Introduction [Music] [Music] good morning y'all I look like a cotton headed nny Muggin you know what I like cotton headed nny Muggin I've been saying it since I was 15 14 since elf. came out but as of lately something about it gives me racist a cotton headed n Muggin why you laughing like now that I'm I'm saying it I say it all the time but that just gave Devotional Chat me racist let me find out elf was throwing Jabs anyways it is morning um it's Monday it's Monday morning I wanted to read to y'all my devotional that I read this morning Child O Child O got us together okay I'm actually going to go back on this entire chapter this chapter that I'm I'm on is called blessing blockers and I'm just going to go back a few pages um I think I'm on the am I on the last page of I am on the second to last page of blessing blockers so I am going to read this over because honestly I've not been tapped into my devotional or this devotional like I usually am um and I'm saying that to say like yes girl get on your stuff um but also I feel like it's so interesting when you take that break cuz I'm not I know I'm not the only one but when you take that break from not being tapped into your reading or you know uh your scriptures and you know all the the things that you're supposed to be tapped into and then when you jump back into it the page or the scripture the sermon or whatever it is that you get back into is like right on time this is right on time I feel like not saying like if I would have stuck with the schedule and if I would have stuck to the routine and you know doing it every day not saying that this still wouldn't hit the same but in the same breath I'm saying it wouldn't hit the same because baby I am distracted okay um so I want to read to y'all what what was said okay what was said okay so it's called distraction today's lesson is on distraction okay and then um the scripture is look the scripture is look straight ahead and fix your eyes on what lies before you look straight ahead don't look to the left don't look to the right don't look behind you look straight ahead okay and that's Proverbs 4:25 okay so this is what the devotional part says focus is probably the most important skill you need to enter a bigger builtin god future to enter a bigger builtin god future is big big built in god future a big Future Okay fear is a master of distraction distraction is the most effective we weapon in fear's Arsenal ever wonder why it's so easy to finish the in insignificant things but you procrastinate when it comes to your big dreams and desires distractions are a doozy Dr Fred Jones says distractions are the death of your dreams happening in slow motion and distractions are the intentional and distractions are intentional a stealth form of resistance designed to block your Baker the key to making a shift is to pay attention to the truly important things and to learn what and who to ignore the greater sign the greater the significance the greater the resistance and the more susceptible we are to self-sabotage doubt and succumbing to our distractions even opportunity can be a distraction disguise as Destiny not everything that looks good is necessary to God when you're in a shift it's especially key to be on the lookout for distractions for they will be coming when you get new opportunities new ideas new invitations ask whether these are with what you feel is God's New Vision for you and then the question cuz it always has a prompt the question is what distractions usually take you off course now this is my third time third or fourth time going through this book y'all since I've got it I've got I think I first got it in 2022 so sometimes the answers are the same sometimes the answers change and that's what I really like about going through this book over and over and over again right mhm so um I'm going to share these are pretty much the same but I like that I am really paying attention to it this time around because baby we got to make some changes okay um and also I'm able to see like these are really the things that distract you now so what are distraction what distractions usually take you off course um mine in the beginning when I first got this book I said the idea of posting um uh scrolling can definitely take you off of course um fear of the unknown specifically um feeling like I said fear and then I said of the unknown specifically um and then feeling like you're not ready enough um the next year I put clutter um not making a to-do list and then sticking to said to-do list this time around I said clutter again because I've actually been talking about this a lot with bino about like how I just can't I really really cannot function when look at all this mess behind me when even though I'm supposed to be doing something else and I know I can focus on something else what knowing and seeing that there's a mess I can't it's so hard for me to just focus on the thing that I'm supposed to be focusing on and I'm distracted I know I'm not the only one um not sticking to a schedule or a routine huge soon as I'm off of my routine I feel like I can throw everything out the window like eating gym posting career like all the different things can get thrown out the window if I don't have a a a strict routine or even just something like a morning routine and we figure everything else figure everything else I can't talk and figure everything else out throughout the day I have to have some type of routine though and then um overthinking that's where I'm at currently overthinking um and then uh waiting for everything to be perfect waiting for everything to be perfect is a easy distraction because if I'm waiting on something to be like everything perfectly aligned it's so easy for me to like throw it out the window for the moment and then focus on something else when no I should be focusing on this thing and it doesn't matter if it's perfect just do it just get it out just do the thing now right um I did write some other things down but that's personal so I ain't going to share that but I wanted to share this because if you watch my last Vlog um I was clearly distracted indecisive overwhelmed just all fogged up in the brain okay y'all could see it I was looking at that video editing it like Nas you look so sad and I'm not that I was sad but it's just I I didn't have any clear um nothing was clear everything was all over the place so knowing what I know now oh hold on one second she said I'm him come on motha Stewart make us salad make us a salad come on M Steward you know I had to give you some organic stuff give me the oran but I know you have your cup child these kids in these dang on Family Cups child sorry y'all clearly I was distracted no I'm just kidding um uh my cousin came and picked up Katie they're going to hang out today but um the prayer I was about to tell yall the prayer so Lord give me the discipline to discern and delete anything that takes me off the course of completion calling and character development I'm going say it again Lord give me the discipline to discern and delete anything that takes me off the course of completion calling and character development the way way I needed to hear this the way that I need to see this the way that I needed this today um it was just perfectly on time with it being a Monday with me starting a new week with how I ended the last Vlog um with all the things that I have coming up all the the things that I have to think about um this was right on time so I wanted to share it with you guys because again I know I'm not the only one that is in a season of distraction I'm not going to say that it's you know just going to be fixed overnight I know and I recognize what is causing the distractions but it is up to me to create the future that I want it is up to me to create the outcome that I am looking for so therefore I need to focus and double down and not allow myself to get easily distracted or to stay in that season of distraction you feel me girl with that being said today on the