Two Kaisers against the world: Germany and Austria-Hungary ft. ‪@MordianGlory‬

welcome back to the Great War Redux and today I have something special for you ever wonder what makes Special Sauce so special yo today I will take up the mantle of the German Empire and together with my friend morian Glory a man who needs no introduction who is a legend within his own Community Warhammer 40,000 specifically the guard if you play the guard you know who this man is if you don't well allow me or allow him to introduce himself excited for today's game I haven't played hearts of ir 4 in a while and I've never played the Great War Redux mod so I am expecting to rather successfully and involuntarily role play as austrial Hungary in this game I may be holding back the Germans but hey at least we're being historically accurate 1910 Germany and Austria Hungary together against the world I have a feeling this is going to go very historically with the Germany carrying all this but we'll see we'll see let's go you should be able to get a sizable Force out you might struggle to really stack the deck but you should have enough divisions to cover all the fronts I prefer to also streamline my divisions so everything is more or less the same kinds of Divisions I prefer to just stick with infantry for everything until I can get armor see if I get everything Streamlight down to what I want I can get many divisions out so I'm going to work with a two types of Divisions basic infantry the just hold the front line they they're like there in the trenches then I'm going to make some sort of shock troops to break through no tanks though it's not really the age for it not right now I guess no no not not for a while I'm just going ham on my industry get as much industry out as possible I don't need to focus as much on Politics as you do Germany's relatively stable and all this really does is allow me to back you you going to be doing a lot of that I will be I also have the option to backstab you and Annex you instead I would would blame you it would make for quite a short collab it would allow me to restore the Holy Roman Empire we are going to pacify the Italians en tyal now because they've been getting quite up a te oh boy oh man this is not a good this is this is this is definitely a focus that's going to get me cancelled uh anti-serb policy yeah I'm sure that's what that'll be yeah don't read it yeah no just play the game it is a theme you're pretty much repressing everyone I do have to say I am not reading any of the news things that pop up particularly closely or uh a lot of the decisions that come up particularly closely uh I'm kind of just signing and reclining and just as the emperor himself would I'm pretty certain this day he didn't know he was signing that Declaration of rubber stamp at all got 82 civilian factories let's see that should definitely definitely be good I don't have that many in let's see let's see what oh 19 oh I'm building them man it's wor it's fine it's going to be fine my crappy landstone divisions don't require any support equipment so I feel like I should just raise more of those [ __ ] bags just throw throw them into the line just so I actually get bodies you could you could but cuz right now I've made in the time we've been playing I have successfully trained and equipped one Infantry Division oh the aan Army grows substantially now you could go into your recruting deploy and edit the Infantry Division A little I usually cut it down to size of uh 9 total infantry battalions oh wow yeah it's chunky man it's chunky it's way too big to be meta and way too big for you to sustain a large army so the first thing I do once I get a little bit of army experience is like cut down out of one of my divisions one of them that I'm recruit which is like eight I'm not going like too too crazy with it three of them of the shitty militia five of them the good ones only one of them currently has received enough rifles to start training so historically Serbia actually held off Austria for quite a while is that actually likely to happen in this one is it going to fall pretty quickly it actually pretty likely to happen mostly because of the terrain so you got major river separating you and them pretty much everywhere and it's it's quite hilly terrain basic infantry which is all we've got to work with is going to have some trouble breaking through they're going to concentrate their entire Army on that relatively narrow front it's going to be slightly difficult to break through I'll see if I can get some Storm Troopers over to help but my initial goal is going to be to try to cut off that Russian bulge near Warsaw I'm going to see if I can punch through from Prussia down to um Austria and Poland and just cut off a section of the Russian army that's going to be my goal then we knock out Serbia and Montenegro hopefully and that hopefully and then we have all we need to turn on the French yeah you might want to switch over to making Mills soon for the next two years yeah I think I don't think I got a choice man I think I have to do that whether I want to or not I just sacrifice your civilian industry for a while at least your country is no longer falling apart at the scene I mean it's 93% stable I'm pretty certain that's as good as it's going to like yeah more or less switch over to that Eco side now yeah you're you're probably good now now you want to hit the uh see quick quick look here you want to do the Army question crisis because that will unlock your army branch and uh allow you to make an army that does not suck suck ass yeah so December of 1913 so we got about 6 months Boys 6 months is the German Army going to be able to handle this I think it is but this might be hubis so I've got one General two generals in the same part the front and one of them's like yeah we're [ __ ] stoked man and the other one's like we're [ __ ] inside you are two generals like what oh oh oh they shot him they shot your boy turns out I uh didn't fix it oh there's a few Russian divisions on that border now number number go up oh my general is no longer as confident as he was before bye General are super unconfident about this whole vibe okay oh that's way more Russians than I anticipated and okay War it's all it's popping off the Great War is here oh Luxembourg is in why is Luxembourg