Newcastle United v Bournemouth | Rivals Match Preview: Predictions, Lineups & more with ‪@utciadafcb‬

[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hello everyone welcome to NFC talk TV I'm Chris the American mag of course we have the match preview of uh of the week of course Newcastle versus Bournemouth away we're going to face the cherries and it's going to be an interesting match I'm assuming a lot of people will say it's an easy match a lot of will say like one like me Bournemouth has made it very difficult for us the past few seasons uh so for that we're gonna before we continue subscribe if you haven't hit the like button of course help us out help us support the channel don't forget the like is very crucial close the chat for a second hit the like button and you can start conversating with everybody else in the chat as well let us know your opinion or any questions that you may have we have an opposition fan a great one so if you have a question for him put a queue in front of it and we'll definitely uh you know show him the question so the question so he can answer it of course part of the panel the mighty win uh we got Gary we got Ian from the United States and let me welcome I'm delighted to welcome him and he is actually the first ever guest that we have on NFC talk TV is a opposition you know preview first ever uh that we started doing this season and I'm delighted to welcome of course Craig uh from the utci a AFC Bournemouth fans Channel how you doing Craig yeah all good thank you so much for having me and I tell you what what a great welcome that was and I'll tell you what great intro as well love it love it appreciate that mate well first of all tell us know it you tell us a little bit of course uh of what means but for the folks that don't know how what is utci a do you know what it's quite funny somebody a leads fan um that I had on ages ago turned around and said utci IAD that sounds like a sexually transmitted infection it's not one of them it's not one of them um what it means is up the cherries in all departments now of course AFC Bournemouth are not a team who had traditionally been very good um we've spent most of our history his in the lower leagues um almost going out The League several times um so it means up the cherries in all departments and it used to be a shout so somebody would shout up the Chariots and then everybody else would reply in all departments um but like I say that shouts kind of disappeared um because it was a shout when uh we were [ __ ] to be honest yeah yeah um but now you know things are SM I mean you are in the Premier League you you're one of the consistent teams in the Premier League and certainly have good players you just got rid of of one of of the main ones a lot of teams including us were linked with salani but tell us man where is Bournemouth right now what are your expectations uh you know are you satisfied with the club you know what what do you think about it right now to be honest we're on cloud nine um or I am at least um Bill Foley's ambition is to get this football club into Europe um I think we're a little way away from that in all honesty I think um it's going to be a stepbystep process um you know of course we finished 12 last season very good finish especially after a bad start um can we push on you know I would like to get to ninth uh which would match Eddie's best finish with us um but yeah it's it's an incredible time it's incredible time you know that we're thinking about actually going into Europe and trying to compete for those places um it it would be amazing I think it's a little bit too soon like I said before um because I don't think we've got the squad depth of course there's a lot of teams and you suffered it last season as well where you get into Europe your squad is stretched and therefore the Premier League does take a bit of a dip um Brighton have experienced it wolves have experienced it but you know I've always wanted to go like I say to the movan capital just you know I don't know what it's like the beer's probably quite cheap there as well isn't it yeah it's Central Europe or wherever it's always going to be cheap not is cheap as it used to be by the way do any planes fly there or do I have to kind of Drive actually it's probably too far to drive in it yeah no way is too far to drive he lives in these guys live in America I've just got back from a 5,000 mile road trip and and I and I never even got to the other the other side of the country I got as far as Utah so yeah it it's possible uh by the way Craig's channel is literally tagged in the title so you can subscribe to him right now it won't take you away it shouldn't take you away from the stream and you can give him a subscription great you know great content of course uh you know if you're interested in Premier League content he's one of them that's that's putting it out there putting the work out there let me ask you man we uh kindly stole somebody from you uh Lloyd Kelly yes there was another podcast as well that that kind of went viral amongst Newcastle fans talking about Lloyd Kelly and how he was a good a good player a good Center back a good left back for you guys seems for the majority of time he was a left back what do you have the same sentiments do you do you like Lloyd Kelly were you gutted to see him leave I was in the end uh um however I could see it coming to be honest he was a player that he did take a little bit of a dip um not last season but the season before um around the Burnley game he was terrible against them um and I think personally that Gary O'Neal wasn't really getting the best out of him um Iola did seem to improve him and he was very good under Eddie how as well no let's not call him Eddie how let's call him just God tonight God honestly honestly he's he's the biggest person that you've stole from us because I tell you what he is an absolute Legend at this football club but Lloyd's a very very good player very assured um sometimes does lack a little bit of confidence you know he is a confidence player um but you know he's he's good good player um so yeah I'm going to see him go got to see him go I think you know we've got Miller Lo kirz um on left back position also we've got you know some great center backs at the moment in Dean hoison brilliant player oh yeah yeah we when we were linked with him well the other lad you just bought from Barcelona arujo was one of my I'm telling you Absol is that how you say it is it arjo no no no it's Aro a ho see I need to do you know what I've Tri saying it in a Mexican way I just failed you got to roll your tongue don't pronounce the Jays it's like an AG just just just a little thing for you uh Craig which I noticed in his press conference today Eddie and it might be a bad saying for you today was the first press conference that he's had before a born moou game where he never mentioned his born moou connection and what a great time he had there and what a fantastic Club it was and this was the very first press conference he ever gave pre-born mouth without referencing the fact that he used to be there oh come on Derek he loves the club he just loves yeah I'm not see for one second that he doesn't I'm it may be it may be but that thatly thinking I'm I'm not going to go there and be nice to them I'm not going to play them and be nice to them I'm GNA try and win do you know what there was some talk between some of the fan base here and it was a small minority to be fair and they were like Eddie just takes it easy on us I'm not I don't subscribe to that I personally think you know he is the Newcastle maner he is determined to win you know he goes into work at 6:00 a.m. in the morning leaves at 8:00 p.m. he is you know whatever Club he's at he'll give 110% and you know personally I just think the last season when you come down to Dean Court you were depleted with injuries and that was really the story of the game to be fair um you know manto man you know I think personally you are a better side you're a stronger side but a couple of injuries is all it takes and everything evens itself out well you are interesting factors of course give me just a second let me let me think Michael McIntyre for the nice Super Chat um thank you brother it says hello all 20 21 tune win uh so thank you Michael uh for that kindly donation what were you going to say Mighty win just that uh Colum Wilson who I'm sure you appreciated we have a we have a lot of ties man well Ryan we're we're not going to go we're not going to go the Ryan Fraser routly the snake the snake snake the double snake the double snake do you know what Eddie Eddie gave Mis chance in football and of course covid hit and he didn't sign that extension and the reason didn't something that extension and I'm going to say it now was because there was all these rumors and it was circulating and I know for you know well not a fact but you know I got very very strong connections that would told me it was because arsenal were going in for him of course he didn't sign that extension Arsenal weren't interested in the end um he let Eddie how down he let us down he let himself down um and unfortunately Steve Bruce was the one that was thick enough to pick him up along with Callum Wilson of course Callum Wilson yeah Callum Wilson would you ever take Callum Wilson back I would take him back as backup and that would mean a significant yeah exactly that's the problem which was exactly the point I was going to make yeah was that since Callum Wilson came to Newcastle he's never played against bour he's always not right that's not right you know it's he is very injury-prone to be honest it was only since he left us that you know really his career is kind of dropped off a little bit because of these injuries um you know don't get me wrong he's done some really good stuff in the Newcastle shirt as well but yeah absolutely the the problem is is unfortunately is those players out there we've got one Tyler Adams we signed him from leads hey man be careful with my American counterpart US national do you know what you know he comes across as a very very nice guy but the problem is is that he's played I think it's two games off the bench for us um and one start that's not good enough that is not good enough and unfort Ely you know he can't seem and I don't think he's any fault of his own he's working