A Deep Dive into Mary Cosby from Real Housewives of Salt Lake City
Published: Aug 31, 2024
Duration: 00:41:35
Category: Comedy
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welcome back to the Salt HQ the salt Community I know I say this every time but I'm not kidding you today's video is so important I went into so many rabbit holes while I was doing my research for this because today we are discussing the one and the only Mary M Cosby Mary Martha Cosby to be more specific today's Deep dive is really going to be about her whole family her insane church it's going to be a lot of things I do have to keep things YouTube friendly so keep that in mind but I will include all of my links and sources in the caption so you guys can go on your own Deep dive rabbit holes it's important to note that I don't think Mary is really her own person without her family and her church Robert senior today's Deep dive is really going to be looking into all of her family starting with Dr Mama Rosa Mary Redmond Cosby Mary's grandmother she is the one who founded the church we're going to get into all of it there's so much lore behind Dr mama don't even worry I think we should start by just maybe explaining her family tree which I do give credit to the Bravo genealogy blog that I found that does like genealogy breakdowns of different Housewives I've used it as a resource in several of my different deep dies but it was really handy coming into the Mary Cosby one cuz there's just so much to approach so at the top of like the food chain of The Cosby redm family situation is Rosa Mary Mama this is Mary's Grand grandmother she is the one who like I said founded the church so Mary had three daughters Pamela Deborah and Rosalind Rosalind is Mary's mother rosalin has a last name cazarez because she married Mark cazarez in 1985 and this is Mary's stepdad if you notice that the Cosby family is intertwined with the Redmond Rosemary side of the family in multiple ways this is so hard to explain if you see in the middle is Robert Cosby senior and he is married to obviously Ros andary Redmond in 1975 and he has two brothers Daryl and David Daryl and David married Rosemary's daughters one of them is not divorc but like so that means listen I'm not like a genealogist so I don't even know what that means for their family and what kind of consequences and outcomes that has but it is so confusing and profound like like if my Mom married somebody and then I married his brother that's a wild and then obviously after Ros and Mary passed away Robert sior remarried to Mary and they had a son Robert Cosby Jr and he is going to start a whole new lineage of God knows what so this is just kind of an outline of what we're going to be getting into a lot to break down but I think it's important to kind of lay out who our key figures are and explain how everybody is related we're going to actually start the Deep dive with Mary's grandmother Ros and Mary Redmond because Mary's life is essentially just the extension of rosem Mary's life Rosa Mary built up and then willed off to Mary she attended school and everything in Indianapolis I know Mary has mentioned of having a few different ties to like the Indianapolis and the Indianapolis suburb area specifically caramel that kind of explains why from what I read Dr Rosemary redm I'm just going to call her Dr Mama Dr mama had a little bit of a bad era during high school or something like that and she was like not really religious for a while and eventually even dropped out of high school at some point she received the Holy Ghost in the mechanics laundry in Indianapolis and she immediately placed a membership with Christ Temple Pentecostal Church she also obviously had three children and obviously these were not Robert senior's kids I believe she got pregnant around like the ' 50s at some point now it's a little unclear in 1961 she announced that she was going to be leaving for Salt Lake City because she had kind of had this calling for Christ and started building up a following in Indianapolis and announced that she was going to embark on this really ambitious Journey out to the brisk cold mountainous area of Salt Lake City it was really important too because like in 1961 there was really not like a black community in Salt Lake City she said she's going to leave and go start her own church and this was just like a calling from the Lord to specifically go to Salt Lake City like of all places she wanted to go and infiltrate and like be a missionary in this town that basically only accepted white Mormons she really wanted to build like a community of her own there so Rosemary definitely lived like a public figure life a lot of the information that I found about her was actually from like newspapers and like really credible sources who loved being in the public eye and also sharing like her lore with everybody so it's been said that when mama left for Indianapolis she only had enough money for a bus fair to St Louis Missouri my knew she had three young children that she was bringing with her and this was Mary's mom Rosalind Pamela and Deborah Mama's mind was made up that after the money ran out that she was going to walk the rest of the way from St Louis to Salt Lake City with her three young children oh and this was also in the middle of January that's what the legend says it said God laid it on friends hearts to drive Mama to St Louis and she caught a bus to Kansas City Missouri cuz Mama is the ever persuasive person like