$550 GROCERY HAUL [Sam’s Club, Publix] Let’s Cook, Chat, BBW favs #sams #meal-ideas #labor-day

[Music] [Music] now [Music] all right guys welcome and welcome back to my channel it's your girl Britney here you have just tuned in to Beauty By Brit X3 y'all and in today's video we got another haul y'all usually I don't post I don't I don't post usually I don't post but I want the world to know the world I'm to pull a drop tops out summer night it's a five y we've been keeping it in the house Netflix and chilling gdm didn't want to share my love till I found someone I'm sure of young and unamed I've been out of range keep it and I want to be [Music] it it has been about two weeks since I've done a haul okay um I just haven't felt like grocery shopping the last time I did a grocery pickup and or grocery delivery y'all walk Walmart did me in on a kale they gave me some dry hard kale so I said the next time I go grocery shopping I am going in the store so we ended up going to Publix today y'all we spent about $450 at Publix $440 yeah we spent about 450 at Publix y'all did pick up some kale y'all we got some bread because hopefully this haul will last us the next two weeks but we'll see I don't know hubby likes me to do the grocery hauls every week because he seems to think that if have it in the fridge or in the pantry Jace just feels like it's up for grabs and he knows that we're going to get more of it if he likes it that's just it is what it is so he seems to think that the every week haul will be better um versus every two weeks he's probably going to eat everything up in the first week and we're not going to have anything left the second week that is Hub hubby's logic behind it all and we're going to take we're going to put that logic to the test because I said if this works y'all I will be doing every two weeks from now on because it's just a lot for me to grocery shop every week we did get two loaves of bread for the next two weeks y'all y'all will find that I am no longer buying the Lunchables at least for now until we hear that the coast is clear but we heard on the news that the Lunchables have something in them now I know Lunchables are processed I've known this for they were just our easy goto Jace loves them so I they're just more convenient than having to do other stuff or having to come up with and be creative with other items sometimes when you have so much going on so now I'm kind of being forced to come up with other stuff so I did get two loaves of bread this is actually for Jason's lunches and of course whoever wants to eat whatever or do whatever with the loaves but I did get double loads because this week I ended up doing um like turkey sandwiches chicken sandwiches you know lunch meat sandwiches and his peanut butter and jelly and he seems to like that so far um I did get some kale like I said y'all we got some bananas a lot of fruits and veggies we have some Doritos and the cheddar and sour cream Ruffles y'all we got some oranges as well I have been really big on juicing the last few weeks some Tomatoes um so I Juiced my kale I juice my cucumbers I forgot my celery y'all I just thought about it that's okay though that's okay we have some bananas I think I did say the little Halos or mandarins we also have some blueberry muffins y'all these are bum if you have not tried these take a picture do a snapshot with Martha White blueberry muffins this muffin mix here is good you just add milk y'all and they are ready in about the package says 14 to 16 minutes it doesn't take no time um we have some pretzels as well baby girl loves these y'all I picked up some spaghetti sauce because one of my meals this week will be spaghetti y'all we are thinking I'm I'm trying to make meals that will at least last last us two days the day that I make it and the day after after that we throw it out that's that's just us um don't come for me about not EA leftovers for three and four days but I noticed that my family especially if it's not like Thanksgiving like Thanksgiving food we'll do like 2 three days after the third day okay we good but when it comes to just regular everyday leftovers no we do them for about a day after I make it and then that's it so I did pick up some spaghetti because spaghetti always last us at at least 2 days we did get some diced tomatoes the Rotel fire roasted diced tomatoes and I got some my Rotel back there as well because I do want to do cheese dip sometime this week also cheese dip will also last us two days as well y'all we thinking long term two weeks okay we want this haul to last us two weeks we have some fire roasted DIC garlic Tomatoes as well and some regular diced tomatoes back there I do want to do a fajita type situation this week as well with the green bell peppers the red the onions and the the chicken breast which I have some chicken breast here y'all will see that in a second so I did get some pecante sauce y'all so we going to do we going to have us a little Mexican day or whatever with our rice I think I'mma do versus doing the cilantro lime rice I think I'm going to do the jasmine rice and just put lime in it we going to see how that goes though y'all this popcorn right here write it down take a picture do a snapshot y'all from Publix if you have a Publix in your area when I set