Justin Hall from Married At First Sight S15: Reveals A Secret ‪@The_Colorgrey‬

Intro we keep it real [Music] good it's time for Courtney [Music] off first hey you guys hey what's up co-ed kin folks that's right what's going on y'all so we wanted to come to you guys because of course you can see we have a special guest so we have Justin I'm Married at First Sight season what season was it 15. um San Diego so yeah Justin um you know y'all know we rock with jester Justin rock with us so y'all know we've interviewed him and that video did pretty good you know what I'm saying um I heard that Meredith First Sight put it in their Facebook group so yeah oh yeah I did not know that yeah so [Laughter] um so Justin it's uh first it's good to see you um I know it's something that you wanted to share with you know our audience I can folks um something that you recently discovered but before we get into that tell us what's been going on with your brother Life Update uh you know I've just I've been living life I've been healing um I've been reflecting you know learning more about myself uh just kind of starting over really to be honest you know uh ever since I've come up with this discovery my entire life has made so much more sense now so just trying to unlearn a lot of stuff uh getting back in shape uh actually getting in the best shape of My Life um working a great job my relationship with Caitlyn is solid you know uh we have a great Foundation uh my animals their sport as usual they're back there overall I think yeah I think things have been good I can't complain that's great that's great good baby so you want to go ahead and tell the people what you know you want to share with them about what you discovered about yourself yes yes so you know after uh during Married at First Sight um when the show was airing I started you know going to the doctor actually let me let me go back actually Caitlyn came to me my girlfriend came to me and she's like babe uh can I talk to you about something and I really need you to just listen don't react because over here reactive as you guys know and I'm working on that okay and she says um would you mind getting your T levels checked and I was just like you know yeah I don't care why not you know hey I feel like I felt like I didn't have anything to worry about three levels but I'm sorry I'm sorry okay yeah yeah before you get started Justin yo a lot of these people mainly women don't know T Levels what T levels are you know what I'm saying we know what it is yeah what's going on okay you're right that's fair that's fair so T when I say t levels my testosterone so you know Caitlyn came to me and she was like you know let's get your testosterone looked at uh she works in the medical field um and I trust her you know she has great intentions when it comes to our relationship and me as a person and I was like yeah why not so you know I got my free testosterone levels check I got my regular testosterone number check and uh at first I started with an online company they wouldn't prescribe me anything they thought I had a brain tumor so then I had to go get it yeah I had to go get an MRI to make sure I didn't have a brain tumor everything came out to be fine so then they uh referred me to endocrinologist or specialty uh and they basically ran this test called um a karyotype and karyotype is where they pull we have four billion or maybe four trillion cells in our body uh attached to our DNA and so they pulled five of mine uh and each one of them came back with an additional chromosome they was I was diagnosed with they called kleinfelter syndrome which is a genetic disorder something that I had at Birth and didn't even know it so it's so rare that roughly 150 000 men in the United States have it so I was like hi felters first thing I said is black people don't get that [ __ ] you know that's exactly what I said and they laughed they were just like you know it's not inherited from your parents you know it's a genetic era so what Colleen Fels was is he explains to me that you know men have 46 chromosomes men are an X and I have 47 so I have an extra X so I'm an xxy which means uh my body doesn't naturally produce testosterone so that's why everything has been hard one of the symptoms uh that I've noticed when I was on Married at First Sight was my emotions was all over the place you know I thought I was being vulnerable because I was like yeah I don't mind crying but correct when you're undiagnosed with Klein filters it is 100 impossible to regulate your emotions you have often outbursts you your clarity as far as like what makes sense to you doesn't necessarily make sense coming out so a lot of times when I would just ramble and kind of go all over the place in my head it was making sense but it wasn't being produced as I was coming out uh you don't gain muscle mass and then what what testosterone you have left your body my body was just working with that so playing college ball the reason College was so challenging for me um you know they they say some people have a learning disability uh I'll say mines I have some type of I don't have a learning disability I just catch on slower than others which is why I will work so much harder than others um so that's a little bit about it uh when I got diagnosed with it you know my world was upside down I was processing things I mean I went all the way back back to grade