"Punishing NFL Fantasy Chat" - The Agenda Podcast (Full Video Episode)

Matt Heath joins Manaia Stewart to address yesterday's shamozzle.unsolicited gym chat () and punishing NFL Fantasy Draft admin (). Plus, the Greatest NZer of All Time is down to the Grand Final! (). live from the export bear Garden Studio and brought to you as always by export alra the beer here this is the Agenda podcast for the 5th of September the Agenda podcast the home of sporting nonsense and clap trap brought to you by export Ultra good morning Matt Heath good morning Mani Stewart it's great to be here um second down on the podcast yeah you don't have a heart out today no I don't have a heart out today um but yeah real schmole of a podcast for you yesterday I thoroughly enjoyed it when I was at the gym listening to that there's a bit on yesterday yeah so I got a phone call from you we don't need to relate the all of the ramifications of what happened yesterday but it it was all the working has been shown yeah yeah the working was shown we showed how we we got to where we got to and in the end I think Lisa Carrington on the Met jury podcast today yeah what a fantastic human being she's the absolute best of us just even if she didn't win yeah eight gold minals in a bronze should still be the best of us yeah 100% um Jack as well oh Jack oh when you see Olympians you realize you're not even the same species no no there's sort of an awareness and a brightness even to their eyes yeah they just they're just the system's working rather than it's being DED by abuse I've even seen an Olympian with a zit you know I've SE an Olympian with a rash no they they're just running Peak everything's oiled up lubed up ready to go you know under their eyes that that that brilliant um I was going to ask you something about oh the Stacy Morrison make her hard out I don't know about that I don't know what happened there whether she made it or not but that was unmovable that that was we were getting pressure from both ends it was Stacy Morris's heart out and Mike hosking's entitled taking uh about 40 minutes longer than he was scheduled to take with Dame Lisa caring ah bloody hosking bloody hosking so to pull you guys behind the curtain uh last night was the New Zealand marketing Awards and for some reason we got invited the alternative commentary Collective myself G and Jo jury went along I managed to smoke bomb at about 10:30 oh yeah when the awards ceremony proper was done so that but that was quite early cuz we were firing up at 5:00 for a NFL fantasy draft on Zoom you were CL coming in from that Awards already so that is a solid shift of 5 and a half hours at that awards at the awards yeah I think we're at the pub beforehand at about 4:00 so yeah um and then I woke up this morning to a text from ACC head G Lane at 135 saying things have gone peer- shaped wow and that the person in charge of PR for New Zealand media and entertainment would not be happy with them is what the second text said no I was like good god what happened 1:35 a.m. wow it's interesting that he thought that you needed to know that at 1:35 a.m. it's like could this not wait till tomorrow I'm currently asleep well then it just sets your mind a blaze with what could possibly have happened like what did he do and it's always worse than you could imagine when it is him like no matter how far your imagination goes it's always like oh Jesus well in the end well to to let him tell it apparently all that happened was he went into a bar and they said at that bar you're the last guys in here but they had like half of their crew still outside and so they were ringing him like the hell are you doing like we only two of you's got in rest of us can't get in we got nowhere to go it's a Wednesday night that's what he said all right but but I don't know if that's true or not because I've seen the shape some of them are in what what kind of baret G LAN at that time or after that long at a at the pub beforehand and then a whole of wards they should have their license taken off them yeah we need to find out who they are and make a complaint that's yeah you're only letting two people in and one of them's going to be G Lane remember when at the radio awards when G Lane set up shop at a bar he refused to go to the awards yes and then he set up at another bar and um sort of like he set up it was an aggressive uh Camp face camp that he set up and and also and then everyone came to him the whole Awards he he just went so hard that the entire Awards abandoned where they were and came to the bar he was at ended up where he was which was quite ironic because he didn't want to be there but he was also in a suit and making an effort like it obviously meant something yeah it was firing off a lot of abusive text to people meant something to them and now look not to make this all about myself but I did go to the gym this morning thanks for asking um and you know I was in there and I was think I was looking around I was like I may not be the fittest person in here I may not be the most jacked I'm definitely the most hungover and that's something I can control oh yeah that I mean that is true a because it's it's all very well going to the gym when you're feeling great if you can go up over when you're stinking hung over and smelling of puss and you've got a little PE stain on the front of your shorts that's when it really counts those are the ones those are the ones that really count that make the differ that makes the difference on your on your journey to your perfect B yeah that's right I I don't think anything I did this warning will have changed um my physique in any way but my mindset yeah the what I overcame this morning is is a me I was at the gym late last night and there was a guy that was just campaing on the leg press and it's the final final thing in my in my routine oh right and come on is