say this popcorn here though so we've been doing the butter flavor they also have the cheddar flavor I've never tried the cheddar flavor y'all but the butter flavor is bum I actually think no I only got one bag of the butter flavor so I got two bags now this bag of popcorn is like $4.99 and Publix y'all Publix is like I said a little bit more expensive than Walmart okay it is a little bit more expensive but when I say this popcorn is bum and Jayce also likes his popcorn y'all I can just throw this in a Ziploc bag for him for one of his little snacks throughout the day at school to make sure he good so that's just that's just um you know just a little tip of course you can buy the popcorn in the bag and all that and just do the same pop it in the morning or whatever but just a little tip y'all I did get this L Croy as well honestly I got it just to try out I saw that it was on sale I'm not sure what we're going to do with the other 14 cans if we don't like it but I'm hoping we like it so this is the RAS cranberry Essence sparkling water um by lacroy it's no calories no sweeten sweetener no sodium none of that y'all so we going to see how it is I'll let y'all know y'all know if y'all see it again it's bum actually today it was on sale buy two get one and one was actually $5.99 so you would have paid like $11 for three of them and that's again at Publix y'all we had to run this chabani Greek yogurt bag as well I did some apple juice baby girl loves her apple juice I hate that publ at least our Publix don't have the bigger bottles of the apple juice the larger apple juice but that's okay we going to make it do what it do we have some orange juice I had to pick up my Planet o oat milk y'all again this is the closest that I found to whole milk it's free from dairy free from peanuts free from gluten free from soy all that for some reason I can't really get with the almond milk I don't know it's just I've tried different flavors I've tried the regular and different flavors with the almond milk and it's just too watered down for me so this is the closest for me um this juice was actually on sale 3 for 10 y'all so we got the strawberry I think that's pineapple and we got the Caribbean Sunset as well we got some more duritos y'all broccoli broccoli broccoli broccoli I have been on my vegetables really tough lately I'm thinking about doing like a chicken alfredo with broccoli with that package of broccoli we going to see how we going to see y'all y'all know sometimes I just be winging it honestly with this haul I was just winging it but I was trying to get a lot of stuff snacks for sure for the kids because you know baby girl does like to snack a lot when we're home on the weekends or even when we're out about on the weekends I like to make sure I have little snacks for her um but I have been on my veggies so I did get some broccoli we got some yellow bell pepper y'all we got some red bell peppers somewhere here they are some red bell peppers some cucumbers some zucchini we got some grapes y'all I guess cotton candy grapes are only in season around a certain time of year because this year this is the first first time I've seen the cotton candy grapes and these are so good if you have not tried the cotton candy grapes they aren't everywhere um and when we were in Texas the stores were like hit or miss with them every store did not have them I don't know if they just sell out fast or what but these are good we did get some um Roma lettuce as well I've been doing salads um like for my lunch during the day I picked up some shrimp we have some spinach y'all I love spinach honestly the other day for breakfast I just had some spinach I put some um olive oil in the pan I threw the spinach in y'all let that sauté down real good through some salt and pepper on that thing and that's all I needed for breakfast y'all y'all know spinach is good for protein it's actually one of the green vegetables that you can get you know a pretty hefty amount of protein so as you can see this whole per container is 7 G per serving is 2 G um but y'all this literally I had it about maybe 8 8ish in the morning and it lasted me until lunch so that's just um something that I've been doing something that I like on this health Journey um we got some butter because we needed some butter now we don't need butter but I had to get some butter so I got some butter okay all right I know butter is not healthy but bab B we need our butter okay that's all I'm saying um we got some more grapes y'all honestly I'm gonna be real honest with you y'all I spent about $20 just on grapes okay $20 just on grapes mind your business I know I just told y'all that and I I I technically put y'all in my business with that but yeah we just technically spent $20 on grapes but again this is lasting us for two weeks so normally I spend $8 to $10 a week okay on grapes honestly I spend $8 to $10 a week but I just know that that is a healthier snack for Jay's I like to eat grapes baby girl loves grapes hubby he likes the red grapes so it's just something healthier y'all y'all know it's pricey it's a little expensive to eat healthy here and I haven't made my way to Whole Foods yet but baby we getting there okay we got our green beans y'all I got two bags of the green beans I got my spaghetti noodles y'all