Simms on QB difference makers : Joe Milton, Devin Leary, Jordan Travis

Published: May 14, 2024 Duration: 00:11:47 Category: Sports

Trending searches: devin leary
Intro [Music] we got more quarterbacks coming here backbody F Sams and we're gonna do who we doing now we're doing Joe Milton we're doing Joe Milton Deon Larry from Kentucky and who's the third Jordan Travis Jordan Travis damn three damn good quarterbacks I think three good prospects too for the next level in the NFL maybe not day one starters or projected starters but guys that should have you know good careers as potential backups that can maybe work their way up the ladder guys that came after the big six now we missed Spencer Rattler I screwed up the tape so we can't show him sorry Spencer I I know we are sorry but you know look he I thought he would all all along be the seventh guy which he was yeah but I'm excited about these other other three just to see where they fit in the NFL and who they are and let's just yeah and you were a big fan Joe Milton of Spencer so sorry Spencer that we don't have your film maybe we'll come back and do it again Loggins was the offensive coordinator so he is he ran a pro offense yeah he did so and he's tough he's tough as hell got arm strength and all that so he's gonna make it I don't even worry about him he's gonna make it but let's do Joe Milton first Joe Milton baby Rocky Top let's just say this watch the dropback look at the throw what do you think can everybody in uh pro football make that throw like that yeah Zayn can make that throw no all right but this is his thing big 65 powerful arm and just makes everything when it right it looks really good yeah and that's really the biggest thing right is just that like hasn't played enough right compared to some of the other like even a Bo Knicks who's played 3,000 reps in college football hasn't played enough but you see just the raw talent and ability that Joe Millan has right there great back shoulder throw you want me to rewind it yeah no just let it go oh okay all right sorry Phil here it's all right tough cookie today yeah I am every once in a while I have to show you that I'm a f how about this slot out throw really just again makes it look easy just a dynamic throw and this will be interested like see he makes a nice little turn which is really good to throw the football does he does not always but when he does it explodes out of his hand yeah and you know he really does have that ability too where like you know we've seen it dude can throw at 80 yards on a fly you know and he can train I've only seen one person ever throw it but here you go he didn't let it just let it go he throws the interception he looks to his right but then comes back you got to see in front when you're playing in the NFL yeah and there's an Endzone shot of this to show you look he's looking down the middle he looks right and he comes right back in the safety just says I'm reading you the whole way gets the interception and that's just lack of experience that is so that's gives you a little shot of Joel Milton oh we got one more okay got one more here we go should have thrown this ball to the top of the screen why'd you go down to the bottom the top of the screen you got one-on ones and you turn I mean on the bottom you had one-on-one twoo there but he under threw it that was a tight end I want to go to my best receiver to the top of the screen okay so just again hey see we got to show some bad of these guys too can all be great here's one of my I don't know I'm not going to say anything negative I Devon Larry caught my attention because he's think it's funny when you get excited you're like oh here's one of my you like get hungry all of a sudden I'm always but if Devin Larry sees somebody Devin Leary open by this much 40 yards down the field yeah he going to get it there and you know I think that's what caught my attention but had a good career at North Carolina State wasn't a great year at Kentucky but here's just a good example of some of the things move better I put this in here because damn you know everybody tough dude Jersey kid you know tough dude absolutely Jersey boy got to show some love y and you know he kind of he's got like a little Gardener muu vibe to me when I watch him play you know Good Feet like by the seat of his pants but like damn he makes a lot of good run that one back oh here we go just watch yeah he's going to here this throw I said oh my God he good throw but look we got four Defenders let me just rip it in here that's right a little Brett farre mentality never hurt nobody so you know I I'm not making fun of him but this is kind of who he is you can see he's big thick got a pretty he's got a really good arm I think yeah and uh very strong arm but you the reason why you also like Devin 2 and guys like Milton as well right who you know maybe aren't your starters but you want a guy who is a backup or a third Stringer we're like okay our offense might not be as good you know with this guy in it but I I know that this guy has the talent to make big plays for us you know you don't value the backup that like oh he can get us in and out of the Huddle as they say you know that cliche right I actually heard that once you know he's really good in the Huddle yeah what the hell does that mean that's right he called to play oh I'm so excited the way you delivered that yeah but you you want someone that has kind of that Gunslinger you know attitude to him that can be tough and make you know dynamic throws and there's another example of again come back all the way line he doesn't even hesitate he's trying he's he's disappointed CU he wanted to throw it further yeah so and here we go watch this in cut let me just rip this damn thing really good throw again yeah it really was man a lot of a lot of Clips against Tennessee here Phil what the hell well I just tried to condense it all into one team and the fog rolled in in Kentucky holy Christ Le smoking that much down [Laughter] there man but another good throw it Jordan Travis really was good you know good play action here we go yeah another good throw and now we're going to Jordan Travis Jordan Travis jet Jets picked him up Jets picked him you know he knows how this is a whole different thing what we just showed right this is a polished quarterback lots of experience uh has all the things you want reads the defense makes good decisions and the downfall is his arm strength is it's you know I'm