Lottie Moss Ozempic Overdose | Gen Z Too Young For Botox? | Marijuana Use & Plastic Surgery Risks

happy Friday everybody and welcome to everyone's favorite show about plastic surgery Health and Beauty this is NP talk segs today first off lah Moss the sister of supermodel Kate Moss over doses on OIC and is in the hospital what happened we're going to talk about it and then is Jin Z too young to get BOTOX H we'll think about that and then finally marijuana use does it have risks with plastic surgery we're going to tell you all about it and it's all coming up right now live from Lincoln cent in the of the Dallas metrop honest uncensored show about plastic surgery Health Beauty and lifestyle with your host plastic surgeon Dr Bruce Herman and your co-host entrepreneur and social influencer Sarah Ben now ands welcome back everybody thank you guys so much for tuning in we really do appreciate it please smash that like And subscribe button it helps us so much also Al big shout out to all those who listen to us on the audio podcast welcome I'm your host plastic surgeon Dr Bruce Herman with me as always is the amazing Sarah hi in the Box we got Tris how are you buddy I'm good how about yourself doing good it's Friday again and we're here having fun making podcasts yes it's a good day absolutely it's pretty day outside actually it's been great the weather's like getting a little bit cooler although I heard it's supposed to get hot again next week but but not hundreds anymore not hundreds yeah I think it's supposed to be aund tomorrow but like literally just just like 100 degrees I'll take a 100 though 100's not bad I I hate that it's so funny uh I guess in August um I can't remember it was sometime in the middle of August I walked outside you know cuz I'm in the hospital all day and it's kind of it's kind of cold in there and so you like when you walk out in August in Texas and summer it's like you're walking into like a furnace yeah like it's so hot and I walked outside and I was like oh man it's actually nice today like it's a nice day outside you know it wasn't like I didn't feel like it was super hot and I was like I wonder the tempat dress I looked it was like 94 oh my gosh and I was like oh this feels perple when you're used to like 104 like 94 feel 90 with some shade oh it feels like you're in heaven yeah but but yeah the weather's been weather's been getting nice so uh any big plans anybody exciting stuff I'm going to Medieval Times tomorrow get out are you going to Medieval Times yeah oh my gosh how fun I've been before that's all I'm doing I think this week are you going to like get down there and participate no can you do that I guess you can't they won't let you down there I think like little kids can do stuff like I mean I guess you can pay to like do stuff are you going to eat like the turkey leg like with your hand I guess you you have to eat with your hands yeah they don't give you silverware except for the soup although I you know I'm going to be honest with you Sarah we'll take this one I can totally see you like you're you have no problem doing that I think using my hands to eat yeah yeah yeah you you'd be all over that you know a lot of girls would be like Oh I'm not going to use my hands to eat this greasy chicken or whatever it is but I'm good yeah I feel like you'd be good A friend of mine went to Medieval times one time with they with they dad and they dad fell into the moat like when you first walk was he drunk no I think he just was like really clumsy but he fell into the mo and they had to go home God they had to go home what they throw out KCK out no he just he was wi oh he didn't want to buy like a he could have bought like a suit of armor or something probably so no probably dude I thought at first you were tell me he got thrown out of medieval times like how bad do you have to mess up to get tossed out of medieval times thrown out of like Walmart or something like this is like hard to do than you got anything TR us this weekend um so I'm getting people registered to vote this oh are you oh that's always a good thing I'm being full worth helping people register to vote all right excellent work man get out there that's cool good job all right let's roll into some segments so you know we we just I guess it was a couple weeks ago did a a segment on OIC in The glp1 Agonist and we were talking about remember it was the huge benefits to uh people who are obese that they they had a much less chance of sudden death if they were taking o Zen bicker or one of the similar drugs and and even in that episode I said you know man we're really not seeing like any bad things happen with this drug right well I guess the universe like is like pulling a fast one on me or trolling me or something because this week man a story popped up about lah Moss uh who is the sister supermodel Kate Moss and she overdosed on OIC ended up in the hospital had a seizure like why is she taking OIC though well that is a good question that we will definitely talk about um so in this um uh she was on her PO I guess L moss I don't know who lahim Moss is do you guys ever heard of her I mean I know Kate Moss but I guess I guess L moss is like maybe you know somewhat known maybe I don't know Tris L moss no no I'm not familiar with Kate Moss either though you don't know who who Kate Moss is maybe if I see her maybe I know she was that supermodel from the 9s who weighed like 80 PBS like she was like that super she didn't really weigh 80 PBS or maybe she probably wasn't too far off she was like that super model that was like super thin okay like like too