NBA Fantasy Basketball | 10 Yahoo Fantasy Basketball Targets

good everyone and welcome to the inside NBA show it's a tale of two mates how are you m very good M how about yourself I'm stuck on Camp still I'm still here I know get a mock draft the other night but I'm still in Camp limbo but I'm here to talk about Yahoo your favorite drafting platform your favorite fantasy basketball platform um I know it's not I know I know I know you love a good gag to start a show let's get down to it we have found 10 targets between us that we think you should have a look at the ranks are changing where can you squeeze some value out of Yahoo for your fantasy draft let's get down to it they're playing [Applause] basb basketball [Music] basketball it's time to strap in and get ready the Insight NBA team is in the arena bringing you the ultimate play-by-play on who's hot and who's not to help you win your leagues and dominate your mates you're now hooping with your hosts matad G Skitty and mie for the Insight NBA [Applause] [Music] show uh mie I think we should start the conversation with the uh interesting exercise of defining what value is so when we say what a Target is or someone that's outside of of that what what do you define value as I guess getting somebody who's slipping down the board um where you think that wherever the position you take them is is going to build get you value so which is very difficult for people to do myself included you see a name you think will they last till they come round to me and you often just take them because you've got in your mind this is the guy who I wanted and even though I think that you know he may not be there at 40 and I'm and I'm at my 38th pick sorry my 28th pick I'm just going to get them now because I'm in panic stations but finding value I guess comes in you know looking for people who others uh have fear about maybe or maybe misconceptions about um and Snelling them up while you can even though they may not play into your particular build sometimes they're just too good to let slide and you can worry about you know figuring out their fit later on well the first one like this and this show is dedicated to little Target to we think uh maybe the rankings on Yahoo and we're going to do an ESPN show as well H yes you're preferred mie because I know you're such a ESPN boy um but for those of you on Yahoo we found some guys who we don't only think could exceed their ADP but because of when you're drafting is well in their rankings there are times that people are following this and their x- ranks going off not everyone is you know typing in names to add to their queue people are freaking out because their que is getting decimated so there's this draft Panic as well that creates a vacuum and if you don't know where these guys are on the board if they're far down that's great that's good people aren't going to generally scroll down unless they're like just a really experienced fantasy punter especially if you're new it's it's really important that you have these guys on Deck ready to go M 100% And it probably also um is a good time to remind people that if you are a league manager or you have contact with your league manager making sure you get that 60 seconds like I don't know you don't want to rush your picks you want everyone to have plenty of time to make an informed choice but you're right even 60 seconds a live draft as well like you and I been in live drafts and you're swearing under your breath every chance you get 100% so yeah give people the time I know you want you want people to move and you you want people to make um you know snap decisions but sometimes yeah moving too fast is putting people off and then you know they're not interested in playing in your league and I don't know everything falls in a heat and it's just no fun for anyone 100% now look let's get to the first guy this one this one is about the ADP he's gone from 37 to 38 and we like him he was the head Banner of our show it is Fred Van vet Mali who finished at the Houston Rockets last year as the 29th ranked player overall even after a slow start so one round behind for a guy Fred Van Fleet who historically has gone at the uh end of the second turn of the third which is about pick 25 26 that's about a round of value and his ADP on Yahoo and on current trends is actually reflecting a little bit more of a slide as well he's actually just bumped back down he's gone from 36 initially to 37 so he's about the value there you think that he's like a top 30 player so this is where you can get a small margin but the margin's bigger because it's a higher quality or caliber of player yeah I mean I've seen him as I've seen some sites ranking as high as 25 so you know like I mean from sight to site even there you can see what's that four or five different uh positional rankings in what other other websites will uh call their end of season kind of a marker I mean I I started to think about what are the reasons that he's slipping and the three that I come kind of came up with is that people might fear the trade deadline and worry about uh Houston really starting to roll with their youth core and he is an older player on that team um I'd say they'd probably want to move Dylan Brooks first but I'd say the money really lies in um in the contract that Fred's on at the moment so I think people might worry that yeah they might worry that he's going to go from this big role and the role might uh you know minimize or he might not fit well on the team that he goes to especially if it's a contender um the other thing is that I just don't think people understand his fantasy value they might get scared off by the fact that this guy