LIVE | Hypixel then nytimes games

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 01:04:28 Category: Gaming

Trending searches: nyt games
e [Music] [Music] there I swear on something that we thought was true so now we sit and stare across surfing the whole state miles ween a [Music] [Music] all of it owner only in we're left a growing of language tokens and then ipped right and the way [Music] end a heart to be it falls there not a heart Falls not a heart [Music] [Music] [Music] TOS to beat Falls if there's not a heart to fallsart there's not a to [Music] be we are live once again but it's not daytime so the camera quality is yellow and very noisy but regardless we are just going to play some Hypixel and then if the linked daily games are available we'll do those but the New York Times ones already are we'll definitely be able to do those after playing some Helix so that is the plan hello dble God damn it suicide we've got a Time Advantage right now so try fall off like that nice God damn it I an advantage I should have well I just Wast my arrow bit please I was hoping then in the gaap would give us enough time but apparently not keep blocking and stad of placing blocks also my left eye is being funny today so sorry if it keeps twitching it's also blurry which is weird it's probably just a sinus thing Dam got Dam it ni je nothing think they've got it damn it oh this is Hardy BR nice have got me there than thank God for the lag there cuz I would have got hit by that Arrow nice I should have the time Advantage here cool if I might cat up here that would be quite cool they've got a Time Advantage now Dam it what I wouldn't I just hit him I hit them multiple times it just didn't register for some reason there we go nice God damn it I was hoping they'd at least fall into the void so i' have a Time Advantage although they did just have to gapple so that should it was about the same time Advantage I would have got God damn it never mind okay just barely save that but they've got massive time in Fr now nice okay we even Match Point caught up quite well here I can't lie no I was been wouldn't suicide nice let's go oh I did not expect to be winning that I cannot lie okay let's go that's a a good start to the stream I clicked the rematch button like three times it just waited until when it would do it automatically oh well oh I messed up the time in there leaving I think they have a Time Advantage oh I they definitely do now but I still actually get in they must have got stck on the block or something oh crap God damn it I messed this up badly Jesus okay well we're even the nice okay I'm just going this way to avoid it if they like decide to shoot arrows back the start of the game in the Box nice this guy seems good so I'm happy with how I'm doing oh crap okay this de should have the 10 Advantage yeah cool two wins in a row or are they going to have the same catchup I had last game a that would have been a good clutch I was hoping I I'd probably still died but in fact was probably the best outcome could have happened they would have killed us after respawning pretty quickly okay I think we're on equal time but they have a straight up route so it's risky they might have this yeah oh well still unel so damn it I did not mean to fight there I'm losing my lead please don't say they have the same catch up as I did I just need one goal please they could get past that didn't go to the side quick enough enough God damn it that block I thought they were going to clutch that bar I can't lie oh no I had it I thought I had a win there use the boosters a little bit come on I need to stop blocking God damn it I thought they were chasing us I could have so easily had that if I stopped blocking for no reason they probably won well GG they doing W oh thanks for the Boost okay that was smooth I can't lie please nice okay they could have got me there but they didn't so yeah damn it I thought I was looking too far I wasn't too sure a NY clutch that they hit me again okay I just seem like a pointless suicide see if went the wrong way mate oh bro I should have had that God damn it ah I keep accidentally blocking instead of placing blocks a I thought I was able to land there God damn it that Rin this okay never mind they suicided so they gave that is this going to be a 5 zero God damn it I should have thanks for the Boost let's go 5 Z oh I should have rubber Bandon but I think I messed them up as well so it's fine I will be embarrassed if I lose to this guy cuz they do not seem to know what to do I'm guessing they are quite new or they just AF the start to be fair that could also make sense but no they are just slow oh well I I'll take my win will this be four wins in a row did I use one I can't remember I think I did I can't remember which one I I accidentally clutched there which was nice oh that was a quick win and also yeah I must have lost one cuz my win streaks only two oh well oh yeah I remember cuz I I got the four and then like 41 and a quarter is I don't know why I didn't gapple there I should have I think it was cuz I didn't think they would suicide oh I need to Suicide now probably doesn't matter oh I'm sure just started building a staircase oh I couldn't got a hit on them oh they K me though I would have been sad [Applause] I don't know why they're blocking up those entrances cuz those are not the entrances I'm going for although they