I said I think Mama had already been building up a following in Indianapolis and I read that a lot of people had actually followed her from Indianapolis to Salt Lake City so just because they were like so moved by her and her preaching um it doesn't surprise me that she was able to convince somebody to drive her all the way to St Louis instead of having to spend her only bus money on it this whole story is hilarious to me so she's in Kansas City Missouri so she started walking with her four young children which I don't know where the fourth one came from all of a sudden I did not do that anywhere in my research the legend basically says that she got a few miles down the road to Junction canas when some women stopped her because they were worried about her walking with her children in the winter this woman was kind enough to put them in a trailer and she brought them food and supply and then the local Pentecostal Church of Junction Kansas basically heard about Dr mama and her journey and they like fell in love with this story and they wanted to put her in like an even nicer home so I think this is really interesting because you can already see Mama not that she's doing anything bad necessarily but like she's kind of freeloading her hallway to Salt Lake City and then she gets there and she's still just going to freeload off of her congregation people just feel so inclined and so evoked so moved by her that they feel the need put her in like the nicest home that they can basically like people from all around heard of this magical woman on her walking Journey that she wanted to go on they came from all over to go visit Dr mama and her family and they would like shower her with gift it's literally like um what are those things when those three guys came to Jesus and brought them like frankincense and M that's what Dr Mama probably felt like the church's website literally said that Mama lived very comfortably due to all the support that she received from others like while she was living in other people's houses in junctioned Kansas I guess people just kind of saw her as like a prophet but it's so interesting because she had literally already created such a mass hysteria over her and over her lore and she literally hadn't even done what she said she was going to do yet she had taken a bus and someone drove her to Kansas and she said she was going to walk and then everyone's like oh my God Dr Mama but no but she hadn't done anything yet so I don't understand like she wasn't even running a church it's just insane putting together the pieces like I just feel like that's when they realize that they can definitely support and maintain a very extravagant lifestyle if they continue to preach like this and like elicit these kinds of emotional respons responses from people I have to be really careful with my wording here and then finally I guess she got bored of Junction Kansas and decided that it was time for her to make the big move to Salt Lake City and guess what she did not walk the church brought her and her family train tickets so they got to take a comfortable train all the way from Kansas to Salt Lake but I would have to say this is kind of a crazy PR on Rosa Mary's part like she created a mass Buzz about her and then she didn't even have to do it people were more than willing to pay for a trade ticket for her and her children not that she had to walk not saying she had to walk like I'm not being like that but don't what like what was all that for so she gets to Salt Lake City and she kind of starts to build her following but it was definitely very difficult for her to infiltrate it as first there really weren't many opportunities for black people at this time so she worked as a housekeeper and kind of started like building her brand in the area she was hosting local church services from her home and she eventually got ordained through the Pentecostal Church in 1964 the Church website says that Mama overcame the odds and Satan himself and established the Pentecostal the faith Temple Pentecostal Faith the faith Temple Pentecostal Church in 1968 okay before we get into the startings of her church I want to talk about the Pentecostal religion like as a whole so we have an understanding of what Dr mama has gotten herself into some of these Pentecostal churches follow these Sanctified Church practices these are used specifically in like black Pentecostal churches to distinct them from like the mainstream black Protestant denominations they basically want to be seen as I don't know if this is the right word but like more extreme many of them don't even let their members like drink gamble do drugs party or even like listen to secular music just religious stuff and I actually kind of feel specifically qualified to speak upon this because my mom grew up Pentecostal it wasn't like a black Pentecostal church it was extreme in the sense that she wasn't allowed to even cut her hair when she was growing up she couldn't wear pants or shorts she had to wear like long skirts to the ankles women couldn't play any sports and then basically instead of going to like soccer practice or girl scouts after school they would go to like church services every single day as like an act for school activity for several hours and it's just interesting because Pentecostal churches in Louisiana kind of do the same thing as like the Sanctified church thing cuz they want to distinguish themselves from the New Orleans like swamp Voodoo stuff and they're scared