Selling on Ebay & Traveling the Country in RV

Published: Aug 30, 2024 Duration: 00:15:35 Category: Howto & Style

Trending searches: rv park
hey welcome back into the channel rockstars thanks for joining me I wanted to follow up on yesterday's video since so many people had so many great responses comments emails and messages that I got thank you for everyone who took time positive negative and everything in between to leave those responses if you missed yesterday's video it is all about uh an idea that I had and being a reseller and a YouTuber on the road traveling the country in a large motor home RV not like a little small van life but in an actual legitimate like rolling house on Wheels and I wasn't so much making a video to ask about financial advice finances are something I don't really discuss even though this is business related and and reselling is money and business related but I wanted more of like a logistical Outlook so let me tell you about the responses that I get let me respond to the questions comments concerns that I received and also I'll just give you a little uh recap if you want to watch the video I'll link it below go check that out and then come back um but the recap is is I considered actually selling this house pocketing a ton of equity and buying an RV and going on the road for a couple of years and then possibly coming back seeing what the Outlook is um a you know in a couple of years be it the house prices or interest or my financial situation or whatever it might be so let me give you guys the the the quick rundown summary details and then my responses to what everybody gave me so number one I don't need the money I can continue just living here paying the bills and just living life as it is is and see what where it goes right and I've done that for the last 15 20 years so that's number one the reason that I considered it is because there is a ton of equity in this house and when I say a ton we're talking like 350 to $400,000 not to mention I considered selling the car because if I'm on the road we don't need two cars we barely need two cars right now and my car has about 10 to 15 grand in equity in it and it cost $2,000 a month my car is $1650 in the car insurance is above $300 so that would remove a $22,000 a month bill that would give me total with the house and with this after agents fees and all somewhere in the low 300,000 to $350,000 cash infusion on top of the money that I have and if all the house bills were gone this house cost between $35 and $3,600 a month for the mortgage and the electric and the water and the HOA and the Lagoon and all of that so my bills would go down by $500 a month plus I have some business bills that I would like um to pay off it's not really debt I wouldn't call it that it's just some things that um receivables versus outgoing so I would be able to just pay all that off uh it's not too terribly much I don't know $30 $40,000 um could pay it off now choose not to because I keep that cash in my um pocket use it to leverage business but if I decided that I was going to sell the house I might as well just pay those off and that bill on those 3040 ,000 is probably like another $1,500 a month give or take so now we're up to $7,000 a month in cash flow that's money that I don't have to spend every month if the house the cars and those bills were gone plus I'd have all that cash infusion so that was why the idea was tempting a lot of people said why would you ever sell your house I have a 2.875 interest rate I bought this house an amazing time a similar house to this you just heard would cost 350 to4 $1,000 additional why would I ever sell it well that's the Temptation that is why I considered it because that's a huge huge number to to you know to have I could invest that money I could run business more uh different businesses rather uh including a travel Vlog channel that I've always want to do I've mentioned that in previous videos of what I would do if I was not a reseller and I just it's just a very tempting thought process so that's all the positives of doing it right getting to see the country getting to tour getting to have some Freedom having a ton of cash in the bank having more Investments having um you know less bills less outli if I cut my bills by $7,000 I would have just the basics I'd have my SUV my RV and all of that and so um you know even with the RV and all the other payments I probably would still have 5,000 free cash flow plus all the cash now the negatives what did all of you fine folks say were the negatives well an RV comes with gas fuel parking the payment all that's uh thought out with what I'm getting rid of in all those bills yes I got to pay for the RV I got to pay for the fuel and the parking but I'm still going to be positive cash flow so yeah I did take all that into account um two the maintenance on an RV I intend on buying one that's only about 2 to three years old uh with a warranty and I'll buy an extended warranty and um again I'll have all of that money and cash flow if something does happen that's not covered I'll easily be able to pay for it um the second one was people saying the RV is worth half of what it's valued at when you drive it off the lot fair value um I'm not going to buy a brand new one that's 200,000 and then you drive it off the lot and it's 125 I'm going to buy one that's used for15 150 and then yeah it's going to drop in value but I did the same thing with my car so my car is $180,000 I bought it used with just a little bit of miles on it for 110 I think I paid for it or 115 and um I've had it now for 3 years and it's worth right around $85,000 so yeah it's dropped but it's still worth a significant amount and I got a huge deal almost half price not quite half but almost half I would do the same thing with an RV