school to the times where I was playing high school ball and I'm like I'm out working these dudes how am I not producing any results right um and so now uh basically what happens next is you know they told me what it was I got more blood drawing they put me on a testosterone replacement therapy so any man that's on Klein filters has to be on testosterone replacement therapy I was ignorant because I didn't realize how important testosterone was for a man specifically you know I heard of it you know they'd be like oh yeah you know testosterone but you when you think about the science behind it it explains why I don't have facial hair you know I have no facial I have no body hair you know I mean I got enough under my armpits but other than that this is you know 34 years roughly um so that's pretty much what it is but the reason I really wanted to come on here because when you look at my behavior on Married at First Sight San Diego it just makes sense now everything just makes sense yeah and when you said about the outbursts and and uh the outbursts and you know the crime and the emotions have been all over the place it makes so much sense now because uh not trying to make it by myself because as I told you once before Justin and Dad I was on testosterone shots okay and she can tell when I was on shots because I get real agitated real aggressive yeah so uh sometimes I had you know actually I had to kind of back off the shots because it was affecting me at work so I'm trying because I would kind of snapping at my co-workers or whatnot so so sometimes you know it depends on how much testosterone to give you you got to kind of keep in mind that okay I'm on these shots I gotta kind of read my emotions in so you know hopefully people won't take offense about Snappy or mad or angry so that's one thing I had to deal with and with your testosterone been so low I am surprised that you did what you did playing ball playing sports getting through school because you know like you said yours is real real low so that's still very impressive to get through life like that you know what I'm saying yeah no I agree um you know he explains to me kind of the high-end you know for somebody around my age around my age I should be around you know mid 600s 700s 800 is a bit too high you know um and then on the low end in my 50s maybe even hitting my 50s I should be at the you know 400 300 range and that's when we have to start getting on it consistently because you just get older right I was at 50 I was at 52. wow that's five two five five two like five two and so like you know my doctor was surprised he was like you know have you ever been depressed and I was like nah and he was like how have you gotten through life the way you and I was like God I said God got me you know that's that's the honest truth so you know I definitely agree with you I've noticed you know since I've been on testosterone replacement therapy um when I first started they gave me uh 100 milligrams it was 50 uh the day I got diagnose and Etc then two weeks later it was a hundred I was on 100 for about about two and a half months um but I accidentally they accidentally gave me 200. um and my body reacted it reacted well but my body got used to it too quickly oh and so when they put me back on the 100 I was constantly snapping and caitly came to me and she's like babe you are like ruthless right now and I was like me right she's like yes like we had to sit down and so when I was telling my doctor about the error that we had made he decided to put me at the 150 and let my body kind of see how it responds now so far the 150 that I'm on uh is really good man there's a lot of clarity um I always tell people like my cognitive Clarity my cognitive processing everything is there now you know whereas before I struggle with it you know um yeah it's definitely uh it's a lot of processing that I'm doing you know when it comes to it it's funny um when the show ended uh somebody in the comments had mentioned Klein filters and you know she had put up a whole link about it whatnot and I remember taking it person I was just like black people don't get that [ __ ] and I had somebody DM me and I remember taking it personal I was just like did you go to medical school you know are you a doctor why are you trying to diagnose me get out of money and come to find out you know that's exactly what it was so um so going back I know you you may have said it so they just took blood work and then they automatically went to that because sometimes you know for them to try to treat you or find out what's wrong with you sometimes it can be very long and tedious you know what I'm saying they got the duties they got to do that and sometimes you have to figure out for yourself and say can you test me for this so what was the process did they just eliminate everything else and just say hey is this okay yes so after so it was it was probably six months of going back and forth getting blood drawn I probably had my blood drawn maybe 12 times um for the for the DNA the karyotype they took uh 12 tubes and uh kleinfels you naturally have uh you you uh what is it called you're uh anemic when you have kleinfels so that's one thing explains why I was always cold you know I just thought it's because I ain't had no meat on my bones because you know I'm an evening um where was I going with this um [ __ ] I lost my trains though