[Music] welcome everyone to our live stream uh glad to have you here today uh especially on uh this Friday I know people are busy and uh kind of getting geared up for the uh for the weekend but I'm glad you had the uh the ability or desire to join us today uh if you have any comments as we're going through the live stream today don't hesitate to put them in the comments area below we are uh streaming on multiple stream platforms so depending upon which platform you're on there's comments somewhere in there that you can go and uh say Hey or have a ask a question what have you don't hesitate to do that as we're going through the the live stream so we've got Jared with uh with me today again my co-pilot uh for today's live stream hey Jared happy Friday 13th for some people yeah for some people this is a lucky day for some others it's an ominous day uh what what when you think of Friday the 13th is it a a good day or an ominous day for you well you know it's all those horror films I've watched so it's a little bit uh always waiting for something bad to happen on those days but I mean it's you never know till the end of the day I think it'll be fine but it's uh you always think of Friday the 13th or slasher movies or something oh the slasher movies we roll up when we roll up to one of these days but yeah that's just sort of uh the person in me no Friday 13th for me is it's a lucky day man it's always a good day me yeah 13 you know it's either how your project out there right oh yeah I of the beholder for sure oh yeah yeah yep cool so hey so today we're going to bump my mic here so today we're going to be talking about something that uh uh we've had people discuss um and we've had where people have run in and and had some had some challenges with attaching emails to act uh we've got another solution now a little bit of history and Jared you're quite familiar with this as as you know we we've kind of gone through this a lot and a lot in the sense of you know how do we solve a problem for certain people now not everybody has this problem but some people and it can be in an organization were you know I get 20 people or 30 people and two people out of there for whatever reason something with the Microsoft uh people uh their emails just don't attach there's some kind of connection um Collision that just doesn't allow it to attach and for the life of them they can't get it to attach and we've had a few people over the years that have had this problem and if you're one of those people no matter what you do you just can't seem to consistently have um of have your outbound emails or your inbound emails attached to your act contacts then this is definitely for you and this is also definitely for those who want a little bit extra um I'm I've been using this product myself for about three months now and uh I love it and there's a couple of reasons why I I'll tell you why I love it as we're going through um but one of the things that you want to consider in as we're going through this today is um and I need everybody to be aware of this Microsoft when they do updates sometimes all of a sudden your connection between act and Outlook will sever it doesn't matter which application you're using it will it will disable itself and then you got to go in and and enable it and I don't know if if Matt has created a a video for it but I'm going to create a video of if this happens to you then do this and if that still doesn't work then then call support so we're going to do a video up showing you how to how to solve that little problem if in fact Jared I think we have a video that we did last year didn't we on um if it doesn't connect or maybe I'm Maybe I'm Wrong yeah we did do one last year just on a little Quick Fix with the Microsoft update because yeah just like you're saying sometimes the Microsoft update will come and and then uh sometimes your emails aren't attaching you don't find that till later and and one of the main reasons or one of the awesome features of act for Outlook as well as act for mail is it attaches emails and it's like perfect data basically so as long as you just set it up properly good go have no problems yeah and it picks up all the old stuff too so if even if it does disconnect uh you go and connect it again it'll work so so the product we're talking about today is is act for Outlook uh version 8 um it the you know if you look at version 8 okay it's been out for a while but this one here particularly in my opinion is is is a is a great one and that's what uh I mean I've always used act for the the native act attachments always it's always worked well for me I've had a I think a couple of versions back maybe 21 I think it was or 20 um I had some problems with it attaching uh everybody else worked fine but it didn't work for me for whatever year for me consistently um but we've overcome that um and I've had no problems but I decided uh about three months ago to switch over to this to try it out because I had a new feature in there that I just loved and uh and I'm not going back I just there's this one feature which I'm going to show you later on as we're going through this so stay tuned stay connected because uh this one feature uh uh for me was everything um it made a big difference um so any other any other comments before we dive into the demo Jared about about attached ebals I mean we've kind of we've kind of had like I said we've had uh some people that have had challenges with this others not a problem just like a heartbeat just continues to beat on and and no problem uh but there are some that have had this issue and and uh we we're constantly