[Music] Scottish course and tribunal service are responsible for the administrative function for the courts across the whole of the country and that involves citing over 400,000 jors per year we've been working with mat West and P along with our internal it colleagues to develop the system to digitally pay our Jor expenses previously uh judor would submit a paper claim to a local Court the local Court would then um review the claim and issue them a check so it's quite a slow process Now using Pay It jurors who submit their claim on our system once approved can get issued a p link immediately and have their money claimed within a couple of hours into their bank account from a Scottish Court's perspective we don't have to maintain or hold any Jor uh banking records it's all secure and and done through the open banking um system SC colleagues are no longer having to perform those administrative duties of receiving paper based claims so that frees up the court colleagues time for the more important duties of actually running a court since we've started last year we have processed nearly 7,000 claims of value of about million in the next couple of months we're looking to implement the NatWest API functionality so that will allow us to automate the payments further we've had lots of feedback and lots of positive feedback one instance that Springs to mind is particular juder who was um cited to attend court and and was going to lose her week's pay that juder was able to submit her claim on the Friday afternoon and have the funds within a couple of hours that the system we have now is has transformed what we do in terms of efficiency and uh being able to PE tutors much quicker [Music]