they they took 12 tubes you know and um so Diagnosis they tested your blood I guess yeah it's right yeah yeah so it was a process uh the first process was you know getting my blood drawn and they were just looking at my test and then when my test my numbers didn't make sense and it was elevated between eight and ten in the morning they were confused so the first doctor was afraid he was like nah I can't I can't prescribe to you any testosterone because you if you have a brain tumor and we give you testosterone that can kill you and I was like so I was afraid so then you know the Second Step was going to go get an MRI went and got the MRI I didn't see anything so then uh Caitlyn went with me through all of this when I say this girl knows her stuff she was speaking their language literally honestly if it wasn't for her I would have never discovered it and I think that Western doctors would have given me the run around she came in and she like I said she works in the medical field so she she had a research we had a little binder like an old old person with all the files um everything in there and so we went in there and she was like hey this is exactly what it is I I I'm not trying to tell you how to do your job and here's the facts why you know and then after doing so much research and going to the doctors and constantly getting suggestions here suggestion there the first doctor says the the percentage of you having kleinfels is like Santa zebra on the street um and he just wasn't open to it whereas a second or the it was like the fourth dollar the specialty um immediately he was like you totally have client filters but he still wanted to test for it so I was his first patient uh with client fences which is special you know because now everybody you know every time I goes to get a checkup like they just it's like I'm a project now it's like oh wow you know yeah I've never seen a black person with Klein filters you know um okay but that's how we got there uh Caitlyn like I said she went with me throughout the whole process she was my Advocate you know she things that I didn't understand or if they try to pull a fast one on me she'll ask questions you know some doctors got annoyed most doctors love them who's like can we hire you you know um so that that was really the process right there uh it was just it was roughly about almost a six-month process I started back at the end of uh September all right wow Triggers so do you think it was what kind of triggered you to feel I know you said that Caitlyn um kind of you know suggested something but did you have something in your head to maybe think that something was you know what I'm saying a little honestly I I'll say when I was in college I felt because I struggled so hard to catch on to everybody's 100 and I always have to give that 120 I would always get frustrated because I couldn't retain information if you would notice like on the show I had a forgetful memory you know um and I don't know it's just at times I'm losing my train of thought again sorry that's okay take your time man that's okay so yeah Can you dunk um well what was your question again sorry I was just saying you know and I guess you kind of said it you know what is it something maybe within you that kind of figured that hey it's something that right you know what I'm saying yes I will say yeah for sure um I felt it in college but I mainly felt it in basketball you know being six eight most people like can you dunk can you dunk can you dunk that's the number one question that I get and yes I could dunk but it was a struggle for me to like get there you know and I would question like how come my calf muscles aren't getting big how come I've been in the gym working on upper body and lower body and my vertical hadn't increased you know I was really frustrated when I uh got diagnosed why coaches it never crossed their mind that something was off like I'm working out as much as you know it was at times where I was in high school they seemed me to work out with the football team uh because I just wasn't getting it there you know um and I was really frustrated but it's so rare the way realistically the way it was explained to me is that if you don't come from a privileged background you know if you come from you know a background where I'm not gonna say I'm from poverty because I'm not right but I'm I'm definitely from a middle class with basic Healthcare you know and if you don't if you don't come from a privileged background like Caitlyn Caitlyn comes from a grade school you know she went to a boarding school her siblings all went to um Ivy League schools and so they have they have a different Health Center health care for them whereas they can you know get those type of things brought to their attention by doctors where you know I got my appendix removed and so of course blood had to be drawn it could have then came up when I was seven I got my appendix removed whereas that is that was somebody you know with privilege that had that type of Health Care it would have got called quit and life would have been much better yeah I always said there's there's a Testosterone shots different types of tears of health care for people you know so yeah uh quick question sure about the testosterone shot did the doctors ever tell you uh where uh is there any side effects with the shots yeah you know what uh because I dealt with