these were actually by three by two get one as well so I bought two spaghetti and two of the fetene y'all we had to run this crusty honey cornbread back because y'all know y'all know I love me some cornbread okay I'm a country girl I'm I'm just a little country girl all right we got some um pancake mix as well y'all for some reason they did not have the big boxes I prefer to do the big boxes y'all we would run through this little box like crazy baby girl loves her pancakes we also got some whole milk okay we I did get the whole milk as well because Jay likes the whole milk over the oat milk get some club crackers as well y'all the Froot Loops speaking of sweets okay we got some Froot Loops some Frosted Flakes and some Cheerios back there the Froot Loops the Cog cereal was actually on sale buy one get one so we did get that and I got the Cherry because those are a little bit more healthier we're thinking healthier okay we got some flour tortillas tortillas um I want to use these with the what do I want to use these with um fajita night we're going to do fajita so I got those I have hubby some corn somewhere so he has the corn tortillas as well because he likes corn we got some blueberries y'all our our publ finally got the turkey necks so I did get two things of the turkey necks I have been craving turkey necks we got some lunch meat we got some steak y'all this is the New York strip steak and we also got some ground beef as well under that steak we have some chicken breast we turkey bacing y'all some salmon baby girl went with us with me today y'all she got her some I'm going try to hide these though before she remember them matter of fact let me do that now hold on we got a pineapple y'all from eggs y'all this is just part one of the haul let's get into the rest of it this is Publix Amazon and Sam's Club so I got these gloves from Sam from Amazon y'all yeah these will last for like months months and months we got some velv cheese because like I said I do want to do cheese dip I got a dragon fruit y'all these things are $5 each but they're so good and um they have a ton of fiber um they're really good for you if you have them in your area I would say you know check them out check check out the benefits of them but this is a yellow dragon fruit y'all the red or pink dragon fruit are not as good as the yellow but I picked up a honeydew we got some strawberries Pop-Tarts as well the strawberry and the Cherry we have some um beef broth and chicken broth Mayo y'all this soap right here mommy is so bum especially the relaxing it's this one y'all that I love this one I used on a Mila jaay likes this one as well well it's the dove refreshing cucumber and green tea soap um so yeah um we have some potatoes some tissue paper y'all this box of tissue so it is the 48 Mega roll box I got this from Sam's Club it was like $35 this will last us 3 to 4 months but we also picked up some paper towels now these will last us a month um you know with kids you have messes and stuff so yeah we run through paper towels like crazy we have some TI podes as well y'all they did not have my pack that I normally get but I got the ultra oxy built-in pre-t treaters this 4 in one it's 104 pack this will last us about 2 to 3 weeks 3 weeks four it'll last us about 3 weeks four is pushing it but I go back and forth between the Tide liquid and the pods so yeah y'all this is the haul for the week [Music] F to know me I st lowy breaks baby let them sleep make girl I in my never out of my Lane like so going bab deep got what you need baby won't you keep me comp give me something to do when I get I got something for you when we get home if you let me put it down when I the to you on keep your on baby I think you should with meid one time just promise you never lie to me keep mck I know it's all everything good keep thees on Crush I know it's all good it's all love no it's all love yeah yeah [Music] yeah been feeling like feel like man all right guys so let's get into this shrimp pasta or whatever so we started off by adding some olive oil to a skillet we let that heat up of course we had to season our shrimp really good season to your liking okay we added our noodles to the pot of boiling water we finished up on our shrimp y'all and then using what was left over in that pot we added some butter and flour we let that cook a little bit y'all you add lemon juice you can add too much okay so don't add too much lemon juice we had some Parmesan heavy whipping cream we seasoned up that sauce real good y'all we threw our noodles in we added our shrimp before we knew y'all dinner was served today is the first day of spring y'all I feel like I didn't get darker and I Haden been outside but all of maybe 40 minutes of that we are getting our house together okay so I have a few I have a few more things to do in this area I'mma do a little situation behind the couch on this wall we're going to do a situation at the front door and underneath the TV and I'm done in this area at least not sure if you guys have seen my bars yet but it took me y'all I'm sorry I'm out of breath I went for a run um and I just got back don't mind these seasonings okay we are getting our seasoning cabinet stock so I pulled a lot of them down and I did this like three weeks ago y'all and I still haven't