in this war immediately oh Russian assault is being stopped so we're holding the Russians off and I'm going to Counterattack front Should Be steady it should hold it should hold let's pop it off let's pop it off boys well at least I've knocked out the luxemburgish I'm attacking Belgium because that is simply what you do I'll hold off the French start pushing into Russian territories Jesus Christ there's so many Russians I thought I had a massive Army available it's not looking as big now oh look at Russia look at that Russian bulge we're we're making inroads I am also making inroads into Belgium am I going to do it I have done it the belgians have fallen the Western Front is wide open this is actually going really well we're doing really well we can do it you've taken Belgrade yay my general it's entirely he's coordina everything I've just pressed the button no M gr my Army he was confident rightfully so oh I'm pushing through push more divisions more divisions I say into that Gap ah they're hitting Last Stand so they're going to slow you down now but you are doing pretty well down there once I get this major encirclement completed in the north I have divisions available that I could redirect South that might be able to uh tip the balance this is a war of infantry all right the US decides to be neutral I can live with that see if I can suck up to the Romanians get them off our back stop attacking montro turns out they're really hard as Nails yeah it's it's all the terrible mountainous terrain it is awful unless you have like specific divisions for it actual dedicated Mountaineers you're not getting through easily oh wow yeah I was I was like look at me I've taken a square and you're like trying to win the war in in big bold Maneuvers in 1940 baby let's do it I'll start sending you some infantry equipment there hopefully if I can make Serbia capitulate I'll um get a bunch of equipment off them we'll head from breast lift TK to zamir and uh we won't plan it with dick because we're austrians um [ __ ] plan just go we just go n it's red as [ __ ] it's red as [ __ ] man oh no it's a nice distraction it'll be fine it'll be fine we've already taken so much land good God I need to do so many things all at once we've done it we've done it we've completed the encirclement oh dear that's a lot of dead ruskies and now we're going to collapse that not too terrible we've both lost about 120,000 men and we've killed about 700,000 Russians W the numbers are on our side that is a lot of dead ruskies hey welcome aboard Ferdinand come on bugaria here we go get involved get stuck in there goes the Russian army they're pushed into one pocket oh they're going to shoot up past the million casualties they're gone the entire Russian army in that area wiped out 1 and A2 million casualties eat them eat them their capital's gone again I mean they have to go now right 99% capitulated I think the Russian arm is cracked there we go got the entire Russian Baltic Army trapped sound like na Invasion yeah I heard that where oh it's an Asia Minor it's probably nothing we could knock the Russians out of this if I now drive on St Petersburg we could potentially knock the Russians out entirely we've destroyed half the Russian army they're down to 120 divisions they were at like 300 when we started this uh the greatest victory of the austo Hungarian Empire in this War I mean technically we achieved all our war goals this is true you did technically everyone else decied to keep fighting after the fat after Seria foul like yeah GG guys right all done you did what you set out to do and it was it was fine taken St Petersburg ah Serbia has capitulated I got some equipment oh apparently somebody's just staged a coup in my country no ideal no the emperor's been replaced by ludor I'm just going to keep attacking the Russians I no idea what else to do I've got this in the bag no no problem we'll be drinking tea in London and and eating quasons in France end the 196 I reckon and I helped you you you were you were present that is true you were there I was there there we go the August Revolution that's the first and then we're going to have a second revolution because why not and then then the Bolsheviks rise up and I've just sent Vladimir Lenin off to Russia yay having a holiday have a nice trip sir we have fully encircled the Russian army on your border yes I got them all trapped I'm going to try and help out in the Balon see if we can push these Italians like cuz there's a lot of Italians there there are and I am just non-stop attacking them hoping that my supplies are better than their supplies it doesn't really seem to be helping but it's I'm going to throw some weight around as well see if we can force them out at least it's reasonably good ter well good it's it's decent terrain it's not mountains I tried selecting every Division and right clicking on Montenegro and it just went red Mass Attack isn't going to work here I think it's got to be uh some sort of planning might be required yeah we've got to base I'm going to let all the attacks like play out and then not worry about it but I'm going to pull my boys back for a little bit I need to have an idea how to do this I need to take Italy the easiest way is Naval Invasion but I cannot get my fleet into the Mediterranean I mean I have a fleet it's not doing anything it's chilling in Port do you have could you set the the strike force in the Adriatic I can try I've I've literally don't never done like Navy stuff before so I got seven b nine battleships one Heavy Cruiser four light Cruisers and 75 destroyers just select all of them set them to the strike force Mission and select the Adriatic Sea as the area and let's see if that is something that could work we don't have to worry about Naval Warfare we just need like Naval superiority which is achieved by just assigning the right amount of numbers and I can launch my Naval invasions I'm landing in anona as we speak okay okay and we're in I'm going to send in my boys Supply is going to be a bit of an issue until I can link up with the main front but it shouldn't be too long before that happens ah there we go bushism Al no front line for anymore it does look like nope does look like it's j oh the bulvik are putting up a little bit of a fight for now but it should be yeah it's pretty much over ah