch pin in in in this program since he's been here um he's really been setback by injury and you know multiple injuries and uh things that have set his career back you know he had a career year last year um in you know what he did for us on the field he's gotten even better this offseason I'm really excited and he's really taken that step and and and jump as a leader uh for our program I mean he's one of the voices in the locker room that guys step up and listen to um he's been he's been here from the beginning he does things the right way he leads by example they've seen what he's been through on and off the field um and you want to talk about somebody who's used adversity as an opportunity I mean this guy's a great example every time that there's been you know adversity he's used it to get bigger and stronger and faster and really you know continue to propel him to where he wants to be I think he has poised for a huge year this year um you know he was one of those guys that we talked about who really you know committed himself U first in the waight room and offseason program he's gotten bigger faster stronger you know he's weighing almost 215 pounds he runs a 44 laser time you know and so all of those you know he reached new goals and New Heights in in the offseason program and that is showing up on the field um and really an example of how he works every single day so I'm excited for him um he's he's become one of our core leaders um and and a guy that I expect to have a big year this year all right thank you coach thank you guys

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