đ´Alex Edelman: âThe best dumb jokes have a real intelligence at the center of themâđ
Published: Aug 19, 2024
Duration: 00:03:14
Category: Entertainment
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[Music] Alex Edelman the best dumb jokes have a realÂ
intelligence at the center of them the best dumb  jokes have a real intelligence at the center ofÂ
them declares comedian Alex Edelman for our recent  web chat he continues there's a beauty of themÂ
edelman's HBO Comedy debut just for us was filmed  during the show's acclaimed Broadway run while theÂ
special has plenty of dumb jokes it also trades in  the currency of important commentary as the wholeÂ
set revolves around a comedian coverly attending  a meeting of white nationalists he explains theÂ
material came with proding from a lot of people  saying you have to be doing comedy about this IÂ
didn't think of it as standup I just thought it  was a weird story I would tell my friends onÂ
finding the comedy from his experiences with  hatred the comedian thinks comedy is about theÂ
build and release of tension and the surprise of  an environment like has a natural tendency towardsÂ
comedy he also Muses that I do find that people  with racist views are often not humorous aboutÂ
themselves and there's something very authentic  about addressing your weakness Reckoning withÂ
it makes you a stronger person Edelman reflects  that the shows about the elasticity of empathyÂ
he adds it's about understanding where we end  and others begin what is okay to to compromiseÂ
on in your personal values things you view as  essential to your Humanity at the same timeÂ
we live in a very ranker environment how do  we move ourselves outside of that in terms ofÂ
walking into a room like that for the meeting  it raises a bunch of really interesting questionsÂ
for me on the power of Comedy Edelman explains  standup can be a very Human Experience even onÂ
television it's a real person-to-person thing  There's real potential for communication andÂ
capacity for new ideas after every show I stand  outside and talk to anyone who wants to talkÂ
to me people tell me they walk away a little  different I've had about a dozen interactionsÂ
with people who tell me they have thought of  themselves in some way as not fans of JewsÂ
my work has never had this type of resonance  before absolutely comedy can change people oneÂ
of the reasons this thing is so near and dear  to me is I've watched that happen Edelman hasÂ
recently been named one of Time magazine's 100Â Â most influential people for 2024 just for usÂ
is dedicated to Adam brace Who is credited as  directing the material for stage Edelman reflectÂ
he passed away right before we started Broadway  I don't know that I'd be a comedian without AdamÂ
I'd be working in an office somewhere in Sports  Marketing he was able to take the clumsy neurodeÂ
Divergent parts of me and provoke them towards  something that was communicable but still uniqueÂ
to me which is what a great direct urge or dram  urge should do I could speak for hours and neverÂ
quite capture it which is frustrating [Music]