hard on himself I think unfortunately some players are just like that who you have great players you know or players that you think are going to be great you know at young age and they become sick notes and unfortunately what happens to them we had Darren anderton for God's sake in our Great Escape season um you know and we all know you know that he was a bit of a sick note unfortunately as well yeah yeah yeah right can I ask you a question my friend yeah of course my mate's a massive Bristol City fan yeah and obviously Alex Scott went to yourselves and he he questioned whether Alex Scott would ever be a Premiership player as in a regular um and obviously he had a serious knee injury last year if memory is correct is that is that yes yeah uh so uh just so I can feedback to him how's he playing uh for you guys well against notam Forest I had to look at some op stats um I'm a bit of a nerd like that to be honest and believe it or not he made the most tackles in the Premier League in the first game week so he's a he's a good player is he the player isn't he he is yeah there's a lot there was a lot of people hyping him up when he come here there was a lot of people saying well he's not going to be here very long and we heard rumors oh yeah he's probably gonna be snapped up by Manchester City there're Hawking around just see how he gets on here and then they'll pick him off and take him there I don't think his progression is going to be that quick but he's more than capable in a bourou Shir he is a very very good player in a Bournemouth shirt the thing is what we've got to look at now is and I can't believe I'm even saying this I have to pinch myself even to say this is when you're talking about players that are good enough to play in a Bournemouth shirt now is that really what Bill Foley is going to want moving forwards because he's got so much ambition for God's sake this guy um as you will know Chris as well um actually took ice hockey to the desert this is the man that took ice hockey to the desert The Last Vegas golden knights um The Last Place on Earth that you would think that ice hockey belongs in he took it there um and has now taken on this very very small Club you know which you know we're quite proud of the actual tags that you know we've been struggling for years and that Journey actually has been exciting to get to this point um when looking back it wasn't at the time to be perfectly honest it was scary at the time but this man has taken on this small club and he's he's got plans he's got Michael B Jordan in the background you know the um we got Donis Creed you know we've got nasaka who's also got if you look at him he's a very very interesting gentleman as well um so what he's built is he's built this team of people and who knows what's in their mind one thing I know that is in their mind is going to be a new stadium which everybody is going to be pleased about but um you know coming back to your point Gary you know I think Alex Scott is perfect for Bournemouth at the moment but I think the goal posts are moving I think the goal posts are moving and where are they moving to um there's also danger as well if Bill Foley moves the goalpost too quickly it could go the other way and you know could fall off the edge of Cliff we've seen that before so how so how's your team doing finan though you know like um I know that there's some of the teams around running around that mid-table like Crystal Palace and maybe yourselves that have been known to be feeder teams you know are you guys doing all right financially that you can spend money because I know we can't you know because we had 14 years of hell you know so do you think you'll you'll be all right and you'll be able to build that way because you have money to bring in better players or do you think it's going to be be a bit of a struggle because you know you like you said you know you're considered to be one of the you know you know not I I hate to say but like normal teams you know small teams yeah with small team you know honestly and just come out with it because I tell you what I think that's what I think we are we are a small football club at the moment but we have got these lofty Ambitions one thing I would say though is if you look at our accounts I had Kieran Maguire on who is the football Finance expert did wrote the price of football um and we actually made a pre uh uh post tax profit now don't get me WR wrong I'm not a financial expert myself that's why I get gearing on um but we made a 44 million pound profit but although that sounds really good A lot of that was actually direct alone from our previous owner Maxim denan who is an absolute Legend at this football club again because of the way he managed the club's finances to get us into the Premier League you know he put in a lot of money and he he's written it off basically what what it means is he's written it off um so although the finances look very good at the moment um how Kieran Maguire was saying it honestly I wouldn't be able to quote him word to word it looks more like it's 5 million pound profit which you know is not as exciting but it's still better than a five million pound loss exactly exactly so I think personally um the club is being managed very very well by Neil Blake um who is the CEO a lot of people give him a lot of flack because mainly he's on a lot of money and drives some very very nice cars um to be honest who cares he deserves it because I think you know how he's run this football club um under Max and also um under our late um chairman uh Eddie Mitchell who was you know a bit of a Marite character with our fan base but somebody who because the thing is what you've got to remember guys is that this club was mismanaged for years it was completely being utterly mismanaged financially we we know about that mate H all right um oh sorry no go on finish your point before we got to move on to the match though uh you're saying you know you're going to move into new St what's the actual population of Bournemouth well this is this is something that I've kind of catchman area you know yeah I I've kind of argued with quite a few people on this and spoken to the club about this on a couple of occasions um the population of bourou and Paul combined and probably Christ Church as well you can combine the three of them um it's a quite a sizable figure but what you've also got to consider is yeah we've got South Hampton to one side I think they're GNA probably go down anyway um but you've also got the other way so you have got towards the west and you've got Somerset so if you look in Su yville exit YoVille exitor room you've got um up to Bristol getting that Craig is what what sort of what sort of capacity capacity stadium you think you could fill regularly I think regularly we could probably fill a 25,000 CA Stadium at this moment in time now if we were to be relegated from in the Premier League I think that we probably feel about 15,000 probably the best example of this and I you know hate to say this is probably reading you know when they were in the Premier League they could fill their Stadium week in week out when they got relegated you that attendance dropped right down and I think we probably be in the same sort of boat as they are right um but we do have a very very very good catchment area as do they and that's why I think You' got to make the comparisons um you know with them probably more than Southampton about this new stadium you know some fans have gone well why don't we build a 37,000 seat Stadium well we don't want to build a 37,000 seat of Stadium because it's absolutely ridiculous um you know we'd have to start giving the tickets away at that point you know for a lot lot less but I think person ly 25,000 with that ability to extend is probably sensible and what's the size of your Stadium now 11,000 11 11,000 and it's packed every week there is fans that are struggling to get tickets um we're lucky you know about that too yeah all right yeah yep uh thank you to Ian flamman for gifting a membership it's going to uh Ray Fegan I think is how you say his name so thank you thank you um Ian and also T talk uh giving his prediction thank you for the two pound donation uh one two says Newcastle sorry to Craig uh all right let's talk about the match of course um and let's go do a round table here uh to start with let's give Craig a little bit of a break you know uh let's help him out let's help him out but Mighty wayn what do you think about this uh week uh this match coming up on Sunday man what is your expectations I think we'll have too much for them to be honest uh sorry Craig no that's fair enough we started off badly last week uh and obviously went down to 10 men after half an hour and still got the result I think with the full squad on Sunday we'll have too much I'm I'm going 2-0 two- n for the two yeah what I didn't ask for a prediction man what do you think about the match we do predictions later B how long you been doing this damn this old guy obviously not long enough what are your thoughts on the game man you done spoil it yeah as I say all right s to Gary go what are you doing man that hey Craig don't get old people in your channel man this is what you get bless you um like always man I think you know going uh playing away at the cherries is always a difficult game um it's it's very the system they usually play and for correct me if I'm wrong Craig it's a 4231 you usually yes set out at home um and yes they they do like to press uh we have to be careful when we play it from the back uh obviously we've got a change in our defense lineup now because obviously we've had the red card so it's going to be a case of you know we need to we need to be on our front foot or I could quite easily see this game go against us um we have to start better than we started last week uh as as wi has already said um and I do think obviously that was excuse me we've got we have there's two there's two sides of us it's like Jackel and Hyde um last season you saw us against Aston Villa we come out the traps like you know on fire uh against sampton it was total opposite we couldn't nullify or work out the best way to break down their system um Bournemouth systems probably similar to what we'd expect so it's probably not going to be as um it's probably going to be a little bit more Spacey Midfield so our our