where the depreciation is not such a big hit and I'm not really worried about it so that was that uh people also saying you know um diesel versus regular yeah diesel versus regular diesel generally has less maintenance I believe is the correct uh thing and that gas can have more problems of course diesel fuel is um very pricey so that's something to think about I thought through all of these things traveling with the inventory for eBay uh I have a fulfillment center why would I not just send my inventory to to eBay or to my fulfillment center yes I would do that but when I get new inventory on the road I would love to stop and go thrifting I would love to hit up estate sales and swap meets I've never been to across the country and as I got new inventory shipped into me then I would have to constantly funnel it to my fulfillment center which is realistic I suppose I could do that um I also didn't want to mix my inventory with my clients inventory in the Fulfillment center and don't forget even though the Fulfillment center is technically mine a part of it I um would still have to pay those fees to pay the workers and the cost to get it all there shipping it all across the country wherever it was I you know had been at that time so something that I was keeping in mind and and I love running the eBay business but if all I had to do was buy it and put it in boxes and ship it to the Fulfillment center yeah it's probably uh better than keeping it with me while I'm traveling so great point a lot of you pointed that out thank you for that um work how much time in a day when I'm traveling in sightseeing could I actually work people stated that my work level my workflow and my um amount of hours that I would get in every week compared to what I do now would probably drastically go down and they're probably right there that's a fair point so currently Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursdays and Fridays I work from like 9 to 600 I put in 9 to 10 hours all five days so you're talking about 50 hours a week 45 to 50 hours a week during the regular schedule generally Monday Tuesday Wednesday I work at night from like 10: to midnight while I'm getting in bed I put in another 8 to 10 hours I don't do it on Thursday because generally we go somewhere on Thursdays we have a trivia night here we go out with friends Thursday night's kind of our hangout night we don't get home sometimes till 10:00 11 sometimes 12 usually tired usually worn out um Thursday nights I go to bed pretty early Friday depends if we're home I will work on the computer if I'm not and I'm out then generally I won't uh but that's a couple hours additional if I'm home on Friday Saturday and Sundays I try to only work about 4 hours but that's another 8 hours so we're up to at least 60 hours a week that I work currently on YouTube it's probably about two hours a day between filming these videos editing them posting them responding to your comments and emails and then also um promoting them out on social media Tik Tok Instagram whatever it is so that's about 10 hours to 12 hours a week I do it six six hour or six days a week sometimes seven so at least 12 hours a week maybe even 14 on the road could I still do it yes I could sit down and film how many hours a day if we're driving five or six hours on a Monday we get up take the RV drive five six hours to a new city park get it all set up I'm not going to get a lot of work done on Monday then I could work Tuesday Wednesday but we want to go out to the towns and enjoy them so how many hours am I actually going to be able to work 30 or 40 for the week 25 30 drastically less indeed but if I have the eBay business set away it could be drastically less work that I need to put in I could cut 2 hours a day out of the business so that is something balancing work and uh travel and sightseeing that I would definitely have to plan the internet for uploading YouTube videos currently I have a ridiculous internet speed I can upload videos very very quickly on the road it's not going to work that way I would probably need to pre-plan videos and upload them overnight while I slept so that I woke up and they were ready to go maybe my videos would go live in the mornings from now on I would record them at night and upload them in the morning and have a bank of videos ready to go that is an interesting thought process uh that I didn't really think about uh I thought maybe like hotspots and myfi and Wi-Fi and jetpacks would do the trick I don't know about the internet on that um we'll have to see the final answer to people's uh well not the final one but one of the bigger ones was being on top of each other with me and Kate and an RV versus in this house where we're 3,300 square fet she can go downstairs I can go upstairs office office bonus room downstairs this that outside whatever um true we have been on top of each other many times in the old house it was only 1,700 change um but being stuck in an RV all day yeah that could that could really be pressing on on a couple of people especially a couple um something we would have to test out a lot of you said take it on a road trip for a couple weeks see how it goes maybe something that we do uh I did have a short-term goal for this I wanted to go into the holiday season with a plan and then start the new year by doing this if we do it I don't know a lot of people said I should rent my house and then we could go on the road rent here in an HOA is 6 to 12 months minimum and um while that would be great somebody could pay my bill and I'd free up those bills I could get rid of the I8 trade the I8 in for the RV payments and then go on the road um and keep the house keep the equity keep all of that uh I would not be getting that $300,000 plus infusion which would be fantastic the money I have