there a maximum time you can spend there like it just you're just sitting down I think the seated ones like that people will just lean in they spending on the I me I mean how how how much time do you need between reps like really I'm I'm like very little time between rips yeah same cuz I'm lifting such piddly weights yeah that's not like I'm sting PBS I'm standing around like a to and you feel like a total creep cuz you're standing around watching someone trying to apply pressure without applying pressure just making it be in his periphery to know someone's waiting yeah but not right up his ass pass egg them a little bit yeah or it's like that and because there's nothing more frustrating than leaving without doing your full like leaving one one of your your things out one of your sets out you feel like a failure yeah um I'll often just go and sit on a different machine I call it a Time waster and just go and sit on a different machine put bugger or weights on it and just wait for that other guy to leave there was one day I was sitting at the gym and it made me feel cuz you know how sometimes you just zone out and you're just staring off into the distance you realize you're just staring straight at some guy yeah and he's like looking back at you like what the [ __ ] your problem or or some female and then they don't know that you're you're blurred over you're not looking anywhere yeah but they just happen to be completely in your line of sight yeah you're seeing spots Stars fighting for your life to stay conscious you're thinking about you're thinking about your NFL fantasy draft yeah and so the other day I was on one of those machines where you on the old pull by the way this is still a sports podcast we will get to that on the old pull down machine thing oh I love that so sort of locked down locked into the the machine that's my favorite machine yeah so I'm in there I'm locked in a woman comes and sits up opposite me on a um swis ball and she's facing away from me and then starts raising and lowering her legs and I'm locked into the machine I'm facing dead at her and I was just like looking around the gym like you guys all saw me sit down down here first day I didn't come over here because she was doing that yeah and in the end I had to leave you you'll end up on Tik Tok with someone they've got someone them filming back and forth between you and you're looking they don't know that you're you set up second you're glazed over you don't know where you are you're locked in you know look at this pervert Yeah and this goes back to what we were saying last week about um you know gyms have separate sections just for women yeah gyms should have SE separate sections just for weak dudes weak dudes like me so that I can be kept away from looking like a creep hey do you think people did I bring this up last time we were talking about the gym but people over cleaning the machines when they finished like cuz people are now at my gym they're doing a full like crime scene they're like the wolf from Pulp Fiction coming in cleaning everything the wipy bits they haven't even sat on with the wet wipes yeah and like you're waiting to get on this guy's doing a full clean it's like I'm going to sit on that machine and I'm going to wipe it with my sweat tail at the end just a little bit and just pretend like I'm doing something I mean what are we what is at the end of the world if someone's sweated anywhere the bloody machine come on well what if they had some sort of infection you know I guess that's yeah but I I I would say you'd probably rather have the problem you're describing than the other end of the spectrum where you know it's real grubby oh now it's just covered in moist wet WIP oh now I got to wait for that to dry yeah yeah and um but yeah yeah that's why that's why I was just taking swings and um starting fights at the gym you know that's right you've over wet wiped that mate look how clean it it's too clean you're standing here W if you to bloody clean the machine give a [ __ ] oh you see did you see me clean the machine I was just on yeah it's covered in covered in bacteria fungus I've got a horrible bloody uh Disease rash got pop to boil on there they see me cleaning one machine yeah that's right and if you want the body that we've got you can do it too just by going to the gym Ono twice a week and binge drinking three to four nights um you'll end up just like we uh uh you mentioned the the NFL fantasy draft I know a lot of people around um the traps will have had their fantasy drafts so far we still haven't it was sit down for last night yeah but it didn't happen what happened well this it was so much on to get everyone together all 12 people together you know we got people in Chicago we've got people in Scotland they're all coming in people overseas we couldn't have it in a bar like we we did last year so but we've got 12 members but there was there's 12 slots but there was 11 members and and one of the members has wanted his dad to join the team and so we're going for the live and it's going incomplete draft incomplete draft you can't go incomplete draft and we like all day I've seen this thing I'm talking to uh my mate Chris in Chicago that's he's the commissioner yeah about it and I'm trying to ring around the back to get hold of this guy's dad cuz he's living he's in Scotland this guy and his dad's down Christ Church and it's 3: in the morning in Scotland he's trying to ring his dad yeah and I'm trying to I'm I'm so I'm ringing his brother's girlfriend to try and get her dad- in-law's number yeah to try and get him to fill in and then the time's ticking down 5:00 draft and you know going it's about to go live so much pressure everyone's on the WhatsApp you know there's a lot of serious chats going through there's a lot of stupid [ __ ] coming through as well um muddies Waters a lot of muddies