Category: Gaming
Faker你以為我輸了 其實我是不想被geng 11擒 t1今年打dk 11勝1敗 如果演的順利一點的話 這邊t1打hle 真的會歷史重演嗎 菲艾居然放出來 喔勒布朗提速欸 t1加上這個艾希很高機率是要去輔助的 不然你艾希加上勒布朗 你的後期基本上沒說法 我覺得很有可能下路是什麼凱特琳 克黎思妲 喔艾希 布朗姆 欸這樣節奏會放慢很多欸 沒有很喜歡 不過算是克制犽凝跟菲艾啦 對 這場球給zeus了 這邊高機率四選維爾戈 維爾戈康特菲艾 然後維爾戈跟布朗姆又有協同 然後維爾戈勒布朗也是一個很強的組合 喔 先選上路欸 也合理啦 也合理 因為zeus的凱能可以走ad跟ap的 看對面去做選擇 啊凱能現在有點沒counter啊... Read more
Category: Gaming
You is my point we are going to see theia band away kind of interesting like it it makes a whole lot of sense into faker but we know that ze really likes it and there is a tree another tree will then be ban and maybe even sani we'll see um sherean theme both of the forecasts from like three sets ago... Read more
Category: Gaming
First game game number three is going to start now i think it's 03 match game for and then like baker not being able to step up the zack that doesn't come us too much of a surprise gumay yushi i think a seraphin was definitely considerably worse but that's not the problem right that's not why they're... Read more
Category: Gaming
Lose this guys don't don't don't be too i think it's too hard to lose this we have done other things tell me oh what oh the flesh predicts that was crazy what ladies and gentlemen welcome back and it's time to duel i mean not you and me but like it's dueling time and starting us off in the red corner... Read more
Category: Gaming
And now i'm against vager the do i pick bro something that can scale as this band i want action i could echo but my echo is going to be a solo lose i guess i could y the banana combo surely the loser skill will end this this game and we can start our journey to actually climbing is this a zillian otp... Read more
Category: Gaming
B/p モルダーよりなんだ強化的にはこれ順に何 当てるんだモルダー 落としたいんだろうなっての 分かる成的にはとかでもいいかなってだ けどあしくん だてる勝てるんだっ たらして ない4なっておかしくないるだあまそうだ ねス ねまあまあまあまミッド勝てば 勝てるが勝ったら勝つ ゲームスタート [音楽] i [音楽] いい ねいいね俺と同じこと言 たわかんねことから解説 一番大事なのはミレンなんでねこの 試合が導権持ったら成的に正直何もでき ない 開幕でね1番大事なことを言ってくれるね やっぱえいなって 思う その説明してくれるけど みね一番最初が大事 [音楽] トが勝つとこのオーナーの動きをめらん... Read more
Category: Gaming
Recuerdo que eso significa que lo que se piquee en esta partida ya no se puede jugar en las siguientes ya no se puede jugar hasta la quinta partida mira el nasus cómo se va eh mira cómo se va el nasus [ __ ] cuidado con el tema del nasus eh ay ay ay viene se viene se viene pam pam vale first vamos a... Read more
Category: Gaming
Mejores composiciones parche 14.17 de tft estoy desde playa el carmen ya mi hermano con relic lo actualizaron desde la web así que vamos a ver un poquito las mejores compos vamos a arar con tierce las compos bait como yo me gusta decir son compos que no están fuertes en el meta pero que son decentes... Read more
Category: Gaming
He tenido que pasar un poco porque si no me va como a trancas y barrancas eso que es verdad oye lo de que se baneen a sus medios alguien me lo es que esto es maravilloso o sea yo est probando me pare me parece muy guapo en verdad yo est probándolo estos días bueno para empezar lo primero este metajuegos... Read more
Category: Gaming
応援本部設立宣言 えここに応援本部日本支部を本部だったわ 嘘言った応援本部を設立することを宣言し ますまで も1好きだけどバイパーかなり好き グリフィンがにいた時にバイパーを見た時 に輝いて見えたねまは取っといた方がいい かも b/p ねがやる ポッピーお早いね早いね ポッピージングルサポートポップま フレックスだなかなりフレックス早いクだ これオクポンプかトップかなトップか サポートバックラインアクセスするようの イニシエートの要素が欲しいからレオナを 抑える必要があるねあレオナ対面で サポートに行くかなこれ多分サイドを 押せるピックが結構いいこの場合は最近の 傾向だとなでもブラインドなを4ピック目... Read more
Category: Gaming
Well fellas we haven't done one of these in a while have we little tier list i have assembled all of the riot games right here minus uh tellstones because that's not a video game that's more like a board game these are just the official fully licensed riot video games we should just begin with uh [music]... Read more
Category: Gaming
Để có được cho mình một tình huống có mạng hạ gục dành cho chovi và những stack qu liên tục giúp cho kin có được áp lực đầy cánh nữa khiến cho hang esport gần như là không có lời giải ở giai đoạn sau thì ở ván thứ hai này xem có gì khác biệt ở những lượt cấm hay không nali như vận như đã đề cập quá... Read more