of being associated with that so so that's why they think they kind of gravitate towards these more I really don't know what we I think it's extreme but other people might not many of them preach that women should be submissive to the men that are in charge and they follow the saying that there is power to submit which I find to be really manipulative so in Sanctified churches marriages aren't just about sex and like procreating and building a family it's more about the status of you and your church I did a lot of research and I actually found that arrang marriages and influential families in these black Pentecostal churches are actually really really common and it's a way for these prominent families to sure that their leadership is going to carry on that's kind of all they've been taught to believe is important so if your daughter marries an authoritative male figure in the church then you're basically set you can relax and you can rest assured knowing that your daughter is also going to have some power too also although women are supposed to be submissive to Men Women actually do have a significant amount of power in these churches so many denominations like Baptists don't allow women to be preachers or even hold leadership positions in the churches but not in these Sanctified churches or at least in the ones that obviously Mary's family started and I also read that black Pentecostal churches are also referred to as women driven patriarchies because women make up the majority of these congregations and hold a lot of leadership but a lot of their leadership is just made to support men uplift p matriarchal views if that makes sense Pentecostal churches are also known for like speaking in tongues having like more flamboyant and loud and engaging sermons and worship ceremonies and stuff like that for people who haven't been to them before they can seem like over the top and really confusing that's just how they worship the speaking in tongu stuff is interesting though if you've ever seen someone speak in tongues like so going back to Rosemary now that we understand kind of the Pentecostal church and like those foundations Rosemary Goes off to LC and she started her church officially in 1968 not long after is actually when she ended up meeting Robert senior well I shouldn't say not long after because in 1968 he was like 15 so probably like 3 years later than that she met him because at some point during her tenure she met Robert senior he was 20 years younger than mama was she kind of robbed his cradle and they ended up getting married in 1975 but I've also read that she got married in 1972 so I don't know I seen different dates and just so you know when Robert Senor and Mary's grandmother got married Mary was 3 years old think about that she was 3 years old whenever Robert Senor came in I actually that's really gross I just like I hate this I'm going to try not to get demonetized on this video that's the goal okay so everything is great things are going well she made Robert Senor the bishop of the church so in 1982 they officially purchased a large church and they were able to relocate their congregation to the building that it's in now and then in 1985 is when she got her Doctorate of divinity degree from Trinity Hall College I I should to say I've read a lot of different anecdotes from like primary sources on Rosa Mary's preaching almost everyone had great things to say about Rosa Mary specifically especially when it came to like her preaching they all said that they felt so moved by her and they had never felt any way from any other kind of preacher before except for from Rosa Mary and so I think that is really interesting you look at leaders of controversial Mass organized religious organizations I don't want to say the word I'm trying to be careful here you see that they all use the same tactics which is like praying on people who are vulnerable don't have families don't have jobs and really need guidance and they are these overwhelming figures with so much control so much power comp and influence that they are able to take over that control that these people don't have or guidance that they don't have they do it by like breaking them down and they break them down through these emotional emotional sermons where they're screaming at people you're there for hours it's sweaty in the room there's no air conditioning the singing is so loud they'll come up to you I don't know it's it's so interesting to see that I'm just going to say that the church reportedly peaked in the 1990s apparently at least 500 people would show up every week to these sermons and if you know anything about Pentecostal sermons these are not your quick 1 hour hour 15 in an- out ordeal this is a dayong situation you bring your fan bring your water bring something to sit on to do I'd bring my airpods then people also said that like under Rosemary's Reign if you were member of the church you were basically expected to attend a whole weekl long schedule of church related events sermons prayer hours committees etc etc at this time too in like the 80s and 90s Rosal Lynn Mary's mom was the head of the choir in the church since Rosemary's church was doing super well and she had really built like quite the community she decided that she was going to start building other businesses so she started a private school a salon called the TLC Salon the Southern Plantation Restaurant the United Financial Security mortgage company which we will get to that one