thin like I was like things are getting out of hand skeleton yeah she was really th anyway so so uh so lah Moss is is her sister and she's got a podcast and so on her podcast this week uh she was on talking about her OIC experience and man she was super negative about it like like really negative so uh I got a video roll that video it's about a minute long so really really big fad that's going on right now is OIC and I'm not going to lie to you guys I definitely tried it when I tell you it was the worst decision I ever made so if this is a warning to anyone please if you're thinking about doing it do not take it like it's so not worth it I took it for two weeks and I've never felt so sick in my life it's not like you can stop taking it's like a pill or something that you just don't take when you wake up in the morning like it's in your system I felt so sick one day I said to my friend like I can't keep any water down I can't keep any food down like no liquids nothing I need to go to the hospital like I feel really sick we're waiting on the ER it's taking forever we go and see one of the nurses she sent me to the emergency room I got wheelchair through the hospital at one point I went to the bathroom felt really sick and I felt like I was going to pass out and I said like I feel something's happening something's happening like I don't feel good as soon as I get into the room where I get seen by another nurse I literally had a seizure from how dehydrated I was which honestly was a scariest thing that's ever happened to me in my life Man scary stuff right got to go to the hospital having a seizure so um so she started taking OIC in two weeks she lost 11% of her body weight in two weeks like that is an insane amount and what was her body weight at the beginning yeah that's why that's why she Sarah like already knows where I'm going with this like she's like she's reading my mind yep you're exactly right so she lost two we she lost 11% of her body weight which was about 14 pounds she was vomiting continuously she got severely dehydrated um when you get severely dehydrated your electrolytes get out of balance and you can absolutely have a seizure so um you know actually pretty dangerous stuff and of course you know she releases this thing there's a lot of people on social media saying oh my God this is so terrible you know this drug isn't safe I what do you guys what do you guys think it's probably because she was not overweight at all and her doctor gave her the wrong dosage oh it it it gets better than that so first off let's talk about the indications for OIC I mean you're you're 100% on track here Sarah like you're you're on the the right pathway um so OIC for weight loss uh recommendation is for BMI of 30 or greater okay okay um or a BMI of 27 with one at least one weight comorbidity now um so for those who aren't familiar with BMI anything over 30 is considered obese 25 to 30 is overweight normal is considered 18.5 to 25 all right so loss's BMI 21 yeah like she's on the lower end of normal um and uh and you know you you hit you hit the nail on the head like what was the doctor thinking well I got one more video roll it up I was not feeling happy with my weight I had a friend and she could get it for me and it wasn't it was kind of below board I'm not going to lie it was from a doctor but it wasn't like you go into the doctor's office and he gives it he prescribes it to you he takes your blood pressure and he takes all these tests which is what you need if you're going to go on something like OIC the amount that I was taking was actually meant for people who are 100 kilos and over and I'm in the 50s range but anyway I took it my friend had got it for me yeah stupid now what do you think she must have been I don't know oh my gosh I don't know what to say Sad yeah if you take uh medications you know that I mean this is you know this is a great example how about even benign medications can be dangerous if you if you don't take them properly I mean I consider OIC fairly benign I mean you know obviously and she's you know an example of you you can have some really bad side effects that can be dangerous and and and that goes with every medication even things like Tylenol it's almost like she was treating it like she was just like in a pop a diet pill or something you know diet PES used to be like really popular oh yeah I mean they're still out there but um but yeah yeah I mean you know I I don't I'm kind of like I'm not like mad but like you know I I feel a little what's the right word just like upset that she's out there like badmouthing you know these glp1 agonists that they're so dangerous when she basically just got like off the street you know and and didn't consult anybody on how to properly take it but maybe it's good that she's talking about it like don't do what I did yeah situation yeah that's actually a really good point um well except that's not how she really phrased it when in I watched her she wants she just wants the well I will say now we're talking about moss who none of us even knew who she was and I actually watched some of her podcast I know right it's like maybe I should go do something really dumb and then more people watch me yeah just name name our shows like absolutely like not what it's really about yeah right um so yeah if you take double the dose of something it it's going to have bad effects and so you know she took double the dose her stomach basically quit working you know she wasn't passing anything and then she just start starts you know throwing up and gets really dehydrated and ends up having a seizure