frantically uh sometimes for those people trying to find a solution well I think we've got one that will work really well um and uh we've got uh uh We've also got it on our website so you can purchase it from there it's uh uh it's really inexpensive we'll get to that at the end of the end of the uh live stream all right so let's jump over to the demo database here so I'm working in a demo database I always have to make sure that I say that because we don't want you to pull uh pull up pull down the uh the recording which has happened when I didn't mention that we are working with a demo database and a demo version of Outlook and uh so all the uh the names uh are protected by U an anonymity in the sense that they're not real all right so um I'm working with my advisor demo database we're not going to be doing a lot in here other than then you'll see how we when we attach some emails so what we're going to do is we're going to go over here to Outlook and so I'm working in my demo data My Demo Outlook um and for most people you're using ACT for Outlook you're you're attaching you got the quick attach you got the attachment you can create a contact create an activity you can synchronize Outlook contacts and calendars to act calendars and contacts and back and forth all that good stuff well act for Outlook is another way of doing that and it uses a little bit different protocol so it works a little bit different and um it does a few things which I just I think are is amazing so it's a little bit different in that like when you're in act for Outlook you've got you've got these buttons up at the top uh and I had mentioned in a previous one that if you're on the if you're on the home screen you don't want to jump back and forth so you can use your your quick attach uh or your um what are they call call it quick access toolbar uh up at the top where you can just put the buttons up there great so how does act for Outlook work so I'm going to actually show you how it works and then I'm going to actually show you how to configure it because that's another thing if you decide you want to try it out for 14 days you can download it uh install it you can if you're feeling uncomfortable with that we can definitely take care of that for you and help you with that and then uh and then we can and then you can just give us a call and you we can provide you with license code so not a problem so how it works I'm going to take this one right here in the bottom I'm going to right Mouse click over it and I have the same features as I do with act I've got go to contact so this will actually look up the contact so if I click on that and then flip over to my ACT there we are it pulls up Perry Kirker because it's using training at Cor logics.com domain and uh you can see that right there look up contacts with the same domain uh right Mouse click do that and then if I go back into act it will actually pull up multiples because I have two contacts with that same email address and so it works really really nicely that way and then you have uh send an email to act now that may seem a little ominous it's like okay what do you mean send an email to act it's the same same as right here where it says attached to multiple attached to contacts which means in essence attached to multiple contacts all right so in act for Outlook when you right Mouse click over this when you go send to act it's allowing you to send a multiple contacts so you have you can attach to companies groups opportunities and to contacts so if I go to contacts I can pick uh let's say Albert Barry and Barb black I just double click it puts them over here I go okay and then I go send and that that will attach to all three of those contacts and then it will give you a confirmation notification saying that this has happened so that's actually pretty cool uh and then and then oh by the way when it attaches you see here it puts a little a little checkbox now you have an indicator that that actually has been attached because if you do this in act if you attach you have no indicator you just you have to actually go to the contact and check and see if it's attached we'll we'll go over to these guys and and we'll see these attached uh in a second here but you'll see a notification uh showing that that has been attached and then you have what they call Quick attach it just attaches to the to the person who sent you the email it'll attach it to their contact record if that contact record is in there and then uh well Sor I kind of jumped that one didn't I go down to here uh and then you have create a create a contact enact yeah with the Crea contact do that in a sec what's that jar I was going to say with the Crea contact sometimes too as well if you get like a new email that uh it's not in your Outlook contacts or uh it'll prompt you to to add it if you want you can say add it or not which is makes it really good for adding contacts when you get new leads or new things in your email it auto prompts you to add it or not if you want and you can add it so there's some automation there that helps you to make sure you keep your contacts or keep putting in contacts for new new emails you get a new people uh you get in your email which is just makes it easier right one last thing you have to remember yeah yeah and you can you can uh turn that on or turn that off that notification I have it turned on and uh you know it just reminds me hey this person isn't in in your thing do you want to create a contact for him and allows you to do that which we will actually show you how that works yeah all right uh so then you got created an activity so