Ryan Seacrest Spins, Jenn Tran loses her man, Pitbull punts, Ray Gun rises and BLP Kosher--what?

Published: Sep 11, 2024 Duration: 00:51:48 Category: Comedy

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[Music] well hello and welcome to old people this week my name is Jeff and that Rascal there that's Mike aka Mr mullet I'm G to show an old picture of Mike when you oh I guess that's not Mike after all you can see that but the reason I bring it up is because uh the United States of America mullet Championship the USA mullet champ Championship just took place Y and they've crowned a new Champion his name is Mason Padilla he's 13 he's been competing for the best m in America since 2019 and he took the top prize in the teen category for his as he called it his West Coast wave cut yeah I have no idea what that is but he's got he's got hair down to his waist but that's the wave cut it's all with that big hunk of hair in the back of his neck and then they quoted uh Mason as saying I never thought a haircut could take me this far and he goes I hope it can it will inspire other kids yeah oh good no please do you see his championship belt he was holding up in his picture yeah what a ridiculous thing United States mullet Championship who knew that it even existed yeah please don't put that on your resume in 10 years when he's going to college that'll be the the first thing on there we are your hosts oh people this week is for quick smart people who are 60 years of age and above so if you somehow stumbled onto this website and you're not yet 60 either Show Yourself the door or stick around and learn something because Mike and I are the smartest men in Riverside County California that we know of that we know of uh every week we Endeavor to bring you our gently aging peeps the news stories gossip and information that you need to know as you head into the weekend and you want to sound s um and you want to sound smart of course when you're talking with your friends at the gym on the pickle ball court the golf course or of course at happy hour happy hour the happier we get the longer we sit or is it the reverse the longer those hours get now we're actually going to see each other on Thursday night it's not happy hour but it's a small Suare for a friend of who's turning 60 yeah just a youngster right and now she's eligible to watch this show yeah and subscribe last week she's not allowed in here this week she's she is yeah I got I got a call by the way from the uh wife of a young kid who used to be my assistant when I had the apparel business in San Francisco and he's turning 50 oh man so she wanted me to do a video clip wishing him a happy happy 50th what's his name Jared well happy birthday Jared yeah anyway please subscribe we have 99 subscribers by the way we need one more for that magical 100 if you subscribe Mike will uh mow your lawn or cut your hair he does it with the same tools so it doesn't matter exactly look at that perfect Heights uhuh you can either you can either wear it like this or you can putt on it if you're in the golf please email us old people thisweek gmail.com we'll take all questions comments we'll tell you everything you need to know and even things you don't need to know specialize in those check us out on Spotify and apple podcasts uh that's for those of you who don't like to see our wonderful faces every week why would you not want to see these faces they may break your screen that's why um and check out our substack at 52 task. substack docomo wear in the proper situations and uh we have a surprise for you this week you'll love it so I'm not going to give it away we did get another comment I L your description of your cargo shorts by the way yeah please burn those I don't I don't have them on otherwise I'd stand up and show you oh no no last week we talked about uh how these crazy Gen X people are decorating their dorm rooms and uh we actually got a comment from Allison Morland who's commented on several of our shows um she said regarding dorm rooms my roommate and I went to Georgia Tech in the mid-70s are dead DS built us bunk beds which were quite extravagant for the time a thirdhand couch could then be put on the other side we were the talk of the four party down at that time the ratio was nine guys to every girl yeah who cared about the decor nine guys every girl I would never there I would never I wouldn't had a chance well I I would never have left my daughter there but the helmet building there a bunk bed i' had taken her out of school build her a steel cage yeah put her in okay what was I going to rant about today oh first one was uh remember ray gun that totally inept Australian break dancer yeah the woman who was having a seizure instead of break dancing she was the worst dancer I've ever seen I could do better than that and that's saying a lot um she went number won today in the World by the sports governing body the world Dance Sport uh Dance Sport Federation released its world ranking list saying in a statement that gun her name is Rachel gun in real life she secured the stop spot after she came in first place in the 2023 Oceana Continental championships which took place by the way before the Olympics so she had yet had a chance to embarrass herself enough to lose her number one ranking this was a break dancing compet comptition yeah she's ranked her number one yeah in the world Jesus the ranking puzzled many