isn't a great uh field goal percentage guy it is a a weakness of his he's not a big scorer especially in this Houston Rocket system he's the facilitator he's a true point guard you know but he he's a good defensive guy like five nothing he is a great assist guy um um his turnovers aren't uh amazing but you know they're certainly worse in that top 50 area for what he does um and maybe this is my third kind of thought on why he's slipping as much heas he is potentially because people are starting to think Reed might hold that position um I don't think so I think you know he's a he's a rookie guard I think if they didn't run um a Men last year who was a a better higher draft piit they're probably not going to jump and yeah and and go reads the guy who we're putting out there now so I think there's Panic around him but I also remember him dropping uh like falling down the rankings last year so people must have this um stigma in their heads because he's kind of proved himself last year and he's still he's actually worse off than he was last year so yeah look I think I think well this is where we talk about this is where there is value to come in with this so when we talk about it we talk about okay Fred Van vet you've seen him as high as 25 maybe on some sites around 30 the the maximization of this is basically around Advantage like it might be his ceiling but also he's got a pretty decent floor as well so we're talking about guys who are people are just a little bit off but the floor is really really good the floor for this bloke is a top 25 asset in the NBA the ceiling for him is top 15 and talking and I'm talking none other than one of you look I I know that you love your music I think there's um I think Andre 3000 um is the guy that I'm talking of Jimmy but he's a good guy yeah look at him what's he gonna pull out this year in photo day I I can't wait to see the uh the memes of Jimmy Butler at fot D Miami currently it depends on where you look I know that basketball monster um had him ranked I think in the top 30 uh Jimmy Butler over on hasht basketball has him as 29 so just inside that top 30 this is a guy who currently on Yahoo people are not touching him we were in a draft the other night and he was still what was it m 50 something he was hanging about yeah his current ADP is 48.6 he is ranked 46 right now how many games does he play is the question isn't it I mean that's the question every year it's this isn't a new question this is the question people ask themselves year and year out with Jimmy because um he he seems to get injuries all over the place it's not even like a reoccurring injuries he also um seems to sit games when it's not injury concerns like he I feel like he's a guy who if he needs a night off he'll take a night off and good on him you know he's a human but um last year the assists came sorry the assists the steals came back down to like a very humanly 1.3 so I think that is probably was vo like um really keeping his um his fantasy value float but obviously the biggest reason his he's not a young man um they Miami seemed kind of stagnant you know they didn't make a lot of moves in this offseason I mean they didn't really make a lot of moves last season either um and I think people always and we know this better than some like the shiny new thing and that's not what Jimmy Butler is anymore no matter what kind of hairstyle and makeup he puts on for photo day um it's still the same old Jimmy Underneath It All and um yeah when it's your depending on how deep your league is you know you could be picking him up as your second or third guy and um yeah that just uh seems a little dangerous for me well especially when we've known for many many years that he's out there he returns value and when he plays he's great and as I said he's a top 25 player but there's another guy who's drifted off last year who was much higher people were thinking it was value U and like you said change of teams last year the new shiny thing was the Phoenix Suns and Bradley Beal was part of that new Phoenix Suns not an overtly successful year for him last year in Phoenix uh of of injured was our boy Bradley beel but you see a possible return to form here for him and possibly top 60 value for be in the season we're both kind of high on him not high but we like him and that's um it's funny you know I just talked about um the Jimmy situation and not a lot changing and that kind of maybe being a downfall for the guy and you kind of think potentially it might be the opposite scenario for Bill where really the team hasn't undergone a lot of changes obviously tus Jones is coming in um and I'd say that's probably again where the Panic looms it's not how does he fit in this team it's how does he fit around tius um maybe people considering someone's got to go maybe they think that um that he will maybe play the the six-man role um and and tyus will you know be in that starting group and and take away uh touches and well probably not shots because that's not really tas's game but yeah I'd say that's probably what's getting under people's skin at the moment and giving people the Hees and making them think that Bradley Beal might not be a Target and as you said he he started the season really poorly with his injuries and then he came back and then he was injured again and people held on to him for so long and in the end he produced but I think a lot of people had moved on by then like if you were if you got those last few great weeks out of him it was probably someone who picked him up when you had to drop him and he just given the value to somebody else and even looking around projections between the size hashtag basketball has him