Midfield I hope um should get a little bit more uh ball and obviously be able to spread the ball around the field a little bit more without them being too much pressure on them but like I say they're now mugs Bournemouth and they've bought wisely and I think Ariel is doing a grand job right uh Ian what do you expect uh this weekend mate it depends on which team turns up you know we we've seen it so often and I thought that after the break that we would be more consistent and we haven't we haven't been so again it's like you know if if if the if the team that comes out playing like we know that they can I I I I think we'll we shouldn't bourma shouldn't be a problem but you know we saw again what happened against Southampton last week you know and we struggle you know so and and it's the same team and and like Gary said you know we the same team can go out and play against one team and play an absolute Blinder and yet they can go out and play a team that that's not quite of that high a caliber or and we we we we just bottle it you know look what we did with forus last year look what we did with Luton with bman you know and of course it's not the same team because we haven't got sh right and it's not you know but so so it's like you know we haven't really picked up anybody of significance you know we got Kelly and he seemed he seemed all right for the last few minutes that he came on for us um against Southampton you know in fact I really like the way that he he kind of like read the game and realized you know if he was out of position that he he looked around made sure it was being covered and then got back into his own position but yeah I again until until we get our squads sorted out you know and bu on that depth of squad so that we can do it it's it's a crapshoot it really is you know it's it's why we it's why would call the the ton roller coaster you know you don't know what you're going to get yeah um thank you again to T talk gift another uh Super Chat it says we need to sort our uh form our away form after last season I remember clearly last year when we played born with away that's when the away drama started happening amongst Newcastle fans you know we can't win away we can't you know we should we should be able to beat a borous team but we just can't do it um and uh no matter who we play against and to to that uh to that point Craig thank you to M Michael McIntyre well Mighty win is right okay T there you go shout out to Michael man appreciate that man um but to that point Bournemouth in 22 September 17th we drew uh uh 1-1 we beat you one nil in in December uh that must have been that was a cup game that was a cup game must have been a cup game and then uh after but we we haven't won since uh you know we drew one-1 after two-nil you beat us in November 23 that's the that's the game that I was talking about and then we drew 22 at St James's Park and we're gonna play now do you guys have hope in realistic hope that you can beat Newcastle at home do we do and I think um there's a lot of optimism with around the place at the moment because of firstly the signings Evan Nelson is you know going to be really really exciting for us um but I think Iola last season he got off to a very very slow start and I did even question and believe it or not you might call me mad and you're more than entitled to call me mad because I am absolutely mad from suggesting this um I turn around and said after we was beaten 3-0 up at goodison Park I said there is no way this is going to work we haven't got the players to play arola style what we need to do is we need to bring in a manager Like Jesse Marsh who knows the players who can actually you know get a tune out of them yeah big mistake to be honest guys you know at least I am not the chairman of AFC Bournemouth because that would have been an absolute [ __ ] show um but Iola got it right and you know he's gone a lot more what he did was he went a little bit more direct what we was doing against Everton and Brighton where we went one nil up against Brighton but we was just passing around the back we was making stupid mistakes because of that we started going a little bit more direct a little bit more like Eddie how did when he was here um and of course we beat Man United and we beat yourselves and we got off we did had that great run in the middle of last season um and there's a lot of optimism I don't think Iola will have that sort of start again I don't think he'll have that sort of start again of course the draw against notam Forest I was a little bit disappointed with it to be fair it's I think you know I felt a bit disappointed with it um but I personally think at home and do keep in mind there's going to be a lot of celebrations at Dean court on Sunday because it is our 125 year anniversary there's going to be a lot of impetus for us to get result in this match they probably hey Bill Foley Michael B Jordan will probably be there nasaka will be there they'll have fireworks they'll have the flame machines they'll have all sorts uh they'll probably have Casino girls walking around you know we we've had all of that uh um so there's a good feeling about the place um and Iola is getting it right on the pitch um the players that we're signing to be fair Simon Francis um and also Richard Hughes before him since iola's been here we haven't bought what I would call a Duff player um you know every player has been pretty decent um and that's something Eddie how even made some poor signings from time to time you know and poor Acquisitions we're not making those anymore um what we are signing is we're signing young players exciting players players that want to prove themselves um and yeah there's a good feeling about the club and personally I think we can get a result on Sunday but we've got to be at our best because even without Fabian sh and I know Sandro tanali it's his last game uh before he's back from suspension even without those players I think Newcastle are strong strong side and side we've got to be very cautious of uh Ian fman thank you mate again I think it will be a hard game on Sunday yeah I think so too I mean it just the last games tell you it is I mean you know you can't sugarcoat it uh even when we finish in Champions League spot it was tough uh to go there uh you guys made some signings and of course some departures Evan Nelson coming on the team sistera coming on as well you know hoon and Aro uh but a few left Solani Kelly I think would be some tough ones to get to get over um and then what is it fa F favra fa yeah he's he he's it was a weird signing that one that was a really really weird signing because um he signed for us and they went straight on loan to um our I don't know what to call them are they a sister club or what are they um lauen in France now of course Bill Foley has got a I think he's got a 40% share in that football club they've just been relegated from leun um but he went straight on loan there and then he come back um personally favra I'm not too bothered about I think that you know he will be a good player in the long run I think he's a squad player for us but I don't think he's probably going to be somebody who you could say right he's going to start week in week out right um Dominique sanki though on the other hand was a player that always gutted for us to lose and a lot of people will look at his goals they'll say well you know he scored 19 goals you know and it's what else he does droing back bringing other players in that's he he's a massive loss but we've reinvested that money we've reinvested that money in hon um REO have I said that right Roo yeah got it got it um and of course and Evan nson uh hoison hoison do you know what yeah but I think you know we've invested well um when you look at the transfers that we bought in I think probably you know we've spent out probably about 15 million more than um yes probably if you take the what we've received from salanki into account and then what we spent out we're probably outgoing by 15 million so you know an expense of 15 million yeah but it's see I told you I wasn't a finance expert d you know I don't next spend that's what I was looking for but yeah um finances that's true all right well look uh Craig before you know you go mate what is your final prediction be kind please I'm not going to bet against my own team Chris come on come on I'm not gonna sit here and turn around and say Yeah Eddie I love the man the man is God I worship His Feet in the ground he walks on you know going to he's going to absolutely torture us on Sunday no no sorry Eddie you're going to be going back up to Newcastle uh with a 21 defeat and I think seeno and Evan nelsson Evan Nelson debut goal um yeah it would be I'd be chuffed with that s is really good man he gave us troubles last time around um I think he's I think he's a quality player and like I say I'm very very worried in the long run that somebody will uh take him off us um Matt always who does the Channel with me he says I've got a man crush on smeno because I tell you what I just praise the man to high heaven he's just honestly he he's a brilliant player brilliant player quick skillful he's got it all believe it or not Gary um you know you can take this back to your friend who supports Bristol city um of course he was at Bristol City and Mark mccaden who is on Sky Sports he said yeah yeah he was a little bit inconsistent for Bristol city um but since he's been here he's been excellent every game you know what you're G to get from him so I don't know what happened there why he was I could I can I can give you the heads up with that one Alex Scott was a well according to my mate he was a great player um the problem with Alex Scott is he was trying to do too many things and he would put him down a couple of pegs so it looked like he was having a bad game because he was trying to cover other positions trying to get his you his sidekick I don't know his name ER of jail a lot of the time trying to progress the ball far too much because I I would imagine it's all about confidence and have you got the confidence to pass the ball to the right player um he's still was he 22 now I mean he's he's still got a lot to go isn't he you know I mean he's still literally at the starting Gates of his career really um yeah but I I I I was surprised by by obviously forou taking the punts because obviously