Can You Believe What Meghan Did To Princess Catherine Of Wales?

hello everyone welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome hope you're doing well today Otis and I are so excited to be here with you we are just in our little routine it's so nice I never thought I would have a dog as a co-host never in a million years but here we are here we are so happy to be here and uh doing what we do now today I'm going to be talking about the anger the jealousy everything that we see coming and oozing out of the pores of Megan Markle against Catherine it's so blatant and that's what I'm going to be talking about today and giving you some things to think about some teachable moments there's just certain things you don't do there's just certain things you don't do and everything that we see coming from Megan is just giving us the Insight of the impending downfall because don't get it twisted folks every single thing that we are seeing here with Harry and Megan it will come to to an end it will be over one day it will trust me we're just sitting here watching our soap proper and and we just can't believe it we cannot believe it but there's there's a lot to learn there's a lot to see and observe and to talk about and I always want to give you some things to ponder and think about just to give you a little bit more depth to the discussion and that my friends is what we're talking about today so let's get into it before I get on with what's going on with Megan and Catherine I just wanted to let you all know about Prince of Wales he gave an update regarding Catherine we all know her her the Beautiful video came out from their family just showing us their family life the the the joy they show things that give us insight into this very public couple because they're a public couple accountable to the people they're doing things in a very tasteful graceful way and when Prince William was out he visited the Swiss Valley Community Primary School where he was greeted by crowds and he told the crowds it's good news uh but there is still a long way to go when he was referring to how Katherine was doing I know on my last video I said cancer free and that's what the article said it said she was cancer free she was done with her chemotherapy we do know though that she she does still have a long way to go and Prince William confirmed that and we're grateful for the update that we know that she still has a lot more to still worry about in terms of the cancer reappearing or you know not getting it all all those kinds of things but it definitely was a time to rejoice and celebrate my my microphone died so I'm using a backup Source I hope it sounds okay all right so we know that Catherine is uh doing better well and it's so great to have her just kind of coming back there's hope that the monarchy can have more attention on it rather than on what Megan and what she is trying to do because a very important point I want to make during today's video something to think about because most recently Samantha talked on Dan Wooten show outspoken about how Megan wanted Samantha in the legal documents to refer to her as Duchess of Sussex and it's like the audacity that you want to be called Duchess of Sussex but you didn't want to do the work of a duchess you are now a rogue kind of a person but you're insisting on a title that you didn't want to hold up the responsibilities to do and Samantha made a very good point saying that since 1776 we got rid of that during the war so we are independent now from Britain and no longer are we going to acknowledge kings and queens and all these things you are I mean the closest she could have got been to using her her title as a duchess would have been in Canada where it's still under the crown but you're an America girl be an American or get rid of your American citizenship like have a sacrifice have a stake in the the wanting to be called Duchess make it be worth something by your sacrifice and you look at someone like Megan she's there to just try to take over and and be that voice she wants to be that voice of okay I'm a black woman too sometimes okay I'm a duchess call me Duchess and be this voice of of PE people that will allow her to be the ruler because we don't have these titles here in America she is the first that's trying to use it as official officially in her her Global stage and it's and it's to me it's Megan is the kind of person that can be very dangerous very dangerous to people that want to follow her lead and look to her as a leader but that's not what my video is about to today I have to maybe do another video on it catch my live this weekend I'm also going to be picking up on my series the things people don't like about Megan marle so people can really understand what all the hype is around people not really liking this woman now it's going to be on Saturdays 2 p.m. Eastern sometimes I can't do it on a Saturday but I'm going to be doing the series and hitting these these important topics because we need to understand why people don't really like Megan marle like really look at it for what it is the things that she has done to be educated about what all the big huff and puff is around this woman and why people just they just like look at her sideways like what so yes so catch that I hope to see you there Harry is the one that is able to open these doors for her he is now the celebrity in America that people want to be associated with and she knows that and this is why she is using that hairy celebrity status to help open doors for her in the United Kingdom Harry would be more useful because his title would would actually mean something and Megan is trying to make her title mean something here in America and that's just not going to happen get it through your thick head woman it's not going to happen so we all know that Katherine uh Prince Will William they came out with this beautiful video and showed us that their family life we got updates on cther we heard some beautiful moving moments about Catherine and her her illness with cancer and how she's dealing with it the challenges that she has still ahead and it it gave us a lot of great insight and and from that from that video Megan was extremely jealous and I believe hateful towards