we'll just go in here to create a contact with these new ones that I've that I've just put in here we'll deal with that and then you've got create an activity create an opportunity which you don't have with the act one is to create an opportunity uh and then a copy uh and print uh U Quick Print for for whatever it is you got there all right so let's uh let's go in here we're going to pick up this one here this email that I sent in Zephyr mutti some kind of f fictitious name I came up with so we're gonna go and create a contact from this particular person and then it's going to ask in setting What fields do you want to match map over now you can preset these preset these up um let's see here that's the settings and then you can go in here and you can actually choose what uh what information you want to have as far as columns so you want to have this set up so you've got uh contact where is there we are contact we want the contact name a double click doesn't seem to want to work on that one uh contact let's look at company as well and I bypass that where is the oh I'm in the advisor uh that's called home and Company or household there we are normally would it would just be company but because we're in the advisor database uh we deal with households and companies and then you could have uh email address I'm not going to do all of these yeah this is just kind of the setup um so to see what you want to put in initially it's not every time or anything you'd have to do this it's just the initial set of what field you want copied over so and then you can create the uh create the contact there and it will actually create the contact so you can choose you can put in the values in any of these and you can create a uh contact uh uh create a link to a contact to a company which is kind of Handy too if you if you're the person that uses that so it puts their their email address in you've got uh the contacts name I'm just going to change this to oh we'll just call it test test for now I know it's uh there we go and then we can close that down and then if I wanted to create an activity for that person create an activity it'll bring up an activity window you can choose to start date time Timeless at a specific time the type of meeting priority of the meeting what it's regarding you can put some uh uh I think you can put some details in here maybe not oh details right there yeah so it actually puts the details of that uh that email right there I really need to wear my glasses when I'm doing this so I can actually see the screen better not as young as you used to be it's all good no no no so we're created that activity so basically it's just right Mouse click and you have access to basically the same things we have uh in uh in the act one uh it does create an opportunity which is kind of uh kind of cool you can create an opport opportunity process stage uh the quantity price total it's very basic but it does let you to create an opportunity if you wish to from an email like somebody saying hey yeah we're interested in this you can create an opportunity right off the bat with that yeah I also uh just want to have one comment there Gary yeah it's a so you can have an opportunity with lead and whatnot but you also can do groups and stuff like that so let's say you have a team working with you you can add that contact to a particular group let's say that person is managing certain products or or Services you can add that to a group in your database whatever service or product that is and then your team can follow up because they can see oh this other contact's been added to that group um so it can make it real quick when it first comes in you can segment it how you want and how you want uh your you know company to view those emails or view those initial opportunities or leads which is pretty cool exactly exactly uh so let's just go over to act really quick here and we're going to first of all look at Perry Kirker because we did attach I think we attached something to his record here yeah if we go to history okay no I didn't no I guess I didn't attach anything to it uh what was that other one let's see test let's see there it is test test oh uh we're going to we need to get in set up history because I probably didn't set up the history properly for this so let's go back into Outlook and that was actually a great segue into uh into this we got to make sure we're connected to the right database because I was messing around so we are set up to the advisor okay that's good so in this setup here you're going to go what database so you're going to have to go and find the path to the database on your machine so you're looking for the pad file and then you're going to put in your username and password which I've done and then you have to choose what type of history that you want um and so in this case you know how do you want it to attach and it does it takes a second to attach too you have to do a refresh which I will do um so I like to have you can have none you can have subject email subject only subject and body subject body and attachments or just subject and attachments you choose what you want um and then you got to choose how you want that history to work with you attach emails to act uh to act database users I usually have that unselected because that's you don't want it attaching to each individual person um make histories private really don't need that as well um unless you were some sort of investment banker and every email you had was a confidential one and you had to have it private uh you could do that then in in this case uh attach all sent U messages even if they