people some of who Took to social media to point out that the 37-year-old bee girl who performs as ray gun did not receive a single point from the Olympic judges yeah it just invalidates the whole sport it should never be it should never appear in the Olympics again that's she's terrible they're not I already read that they're not bringing it back for the LA Olympics it's stupid all right AARP let's talk a little AARP or not I have mixed feelings about it I like it they they have a lot of good information in their magazines and bulletins but there's a lot of things that just piss me off for example Kevin Cosner is on the cover and you know how I feel about Cosner your favorite Cosner and the second terrible thing is he's got a Lab dog lab there yeah you know you're gonna offend you're going to offend half our audience those who have pets and love them and those who watch Kevin cner movies and love him Cosner's had some looks like his face looks weird like he's had something done to it by the way oh you think so gee what what a surprise that would be somebody in Hollywood he's on there he's come to the point where he's pitching this dumb second chapter of horizon American Saga on AARP um let me see this is the review by the way the second three-hour tranch of the Wild West themed soap operatic drama premiering at the Venice Film Festival has basically the same problems at its predecessor too much setup and not enough payoff Jagged editing that only highlights the lack of Harmony between its disperate narrative strands and cliché tinged production values that often make it feel corny and old fashion and not in a good way that's why we love it corny and oldfashioned who's review who was revie who was the reviewer by the way I don't know I didn't put put it on I didn't care I was just looking for the worst review I could find yeah just to antagonize MEP in both the magazine and the bulletin that they sent out um they think that we meaning the audience that was supposed to be buying this magazine are only interested in celebrities that are also old no yeah so for example in this issue that I showed you they have an article on Don mlan who wrote bye-bye Miss American Pie who cares he's that's ancient history and Mary Lou Henner who was the actress who was on taxi back in the 70s and she's 72 years old now I was going to say she's almost as old as me yeah and then they had these quotables I'm going to show you the quotable see Pat yeah he was saying uh I'd rather leave a couple years early than a couple years too late it's been a great 40 years I probably I you know what I have I actually agree with them timing is everything if you get it right then you're good yeah I'm to you did that yeah you you retired at the height of your career at the height at the Pinnacle at the Pinnacle the Pinnacle of my the Pinnacle of my earning life I just walked away from it all here you are in a podcast with global reach papaa New Guinea is clinging to every moment that's right we have a New Guinea uh viewer and we'll have to if I knew how to speak new guine is I would tell him yeah hi but everything all right here's a quote you tell me who said it I don't think I'm telegenic I'm one of those artists who should be seen and not necessarily oh I completely screwed it up I one of those artists who should be heard and not necessarily seen this is a guy we talked about recently oh Danny tro no Madison Square Garden um Billy Joel Billy Joel said that and you're right Billy Joel you are ugly you're not teenic you're lucky you can sing otherwise you'd be changing we working at a Lube store somewhere changing oil um all right here's the next one I can't remember what I had for breakfast but I can remember what I did when I was 15 years old it's amazing you'll never guess this one no I have no idea Dick Van djk says it he's 98 years old how does he keep going I don't know I I can't imagine he's still and he's still as goofy as he ever was you see his interview a while back I saw him he pretty pretty sharp goofy well it's interesting what he says is that I every once in a while I will have a memory of something like I can't remember what room I'm in right now as I leave it I'll forget but all a sudden I'll have a flash of a memory like yeah like when I was in my early teens or something crazy all right here's another one this one killed me I don't get much of a buzz from performing with the who if I'm really honest I've been tour touring for the money at least he's truthful his guitarist Pete Townsen who's 79 years old is basically saying that what we know about all these artists Mick Jagger Billy Joel yeah Madonna any of them they're just touring for the money they don't have anything new to say and who cares all right I want to get out take my dress off and put my jammies on it's kind of like the opposite of Cinderella this is a person of famous star talking about leaving parties you know who that was no could have been any of a hundred yeah Nicole Kidman who's 57 Nicole Kidman by the way Works non-stop she's on like eight everything yeah right she's on everything she's got two feature films out she's on television yeah she's yeah see her everywhere I know I've been watching the I watched the perfect couple her new uh series on Netflix starting it started that we I started a couple weeks ago we watched two or three episodes the other night it's good actually is it good yeah cuz we