he didn't have a great season the season that he actually left uh City by by you know a lot of fans said exactly the same but like I say my mate who was a season ticket holder there says it's just because he was doing too much if he concentrated on his own his own game uh and sticking to his own position he's a he's a really good player and that's why he said whether he's Premiership or sorry Premier League because I keep getting tell off the same Premier ship uh Premier League standard obviously with to Mel and that's what you know that's why I was asking as he got over his knee injury now and do you think he can keep his spot yeah I think Alex Scott has you know what I was saying about seeno because of course he was at Bristol City and he was the player that blew hot and cold um you know according to Mark mccadam and since he's been playing for us he's been consistent every single game he plays is good you know he's quick he's skillful um you know seeno has to be one of the first names on the pitch uh the team Sheet I should say so yeah um we've signed quite a few players from uh of course we've signed Alex Scott we've signed SEO of course Lloyd Kelly was originally Bristol City so I was just gonna say you you use Bristol City like we use bber they're a bit of a feeder club for us you know come straight over from Bristol yeah the seaside someone put in the chat earlier on don't forget Matt Richie yes yeah Matt Richie as well yeah they all come to us because they think well lovely Seaside whereas yeah they just got to go up the road and see burn them on mud yeah um just just on this match though a few injuries for both teams Brook is injured uh for Bournemouth youal and Adams that you were mentioning earlier for us obviously Char is not going to play suspended Callum Wilson is injured still lel's Miley and botman of course on longterm injury uh you said what was your prediction again mate I'm gonna go for a 2-1 ball too score and I think Evan neelson a debut goal you know he's got to start paying back this 40 million because to be honest it's crazy that this football club that you know was having to do they used to do the cherry share where fans used to put money into buckets to actually by players years ago um yeah uh it's it's crazy that we're even spending 40 million on a player 40 Grand what we used um last but not least though before you go who was your Rivals man okay was your yeah Southampton it's a friendly rival to be rivalry to be honest yeah there's there's a lot of our fans have got dislikes for certain teams so southampton's one of them uh reading is another that some fans dislike um Watford Watford I don't I don't think there's any bourma fans that like Watford but that of course does about py to be honest we don't really bothered about pompy we're not really B nobody is or Plymouth come on or Plymouth our I was I'm just curious who would your rival team be you know I don't think I've I've heard really like a yeah we don't really have one we we're trying to create one we're trying to create one so yeah Newcastle a little bit too far away for us tell you what sou Hampton you gota watch out for that Diaz guy man you know yeah but they're gonna be going straight back down so it doesn't matter yeah there you go well Craig look it's been lovely to have you mate I appreciate you of course subscribe subscribe to Craig's channel it's he's tagged in the title subscribe to him lovely guy and lovely channel of course Greg awesome to have you mate take care of yourself thanks Greg thank you so much very best yeah most definitely see you soon guys thank you so much take care do that was Craig right there for the the Bournemouth uh uh Channel he's def he's Linked In the description he's also tagged in the title so subscribe to the channel of course great stuff um we shall continue with this uh Premier League Madness I mean not Premier League I mean Newcastle Madness um is is continuing of course K more kieren tripier news and and and all that stuff going on uh Craig Hope reporting we're going to get into our predictions for the match and also um maybe the lineups Etc but we got to hit some news of course that's happening right now uh Craig Hope saying that Eddie how well not saying he's just reporting what um what the what the press conference uh that you guys actually also covered in full uh earlier today he said he cannot guarantee Kieran trippier will stay at Newcastle as he defends decision to make Bruno gim Captain he also Craig Hope reported that um that Kieran trippier was a little bit upset um about losing the captaincy we kind of already touched on that yesterday but Ian didn't get to have that opinion and of course he's not going to be on NFC extra time tonight um what is your thoughts on that mate are you um uh what do you think well I think I I mentioned something on Wednesday night on um on x extra time about that you know I don't know you know because they were on about getting taking his name off the box but again was that to do with the fact that you know his family life isn't going great and so you know if he doesn't need it for the if he doesn't need the box for the family you know why why keep it when somebody else can have it you know uh I I don't know you know again it's it's a lot of speculation a lot of rumor is I I'm not sure if I still think Tripp's got so still got the legs in him you know to a to a certain degree but if we're wanting to progress we need be we need to be looking at younger younger players you know I think Tino's done great so far um you know our back for is getting you know that we have right now on the pitch you've got that's in his 30s you've got Sher that's in his 30s and you've got um burn you know in his 30s you know we we need younger players to be able to defend against the younger attacking and midfielder players that our opponents are having and I could you know I I don't know I say m I don't know I I I hope he would stay and be a backup or you know they rotate the two but but you know if that's not going to happen and Eddie's decided that he's going to go with Tino as his as his first choice right back then and trippa still wants you know want wants to play first team football you know then he he's got to go but you know he's done brilliantly for us he came in at a time where nobody else wanted to come in and I think that really kind of like helped us bring in other players because they were like wow we've got this England intern National that's been playing abroad is now coming in to play for Newcastle and taking a pay cut yeah I I I think the guy's done you know been been a servant for us and you know but like everybody else eventually you know your time comes and and if you want to leave you you know you leave um I because I can't I can't see him guaranteed to get first team you know for uh a regular first team start so um about that though um Eddie spoke as well and he was kind of surprised uh on look Luke Edwards Craig Hope Keith Downey uh and David orstein I believe Four J journalist that are known and they work for big uh media Outlets said the same thing Eddie how is saying though he's surprised where all this came out you know from so let's take a listen to Eddie how speaking this morning about this whole thing because there's been quite a bit in the media about Tripp's future over the last couple of days um from your point of view what is the situation with him yeah the situation is business as usual trips has trained really well this week um I'm surprised at a lot of the uh stories that have come out uh a valuable member of the squad his professionalism has been first class um trained really well since he's come back from the Euros I think he's only had two weeks training hence the decision to not start him at the weekend and also Tino's had a very good preseason um and yeah that's the situation he continues to be really valued by all of us so has he expressed to a willingness to leave or desire to stay no but neither he hasn't had to so he's just trained as normal um and he's been as I said very good so yeah I'm not really sure where this this has come from but um yeah he's preparing as we all are for the game on Saturday and you'll be um to to to be honest to be honest he seems bothered about something um maybe they he doesn't know where this why this came out and you know where it's from maybe that's why he's bothered maybe because he's getting attention that he shouldn't be and if that was the case he shouldn't have probably if if if this's the thing if kieren trippier comes to uh um who would he go if a player wants to leave the club who would he go talk to would he go talk to Paul Mitchell or would he go talk to the manager I would assume the manager right first and say look I want to go U and then obviously Edie would say try to convince him or go to Paul Mitchell ETA or will he go to Daren Neils and say Darren can you look for a club and Edy how doesn't know anything yeah I'm kind of confused because I just don't know if four different media Outlets are going to be wrong unless they got the same Source then then they're then they're doomed and they could be wrong and I know I got Mighty win who expects Kieran Trier to come out and say uh I'm leaving and that's when he'll believe that he wants to leave and I'm sure Ian also he's one of the guys that says I'll believe it when I see it well a lot of times you don't really see it but a lot of times these people don't really come out and say the truth but what I can say is if it qus like a duck what is it Mighty win it's not a cat probably a duck all right um so I don't know I think it's a little bit of maybe Eddie how being upset that this came out or that um I just don't know and this whole Vice Captain Captain of the club captain of of of of of the subs captain of of the reserves Captain to me is a a whole HS the CH it's a whole it's a whole sack of BS man uh it's about the it's about the pitch who is the damn captain on the pitch that's the one that is the boss LEL who's going to be the B are you kidding me come on man yeah I I I I think this day and age I don't think players deal very much with transfers and everything I think it's all down to their agents so you know it would be their agent that would then go to the club and say you know in this case trips is one in out you know I don't think it I don't