are not sent from this machine that is the kicker right there that one right there so you want to check that off and what that means and I'm going to show you that in a sec what that means is when you send an email so we're on hosted Microsoft hosted exchange and um and so when you're actually going to send an email out um you're going to actually choose um uh when you send an email out from your iPhone or your Android phone for example and you're on hosted exchange when you send that out it's going to go and check your sent folder and say hey here's a email that was sent out to whomever and they're in this database let's attach them so it'll automatically attach even if I'm on my cell phone or if I'm on a on a on another computer or if I'm using maybe I'm using the web um mailbox for my email U because it when it's sent folder and you're using Exchange it's going to attach which is huge uh and so this one for me was was a big one this first one here and then change icon that's where it allows you to have this little check box right here uh right there so if uh you check that off it will actually throw an indicator that it was done automat automatically attach incoming emails I don't usually do that like like to manually attach my emails as opposed to automatically attaching them um and so you can kind of decide uh how you want that to uh how you want that to work but I personally like to have uh me myself manually we for those if you're the person that wants everything attached uh do that one uh caveat to that when you have that attached it's going to attach it you know sometimes we have a conversation with somebody through email hey Jared how you doing today oh I'm doing good hey uh what are you doing this weekend oh I'm doing this all that gets attached that little conversation gets attached on on your uh out your inbound emails so that's where I like to choose what I'm actually going to attach just by right Mouse clicking and selecting that um so just be aware of that um and then down at history linking uh link record uh recorded emails to the associated contact company automatic contacts company automatically link recorded emails uh to Associated contacts opened opportunities automatically uh and then you have when sending emails prompt to create a contact if not found in the database I don't have that checked off here but I do have it checked off on my production machine here and then um and then for exclusions uh I've got in here training AT coric and T at Cor logics.com those particular accounts I don't want it to attach um other than that you're pretty good to go you'll uh you also have this ability up here where you have different skins uh you can kind of mess around with that at your at your leisure uh different skins meaning what this layout kind of looks like and you can choose some different skins for that all right save and close and then the other one is the database settings and this is when you're going to map fields from Outlook to act so if I'm going to move stuff apart back and forth like contacts well what information you want I've got birthday home phone email address uh home address title so you can go through and attach business uh business ones you've got um company hasn't been attached so let's just put distributed householding company because again I'm working in a in the um household company uh the name is different in this database but a normal uh B2B uh database it's going to be company and you just attach that so once you've got that done when you're synchronizing contacts this is the information that it's going to sync back and forth you may have email to uh that might be um your personal email do I have let's see what I've got here email yeah I don't I don't have let's see I've got alternate email I think in here a personal email let's just just see yeah it's pretty nice to be able to sync your contacts with act and Outlook so if you add a new contact and Outlook it'll add it act you know kind of back and forth you can kind of do it that way it just keeps all your contacts uh updated and you know when something new comes or you change an email somebody new email it changes it we'll do it both on both sides which is always nice because confusion is is not good and so it's good to have and there's always and you always have to ask yourself too you know if you're using the calendar or the uh contacts and Outlook and you're syncing those back and forth you got to ask yourself why now larger companies it makes sense to do that like I'm talking larger companies where a portion of the people are on on a axm and other portion are not then it makes sense but in the case where everybody's using ACT the only reason I would use the synchronization back and forth between act and Outlook would be for the calendar if you're using an online calendar like calendly uh or U Microsoft's um uh bookings you know there's a bunch of different ones out there so if you're using that online calendar then you want your calendar stuff to sync back and forth and so that's when you want to to have those synchronizations done but just to have you know your contacts and your calendar and outlook for the sake of maybe having it on your phone well there's you have the free app the ACT compan that you can use to actually see all of your contacts real time your calendar real time right on your your phone so you have to ask yourself why why am I syncing that and and really the best the best reason to do that is if you've got um uh if you've got the um an online calendar going and you're needing to pull that information in that's when that's when it makes