saw the previews we just finished grela oh man brutal oh that's that one with the what's her name bio or whatever she's beating people to death with h with with the baseball bats and stuff yeah um oh gosh what's her name she was a modern family I have a senior moment here she's on America's Got Talent she's one of the judges Sophia varara Sophia varara yeah it's really good and it's and the makeup and everything they've done on her is terrific I mean it was it was uh it's pretty scary pretty scary pretty brutal I heard yeah yeah horrible and I guess and I guess totally factual in terms of the reign of terror she she brought to Miami there's nothing total total facts and TV don't mix yeah that's probably true all right here's the last one quote how do how do you stay married for 47 years question you get a little hard of hearing both of us you know who said that I have no idea Judge Judy who has a new show now what is a new show what is she doing no she's she's back on TV with another Judge Judy spin-off so we'll have to check her out yeah yeah her by the way the episode that we used her face as the thumbnail on yeah has almost 15,000 views it's the most we've had all time God bless her I know I'm just going to keep using her face on our as our she should become the face I'll just put her face over your superimpose it on her no no no I have better hair than she does you have better hair than a QQ ball that's it um anyway my point after all this discussion and reading those quotes is that AARP is only interested in celebrities who are also old well I'm interested in young things I just watched incoming which was a nasty funny uh you know movie about 15-year-old boys who were going to their first high school party I want young things I listen to Megan 3 Stallion and Mike I know who by the way this is Mike who's known in the rap world as whizbang I know that you listen to blp kosher that famous young rapper you like him because he's from Florida I canot tell you I cannot tell you how much I hate rap whizbang oh my God his song uh blp koser has a song called Dr man and he's one of the more unique artists that blow up recently if the name doesn't give it away uh kosher is very proud of his Jewish background which is often referenced in songs and titles uh such as one off of his 2023 album the name of the song was bars mitzvah stupid bars Mitzvah rap it always astounds me that nobody in the rap world can take a step without grabbing their crotch shaking their fingers in front of their face like they just discovered they had hands Hey listen we should be doing that when we go to happy hour we'll go walk in grab our crotches wave our hands around and just Bop in Watch the watch those old women go crazy for us the end of civilization rap oh speaking of rappers uh you know who Pitbull is of course yeah I love Pitbull I love you are you are what's your name again whizbang yeah you can put that one to rest never that's a good rap name uh so rap singer rapper entrepreneur Pitbull he doesn't look like your regular rapper either he looks I don't know what he looks like well he's not he's a real singer he completes a whole sentence he doesn't grab his crotch yeah he does you know I don't think you know who Pito is I'm going to put a picture of him he's no I do I like it you think he's that what's his name jelly jam what's the name of that the one from uh that does the stage coach oh jelly roll yeah jelly roll no no no no no well anyway Pitbull is older he's like a he's a senior citizen in that world but anyway he agreed to pay $6 million to Florida International University which by the way if you didn't know it is in Miami it's got 39,000 students which by the way that's a lot of students average tuition is 30 is eight grand a year wow cheap cheap yeah no good for him I he's um no he's he's I've seen him many times and and he's articulate he's a good good performer I think he a good guy anyway he actually went to this University and paid 6 million bucks for for the the naming rights to its football stadium so it's now going to be foot Pitbull stadium and this is not a joke this was a huge story and and and I listened to an entire story on an NPR and they went down and talked to this person down at the at Ford International University FIU and they said and one of the questions was why did you do this why did you sell the naming rights to Pito and he goes it got us instant notoriety look he goes you be down here talking to us if it if it wasn't for that if it wasn't for pitball and then he was right um which is this whole thing is very unusual and part of it is that he gets certain things as well like for example he gets the stadium for a night for himself so he could do a concert there he could he could just have his friends come down there and run around and go nuts toss football around toss the football around they it's his for one night no matter what he wants to do the Pitbull Bowl Pitbull Bowl Pitbull Bowl yeah that's cool he all right Beetle Juice that got release this weekend I'm not going to go see it I don't like Michael Keaton that much but I I remember the first one it was funny it was interesting different its opening weekend was 110 million bucks it only cost him well it cost him 100 million which is not only but they've already made more than it cost them it's got Michael Keaton who by the way looks like he's about 112 he is Katherine O'Hara who is 