agenda today on the docket we are filming y'all know I scripted my butt off last week did I film anything absolutely not but we are scripted we are prepared okay that is the best thing that's that's the good thing right now it is 9:22 I would love to start editing editing girl I would love to start filming at least by 12: um that's going to give me time to one straighten up because I can't I can't I just can't edit I can't film while it's messy so that'll give me time to straighten up it'll also give me time to get ready you know Glam all the things and then also eat I need to focus on eating and drinking and getting my water in because if I am dehydrated and hungry baby I'm going to be grumpy okay so all of those things all in alignment with one another okay those things need to be done in order for me to do the thing that I need to do today which is film so oh and I also need to clean one of my SD cards but that's nothing but I'm giving my son my myself a timeline right now I would like to start filming by 12: we will start filming by 12 and I will get all the things done that I need to get done right now I'm going to straighten up I'm going to clean up I'm going to gather the clothes that I'm going to be wearing in the content I'm going to eat I'm going to drink some water and I'm going to get ready so let's go ahead and do it I don't know if I'm going to take y'all along the Journey of everything because I just want to get to it but um I'll probably pick you guys back up when we're getting getting ready but yeah happy Monday y'all I feel really really good and I am very excited to walk in this week with God and this message and all the messages and all the things that I know he's going to download in me this week I'm just really excited I I I feel really good it's been a minute since I felt um very certain about things so I feel really good so I'll see yall in a minute Glam Session [Music] we miss I like [Music] way all right y'all um our clothes are ironed our makeup is done hair is done now I'm about to add these press [Music] on oh B's trying to come in the house I'm adding on these press on again I do not care about them being perfect I just need something something so they don't look crazy and I think girl let me putting it on Cricket o this is sticking sticking okay maybe I do care about them being perfect girl that was sticking sticking try to mess it up girl not the little stubbies they look crazy cuz um my nails are longer on the side okay let me go let my dog in the house all right y'all nails are Z hold on focus on not me she want to focus on me she want to focus on me so bad but far away they're not bad I'm definitely going to Ulta to go get some more like ones that I would actually wear um I mean these are on so obviously I would wear them Create w/ me but let's go film all right we are ready um how I like to do things if you're new over here when it comes to like fashiony videos like I said I'm I'm not I'm probably not going to film any of the scripted V videos today um because I also would like to get a YouTube video in so I am going to film the stuff that I grabbed from Target um just to model it so I can import that inside of the YouTube video for the future Collective stuff so we got quite a few videos to do the sun looks like it's finally gone it was like beaming in here so hopefully she stays gone I like this little overcast it's perfect for me when it comes to filming um but when what I like to do when it comes to my fashion videos I like to put them on I like to say one thing universally and then I'll put on all the outfits and then I'll come back back and do the Talking part um I think I'm going to stay in my pajamas because they're cute I can link them a win is a win um for at least for the US Open we're going to the US Open girl we have to figure out what we're going to wear I have some things in mind but let's go ahead and you know put these looks together something like that boom then for the summer to fall transitional video um I might put on a different project Pama set or yeah I think I'm put on a different pajama set and do that so cameras are set up I'm about to do the Talking part for the US Open and then we're going to put our US Open outfits on I'm so mad y'all because I just pulled this out of this is one of the looks I know y'all if you watched my Portugal video girl why did this look at this I don't know what that is y can't really see it on the screen but it's there girl I feel like it's this I feel like it's the die from this black part of the dress and it got on here I did spray it it looked like it a little bit came up no I don't know I can't tell but I'm still going to put it on and it is what it is maybe highlight it to like show like oh so mad it got messed up but I I got to see okay I'm sorry let me go wash my hands but um yeah I think this is going to be one of the looks so I did not wear her in Portugal she might come with me to New York Fashion Week but yeah I'm going to do that look yeah I'll walk y'all through it let me watch my hands gosh I'm all over the place y'all see me all right y'all we're setting up our phone to because o my other wig is on the way period we're setting up our phone oh and I also dyed my hair y'all ADHD okay what are we doing now I didn't dye my hair I sprayed it so y'all see the roots are darker maybe you can't tell but they are darker I'll show you the spray that I used in a second but we are going to set up our phone because I have not been taking any pictures I know girl bad I haven't been taking any pictures y'all and I want to capture pictures in the the US Open looks um and y'all if you don't know I like to use ly's buddy she is that girl she gets the job done and I'm going to use the back facing camera so uh when I'm ready I'll just put this tripod this is the the one I was talking about y'all the one that you could Vlog with and take pictures with I already had you guys on this tripod so that's one reason I didn't switch over but um yeah I just wanted to make sure I grab this because last time I did content I took no pictures y'all no pictures but that's why it's good to have that little tripod you know what I mean no s world all right uh let's get this thing going shall we start this thing um I don't need no script for this it's just girl tell me what we going to the US Open and I'm not going to use a mic am I going to use a mic I like my mic but we're not talking talking like we're talking but we're not like doing a whole voice over you know okay we're recording I'm looking at the monitor that's why I keep looking over there but I think we're ready ready to go make sure I don't look crazy I don't have a bra on so I want these things to be ding okay girl not us going to the US Open Center myself okay girl not us going to the US Open friend why did we get invited to the US Open girl what girl what friend why did we get invited to the US Open girl why did we get invited to the US Open girl I don't know but what I do know is that we need to figure out what we're wearing ASAP I'm going to show when I step back there's a lot of room up here so maybe outp put like an idea or concept or name the look above here because I don't want to move it you know what I'll move it I'll move it that's that's fine that's fine that's fine we don't need nothing too crazy with that first look down next look up [Music] friend tell me why we got invited to the US Open like what are we doing I have not a clue what I do know is that we got to get these looks together so help me pick out my US Open outfit all right y'all that video is done now we're about to do the target haul so sorry I was staring at somebody driving by um we're about to do the target haul um I think again no script just we went to Target we grabbed some things let me show you guys how I will style what I grabbed from the future Collective collection something like that you know keep it simple so yeah I feel really good though I feel like normally I would be tired that was a lot I