as a projected pick this year at 55 to finish the season over on Josh Floyd at basketball monster has him at 52 we've got him in the 50s at our big draft board as well and our big draft boards the second pass of it is coming this week if you haven't yet got it they are moving on our patreon make sure you get down and get it it's got mie your draft board my draft board matrix's draft board skitty's draft board if you if it's not on there with 220 player reference is going back to how many games they play per year for the last five years it's got our consensus board so where these guys go we've got him all around there yet this is where we s find out that its value because on Yahoo he is 77th ranked currently and he is the 86th player in ADP currently so this is someone who is like two and a half rounds of value who could just be sitting there for you you don't even have to jump for him allly he's just he's sitting there I just look at the other guys around him like I'm looking at my drop board now you've got the likes of P if you want to go that early him you've got Zach LaVine you've got giddy you've got hero you got Miller you've got these kind of names around him and they all come with their like inherent risks as well so it's not like there's a lot of brilliant choices in that you know 50 60 70 80 type range for uh for someone in the shooting guard small four position um you know it's either youth is against them um the team could be moving on young guys coming up and taking places other injuries like you know obviously Tyler hero in that list so um maybe sometimes it's better the devil you know you know what bill can produce and um yeah maybe you roll with him I know I will look absolutely I will be as well if I can grab him in drafts at the right price and I'll also talk about injuries this guy we forget about players who were injured last year we also forget about them when their team has got a shiny new thing like ma bridges in the New York Knicks and they've got Julius Randall returning so we wonder about this guy who was bought into the team last season from New York they've resigned him as well like it wasn't like oh we'll just get him on a rental and and piss him off they've made an investment in OG an anobi this is one of the most egregious rankings but not only that punes right now just seem completely off him and more on M bridges in fact I'm seeing M Bridges go earlier and earlier in drafts and this guy is going later and later in fact the tune of OG an anobi you can seeing at rank 109 on Yahoo right now an ADP at 103 Mali that's just for top 75 bloke easy or not easy but potentially flirting 50s 50s 60s 7s that's a massive pull your way yeah and I think um I think there's guys on the Knicks who'll find themselves being played out of the game more quickly than OG um leaving the fantasy like esape for a while and going back into you know real NBA uh you know team fit he's the kind of guy who does the dirty work um he'll take shots when they come to him you know he get steals he can get blocks he can guard multiple positions so I think that's going to earn him Court time and we know how important actually getting minutes are for your fantasy pickups it doesn't matter how good you are if you sub 25 minutes um it's no good and and he's going to get more than that for sure and a guy who's right around the Zone like when we talk about names like he did um with all make Bradley Beal around that zone another guy who you could almost consider a steal specialist steals can be very hard to get OG can bring those we know that he's going to have to play defense it's tibs that's what he's out there for one of our favorite little swipers in the NBA is Alex Caruso who joins via trade with the Chicago Bulls giddy's over there now he's soaring up boards but Alex Caruso is being he's the 100th ranked player currently mie that's just seems like okay he doesn't bring us a lot of points his percentages are okay but he gives us steals he doesn't turn the ball over that much he gets us rebound he gets us all these things that we should value in fantasy especially in categories not so much points leagues but 100 for a guy that's again exceeding his ad ADP by two or three rounds at that cost that's just a that's a great flaw and I mean you know you would never take him and OG in this for the same team build because they're kind of doing similar things getting you few as you said a few threes there might be a decent steals Guy they don't turn the ball over too much um maybe again people fear the unknown they don't know what the fit's like if he would have stayed um with Chicago I think he probably would have been uh you know closer up or lower down the board and and maybe being picked up by people earlier um they don't know whether he's going to start or whether he's going to come off the bench depending how the Isaiah hartenstein fit goes in that in that five um but you're right he's he's a safety net when it comes to giving us um those steals um he'll give you a few assists you know he's got Shooters around him on that team obviously people who um who were happy to score um he might play some point guard um from time to time obviously with um with giddy gone and that was something that giddy was doing a lot of uh when he was uh over with OKC so yeah I think there's definitely definitely value anywhere if you can get him around the the 100 Mark you're cheering we were going to talk about this uh block a little bit later on but I think we should talk about him now because we spoke about Specialists so we had those steel specialists in in OG out anobi and like Alex Caruso one of the things that we know that's really easy to