waters in in the in the in the WhatsApp chat and then we've got uh um this guy ringing his dad from Scotland and he's just panicking because he can't get his dad to to to work out to log on to get a team going for the fantasy league and it goes past it goes past 5 so we've had to we've had to uh we had to cancel the whole draft everyone was there we to everyone was so excited we now have to do it tonight but what I noticed is he missed the draft but he's got a name his name's Pete and his team names the Patriots yeah that's pretty good did we miss the draft because he was trying to brainstorm a name yeah that's concerning cuz the name is too good like so did he stop at the first hurdle of naming it and just get stuck there for two days yeah then long short of it so we had people uh one guy who came up with a shy excuse to go home from work early to do the draft there was another guy who uh was working from home and had a spreadsheet printed out on his wall Scotty Scotty was set up me and Joe were at a bar about to go to the awards ceremony we we were like happy to miss the award for this draft Yeah and in the end it's been it's been a draft and tonight just to continue the drama is because it's their last option because the the season starts tomorrow but uh there's a thing with the last moment that this draft can start is at 5:00 p.m. New Zealand time tonight which no one can do so I've been put in charge of because our commissioner is on a plane home from Chicago so I've been put in charge of starting the draft at 5: and pausing a second after and holding on until two until 7even cuz that's what we did last year we paused it cuz we were we were L late last year as well and like that's more pressure than I've had in a long time yeah like yesterday was the most pressure dealing with the fact that Pete hadn't joined there's so much pressure in the draft and that's before the the pressure of the actual draft yeah you know [ __ ] hell I might autodraft my way through this just to just so I don't have a bloody stroke like Brian May did last night did Brian may have a stroke last night did Brian May from Queen I'm that close to Brian May from Queen strike with this just pausing theoretical physicist Brian May yeah yeah anyway um yeah anyway so that's that's what's happening in our fantasy league for those so I hope you enjoyed that and just quickly uh the last seminal of the greatest New Zealander of all time was overnight Edmund Hillary Sir Edmund Hillary and just edged Richie mcco wow 5446 wow so I heard you talking about it yesterday and I yeah you were saying that you think it should be M cuz you're a sports uh we're a Sports organization and I and I got that I mean we're a Sports Nation yeah and um Ed Hillary just Rod Tings and you know it was a piggyback situation wasn't it with the Hillary we're not a mountain climbing Nation yeah we're not um so I'm surprised that that s ed eded mcco so am I so am I I think it's an age thing I don't know yeah Ed V upam that is the Grand Final yeah that is huge so you've got a guy great humanitarian mountain climber and you got a guy that was a psycho that just happened to coincide with a war yes conveniently yeah we had a great uh voicemail yesterday saying um that is Dan hooker just lucky to exist when the UFC exists because otherwise would he be jumping into pill boxes in his zes well yeah I mean there's a famous Story I mean the Great Book I'm searching for Charlie um um fantastic uh book that just came out a couple of years ago the the real history and there's the mark of the line which is which is a book that that you find a lot of batches around New Zealand and Cribs if you're from the south island like we are um and uh there's a great story in that where up I'm like the this German troop carriers are retreating they're all on the back and there's this there's this truck and it's full of German troops and they just D drive way and he runs up behind them HS a grenade in there jumps out of the way and kills about 25 dudes and actually roml who was the head of the U you know the uh German yeah armies he was like Jesus Christ that guy's a psycho like he actually he actually bought it up he actually bought it up with meetings with the Allies cuz they actually had meetings the upper each line he's like who is this guy [ __ ] psycho who's this who [ __ ] and all the kiwis were psychos as well that like he complained about how many times kiwis bayonetted people like kill him and then the next three people the next five guys would come past and just stab him another 10 times he's like Jesus Christ you guys are out of out of control um which I feel very proud of my my father was a um he was a soldier and he was on an exercise one day where they you know they weren't firing rounds but they were doing like a battle exercise and the other guys that they were up against came got too close I think got on the like their position with him and so he fixed an imaginary bayonet and went on a stabbing Rampage and apparently just all the guys running it were just lost the plot Fu the first person to attach a b it to a rifle that's bloody smart cuz you're like we got a gun but that means we don't have a knife and now we've got a gun and a knife and then you run and like shoot and then stab it's brilliant it's like putting a gun on a taser not really no that's that would be a smart invention like see the cops they taser you yeah and then if they need to upgrade it to a shooting I reserve the right to also light you up with an actual bullet yeah I think it would have been the other way around they would have had swords and been like a gun to it how do I attach a gun to it yeah it might have been um so so so when when does the voting start for um uh Ed versus upam this uh by the time you're listening to this podcast it'll be up on Instagram it is Thursday I think we need to