that one's very interesting TLC daycare and then some radio station that plays like Pentecostal music and like her sermons it was like multi-million dollar portfolio businesses but these businesses were all they all employed her congregation and it did a lot of good things for the community but I do think that a lot of people were expected to work there for free or get good status in the church and with Mama it was kind of seen as doing her a favor if you would go and clean the salon or clean up at the daycare and like do for Mama I read that on a a few different accounts it did build this whole line of black businesses in Salt Lake City that was essentially like not there before Mama the Salt Lake City Tribune was another source that I use a lot when I was doing my research because they actually talked to Mama or reported on her a lot and they have all of the archives that are still up they reported that Mama lived a very extravagant lifestyle during this time she went broke and then she never went back again what is L Peterson's tagline it's like I've been broke and I've been Rich being rich is better or something like that that's what mama said the Tribune said that she was always dressed in like super expensive clothes and had a very flashy prominent visible house in Salt Lake City but despite all of her success and the lifestyle that she lived she definitely did have a lot of critics and received a lot of racism and aggression from other people of Salt Lake City so she had to keep tight security on her property because there were constant threats of bombs apparent ly and vandalism I found reports of people going back to 1993 where people were saying that they left the church because they were persuaded to give like so much money or even like their last $20 to the congregation or to Mama in the mid 80s at some point she was also sued for not paying her taxes power bills or fees for her condo and she was also behind on almost $10,000 in rent for her Southern Plantation Restaurant these lawsuits also accused her of failing to make payments on almost 100 grand for church related expenses but in the middle of the lawsuit the person that was suing her died and then the whole thing was dismissed anyways so that's kind of Rosa Mar's life because in 1997 Rosemary died in her vacation home in St Cloud Florida she was 65 years old so we're going to pause on the Rosemary stuff right now and we're going to go back to Mary's childh Mary Martha Jefferson was born on October 21st 1972 so she's Now 51 years old I honestly thought that she was older than that she was born in Salt Lake City Utah obviously I couldn't find much about like her early childhood sadly apparently she had been married once to a man prior to Robert Senor so she got married at like 19 or 20 to this man named Dana Harris and it's interesting because a lot of Gossip sites and stuff like that inaccurately say that Harris is Mary's Maiden name but that's not true it's actually her last name from her first marriage she got married and then divorced from this guy named Dana Harris that's when basically her grandmother passed away that was right around the same time before Rosa Mary died Legend says that she told 25-year-old Mary that she wants her to basically inherit her life including marrying her husband which was Mary's step-grandfather Robert senior so it was rumored that after this whole idea came into play I think Mary was still married to her ex-husband and then Robert Sen actually made Mary's ex-husband stand in front of the whole congregation to say that he was going to leave her so that way they didn't look like the bad people for when they were going to get together and they could like Faithfully go on with their marriage and then Robert senior kicked Dana out of the church then apparently the first husband four months after Dr Mama died Robert sior went to Mary's mom Rosalind and was basically like look I'm going to marry your daughter can you imagine going to your stepdaughter and telling him you're going to marry your daughter like what the hell no wonder no wonder Mary's mom is not okay with this and obviously they were like not okay with this but Robert Senor was very manipulative about it they proceeded to get married one year after Ros Mary passed away so this was September 27th of 1998 in Chicago Illinois her marriage to Robert Senor and basically her taking over Dr Mama's life is basically what led to the split of the church the whole thing is so crazy willing your life down to your granddaughter but to Mary's mom she didn't understand why the inheritance was going to skip a generation like she didn't understand why it was bypassing her and going straight to her daughter but it's like what did she want to marry her stepdad what is happening in this family it's insane and it's also just while because we'll talk about it but it was reported that Rosemary's death was really unexpected like she was in great health she was 65 which is not old she died from heart failure which can happen but usually you would be like unhealthy or have signs of that and it also just doesn't make sense why she would make it clear to Mary that I need you to take over my life when I die when she wasn't dying of a terminal illness she did not have a written will that said Mary and Robert Senor inherit everything and she gets to take over my life basically this was something that was told in privacy or something what the hell there was no will like I said why would have