some of the side effects from the shots and I'm only trying to see if they tell you about the side effects from the shot so the beautiful thing about it is that my my uh side effects are going to be different from yours uh so typically people with klinefels don't have the same um uh side effects that people that don't have client fails so man that just has low uh testosterone and they get injections may have a completely different reaction um because the way I explain it is that the different levels of whatever is in my body along with the testosterone when I'm not taking them they're fluctuating they're all over the place whereas when I am taking everything is even uh so the only thing it really you know affects is roughly night sweats um and when if I if I'm on a lower dosage it uh it affects my mood I can like you say I can be Snappy you know and not realize and be like I'm not being Snappy but I can and then when I get the higher dose I can then I can see the bigger pictures so there's not too many uh side effects that was one of the things Miguel and had asked about it because you know he's he's been through this journey with me he's been going through with me okay um oh yeah I'll tell you about that um but yeah he just he asked me uh about the estrogen level you know he was worried about that and I told him I explained to him that you know men with Klein filters um don't have to worry about the estrogen uh increase um and you don't have to worry about the mood swings either okay uh I know when I was getting the shots I don't know what kind of how much you know how much milligrams he were giving me but my first gallons of testosterone shots I was real aggressive but I ate a lot it made me hungry I mean a lot I picked a weight I had energy exercise it got to the point when people solving the street they thought was a ex football player you know what I'm saying uh one guy said are you a coach for college no I just work out you you know what I'm saying but I had to get off of them because like I said it was making me too aggressive so yeah I got off up for a while then I got back on it when I got back on the tee shots uh a blood pressure gathered up it shut my blood pressure up so they kind of dialed back a little bit and also uh I went they did a PSA you know what PSA is going to draw your blood to see if you got an account you know but anyway my PSA levels are kind of hard because of the shot so they had to go in there and look at my prostate because of the shot you know so there's a lot of things you know a lot of people didn't know don't know about the shot you know like it's gonna affect you different because of your situation but yeah for a normal guy like myself and others you know saying it might affect them the same way affected me you know what I'm saying so I had to get off the car completely right now so How does it work but are you on shots or like are your shots then you have to go and get them every month every three months how does it work so I get a shot twice uh twice a month every two months uh of 150 milligrams I get it in my butt my butt tops um and uh eventually I think he said my level should be even around August September and then after that it'll still be every two weeks uh but by the by the time the beginning of the year uh starts I should be uh dropping down to once a month and then that'll be my most beautiful thing about being on testosterone replacement therapist I get it free for the rest of my life which is nice it's also considered a disability you know so for example if I was to ever lose a job or something you know uh disability pay me until I start working again on top of unemployment and whatever benefits which is really nice um let me ask you a question about that is it because you have a client well I was probably about to ask you because can a normal guy would look with low testosterone get disability or is it because of your situation that's the reason why it's because of my situation yeah okay so yeah it's uh because the the thing with client fails is it can affect men differently so some people it affects intellectually with me it mostly affects more of my emotions so like if I have an outburst at work um they can't fire me you know because that's part of that disability you know if I have if I decide to go back to school they have to accommodate me because I'm a visual learner um and I learn differently from people but it works for me and so they they have to they can't just deny where somebody would just load team they'll just send you to the doctor uh to your PCP uh and you know have your insurance take care of it whereas even if I didn't have insurance it'll cost me 20 bucks to get the team uh the testosterone yeah okay because for a while I'm not sure and stop covering it and the nurse the only way I can get tee shots back then was I had to get the shots to myself yes it's tough man look let me say anything man yeah I know Miguel okay so um so you say you're a Miguel like Miguel has kind of helped you through this process so you know you got uh I'm see you know of course Married at First Sight you did gain a friend so yes so Miguel and I had we've been tight obviously so one let me let me say this one of the things they love fat on Married at First Sight is like in the beginning they asked me who do I feel like I'm going to be more you know friends with and I was like