112 went own a rider and then to bring in some youth they brought in Jenna ortiga to play uh Ryder's daughter yeah um and so the the box office this week was uh Beetlejuice Deadpool Reagan of all things uh Alien ramus and it ends with us the four and then last place was twisters for that made 2.3 million so opening weekend for Beetle Juice 110 million twister rolls in at 2.3 nothing you mentioned is worth going to see I think I would see well you've dissed every one of these so I can't you've seen them all and hated them all no it's just crap I think the alien ramus I would like not after Sigourney Weaver did the original it's everything else is just it's like more of it some big slobbering Beast eating up your spaceship okay I get it drooling acid yeah it's better at least that he that alien makes more sense than the ones that we saw on the quiet Trilogy yeah we still don't know what that's about we don't know what they're why they're there what's that about years that's where' they come from where they why are they there why are they pissed off and they don't eat anybody if you you think if you're going to if you might you know there's got to only be a couple reasons you take over a planet because yours is dying like in some movies and they take over want to take over Earth to just take it over yeah and some they come just to eat us a snack I'm not eating you you're all gristle all right be I'd be good survival food you could you could gnaw on me for a long time GW on you for a while oh jeez all right the wheel of Misfortune is the title of this next story Pat s Jack finally had the decency to quit that show after 40 Years thank you yeah he walked away and The Wheel of Fortune has a new host the one the only Ryan seest and uh it started this past Monday yeah did you see him no it was just no I I I don't like Wheel of Fortune I think it's for adults I mean you're spinning a thing and then guessing on that it's just it's I like Jeopardy I think Jeopardy challenges you but this this Wheel of Fortune I don't think so um so he's teaming up with Vanna White you want to guess how old van white is by the way it got to be 60s 67 yeah uh she's been turning letters on the show since 1983 you imagine and when she first came on S Jack didn't like her why we just didn't like her yeah he didn't he think she was the right person I saw her an sjck in a bar in the mid 80s uh in in Los Angeles on Kena Boulevard yeah not the COA and Hol but where where coena goes through that pass between this the city and over by and the Universal City and there's a bar there and they must have just got done working I saw them and that time Vanna was probably 25 she was gorgeous now I don't know well you'll get to meet her because she comes out here a lot oh she does she has a place out here and uh her best friend is uh Sandy Newton oh that's cool who did yeah who did our uh interview we said maybe we can Sandy is probably too embarrassed to introduce us to Mana white no at the bar he loves us uh so they they said to uh what secret spin on taking over for a long time hope host Pat sjck H Ryan says don't mess with what's been working for decades I think just being there is so different right I mean Pat and Vana have been on the screens and in people's living rooms for so many years which is a blessing and just walking out with with Vana is enough of a change for this show at the beginning it's not broken so let's not fix it Brian's basically saying you I'm coming in there I'm just stepping in there you spin that wheel I'll say whatever I got to say and just hand me that check yeah and he did it and that's about what he did it was pretty uneventful yeah it's not you know it doesn't it doesn't it doesn't take a huge personality to do that it takes someone actually like a s Jack who has a You Know M but personality just to stand there and do that yeah well anyway I knew see Crest at e Entertainment Television I'll run through this story quickly but in 2006 he was already doing uh Idol he was a big shot and he had his radio show which made him millions of dollars and uh and plus he was getting a Buu bucks from Idol but e Entertainment Television wanted to hire Ryan to be the host of uh E news and to do the live at the Red Carpet show so we backed up the Brinks truck to his house and he is an interesting guy he's a gourand he likes to go to restaurants and when he goes to restaurants he collects the menus and has the chef sign them and he hangs them in this house oh and uh he belongs to a place up in Napa Valley where they which basically is a private Vineyard and uh epicurian restaurant you know called It's called The Reserve the reserve yeah yeah he has a they have they actually grow wine that is labeled the you know a CEST brand out of there yeah yeah start it's founded by Bill harand God he makes so much money though stes yeah he makes a ton of money I was uh with him one time he called me up he said hey come on over he goes I'm in Westwood that's I was living in Westwood at the time he goes I met Wally's wines and we're I'm going to pick out some wines so I met him at Wally's wines and he's walking through with his BlackBerry like this looking at the Blackberry and then looking at the wines with a somaler who worked there and they're picking out really expensive wine it's like $1,500 a bottle wine and uh I said what is what are you doing what is this for he said well they just gave