I mean you know none of this is unexpected really yeah um so uh yeah I I I hope that and I don't think it will I mean I think you know I think that most people realize if you take a drug without a doctor's you know direction that it's that you can't really blame you're not going to have the greatest you're not going to have a great outcome you shouldn't blame the medication for that I mean you know we we we have a lot of people that are are taking simic Glu tide and I don't think we've had anybody quit taking it I mean people will say yeah this you have side effects at first but generally they pass and they're not bad but but also we're you know careful about prescribing it and and and you know it also brings up the question of why is a girl with a BMI at 21 taking OIC uh you know I mean I I've had people say to me I think I'm going to take OIC that we're clearly you know not really needing o zic and and I talked to him I was like look you don't need to do that like you're either you know if you want to lose some weight that's fine but I mean this is like Overkill you know dangerous yeah I mean well the danger is I mean you I I think she could have safely taken it but you you can't take a dose for an obese person that weighs 250 lbs if you weigh 130 lbs that was what she weighed by the way did I did I tell you she said 100 I you didn't say it but she said 100 kilos I have no idea what that means well she was taking a dose for Kil so that's 220 and she weighs like 50 something kilos so 50 something uh would be um like between 120 130 PBS yeah but she's tall she's 5'6 yeah so she's she's all she doesn't need to be taking it no she doesn't need to be taking those zpic so um you know and I guess it's kind of sad that she felt like she needed to take OIC I mean that's another thing you could talk about in this story is like you know what kind of pressure is she under that she feels like she has a BMI 21 and she's too heavy I mean yeah well I guess guess it's just the environment she's in yeah you know Hollywood kind of I I don't know if she's famous or not I mean people her sister is so she's around all those and plus her sister was a supermodel so yeah who was famous for being like for being thin really really thin yeah so well interesting story all right well let's recap this one so um today we were talking about lah Moss the sister of supermodel Kate Moss who went on her podcast talking really badly about OIC because she overdosed on it uh ended up in the hospital had a seizure and so it's kind of scary stuff because there are now over 40 million people taking o zic well when you dig into the story come to find out L moss got the OIC from a friend didn't go see a doctor and she was taking a dose for somebody that weighed 220 lounds when she weighed about 120 lbs so you know probably taking double the dosage which any medication even something that's benign can be dangerous if you take really high doses of it so uh you know I think the take home from this is if you're going to take a medication it's it's obviously best to consult with a physician to make sure that you're not taking an amount that that might be unsafe or might give you unwanted side effects so good story all right moving on crazy I feel like we talk about Jin z a lot why are they always poping they must be very like taking over they must be taking are they taking over I don't know what's what age bracket is that great question Jin Z is born between 1997 and 2012 which makes them 12 to 27 years old both my kids are gen Z yours is Gen Alpha yeah she cuz she's Dan is like the very 2015 yeah Dan is the very tal tail end of Jin z um so uh we've talked about Jin Z in the past and one of the things we talked about is how um they Embrace plastic surgery and so the topic we're we're going to talk about today is Jin Z too young for Botox uh and the reason we're talking is this an AI image I knew you were going to I knew you would figure it out is it yeah it is okay so actually I made this one why are they in the in a Feld Ain going to lie okay so I couldn't tell at first but the person in the middle like the kid in the very middle yeah their eyes are wow I know I zoomed in and I noticed that too TR this because like I have to zoom in to like do the lettering for the for the the graphics and I was like what's up with this kid's eyes the one in the back that the boy it's a pretty good image though right it looks like it's like a commercial for like aomi or like Tommy Hill figure or something it looks like jinz though doesn't it yeah I told so I made this one with grock I've been using grock a little bit more that's the AI associated with X or Twitter um and it's actually better in making pictures than chat gbt if anybody's you know right interested in AI yeah so AI picture yeah I I was wondering I was going to try and slip that one under the radar for you guys all right so the reason we're talking about Jin Z's and Botox is there was actually an article released uh just recently this past week uh and I think I have a picture of it TR thr it up there in case anybody wants to check check it out yeah USA Today Jin ZZ is overdoing Botox making them look old when's the right time to get it well luckily I am here to tell you in fact I actually I've done um three media interviews about Botox about this exact topic uh one of them was local I always like to do local stuff uh one was uh uh w rld d is that right is it radio yeah it was a radio one it krld kld sorry yeah W's on the East Coast yeah sorry yeah K uh yeah did a TV one this morning with New York which is kind of cool and I got