this been premeditated if she didn't know she was going to be dying like why we'll get into more of that that's why also rosaly didn't understand it cuz she was like the death is so sudden why are you so sure that you get to take over everything and inherit her multi-million dollar estate that's what it really comes down to so it's alleged that at the time of the death Robert senior had actually refused to have an autopsy he was apparently the only one who was there whenever she passed away and this was in her vacation home in Florida and they ended up performing an autopsy 2 years later because of all the legal drama that was happening over like her estate so there was a lot of speculation over the cause of her death CU it was so sudden unexpected and Robert Senor was the only one who witnessed it he ended up being the one who received the full title to her multi-million dollar estate so in the autopsy they did find high levels of valume in her system which was not something that she had previously been prescribed to overall she died of natural causes specifically heart failure hypertensive cardiovascular Disorder so a special administrator had to be ordered to step in to take take over Mama's finances after she died and he also placed a restraining order that prevented Robert Cosby from selling or transferring any of Mama's property this was because Mama's daughter Rosal Lind was alleging that Robert Senor forged a bunch of signatures in order to like transfer all of her property over to him and he was basically blocking rosalin from her inheritance they were also accusing the church's Financial Officer Lois Jefferson of denying them their shareff funds if you notice Lois Jefferson Mary Jefferson that's her birth name it's all in the family I swear to God they're probably related in some way but Lord I don't even want to know how so Rosalyn went on to sue Robert Senor for forgery and there were several other lawsuits too and then apparently over 200 people from the church showed up to court and Robert ended up having to pay rosaly $1.2 million but it's kind of unclear if and how she ever received these funds and basically the whole thing is what separated the church between was a Lynn's group of girl and then Mary and Robert senior's Gaggle gaggle of idiots I don't know they're brainwashed like they're I feel bad for them you know so now it's no longer Mama's Church in this one un triangle it's no longer what everyone knew and loved as Faith Temple like Faith Temple had completely changed it has new leadership and two new branches that don't with each other at all and have like restraining orders against each other and even families within the congregation were like split up and asang from one another because some of them chose to stay with Mary and Robert Senor and others went and followed rosalin to her new Guru so it had like major consequences for this whole community so Rosalind Mary's mother started organizing worship ceremonies at local hotels and rented rooms and whatnot and then she eventually started her own church which was called Mama's Faith Temple and it's also in Salt Lake City and I believe she still preaches there I really couldn't find like a website or anything active about this church all I could find was some little blur about her choir organization which does reference Rosemary so I do know that this is in fact part of The Cosby family although she uses a name cazarez Rosalind cazarez that's basically the split of the church and this all happened in the early 90s but it didn't finalize until like 2005 or 2006 so it took several years of legal battle and the Salt Lake Tribune covered the whole thing so I really appreciate them for archiving that and being able to easily access that cuz that was amazing okay back to Mary and her godforsaken marriage to Robert Senor so obviously Robert Senor is not blood rated to Mary because she is her step-grandfather and he did not have children with Rosa Mary he did kind of Rob her cradle in the sense that his cradle was robbed just kind of caring on the tradition I guess so she got married at 25 I know that she said that she was like 23 or 22 on the show but that's not true this marriage happened in 1998 which was one year after her grandmother died so Mary was 25 thank you very much Mary she needs to get her own fact straight because she did say that it took 2 years is to finalize their marriage because she just felt so uncertain about it but they basically like ran off to Chicago and just like got married unexpectedly like I said Robert sior sat down rosalin Mary's mom and was like I'm doing this and she was like no don't do it and then he went on and did it and then they had that whole legal battle she was feeling so uncertain about it and probably really isolated like sure you get like this multi-million dollar state in all of these businesses that you don't know how to run and um a lot of Chanel that looks fake but isn't I guess but like you don't have any family and you have to your step-grandfather that sucks so she was feeling very lonely and she said that she just had to pray about it for basically like 2 years she said that right after her marriage she pretended to be on her period for like several months after the wedding so that she didn't have to fck him just crazy yeah it took her like a long time to reckon with her own life and to be fair she never really had her own Life as we learned I couldn't find a single damn thing about her early