have their quarterback back and that helps for NC State one of the best in the country in Deon L now pressure on the edge L gets away from it to the end zone that's a dangerous pass and a touchdown my goodness SCH record for touchdown pass is very much in reach for him back to throw once again to the end zone and caught Tim asked me do you want us to run the ball a little bit I said no Devin's hot let's just go score uh yeah I would say that that worked out pretty well for them and for Devon L you take a look at some of the stats he put up also past Philip Rivers last year School record 34 touchdowns and that is uh from set from back in 2003 so had been there quite a long time and we've got Devon Le here on set with us now Devon always good to see you and I know you're an old pro at this at at this point but uh let me start with the guy that you're sitting next to CU I heard you made your way to the B B and now you're here hanging out with pack again I mean you guys are just best buds over there at this point right yeah yeah I am the Heisman candidate the pr guy and you know you snuck up on me with the ultimate quarterback sneak at the basement you passed the sniff test with Chester and FL everything worked out great it was a blast and then you handed me beat juice said pack you got to try this and it was the most disgusting I mean I thought you liked it well it was disgusting but so I thought the least I could do since you're here and here we go here's the beet juice right here right and I sniffed it and it was brutal so I you took it down like a champ though to go you did you did I did and and and uh I think I had Co right afterwards no so I thought the least I could do is since you brought you brought me the one oh it's nice and cold brother so let me tell you something try that I'm going to have to try it right now yeah yeah right now so we're going to we're going to turn the table on soone the rest of us I can't chug this you do whatever you got to do you're the Heisman guy all right smells great right a good idea to smell it first yeah it's gross it is so gross all right there it is watch out is it great great fantastic try it try little Swig oh man you don't mind do you giv W man okay um the pat he's going all in you didn't have enough the first time oh no oh no oh so and your teeth and your mouth are red good God wolf P red is what we got right there what is the secret can I can I know the background story so I mean just before a game one time I talk to our nutritionist I'm like I need something to like get me going like she's like hey this is like the one of the most natural like energy shots that you could take and it was just a shot of be ju took it the first game we won I'm like I'm doing this before every game so so I've been doing it ever since are you a superstition guy I'm usually not but I mean like I felt like I felt more energy A little bit after I took it so I'm like it's got to work so just stuck with it man the other thing I know about you Devin is is first of all you're a hard worker and you've overcome so much adversity but you're a competitive guy to have the opportunity to come back again after all that you guys achieved last season but you still felt like you guys left some stuff on the table just how driven are you for this year yeah extremely driven extremely I mean just being able to come back with everyone that decided to come back I mean we're a veteran team we have a whole bunch of great leaders that hold many people accountable on our team and I mean the expectations are high but I mean that's exactly how we want it wow so tell me you're one of the smarter quarterbacks in the league clearly by your interceptions and uh what do you see when you come to the line of scrimmage what are you looking at are you checking plays how does that work for you yeah so I just go through my pre- snap sequence every time you know checking the front checking the stacks and overloads with the linebackers and the safeties you know Finding where the different tilts are whether it's a tip to press pressure make sure I'm protected and then yeah from there just really looking at my matchups on the perimeter and you know for me the biggest thing is you know if it's a bad play or if I get in trouble it's always fine to throw the ball away and live for another down can you change the play at the line of scrimmage are you to that point yet yes sir uh I am uh you know if we got a play called and we got a bad look it's up to me to get us out of it into a better play call so what are we doing with the Heisman campaign since you last made the appearance of the basement and I sawry with the snow cones with the kids that was a cool deal right so what else we working on with the campaign uh so recently I actually uh went with Delbert Mims and Demi Sumo two of our running backs and we actually played some street football with some neighborhood kids um does coach know this Star Quarterback a little Street I don't care how much beet juice you're sucking down come on now what are we doing I mean it was two hand touch so we stayed up it was all good but that was the last thing we did and it was awesome I mean the kids had a ball and I mean I had fun too Deon what's it been like kind of getting to know this this group you've got some great wide receivers returning I know you you have a big loss losing AA who you guys all really leaned into a lot but what's it been like this off season kind of getting to know these guys more and then the development and progress that you've been made yeah it's been awesome I mean just to see how anxious everyone is to you know fulfill that role that acha was in you know guys are really hungry to prove themselves we have a a