Catherine just because of what she did next now it was planned that they were going to speak at godmothers this new bookstore that opened up in monito California they had this whole display of all the authors that live in this area and they called it their Hometown Heroes and because Megan and all her social climbing and wanting to be in the the the the the circle of the very important people with lots of money she moved her butt to monito very strategically to be aligned with someone like an Oprah who did the interview with her and Harry when they were freshly out of the Royal Family get it yada yada yada yada we get what she was trying to do she's not fooling anybody and so now she's living in monito this bookstore opens and there is Oprah and there is Megan but how did this all happen how did it come together how did it correlate into a PR moment for her well it was released to a journalist who put some of the information out there shortly after Katherine's video was released now I could imagine the opening of this bookstore would have been pre-planned it would have been something that they had on the books before Catherine's release of her video was going to come out and they just happened to try to overshadow that with having some photos from this bookstore event come out and the way I see it just because of the photos that were taken it was shown to us in a very covert kind of way we saw make pictures of Megan by someone that took the pictures while she was speaking because she was invited to speak at the opening of this bookstore we saw photos of Oprah we saw Megan sitting there watching Oprah but we didn't really see photos of Megan and Oprah standing together like we're here take our picture this is a photo op she's not very well aligned with Oprah because Oprah got a lot of backlash from that hair and Megan interview that they did on the royal family and I believe that Oprah is trying to distance herself from Megan and Harry more so Megan and we know this to be the case because of the things that Megan was not invited to that Oprah had for other a-listers so you may think there is an alliance there but there isn't and this is how it happened so Megan is showing up for this bookstore opening and and we all know that Megan is represented by the William Morris agency and guess who else is represented by the William Morris agency the owner of the bookstore so in my little world of imagining perhaps Megan's agent said to Jennifer wash who is the owner co-owner of this bookstore hey when you have the opening of your bookstore can you invite Megan The Duchess can you invite her to the opening we're just trying to get her out there more trying to up her PR give her more opportunities to be seen as a duchess and I'm imagining that Jennifer said oh okay okay not knowing much about this Megan Marco but maybe because she is also good friends with Oprah so much so that she coordinate and launched the conference Department in 2014 that was responsible for creating the national conferences for Oprah Winfrey so she has a good relationship with Oprah Winfrey and uh I'm imagining that she wanted to invite Oprah to the opening of her bookstore Oprah was like okay girl I come to your opening and then Megan agent wanted her to be there and so it kind of all came together via the William Morris agency is what I'm an imagining because of their connections but then we saw through the photos that were released initially not really PR photos we just saw someone tweeting about it in a covert kind of a way they weren't really the the nice clear photo op photos but then my friends what happens Catherine and William come out with this beautiful video they're getting so much PR and publicity everyone's talking about it I mean everywhere you look Katherine William oh my goodness Katherine William everywhere they were in the media and people received it beautifully they loved it the Raves of this video were just so high and so positive Megan was like oh my goodness I don't like that and then she worked with her PR people okay okay put out some photos when I went to the bookstore they put the video the photos out but then things with her and Oprah wasn't really helping to sub cite the rave reviews of this video with Katherine and William and the children she was like still they're not really talking about me they're still talking about her what oh no I can't have this so during this 3-day event because it was a 3-day event for this bookstore they did take official photos and then later we started seeing the pr photos then we started seeing the photos of dressed nicely or not so nicely I mean the outfit was a little I don't know uh but nonetheless she's there now with Hara because At first she wasn't with Hara now she she's with Harry they're taking photos everything's nice but Oprah is not there and Oprah did not take one of those PR photos with Megan it looked like from the photos I saw you saw the little snapshots that someone else took but you didn't see the photo that someone took of of Oprah and Megan that said take our picture cheese you didn't see that my friends so that lets me know that perhaps Oprah is a little distant still from Megan still feeling a little bit slighted from the backlash of that Oprah Winfrey interview because you still cannot even see that that that interview it's still underground it's not out there prevalent on Oprah's social media sites it's not here's a link watch it I mean it's like so ult to watch that interview still so that's that says a lot okay Oprah she made her money and then she's like she's off to the next thing Megan and Harry are there with the other owners taking their pictures their PR blah blah blah Oprah is nowhere to be found but Megan is now in the position to show the pr photos because Catherine's still getting all the attention and she was just not feeling it and then she said release the Kraken release the Kraken and then you see these new photos of her but guess what folks people are still talking about Catherine people are still moved by it people are still watching it over and over again and looking at Megan is just some some petulant child who doesn't know how to be kind because let's not get it twisted what does it mean when someone