one more next week anyway that's fun I I digress uh so Jin Z born 1997 to 2012 that makes them 12 to 27 years old and as we said uh they really have embraced kind of plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures like the whole they grew up watching like um I mean I grew up watching the Kardashians too but like yeah the the getting like the fillers in their lips and stuff yeah and all of that that's like goes along with the Botox and right you're 100% hper fixation on like skin care products yes yep Avery is already doing that crap Dan is too well Avery's even younger than Dan yeah she's like oh I gotta get she she gets like in a habit of it for like a couple of days and then she forgets all about it well actually that's part of what I'm going to talk about as well um but uh yeah we talked about how uh Jin Z is is doing plastic surgery and especially um minimally invasive cosmetic procedures at a much higher rate than previous generations and why is that social media it's 100% it's not 100% social media but that is the biggest part of it jinz is the first generation that grew up entirely with social media like Millennials got a little bit of it yeah but but social media has been around uh as long as genz have really been you know aware basically because you know wasn't social media start like it was about 20 years ago with Facebook yeah you know and so that the JY years would have been like seven right so that's all they know is social media and you get all these influences on social media talking about getting these procedures you know there's that push to look your best for social media like the Zoom effect where people are working from home and they're seeing themselves on camera and so it's not surprising at all that that Jin Z and all those filters yeah all the filters yeah exactly right it's not it's not you know it's not hard to figure out why jy's ears have embraced these things and so you know this article popped up about jinz overdoing Botox and are they too young and I think the short answer to this is yes um you know we've talked about Botox in the past uh in a couple different segments you know Botox is a muscle paralytic uh you you like botox right you like yours yeah um it's a muscle paralytic it paralyzes the muscles that cause wrinkles to form on your face so when I lift my eyebrows and I get these wrinkles here yeah you can barely see them I'm pretty good I don't have a lot of wrinkles for my age uh smile lines which I don't really have that either and the last one is these frowny lines which I I'm kind of genetically lucky I just don't have a lot of wrinkles but but at my age most people would and so Botox paralyzes these muscles which prevent those wrinkles from forming but but what it also does is it's preventative yeah because as you age these lines become permanent they start to get etched into your skin right and so if you start taking Botox when you're young and you don't allow your muscles to make those repetitive motions then you will never get them and I always use my wife as an example she's been using Botox now for uh almost 20 years and so that means she started you know late 20s you know around 30 and she looks freakishly young she has no wrinkles uh and she doesn't look her age and it's not because she's had a lot of procedures done like she uses Botox and um you know it's just gone a long way to preventing those and uh so there is some um preventative benefit to Botox but I just think that gz is just not quite there you know maybe the oldest genin Z 27 I could buy a 2 7year old doing Botox if they maybe genetically were more prone to have rles I about to say I'm like some people just have they do their skin just ages faster I think that the the the broad-based answer to this question is yes they're too young but maybe the very oldest ones yeah like a few of of the very of the very old I don't think an 18-year-old should be getting no I I think that you know if you're younger than 25 absolutely no you know as you get in your late 20s maybe I think 30s kind of kind of like the sweet spot for where you start um because it is best if you if you start Botox before the wrinkles actually form now that doesn't mean that you don't get any effect if they already have because I I have 60 year olds that come in they're like oh I think it's about time to start the Botox and I'm like yeah should have been there with I mean I don't say that but but but you're right like they would have had a better effect had they started earlier um so uh I guess the next question you know is it harmful to do this if you're 20 I don't see think it would be harmful I think it would just be harmful for them like internally mentally that's perfect that's a perfect answer I I would agree with you that um you know there's no like medical risk of doing Botox too early you know we've talked about the the safety profile for Botox even though it is a very potent neurotoxin the safety profile is almost pristine yeah outside of those remember the fake talks the the the photox yes that where that was actually causing problems but but but the good Botox like the the real stuff is is very very safe um you know one of the things that that article uh mentioned in in the title is It's making them look old didn't it say that Tris it makes them look old did I imagine that that article yeah yeah no I think you're right yeah it makes them look old yeah so I think that that is a misstatement um the only way Botox is going to make someone look artificially old is if they got really way too much Botox where they couldn't move their face