get off the waiver wire a three-point Specialists the question is is Klay Thompson at the three-point specialist phase of his career there in Dallas we know he's not playing the defense that he used to he's not that old Elite clay Mali but it is a new Fresh home for him it's a fresh start he seems engaged and and really happy to be there this is the value of Klay Thompson he's going to get minutes apparently he will be this starter now I've seen him be ranked around 105 110 and I've seen him over for hasht basketball has him at 126 so there's this big ground jump now this is what we talk about the value and where you might be able to get it the Yahoo rank for him currently is 143 which means he is in a 12 team 12 roster situation he is like the second last dude going statistically speaking Yeah like where do we see value for them and he's being drafted though ADP at 106 so are we overdrafting clay and avoiding or should we just find the balance of him about 130 I feel like you're right the TR the truth probably lies somewhere in between that 120 to 130 Mark um he's a Bonafide shooter he's playing on a team with two of the best point point guards in the league playing with him on the court at the same time in Kyrie and donic um he's going to get his shots um I think they'll you know find ways to get him open so he can do what he's going to do hopefully he doesn't get cooked too much on the defensive end and uh they have to get rid of him but they've also got two excellent defensive centers behind him to clean up the scraps as well so um I think he's going to fit in quite nicely there and I think you're right I wouldn't take him as high that you know 105 106 Mark but uh 143 seems a bit wild especially if you start thinking about some of the names that you'd have to put in front of him for him to drop that low and I guess that's what this comes down to we the conversation needs to be had about Dallas Mavericks because I love them as a value team this year I love Klay Thompson and he didn't make my list because I've just said I think I've said Dan gafford's name just like so much at this point but there's another name that I absolutely love who's going in some leagues undrafted we did this the other night I know hasht basketball has him at 132 and Yahoo has him way out here we're talking about PJ Washington why is PJ such a great fit in Dallas mat we saw what he could do last year and I guess again the reason he's dropping down is because people don't understand uh maybe what his value is they maybe have fears about how clay will impact him will he become the fourth option instead of the third option which he was last year on the offensive end um I think he does what he does and if you want some safety at that point in the draft rather than taking a rookie who's going to take a while to warm up and um and get you value if you're someone like me who wants to start winning the game from week one he's the kind of guy you take you know he's a win now type guy he gets he gets you the stats and I think um you know often when these guys um move over from from Charlotte you figure out how weak they are but I feel like he's done all right and maybe that's um a testament to the Dallas Maverick system that he's still been AED to perform um yeah we'll see what happens with him what was his ranking what do they want 145 so this is a guy at the end of drafts that's sitting around there and we he finished the last three months of last season inside the 127 when he came across he was a little bit acious to start with but then he really hit his stride in the last two months of the Season as you said he's going to need to play more defense and help be an anchor of that team especially if Klay Thompson is out there on the foot and so he came in about 102nd in the last two months of last season and then he improved more as the season so he came in 143 then he was 102 ranked so he's about that 100 value but it's especially where he's just sitting there and the last it's like is it better than the devil you know and I think PJ Washington because we know that there's The Gafford and the Lively split again both of them good value you can get them late in drafts in two Center leagues especially Gafford who's a power forward Center eligible I love that but then PJ Washington makes the case that he came in and he finished the last month of the Season yeah it's it's the last month of 23 24 as the 89th best player and gafford's generally going in drafts so he's not so much a steel he's a good value pick 100% but a Target he can pick up in the last round and get a top 100 return on that's a really solid investment you can make come Draft Day 100% and think about how many open shots he's going to get when he's sharing the court with donit Irving and Clay like there's not enough people on the you're going to get D you're going to get guarded by like the towboy or something because they're just going to have to throw the last possible option at you and yeah I think that's he must be absolutely licking his chops thinking about how many buckets he's going to get uh talking about uh the tow boy doing work last year I think this guy actually subbed in there we go I think someone who uh we a lot of tals were thrown at him the pool boy Jordan P from the Washington Wizards everyone's darling of the pre-draft season last year could he be the number one scorer in the NBA no could he be decent in Washington could we see him break out no it was a bit of bit of disappointment but it was a really good stretch that he put towards the end of last season M uh in in the last two months of last season he started to put it together even you've been quoted as saying