me a raise at Fox a threeyear new three-year contract to do Idol at the time he goes so I'm buying all these wines for the uh his name was Nigel something who was like the executive producer creator of the show and he was going to have it stocked as a surprise in Nigel's wine seller at Nigel's home oh so he was buying all this wine for that and I said well what are they paying you and he goes well my new contract is 15 million a year for three years on top of what he was making if with from Eve with us and on top of what he was rolling in the dough from money he was making at uh doing that radio show which was a cash cow and he was probably 30 then yeah Wally by the way was a very cool wine shop was we used to go there when uh when we lived in centry City I love they closed it down now yeah they moved it they moved it to Beverly Hills actually on Wilshire Ward yeah and um they used to have a little sandwich part of it you could go into W and Order sandwiches oh they were good yeah all right you sent me this only in Show Business kind of story that I love Anna sakin will perform with an ankle monitor on Dancing With the Stars you go get him girl at first I didn't know what the hell this was what what you were talking about and who Anna saken or sokin was and then I remembered i' had actually seen um a the series on her on Netflix a few years ago called inventing Anna yeah she was a she was a she pretended to be a German ays with a trust fund yeah and and she trying to make her way through New York society and get to the top of it and also Buy Herself uh I can't remember the business it was like she either a restaurant or some kind of a clothing but she was trying to buy a business yeah but the thing about her was and the thing that was unlikable about her was is that the people that she stole money on from W just rich or corporate people she stole money from her friends yeah yeah she would go on these elaborate trips with her friends and then slip out and they would get stuck paying for it and these people weren't wealthy or anything they were just normal people and they would get stuck with the bill and then they eventually went to the cops and that's how they got her yeah she's a real piece of work real piece of work but hey if it bleeds it leads so who better to put on on a dance show well she was uh convicted in 2019 she served two years in prison and she's in the middle of this 18 months of of uh extra penalty because she overstay her visa so she did the two years for the financial crimes then the uh Department of Homeland Security or somebody got her because she overstay her visa yeah so there's a picture of her that I'll try to get here uh a press photo from Dancing With the Stars that shows her and you can see that she's wearing her court ordered ankle bracelet supervised release you're not wearing your ankle bracelet anymore are you no I cut it off when I moved I just cut it off they don't know where I am you've had that crime of just of wearing that mullet that you used to have that was a crime you you'd be very very surprised that I have the anti mullet there's nothing in the back no there's nothing anywhere party up front whatever that is standing up top yeah I don't know what that is Hardy up front nothing in the back no nothing going on in back you should never get around an open flame with that hair D yeah I can't lose this once it's gone it's never coming back you watched The Bachelorette this season didn't you oh God what a [ __ ] show so here's I'm gonna recap what I wrote down here and then you tell me if it's happened or not so this the woman's name was Jen Tran and it came down at the very end to two guys Marcus and Devon both of them shared their traumatic childhood experiences with her on the last supposedly the second to last episode Marcus was more reserved uh which made any steps towards love feel authentic but Devon was a fan favorite a buoyant personality who seemed genuinely enamored with Jenny Tran it was almost shocking how unguarded he was with his feeling the only question seemed to be whether Tran would choose the exuberant Devon admittedly less conventionally attractive than some of the other men or the more available Marcus it was supposed to be the source of suspense Midway through the finale Jen had a difficult conversation with Marcus in which it became clear he would never get there emotionally so she chose to end that relationship that meant that Devon who appeared to be the right pick the guy who was actually there for the right reasons the one who was generally into her was the only guy left the show was ready to you know say say the winner is um Devin yeah and uh the de facto winner in Hawaii after breaking up with Marcus Jen told Jesse she planned to do to ask Devon to marry her it seemed that she was on the verge of her happy ending but it didn't happen did it nah no he broke up with her yeah but they didn't so rather than roll the proposal footage producers cut in with host Jesse Palmer and it was quickly clear that between the moment of Triumph and the taping of the last episode something had gone terribly wrong yeah there was a break from the normal and even if a couple has broken up since the season WRA the show allows the proposal to unfold before breaking the bad news of the audience but over the next hour they just exploited the fact that Devon basically dumped her ass yeah he told he didn't