probably Miguel because it gets me everything one thing I admired about Miguel is that when I would explain myself and all the other cast members would just kind of look at me like they were confused he'll sort of reiterate exactly what I was trying to say but he'll simplify versus having a long story and I always appreciated that about him um when I told him about the kleinfels like I said I've been between him and my partner I've been keeping him in the loop because he's in the medical field so if I experience certain symptoms I'll shoot him a message and be like yeah I'm starting to feel like this he'd be like ask your doctor about this you know or if he doesn't know something Caitlyn might know or if Caitlyn don't know it you know he might know it so he's been helping me he's the one that's been helping me through my fitness journey you know over the past two and a half months you know I went from bench pressing 225s on each side so you guys saw at the 245 right and that's the heaviest I've ever lived I was like a kid in a candy store in jail and I listed that much you know man you could have came down here man I could train you man look around again brother look look I was 191 when I stepped on a scale the day I was diagnosed and I stepped on the scale last week and I'm at 210. oh man that's good man man I love that's the main thing yeah yeah woken up eating a lot um I hated vegetables I love vegetables I ate squash for the first time yesterday yes you from the south and you hate fish yeah come on man yeah yeah I I ate vegetables last night the night before I eat for a snack I might eat cauliflower and some dip uh is is weird I'm like what's happening to me you know oh yeah you're from California y'all into all that Health stuff yeah but like I said this shot's gonna change your appetite it will yeah yeah and you're gonna see the results from it and you're gonna have more energy you're gonna book up and you know like you say your mood's gonna get better and I'm glad that you know they found out what's going on with you and you taking care of it you know what I'm saying so no I appreciate it man I definitely yeah shout out to Caitlyn and um Miguel Miguel in Medical what what part of the medical field is Miguel in so medical uh um gosh I got Sun swissy for a second Miguel has his PhD in uh he's a medical writer so he's the guy that when you pick up your prescription he gives you all the information about it he's that guy he writes everything out or if he has to write up a eBook or you know um anything that's related ebook um anything about the information for the type of medication that you're getting he's that guy so you know typically I'll call a pharmacy and be like hey can I take x y z you know he's the guy that can tell you how what reaction you're going to get if you mix two different types of drugs together okay he's a beast man my boy is a beast at what he does uh I respect this game I do okay he's smart yeah yeah he's a pretty smart dude so in the future what's your plans for the future man you know even though you Future Plans know now you know what's going on with your body you know are you planning on getting married soon uh five years down the road or or you're gonna say you know what I'm bulking up I'm getting cut I'm wearing tank tops and short shorts and I'm going to play the field what you gonna do brother I mean I started doing that now when I lost my man blues and I started developing the chest I mean let me put this on real quick amazing yeah man boobs yeah you know honestly I didn't think I had man booze but when you look at it from a scientific level and you look at the the body format of a man with client flows it's like oh wow you know and so over time you know I went from having man boobs to developing more of a flat my shoulders have broad now you know I've picked up a lot more weight in my face that I've noticed yeah um my arms have gotten huge yeah I can't stand stay out of the mirror you know you see how this this jacket fit me girl oh yeah you feeling yourself now bro I am I am just a little bit just a little bit um but yeah honestly man the future looks good for me you know life is definitely a lot more easier I don't get I don't explode I don't go from zero to 100 like I used to a lot of times you know um I'm not as reactive you know I'm actually I'm not reactive at all my body the best way I can explain it is my body was in fight or flight from the last 34 years and the second I got uh the 100 dose of testosterone was when my body went into calm so my future really looks like you know uh Caitlyn I definitely want to leave California um and I'll tell you the back story on that um but we want to leave California um maybe buy some land maybe 40 50 acres um and just kind of live life as far as work-wise man I'm done committing to corporate companies I'm just going to work and save as much as I can right and really just travel you know travel we uh one of the things about kleinfelts is I can't have kids so that's how I know um but I'm totally open to adopting you know I just wish I could pick my kid out you know you can lay out with that one right there but you know so we you know she doesn't want kids um and it works for both of us so really my future is wherever the energy takes me man wherever God got planned for me because obviously the route that I was taking he had other plans so I'm just