let this one cook over the weekend okay would you be do you want would you come on the M show to talk about it either tomorrow or Monday it would be my my privilege my so to decide whether whether you want to talk about the voting or or the result um we could possibly do both we could possibly do both I feel like it's pretty exciting I mean you've gone through to to come down to to sit here and up him it's quite says a lot about what we are as a a nation yes we don't know much about up him but we knew he killed a lot of people and he got a Victoria Crossing Bar yeah um we know a lot about ID and his various exports we also know that at one point Charles upam was shooting at people in boats off his Beach at his um his canbury property wasn't he yeah yep that he shot at BMWs when they drive up his driveway yeah he took out a few beetles um yeah so go and have your say on Facebook and Instagram let's take a quick break we'll come right back with some actual sport and by actual sport I mean Sports adjacent uh story Ray gun's Then the fellas react to Raygun's first sit-down interview.the new name for the Warrior's bar () and Saudi Arabia investing in rugby ()... poped up this is the first interview full interview she's done she did an interview on the project uh last night over there in Australia did you see the interview yeah softball interview yeah it was cuz I guess she came on for that reason but her argument that that people that are hat slagging off her break dancing don't know enough about break dancing I'm not sure what the exact wording was but there was the gist of it it's like we know all know about break dancing everyone has seen amazing break dancing their entire life we know what it looks like you can't come at us and say we don't know what breake dancing looked like what you did was what break dancing looks like what you did looks kind of like the first time someone attempted break dancing and we've all we've all got to Ray gun's level we've all we've all got there yeah home sick from school one day and you're like I wonder if I'm a mean break Dan wonder if I wonder if I can want my um up games like I wonder if I can do crazy leagues you know and so you mov the coffee table out in the middle of the lounge and you triy and you're like no I can't at um intermediate we had to pick a club day and I worked out if I didn't pick a club day then I could get the whole afternoon off so I didn't pick a club which is one of the things you go to and in retaliation when they found out they put me in modern dance club the day before their performance in front of the whole school and intermediate in the hall in front of the whole school and then I was like I can hide at the back and then um then the the deputy principal said no actually Matt is going to have to do solo a solo dance first so they put on some music and pushed me out on the stage in front of the whole school and I dropped and tried some crazy legs I actually got a decent backspin going oh and then I was getting confidence and I looked over my best mate at the time Neil tamale and he fell off his chair laughing and he was on the floor in the aisle laughing at how and and it was silent apart from that pretty much just NE to he couldn't he could he he nearly had a heart attack at the age of 11 laughing so hard at how embarrassing it was for me I think I think I was better than Reagan I appre The Audacity Of You Been like wonder if I can do Crazy Legs front of the hole intermediate um you're right though I love the I love the rebranding of what I did was amazing and original and you don't get it it's like we Face a lot of backlash for this podcast being you know steaming pile of dog [ __ ] but actually you just you just don't yeah well it's the same as with my radio show like a lot of people go it's [ __ ] and it's like well you don't understand radio you you haven't seen heard you haven't heard radio before you don't understand you don't understand it like the way we do origal seems like a low effort um single on Tandra low hanging fruit operation but that's cuz you just don't understand it no the the originality The Innovation that we bring to the broadcasting game yeah jumping in looking like a kangaroo that kind of stuff you may not recognize it as what you've seen as break dancing before or podcasting or you know radio shows before I said on the side that what she did was insulting to athletes that work their freaking ass off and being in the Olympics has to mean something and I don't care if you come you know 12th yes in whatever your particular sport is you're the best of your nation and you've got there to compete and you've put on a hell of a lot of work she's not the best in her Nation at breaking absolutely not she's gone there and she's made a mockery and she's actually made a mockery of cuz now everyone's laughing at Australia had an amazing Olympics no one can remember a [ __ ] thing no one remembers a single medal they won all we remember is that ray gun was [ __ ] and so we think Australia's [ __ ] and and not fair I mean I mean d Carrington like if she turned up in just like a you know a Fijian Resort um canoe yeah and um and ended up falling out halfway through that's really what she did but no yeah except that Dame Lea Carrington is actually good like could do I don't know not exact example but like no if someone entered kaying and put no [ __ ] effort in yeah is is what it is and then just said no you don't understand kayaking it's just it's just so [ __ ] she's just so [ __ ] and I know people that go she's just so [ __ ] I know people say it's funny and we're taking it all too seriously but you are [ __ ] and so you're allowed to be laughed at cuz it's the Olympics where you put your hand up and say I'm the best in my nation for this so if you turn up and you're not then you know we're allowed to laugh at you what what