he actually passed the ball instead of just shooting it he has Alex who's going to want to take a lot of shots but he finished in the last two months of last season as the 80th best player there's value for him and drafts all around the place yeah 100% And you know he goes in that weird grouping of guys that sit in that 70 to 100 Zone in the who are guard eligible um he obviously comes with his own little bag of mysteries about is he going give a about playing this year because it didn't look like he was last year he went from a team where he was getting punched in the face and you thought well look how good he was there and then he goes to a team where he's probably championed and maybe the pressure got to him too much but you're right like if he can play a little bit more point guard and a little less shooting guard maybe that'll be good I think you're right when he started to distribute the ball I think he was taking some of the ugliest shots the dribble last year like oh yeah like I don't think even if you're a very casual basketball fan and you're watching him you'd notice that something isn't right um but you know if if he can if he can stay in his Lane a little bit more and maybe care about trying to win um they might hold on to the idea of him being one of the future guys on this team so I think a fantasy pickup for him uh especially when he's going in some drafts in the triple figures you know he's he's still around in that 100 Mark uh yeah I I think you you're you're minimizing your risk so much taking him over the hundreds you'd be silly not to and then you'd be kicking yourself to know that one of your competitors took him at 100 and is getting a guy who's putting up you know top 60 numbers so yeah that's what I always think about is if I don't take him someone who I'm trying to beat will 100% And this is where he has been retaining some value he started around the 98th best player uh his 80P has gone up to 91 so okay we're not talking of Target there but okay at the same time we did expect him possibly a top 60 top 70 player last year now maybe he doesn't get there but there is a case to be made and I call this my Valentine's Day special because from Valentine's Day last year Jordan Paul actually finished the season as the 72nd best player that's not too bloody bad 72 for a guy that I could get at 105 that's just getting that value time and time again mie and that's where the Valentine's Day special that I love is Jordan Paul 100% you like that Valentine's Day thing don't you you're like how did g pick up that I do but only only because I thought you were GNA segue into telling me about Denzel Valentine statistics and really on the edge of my seat for that well no you can you can actually get those though from the NBL boys because I don't know if he's coming back this season to the mighty Kings or not yet but I find out I think he's over in Israel or somewhere right now we're doing another Netflix special but uh den no it was more that I used that as a date because after Valentine's Day I find that there's this nice little break everyone comes back from the allstar break and I kind of give it like a sabatical like okay we might not we arrested but we might about for the first week and then about a week or so after the allar break I find players aren't going to care for the rest of the season or they're really making their move from the rest of the season so I kind of use a Valentine's Day reference point in my head all the time and it's also just it's a bit longer than the last two months of the season so it gives them more of a variety but that's me this guy though I thought he was misused last year he was injured last year we had the herb Jones Renaissance last year and it wasn't Z Williamson and it wasn't CJ McCollum it was Trey Murphy II third uh Trey Murphy II is an absolute stud we forget how good he possibly was the year before that but Trey Murphy is sliding in drafts the entire time in fact he finished the last part of last season from the Valentine's Day special he finished as the 23rd best player in nine category leagues now yes they bring in De Jon Murray but are we so egregiously insane that we're looking at draft boards and this guy has fallen into the 100s mie like are we just missing something here I guess the big hope and the way that he gains his value is that he finds a way to get starters minutes whether he's a starter or not my hope is that they start to peel away from uh the idea that Brandon Ingram is any sort of part of their future and and they look to the youth and versatility of someone like Trey and someone like herb I think had only one of those guys been on the team I mean I remember the last two seasons it was often it's going to be one of these guys who succeeds and and kind of makes a name for themselves in New Orleans but then they both done that you know they're both like you know in their own rights are incredible players and um yeah I I think for the for the stat line that you're going to get from Trey after we talked about P someone who likes awful shots Trey is a guy who takes clever shots he hits threes he gets defensive stats um with no Center he's probably going to get more rebounds because he's got the reach to be able to like pull them down um it looked even in that image that you had before like he's put on a little little bit of size which is probably good for him too like filling out a little bit as he gets older Elite he's an ex and an elite three-point shooter and you you said it bang on the head this is a contract year almost for Brandon Ingram I don't think they're going to throw the max at him I I wouldn't expect them to they could do a cheeky