was extremely hot I just had to lay my WG down again because I felt like she was LIF I was that hot y I had to turn the air like all the way down it was at 74 and I still was like burning up it's just hair it's just hair though but yeah we got all four looks done as well as the actual video so that was five videos five you know when I edit it it'll be five videos so shout out to me now we need this um this would essentially be these could also be like another five videos where I'm styling just a little outfit what should I do what should I do I don't know I don't know cuz I am get hot um but I really wanted to get this done so I could do the YouTube video I don't know if I'll do it tonight maybe I mean all I have to do is turn my camera for being realistic you know but yeah let's do this video let me stop yapping we went to Target we grabbed some things from the future Collective collection let me show you guys how I would style them now that I have them home I know we went to Target and got the new future Collective collection okay I showed yall the pieces in the fitting room but let me show you how I would actually style them with things that that I already own at home let's get into it [Music] too much [Music] Night Time skin [Music] I need to [Music] a [Music] Family Chats US Open is in New York you going be New York at the fashion right I think you got to go across the sea right I I was thinking French Open and not US Open so I'm like it's still a big deal no I'm not saying it's not a big deal I'm oh no not out the country child I'm just trying to out York you want me to drive you to New York listen the P pip will take you right there you get your together and go don't beting like that I call you cuz I'm it's content that's why I posted it just in case you got me honey cuz I was searching for that content guess what that's about to be content y'all it's my birthday this was such a hard decision because yeah you know she the content Queen this when did I take that call I've been struggling for a week y'all since I took that call with the agency y oh did you pray about it a no old I did pray about it I um I was telling no old get on her I was telling one of my friends I was telling one of my friends I feel like um the reason I'm battling with this so much is because I'm I'm stuck in that you're you're okay like you might be okay now and now you you trying to mess up and this ain't what God's will you over here trying to make things happen for yourself but part of me is like maybe this is God's Will and this is the devil trying to creep in and tell you like hey you actually don't need this opportunity you're actually fine you're being ungrateful look at what This Woman's Done for you you know I I just was teetering between that like that on top of we about to hire an editor so me thinking about like you know relinquishing control there for my YouTube channel it's just a lot me needing help I know y'all have been seeing my story I've been posting that I need help everybody keeps everybody keep filling it out but is for um uh virtual I'm like I don't need virtual help y'all I need help help [Music] Gym + Grocery Haul [Music] [Music] hey friends hey it is Wednesday I kind of left left y'all hanging yesterday all them days day day day day day hey friends he it's Wednesday left y hanging yesterday um and I it was because I was cleaning y'all cleaning like cleaning and also decluttering we got it done the room looks so good has been weeks since my room has looked as good as it looks now so I'm fully prepared to film today but we just got back from the gym and the grocery store even though y know I'll be shopping on Mondays we we got our shopping done today we didn't have to get too much but we got you know quite a bit and if you are new here y'all know that I do um or you may if you are new here you don't know this but I like to show y'all what I picked up from the store so um I'm going to start with this because V know's trying to make a smoothie oh we got two smoothie bags that actually um this is a grocery this is a Aldi grocery haul by the way they um they had a passion fruit and a what was the other one it was like tropical Melody something not the regular tropical Melody that they have but it was like a different one it was real cute but we didn't grab either one of those I I should have cuz it would have been a tasty little treat no I put them back U but it would have been a tasty little treat but I did grab the berry medalie this is my favorite one um and then I also like the strawberry banana one so I grabbed this one as well um we also got two pizzas for the kiddos and this is new we've never purchased these before these are the Jimmy Dean Maple griddle cakes sausage egg and cheese so I think it's like a little pancake um like a McDonald's MCG gridle so you want to you want to make one of these here I'll leave it out and then we grab what is this the Mandarin Chicken the kids really like this so pair with some rice such an easy quick little meal this bag we got some eggs some whipped cream cheese do y'all like the regular cream cheese or the whipped one the whipped one is easier to spread but I feel like Cadence uses more of it so that's why I be trying to go back to the other one because because it's so easy you can just whip it out with a spoon that girl be glopping it out but we got the whip do this time also grabb some more grapes I've been loving these grapes from Aldi the little um the green the mixture ones they've been a little crunch I like my grapes to have a little crunch so they've been having the crunch lately hopefully that doesn't change um I also got some peanut butter this is for the dogs chips stack your chips stack your chips V know showing me how uh Frozen his sandwich is uh we got some more milk and dinner tonight is going to be PE pock ET so I grabbed some of these These are the whole wheat flax and oat brand uh peut Pockets so I'm going to well if you watch my Vlog last time I grabbed the El Pastor chicken from Aldi I should have grabbed some more of that you don't like it yeah oh I should have grabbed some more of that um so I'm going to use that chicken and put it with the little salad and make little PE Pocket sandwiches oh also grabbed some apples um my dog has been going through it with her allergies so we've been trying to like find every home remedy that works um I was came across this Girls Tik Tok and she said that apples are nature's vadil and they work really good for dogs with allergy so we grabbed some apples do you know if we're supposed to keep the skin on or off the skin is what help the skin is what help okay so we grab two things of apples this would be a nice little treat for us too like I well for me at least I'll eat it with some like peanut butter or something some raspberries I think we have two things two things of raspberries blackberries as well as strawberries are these PLS oh nectarines these are Venom nectarines I got three Chomps I have been like well okay yesterday when I was cleaning I was just in this space of like I want a snack I want something to munch on and I thought of Chomps I actually came across while I was cleaning in the cluttering I came across um this plant-based beef jerky that I got from a brand it was cute it was interesting but it made me want Chomps immediately so I grabbed three of those also grabbed some thinly sliced chicken breast and some spreadable butter I like this butter this is the olive oil and sea salt butter from Countryside crey I always grab this one for maldi we also got Maple fridge toast Bagels these bagels are so good y'all especially if you make them with like a sandwich like a Savory sandwich because you get that sweet from the French toast oh it's so good um and this bag is full of cereal it's just full of cereal crab some popcorn also another little treat for me to you know stay on track not eat nothing too crazy um and then these little packets I've shown you all these before these are the drink packets so