what is this just some rule you're not allowed to her argument is like you have to support me no no what no I mean you're you're in this incredibly PIV priv situation you got to hang out in Paris you got to be in the Olympic Village you got to do all these things that set up the whole thing for you to perform in and you put no effort in and by the way your sport has a judge so the whole thing is being judged like that's literally and they judge you 080808 and then when she when the other uh person she was competing against was dancing she was walking past yawning and doing a bit of um smack yeah so she it's not like she wasn't open to you know she wasn't respecting um any I've got no time for Reagan and people I think I said it before when people say oh you couldn't have done any better it's like no I couldn't but I could have walked into found 15 people that could have done better yeah yeah that's the point yeah yeah uh the Warriors B actually you could have done if you'd spent like a year training you could have done better than that like if we said to now from now to one year I think you could be better than rean and you there's no way you could do that in any other sport no you're not going to be you're not going to be jumping higher than hes ker after a years training no yeah I could be better than her uh Warriors bar has finally been named so they've bought a bar they're G to uh check it off next year and the name they've come up with is fulltime that sounds like you're going to be kicked out that's fulltime mate you go home sorry guys full time yeah yeah it's like we're at the Rugby World Cup over in Paris and we were watching in The Spectators area and as soon as the final whistle blow men with automatic machine guns came in and cleared us out of the thing that that that is what it feels like but there was so many different great names they launched this big campaign and you know W bar was sitting right there yeah or or like like like a legend of the game like um you know like yeah Stacy Jones lounge or something yeah some something something like that siming Jones Lounge mening some something like that for the company but fulltime is that they mean it's a fulltime there's a fulltime you can have here is that is that what they meaning I took it as once it's fulltime at the game come here a but the thing is you you want you want people to watch the game there don't you as well yeah so cuz cuz you're going to be at um you're going to be at uh that's M or Lilly World be at world yeah that's where you'll be after the game if you want to go to a par cuz there is no um direct line of Transit between Mount smart and Kingsland where this bar is by the time you get up there down there yeah it'll be fulltime in the game after yeah it's cuz to take a train which they always tell you to try and take you've got to go [ __ ] New Market and then to Kingsland yeah which are two separate suburbs for those of you playing at home I think they should have given a classy name you know up the bar was sitting right there up the bar yeah up yeah yeah up the bars yeah yeah you know yeah there was so many better suggestions that reeks of like they already had this written down yeah they they already like ordered the um stationary yeah having said that if they'd like to offer us a Bart Tab and a table that we can love that we'll still support you 100% it's it's quite close to my house um world rugby I read this headline every now and then we you know we we see these things pop up in the mainstream media that we've talked about months and months ago and look a large part of that is because we throw so much [ __ ] at the wall that every now and then 40 minutes of [ __ ] a day some of it's going to stick uh World rugby has is having a crisis Summit that could open the door for Saudi Arabian investment we've been talking about this for about a year now yeah I mean if there's any sporting crisis it's World rugby yes and if there's anyone more up for um Sports watching It's New Zealand like [ __ ] it who cares we don't care well you know I mean we you know took a long time for New Zealand Rugby to stop playing South Africa yeah very long time to the point that uh we wen't in the L in the Montreal uh the Montreal Olympics boycotted all the African nations boycotted cuz New Zealand was there a tiny little country but we were so determined to play right yeah so that's that you know when John John Walker got his gold that's because all the African nations boycotted us cuz we were still playing South Africa at the Montreal Olympics so you imag count is small as us and we were probably had 3 million people then yeah but we just really wanted to play rugby so what I'm saying is we don't have a strong history of making the morally right decision when it comes to the sport no so pump that money in we've talked Ed Orum about about the Saudi suitcase yeah which was the ramly shield but for Super Rugby and instead of a shield it's just a suitcase full of oil money that you win um so yeah bring it bring it all the way and World Rugby's already turned down an offer from the Qatari royal families wealth fund who also owns uh PSG and Manchester City uh to buy hosting rights for the Nations cup which I still don't fully understand what that is so that's kind of a world cup killer where you have 10 Nations as it playing in between the World Cup that was that was basically the long short of it so um but yeah I I'm all on board I don't think I've got any sort of moral issues with it at all um it is a Thursday he so we need to put a uh agenda hunch on thanks to the TB we got a $100 uh bonus bet I think we go all black yeah and I feel like tell me if I'm wrong here I don't feel like we lose two in a row against the Box year I don't think and and it would actually be four in a row yeah of course yeah I mean world we lost four we've lost