life or I don't think she went to any college she was basically was like created to just carry on Rosa Mary's life and like pick up where she left off and now she kind of describes her marriage as like a partnership with many blessings they don't really seem to be like a romantically engaged couple they just kind of like live together in somewhat co-parent but I don't even think they parent Robert Jr like we're get into Robert Jr there's a whole Robert junr section at the end of the video so do not worry there relationship is just it's just strange it's it's what you would expect to be of a woman who's married her step-grandfather but it's sad it is really sad I'm not going to lie let's talk more about her life nowadays her on the show we're not going to talk about like her plot points on the show I don't really like to do that in these deep Dives but I do want to touch on her controversial moments and anything else like we know Mary for being this almost like a she s of seems like a little porcelain doll a porcelain doll that's like behind on her medications she lives on this like 20,000 ft Dr Sue house they have four houses like I mentioned Vegas Carmel Indiana Orlando and then obviously Salt Lake City she wears these very interesting Chanel and Dior and Coach pieces that are like so go and Gotti They look fake but I don't think they are that's equally concerning to me she has just like a very extravagant lifestyle when you're watching anyone knows like if you go to church and stuff like pastors should not be talking about how much they have should not be flaunting that around because pretty much their salary relies on donations and tithes from the church and their congregation so it's very like tacky and strange to be talking about how many homes you have or the fact that you don't even know how many homes you have on National Television when you have people in your church who like are living paycheck to paycheck and can't pay their bills but still manage to tithe like 20% to your church last month but we're going to get into all the Shady Financial stuff in just a little bit she's definitely had her share of racist remarks she says things like she doesn't go to 7-Elevens when she sees a bunch of black people outside she's racist towards Jen and Jenny Jen Shaw posted this like expose thing on her Instagram story and she was like one of my castmates called my son the N word or something like that and everyone knew that it was obviously Mary obviously she's black so I guess she can't say the word but I'm inclined to believe that she didn't say it in like a casual slangy way I think she would only use that as a way to be like derogatory or come off as hateful and then she was also racist towards Jenny who was an Asian cast member I believe on season 2 I think she was Vietnamese but Jenny was also racist so people were like it cancels out and then they people don't talk about Mary being racist that much in my opinion they don't talk about it enough and I think it is because she's black and so they don't really know what to make of it growing up in Salt Lake City she probably feels some sort of insecurity maybe that's where that's coming from I don't know just trying to give her the benefit of the doubt and of course her body shaming towards Lisa and Heather she's shamed Lisa for eating much of fast food but she really did go in on Heather on the infamous Watch What Happens Live episode where they parried Mary Cosby up with freaking zway was an amazing Duo and if you haven't seen that episode of Watch What Happens Live definitely need to so she said that other was wearing this like I think it was like a Gucci corset or something and then Maria was like oh they don't make it in her size or something just completely out of pocket you just can't say that let's talk about Robert Jr so she has this really strange relationship with her son Robert Jr yes this this is a son that she had with her step-grandfather so Robert Jr I believe is like 21 now he was born in 2003 around that time and she has a really like strange relationship with him she claims to cameras that like they're very close whatever but I think she just like constantly thinks about him but they don't talk like they don't know each other at all they have their own wings of the house like they don't see each other ever their Clips on camera are just like so freaking awkward and weird I feel really bad for him honestly and he's always had this girlfriend alexiana I don't think she's ever been on camera but like they've always been together I'm Sor as I know and Mary like hates her in like a very fraudi and way which I think is very hilarious they're also like lowy living a pimp ass life because Mary says that they live in separate wings so she does not keep an eye on like what they're doing this girl had apparently like ran away from her family so at some point Mary and Robert Jr were charged with unlawful Sheltering of a runaway and contributing to the delinquency of a minor in 2021 apparently alexiana crazy name sorry her mom called the cops because obviously she was not happy that her daughter was living with freaking Mary Cosby they pled not guilty and then the case was eventually dismissed but it was just really strange and the whole thing was like wiped away as like a misunderstanding and I guess now obviously this girl is now an adult they got married in August of 2022 in Holiday Utah when Robert Jr was 19 and she was 18 they were married for a full year