we got raspberry lemonade and lemonade got two things of the cheddar broccoli rice um I got two things of Caesar salad bags blackberries this is new this is the red hummus um pretzel Snack Pack so this is what it looks like and it comes with these pretzels so I thought these would be good I only grabbed one just to try it out um I think they'll be good though I mean you can't really mess up I mean you could mess up bre homes so but I only got one and then we also grabbed I showed y'all these last time this uh steak sirloin tips the chimmy Cherry ones so good they were fully stock this time but I only grabbed one and I'll me prep some more potatoes with that and I got two things of turkey bacon and then the last bag treats for the kids so we got them some honey buns and we also got them some iced oatmeal cookies some bread and then we got two kombuchas so I got the ginger is yeah the ginger Berry one and V got the pink oh Pink Lady apple is so good this one is really good we have Pink Lady apple I love that they have health aid at Aldi now but yeah that is the little grocery haul I'm going to go ahead and put all this stuff away get something to eat and then we're going to head right into the room because we got some things to talk about and we got some things to do today so I'll see Y in a minute friends it is Thursday it is Thursday I love y'all New Agency? hanging time and time again okay time and time again we got to do our makeup not only did I leave y'all hanging but I left my workload hanging I have so much to do I'm filming a campaign right now for Dyson um my hair is done I'm probably gonna like bump curl something over here um yeah hair is done for the most part I just need to do my makeup and then I need to film that YouTube video for y'all so I can get it up by tomorrow but girl girl I love y'all hanging it's just let's catch up let's catch up let's Kik grab your water okay y'all didn't see me this week really because like I said it's Thursday y'all have not seen me this week and it is simply because I have been spiraling now if you watch my last Vlog um you know your girl was going through it stressed okay when I tell you stress stressed about having to make decisions about how I feel about my content about how I feel like just Creator Blues that's what I call them Creator Blues just going through it but these Creator Blues hit your girl and it hit me hard okay um this week I have been better I've been better than last week I have been so good however there were still like you know decisions that I needed to make [Music] um that kind of left me a little like ooh like I don't even know what to do so okay let's catch up Tuesday I believe was the day where you saw me on the phone with my mother-in-law my sisters and all them um chatting about the US Open and whether or not I wanted to go the only reason I was um thinking about not going oh snap uh oh hold on the only reason I was thinking about not going is because Fashion Week is literally a few days later and I was just trying to figure out like priorities I don't know if y'all y focus on priorities but I like to focus not me coming for y'all y'all know what I mean like I just really was in my head about whether or not I should be going and if I should be focusing on New York Fashion Week because New York Fashion Week is not cheap like it just is what it is sorry I'm trying to find my my hair clips so I can do my makeup but New York Fashion Week is not cheap honey and I I really feel like okay I'm going to to curl this so these can stay up by the time I'm done with my makeup I they'll they'll fall the way I need them to fall but yeah I I was going back and forth on that as far as like do I go do I stay like what what what's tea like what should I be doing um ultimately I've decided that I am going to go um and I just was thinking about cuz they're not like housing like there's no room in board for this right it's more so it's an opportunity you have the chance go ahead and do it and like I told yall this is my visibility year like I would love had I would have loved for them to like pay for my stay but that's just reality is they can find another creator that is in New York and they wouldn't have to pay them nothing so girl just go right so we going but that was originally like kind of my hangup like girl I'm already end in this 2500 on a room for New York Fashion Week do I want to spend another 600 800 whatever it was going to be to go to this for another room when I'm literally about to be there that same week I'm coming home and then I'm going right back to New York so I got over myself and I was like n it's your network is your net worth clothes mouth don't get fed and I reached out to to my girl Raven shout out to Raven beuty Maven Raven shout out to my girl but I reach out to her because I know that she's in like that New York area she lives in Jersey but I was like girl feel free to tell me to go to hell but do you mind having a roommate because I know that she's going to the event as well so um that was extremely uncomfortable for me to do by the way um but I'm very proud of myself because typically I would just you I would bake at work or I would leave my mouth closed and I get fed and she was like girl what are you talking about I would love to host you so she was super sweet about it um so I'm going to be staying with her while I'll be there for the um the US Open so shout out to my girl Raven so okay that's where we were on Tuesday when you guys saw me and heard me like stressing out then I started stressing out about y'all know I had that call with that agency um um about whether or not I was going to go with them and honestly I honestly did not know what was going to come from it like they could have been like actually we don't want to go forward with you or we were actually not interested in you anymore and that wasn't the case they were actually interested y'all and they did I'm not going to lie I was very surprised I I just I was very surprised I just was like maybe there's something specific that they're looking for and then on top of that you kind of get in your head when when these agencies are asking you to send over like all of your things as far as like the brands you've worked with the Partnerships what you've made yada yada yada like they're asking you for everything and so as I'm pulling all this stuff together I started comparing myself to who I don't know just I don't know but I started kind of like Nas like these aren't good numbers like girl just in my head I've been going through it I'm trying to figure out how the best way to lay this feel like that's too low but yeah I just start getting in my head girl like defeating my own self and we you know we had this whole conversation child so um with that though came with now I have to have that uncomfortable conversation with my current manager about possibly leaving and that is honestly what took me over the edge this week um and I yeah I just was going back and forth like how do I have this conversation what is the conversation how do I start it what do we talk about not what do we talk about but just like what it was was honestly me more focused on her and her feelings than myself and what I need and what I'm looking for and and you know as far as support and stuff goes I genuinely and I this is annoying but I'm being transparent I'm being open with y'all it is something something that I deal with not necessarily I don't feel like I'm a people pleaser but it's like I also like don't want confrontation and I don't want drama and I don't want you know so I try to like take the other route like not the Super people pleaser route but I'm like you know what I think we're good here but it was a conversation that I needed to do and I could not girl see what is going on here it was a conversation that I no one else could have for me like it was all All Me for the first time um in a long time that I had to like make decisions and that's ultimately what it was girl it was just a