tries to steal your thunder when someone tries to overshadow you especially a person who is dealing with cancer what does that say to you that is a very evil vindictive mean nasty no good for nuton roach of a woman to try to steal the Thunder from a woman who has been suffering from cancer she's celebrating her she's done with chemo why would you want to overshadow that by these other photos coming out later that were PR related photos Okay because they were shared then on the websites or the social media of the co- uh owners of this bookstore Godfather or godmother now I found some interesting information about what happened at the bookstore opening they say that Harry played a part in curating the bookstore's name as he had um his own book party in Beverly Hills apparently he thanked Oprah and Victoria and Jennifer the co-owners of this bookstore for being his fairy godmother um and this is how I guess the name came about I can't confirm that or not uh but nonetheless godmothers to Harry is something that he looks to he's looking at these two very well-connected women very wealthy women to be his fairy godmothers while he's in America because yeah he needs somebody to be a mother he's already looking to his wife in my opinion as his new mother now that his mother is passed on he needs this mother Type image and this is where we get godmother for these two ladies that they have now be befriended Victoria went on to say who has been a friend of Harry and Megan Megan since they arrived in California several years ago uh that seeing Harry and Megan be able to come here and be in a safe space it's what we want it to be this this bookstore so this tells me as well that Harry and Megan have fed these the owners of this book stored a load of crap about not being safe in the United Kingdom and being scared and oh my goodness we had to leave we had to leave to get to a safe place here in California because there's so many bad people over in the United Kingdom and this quote told me a lot about the narrative that Harry Megan are feeding people in the states about not having safety and not having people there to take care of them being these very independent children that need these grownup well-connected wealthy people to be their surrogate mothers that's what it tells me folks and we all know that Oprah at some one point in the beginning said that 1,000% that she uh said that the pairs move away from the UK and distancing from the the Regal d is something that she supported 1,000% and I guess that's why Oprah may feel that she still has to support in a very lowprofile kind of way Harry and Megan because she knows their bad news I believe she knows you're not going to get nothing but grief if you align yourself with Harry and Megan and these two women who have opened this godmother bookstore I think they will find this out too very soon now that they have gone public with their relationship to Megan and Harry and then I'm going to tell you about something else that Megan said that gives me more insight of what she's feeding people about those people over in the United Kingdom those Royals she told um Town and Country magazine that she wanted to thank Jennifer and Victoria for not just creating the space but for holding the space for so many people to feel seen through the pages either in laughter and grief and feeling less alone alone these are words that Megan feels I believe and she feels alone she feels like we need you to be there to be our mothers thanks for creating this space this bookstore because you are helping me and so many other people who don't have their voices heard through their books and so so she's feeding this and she's trying to show that she needs you she needs you to be there to to to give her warmth and love so that she can feel welcom by your richness and your connections to all the people in Hollywood I need you to be there for me and these people feel like oh well of course Megan I want to help you you poor thing that's just terrible what what those Royals did to you are you serious oh my goodness Megan I want to help you here you need to contact so and so and contact so and so and yes you know when my agent already told me that you wanted to come to our opening I was like oh really and it just kind of oozes from there in the deception folks so this is how it goes on and this is the the the the jealousy that Megan has felt the way she feels about Catherine and the others trying to overshadow them to really get a sense of power that she's trying to get from all the things she's trying to do in America I want to leave you with these quotes right here that I saw actually today and it was so well received on my behalf because I could appreciate these quotes and I also thought it could pertain to Someone Like A Megan this quote comes from Johnny Depp and we all know what Johnny Depp has gone through with Amber herd and the trial because I believe Amber herd is a very much uh aligned in thinking and and psychologically manipulative type of behavior as Megan marle and this is what Johnny Depp has said the worst prison in the world is a home without peace he goes on to say be careful who you marry or who you fall in love with and if that is not a wakeup call to Harry I don't know what is folks I don't know because if anybody knows what it's like not to have peace at home is a Johnny Depp he's been there folks he's been there at the separation with a woman that is very much in the mindset psychologically I believe asga marle and we can see Harry's future Through The Eyes of Johnny Depp and this warning or this quote this beautiful quote that Johnny Depp has said should be the wakeup call for someone like Harry because you have a woman who is willing to do the most egregious thing to a woman with cancer a woman who is suffering she's willing to try to overshadow Someone Like A Catherine and that right there tells you everything you need to know about the mind of aegan marle because that right there my friends is a very deceptive and mean kind of a person wake up har your future has just been told by Johnny Depp and with that that is all I have to say I'll see you all in the next one bye bye bye [Music]

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