three in a row against them before yes yeah um so yeah I don't think we lose four in a row against the the the Box Cape Town town it's not the Fortress that Alice Park has God how great is Alice par looks incredible people R up your ass it's absolutely feverish and so and we were there thereabouts in that last game oh yeah yeah we we were there or thereabouts I mean we didn't we weren't great in the last um 20 no um and you know they've got the bomb squad to unleash but um I don't know I feel like I feel like we you know you know we we we were the more skillful team yes you know I think we play that exact same game last week 10 times we won there probably eight times yeah yeah I mean cuz cuz just couple more tries couple more penalties go your way a try that was definitely not a try doesn't get awarded and things start to look different don't they that's right so I think for the agenda hunt this week I don't think we overthink it I think we just get straight on the All Blacks to win head to-head $235 yeah think that's a good honest beat yeah good honest beit and you never lose money over time bidding on the All Blacks no you don't as as an investment strategy I mean it's that's that's Blue Chip isn't it yeah they're winning his team and I mean sometimes they're only paying like a 101 it's incremental sure but but you're right all right let's take one last break when we come back yours please yours please brought to you by leader home of the Finally, they get to your feedback in 'Yours Please' toer four of them to get through today first caller here yours please good day manah [ __ ] G Lane I was just driving from denan to Christ Church over the weekend and all I could think when I crossed that uh mighty white tacky River was that uh [ __ ] South canabury um and on the chat on today's show I thought you know actually where did South canbury End cuz I was thinking [ __ ] South Canterbury all the way to Christ Church and I know that's not South Canterbury anyway Richie MC fromo [ __ ] South Canterbury [ __ ] G Lan how good uro some some good points raised there yes we were talking on the podcast the other day that Richie MCC is technically from South Canary because he was born on our side of the river um went to a tet boys yeah he did before he was snaffled I don't think that defines where you're from a no it is possible to be born somewhere and then go to a school in another area I went to high school in north otago but I don't identify as North otago yeah uh so yeah I I still uh anyway to answer it's the why tag you all the way up to the latata river then you're into mid canbury yeah um but You' be familiar with that trip Den to crich and in fact didn't you write a hit song on that very trip I did today tomorrow Timo yeah um wasik tamuka D sandal rson horby Raa and people go you got it around the wrong way now but it's a story about a guy who goes to Christ Church and then he freaks out and starts heading back again ah cuz uh he he packed up the curs he's getting out of town and then he goes I'm coming home so he he didn't quite make it across he was back living in Timaru yeah powerful down Caroline Bay yeah radio Caroline yeah um now defunct radio Caroline that was my retirement plan they've still got the oves down there the ovaries with the birds in it oh the a aies yeah yeah um a the big circle the big dome averies they do yep yeah great they down there sound shell still doing Miss taru oh mate well God I've got a Miss tamaru story for uh they are still doing misso I was about 1920 um me and a bunch of my flat mates went down the um down the old sound shell actually you say that and um they said oh the the M Taro pageants on at three [ __ ] 230 let's go park up check this thing out um it's only kids these days so that sounds problematic so there was three of us 19 20y old dudes sitting on the lawn and then a bunch of families around and then all these like kids walk out with the sashes around them we're like oh [ __ ] and so we had to like get up sheepishly walk out saw one of my aunties there Beauty get out I think Laura McD's mom was Mr Maru back in the day is that right yeah w we back when they did the adult I remember when I was a kid I used to spend a lot of time in Vago and and went to school in Sterling which is not far from belther I'm sorry to hear that yeah it was depressing place to be oh know it's fine Sterling actually I take that back some the good people of Sterling are sending me um a package um uh but anyway uh to say thank you for me constantly bringing up steering but anyway we went on holiday to teu when I was a kid and um went to Caroline Bay there was some big event at the sound shell and I thought that was the equivalent of me at that age going to the Gold Coast or something like oh like and and in my head was so because going to bclu was a big city for me at that point in my life yeah going to Tim was like Oh my Jesus Christ Timaru is most most cuz it had a beach kind of miles away can't quite get to it two McDonald's yeah back in the day it had two McDonald's one on the Main Street and one out in fatty Lane it had KFC and also something called uh I think it was country fried chicken or something had oh CFC yeah yeah yeah it's got a bit of CFC going on down there yeah yeah um yeah no beautiful beautiful part of the country Caroline Bay one of the top 10 uh beaches one of those you know rankings that they bring out oh yeah and it's only because the actual top 10 best beaches they don't care whether you put them in your top 10 puket not like putting money in yeah that's right that don't particularly was this the world or New Zealand I think it was New Zealand oh okay yeah okay well Pooky it wouldn't count wouldn't have thought it been World anyway they thought Kaye Bell set the record for the most uh the highest attended gig at the sound shell over the last summer oh