at all because sometimes people associate that with older people yeah the like the their eyebrows are to Arch situation um I think for the most part you know if Botox is done right most people won't know you've had it I mean you're just going to look refresh you're going to look good so I think that where where Jin Z's and I've talked about this before I can't talked about on the show if it was a media interview or what uh where I think J zers or young people get looking too old as the fillers the fillers and then whenever they do that bu fat removal oh Buckle fat removal yeah that's very bad yeah it's right see you look how smart um they look hollowed out when people get their lips really blown up uh or if they get a ton of filler in their cheek it just gives them that look of somebody who's trying to not look old yeah and so it's not like they really do look old it's just that yeah it's like that they just they went too far you know we've said this a million times the best non-invasive or even in surgery is the one that no one knows you had yeah if somebody can pick out that you've had a procedure then to me that's not what's the point why' you pay all that money it's not a good procedure yeah I mean some people do like the artificial look I mean I see that a lot with like you know people wanting breast augmentations I'm like look this is going to make you look not you know like people are going to know people are going to know and they're like that's what I want I'm like hey cool um but I think with the face that I I just don't like that personally when someone looks so artificial and I really do try to talk people out of that you know if they want too much lip filler um cuz lip filler can be done great I mean I have I it's been forever but I posted a few Instagram picks of people that I did lip filler on and it's like man their lips look solid they don't look fake they just like look great you got some solid lips I mean solid like good they just like they look like a like a supermodel lip or something but not like but not like too big you know what I mean yeah um so yeah I mean you can definitely do this stuff and have it look good uh but you know should they be using filler well I mean there are fillers and then we've been kind of dancing around this this part is there are fillers that you use not to look younger but you use to to change your appearance a little bit like I don't have a problem with like a early 20-year-old getting a little lip filler if it's done right it could look awesome if well it's like the whole part of like being young is like like there's certain features of your face that when you get older they are more noticeable like higher Che like your cheekbones start sticking out more like your face isn't like Hollows out fall and so like whenever you get fillers in your face right there I would think that that Al that would make you look older when you're not because as a when you're 18 years old your face is still like you might still have a little like a baby face yeah your face is still a little bit younger than that you know I mean I I get totally good what you're saying I I generally associate like high cheekbones with youthfulness really yeah because what happens here is like as we age you know get into our 50s and 60s our our our midface starts to hollow a bit like it just what happens and um so that's why like voluma which is the cheek filler is really popular with like middle-aged women like 40 plus yeah um because it is common for the midf to start to hollow out a bit yeah and so it help and it also helps plump it up which helps like Mass the fall a little bit that makes sense but if you overdo it and you get these really big cheeks it's funny like you know my wife and I watch or watch TV we'll see someone like oh too much cheek filler yeah we can just like pick it out we just I feel like it but then I I feel like if the the filler's too much then makes them look like they do have like that bu or Buckle because it like looks makes their yeah we've talked about that where we've looked at someone like is that Buckle fat removal or is that too much cheap color but see you shouldn't be talking about that right if you're picking those things out like you you've gone too far yeah and it definitely can make you look older um you know and and the last thing I want to mention about this is what you were talking about with Avery is uh you know if you're going to if you if you're in your early 20s late teens so like for jy's years and you want to do something to stay youthful skin care regiments are actually really good suncreen yes perfect so the three pillars of good skin care are a good cleanser MH a good moisturizer and sunscreen yeah you know you have no idea how far that will go to um keep your skin I think we have an episode that I did about um how to clean your face you did one uh-huh oh yeah we y you start to forget we did one I don't know if you were here that day it may have been Dan I think it was made that when you were out of town we did one on skincare for teens yeah because like you know like I said Dan has already got a skincare routine and I don't think that that's going too far but you know when you're talking about teens especially you just need to keep it simple yeah like you don't have to do all the crazy stuff that a lot of adults need to do because they're correcting things you're only doing preventative so it's cleanser moisturizer yeah I think I I think mine was talking about retinol use too oh retinol right yeah yeah when should when should people start using retinol I forget I