I'm really trying to take a step back and really listen How We Met well then again that route you took probably put you where you're at now even though it didn't work out you know what I'm saying you know without the route you took you will know that the girl you with now and that's a good point and she would probably never told you to go get your teeth tested you know what I'm saying so yeah it might look Bleak sometimes bro but hey you know you stick with it man and let God lead you man you you'll come out on top man trust me oh yeah indeed man indeed so uh the back story about Kayla how we met real fast is um brother [Music] nah she ain't Slaughter I met Caitlyn two weeks before uh Pastor Cal told me I was getting married to a stranger that's right um yeah we met at the park actually my dog kissed her cat yeah she has a cat she was walking her cat her cat was in a tree and she's like hey can you stay back a little bit my cat's aggressive towards other dog I was like cool a cat jumped out of the tree walked up to Maya Maya laid down and her cat put her nose on Maya's nose and you know Kate was like you know and I was just like yeah she like cats you know um but we've lived in the last three states together so when I was living in Portland we were two neighborhoods apart from each other back in 2008 when we lived in Colorado she lived in Denver I lived in Denver she was 20 minutes from me I was in downtown Denver and then when I moved to San Diego we won neighborhood away from each other it's meant to happen brother it was just meant to happen yeah wow that is awesome we appreciate Telling His Family you um coming in and telling your story I want to say this what did I know you had to tell your family you know I'm saying what did what was that conversation like when you had to tell them my mom took it really hard uh she blamed herself uh she felt like it was something that you know she should have caught you know but you know my doc my doctor myself explained it to her that you know most men don't catch it into there in their 30s and typically when people do catch it is when they're trying to you know produce a baby and they're trying to figure out why they can't produce a baby eventually and then when they figure out why it's because they have clientele so she she was being herself a you know a bit but I told I said mom don't you straight I said you know now we know um now we can do something about it you know and so it's definitely eased their mind now that she's starting to see change because she she said what I said she's like black people don't get that are you coming on here and telling the people what you dealing with is gonna bring awareness to this situation you have okay yeah that's all good I've seen people in high school that look like me that worked out with me and produce the same results so I agree it's gonna bring more awareness to you know for parents that has that you know have young boys to go get them take a you know take it you know look that right um because it's really hard to miss I mean it's it's easy to miss I'm sorry right um but yeah she she's good now she's taking it well uh she's going through this journey with me they see more changes than I do um but at least you know I guess I'm making changes I guess but she's cool so yes oh man he took Daniel my brother said it really hard actually so you guys know Darnell raised me he thought it was real hard on me when I say this dude was hard on me right like my boy was hard if I slipped up I got my butt beat you know for anything and so he took it really hard because he he sort of felt bad with his approach and I told him I said man you did what you thought was right you thought you was doing it you know you do you did what you knew um but he's definitely he sees the change I think the relationship that we've been trying to build for the past 34 years is happening now you know we can have those mature conversations he can give him he gives me constructive feedback you know and I can just be like okay you know and he noticed the the personality the attitude change he definitely noticed uh physical change so man when I said this dude has called me every single day since I've been diagnosed every single day Courtney Eddie every single day he's like what's up man I'm like ninja you just called me yesterday super supportive so I'm gonna ask the uh a question that His ExWife I know the audience gonna want to know and I'm sure I can ask this question and I'm sure you can answer it because now it is public you know people know about uh what's her name Alexis um said on one of the shows she's gay she's saying that gay she gay she said she's bisexual so you know what I'm saying all right congratulations how you feel about that you know you finally came out you you were married to her so you know what I'm saying man I promise you man I forgot y'all was married man I'm for real yeah yeah I did so your ex-wife says she's bisexual what how you feel you know I was proud of her when she came out I knew about it you know she actually told me um the exact moment she told me it was at the honeymoon suite and uh when she told me uh she was like I just want to let you know that I am bisexual um and she you know she let me know that her parents sisters you know although they had a close relationship nobody knew you know like her her close friends um and she expressed