stop us God damn it yeah I do not intend on going that way so you're just kind of wasting your time kind our players here by just killing themselves the ultimate tactic in Bridge Jewels oh they've missed our opportunity though I think oh never how I thought I was going way faster oh well I think I just got stuck on too many blocks at least five they are good at their reach no isn't like hacks just they are good at aiming far like clicking fast enough to hit me before I can hit them that's what I'm trying to say oh I forgot about that guy I quick oh well probably do one more game and then do some bedwars got some decent WIS today so I'll take it nice oh God they are they have good reach ah oh oh okay I saved it although they might be quicker should have like started wall climbing a lot earlier than that cuz I knew they were going to hit us that oh okay than God they suicided oh I don't was suicide but died God damn it I thought I'd be able to hit them first but apparently not I was about to say when are they going to die nice [Applause] to did they not realize that door was there managed to dodge them let's go oh and they gave me a boost let's go yeah you can't block that one off oh God Dam it okay oh my God 5 Z I can't tell I think that just giv a or they are trying to wall climb and fail in badly I think that trying to wall climb oh my God ah damn it I'll try to be quick cuz I wasn't sure if they were going towards my thing or not well nice jewels went a three let's go [Music] right e I realize I mess that up but oh well sry don't [Music] B so I think that's a guy coming for us never mind see briding towards us oh they might be able to get fireball never mind no CHS oh they died got a bit more time then oh blue here now oh the other's giving up that's nice well just go for blue I guess since they've made a nice convenient Bridge tours ah was I knew they were going to do that and I was trying to avoid it but I didn't go I didn't strafe enough uh hopefully they can't get my bed nice a they hit me last second every time I play bedwar after playing the bridge I keep like expecting to die soon I when I fall in the void oh what okay well great well at least that goes Blue's bed probably please get it God damn it you failed me yellow I'm still do bridge tactics and yeah it's a faster iron so probably also makes me a lot more likely to get rush so I need to oh speak of the devil [Music] he knows what I've got a didn't work God damn it they are so low please let me get them they probably got my bed [ __ ] great what please don't let them get me thank card [Music] [Applause] I need more blocks oh no whatever will I do y i I should probably go CRA the resources did they put stuff in there for some reason no they did [Music] not okay aqua and white are in a fun time just got a bunch more blocks then head to Middle nice [Music] okay never mind I'm not going to they are both right there I'm kind of waiting on an iron sword come on [Music] nice okay that's not still B don't see them what's [Music] ons is that somebody else I heard place in the Box and it's just wall nice hi CER sketch I'll get shs I guess why not just in case I don't have enough fireballs and I'll get more balls pink looks like they're going after Red's bed so I'll go about there in Pink's bed that's not pink that's pink oh they've just got wool as well let's go God damn it why' they have to die I guess I'll try and get some emies [Music] just in case one of them upgrades there we go oh well that go red SPS now it's just pink SP worry about nice never mind I don't need to worry about that anymore either guess I don't need any of these guess I'll just get more Fireballs why know I might actually win this cuz they've just fought themselves out on the OWN on their own I kind of want to get an in this part to surprise them but it's risky going to M don't know where they are oh there they are crap okay D that Feld have they fell in the void let's go didn't even need in quickly check what the DMS were about see if we can get two wins in a row [Music] [Music] okay green for me but I'll try and Fireball yeah that works [Music] cool another fight if I can never mind I cannot guess I'm going to have to actually fight them out I probably should have went to stairs oh well if that was I'm assuming the all but not 100% sure nice I'm just go back oh never I forgot the fall damage was a thing I guess [Music] Dam it are they just going to go above God damn it oh wait the not stairs oh and white s for us now as well that's great I sure love being double teamed come Coy I guess I'll see if I can get green probably not though never mind apparently I can let's go I did not expect to be surviving that but oh well not space so shouldn't have to worry about them coming from too soon okay they definitely have a fireball it is so obvious you have a fireball my guy God damn it [Music] ah I thought I had them they've probably got my bed this time as well [Applause] that is not what I meant to get godamn it I was meant to get armor and EG Apple I should heal in time though so the Gap is not as much of a worry but I definitely want armor Le they not coming from me just yet no they are please give me another gold oh never mind I probably don't really need to worry about green anymore my blocks just take that please don't die from Fall damage thank God that's [Music] [Music] risky quick got [Applause] more and then where was the Stars again I missed them where were they oh here where was that that sounded way too close don't even know if red still there they could be in oh never mind they are over there cool oh that's probably who Fireball is okay then oh that's no blocks to go off off nice did not mean to throw that fireball but it worked my favor so I'll take [Music] it surprised I'm still alive here I cannot [Music] lie actually no I'm just going to go up again cuz that tactic works that time so I Sur over work this time as well just by having a height advantage that nly work God damn it I shouldn't have jumped down why did I jump down that was just a waste of fall damage H well do one more game and then probably daily how long have I been live oh not that long and I'm not on a a Time requirement I'm not I'm not a quota to me [Music] [Music] okay is coming for US ah that they too fast god damn it Dam it what how did I okay sure [Music] ah I was hoping I'd be quicker they've got my bed now I guess they're going for white I'll just let them do that oh did they both get each other nice this then some blocks [Music] bre Green's probably following his but oh well actually not too F about getting diamonds as then like about not them rather that worked is this bed free I'm guessing oh well that bed's gone now anyway so oh well guess I don't need to worry about [Music] that just gray with a bed [Music] now I should it's just going to hit them where they want to go so no point throwing that [Music] somebody get gray bed white please get gray bed oh hello God damn it that did not land where I wanted too otherwise it would have worked nice okay well now to run away from Gray cuz they will probably pretty easily kill me [Music] are they coming oh never mind they are not coming to me I'll take it got this and then head to that bed hopefully they don't notice and don't suicide nice might get another win [Music] as well I'm going just go to Mid and try to fight them find them sh upgrade my armor I suppose since I have plenty diamonds hopefully they don't fire W me cool [Music] right where are they is that that no that's just just a watchdog um I'm worried that they'll be going in there I should probably do the same try risk that oh more emies I'll take them then I'll need to get to somebody's base to spend them I guess I'll just go this way oh crap crap God damn it that was close oh well anyways I'm uh I was going to say end the stream but no I'll do New York Times first and maybe LinkedIn if that is available check if New York time LinkedIn is available not oh well we can do the New York Times ones at least B and H I think uh impressive what does that even mean scr oh I'm done and Casual creasing okay I mean it could be a few things but basis of tofu sword that's the only food I can think of f o uh like some software buggy and um massive huge I'm not impressed uh uh oppressively humid mkey oh oh man LinkedIn has games yeah they are quite fun but they are already done the ones from today at least from me so I thenan you can go try them but I've already done them so where's my hair there oh okay um say to SL yay um liid fuman steaming and I guess oiling okay I've not had boiling useful upet anyone really made sense um ranking position conditioning standing oh how is that all right what else could be these station which one's not right though condition maybe okay I would have all conditioning would go with that as well but oh well um it's going to be like things with poker like po po has cards origami uses cards don't want to see how the others would link with that though and I mean these link together but I'm not that seems too obvious oh apparently it is though where's the makeup the acronym never heard that acronym before huh okay sure then poker origami bacon laundry can I guess the thing no clue oh well Fen okay n strs into the woods this could be anything um oh apparently oh it's okay it's just type of trees Willow could that be one of them yep um what of I mean there's Oak that's too short um I'll see if the word species is that the span so I tree species or something and don't see it though oh well and not sure what the spog will be then but we'll soon find out what other species of trees are there and I can't think of any off the top of my head for some Spruce I can just do the Minecraft ones um Spruce and Birch surely Birch is on there RC where's the I be um doesn't look like Birch and Spruce uh no what are the what types of trees are there um blossom although do you find Blossom Woods is that a thing um I'll just do some hints oh there's one with Sy it's like Copus or something seamor no let's go um say CH H Beach is that a thing yes um s oh Forest that's a short spag but sure chest no and Maple and never heard of gko [Music] before never heard of it or seen that type of tree before I don't think like those leaves are weird looking butterflies anyways um I kind of want to keep streaming but I don't want to do Minecraft and I've done that daily game see if the LinkedIn ones are just available now we'll see nope and is there something that I can beother to do no but I have just saw something I need to do off stream so I'm probably do that so that'll be the end of the stream and I will see you guys later good goodbye there we go goodbye I hate this camera goodby

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