think I talked about it definitely not like in your teens or early years retinol is really more corrective yeah so you know that wouldn't be something that necessarily teens would yeah would want to take no so but like after 18 but that generation that you're talking about that wants to keep getting like are they too young to get BOTOX like maybe retinol is more of a yeah maybe like First Step yeah instead of getting Bo yes I'd say that that's probably true um just really depends on you know I mean they're kind of treating different things so it just depends on what they're trying to do you know um but yeah I mean a lot of people ask me like what's the best age to start boat talks well I mean it kind of depends person to person right because you got people like me who you know I'm pushing 50 and I don't really have a lot of wrinkles cuz you be getting that laser on your face that does help I I that's the one thing I do that's the one thing I that laser but even before that like I was hanging in there you know um and so I like I'm like kind of you know just genetically you got the good genetics for that um I didn't get the height but I got the no wrinkles so um but uh but then there are other people who I mean I remember even in high school I had a friend and like he already had like smile lines and he was 18 which that's crazy young to have that but you know guy spent you know his Summers outside in the Sun for years and years and he just genetically had strong muscles out side of his eyes and he already had wrinkles right so you know I think the generic ansers you know probably about 30 but there are exceptions I think so Cindy Herman chimed in she said um 35 and I love it Botox is at the top of my list of favorite things for the last 15 years it's been 15 yeah about 15 she like no 15 I can't remember I could remember when she started but so all right let's recap this segment real quick uh in this segment we were talking about is Jin Z too young for Botox so Jin zers are aged 12 to 27 there was an article in USA Today saying that JY zers are overdoing Botox and it's making them look old is that true well yeah Jin Z has embraced plastic surgery they have embraced Min invasive procedures including Botox and is you know 20 too young for Botox in general I would agree with that I think kind of The Sweet Spot starting age for Botox is around 30 Botox is preventative it will prevent you from De veloping wrinkles if you start using it before they actually form so that's a good thing but yeah 20 is just a little bit too young and you know is it making them look too old I I don't necessarily agree with that part of what USA Today said it's mostly fillers when people get fillers that are too much at a young age it does make them look older so uh yeah so Jin Z too young for Botox I think for the most part answer that's yes yeah yep agreed all right last segment what we got this one's an interesting one and I you know this one kind of came to me like who died huh I said who died I'm just joking nobody died uh this one kind of came to me just and this is how I get a lot of segments is you know when I'm doing consults and people say something I'm like hm that's a good question or a good potential topic so this is marijuana use and risk for having plastic surgery meaning is it risky if you smoke marijuana and you go and you have surgery and you know I think that most never had that thought really before no I actually people ask me all the time CU so let me tell you why um especially in the world of plastic surgery if you smoke cigarettes it is extremely harmful to your potential outcome okay and not for the reason that you might think you know most people think oh if I'm smoking cigarettes then the anesthesia is going to give me pneumonia or something like that because my lungs are messed up it's not that in plastic surgery that we're as concerned about yes I mean that is a concern if you're a three pack a day smoker for 40 years and you go under anesthesia for eight hours you're probably not going to do great yeah but where us as plastic surgeons or we us we we we as plastic surgeons where we as plastic surgeons care about smoking is the nicotine's effect on small blood vessels nicotine is a potent Vaso constrictor if you take your blood pressure and then you smoke a cigarette and you take your blood pressure again your blood pressure is going to be much higher why because nicotine constricts your blood vessels and why is that har in the world of plastic surgery well a lot of the surgeries that we do rely on small blood vessels to heal the surgery meaning when we do a tummy tuck we're dissecting a lot of tissue which makes the blood flow weaker and we're relying on the small blood vessels to keep everything healthy keep everything alive and allow it to heal that makes total sense same thing with the face lift same thing with the breast lift and so one of the very first questions that I ask all my patients when they come in is do you smoke cigarettes or and I and I'll clarify is or use nicotine products like Vape or whatever and yeah a lot of you know a lot of people say no but I smoke marijuana and I'm like okay so that's the question is is that a problem right yeah so that's what we're going to talk about um so uh you know the bad thing smoking heart disease reactive Airway lung disease all that but we said most important vasil constriction um so now with marijuana I I I found this hard hard to believe uh but it's it's estimated that about 60 million Americans either habitually or occasionally use marijuana which now is higher than smoking