peace treaty with Russia we are signing that peace treaty with Russia now the event's going to run its course and we'll be fine oo oh 37,000 rifles in the hole that's a that's a biggie where yeah didn't didn't realize quite all this if and doubt attack action has uh definitely yielded oh boy some form of result I've been attacking a lot it seems that was not a good idea oh I've done it I've split Italy in half now I would to commit to the offensive I have no idea what's going on with the Russians they're supposed to be signing a bunch of Peace deals about now where they signed pretty much everything away to me they're not it's probably fine okay and little Montenegro still Clinging On The dear life oh peace deal oh come on peace deal what was that Soviets oh the Soviets have given up that was it the Treaty of breos oh yeah we're we're sucker punching what's left of the Italian Army it's going straight through the north Italy is dying it would appear we have reached the French border but I'm unable to exploit a breakr mopping up Italy they're pretty much dunzo at this point the game's trolling me every country I don't know what they are it's just showing me the Serbian flag it's like stop it well there's mostly there's mostly Italians in Montenegro as well I don't see a I see how many Montenegro divisions five there is a Liberian division there oh F F's in chat oh no it's it's j he's done for it's j no a who's in charge now so utterly unfa head bastard he's got like two small slugs strapped to his face we're going need to have a revolution someone else needs to be in charge I'm sorry kind of kind of is not that in charge Carl he looks like a Carl that makes me very sad you know he was uh ahead of his time with that facial hair he he was the face of ustria he was the father of the nation and uh now we're all sad I'm actually more upset about it than I thought I would be I just I I thought maybe we'd avoid that bit that historical bit me age man he he is going to age not much he can do about it all right about 77 days I'm going to launch a naval invasion of the UK and it's going to be glorious Italy is getting pushed to the tip and Italy is gone Kingdom of Italy has capitulated good I've just transferred 72 divisions to the Western Front 24 on the it what formerly Italy bit and 48 on the Northern bit so if that helped it might free up some Manpower for you I actually probably have a bunch of I have whole bunch of [ __ ] locking down the various points on Romania as well and Montenegro I mean I probably don't anyone on Montenegro now right or I can just finish Montenegro off probably could just keep them in circle with a minimal Cordon oh there the Italians have landed troops is that the Italians oh serbians godamn [ __ ] serbians again Naval invasions going seven divisions hitting them around Hull oh please make this work making landfall making landfall we should be able to make it happen and it also looks like there's nobody home do we need to uh attack on the other fronts to stop them from pulling people back I'm going to do that that's actually a really good idea that way they can't redeploy cuz everyone's busy look at the UK go see this is what happens when you send your entire military to fight in Europe I'll leave someone at home yeah the UK is done for Tak London and everything you got to be [ __ ] me come on am I really going to have to walk the I'm going to have to to take Paris we're going to have to invade the French from behind big attack I'm going to hit them around cherborg land and immediately expand the French are pretty much on their own I mean I can attack yeah launch every possible attack now pin everyone in place my shock troops are going to land and I'm immediately going to follow up with that big army that I have pulled off the Italian front and we're just going to go for it walk to Paris boys Sprint to Paris we're going to finish this just send in wave after wave after wave wave after wave of my own men Eugene I'm sorry you're not happy man but the ATT does not stop until Eugene not is Eugene not feeling it 've done it we've done it we've taken Paris we have taken Paris the war is over it is done it's got to be done now the onun [Music] surrenders The Kaisers have won this now in this mod there's not a peace deal per se the Great War it's all scripted so in about 10 days we're going to get like uh the the the Armistice whatever I want to see what happens there we go that's the peace treaty and now we're going to see the borders change and there goes the final peace conference come on did Austria actually get anything I hope you did yay you got something I'm going to pause the game that was it the the the war is over I hasn't done it for me oh no I think I've crashed no I never got to see I have I have gone full FR Joseph I never got to see the fin I I'll I'll tell you what you got you got Lombardy Venice kco I don't know if you actually had that already like like part of Poland CA I don't think you had that before no I don't think so Serbia is your puppet no Serbia is not your puppet oh my God no ironically Bulgaria got quite a lot of Serbia but considering bulgar is my favorite country in regular ho I'm okay with that like not I'm not upset with that somebody gets it Serbia was cut down to size Montenegro kept everything honestly Austria Hungary got shafted this yeah we got we we got nothing austri Hungary got shafted yeah anyway I hope you enjoyed this I had a lot of fun who knows maybe at some point I can I can actually come to you and uh maybe we can do a battle report yeah 100% man that would be cool yeah I did really enjoy it by the way and I just want to say uh thank you for uh for like you doing the collab and everything man it was a ton of fun I've not played heart surviv 4 in a while and uh it was really really good to have a game where we could not only like role play a little bit but because OB you're quite good at the game there was that freedom to have a bit of fun with it and not worry so much about having to do everything perfect so it was really good having an experienc hand at the at the helm always happy to help like I said I had a lot of fun anyway I uh I hope you guys out there enjoyed it as well I hope you want to watch the next video as well see you

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