think down I don't think the players do it anymore I think it's All Through the Ages because you got to pay them for something right you got a point on that actually and and and and and and it keeps away from the you know the confrontation and any kind of like bad you know bad feelings that may happen between the actual player and the manager especially if you've got a decent relationship which I think the tripier and and how have but I do think that this day and age everything that comes to do with the player whether they want to stay whether they want to go whether they want to you know sign a new contract an extension whatever it all goes through through the agents uh I think you got a point I'll get to G I think you wanted to say something but I think you got a point that I didn't realize one of the things that why Eddie might be upset as well maybe is that he could have done what you said tell his agent I want to leave find me a club and then of course the agent leaks it out to the media and then that could be one of the reason instead of Eddie might say I don't know where this came out from could be he should have came out to me and talked to me and then we could have dealt with this instead of going to the media because it seems like somebody leaked it and trust me I don't think or or it could or it could just be the rumor mil you know that four different media out it's saying the same thing yeah yeah because because we've seen it so many times before you know it it's it's one of these things where you know you you you say something it's taken out of context and before you know it it's all over the media and social media these days and you know everybody picks it up and runs with it and there's some somebody says it the rest don't want him to have the exclusive so they all jump on it yeah yeah because it it it's all about money it's all you know somebody somebody comes up with with with a you know somebody has to be right yep yep so where's the balance though are we going to say that oh every journalist lies they're just but you know they just lie and they nobody should believe you'll never hear a player saying I want to leave never when's the last time you heard somebody say go out to the media press conference for one player Kieran Tripper host of press conference what is he gonna say Let's go see what he wants to say I'm I want to leave Newcastle never gonna say ran Ryan Fraser Fraser once every 10 million years man you know Michel Michael Owens I did how how far is that again how far in between but you you do see it well what's his name Alo or whatever it was a few years ago it happens on a regular basis when players when players aren't happy being at the team you know they they they make it known that they're not happy at the team look look at Gordon when he left Everton you know he was adamant that he was not going to play forever and ever again so it h it happens on a regular basis mate yeah but the that's fine wanting to leave is one thing but you're not going to hold a press conference and invite all the media saying I want to leave and no no well nobody's done that over well that's what the mighty win says he wants he says well trippier hasn't said anything so it can't have it's not it can't be true what are you talking you gotta be naive you think to think like that and I think Ian enlightened me being a veteran himself uh veteran of you know of the Newcastle game he enlightened me and I think that might be true that maybe Kieran trippier went to the to the agent agent leaked it to the media and that's what Edie how might be upset over T talk says trips hasn't come out and stop the rumors either ah hey I'm just saying but the thing is though if there's no rumor to to to actually question then what's what's the point of coming out and saying yes or no you know yeah you just valid Mighty wi you uh you flip more than a Pancake Man you flip like a damn tortilla a couple of weeks ago a couple of weeks ago you wanted I have memory like an elephant so don't hurt my feelings because I remember forever you said a couple of weeks ago uh after the Euros ad how needs to needs to come out and say I'm not going to England and nip it in the butt and now you're not wning the same don't be Toof faced be consistent man be consistent because right now there's a big rumor going around that that trippier wants to leave Newcastle for Everton I'm not into the Rivalry it's all bulock but for Everton meaning Everton is nowhere near us you're G to go to Everton not even say you know what let me go to Manu who's my my my my club I'm a fan I'm a fan boy whatever let me go let me try to pursue another team that's going for a championship maybe for the champions league a team in Galatasaray no Everton was the first Club link but he's he's 33 years of age he's not going to get into first team football in any of the in any of the top half of the teams exactly you know so he he could go a galatas and complete compete for the Champions League that's what I'm saying you know but he's he's not going to get he's not going to get in the first team at galatas right he's 33 years of age mate you know he's he's gonna have Munich won of them last season so what happened next he's yeah as a backup not as a first team player hey man he's not going to go anywhere as a first team player to any of the teams that that are that are pushing for Europe a lot of people are saying that he should be starting over livero a lot a lot don't you're going to tell me that the the question is why does he want to be wouldn't surprise me if he starts over Li tomorrow well that might be a statement that might be a statement not tomorrow by the way Sunday that might be a statement Sunday sorry that might be a statement that Eddie how put puts him in the starting lineup but the thing is some people saying that he's he's not happy that he didn't start and he's not happy about the captaincy and if he's not happy about those if those are true he can't be happy about the under 21 because he might say I can get fit training like everybody else but you can't you can't get match fit training I'm just saying what he might think you know what he's a professional he's been playing the game for years mate he's not going to think that he knows what the what the score is right you you've got to look at it from from a couple of aspects here you you've got a lad who's obviously been away with the Euros played majority of the games apart from the final he's had a couple of weeks rest he's come back he's obviously just getting over a cal strain you could see that obviously Eddie would have seen that he isn't up to uh speed yet in Fitness if Eddie H or there was any side of him going he certainly wouldn't have played in the under 21s because you can get easily injured in the under 21s as you can in the first team all they're trying to do now is get minutes in his legs now like wiers just said there you know for me if he plays on Sunday what he's done is no different to what Sterling rahem Sterling's done but Raheem Sterling put it out in the media all all trip is done he's gone into to the Gaff and said listen I'm looking for first team football I ain't getting any younger what's the chances but if you believe Eddie yeah but you could see by his You Could See by Addy how's body language he was uncomfortable with some of the comments that he that he that he was obviously asked about now regarding the captaincy it's t Tosh his captaincy level hasn't changed all that's happened now is the fact that you know he's still The Voice Captain but he held the badge when burn wasn't playing or he'll hold hold the badge when lels wasn't playing so he'd lead the team out but that's that his actual role as a captain or part of the leadership group hasn't changed that hasn't got anything to do with it uh you know it's that that is I think it could be more of a boost for Bruno than you know or a leader would think that way Kieran Tripper could think no l everybody's got an ego but uh a leader a true leader would say I don't give a damn but this is a bigger picture this is for for the future Bruno's gonna be here for a while I'm still going to do my thing I I keep saying the same I keep quoting Oscar rerry Argentinian play for 86 World Cup that they they unfor they beat England sorry uh with the handle God he said I don't give a damn who's got the captain B I'm still me I'm a leader I'm going talk to whoever I still need to do what I need to do you know that that's a bureaucracy um but a leader a true leader would think that way now if he's a little bit if his ego is hurt then and and we'll see that Eddie according to this to to what he said Eddie made the decision alone did he talk to trippier should he have talked to trippier like Ian said he's a professional he doesn't need to talk to anybody he's the boss is no doubt at all that he spoken to trippier yeah but also Gary said yesterday that the the players chose the thing well Eddie how said no made that decision no it doesn't work like that if if a monly mate and like I said yes the manager has the final say but you will go around the manager goes around to every single player I mean the leadership group that's what I'm saying by players clear decision is Sol decision yeah it is because he he he's the he is the head coach of the team everything falls on if the team file none of the team gets sacked it's him so he has to have the final say in these type of areas but it all comes from the leadership group which is the players at the top end or the experienced players they'll have a discussion amongst each other they'll ask each other who they would expect to be leading them on the field now if LEL isn't going to be here until you know going at January February there's no point in looking at him then if you start looking down the pecking order Dan burn you know like we've all said he's he's he may need rotation now and again because he's not going to get you know any younger so what they've looked at is a player who has been consistent on off the on the park for every game apart from one who's had Captain C in the background because he's done it before he's led by example which is what every manager wants to see from their captain and yes maybe he does get a little bit hotheaded at times and maybe he needs to calm that down but the players will have been aware before