higher than cigarettes oh isn't that wild I mean it's better for you I guess it is I I do agree with that uh but I just I I I mean I guess it makes sense right it's now legal in so many states it's not legal here in the state of Texas but in a lot of States it's legal and um you know the rate of use has has gone up and now it's actually higher than nicotine products um so is it a big risk having plas surgery well so short answer if somebody tells me that they smoke smoke pot I'm like it's not a big deal like I'm not worried about that now there's a little bit huh you're like good for you yeah it's like okay segment's over no um there's a little bit more to it though um for me uh I I haven't seen any problems with it um you know but there are some downsides to it if you are having surgery uh there was was a study in jamama surgery so Journal of the American Medical Association in 2023 that showed that people that had cannabis use disorder so basically cannabis I guess that's like alcoholism for weed I didn't think you could get addicted is that like a pothead I guess it' be pothead right cannabis use disorder I'd never heard that term before I was like cannabis use does that just mean they smoke a lot hot um so people have cannabis usess sworder which I guess is like 20% of people that use marijuana um they do have in increase risk of serious complications from surgery including respiratory issues upper Airway issues risk of arrhythmias and also issues with pain control um which kind of makes sense I mean if you're smoking anything it's not great for your lungs I've always I'm G ask you guys and this maybe I'm wrong about this I always felt like if people smoke pot they're smoking a lot less than cigarettes right like no one's smoking 20 joints a day yeah I don't I don't think you would be Snoop Dog or like or or Willie Nelson maybe but but I think the average person probably not functioning yeah right so I can believe that if you have a cannabis used disorder and you're waking up at 8: a.m. to fire one up that that probably your lungs are going to take a hit right and so yeah that becomes you know more important um but to counter that there was another recent study by PRS so that's plastic and reconstructive surgery which actually came out this month um that showed that marijuana users had no increase in complications uh with plastic surg yeah like they didn't find any that's cool um but I feel like if you're like the Cannabis whatever used to I think it's called we always called this people po like what do you TR what do you call somebody who smokes pot all day a poad no a happy person poad yeah that's what I'm saying like they're smoking pot all day they don't probably care about it's like it's like you know care what they look like people who drink all day is alcoholics like I didn't know like what's the what's the correct termol I think you I think it's probably like a PO right yeah that's what we always you yes BR I'm saying though like if there if there's a person that wants Botox that just is a pothead I don't think they exist because it's like why do they care yeah true that's so that's so right I bet if you have I bet people of cannabis use disorder probably don't get a lot surgery they probably don't care what they look like or or it depending on how like the the Cannabis affects you you could care like too much like get anxiety about yeah you give super anxiety super anxious about I think I look fat right now I'm going to rush out instead of paranoid about the cops I'm coming after you they're paranoid about their body but no I honestly this is a great topic I'm surprised we haven't done this one before because yeah I mean now I mean there are a lot of people that you know smoke marijuana because it's it's legal and so there's like the stigma has gone from it and and and and like I said you know when people come into my office and they say and I smoke pot I'm like oh don't worry about it like it's not not I mean that's probably a bad thing to say as a doctor but I mean I'm just being real with them that Co cool cool huh you're like cool cool cool it's like cool cool know we're cool bro um no I think that like you know um there there is a little bit more to it right because you know people can get cannabis use disorder my new favorite word uh cannabis use disorder and that potentially is you know problematic not only for uh surgery but other issues but but like you know somebody's like BL raing one up on the weekends like I'm just like yeah it's not going to be a problem like you're fine I wouldn't like smoke it before you came into the surgery center that's it probably would turn you away like we've had people we had I needed to calm down nervous we've had people show up I had one patient one time show up uh drunk and they cancel the surgery like CU they were just like why would you get drunk before getting clasic surgery I have no idea like I'm not sure I that is so silly yeah I'm not sure um but yeah they showed up and like yeah you can't consent right if you if you're NE rated you can't legally consent so we have to cancel cancel the surgery so that was a long time ago that's tough yeah that's crazy right so all right anything else to add about uh pot cannabis use disorder no not today not today all right not for me okay I think that about wraps up our show for today thank you guys so much for tuning in we really do appreciate it please leave us a comment if you have anything that you want us to talk about it we will have a segment on it nip talk next week bye bye

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