week of making decisions and I didn't want to make any decisions it was too much for you girl so I was spiraling I was stressing out and I was seeking um advice from all of my girls all of my Creator girls shout out to everybody that I talked to this week because what's crazy is I'm normally the person that people call to vent and you know they need advice and stuff like that so um it felt very uncomfortable being that on the other side of like being that person that needs advice and I'm like really talking about my feelings and like diving deep and letting people in so it was definitely like all over all around this week was just a doozy um a good doozy though I'm saying all this to say we had the conversation with our manager we've had the we had the conversation we also have accepted the offer for the um New agency which is also pretty pretty exciting so things are going things are moving um and I feel like it's honestly probably the best time for me to be doing this too because quarter 4 is about to be here um and I just need support I need the help yall know if you follow me on Instagram y'all see me posting that I need help I'm literally looking for an assistant in Minnesota um but on top of that I also need support from my actual management team and again my manager was great she's great there's nothing wrong with her but she is a one one woman show and I feel like I just need more support with how I'm growing and how I um how I'm being managed I just need that extra support and I need that support and um those opportunities that come from agency side and mind you it's not just agencies that can bring you these opportunities and stuff like that I just think the way that my manager works it's she's not that girl that's going to bring me like the pr opportunities not physical PR but you know the pr opportunities um the speaking engagements the offline mon ization of it all she's great at what she does she's pitching like crazy it's just I need more support so I led with that when I spoke with her and things went great I don't know why I I did pray I prayed about I don't know why I was stressing I prayed about it and then we had the conversation I just was like do it do it now just do it um and what's crazy is I have my email tracker on so I can see like who opens their emails when I send them and how often and all that stuff so soon as so as soon as I had that conversation with her which the conversation went so well and I should I'm like I said I wasn't having an issue with like whether or not like she was going to be pissed or not or just like this girl trying to play me um it wasn't even that because I really feel like I do know her as far as like a professional level and she's so professional and the response was so gracious and I couldn't have had asked for a better response it was just really great she really wants to see your girl win and I know she got other clients and stuff too so um you know I just want I want to be I want to be doing the things that I'm supposed to be doing um so I can be put in the position and the places where I'm supposed to be if that makes sense I'm sure that made sense so yeah that conversation went good but like I was saying my email track is on so soon as I sent that I was able to see that also my the people that I'm considering going with signing with they read they literally read the email um or they were responding to me because I had I didn't go to them at all I just let them know like hey I just need some time girl I need to talk to the Lord okay I need some time so I told them that I needed some time and then I also wanted to give my manager the respect um of talking to her before I signed anything or agreed to anything I just I I don't know I just look I'd be trying to treat people how I want to be treated okay so I didn't want to do anything shady or anything without speaking to her I truly did not want to respond until I spoke to her so it it's crazy how that happened I spoke to her we chatted about it and then boom the new agency was like hey just circling back trying to see if we could here blah blah blah and I was like you know what girl we are good so y'all your girl might be back with the agency side like I said like I told y'all in many Vlogs and even my lives and you know conversations I've had with other people even though that other agency had me um I've I've always said I am not against agencies it's just the right ones okay I I need to make sure that all my questions that I have all the concerns that I have are being met and it's nothing that makes me feel like I'm really not sure about this I don't feel like that with this agency and to top it off y'all the roster is the roster is huge so that was a concern that was definitely a concern I don't don't know if I mentioned that in my last Vlog but the roster is big but they have a lot of talent managers um with that being said I was able to see who was on the roster and I was able to reach out to people um not even that was just on the roster but I was able to reach out to people that was specifically assigned to my manager that person that would be my manager and baby nothing but good things which is crazy because this influencing world is not that big believe it or not it is not that big so people talk so I've heard things about other managers and other agencies that weren't so pleasant myself included I done left some reviews that weren't so pleasant but they're honest nonetheless girl when I tell you I didn't hear one bad thing about this woman um about this agency I just was like Wow and I know that every agency isn't perfect I'm pretty sure there may be some people that are signed with this agcy that it's like girl it is but the people that I spoke with and the people that were assigned to this woman had nothing but great things to say and I'm going to go with that I'm going to go with that again this is my career I have to take it by the Hooves and do what I need to do for me for me am I all no I seriously do though and that's the type of mentality that I have to have going into any like decision that evolves around my growth in this industry so that is where I've been y'all um yesterday was a full day of New York Fashion Week stuff literally sending emails responding to people back and forth like it was insane I didn't get anything done that I was supposed to do I brought y'all in here but I did not even turn on the camera I was like after I got done with the groceries came in here started doing what I was supposed to do and then before I knew it it was like 7 o'clock cooked dinner got in the shower went to bed like it was just I couldn't believe everything that happened yesterday but even with that being said like even New York Fashion Week I am doing so much on my own which shout out to me because I'm learning more than anything I'm just learning how to you know navigate this space um what to say how to respond like things to ask like I'm I'm learning and I love that for me but I would be lying if I did not say I wish I had a team to take care of all of this because gr it is hard trying to find the invites and try to find the events and all the things like shout out to my girls girl Community because the girls are super helpful um the other Creator girls that are going to New York Fashion Week so we all been kind of like sending events to to to each other when I come across something I send something when they come across something they send me something so that's been a hassle finding emails responding following up I just wish I had a team to do that stuff okay so there's that that's where I've been that's what's been going on this week it's been extremely busy now I have to do this Dyson campaign film this YouTube video oh no my hair is falling oh no my hair is falling I should have sprayed it okay let's do this part two but yeah um film this campaign I really want to do this YouTube video because I want to get this up and then this Vlog is going to be a short one y'all we ain't got much