before Mary found out in fact I'm pretty sure other people were the ones that had to tell Mary that her son was literally married even though he lives in the same house as her she was just like yeah like I saw them leave in a hurry one day and I guess that's when they went and got married but she didn't go in and check on it and also we need to kind of keep our eyes on this alexiana chick we need to make sure that she's okay cuz now this girl Mary's daughter-in-law has fully moved into Mary's house this last year and I think knowing Mary family history we really need to keep an eye on alexiana and make sure that she is a okay then going a little bit back to Robert Junior specifically he's had kind of a troubled era in December of 2020 he was arrested for a DUI he was in the possession of controlled substances and he received a plea deal cuz he plad guilty to the DUI and then he got the other charges dropped so he was sentenced to 180 days in jail with 178 days suspended so I think that means 2 days in jail and then probation for the rest I think is what that means then it said that if he did 48 Hours of community service he wouldn't even have to do those two days in jail so he didn't have to serve any jail time for DUI and for possession and then again in March of 2022 he got another DUI and he was caught throwing beer cans into a dumpster behind a local Best Buy of Salt Lake City and honestly first thing I thought was I wonder if it's the same Best Buy that Chloe and Brooks went to when they were trying to escape Jen Shaw's Flash Dance her grinder Flash Dance from season 1 if you know you know he apparently didn't use his turn signal when he was exiting the parking lot so he got pulled over and he was also not staying on one lane in the highway he claimed that he hadn't been drinking honestly I believe him because knowing what we know now I don't think he's a big drinker if you know what I mean he just said that in the past he's done other drugs and that he smoked he's like I didn't I'm not drinking right now I've just done stuff in the past not right now though but he did fail the saret test so he got 30 days of house arrest and he was required to attend substance classes and pay $1,600 which Mary ended up paying and it was said that he violated his house arrest over 50 times and tested positive for stuffs while on probation so his probation and house arrest were extended all the way to November and then most recently in May of 2023 he was charged with giving a fake ID to police after attempting to break into an apartment or something like I don't even remember hearing about this it was so weird and it came out while public city was airing so I guess I'm surprised that I didn't hear more about it I'm kind of assuming that he was with his girlfriend because police said that he was with an unnamed 21-year-old female or I should say his wife sorry no disrespect alexiana they allegedly tried to escape police by jumping off a third floor balcony which is crazy he was arrested because when when the police eventually caught him he tried to give them a fake Arizona ID cuz he's just stupid I'm sorry and then to top it all off he was already wearing his ankle monitor so was just ready to reset you can just go ahead and dial it back a few more another 6 months because he was still on house arrest apparently for his old thing like I don't know I guess he never really got off of it he probably just continued to break it and break it and break it and then he was issued a citation for giving false information to the police and the whole thing was really confusing because Robert and his wife said that I to say his wife said that they were friends with these people and they were just like trying to check on them and the people were like sleeping the whole thing is strange and then in July of 2023 was found guilty and he had to pay $180 fine and then was placed on another 6 months of probation this probation includes no drinking no drugs no spice interesting that they specified no spice or anything of that nature but shortly after in September the whole thing was dismissed and so I don't think he ended up having to serve the whole probation let's talk about her church now that Mary has entered into the public eye as an official Housewife of Salt Lake City since she is has kind of gotten public and gained like celebrity status I guess you could say several members of the church have definitely come forward to make some pretty like salacious accusations against Mary Robert senior and like the church leadership as a whole I got a lot of information actually from boredom by Bravo who had firsthand accounts from people who reached out to them and they had been members of the church and decided to leave I guess I have to preface by saying that I don't know if any of this is true this is all alleged don't come from me please I don't have anything want trust me I don't have I'm just repeating stuff that I already found online all of these accounts pretty much point to the same thing in the same idea this concept that Mary preaches that she is God and she uses this belief to persuade people to give her money Free Labor power and it's reported that a lot of people have left the church especially since after house Sal Lake City started airing but also just in general once Mary took over I don't think she had the same Charisma empathy and emotional power that Dr mama had whenever she founded the church a lot of people from that congregation who