that that Captain's arm band had gone to anybody who was going to do what at what role right that's what I'm saying when the manager has that final say he'll have all the input from all the players and I I I think G Bruno the actual armband will calm him down because he now has that extra responsibility or not yeah yeah he can go way no he will because look at look at it he went 13 games at the end of the season without getting a book him that that yeah but I mean it could also uh make him do too much no I don't I don't think it will because again he's a professional and he he he he he he's picked he's he's got a new role and he has he now has to prove yeah he does have something to prove with that role but he's not he's not going to do anything anything rash with it you know because because if he does he knows he's letting down the club he's letting down the fans and we know from time and time again from watching what Bruno says you know he bleeds black and white uh thank you Michael McIntyre say bank holiday weekend have a drink on me tune tune appreciate it Michael man thank you so much for that uh appreciate it man appreciate all of you really we got some comments start up we're going to get to those pretty soon but let me go to the next topic of discussion we'll have to see what happens with um with kieren trippier uh and definitely I do agree Sunday will be a statement if he starts you can make so many assessments from any from the same move if it starts people might say I don't I don't think whether he starts or not makes any difference to the situation at all well if he's complaining about starting that's uh that's one thing it depends if Eddie thinks he's fitting well well we'll have to see again we'll we'll we'll make that assumption there uh another thing uh that he said about transfers by the way we're lack of transfers that's just the way it is good or bad lack of transfers we got some people but I don't think uh that's good enough in my honest opinion to improve the squad uh you can take it you know in different ways but uh we got six days left of this window or seven days seven days um and ACC about that he said I'm involved in the selection of players that's interesting uh well not interesting it's you know but what he's about to say uh that's uh painstaking and in depth a lot of time I spend identifying the right targets and then of course when it comes to the negotiation the deals that's naturally not my place uh do you guys believe 100% that it that he not in that he just says give me this guy and you guys take care of it or uh but I mean because if he says give me margee and we're taking so long to get margee um I would assume Eddie might uh you know might say what's going on be Eddie how's so decision you know obviously the Valu the valuation comes into and everything else and in mod and in modern football I I think that that's correct you know the fact that they do you know the the the uh the man goes I'd like this player these players and they go out and then it's then passed on to somebody else you know 203 years ago 40 years ago it was all sold down to solely down to um you know the manager you know I remember as a kid growing up in Nottingham when cluffy was in charge cluffy would just walk up to a player and just give him a blank piece of paper and go here sign this you're playing for me you know and that that's how it used to be Ferguson did that you know all the old uh what was the hell was his name oh good lord anyway pazley you know all the old managers were were totally in charge of how players came into the team but that's all Chang now it was all scouting wasn't it D yeah all the scouts had come back with names and then yeah it'd be a case of what do you think he'd fit in the team blah blah blah the scouts had a massive voice back then they don't so much now no now they don't now it's a case of everything just gets passed on to you know to the back room boys and you know they then talk to agents and agents then talk to their players and then their players then talk to the agents and the Agents talk to the team that they're playing for and say oh I want to go and then oh yeah you you can't do it as a manager now and do all that and and look after a team it'd be a it'd be impossible there's not enough hours in a day to do it you know but like I said I I think just you know Eddie or any of these managers you know give the back room guys a list you know and say these are the players that were interested in these are what my Scouts have said you know see what you can do or you know there somebody in the in the that middle management type of area they're not even his Scouts now no they're not they're not on such and such a type of player player yeah he's he's he's he has one of those that I really like can we get him for what what we're can afford if not what else is available all right um uh just by the way the voting from yesterday about the trippy reports uh that he wanted to leave uh the you know people had to vote let him go or try to persuade him 81% maintains let him go in 19 say try to persuade him 19% so that's where some of the folks are some of the fans are in this Uh current situation so we'll keep monitoring that of course um about the match actually this one may me uh laugh a little bit ryal says how about Palace offering gy being offered the palace captaincy because we were GNA offer Vice captaincy in the deal what man h no no no Palace really don't want him to go do they um I mean to be honest him playing I don't think is anything he got he has to play wait I mean or else look you got to look the players got to look at himself look I I can't he can't sell himself I mean he could do it internally go to to whatever his facee is he's got the most smackable facee in the history of football that Crystal Palace owner uh the chairman what's what's his name Parish um he can go in there and say boss come on man help you know help me out it's do me a favor whatever you know but other than that what is he going to say come out to the media and say I want to go and if it doesn't happen he's got Palace fans against him that you can't do that you know he's just got to go and play um it was kind of a little bit of a weird thing that they made him Captain obviously maybe to uh you know persuade him but again it's like I said on on the uh extra time show they don't need to sell it you know that they're not they're not in financial difficulties they don't need the money they've already pawned off a couple of their top players this you know for exorbitant money so they don't need to sell him you know so you know he he he they could keep him there you know the thing is the longer he is there and if he isn't happy there you know his value is obviously going to come down and if other teams see what palace have done with Newcastle over this player they might be reluctant to actually deal with Palace in the future but Palace like I said on on our on our show I think it you know a couple of times we don't need to sell it or they don't need to sell it you know we do need a we do need a right footed Center back you know they've got the whip hand without a doubt yeah of course look people some fans reacting to what he said as well the gay look he can't say nothing else man he can't say any other different than what he already said he's got to say he's happy about the captain moving forward with the team he's got to he can't say man I can't wait to go to Newcastle after he can't you cannot man you got to be you know have some common sense here he cannot speak about Newcastle but Anthony Gordon did with Everton though didn't he not some some D some some some take that risk he wanted to go some take that risk some take that risk and you can say that that might persu that might you know accelerate things and say look I want to go and you know yeah it would it would accelerate it because you come out on into you know into the public and said I'm not happy playing here I want to go they got to you then they got they got to sell you but but if not they could you know I don't know what his salary is can't be that much I don't know if he's one of the highest PID players in Crystal Palace maybe so if you if if they risk and say you know they don't they they haven't paid the the fee you go to the you go to the the reserves or whatever they're called now uh and train with the you know it could be do the Sterling thing that wouldn't be good for him either so you know just each player makes decisions you could look at it the other way though because we we've just been talking about Kieran trippier um obviously trying to play hard ball it sounds to me very much like Steve parish is playing hard ball with us he's playing a player that could easily get injured and squash the 63 million pound that's on the table at the minute as as rumors have it um so it just proves are they waiting for us to walk away from this unless we reach the Target that they want to start negotiating which is's 65 or are they still obviously talking about this that they've got the 63 plus add-ons I think they won 65 cash no not even a sing a a pound more or a pound less man they want cashh and if that's what it that's what I'm saying I think they want us to walk away 50 Grand a week if well it has to be one of the highest players paid players has to be I don't think Crystal Palace can afford more than that but um look let's talk about the match let's do the lineup real quick we got to do predictions and all that stuff um Ian I think it's the first time you're doing this with us man so lovely lovely uh you you're dipping out on the boys tonight no big deal though yeah I got I got other plans later so that's you got big got got a bigger fish to fry no worries uh all right bornemouth um who's gonna play faan sh of course can't play so we're gonna take him out he's gonna go to the to the casino it's got to be craft he's the only option he can go to the beach though how uh hold on what's the nearest beach in well you can go to Brighton right Brighton go a beach or wow Scott Stones call a beach Liverpool no pool pool indors pool indors at millionaires playground yeah but she what about a beach though somewhere Sunny yeah yeah it's it's right on the coast okay well he can go there how much how far from Newcastle what seven or eight hours oh man you know he'll get