now is good but uh just that's just the so tempting part of this if I'm going to travel the country is to keep that cash and do just change life right like I don't want to do it halfway I want to do it all the way but keeping the house and renting it um for 6 to 12 months to people is definitely an option that's something I'm considering now but then you still got to move all of our stuff to storage and move out of the house and give it to someone else and then we're you know we're still living in this RV keeping the house that we could eventually come back to so uh do I want to live in a house after someone else rented it we built this house so we're the only people that have been in it that's a good question something I have to think about you know talk to Kate about it but uh it's a great suggestion from a lot of you had a lot of good ideas so uh I do want to thank everyone who infused their ideas the comments the emails the messages was all great um as far as having a dog it seems there's a lot of great solutions for having a dog uh as far as anything else kids a lot of people have done it with kids we don't have any but in the event that something happened and we suddenly were going to have a child um you know that's at least nine months down the road assuming um you know even if that happened in 6 months or 9 months or 12 months we're talking about a year year and a half um could we come back you know when a child child is a baby they don't go to school you know you have a few years at least four years 5 years till a child enters into school age so you could still travel for the first couple of years not having to worry about bouncing around schools so that's something that you know we thought about as well um all great ideas great tips great things that you guys put out there so I appreciate everyone who took the time to leave the comment messages and you know hopefully even if we don't go all in on this adventure we'll do something to add to life like I I this idea came to my mind for the simple fact of I have been doing the same thing for the last 15 20 years you know seven eight years in the last house three and a half here you know 12 years me and Kate in these two houses and we just kind of wake up and work and we go hang out with friends we do stuff we go on trips we go to Vegas we go to Nashville we go to these different things but it's never feels like it's you know it's an Escape for that five days seven days but it's not an escape for like we're here on this Rat Race and we're just what are we doing right we're just building and building and building and we're not actually doing anything outside of here and so living in a lagoon living the life that I live a lot of people from the outside look at it and say this is amazing it's awesome and it is I'm so thankful for the life that we have but there's more out there right and this is why I I thought this there's there's so much more out there and a lot of the negative responses not negative but the the the negative side of you know the pros and cons the cons side that I got was money maintenance you know and not wanting to be together all the time we we want to be together all the time I promise you and we know how to get away from each other we know how to do our own thing um but the the money side of it with the kind of infusion that I would get and the bill cut offs and all that stuff would be easy easy to handle anything that happens you know if the RV is getting worked on and we need to stay in a hotel for a week so be it like that is what it is we can come home we could park the RV at an RV park lock it up and take a flight and a plane back here to Florida and stay with family or stay in a hotel and hang out anytime we want and the part didn't mention in the last video is we could do that as well bring the RV back here to Florida put it in my parents house or put it in my buddy drive time with Dave's house he's got a huge house on his property we could park it anywhere for you know a week or 10 days and we could hop a plane and go to Europe and go explore Italy and go stay in hotels and and just explore not just this country but this world because we wouldn't be tied down to a house and and a routine that we're in so that's just my thoughts thinking out loud I appreciate all of you guys I can't wait to share the adventure whatever we end up doing whether it's on the Channel or we start a new channel or I don't know we'll have to wait and see but um we just want to get out there and do more before we are too old you know we're still in our 30s both of us and we don't want to be in our 50s or 60s not to say you guys are old but we don't want to be in our 50s or 60s regretting what we didn't do while we could do it now and our 30s and going into being 40 so that's the adventure that's the possibilities we'll talk about it more in the future I'll get back to eBay and reselling videos starting this weekend uh it's Labor Day so please run your sales get everything up and running if you don't already have them up and running if you need help with your eBay store please don't hesitate to ask it's rockstarflipper you can email me I do one week two week and 4-we Audits and reviews of people's stores and closets and different things to get them up and running and making the most sales this would be a great time to start it is the Labor Day weekend and I'll be working all weekend long Saturday and Sunday so hit me up Rockstar flipper thanks as always for watching my videos if you missed the first one go check it out it's linked below you can see the whole story about my idea for buying an RV and selling this house and until next time enjoy your afternoon enjoy your weekend be safe everyone and I'll talk to you later

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