finished haven't been in the mood for organizing or any of this is why I turn turn on the camera these two boxes y'all and I was upset with myself okay got to get your water in just a reminder friendly reminder I placed the Bath and Body Works order needed more wall flowers right place the order on last Wednesday or Thursday hear me out place the order y'all the next day no it has to been last third no I placed the order last Wednesday Frid Friday y'all they went on sale so originally I placed the order when I placed the order they were like 5 for 27 or something like that so I think my first order I spent like $100 but hold on this isn't my first order so this is actually the order that I placed after that when they went on sale because I was like I'm going to just buy some more so that I can have you know I like to stock up on this stuff because throughout my house I have about 10 to 15 wall flowers like throughout I have been doing or trying to just put in one fragrance throughout the house or a couple fragrances throughout the house if that makes any sense I've been trying something new because I feel like that um if I do one fragrance throughout my house that intensifies the scent so y'all know my go-to is laundry day so pretty sure I ordered a lot of laundry day um yeah that's hands down my go-to Scent Laundry Day let me put push yall down a little now I did try so I like the mahogany te wood as well so I got a few of those mahogany Teakwood I like more um masculine scents in my house so so I don't really like the fruity stuff I don't know I prefer to more so wear the fruity stuff versus it being in the house um so I did get mahogany teak wood laundry day I got fresh sheets which I haven't smelled this one so I'm excited to try that I also got clean house Vibes cuz baby that's what we that's what we need right now okay we need the cleanhouse vibes we need all of the clean we need those okay so we are we are manifesting our clean housee Vibes y'all I'm cleaning up this week I like the mahogany te wood intense that's a laundry day more clean house Vibes y'all I've never smelt this and I really hope it smells good because I just went in on the clean house Vibes and then of course I had to have the black tie this is another masculine scent y'all if y'all want reviews on most of these just go and check out one of my um Bath and Body Works haul hauls on my channel I'm sure I reviewed most of these SC so I don't know what I was just saying but more laundry day y'all because this is like my favorite scent favorite favorite scent or one of my favorite scents from Bath and Body Works more lundry day y'all I got a lot of these and we go through these like I can put like I say 10 to 15 at once I did get some soap because the soap was on sale so the sell that they the original sale that they had on the wall flowers wasn't actually a sale it was 5 for 27 and Friday they went on sale for one for $2.95 now y'all know that's probably one of the best sales that Bath & Body Works has on their wild flowers I haven't seen anything better if y'all have please let me know down in the comments because I need to scoop okay mhm but y'all I also got this soap here I got soap as well because they were 3.95 so that was a sale for the soap I don't really keep up with the Soaps the sales on the Soaps like I do the wallf flow so if they're cheaper than 3.95 if the Soaps are cheaper than 3.95 y'all let me know but we got the Cotton Tail cake pop the mahogany Teakwood and the soap we have the vanilla coconut y'all I am more of a yes I love fresh scents I do but I'm more of a warm masculine fresh scent type of girl when it comes to the house in general um we have the diamond of the season the Bridgerton scent y'all I saw this and I was like H and then we have white T-shirt in the soap and I like to try the Soaps out because that tells me if the wall flowers are going to give me what needs to be gave okay so we have more laundry day laundry day y'all I go in why did I only buy one of these oh no that's a laundry day okay I'm tripping so that goes there but I only bought one of the fresh SE sheets maybe they just try it I don't know I'm going kind of have to put that in a duct off spot by itself maybe in the laundry room I say duck off but I'm thinking about putting that in the laundry room just so I can tell how it [Music] smells you can pulls working on a weekend like usual way off in the deep end like usual [ __ ] swear they P us they doing too much haven't done my taxes I'm too turned up got a padic on my wrist on nuts [ __ ] call me slipping on okay so what someone hit the block up I tell you it was man a house and radwood this [ __ ] too plus say my days a number but I keep waking up you see my text baby please say something by man [ __ ] gotve myase bit isame know what that's about watch your mouth maybe got e tce the size of the crib I can never tell a [ __ ] it is what it is said what I had to and did what I did never turn my back on every B my me on Shing on weekend like usual way off in the deep end like usual [ __ ] swear they pass us they doing too much hav't done my taxes I'm okay guys so you guys know I am like in love of Peace Liles now after my grandmother passed and I did not know these things got this big so I came for some planters and