really so many people though were standing on the bloody train tracks cuz the train tracks run straight through the sound shell um they had no uh security because they didn't think that many people were going to show up there's about five 6 thousand people there wow and the lion club they were taking donations at the door they ended up having to be security so they had had to link arms at either side of the sound shell to stop more people from coming in Jesus it was Madness absolute Madness sound shell hopefully this summer all right I finally gotten through one of these I played a gig in um Timaru uh just after our s song today taru came out and we sold out three nights in a row at this place um but on the first night um this road Knight came up to me um and he was at the back and I was going the toilet and he goes we don't think that song's funny mate you're taking the piss and I'm like we're not goes you're [ __ ] taking the piss mate and I said um no CU you better [ __ ] not be and I was like this is going to be a long three nights yeah this going to be a long he came back to the next two gigs as well he didn't actually thankfully but um it tended out to be a fantastic time but I was like actually we are taking the P but you know anyway beautiful part of the country kiwi beautiful part of the country another caller here yours please yeah good day Mar get that beeper butter ready because I'm pretty wound up about this one um when the [ __ ] did we need Pub facts to actually be true as long as they sound good at the pub and they get a laugh that's all we [ __ ] need no one likes us prick at the pub that pulls out [ __ ] Uncle Google and fact checks every [ __ ] [ __ ] those [ __ ] the fact Checkers [ __ ] those PRS love you Gane oh G Lane fan that's always the Gan Fans Say G Lan fans are the worst just terrible language in the 20 when the 2017 Lions tour was going on and we were at is it the King's Arms oh yeah yeah and commentating and then it the game we lost the game I think or it was the draw the draw one yeah people started trashing the outside they throwing glass bottles against the walls the place just got torn to bits and you g Lane and Jerry were um HED up side of stage with a bunch of G Lane fans trying to smash the door down like the movie assault on prect 13 they were just smashing the walls going G Lane G Lane G Lane yeah it's actually the whole um it was written about in the uh the upcoming um ACC Almanac um book that's coming out very soon you can pre-order it now just Google it um and it's interesting he because it's an oral history where everyone says what they think about it in the book it's like Jeremy goes that was an absolute disaster we're scared for her life and then G Lan was like I thought it went well I it was a real blueprint for future gigs cuz he loved the ego even though even though the bar was destroyed yes some people got bottled that bar has subsequently been destroyed repart um there was a bit of a demolition party vibe to that evening which sort of helped things but the fact that even though those people were threatening to kill me and Jerry and there just the ego Buzz for him of people banging on the door and trying to get in to I don't know what they wanted to do to him um it was like the final scene in The Joker yeah so he was like this was great this is one of the big gigs we've ever been involved it was a lot like that he was standing on top of a burning police car thousands of people around anak as his you know as his um but the the caller's point was we have so many people calling in and fact checking us oh yeah yeah yeah that that you got fact checked you said didn't yeah it's like fact almost every day like I don't I don't we're not checking any facts on here no we don't know we're not a reputable news Outlet yeah true and also um it's fine to get something wrong and then get told you're right there's no shame in getting something wrong I think where the shame comes in is because people like to listen to podcast and then go and tell their friends the things that they've learned and when the things they learning are complete and utter [ __ ] that's when I get a bit upset but by the way if you're going and telling people [ __ ] that you've heard on this podcast you you got bigger problems I think we got a couple more to get through uh yours please yeah good day fellas my favorite adjacent podcast I've got a Half Baked adjacent idea with the chip packets what's the best way to get the last of the chips out I've noticed with the old snack of chies the bag tends to rip and you can't get a good flow out the corner of the bag you try to go like the side or the front or back of the bag and it's it blows out you know can you guys sus this out for me first Ro problems love you I would say in defensive snacky changy the bags are quite like solid you know they're not flimsy little bags and I don't think they decided to have the corners ripped I would also say that of all of the chips they have the fewest crumbs left at the bottom yeah you know some other flaky chips they'll be almost entirely crumb at the bottom I mean when I was a kid I always lick the bag but I think nowadays I've sort of grown out of that yeah yeah like sort of going inside and licking the last bits of salt and flavoring off the inside of the chip packet I don't yeah I don't do that as much anymore but I'm not above just getting my weed grubby weed fingers in the bottom there and picking up all the weed dust and that part of it that's basically how I go I don't drink it like I've seen some people it's amazing like you know the little moments in your life where you realize that you're progressing and it's like when you know that you can buy you know when you're at home there's only so many chips that are available to you yeah and then you leave home and you're making some money and you can