deep group of receivers a lot of young guys and obviously having Devin Carter and theer Thomas back they do a great job of you know leading that group making sure they know what the standard is to compete at such a high level and I mean the young guys aren't embracing it at all so it's very like uh embraceful and I'm very excited to see it so based on what you went through with your leg you saw a number of your teammates go through something similar with injuries how what you went through how was that able how were you able to help them out through this process yeah I mean just really relaying to them that you know this isn't going to Define their career you know in in that given moment of being injured not being able to you know really be out there with the team you know it's hard to see you know at the end of the tunnel and me being a guy that's kind of been through it and kind of had success after my injury you know just relaying to them that you know everything's going to be okay you know just keep your faith strong uh stay true to working hard getting rehab getting back healthy and whatever you put into this game you'll get out of it you know you Ked around with me in the basement about uh Carolina fans Duke fans and you're up here on Tobacco Road you open in East Carolina as I mentioned your coach with was here a couple hours ago there is no love loss between East Carolina and NC State fans so you getting any text messages from Pirate fans have' gotten a hold of your number yet or somebody you run into in the mall or maybe street football or snow conb all the other stuff you're into no I didn't run into anyone yet uh thank God but it's coming you know I know it's coming I know it's going to be a hostile environment and I mean we can't wait to get down there and compete take a look at that schedule East Carolina going to be the first one in September 3rd Devin we're sitting up here there's lots of Bright Lights lots of cameras that just comes along with media day uh but there are a couple extra cameras that have been following you guys around we've got them over to the side right now all miked up and ready to go going to get your reaction to it in just a second but right now I want to give you guys a look because on August 14th you are going to get the debut of all access with NC State football wow got a little sneak peek of it right now take a look I got high expectations for this football team as our fans do um as our community does I think they're Prime to be ACC Champions this year that's the expectation I'm Dave Dorne the head football coach here at North Carolina State I just want to welcome everybody to our Pro Day QB going to be a senior he's a red shirt junior is he going to throw today he is that's awesome he about to look good out here it's good memory making man think some of my favorite childhood memories we just fishing with my grandpa on a dock that's fish good bass right here boys bad day fish and beats a good day at work they St ACL it every hurts I couldn't control what happened to me against Miami but I could control my reaction going forward as a family we come down here every year during the 4th of July once the season starts there's no time for stuff like this so just having this downtime just right before camp start means a [Music] lot man looks like we're going to get a little bit of everything in that three-part series the debut is August 14th seems like you might be ready for a reality show now or we are we ready to join one yeah apparently if you had to join a reality show it would be which one can you pick one if I had to join a reality show I don't know that's a tough decision I'm not sure if I could pick one yeah Kardashians Kardashians nobody want to said reality question was reality honestly maybe the Survivor I think that would be that's a good one that's a good one by way who's got the best beard on the team and that includes coaches uh the best beard on the team yeah honestly I might have to go with Coach Garrison our offensive line coach he could grow a pretty nice beard no Kidd yeah okay CU because Dave Coach Dave Doren looks I he can sport the beard he's got the look he's he's not sure if he's going to go clean shaving for the opener he's not sure yet I'm not sure I mean I think I'm in a close running too is that right yeah you're not good to see him um kind of outside of his element too which is actually more in his element in that Series where we see him fishing and and doing all of those things what was it like and what has it been like kind of having the everybody get the inside access to to what it's like to be a part of this program yeah it's been really cool um I think just like for people to understand how we are as people off the field and kind of get a feel for you know when we put in work we go really hard and you know we we're really intense when it comes to the weight room and practicing but off the field we're a bunch of layback dudes that love each other and I think that everyone that's tuned in will be able to see that for sure so cool to get to see the other side of all of these athletes that people really really know and love and um don't forget your beet juice also I've been waiting this whole time pack if you could just hold your hand up to the camera um nope the other side yeah I've been wondering if that beat juice was going to get anywhere the whole time or if Deon was going to help you out but um you know let me tell you something when I get home Chester and Fuller it's th absolutely oh Devin ly we appreciate the time as always and looking forward to seeing what you guys are able to do this season starting September 3rd with East Carolina thank you thank you for having me yeah we app