popping up in this Vlog this week because oh wait I turned this off I did okay we don't have much going on on um in this Vlog this week but I would like to get this one up um I would like to include the US Open in this Vlog I will include us open in this Vlog and then the next vlog will be New York Fashion Week so I'm excited about that uh yeah I'm going to go ahead and do my makeup you guys are literally dying I'm going to go ahead and charge you guys do my makeup and then I'll hop back on with you when we're all glammed and looking like something but yeah I had to update y'all because girl it's been a whole lot of whole lot of girl's been stressing over here but we are good we are good I am a firm believer that Good Hair Days start with good hair prep I'm not just talking about the hair products I'm talking about the hair tools I just started using the Dyson air straight and let me just tell you I think I'm in love it's no secret that I love a good wig so you can only imagine what wash JS are like for me but this little tool here has been a game changer for me I love that you have the option to use it wet or dry you can also clamp it clothes and use it as a blow dryer to pre- dry your roots the LED screen makes this Dice and air straight so easy to use also one of my favorite features is that there are no hot plates so there is no heat damage you have full control over the temperature you use and of course there's a cool setting got to let me know will you be trying this out for yourself okay I know it looks like we're in the same spot and that's because we are I know y'all just seen the video um so that's done now I need to do the YouTube video but we just got some packages I want to share with y'all what we got so I picked up a wig because that's what I do that's what I New Wigs do um now this is a different one oh you ni and these Dam robes that they sending this wig is from you ni before y'all get to asking okay um this is a 13 by I can't remember what I ordered I just knew I like the color but now part of me is like girl why did you order this color in summer ending I want to start you know getting my Browns bag um does not say but I feel like it is a 13 I could be wrong I was say 13 by4 so this is the byebye knots and then this is the first wig that I've gotten that comes with the tape like the ear tape I don't know what that's like but we got it girl um it also comes with the wig band or the the elas the yeah the elastic like little part band part and then the way that they just be throwing stuff in these bags is hilarious to me so this is a pack of nails my nails still ain't done but a pack of nails um a wig band and then the uh bald cap so this this is what she looks like this is my first time ever getting this style this hair oh wait why is she curled like this what did I get I Ain never had one curled like this child but the color is what I wanted to show y'all why is this so similar to my y'all know I'm like Beyonce okay I have a thousand of the same wigs in color now let's get into the lace though she looking kind of cute she looking kind of cute okay um I'm mad I got my hair done so they claim that this is like pre- plug pre pre pre pre pre pre everything I don't know what y'all think okay um she got a little side part let's see what the cap is giving okay this is not 13 this is uh this must be 5 by S cuz it's not all the way like ear to ear but this one I have on is 5x7 so that's fine all right let's brush this out because girl what did we get y I'll make sure I link it for you guys as well but okay oh there goes that ashiness I was looking for this is what I saw um it says it's 180 density I don't know is the same thing I feel like can y'all see my hand through the hair I feel like I could see I can see y'all through the hair but I don't know this is pretty y'all I'm tempted to take this hair off I should okay this is one wig that we got we also got another wig so I'm thinking of bringing this one to New York Fashion week I don't know yet but this is the other wig if you have been watching me for a while y'all know I am not new to synthetic wigs and I've seen this girl if I can find her video I'll go ahead and Link it so okay so this is dark dark but it's like color I wanted for fall so if I see her video I'll go ahead and Link it but she um posted this video of her with this hair and I was like oh I've never tried this fress equal one before um and she cut it and y'all know I love to cut a wig Chap and I just love the way it looked cut so I picked it up I might cut it for like Instagram like for my actual content oh this is dark I thought it had at least one highlight in the front cuz she's like all brown dang so this is the free TST shake and go high choco so I'm thinking of highlight chocolate wig I don't see no highlights grow do you um yeah so she is a bang bang girl like she has no lace at all it's just the bang the shake and go I think this will be so cute cut so I picked this up um let me not brush her like I did that one okay so I'm going to hang this one up I'm put it back in the net and hang it up in my wig closet but we'll play with them tomorrow we'll play with them tomorrow yeah this is cute or whatever um damn D I feel like I'm about to order another one because I like it's not that bad I just didn't want anything like black I'm trying to stick to my blondes honey blondes brunettes I just wanted a little bit more highlights a little highlight up in it I put it on I couldn't res I couldn't resist you came into this world hold on I'm watching um Bair hold on disappoint can we get into so can we get my bad y'all it was the mailman okay y'all get into it though melt it down oh yeah I think she will be a Vibe so what I'm going to do if you don't know I already um I already dye my hair because sometimes like when I'm not filming and stuff I do wear my hair um and typically my hair right now my hair is blonde but my roots are dyed like they're coming back so they're black so I think I'm just going to dye my hair again so it'll blend easier with the wig because it's not a 133 by four or five lace like you like this is out right and I don't want to like be pulling the wig all the way down like look at that so yeah I think I'm going to dye my hair before Fashion Week and this will be I don't know I'm really conflicted on if I want curly hair for New York Fashion Week or just straight hair I probably most likely would darken the roots with my spray it said new I don't know like how new cuz I tend to like stick to the same wigs when I buy from you ni so I don't know how new this is but I do know she's cute it's this for me it's that money piece for me come on New York Fashion Week hair eating yeah I think this is going to be it this whole clip is just me playing with this hair I just want to show you what it was I'mma have it link below they need to give me a code okay they need to give me a dang con code I need to go cook dinner I think I think we're going to eat um chicken alfredo speaking ofos girl um we got a new perfume pumpkin cream pumpkin cream from uh L man Gorman absolutely love their scents and this does not smell like pumpkin at all it smells so good and so warm and fall and all of the things it smells really good yeah pumpkin spice frosted milk and nuts Meg okay fro pumpkin spice frothed milk and Nutmeg and muskin Sandalwood the best recipes don't need the exact measurements a scoop of pumpkin puree a splash of vanilla extract and a dash of creamy musk for good measure it's so cute but yeah that is this scent I was smelling this earlier I was trying to get a whiff for it like do I like it I do like it she's very cozy very very yummy but I don't smell pumpkin what does pumpkin smell like do I know girl I don't know maybe it do smell like I don't know I don't think so and it smells different than it does like sniffing it this smells good y'all this is a good scent this is a good scent people like what you got on pumpkin cream pumpkin cream girl that's what I got on pumpkin