the private jet man you know he can afford it he'll get the private jet uh he can go to the beach real quick just calm down uh and uh and you know just relax we're gonna put him at the beach for next three games [ __ ] s yeah U all right so we need uh we need a Santa back so we're gonna put craft I'm assuming no or ly Kelly no not not on the right if he starts he'll start he'll start on the left hey and he might start you you you we're just going to put craft in because I don't want to argue right now but trust me you keep an eye on Sundays man lineup and see what happens um tripier we had him starting he didn't start that's the biggest question right now I hang on whoa whoa what what about Don burn what about Kelly against Kelly against his own n man those are like those are 80s played against his old team 80s Antics man come on man player needs to play you gonna play every dude needs to play when all everybody needs to play the same there's no what what did liver Mento do that makes you think that that that he played amazing in Southampton I'm not talking about trip liento I'm talking about you pass D bur yeah but you're warning uh Kelly because of the thought that he's going to play against Bournemouth and all of a sudden try to score 10 goals who the fact the fact that they've also like I like I've said before they've got a a young fast offensive no that's that that's a point yeah because so so therefore you put Kelly and Kelly knows the players he's going to be playing against because he's trained against them on a regular basis for how many years so would anybody who who would put Kelly in this panel right here I would yeah that's one well I think I think I'd be i' I'd probably start him what about you you Gary there's a there's every uh chance because of the tactics that they play with the um 42 31 I think you'll need some Pace at the background um so yeah I I can't see Mur Dan bur last time he was in all be that left back yeah so we're going to put Kelly in there because of uh the the voting Kelly there with L Kell how many times l Kelly play with craft that's interesting center backs need to know each other like the palm of their hands man they need to know each other they need to be able to relieve each other need to be able to you know but there you go they they need to be used to each other like siamese twins man be interesting uh so we'll have to see Louis Hall no question right question no question question uh trippier is the big question big what do you got what each of you which what do you guys do at this point in time with everything going on I I I think you I think you play trippier because he has the experience over lamento and the fact that we've got Crafton who's not our first is's not our starter you know give gives him that that that extra backup and everything that extra knowhow as it were I'm not saying anything against craft I think Craft's a decent player but I think if you're doing that then you you really need your more experienced player to to start and I think trippy is the you know got got the the The Experience I'd put and the voice yeah so everybody's got trippier well he trippier would have started for me anyway if he was fit yeah it depends on his match Fitness whether any thinks he's man what do you think man if he's much fit yes definitely okay trip here um all right I don't think we're going to I don't think we're right on this one but we'll see uh midfield gimer captain yeah no doubt about it Captain he has already been confirmed captain of the team that picks it so uh long stuff what are we gonna do man it is what it is sometimes you you you just gotta eat Eddie Eddie will pick him regardless yeah we ain't got yeah man he didn't have a bad game against Southampton to be fair I I agree with you mighty win didn't didn't didn't think so uh but I agree with you I actually I do agree he didn't have a bad again but then again his level is a little bit low man when he does I think he tackled decent great good but his the Midfield work is not there man there's no vision no passing no if if he if he loses if he I disagree I'll disagree big star I told you I told you against yeah well I I told you with his he was the lad who was on the edge of the D at a penalty his own Penalty Box against um Jona and he passed the the ball out to to Tino and then carried on his run up field he was box to boox the entire match now I know some people say he hasn't got the output he hasn't got everything else but he does the the simple things and that's what I said sometimes he does look as if he's not involved he's not part of the team but he does the simple things the five yard passes and sometimes when he gets them wrong people get onto his back but there's there's quite a bit of his work that that goes unseen and he he scored the goal from that that pass that he played on the edge of his own D so like I say you can't uh you can't always knock him all right agree he do just sometimes he does he doesn't do what he's supposed to do in the middle of the park and and he he he doesn't track back if he loses the ball I've noticed he does if he loses the ball he doesn't hustle back to to try and get the ball back he just you just watch him just standing around and and keeping his distance I don't know if he's frightened the tackling sometimes but I I've noticed that lot with him the fact that if he loses the ball you know everybody else kind of like runs back Murphy runs back almeron runs back and then harassing the the player who's got the who took the ball off them long stuff I've noticed if he loses the ball he just stands back and go all right well it's up to somebody else to get the ball back I mean to be fair he does he he does find himself probably the furthest forward Midfield at times because of the system edio plays yeah he's the one that's expected to get up on the edge of both D's if you like um and support the forward line and support the the defense and sometimes when we lose possession and the ball gets moved forward yes he he he probably is one of those players that looks like he's struggling to get back I mean we've seen gimz he hasn't got a second speed he has he is missed a one speed he doesn't right you know he doesn't get back very easily and that's what I said for me what this team lacks for for everything is is a is a good rod somebody who's just going to sit in the hole who can play the ball and let the others just go also I'm happy to sit on in the edge of my circle and control the Midfield and let people go and I think that's what we miss as as a unit in there and that's why I can't wait to see Tali because I think Tali could be a difference in this side Tali gonna be the goat man I'm telling you um you wa and see tunali man he's going to be a legend of the tune you trust me man um Joe Linton obviously no question uh he could be a captain of this damn team I tell you that uh he but see he's the type of lady that doesn't give a damn about the band having a band or not having a band he's going to do what what he needs to do every match every time nobody's gonna tell them you can't speak let me speak none of that uh long stuff is going to be there of course so no question there um and literally no nobody else I mean you know turnado can't play who else can play willick but willix willix left though isn't he not on the right he plays on the left all right uh up front you got es no question uh G Gordon no question yep and Murphy another question but nobody to answer that question nope well I definitely have Murphy in front of migy the the only possible question there is potentially bonds bonds yeah or I don't I don't I don't say any trying Bonds on the ra for the first time in in a weir match I I I I could I could see him put playing Bonds on the on the left and Gordon on the right no because we know Gordon Gordon has played on the right but I I just think like th those three upfront as basically what we've got so yeah you know the biggest the biggest problem is then if you put all your eggs in the same basket basket you've got nobody on the bench then that can change the match it's going the other way I think the beauty of Barnes as we've seen in West Ham you know when he comes on he can give you that little bit more of a spark up front oh bril you've got Bond you've got Miggy yeah always quiet then didn't it well I mean Murphy could be could be a sub too I mean you know could come on it and do his thing but I think that's going to be the lineup well not really in the back we'll be surp I think we'll be surprised but we we'll see so we got Nick Pope craft Kelly uh trippier on the right Lewis hole on the left Midfield gimmer long staff Joe Linton up front Gordon isack Murphy that sounds like a plan all right there you go sounds like a plan as far as the predictions until until Tali comes back that's what was stuck with as far as the predictions is concerned uh uh I'm re are you there man in the chat I'm re comment bro no you're in the chat there I think he was there earlier let me all right I didn't notice uh I was forgetting um he's only he's only there alphabetically you know oh I know I know hello hang on you have changed the alphabetic no I didn't change nothing man I just barely touched it so these are the people that signed up of course uh for our weekly prediction tournament uh there's really I mean it's just one week so it's like check people checking the Premier League table man what are you checking man it's just one week it's G to you know let let it be at least five games four games to for you to see what if that anything can change but um predictions for this week of course uh we got how hey can you hide this uh the Southampton One how can you hide it you got just go go to the top columns I got it B to see you do I got a there you go let C and F sorry CD c CDF oh CDF and then uh right click somewhere in that box somewhere it says copy no no come down right there you you pressed it again don't press it yet what do you want me to do then well you've already pressed it because it's send it's seeing copy okay right now left click left click say sorry right click what the hell's wrong with you man this copy are you are you are you in view or are you in edit mode I'm oh I gotta hold on let me see I'm on I'm on it should be on edit mode man what oh hold on let me see oh edit edit there you goh