being kind saying it's average NFL okay probably is not even average right but throws anticipation knows how to play the position good leader plays tough as hell again yes you know so toughness scale for this whole draft class to me very high you know especially in college hey look this guy played very tough for Florida State all year you know and yeah maybe we're talking differently about him this time of the year too if he doesn't get hurt and they end up going to the National Championship because I think that they were that good this year I do too I think football team was good you know when he got hurt yeah their team changed you know and they were no longer National Championship Contender but the other thing I like about him too Mt he's he's just got a little pop on his feet you know and he you know that that was really good he does have great pop in his feet yeah he's got he's got that jump rope boom boom boom boxer look with his feet which I I I love that and you know athletic enough too yeah good runner right not not a jayen Daniels but you know who the hell is right but still solid still solid good athleticism throws it well on the run too you know makes constantly consistent good decisions as he's playing the game you know I think that's a big thing too for just again being a backup right in the NFL I think you said it too he's you know he's the man he's the lead he was the leader of Florida State it's not only they lost his talent and experience they just lost the man right and that's you know that's who he was at school oh wow good job there falling off because you're going get fantastic you're going to get plastered yeah and I don't know if you had the clip here too but you know even just you know as I'm watching this I always kind of think back to you know him versus Clemson made a lot lot of big throws you know to Keon Coleman late in that football game too late made big throws against Boston College uh to get them into that game right to kind of reinvigorate them because Boston College actually kind of had them on the ropes but he made so many good throws in that game to kind of just push them over the top so uh you know yeah National Championship Contender when he's the quarterback and you know you can't lie like you know they were a really good team after he got hurt but that's how much of an impact he had on the football team being on the field so it's good so there's some extra guys there from the big you know from the big six and all that it's lot of fun to do here and I hope we educated a little bit as far as it wasn't it wasn't all just no and it's great too that the best quarterback of the damn draft class you had probably the most you know mistakes for him in his career and his his review here so that was pretty interesting Kay Williams is awesome and you had like seven of his bad plays meanwhile everyone else had maybe one so okay well I wasn't paying that much attention to some of those things trying to be truthful you know he's at the top you're just trying to knock him down I get it you no they look they're all listen I like them all I wish them all well yeah because it as you know and I know it's brutal in the NFL especially a quarterback and the windows that are open for you there if you have a chance to be the starter are smaller than ever before it's ridiculous it is you know we want this quarterback draft tee and after two games I don't think I like him we made a mistake I know I mean well like think about like Trevor Lawrence someone like Trevor Lawrence right now I mean he he's in a situation where he's literally playing for his career this year coming up because if they don't get it done if Doug Peterson and him don't do something you know that's worthy of it people are going to start chatting about both of them you know Doug will be out and they'll be like we we should probably move on from Trevor now so that's pretty amazing how quickly it it goes and you know you just you're right you got to seize the moment as much as you possibly can and you know really just put it together as fast as possible which is not not easy it's all great if you're watching this what if you have any comments especially negative ones send them to Matt Sim you know okay but yeah I want to hear comments about all this and see if people kind of follow along and I like the fact that we did each one individually so watch your favorite guy and then wait a couple days if you want and watch the rest of them and uh we'll be on this all year long in this podcast Sims complete Sims complete yeah see complete that pass that's what it's about that's right and uh yeah looking forward to it it's going to be an exciting year doing all this stuff yeah I mean again this is uh now a full year that we've been doing this we started this you know uh back at your house with our first breakdown you know and now now look what happened yeah you're right you're right it's pretty cool we've been doing this for full year really enjoy doing it and uh you know and this look at his facility look at look at this I Studios you're the best it's unbelievable Special K Zane Luke in the back Adam H you the man appreciate it player anoli you're the best everyone's getting a shout out right now shut up for a second all right sorry but I was you know listen it as we were doing this I was trying to speed things up cuz Special K I thought she was going to fall asleep on her over there well yeah you know she doesn't really give a damn about football so this is why you know but uh you know hey it was good breaking it down with you all good good stuff good luck to the QBs in this upcoming NFL Year wish you the best look forward to watching it and uh you know big Phil you the man oh no what's your favorite saian toodles toodles Jesus we got to get something better than toodles hey you're the one keeps bringing it up no I just want to hear you say it I just want to hear you say it what' you call me nothing I love you all right that's it shut up I'm gone I'm leaving all right leave leave all right all right keep the camera on me let's keep this going yeah okay hey that's all we got Sims complete check us out on Sims complete YouTube Page Believe Network all that kind of stuff yeah we're we're everywhere we're everywhere man Phil Sim see you you're out of here all right I'm Mar by myself see you later bye man uh hey we're done and all of a sudden he perks up [Music]

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