cream okay listen listen here ma'am listen here cut the bangs a little bit cut this listen here ma'am cuz the bangs are entirely too long girl and then if you wear it or you do this oh oh how do they be making these and like making them styled and like they stay like this what is that machine what what are y'all doing over there in the lab because how does it come just ready to go like if I was going out back in the day like oh girl hold on let me throw my hair on I'm ready throw a little lip who who who are you talking to who it's giving sheep out sh like my colors my Browns what does it give to the side let's see what she give oh a big bang let's see what she gives to the side like a nasty bang who me girl all right y'all we are done filming I literally just got done um did I even where we leave off at it's been a day it's been a day okay it's 3:00 um like I said we are done with the video finally I'm going to edit it when we get back I need to go to Ulta because I'm not doing my nails tonight it's just not happening I'm going to do my nails Running Errands when we get back from New York for New York Fashion Week I'm going to put some press on on so I'm going to go to Ulta get some press on and I I was say I might go to Target because I seen these pants y'all why did my Steve Madden boots I haven't talked to you about any of my looks but one of my looks calls for these Steve Madden boots why does it say that they're going to get here on the 6th excuse me I paid $30 for fresh shipping so yeah I'm going to send them a polite little email tonight because y'all got me messed up the 6th is crazy I paid for actually let me see cuz I I feel like it was two days shipping they got me messed up I'm so mad I ordered These Boots two days ago yes it's Friday like I feel like a week is crazy a week is crazy I pay for extra shipping let me see see how much these boots are that got me I just was reminded of that cuz I got the email and they talking about oh get excited your boots are on your way girl what you mean get excited get excited for what my boots are late that's what that's what my boots are anyways girl this video is done I'm really excited because I've been trying to do this video for a week or the this week this entire week okay let me see these shipping options next day y'all got me messed up I'm cussing them out all right friends let's go to Ulta [Music] [Music] okay I'm going to see you [Music] all right y'all we are back ooh girl I am greasy greasy girl what did I use today I used the bout face Foundation girl I'm greasy oily I think I'm about to do is just jump into editing because that needs to be done and then I am I'm not going to I don't need to pack until tomorrow J so there's that my flight is pretty late oh no when do I check in I say less than an hour so okay 28 minutes it o i check in baby I'm 10 I am 10 but yeah I'm going to go ahead and edit and get that out of the way so I can get that video up for you guys tomorrow which will be Saturday never did upload on a Saturday part of me feels like I maybe should wait and just upload it Sunday no I'm going get it out I'm just get it out I'm upload it on Saturday um and then I think I'm going to wait to do my nails tomorrow and then I'll pass pack tomorrow I could pack today but it's literally a outfit it's a outfit um I don't need to do anything crazy I do need to wash though not for the trip but I just need a wash in general so I'll probably do that tonight I also extended my days or my day for New York girl we going to be there from Thursday to Wednesday that's a week basically Lord Jesus I need some money friends I have left y'all hanging all day all day because we were prepping to leave I just slapped this wig on child Headed to NYC I'm about to throw a headband on um I also just press my nails on don't get too close Okay um and yeah we're about to head out it's about to be 5:30 y'all are dying y'all not charged I did charge the backup battery though so I'm going to go ahead and slap that on and we're about to head to the airport my airport outfit is so cute actually let me prep pop y'all up so y'all can see it cuz even though I'm getting there even though I'm getting there at midnight doesn't mean I can't be cute so actually let me turn [Music] it keeping it all so I brought I brought it all girl you guys we made it to New Jersey and I am in Raven's abow y'all she literally lives in a mansion no it's a little mini mansion and she's so organized what did you say your sign was a Libra a Libra H are you emotional very my daughter's very emotional no it's so cute in here so organized and she is making my bed I told her she don't have to okay I don't know what happens to the sheet though well that is giv um Toko party it's giv it's giving Toko party I don't know what happen it's probably like oh here we go got it oh here we go sorry y'all sorry y'all it is literally y'all first of all um we was we was confused at the airport I thought I flew into Pennsylvania child I thought you were in New York and I was like I'm not 5es not 5 minutes you going to have to get you a room girl um no we but everything's fine we made it we're here I lost the nail I told y'all I told y'all this I told y'all a nail was going to pop off and maybe I should start speaking life over nails because it did exactly what I thought it was going to do but we brought the nails and yeah it is um it's about to be 1:00 we have a call time of 11: that's not going to be that bad though like all I need is a good 5 hours as sleep and I'm good to go so we got I know I don't know what that is I just people like aren't you tired no and then I crash later but we have a full day tomorrow I'm I'm super excited it's going to be really fun I'm just letting yall know that we made it I didn't have the time to Vlog because it's late like I don't take late flights so I was knocked out I listened to my audio book the entire time and then I dozed off it was a easy little flight though it was like 2 and 1 half hours so it wasn't that bad but yeah I'm about to sign off Raven want to say hi hey guys sorry I don't have makeup y'all see her when she's Glam okay yeah this is I'm don't worry about it now she's like girl listen this is after hours it is after after hours this is the after after let out time 12:55 is crazy shout out to Raven for putting up with me if your husband is watching this I'm really sorry I know what you sorry for because I was when you when we hung up I was like oh my God her husband's probably going to be like who is this girl no where is she no oh speaking of let me S him I'm pretty sure he already sees where I'm at my location yeah he's like no he's not like that he was like are you okay I was like yeah I'm just chilling I was like it says she's 5 minutes [Laughter] away no girl we made it he knew I wasn't going to ask nobody that I didn't trust so he said okay but we trust Beauty M Raven over here okay I take care over here yeah she's literally tucking me in you guys you can't see but two layers of covers two layers of the cover is in the dryer so it's nice and warm for you I take Hospitality very seriously about to be knocked out y'all knocked out about to get the best sleep ever I'm so excited yeah I look like Crest bucket I'm probably actually I'm not even I'm going to put my hair up in a high bun that's what we going to do so we could just take it out in the morning I did bring my curling iron to like add a few like little curls in it but other than that girl we ain't doing too much to this hair I'm going put a headband on too because when Beauty gave us a headbands so that's what I'm throwing on and that's going to be the look yes and I didn't even choose I switched up my look um I know I made a whole Instagram video asking like what I should wear but I switched up the look just a little bit just a little bit instead of the crew neck I opted for my it's like a Nike cardigan and I didn't want to wear the Nan Tucket because it just had it had all those words and stuff on on the sweater