make sense to do that all right and then we have sync settings so let's show you the sync settings and again with the caveat that I just uh just mentioned why are you synchronizing and if you've got a valid reason great uh but just make sure that you know you're not putting your your foot in two camps I'm putting contacts and and calendar stuff in one and contacts and calendar in another and I just want them to syn you have to ask yourself why am I doing it in Outlook if my main CRM is act all right so uh act activity syncs and contact syncs so activity syncs you can enable the sync you can you can synchron it now you can have act to Outlook um Outlook to act act to Outlook two-way sync two way sync is when you're going right back and forth uh typically what I would do is I I would do Outlook to act if I'm doing the calendar and I'm having an online calendar uh but if I'm not again I just disable these uh do not synchronize update to updates to activities that have been synced already uh that's a good one to check off and then you want to said how long you know what's my range okay I want to have have 14 days in the past and maybe a month in the future something to that effect and then in contacts the same you basically have the same thing and then it will synchronize to Outlook every you know you can have right as early as five minutes right up to six hours I I wouldn't do it too frequent maybe 10 minutes uh something like that and then um activity settings uh let's see uh select a group so so you want to select a group uh act settings group you can actually create a group uh to do that and then clear last sync data uh pretty straightforward stuff again this one I probably wouldn't use at all but the activities make sense again if you're using an online calendar and if you're not using an online calendar you may want to investigate into that uh there are tons of them out there uh some are really good some are not as good as some of of the other ones um I I personally use Link to calendar which is a direct link to the ACT calendar doesn't do a jump to Outlook and in in there it's not as powerful as maybe C the paid version of kendly uh as far as all the extra features it has but uh it really it really Nails it it really does a good job anyways uh so that's your synchronization and once you've once you've saved that uh you can press the sync Now button anytime and have that information synced back and forth all right so I'm going to do a test so I've got I'm going to go in here uh go back into act and I'm going to do a view refresh and we're going to I've got a I'm going to send a text or send an email from my calendar so I'm sending this uh to uh CRM CLX CRM plus Todd gmail.com and so I'm going to send this little email and then this is going to go to Todd Miller's record and if if you've watched any of my other videos uh we we use Tod he's kind of our go-to guy so I'm going to send it an email out to to Todd so that's gone from my from my cell phone and uh now I'm going to go over here to Todd Miller and just see how long before it attaches uh Jared are there any any questions nope no questions uh so far all right so here's when we were testing here um back in August boy a whole month whole month ago you can see there just a test not want attach to it so I'm not sure I think it takes a little bit of time to go in we're going to do a refresh here but it is nice that it can pull up stuff that's how fast it is and I sent this email from my phone and so and you can see it attached it from here so this this has been the one of the bigger reasons why I using ACT for Outlook the other stuff is exactly the same and if act if the ACT email is working for you why change hey it's great but when I saw this feature I went okay I got to use that because now I can send something from my phone I know it's going to attach and this is this is the one of the bigger reasons I've used this um and and uh again for those who who have had any problems with attached emails this is a solution Jared you were going to make a comment there sorry oh no I totally forgot what I was even thinking I was just saying it's nice that it can go back and sync so when you get this let's say you could go back and sync you know the last month or something if you forgot to attach something and you can go back and search and attach stuff that you forgot so it's like it can do a lot it can help you a lot if you've missed some stuff you know get Act and the thing of it is yeah it automatically does it it's not like you have to go in and manual attach if it was sent it's gonna go in your look at your sent box and go oh here's a bunch that didn't get sent oh this one doesn't have an email address do you want me to add as a contact uh it's it's just brilliant um any any comments out there or any questions um on on what we've covered here no questions so far but if yeah if anybody has it please just pop it into the chat and I'll uh I'll let Gary know and we can go over them um I guess we still have to touch base on the the calendar part which is probably a cool feature with act for all look oh the the say say that again jar the thinking of uh the calendars the ACT calendar with the Outlook calendar like going into into this setting here oh no I was just saying that it's a one of the new features with the V8 it can syn your calendar your act calendar Outlook and that's something that a lot of people wanted is to have their Outlook in at calendar sync yeah I don't think in version s they had the calendar sync did they for me I'm not going H this is great because I don't use a calendar sync well it's