all right so right click and then what Hi and then uh sorry ha kte colums all there you go all right so we got it good now we can show it on the stream man come on uh I'm read uh predictions everybody if you need to update them you can uh you can do it right now if you're in the prediction thing umit says uh 31 the tune Mighty mag 31 tune as well uh I say two1 tune so there you go uh Jordy t for Life saying 2-1 Jamie uh Jamie saying 3-1 32 oh 3-2 sorry uh Paul saying 3-0 Gary says two nil Gary you good with that I'm gonna go two2 oh oh are you serious yeah yeah oh man shame on you man uh but there you go it's all about getting getting the points man whatever it takes so Gary says 22 now Harry Austin says one nil uh hellar says oh there we go we highlighted like this hellar says two-nil Roy said 2 nil all for I don't know what you're doing Mighty win so uh 4 uh it says 4-0 but he's got to pay his his fee or else he can't compete beer Viking uh says 21 Elias debias says two nil Ian Fleming 1-1 um or RG fox saying so one nil long stuff oh long stuff scoring uh but you can give your prediction for fun of course in the chat but to be on this thing you got to sign up you guys are members already Kim Cam and RG [ __ ] so you sign up with your five pounds and that will add to the to the price right now we're at 150 150 if we add five more and show show that at the bottom when we get we're going to show we're going to show it if we have five more we can give the fourth place five pounds back to whoever gets fourth uh Ronald turnbo says two- nil Josh from Philadelphia says 3-1 Mary and UFC 3-1 antagonizing Jordy says 21 Benjamin says 21 a lot of two ons man Jordy e says 21 Queen of Heart 2-1 Steve rockon says 2-1 Andy Bale 2-0 Mighty [ __ ] says 2 nil and DX k11 so another draw look at that two draws in the in the thing man Jaa Don is a member so you can sign up if you want to uh RG Fox you want to pay okay so what you can do my brother is uh let me just do it like this let me see NFC you gota go to the website I'll send you the link right now though uh go to the website you go to plan and prices up here I'll send you the link so don't you got to choose this one right here nttv weekly tournament uh it says $645 but it'll be5 pounds for you so just click the link and send it to you you got to be a member though and you've got to keep your membership it's members only and if you contribute to the Channel with your presence you can you don't have to pay you don't have to be a member but uh there you go the link is right there just sign up let me know your prediction right now so you were saying he said one nil so if you once you pay I get the notification I can sign you up bro uh quickly that's no no problem at all um oh dxk says uh one one Brian Scott we got more people see Brian Scott is not a member so not getting he didn't even get his court to be honest foxy as well not a member didn't get an answer from him if you see him you got until well tomorrow Saturday so you got until Saturday to kind of get it sorted the game is on Sunday uh k88 says um 22 niop pow says one1 damn everybody's what's up with all these draws man troll says 4-0 4-0 man I wish we win 4-0 that's going to be great uh so there you go um if you go further down you'll see the yeah uh RG says it is outside of YouTube yeah it's the website so you just click on that link it'll take you right to the website and you just pay there let me know so I can get you sorted I think I see yeah RG Fox subscribed to the email to the website but yeah you just sign up for that thing right there and we shall get it sorted uh and you doing it already score yeah what did he say he said um one nil long stuff but one nil so RG Fox so he's nil one RG Fox already paid uh wait so it goes this way one nil there you go one nil uh AG by the way since you actually paid for Brian um if he doesn't uh sign up of course we refund you the money we wouldn't refund if you don't give your prediction or don't become a member but since you pay for somebody else it Ain fair for you so we'll refund you um for that it'll lower the pot though right now uh we got 30 people signed up the price is going to go like this look 150 is the pot right now with RG Fox is going to be 155 so that means the fourth place gets five pounds and that means the seventh place get a price and I think that's as far as we're going to because you know we're not going to be like the UK trying to get price any more the the the price part will go up yeah we're just dividing between the top four so I think uh and you need to make that one 55 now at the top so uh we'll keep this what do you mean 5 five it says 150 at the minute needs to be oh yeah yeah you're right yeah 155 so 155 is a total with people actually RG Fox hasn't hasn't done it yet but we waiting on him um and um we can easy take them out if they don't the first place is going to get 100 pounds the second place 40 pounds third place 10 pounds fourth place 5 pounds you get your money back and um the fifth place will get a price six place a price seven a price so it could be a shirt something from the website and you essentially you get your 5 pounds back cuz a lot of that stuff is worth a lot more trust me um but there you go so everybody gets a price but we're not GNA be like UK and in America trying to give 30 players 30 prizes can't do that everybody there's winners and losers ladies and gentlemen uh so uh so AG you're saying Brian's gonna sign up Monday well he's gonna have to lose this week uh no question but uh well we we'll see hopefully man well he has he hasn't given his prediction anywhere he hasn't he hasn't uh a say it's all good keep it in the pot okay well sounds good but you know if you see Brian let him know man and you know I understand some some people try to gift memberships you can't but you it's the luck of the drw he was gifted a membership though wasn't he I thought he was yeah yeah he was gifted a membership in one of those morning shows but I don't know how it expired so quickly unless it's been over a month already which is kind of weird El yeah I guess I guess it must have been but anyways those are the predictions nobody wants to change anything uh I'm assuming so it's all good sealed you got until tomorrow but make sure that we Noti this you can't just put in the chat because and and make sure you go back and make it read only now uh there you go so knock out the editing mode leave me alone on man um all right so any oh predictions from Ian Ian what's your prediction mate um I think it's going to be nil nil I think it's going to be a clean sheet oh man come on man no I'm serious because it's not going to be I don't think it's going to be an easy game we're not playing with a with a full with a full team that we we should be playing with you know obviously our want us to win but I'd be H I'd be happy with keeping a clean sheet and a nil nil draw happy any we point is a good point yeah yeah what is this man it's it's it's it's being [ __ ] new Castle fan for God knows how many years you know it's like it's like wait you know when we when we get a stronger Squad and we're seriously pressing you know with the establishment every single week then I'll start being more optimistic about it you know but I've been a Newcastle fan for so long and I we're still on that roller coaster the team still plays hot and cold you know and we start playing hot on a regular basis you know then I'll be more optimistic but as it is right now man I'm I'm still pessimistic about about what the results so a point is a point I would rather take a point than a loss so all right RG says he is is he's done signing up I got the notification you sign up for it so great stuff just remember all the members that sign up you got to be a member if you're membership expires and you don't renew it you're going to lose that week and you're going to lose it until you come back as member so keep that in mind obviously if you're a contributor to NFC talk TV you don't have to worry about that but make sure you keep your memberships intact uh but there you go we got one more 155 is the total ladies and gentlemen so the fourth place gets five pounds back so there you go that's what the mighty is aiming for that's what the mighty win is aiming for Champions League top four and uh no big deal man um anyways uh so hey arm army higher than top four yeah well we got everybody's predictions of course course anybody else got anything to say about what's going on right now uh tomorrow Saturday so we'll be live at 9:00 p.m. the fellas will be live 10 p.m. they change to 10 p.m. they said they don't want to sleep 10 p.m. um doing news talk but anything less to say Ian no just have a good weekend let's hope it's a good and let's hope you know we can get a good win out of it um but yeah it's like I said bit of f fall to to be too optimistic just yet yeah no you got a point you got a point mate uh Gary anything no mate uh all good thank you sounds good uh mighty [ __ ] just uh for all you insomniacs oh NFC extra time Ian yeah extra time yeah I'm not gonna be with the boys tonight I've got other do but so so I'm gonna be Insomniac and I'll be standing fornight japoni said he just woke up from his te nap whatever you guys call it I don't know but you guys drink tea man we drink sweet tea here in the South that's all the tea we drink um but uh to each their own I love it anyways but if you're up in about if you're up in about what's tea time in the UK what time is tea time five o'clock five o'clock that's when people sit down does all people do that man come on no well because you're you're in the pub at sex so you got to be finished at five oh guys I saw comments saying when we're getting wizard back you should be watching the nights when me and um super fan Dan are on you know like last Wednesday you know both of us have got these big beards both of us were wearing the uh the new third strips the new third strips on extra time and as I said we we're getting a boy band back together oh yeah man extra time tonight 2: am in the morning uh and uh 900 p.m eastern time in America 2: am in the UK n UFC extra time later on tonight don't miss it enjoy it and hit the like button it's for me the Mighty win Gary any in we'll see you in the next one have a good nights [Music]

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