you know uh um and toxic relationships she was in in the past that she had went through and I didn't judge her just it just right it wasn't my it wasn't my secret to tell right um and so when she came out and she's like oh Justin knew you know like that's that's not my style you know right now don't get me wrong you you do me wrong I well in the past you do me wrong you're a change man yeah look before I came for blood but um it just wasn't my secret to tell you know all right and when she came out about it you know I was just like good for you you know so yeah but yeah did did it when she told you did it Did It Affect The Relationship affect how you felt in that moment being married to her oh hell yeah yes uh it definitely it affected the relationship but I never really expressed it in fact I because her and my producer had such a tight relationship I questioned that I'm just gonna be straight I did I questioned that I mean they had a tight relationship like they could talk about anything if we had an argument you know somehow you know Alexis and her talk about it do whatever like they just had a different kind of relationship where I was just like I'm I'm it's questionable you know what I'm saying um I can't prove that but I definitely had my doubts right uh when she would go to the club that that played a role in her going to the club you know because I knew she was attracted to both sex um and she she could say she didn't like attention but Carla has said you know that's why you know I was more worked up because math left out so much now Mavs didn't know that she was bisexual um but a lot of information like her being a bottle girl they left that stuff out so a lot of the reactions you guys saw were for different stuff and not the same thing but they edited they did their job they I got produced this is what I tell people they did the job um but yeah that's that's pretty much what it was I I questioned it but a lot of my emotions definitely had a lot to do with her being bisexual and wanting to party and knowing that she liked both sex you know so Is Nate Still In California man you have you heard from Nate uh is he still in California uh yeah they still in California between me Alexis Ben and Nate lived a maximum of two minutes apart from each other okay literally I hadn't talked to Nate uh no actually I lied me and Nate ran into each other after the reunion um was it the reunion I think it was a reunion same place where we originally met and we chopped it up we had a conversation we laughed about it he was just like man I know you I know you can get like that bro yeah yeah that that would come out a little bit you know pressing right button but he was like you know I respect him because he was like ain't no point of beefing and having animosity towards each other he said it's gonna be on TV for the rest of our life our kids gonna laugh at it let's squash this [ __ ] now and that's exactly what we did now we don't talk you know I think if we saw each other in public we would be cordial and Converse you know um but now we don't we don't have a relationship me and Ben don't have a relationship um me and Mitch don't have a relationship I'm a person I have a close relationship with his Miguel so Miguel's doing pretty good for himself then yeah man Miguel's doing really well man um he's loving it he's got a great job that he's working uh we work out about three days a week um we uh we we say we stay connected we really just talk about what we want to do in the future you know uh how to get out of California and save money because it ain't cheap yeah that's what people keep saying is he still into uh is he still into d d some of that um so um so yeah we do know you know of course you know him and um what's her name um yeah and um what's her name last name Liz what's her name is Lindy yeah they got a divorce so yeah we do we do know about that insurance girl oh yeah yeah yeah you know Season runs girls get somebody else to do it so um she on Medicaid yeah hi Jessica it was so good to you know talk to you chop it up and all that stuff whatever so we appreciate you know we appreciate you you know coming on here and telling the world what's going on with you and about your you know situation and uh and I wish you nothing but the best brother for real real time I appreciate it man I appreciate it uh definitely thank you for giving me the opportunity again to come on your platform and just kind of share my story uh I feel like it was important uh and it was definitely relevant you know to what you guys saw and what was was happening so yeah thank you guys yeah no problem so you're welcome when you get when you propose to to your lady make sure you hit us up and it's gonna be a while you know actually we we talked about it briefly and she was like baby when you get become debt free then you can propose and I was like that's fair that's fair yeah that's good so yeah um she looking at you know the future financially and you know a lot of people don't take that How To Contact Justin Hall that route and a lot of people don't do that you know because yeah hey um but yeah we appreciate you coming on is anything else you want to say how can people reach out to you because you know you may get some DMS and people questioning if they have it and stuff like that they don't know the symptoms and they may you know want to talk to you personally