really care for her after all and uh he wasn't in the mood and and actually when he he called her and and in 15minute phone call and said you know basically I'm dumping you I I don't want to go forward and uh and he said and I don't want to talk about it anymore until um the final episode when I see you in person and did he or is that final episode happened yet yeah yeah he came on and what' he say well just you know the him and high and the usual [ __ ] I mean it was just it was the the one interesting thing though one of the women named Maria from Alaska I mean great looking great body and and no [ __ ] all the way through and it turns out he was fascinated with her so so he'd been following her and and she was she was one of the one of the ones who had been selected to be the finalist instead of jent Tran oh yeah so he basically decided that he was going to pursue the the Alaskan girl not not well he's just he was just more interested in her than in Jen these guys are all idiots and now we have the golden Bachelorette just starting yeah that's I'm psyched up about that that's next month I think yeah yeah that's going to be great that's awesome um though the our first Bachelor has pretty much sunk into the you know into the world of nobody cares anymore oh yeah nobody you never hear his name anymore nobody cares yeah I follow him on Instagram nobody gives a crap he's he's doing things like oh I went for a bike ride this week with a bunch of swell gals all right more about these imbeciles uh that are younger than us let's just get right to it raw dogging you know what that raw dogging means yeah all right so Raw dogging is a new Tik Tock Trend in which plane passengers boast about enduring an entire flight without any form of entertainment or distraction no phones no TV no books no music some even forego the free snacks so this guy said just raw dogged a 7-hour flight new personal best best said a uk-based DJ named woodini w d n i you know who he is don't you there whiz bang um he said that in a video guess how many views this stupid video got 13 million views why why we should got to do stuff like that if we're going to have people watch this podcast let's go get on a airplane and raw dog at down to Sydney or something and see if we survive it yeah or drive a nail through our hand or do something I mean Jesus I I drive it a nail through my hand yeah had 13 million views no headphones no movie no water nothing he did a seven-hour fight yeah he probably drank 13 little Jin and tonics he says he didn't do anything but sit and stare at the screen of the and on the screen he watched the airplane moving through the air dopes that's how mentally empty that generation is that's what they're thinking about frightening and they make fun of Boomers we gave you airplanes we gave you methods of entertaining yourself off airplanes we've given you everything now take advantage of it don't look slap Us in the face fo we invented the mini bar yeah gave you everything you could want on a flight and you don't even take care of it all right all right Halloween's coming up by the way oh yeah we'll have to do our ritual out on the end of the driveway with Rick with our neighbor Rick our neighbor Rick we will we'll talk about matter of fact I'll shoot video that night and you can see what we the debauchery we get into but we sit at the end of his driveway a bunch of old men and their wives and steadily getting more inebriated as the night goes on handing out candy to six-year-old kids who probably think we're nuts their parents you know are like stay away from those two those old people that's right move right along honey well they start putting Halloween stuff in the stores uh like in uh in July really at Lowe's they already had stuff at Lowe's yeah I was in Lowe's yesterday and they've got that whole department well Home Depot sells us so or sold this thing and I it's called the Jack Skellington a 13 foot tall giant skeleton I saw one of these things I saw it in LA about a year a year ago not no two years ago on uh Halloween and it is incredible it's a giant skeleton 13 ft tall which means that the head of it went over the first floor of the house it's that big and they'd hooked it up somehow they secured it or tied it up on a tree or something it was incredible I took a picture of it I remember when I was walking around to to take a look at it because i' had never seen anything like it well now they're selling Skelly Skelly dog a 7 foot long 5 feet tall skeleton of a dog yeah do you see the picture of it it looks pretty cool actually it's got a skinny little head there unlike you black nose don't be making fun of my chins black nose super bright LCD eyeballs kind of like you and the T jaw and the tail are adjustable just like you just like me adjusting that jaw your tail everything 199 bucks for Skelly dog yeah I'm much more expensive than that they could put you out front you would scare people on Halloween but but you standing there Mike stand here we'll give you 20 bucks you stand here hershy bar 20 bucks in a Hershey bar we'll give you a 599 chicken from Costco you stand out here for a few hours and and uh we'll pay you to scare kids and they come up um speaking of Costco as we always talk about Costco uh here are the five Costco prepared food prepared foods to avoid now prepared food meaning it's not raw food or it's not it's food that they prepare that they sell