eat and then it's just about not eating as many chips let alone licking the bag yeah you're like trying to close the bag and walk away from it I still will eat ice cream for breakfast probably once a year just because you know kid me was looking forward to that more than anything else I remember when I moved out of home I was like I'm going to have KFC every night there's no way they can stop me and then well bankrupted myself on the first night and then head KFC the next night and then about three nights and I was like actually that's enough CC for a while yeah I'm off it for a little bit I've I've also found I bought a um uh like an industrial quantity of Kit Kat chunkies from Costco oh [ __ ] well done a month ago 36 how does that fit in with your gym routine yeah not well but I will say that because I have access to such a supply of them I don't have that like [ __ ] I got to eat all of them yeah I'm like there'll always be another one there so I don't need to well that's the logic why they reckon we're such drunks in New Zealand is because they keep restricting the alcohol so we've got a screel mentality we've got a Siege mentality the alcohol's all about to be taken away from us so we got to get down it's like alcohol's always playing hard to get in our country so we want it more and more that's like when you look at um European countries like Germans who are drinking beer at like 8 years old and the French drinking wine and stuff so it's not like this novelty thing to them no you're so right but to us it's like wait until you're 18 don't have sit before you're 18 maybe go to one party or two shut down throw out all let be drink B blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and we're like favish for it give us more so when you get the opportunity for example last night at the New Zealand marketing Awards yeah I didn't really feel like drinking last night but there was an open bar yeah I like well I now have to order so when she came around and said do you need another beer I was like how many can I order she's like it's four per person I was like I'll have four Joe will have four why didn't even want them you know yeah you're so right yeah it's just a famine mentality it's a it's a famine mentality there may not be another beer we're we're squirreling it away for the future So to that person that caller who said that he doesn't know how to what how best to get the chips out of the bottom just leave them throw it away there will be more chips yeah there will be more chip there will always be more when I'm sitting in front of piles of this there's probably uh 50 bags of Snak changy right to my left here there are is yeah so probably easier for us to say than actually but there will always be more chips yeah we we're chip BR here yeah and one last call that yours please Jan man I have been really enjoying this greatest New Zealander competition first thing I look at in the morning place my votes check in later in day see who's winning going to be sad when it's over tomorrow but I've got an idea for a new competition New Zealand's greatest breath of fresh air doesn't have to just be current entrance can be any time in New Zealand history I'm thinking Judy Bailey 92 Rachel Hunter probably 99 era um or current day there you go use that one for free hoo oh the greatest breath of fresh air I I feel like this is going to be problematic for us so I'm going to say I feel like we need to steer away from that yeah we did New Zealand's hottest trady on the m and jury show that's right um and it was interesting cuz we allowed man and woman into it yeah um there was one woman that got really angry when she didn't win because Jerry P ped some some dude with a massive motor climbing out of a portal Loop and she was actually hot and she was like well what the [ __ ] is this competition then but Jerry just finds dudes with a massive motor climbing out of a p portal hot yeah who's to say becomes quite subjective doesn't it that's why a bracket system might work a bit better I don't think would you go men and women I don't think in this current climate we need to be doing this I I think that would be creating more problems than it would solve for you yes I think so as well certainly for G Lane what about just New Zealand's hottest member of the ACC oh start up G Lane versus Joe jury that's going to hurt some feelings we did think to throw a cat among the pigeons the next bracket we should do is just jonov vers Ben that's itury all right oh yeah that's a good one I just think it'd be funny if was just one one you just go straight to the final John O be who's it oh no just in general just John O B yeah um anyway I do appreciate the level of detail that caller went to in terms of great voice as well great no arming arming arming and aring just presented their point very clearly that was nice to hear yeah he sounds like Petty G that dude yeah um but I did did appreciate that he dated each of those PE people like it was a bottle of wine yeah a 99 Rachel Hunter what about the 98 Rachel Hunter oh yeah yeah that's like yeah that's what Americans always do with their teams eh they like 95 Dodgers 67 you know 88 Dodgers yeah the whatever yeah 2001 she Kobe yeah um yeah brilliant thank you for the idea really appreciate it I think it's a great idea I just don't think we need it is the ACC no you do it you do it and we'll vote in it but but you know we probably won't run it we may have to keep you at an arms league but thank you very much for that and thanks for joining us this morning Matt haath um we'll knock this one on the head we'll be back tomorrow for a Friday episode of the Agenda podcast you've been listening to the acc's Agenda podcast brought to you by export Ultra for more episodes like and follow on iHeart radio or wherever you catch a podcasts

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