sign and trade they do I think need to shed about 1.7 or I think it's $1.7 million in cap space they don't have a true Center Brandon Ingram for me is that trade bait that they're putting out there and this is is where you can look at the different rankings from different sides Trey Murphy is 107 over on hashtag he he is much higher than that over on basketball monster as well so there's a discrepancy even between analysts which is where he's going to go because you can see him uh ranked in here around 35 on basketball monster so there is 70 spots of value as well I have him much higher than the hundreds but the basketball Community doesn't Yahoo doesn't even have it that I mean they have it at 0 I've got him in the 60s but yeah the 0p is even going after so he's a guy that when we talk about value he's he's sitting there in your ranks and people are just skipping over him like n not Trey no not Trey and he's actually dropped down and he's been consistently ADP at 98 which is instant value especially when there's so much say he could probably be 75 65 and again that's three rounds of value that you can eek out of these drafts someone who might the margin is a bit smaller for though but there is some upside here it's our last one of the 10 Bloks Gary Trent Jr making his move down from Toronto a really underwhelming season for him last year uh with the Raptors finds a new home in Milwaukee Mali he kind of just got squeezed out didn't he and um they they moved on in a different direction they didn't need old Gaz uh to do his good work over there um with Malik Beasley out and him in you would assume that he's basically going to fall into the same role he's a better Defender he's not as good a Defender as maybe his stat lines would lead you to believe I don't think he's going to be that steals Guy that he was two seasons ago when he was like epic um but yeah again another guy that you know you got to look at a silver lining for everyone he his role and he's going to have one there um guy I expect him 30 30 32 minutes a knife easy yeah and that's with a healthy um what's his name uh Daman liard what a small forward I haven't made you do this for ages where Chris yeah Chris Middleton oh Jesus Christ Chris Middleton like if he falls to Pieces which he's prone to do uh that can only spell good things for for Gary Trent as well and currently this is another Junior not not father this is another again an IA this discrepancy his rank on Yahoo is 131 his current ADP is 144.5 which means he he's like probably like the last dude when your draft ends there's like Gary Trent Jr is sitting there like 144 dudes come off the board and there's all mate Gaza just just sitting there at 147 right now amongst the likes of guys like Vince Williams Jr DeAnthony meltons and other guys like this who just fall out Russell Westbrook is at ADP of 142 right now on Yahoo guys like like Andrew Wiggins not being touched mathine Isaiah Stewart TJ McConnell again beloved streamer by all but those were the 10 guys mie take us through our 10 targets I know we start off with one of your faves yeah Fred he's a guy that I'm going to pick up everywhere just because I like to win and he's going to do that for me especially the positions I'm the the um places I'm going to pick him up if I can get him in the 30s and 40s um you best believe even if he has makes no sense to my roster I'm picking him up Jimmy Butler um we know when he's healthy how great he can be um Bradley Beal again I think the poor health is behind him and you're getting a steal if you can grab him anywhere anywhere in that 80s range OG and Alex kuso provide the same kind of stats and um and upside obviously um role will be interesting for both of them clay we've talked about the his strengths we all know who Clay is and if he want threes he's going to get them PJ sits in the s a similar kind of vein um we all feel like all the jokes have been made about Jordan P so he's a guy that um you know whether it's a good back just even nothing can be yeah nothing can be worse Jordan nothing can be worse than last year you're okay mate you're okay yeah and then you know we've got Trey Murphy there uh in our little a little pitcher looking um handsome as heck um Ro will be big for him but if you pick him up um especially in one of these late late picks and he ends up getting these starters minut and they really turn to him uh you're going to be laughing and same with Gary Trent Jr we know what he does he's got a role so safety at the end of your draft I like games play I like minutes I like points I like threes and especially if I'm hting field goal per Gary Trent Jr just Rockets up your board like an exhaustive amount he also doesn't get doesn't want get into the line a little bit when he gets a bit clucky and Plucky and he can knock him down at about 850 as well so it's a guy you love from the charity stripe if you want the best for your draft season again make sure you check out our big draft board the second pass of it is coming up this week it's going to be huge you can get that below the link is at the patreon make sure you like And subscribe to All Things Insight fantasy sports daily content pretty much dropping all the way up until you draft and get your mocks on because draft season it's like seven weeks away mie we're excited yeah I've got my little Advent calendar out opening up the doors eating a little chocolate every day we get closer to the uh to tip off on uh on day one of the Season M we AB but who cares the chocolate's just a little bit rotten no one of you were sick the other day Jesus uh like subscribe to everything we'll catch you soon ESP on the way more content from inside