you that all you have to do is throw it in the oven warm it up yeah first one well this one's not even for the oven first one was number one was the three layer three layered hummus I don't know what they're lay layering that hummus with but it's the customers we're not having it well well hummus hummus is is like eating P putty I mean it has no it has no reason to exist it's my God it's it's made out of chickpeas I think yeah pureed chick beas they mash them up and they and then they they season them with garlic usually and oil and then you eat them with P chips or something but evidently the this three I don't know what the other two layers are are besides chickpeas on this one at Costco but didn't go over big number two they mac and cheese now I don't like mac and cheese pre-prepared because it usually is kind of yeah it's industrial great in has to be fresh has to be fresh fresh you have to make your own little paragano regano yeah remember last week you said you can get your parmesano regano from Costco for 950 bucks for a wheel for the wheel but that will last you for five years that's right because that stuff doesn't get old like it doesn't I mean it can't doesn't get the older harder it gets the better yeah just shave it off and it's fabulous I buy this I buy this parmesano cheese in a in a thing from Costco and you just shake it over your spaghetti cheap all right the third thing they said was potato salad this guy said the big container of potato salad used to be my favorite now it is trash so first of all this guy would go to I don't think you should go and be buying potato salad or macaroni salad for that matter at Costco no because you the one time I got sick as as a dog on food was from E getting potato salad from some uh it wasn't a Costco it was like a 7-Eleven but I bought some potato salad there and I think the mayonnaise had gone bad and I spent the next three days like every one of my orifices were open and releasing things F functioning it's like truck it's like truck stop Sushi yeah no so I stopped eat and I I didn't have potato salad for about 5 years after that uh and then the there's another one that they they said don't eat is called is the pulled pork uh the Kirkland and then in parentheses smoked pulled pork according to this guy is actually ham it's full of nitrates and it's gnarly in both taste and texture so the pulled pork is not pork at all well it's pork ham is pork or it's from a pig yeah but pulled pork is is usually from a roast well it's from another part of the pig body I think that ham is the shoulder yeah typically it's a it's a baked shoulder and you just pull it apart where's the ham from then it's the that's the hunch the rear hunch I don't know why I just asked you that question I didn't want to hear that answer I'm the last I'm going to bring you to a meat cutting class sometime oh jeez you can identify the various animal parts oh I want to identify where's the hot dogs come from you City guys lips eyelids everything they can't sell otherwise they grind up and put in a hot dog tube all right the last thing they said don't eat there is the churos if you call those Twisted fried dough things churros you should be held on for trial by the international culinary court so basically they're not churros at all or not any churros that anybody South of the Border is going to eat this is the churros that they make for those heavy set midwesterners who go think that's what they're eating when they go into a Costco right I wonder how you tell the difference between a good chur good churro and a bad churro I don't know I mean they're all just deep fried flour aren't they yeah I don't know but evidently you can and they this the person says that the ones that they make at Costco are for crap so I'm not going to get them there I'm going to stick with my chicken what else did I get there some wine what else do I get there to eat we had one more oh we didy prepared food there Valerie night one time we bought a lasagna from there oh I've seen that in the TR Las yeah in a TR yeah and we came home you heat it up for about 3 or 4 hours and then once it's ready you they eat it it wasn't it wasn't too bad you know how many uh you know how many milligrams of sodium it had no probably 50 5,000 it was a my doctor doesn't want me to have more than 2200 a day and this thing had double that in one one serving by the way not the whole pan of lasagna just your one little 5 oce serving had more salt in it that's the only thing that was holding the thing together plus it serve a family of 12 or a yeah or a family that I some of those families that I've seen in Costco you're not Ser of a family of one a guy and his wife yeah ah all right this is a this is a doing this story not because it's that interesting but because it I just get pissed off it's the a copy of the decoration of independence was found in an Eastern North Carolina old home that had once been owned by the governor of the state of North Carolina in a file cabinet yeah in a file cabinet in aook in a room that had a bunch of junk thrown into it they open up the file cabinet they found this copy of the decoration of independence one of 100 copies printed up by the secretary of the Congress Charles Thompson and back in 1776 just eight are known to exist and the other seven are privately owned the last time a copy sold by South bees it went for 43 million yeah and what pisses