up to you if you use Outlook calendar a lot it can really you can do either way and it can sync it which is a great feature for many people who have been using calendar for a while so that's just why I like to bring that up because it's good to sync calendars that way and um yeah you want to be able to look at your calendar and see all your stuff and not just oh some stuff I put in Outlook and some stuff I put in act you know you kind of want it all one place so you can manage it properly yeah yeah but again you know the the caveat to that is you know if you're in a larger organization where hey you know portion is not using ACT uh then then it makes sense to sync both calendars and contacts and if you're if you're um using any kind of online calendaring for people to book appointments with you then it totally makes sense to synchronize your calendar and uh if you're not using something like linked calender like we are uh then it makes total sense like if you're using cly or bookings or uh like I said there's a ton of them out there um then you'll want to have your outlook uh your outlook Calendar items merged in all right all right well I I I think I've covered everything in act for Outlook uh the let me just get to the other screen here the price for this product is $39.95 US Dollars you can buy that off our website uh and uh if you want to trial it just go to our website um the link is in the description of this uh this live stream so you can go down there click on the link it'll take you right to it uh you can down you can download the trial right from there as well uh download the trial give it a try and then just give us a jingle saying Hey I want one or two or 10 copies of this thing and we'll get you set up and if you need some help installing it configuring it we can we have experts ready to to help out with that as well um Jared any other comments uh as we're we're wrapping up here it's a great uh great product it's like I believe one of the number one selling add-ons just because of its all the email functionality and now it has 2A syncs of your contacts and attaching emails and calendars if you want for different things which is always nice to have those options depending on how you have your business set up um and then they have act for mail which is if you're using just the web version of act and not desktop you can use that as well that's a a subscription based one um but it's a it's a similar thing it's another thing that can be used oh and I should mention should mention too that $ 39.95 is not a subscription it's a Perpetual license you pay for it once and uh and it's good for that that particular version so long as you're on whatever version you're on you don't have to pay that again and um superable superable for the value yep great price a great value for what what you get so I recommend it oh yeah yeah well you think about it this way if you're constantly having an ISS and like I mentioned there are a few companies that that maybe there's one or two people in there that are having having issues consistently for the price of that is it's cheaper than having a support call to connect things back up again and um what we'll do too is we'll find that video that we did for how to connect it back up we'll add that to the description uh in here so that when you come back to the the to the recording if you look into the more comment or the description area uh you'll see link there to another video that will actually show you how to reconnect if if it did disconnect for you and uh and help you uh get that up and and working for you so if there are no other questions we look forward to doing next week I think are we doing AI next week Jarry I believe that's on the schedule AI yep man we've been having so much fun with AI I am telling you my gosh and things and uh things are changing so fast in the AI industry um and uh and we're looking at how we can utilize that internally or for ourselves and whatever we brainstorm thing we come up with we're GNA we're going to show you what we can do but I believe we got AI next week if not it's the week after but you'll uh just keep an eye out uh for the uh for the Post uh make sure you subscribe uh when you subscribe to it uh you get notified that hey we're going to be uh going live we're going to we've got something coming up and it may be of interest to you um not everything that we do is is axm related we do other things as well like Ai and uh sometimes we'll uh we'll show other things so so keep an eye out uh maybe there's something that will trigger you that you've got a question about and we can help you out with uh we're happy to do that and by all means if you've got any any requests of hey I would really like to know whatever uh throw that us and if if it makes sense we will uh we'll do a video up and uh and share that with you and and any way that we can help that's what we want to do anyways Jared thank you so much for uh moderating today uh we didn't get a lot of questions so we'll see how people uh respond to this hopefully this helps those who maybe see some value in at least for me the value was being able to attach those emails that I sent out from my phone that was that it'll be uh it'll be the calendar and the contact attaching others it'll just be a stable environment for those who maybe haven't had such a stable environment anyways uh thanks everyone for attending today look forward to talking to you on the next one if you have any comments don't forget again to put them in there and like And subscribe have yourself an awesome weekend we'll talk to you on the next one bye for now he