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Category: Sports

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"Fantasy Basketball Forwards:😱🤬 Risers & Sleepers" || #shorts #nba #basketball thumbnail
"Fantasy Basketball Forwards:😱🤬 Risers & Sleepers" || #shorts #nba #basketball

Category: Sports

You're letting viewers know that with the nba season approaching finding forwards who will perform better than expected is crucial for fantasy success changes like a new team coach or an unexpected starting role could boost a players value you'll be highlighting three forwards who are risers players... Read more

I was WRONG about Michael Jordan - This is the REAL GOAT thumbnail
I was WRONG about Michael Jordan - This is the REAL GOAT

Category: Sports

All right welcome back to the channel everyone hope you guys are all having a good day so far uh never thought i'd make a video like this but um here we are and um it turns out i was wrong all along jordan's not the goat it's not possible um i now remember who the actual true goat is i didn't see this... Read more

Lemme Tell You Somethin' – Remembering Larry Allen: A Tribute to a Football Legend – Ep. 70 thumbnail
Lemme Tell You Somethin' – Remembering Larry Allen: A Tribute to a Football Legend – Ep. 70

Category: Sports

[music] hey it's another edition of nate newton and john rigan together talking all kinds of sports there is so much to talk about um it's it's a beautiful little show that is inspired by what nate always says when he gets serious and he looks you right in the eye or in the camera in this case and he... Read more

Caitlin Clark, Indiana Fever talk about breast cancer awareness & survivors | WNBA thumbnail
Caitlin Clark, Indiana Fever talk about breast cancer awareness & survivors | WNBA

Category: Sports

As a female athlete we're given such a platform to talk about issues and talk about things that really matter and especially being a woman being able to talk about breast health awareness and women's health in general is huge and that we're very lucky to have a platform to be able to talk about it it's... Read more

Derrick White Defense | 2024 Playoffs thumbnail
Derrick White Defense | 2024 Playoffs

Category: Sports

[music] they fall away nard is certainly competing on the defensive end jaylen brown just has the size to shoot isaiah jackson has the height advantage goes inside can't get it the b derek jones with the rejection here's irving washington drives blocked by white irving on guarded by white fak drives... Read more

FRAMBER VALDEZ: La Racha Imparable del As Dominicano #deportes thumbnail
FRAMBER VALDEZ: La Racha Imparable del As Dominicano #deportes

Category: Sports

[música] prende prende prende prende hola qué tal damas y caballeros bienvenidos esto es el barrio deportivo yo soy el cape cape daña ito ese niño gracias a todos ustedes por estar ahí siempre en sintonía llega el que la aplica el que no falla demasiado duro la mete de tres y batea por los 400 el príncipe... Read more

🤐 Angel Reese TAKEN DOWN By The NECK, Alyssa Thomas EJECTED With FLAGRANT 2 | Chicago Sky vs Sun thumbnail
🤐 Angel Reese TAKEN DOWN By The NECK, Alyssa Thomas EJECTED With FLAGRANT 2 | Chicago Sky vs Sun

Category: Sports

Evans quick drive couldn't get the roll more contact in the paint as reese hits the deck again and now they're going to review the last sequence that's going to be a little extra yeah i think alysa thomas was getting a little frustrated with angel reese and her intensity and that time she might have... Read more

🔥 Arike Ogunbowale rainbow 3 | Los Angeles Sparks vs Dallas Wings WNBA basketball #shorts #short thumbnail
🔥 Arike Ogunbowale rainbow 3 | Los Angeles Sparks vs Dallas Wings WNBA basketball #shorts #short

Category: Sports

Plays in the nhl if she would have given up on that she would have heard from her brother cuz hockey players don't give up on anything so that's why she kept going arque somewhere over the rainbow a goomba has dallas right back in this game cuz what does she do she can shoot it coming off the screen... Read more