joined the church because of Rosemary when Rosary died they were like I don't want to be here anymore like I don't believe that Mary is God I believe that Rosa Mary was God like I'm not doing this and I also don't think a lot of the church members really knew how rich Mary and Robert Senor are until they saw on the show season 1 and it's just interesting because I don't think any of the businesses that Mary inherited from rosemary are still like up and running so they definitely still were on the donations from their church members in order to like fulfill their lifestyle and I just don't know how I just don't know how how do you have four multi-million dollar homes and rely on donations from people like no matter how many donations you're getting the congregation is like less than a thousand people I just don't understand it it's been reported that she has coerced some of her followers into mortgaging their homes and donating the profits to her they've all done this under the guise of giving to the Lord because they see that like if you give give to Mary that is like giving directly to God himself is just so manipulative said that Mary only goes into the church like six times a year it's basically just to berate people for money so I said that they rely only on Church donations that their businesses are all closed but that's actually not true because they still have that one mortgage company the United Financial Services thing which is apparently valued at over $3.5 billion I looked at the website I found that this business or whatever is ran by Lois Johnson who was if you don't remember the financial secretary for the church who was sued with Robert Senor for forging signatures so she's the one behind this mortgage company with has an umbrella under it and I'm like what is happening $3.5 billion whole thing's weird yeah there was some controversial audios leaked of Mary and her sermons where she was basically like calling her congregation poor because they only gave her 14 birthday cards and there was also that guy that Lisa Barlo brought onto the show Cameron Williams may he rest in peace who was rumored to have an affair with Mary and she persuaded him into mortgaging his home and giving her allegedly 300 Grand all alleged all alleged but crazy and then suddenly after he died the person who started this rumor was actually Mary's cousin Dan Mary's cousin Dan went on this podcast and basically claimed that Cameron was dating his daughter Dan's daughter and the two of them were receiving couple therapy from Mary and Robert senior but Mary and Robert Senor were telling them like you guys shouldn't be together y all need to break up but obviously Mary denied all of that there was a brief time in January of 2022 I think for a few months where the church had like suddenly shut down all the members like seemed to like exit overnight after they saw some shocking footage from Salt Lake City I don't really know other people were trying to say that it was because too many people from the church were unvaccinated so it was like unsafe for them to have in-person sermons but now it looks to be up and running the whole Church website is like ainal space it is I don't know who designed that thing it creeps me out it made me uncomfortable I just couldn't stare at it for too long the pictures the editing the font choices it's nasty it's bad I don't like it at all they have a weekly schedule with weekly prayer hours and Sunday sermons you guys can pop in maybe I don't know if it's like an open how inviting they are or how discreet it would be to pop in there like I feel like you can't go and notice at the kind of a church they're going to like go up and talk to you see what your deal is and try to evoke some Demon out of you but you know let me know if anyone's been there if You' know anybody who's been there like I'm so so interested because if you guys don't know Mary is returning as a full-time housewife for season 5 of Salt Lake City which I believe is airing on September 18th so we have just a few more weeks until Salt Lake is back and I'm so excited and I know a lot of people don't love Mary being on the show just because like she doesn't really care about it it but I would rather watch Mary not care I'm extremely captivated by her like I definitely want her on the show that is all I can share that's everything I will try my best to include all of my links and sources in the captions let me know if you're excited for Mary's return as a full-time housewife she was no longer friend of which I thought was very interesting given her performance last season but whatever not complaining stay tuned I don't know who my next Deep dive is going to be on I'm still deciding I've had a lot of great suggestions it's not about one being better than the other it's just a matter of which one I'm inspired to do at the time and I also want them to be like timely for what's happening since Salt Lake is about to air I wanted to get this information out there and really like spread the word you know do my due diligence as a reporter as an investigator make sure you follow me on Tik Tok salt 34 I have a podcast as well spilled milk you can find it on Apple music and Spotify and yeah make sure that you're subscribed because there's a lot of people who watch my videos and don't subscribe which is like so rude so that's the best way that you can support me as a Creator stay tuned for whatever our next video will be you will know you'll know when I do