so I just did a cute little cardigan instead but y'all will see that look tomorrow I just wanted to say hey um let y'all know that we made it because y know I'm good for abandoning you all right y'all I will see y'all tomorrow say bye Raven bye good [Music] night y you're eyes tell me that you don't want to leave just yet no my eyes uge it's almost like when we first met oh I don't care it's getting too late I want you and I can't wait don't want to spend a minute without you I know you feel the same so come on give me love I'mma show you how to move how to move with my body come hit me with your touch and make me want want to say damn and yeah you know what's up ain't nothing I won't do I won't do for your body so give me all you got right now I know I'm yours baby so come give me love you know you're my baby so come give me love I never fail nothing quite like this I get a high Every Time We Kiss Can't Get Enough Bab B so come me we are on our way we're officially on our way um I think we're going to get there like right at 11:30 which is I feel like perfect cuz that's the first time they told us okay they switched it up on us I'm excited we um we actually got ready at a pretty decent time it wasn't anything crazy this morning um Raven tried to freeze me out I'm so sorry she wanted me to be an icicle she said you don't need a ice roller it's to lock moisture you have ice rollers said you don't need you don't need a ice roller for the body lock in this moisture I literally listen I was thirsty to get up this morning I was like oh it's time to get up I turn open her blinds so quick I don't even know if she like her blinds open that's like let me open these blinds but we're on our way I'm super excited everybody's in the group chat turning us up cuz we're all really excited to be there I hope I really hope Serena's there because she was there yesterday she was there with the girls but will she double back I don't know but hopefully she does so yeah I will see you guys when we get there do you know you have 30 minutes are you 30 minutes 30 30 yeah the morning let me in the evening and you know what I want I know I'm yours baby so come give me love you know you're mine baby so come give me love I never felt nothing quite like this I get a high Every Time We Kiss Can't Get Enough babe so come give me love all of your love won't you love me till the morning love me in the evening you know what I want you hold me like I'm Yours show me that I'm yours you know just what I want won't you love me like the last time like a time was right now show me what it's about love me to the morning love me in the evening you know what I want all of your love [Music] [Music] great job bger part I could do that def piercing and I have three cuz I wanted to get four but this one hurt so bad that I could never go back so I could I could never like I could never you could I he I think you could earlier everybody was like Serena's here because of my hair I want to do I want to do love that to not take up too much of your time I'm just going to record your part and I'll do my part later so I want I want you to grab this and I just want you to say where have you been where have you been yeah yeah and then literally like that I'm going do it from this side and then you just grab it so as you're coming up where have you one two three Where Have You Been perod just say fod no no no no together I'm going to have someone record us we're both going to hold it and then we're just going to be okay you C this through move over little corner is like so we're just going to like bounce for like 5 Seconds okay I'm recording When and are we doing anything like applying or just look well this ain't mine so your I don't you want FR one open one the the Box okay period here we go trophy everybody loves trophy my favorite I'm a new so I love trophy okay quiet on thank you all right so yeah now we can my light you want me to get yes please that's what I said yeah yeah yeah I thought this through girl I made it easier for you okay 5 six seven eight nobody going to look come onir no no no I got it and then the last one I just want you to just stand there looking cute and then put it on your lip box cuz this is going to be a video of wow they can't even tell us the part I tried to put a okay and then like very mindful yep perfect perfect perfect okay so then I'm going to do it okay Cinematic Universe okay lip gloss Cinematic Universe production okay [Laughter] [Music] I a photo yeah can we do [Music] five oh wait let's do oh yes get that GL that glass BR wait it was recording can you look this way for us real quick for your camera oh for my Vlog yes girl US Open Sisterhood she's waiting for my debut movie to come out and it's it's debuting debuting when in 15 [Applause] minutes perfect thank you so much [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] but [Music] going to deal with cup of noodles I'm going to need cup of noodles you got to LIF the child [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] you and [Music] I made itan [Music] watch coconut shrimp um Perry Perry is good um I had something last time it was [Music] [Music] really I [Music] y'all my my lips are so dry we just made it back um we went to a really cute Caribbean restaurant it was so cute we left here went there ate and came back the time is I feel like it's like 10:00 now it's 109 girl did y'all see that did you see what that was my thumbnail and I ain't talking about YouTube that was my thumbnail girl we leaving anyways y'all know how I get down we going to do our nails anyways Raven just left me with some sticky notes and a pen she said that she has all of her guests it's so cute she has notes inside of her fridge on the side on the side over there so she doesn't want me to tell her where I put it this is so cute I'm going to use a gray you know I'm a nutral grow I'm going write her a cute little note like I need more space I said should I tell y'all I'll tell you I said raven girl thank you so much for hosting me you truly are the sweetest Creator I've come across so welcoming a good time and so supportive um can't wait to see what else you create where should we put it though she's a plant mom she got all these plants over here I'mma hide it I'mma put it oh it's so I want to put it like right hold on right here she'll never find so cute we'll close up the Vlog I will say no we ain't prep for fashion week but I'm going to just go ahead and close out this Vlog cuz it's already I don't even know what's on here okay it's been a week I haven't been picking up the camera it's just been a time oh that would have look smart n [Music]

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Category: Sports

Out game wow that was impressive out and that will do it perhaps a little more complicated than sports men and wom and celebrities come to tennis here in the fortnite oh that is a beauty [applause] ti he got him what a return of serve what a tie break [applause] beautiful beautiful finish that was so... Read more

Match Point | Kokkinakis Knocks Out Tsitsipas | 2024 US Open thumbnail
Match Point | Kokkinakis Knocks Out Tsitsipas | 2024 US Open

Category: Sports

Ty co gets just his second us open main draw win his first since 2019 and goodness me did he have to battle for it nearly 4 hours out there but he gets the better of the number 11 seed stephan u pass who has another early exit in new york brilliant from the l and it'll either be nuno bores or federo... Read more

Danielle Collins vs. Caroline Dolehide Extended Highlights | 2024 US Open Round 1 thumbnail
Danielle Collins vs. Caroline Dolehide Extended Highlights | 2024 US Open Round 1

Category: Sports

Ct especially the surroundings but this one is so nice oh very nice sweetly [applause] struck it's a tidy opening service game though from the number 11 seed he was kind of funny cuz he was like look i was temperamental i know danielle can sometimes be temperamental but we have this complete understanding... Read more