me off is I never have that kind of luck where I'm stumble on to something like that it would be in your doom pile yeah my Doom pile I have all these old pennies that I saved since I was a little boy I used to go have all these Penny Collections and and I I literally so it's it's like 60 years old 60 years ago I did this and I would go to the bank in our little Hometown with a dollar get a hundred pennies go through them till I found some that fit into these collections then bring the rest back add to it get another dollar is worth and just keep doing and I would do it for days at a time till I had filled up all these Penny collections I put that Penny collection away and I kept it for all these years and recently I got it out I thought I have got this Penny collection and back then there were still ancient [ __ ] pennies you could get I mean you get an Indian head penny back then oh yeah and so I was thinking I got this penny I'm going to this going to be worth so much money I'm going to buy a house in San CL with it and I went through that thing Penny by Penny and there's literally thousands of pennies and guess what zip it's probably worth a hundred bucks was I I there was not one of them that had the like they stamped with these with the mint you know like the some of them are stamped d backwards yeah or something and some right you're looking for the ones in which the S is backwards or there's some none of I everyone's fine and nothing's wrong I just I'm so pissed off and you know and I read about a guy in Pacific Palisades in Los Angeles goes out in his backyard starts digging around finds a bag full of gold me nothing I go dig around my backyard there's a bunch of crap there from that dog yeah all I'm getting out of don't dig too deep no I don't want to dig the he Buri stuff back there if we give him a toy and next it disappears the next thing you know it's back dug in the ground somewhere all right this is our last story thank goodness it's like I titled it Florida Fool's Forge lottery ticket only in Florida only in Florida would do you think you could get away with this [ __ ] Kira Enders who's 36 and Dakota Jones 3 2 so this is a I I don't like see I'm so old school that I think that men should always be older than the women they're dating yeah Kira is four years older than this fool Dakota Jones and convinced him I think this was her idea they were arrested and charged with forgery backslash alteration of a lottery ticket with intent to Def frud so basically she walks into the into the uh Lottery offices uh she said she had possession of a winning lottery ticket but it was actually two lottery tickets that had been torn in half and she had like put together with some glue or tape or something and then walks in there fills out the back of it but that basically warns you if you try to do anything like that they're going to bust you and she turns it in like oh yeah here's my ticket well she had some goofy story too didn't she about get dropped the ticket and it got ripped in half yeah yeah well one of the stories was it got wet and fell apart and she had to put it together and so they wanted their money and uh the cops then said brought him in they called him in and they came in voluntarily uh and they arrested him on the spot anyways there idiots all right that's it for today I can't take any more can't take any more looking at that Q ball if you you know you wish you had a lovely set of locks like this that's just frightening to me that is just frightening to me you look like you dropped your toaster in the bathtub your hair's just standing straight up on ttin yeah it's terrible all right so please subscribe if you subscribe as I said at the beginning michae will come to your house and he'll either mow your grass or he'll comb he'll cut your hair he does use the same tool for both so it doesn't matter either way you'll look like your head will look like that or your lawn will look like that oh speaking of subscribing our neighbor Rick subscribed so now we yeah so now we owe him we now we owe him happy hour he well good for him if he he I he should have waited and become our 100th and then we could have bought him something special now he's just a regular he doesn't get anything special maybe his wife Jen will subscribe she'll become the hundredth yeah I have to talk to him now yeah um uh sent us an email old people this we at gmail.com Mike and I will answer all questions we'll take all comments we'll basically Dazzle you with our mental abilities if you about you can ask us any trivia questions we'll tell you what to do in your life anything you need to know it's all available to you um if you don't like looking at well it's probably you don't like looking at his face uh if you don't like looking at it go to go to Spotify or apple and subscribe that way you can just listen to my dulet tones You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine pleas please no man you got a great voice for cooling soup yeah cooling soup I can't get my voice low enough anymore it's gone it's shattered like Billy Joel thank goodness no it's not Billy Joe who is the well Bon Joy with his bad bad you know vocal cords uh and check out our substack at uh uh 52 task. substack do.com that's all for today um talk to you next week and adios Amigo adios see you later Jeff see you Thursday yeah [Music]

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