some Miracle Grow so that I can actually repot or I came for some pots so that I can repot the plants that I currently have which which aren't as nearly this big y'all look at this I didn't think these things got this big but these are so freaking and pretty oh these are the pce Liles these are something else majestic palm hey don't mess up the piece Lily girl we need our piece honey we need that I want to try like a new plant though y'all I think no no no don't mess with it okay we got to love our plant okay or should I go with the black ones or should we do black or tan probably black I'm going to go with black yeah so these will be in the living room oh and I need some pot and soil as well I'm not too familiar with like plants and this is like my first go around with them y'all I've always heard about Miracle growth so that's exactly what we going with baby we trying oh this is so this is they have indoor potting mix and I guess they have outdoor potting mix which I didn't know that that's good to know Blended for a a wide variety of container plants so yeah we going to go with this cuz this this looks cheap and we starting off although I want my lies to grow we are starting off very small so now we have four lilies and we will see gross plants twice as big but we're looking for the indoor because feeds up to six months oh this is I think I want to go with the we GNA go with this I wonder if this is if one bag is enough y'all baby I need some gloves too cuz I don't know what happened to yard gloves when we were in Texas so I'mma definitely need some gloves so my um y'all it's bugs on this go so I'mma get two bags or maybe I should just do one just to see and then okay so this is like my little flower corner I just have to plant them now but these are the planners that's one of the planners that I just purchased all of them are black I probably should have did black and white but we can always get more plants right and just get more Planters so these are the self-watering Planters I have not clearly I haven't um I haven't put my um Miracle Grow in just yet I that's going to get too dirty I'm going to have to say that for another day because we are headed to a ball game now so these are now my four lilies y'all this is clearly the biggest one and I love it y'all my little babies they ain't doing nothing compared to this I didn't know PE llies got that big clearly I'm new to this but um this is going to be like my little plant section here um by the couch because it seems like this is the best spot in the house I've tried out several areas of the house on my table on top of the kitchen counter on top of the fridge um upstairs in a couple areas y'all and this just it seems like they grow like crazy in this spot it's not directly in the sun I like to open my blinds in the afternoon so we can bring in light but like I said it's not directly in the sunlight and I make sure sure they are watered y'all these plants are very dramatic so they will tell you when something is going wrong like the their leaves will kind of be droopy especially like on rainy days they kind of um they kind of I think they respond to how the day is how the weather is outside so if it's sunny if it's a pretty day outside they're going to be happy cheery and bubbly I may need to water this one right here because normally the leaves are like up in the air and it's kind of Droopy this one right here y'all I really need to plant this one this was my very first piece Lily ever so this was my very first peace lily I purchased that like back in October November and then I got the one from my grandmother's funeral the second one with the the white ribbon back there and then it was that one my co-workers gave me that one after my grandmother passed and then I just got this one today y'all I'm in love with peace lies like these white bulbs I don't know what they're called I need to Google and do my research on them I only did my research on how to kind of keep them alive I think but I think I need to do more extensive research on these because I really want my lilies to grow and be big and really just Thrive so yeah I figured out this is actually the perfect spot in the house it's something about the southeast corner I believe of your home that really allows these things to grow like crazy it's going to be a whole situation I'm going to have like a whole corner of beautiful big peace lies thriving peace lies in a matter of months I just know blowing cold breeze on your body I can't tell you really what it is but you got it make up in the morning you got dresses in your closet but you grab them tight you in love with being modest you a more body giv s fuse I'm just saying I'm Aus but you ain't evening andin you cool Ted up C different you KN you ain't evening and you ain't got to try too hard [Music] one let me think about inside the words go deep is like a SW making me better you hotter than Pepper you with a big stepper who chasing a cheddar M all of these women they not on your level M you like a mix of business and pleasure mm m you a body givs I'm just saying I'm a you ain't evening you cooled upover but you ain't even but you ain't evening but you ain't evening but you ain't evening but you ain't evening

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