so how can people contact you they can reach me out they can reach out to me on my Instagram like man I didn't hear that I muted it yes ma'am you did that good I'm smooth now people can reach out to me on Instagram just type in Justin hallmavs on Google and my Instagram will pop up uh I'm Caitlin and I actually are doing the podcast together um because since she you know discovered it um she want to ask me a bunch of questions that you know people might have so we can kind of get that information out there uh but yeah you guys can reach out to me you know via Instagram don't reach out to me on Facebook hang on Ashley because I don't have a messenger download okay okay so um women have y'all named the podcast Justin Halls Podcast what time oh yeah the um we we I've definitely I've named it's called um let's talk men and emotions and it's just a it was originally a safe platform for men to be vulnerable uh but I'm always curious about others perspective um one of the topics I want to talk about is uh black women and black men and their emotions you know uh and how that can be better reciprocated you know versus you know men being seen as weak or whatever they've ever been saying that so but as far as the episode when me and Caitlin uh Stu is to be determined but definitely within the next 14 days for sure okay and that can Men and Emotions Podcast be found on YouTube because I do follow your YouTube on that okay okay let's say it one more time so people can follow let's talk men and emotions okay all right just look for the when you look for it just look for the sexy guy sitting in a chair like this what are you feeling yourself man oh listen listen so I did you know before we go because I did um watch the one where you had Gia on there from Married at First Sight previous season yeah yeah so yeah where you and and I think it was another guy on there so y'all were all talking you know about you know me and emotions and all this stuff I don't know yeah Rasheed on there right I had um Mike from Boston okay okay yeah but my favorite one is definitely with Gill uh just because he kind of created a different perspective but at the same time he made a solid point he says when men compliment Men We compliment accessories you know hey man that's a great hat you got on man who lined you up you know stuff like that yeah I bet I said that from day one when that happened man I said man man now I think you got on fly bro where you get them pants from where you get that shirt from you know I said no man we gonna We visited that but yeah I said that from day one just weird to me yeah so um but yeah that was a good that was a good podcast so yeah it was good to listen to it and stuff so yeah um that was good that you kind of that you was able to connect with gear um because I know I'm not sure if you watching this mayor the first sight but yeah he was on there with one girl yeah and she thought that she was gonna talk to that grown man honey I'll talk to you later click Facebook yeah Gill is found man he uh when I said that interview with him was like just natural like he chopped it up you know after the call like it was just real easy you know I had my homie uh roaming on there he had you know a great perspective uh I really enjoyed it I definitely uh plan on inviting him back again uh he's got a lot of requests to come back him and my first interview with this uh this modeling dude named uh Paul Saints uh he's got a lot of requests back as well okay cool beans yeah the latest love gives so yeah so we call it llj no all right on that note um yeah we're gonna go ahead and get out of here thank you again so much for this and I'm bringing awareness and enlightening people on um you know somebody else may have this condition and this syndrome so um and and good that you are on a better path so you know hopefully you know people will watch this video if you guys are watching this make sure that you like this video subscribe to the channel of course and make sure that you um um share this with you know other people me and or parents that you know that may be interested in because I think a lot of um males I think a lot of them actually I think a lot of men should be aware of this uh this uh condition yeah so they can know what's going on with their bodies you know as especially black men you know black man go to the doctor you know and that is that was my problem that was literally my problem right I was afraid to go to the doctor it's like when the last time you went to the dog I said man the last time I needed to and I get why black people are scared to go to the doctor from the history we had to deal with back in the day you know what I'm saying I understand that but now yeah you got to go to the doctor you got to know what's going on with your body you know so I'm glad you know hopefully it's my watching the video to give them the courage to go to the doctor to get themselves checked and you know like I said this will hopefully bring awareness to the situation to your conditions and uh and you know like I said once again brother we appreciate you coming on yeah man thanks for having me as always oh man no doubt on that note you guys we're gonna go ahead and get out of here as we said the end of every video don't forget to go with God and let God go with you always put God first deuces

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